An Understanding of Metaphors in My English 101 Class
English 101 is a rollercoaster, sometimes scary, sometimes fun, but when it’s over you can say you did it. Teaching is not unlike parenthood. It requires enthusiasm, commitment and an enormous amount of patience. The professor’s teaching is like painting. Sometimes the subject makes a difference but mostly it’s the style. His positive attitude is a lighthouse for the hopeful(
Students ideas mushroom and expand quickly in this class. It is easy to enjoy even if you don’t like to write. Now learning of metaphors, which can be very powerful and persuasive, but also have limitations. We use metaphors on a daily basis and they can be used in positive or negative ways. Learning is hard and if it wasn’t hard everyone would do it. It’s the hard that makes it great! One should never stop learning, because life never stops teaching. Thoughts seem like fire and little spark can make a big flame. To learn is to have your cake and eat it too! “Creating thoughts can be hard, but if you people realized just how powerful thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought”(Katherin Cowley).
Share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another’s A metaphor is basically understanding one concept in terms of another. When looking at a metaphor it may be easier to understand if viewed as a figure of speech. Our use of metaphors is a reflection of our inner conditions. “The metaphor is probably the most fertile power possessed by man”(Jose Ortega).
A metaphor, most simply tells a story which parallels actuality or actual life, It tells a story without actually coming right out and giving the actual events. The parallels to actual life may not be obvious at first, but requires thinking about it( Now, knowing what is a metaphor becomes really important because we have to dig deeper to understand the true meaning. We state our condition in figurative language, as if to hide it from the world, or more importantly to hide it from ourselves. But what we are really telling the world in a figurative way, is a reflection of our unconscious understanding of this collective truth.