4-5 pages
BACKGROUND: Health policy does not develop in a vacuum, but is created within a complex social, political, cultural, and economical environment. This assignment will examine this environment and its impact on policy development.
For this assignment, after reading the background materials and doing additional research, write a 4- to 5-page paper that examines how politics and economic interests influence the development and direction of health policy and provide at least one historical example (other than the ACA). You must use the Gordon reading from the background materials as a primary source for this assignment.
Gordon, C. (2003) The political economy of American health care: An overview, 1910-2000. In Dead on arrival: The politics of health care in twentieth-century America. (Chapter 1, pp. 12-45) Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Longest, B. B. (2016) Health and health policy. In Health policymaking in the United States. (Chapter 1, pp. 1-43) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Longest, B. B. (2016) The context of health policymaking. In Health policymaking in the United States. (Chapter 2, pp. 49-82) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Longest, B. B. (2016) The process of health policymaking. In Health policymaking in the United States. (Chapter 3, pp. 83-100) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Available in the Trident Online Library.