A Critical Exploration of the Implications of Convergence and Divergence on Organizational Behaviour
The dynamics of convergence and divergence have received attention in a range of management disciplines. Macro-level variables such as organization structures and technology are increasingly creating convergence in business and industrial relation practices (Adler, 1997). As countries adopt modern technology, liberalize their markets, and achieve industrialization; the strategic business behavior become more similar. As people embrace common values with regard to the economic activity and work related behavior; managerial aspects and expansion become much easier.
On the other hand, micro-level variables such as the attitude, beliefs and behaviors of employees have continued to maintain dissimilarities in most organizations. For example, in the international market arena, the difference in buyer behavior has remained a stumbling block to successful international marketing. Clearly, the convergence-divergence debate is not new in the field of organization and management practices. Their impact on organizational behavior has however puzzled global managers for many years, hence the purpose of this study.
Research methodology
Data will be collected by personal interviews with senior HR managers and a questionnaire survey. The researcher will also employ a comparative case study approach which will allow the study to review, compare and assess the degree of convergence and divergence of managerial practices in various multinational firms.
Conclusion will be drawn based on the findings obtained
- Adler, N. (1997), International dimensions of organizational behavior (3rd ed). Cincinnatti, Ohio: South-Western.Becker, B. & Gerhart, B. (1996),
- The impact of human resource management on organizational performance: Progress and prospects. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 779–801.