Hatshepsut vs Ramses Ii

  • Ramsey: The great pharaoh 1279 – 1213

B. C Hatshepsut: The first women pharaoh 1479 – 1457. Intro If someone were to ask me to name a famous pharaoh of ancient Egypt, some of the names that would come to mind would be Hatshepsut & Ramses II. Why would these names cup up in my mind it’s because Hatshepsut was the first woman pharaoh. Next, Ramses II came up to my mind because he was buried with most of his items.

If you wonder what is RamsesII of Hatshepsut. I recommend you sit back and read on. I sure you will find your answer.

  • Body#1 Hatshepsut

Hatshepsut was famous for many things. Do you know why she is famous well if you don’t know its okay? She was the first women pharaoh!!! Hatshepsut was willing to even wear man clothing and a false beard so the Egyptian people take her seriously. Also, Hatshepsut increased trade too. She dies in the year 1457, no one knows how she really dies but it was between murders or died of old age. The cause of us not knowing how she dies was because ThumoseIII trying to erase the name in history but it was a fail.

  • Body#2 RamsesII

RamsesII was famous for many things. Do you know why he is famous well if you don’t know its okay? He was a Great War leader!!! Ramsey defeated 40,000 Hittites. Also, RamsesII signs the peace treaty with the Hittites until his death. Legend says that he had 100 children. He dies in the year 1213, he dies at the age of 86. Ramsey was a great leader.

  • Body#3 My Pharaoh

Who is the better pharaoh for me you may ask.

Well for me I think it will be Hatshepsut. Well, I chose Hatshepsut because she is a lady. Also, she increases & trades with order tribes. Lastly, she is willing to do many things for the people to take her seriously . concluding Hatshepsut is a better leader for me. Conclusion Today we learn about two pharaohs Hatshepsut & RamsesII. For example, Hatshepsut was the first women pharaoh. Another example has RamsesII defeated 40,000 Hittites. Also, RamsesII sign the peace treaty with the Hittites and lasted until his death. Today we learn many things and I have to say goodbye and thank you for reading.

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Farm Tools

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Agriculture has been in the limelight for several decades, it started in different countries across the globe each country in their own time. However, agriculture could not have been achieved without the use of farm tools and machinery. This farm equipment makes it easy for farm activities to be undertaken with an ease. Before the introduction of this equipment, agriculture was difficult and it was only done in small scale. Therefore, the agricultural produce which was produced as a result was only used for consumption purposes. However, with this machinery, there is a large production which is able to sustain consumption and also used for commercial purposes. The world depends largely on agricultural production therefore, farm tools should be embraced across the globe.

First, combine harvester is one of the farm tools and it is one of the machines which combine several activities such as harvesting and threshing among others. This equipment was introduced in the year 1935 but it was first used for commercial purpose in the year 1939 (Kataoka). As the word combine suggests, combine harvester is used for several activities such as reaping. The second activity is threshing after the crops have been cut and collected the next activating is to separate the grain from corn. The other activity done by the combine harvester is grain separation, this activity is whereby the grain is separated from the husks. The last activity is cleaning whereby the grain is cleaned by blowing the chaff away.

Second, the other farm tool is a mower, this tool is used for cutting grass. The tool is also known as a lawnmower. According to Kataoka, there are the different model of lawn mowers such as solar-powered lawn mower and this type is environmentally friendly. The other model of lawn mower is the automatic lawn mower, this type automatically detects the area of grass to be mowed and the height of grass as required. The other model is gas powered lawn mower and this model is not environmentally friendly since it emits gas into the environment. Lawnmowers are classified based on different factors such as the axis of rotation of the blades. For example, rotary lawn mower in which its axis is vertical and reel lawn mower in which its axis is horizontal.

Third, a plough is another farm tool and it is used to till the land so as to aerate the soil for planting purposes. There are different types of ploughs depending on the function they perform. For example, furrow reversible plough which is useful in dry trashy stumpy and hard land condition. The tool is mounted directly on a tractor and it is hydraulically operated. It has two mouldboard ploughs mounted back to back whereby one rotates to the right and the other one to the left. The other type is the furrow press which is mounted behind the tractor. Chisel plough is the other type and this type is important in obtaining deep tillage with limited soil disruption. This type is used to reduce the impact of compaction and hardpan (Kataoka).

Fourth, the harrow is another type of farm tool also known as a set of harrows. It is mostly used after ploughing has been done so as to break up the lumps and to achieve fine soil. This tool is mostly used when planting small size seeds like wheat, millet among others. It may also be used to remove weeds and cover seeds after planting (Kataoka). There are several types of harrows and they include power harrow in which the power from the tractor is used to drive the cultivators. The used set of harrows may be ineffective for the land since it makes fine soil, therefore, in case of heavy rains the soil may be washed away.

Fifth, the other type of farm tools is the rotary tiller. As the name implies, this tool is used by rotating the tines and blades so as to cultivate the land. It is also known as a rototiller, rotary hoe, power tiller, rotary plough or rotavator. It is mounted on a tractor and it is operated by the power from the tractor. The rotary tiller can also be used by means of propelling itself. This equipment is also used after the plough has been used and the need for it is to break up the soil. It is mostly used in the gardens when and other crops.

Sixth, the other tool is a broadcast seeder which is used to plant seeds in the farm. Has the name suggests this tool is used to plant seeds randomly in the farm. This activity is done by spreading the seeds without following a systematic way such as planting the seeds in a line. It can also be used to spread fertilizers commonly known as fertilizer spreader. The tool is also known as a broadcast spreader. The tool is mounted on a tractor normally a garden tractor so as to perform this act of sowing seeds or spreading fertilizers or lime. The small size of the broadcast spreader is handheld with a hopper while the slightly bigger ones are pushed with the spinning disk powered by gearing to the wheel.

Seventh, the other tool equipment is seed drill, this tool is used for planting purposes. As opposed to broadcast seeder or broadcast spreader which spreads the seeds randomly, this tool plants seeds evenly and in systematic lines. The rows of these lines are easily controlled so as to achieve an even plantation. The depth of planting seeds is also even with the use of this machine. After the machine has sown the seeds it then covers them, therefore, protecting the seeds from the birds unlike in the case where they are randomly spread and the birds can easily pick them. The tool also saves time since it does all the work of sowing and covering unlike where the seeds are sown by randomly spreading then covered by using human labour (Kataoka).

Eighth, the other tool is Centre irrigation and it is used for irrigation. The term irrigation is the application of water artificially to the soil in places where there is minimal rain or in the places with no rain at all. This tool is important in crop production because lands which could have been desolate due to lack of rain are converted into productive lands. This tool is also used to suppress weeds in the farm. Irrigation is also used to prevent soil consolidation, this is the process of changing the volume of the soil by preventing pressure. From the name Centre irrigation, it means that this tool is fixed in the farm therefore, water will be regulated as required by opening and closing when necessary.

Ninth, hay tedder is another type of farm tools, this tool is used in haymaking. This tool came into use in the second half of the nineteenth century. After crops like wheat, rice, millet and other crops have been harvested the straws are left in the farm. These straws are useful in making hay for feeding livestock. Therefore, this tool is used in the process of making hay. It also uses moving forks so as to turn the hay and also to scatter the hay. The reason for this activity is to speed up the drying of hay by aerating them. This process also improves the colour and the aroma of hay. This tool is very important in speeding up of haymaking (Kataoka).

Tenth, the sickle is another farm tool and it is used for cutting grass, hay among others. This tool is among the smallest farm tools and it is handheld as opposed to other tools which might be mounted on a tractor. This tool is also known as a reaping hook or a bagging hook. It came into existence in the Iron Age and since then it has evolved so much. It started with iron the latter it was made of steel. According to Kataoka, there are many types of sickle which include smooth and serrated blades. Both of these types are used either to cut grass or to harvest mature cereals such as wheat and millet.

Causes and Effects of Agriculture in Ancient Egypt

To start with, Egypt is known to be a dry land and agricultural practices require some amount of rainfall thus, there are causes and effects which came as a result of agriculture. Some of the causes which led to agriculture in Egypt is the fact that it is a dry region therefore, they used river Nile’s water for irrigation. With the irrigation system such as basin irrigation, agriculture in Egypt was birthed and therefore, there are effects which resulted from it. Some of these effects include increased productivity, productivity was increased as a result of agriculture through irrigation. The other effect is the reduction of poverty, due to agricultural productivity poverty was dealt with. Another effect of agriculture in Egypt was the creation of employment (Lewis).

The significance of Pyramid in Ancient Egypt

Egypt is well known for pyramids, these pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. These pyramids were built in different shapes and sizes and they were about eight in number. One of them was built for Pharaoh Khufu and it was known as the great pyramid. Some of these pyramids are among the most magnificent man-made structures in history. These pyramids have a tremendous significant such as economic prosperity and stability. The pyramids had significant uses as far as the well-being of the king was concerned. The reason is, they were used to keep the king’s majesty intact even after his death. Egyptians did this activity because they believed that when the king died his spirit remained with his body thus, they were taking care of his spirit (Bárta).

In conclusion, there are many farm tools and they are used for different purposes. These tools include plough which is used in cultivating the land. The other tool is a mower also known as a lawn mower which is used to cut grass. The other tool is broadcast seeder which is used to plant seed by broadcasting. It can also be used for fertilizer breading. The next tool is the seed drill which is used to plant seeds evenly and in the same depth. The other tool is Centre irrigation which is used to irrigate crops in dry areas and when there is an insufficient amount of rainfall. The other aspect is the causes and effects of agriculture in Egypt and it was caused by drought, therefore, using water from the river Nile for irrigation.

Work cited

  • Bárta, Miroslav. “Location of the Old Kingdom Pyramids in Egypt.” Cambridge Archaeological Journal, vol. 15, Sept. 2005, pp. 177–91. Research Gate, doi: 10.1017/S0959774305000090.
  • Kataoka, Takashi. Agricultural Machinery Technology. Sept. 2018. Lewis, Lowell N. EGYPT’S FUTURE DEPENDS ON. p. 360.

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Ancient Egypt History

Table of contents

Ancient Egypt blossomed for many years, thirty centuries to be exact, from 3100 B.C. to 322 B.C. “When people mention the roots of western culture and heritage, they often refer to classic Greece, Rome, and Judaism. All three, however, seem to have drawn their inspiration in many (perhaps even occasionally illicit) ways from the leading spiritual and economic superpower of the ancient world: Egypt. (Kessler, 2004).” The civilization is well known for noteworthy developments such as agriculture, literature, science, and government. Many inventions, such as clocks and black ink, play a vital role in modern day living. Additional notable accomplishments that originated during the time include sports, medicine, construction, and religion. It can be said with certainty that the civilization of ancient Egypt was extremely ahead of its time. Overall, their impact on our culture is remarkable and is displayed throughout our everyday life.

Communication is an essential way to connect with other people

During the time of ancient Egypt, communication was performed through sacred carvings called hieroglyphics. With the addition of logograms (symbols representing words) and ideograms (sense signs), they were able to receive information as if it were a face-to-face conversation. “Hieroglyphics were comprised of an ‘alphabet’ of 24 basic consonants which would convey meaning but over 800 different symbols to express that meaning precisely which all had to be memorized and used correctly. (Mark, 2016).” The transition from carving to writing was accomplished through their developments of paper and ink. They usually used charcoal or soot to form black lettering to write on long strips from the stalk of a plant called papyrus. The ancient Egyptians believed it was important to document and communicate information, which is currently practiced throughout the world.

Astronomy is a branch of science that studies celestial objects or “the cosmos”

“The principle astronomical cycles are the day (based on the rotation of the Earth on its axis), the year (based on the revolution of the Earth around the Sun), and the month (based on the revolution of the Moon around the Earth)(Calendars Through the Ages, 2008)” The ancient Egyptians were the first to use this system of 12 months and 365 days which equaled to a solar year. “The Egyptian civil calendar was altered by Julius Caesar around 46 BCE with the addition of a leap-year day occurring once every four years; the revised system forms the basis of the Western calendar still used in modern times. (Egyptian Calendar Chronology, 1998)”. The calendar provides a format to structure and organize our everyday lives. It helps people with scheduling events easier and remember important dates with less confusion.

Sports and games are very popular and important cornerstone of western culture. It is a fun way to maintain health and fitness. They are used a change of pace from the repetitiveness of everyday life. They also can serve as useful platforms for both entertainment and physical activity. Most importantly, sports and games are great character builders, providing us with strength and energy. “Inscriptions on monuments indicate that the Egyptians practiced wrestling, weightlifting, long jump, swimming, rowing, shooting, fishing and athletics, as well as various kinds of ball games (Ancient Egyptian Sport).” They were also responsible for the use of uniforms for teams and a neutral referee that called the games evenly. Sports were also made into events, which were played in stadiums and fields, with large crowds that attended to spectate. The modern representation is manifested by the massive fanbase that sports has, with many of their fans attending games regularly. Most of these sports today are either covered by mainstream media or are played in the Olympics.

Construction and architecture are one of Egypt’s most important contributions, where they were believed to be the first nation to build using stone. These projects required a great deal of architectural and engineering prowess, and a highly trained group of dedicated construction workers. “They erected temples and tombs, floored and roofed with boards of timber, and rebuilt houses and refurbished murals. (Green, 2016)” The pyramids of Giza, known as one of the , and the Karnak and Luxor temples are some of the most popular landmarks constructed by the Egyptians. Their contribution in construction set the stage for current jobs in residential, institutional, and commercial building. They were the first to use a pully system, scaffolding, piping, cement, and ropes, which all can be found on today’s construction sites.

Religion plays an important role in modern society, with many different denominations to choose from. The practice of religion played an important role in the lives of ancient Egyptians as well. During their time, they practiced polytheism (the belief in multiple gods), but more importantly, monotheism (a belief that there is only one god), where they are believed to be one of the first nations to do so. “The ancient-Egyptians also believed in life after death. That is why they built Pyramid. Osiris was sending a man to heaven or hell after judgement. The Egyptians also believed in deeds. The result of good deeds led a human being to heaven and bad deeds, to hell. (Ghosh, 2017)” Many of the aspects practiced during the time of ancient Egypt are beliefs of many religion today. It is a direct correlation to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam which are some of the most practiced religions in modern society.

Agriculture is key in modern day living as it provides food, nutrients, and medicine to help sustain and improve life. During the time of ancient Egypt, there were many skilled agriculturists who invented many tools that are still used today. They were responsible for the use of sickle blades, plows, and hoes. “Observing the cycles of the Nile allowed Egyptian farmers to pioneer early irrigation systems. (Green, 2016)” The development of the “Shandur” aided in the transportation of the water from the Nile river to their canals. Herding cattle was used to help loosen the soil faster in order to plant more crops. “The chief crops grown by them were wheat and barley flax. They also produced fruits like orange, date-palm, and melon. (Ghosh, 2017)” In today’s farms, irrigation provides controlled intervals of water to keep the crops growing and herding aids in maintaining valuable resources such as meat and dairy products.

One of the main reasons why the people of ancient Egypt were able maintain health and perform manual labor was due to their developments in medicine. Centuries ahead of their time, a lot of the practices that doctors used in ancient Egypt would not be unfamiliar to us today (Gentempo, 2017). Their understanding of the circulatory system, vascular system, and anatomy made them one of the first civilizations measure the pulsations of the heart and perform surgeries. Dental issues and cavities were able to be treat with their developments of filling recipes derived from the papyrus plant. The ancient Egyptians believed that the body needed to be whole for life after death to be achieved. This led to their use of prosthetic limbs to replace lost ones, making the person whole again, ready for the afterlife. When it came to pain relief, ancient Egyptians already had knowledge of the narcotics in natural herbs like the water lily and lotus, cannabis, the poppy and the mandrake. (Gordon, 2015). These developments are presently used in modern healthcare, where a visit to the doctor today draws many similarities to a visit thousands of years ago.

Ancient Egypt had a notable development of an orderly and peaceful government

They were one of the first united nations, used a centralized government, and had a hierarchy of jobs and administration. Government brought order to society through the construction of temples, the creation of laws, taxation, the organization of labour, trade with neighbours and the defence of the country’s interests (Cite). The pharaoh and his team of advisers were responsible for overseeing the people. The modern representation of this is shown through the different branches of our government, which are there to help advise the president. Many practices in governments today are influenced by the ancient Egyptians. The structure and their code of ethics are used in around the world.

The impact that ancient Egypt had on modern society is shown in many ways. They provided the blueprints for many cultures that existed after them, including todays western culture. The Egyptian architecture, ideas, and inventions can be seen everywhere. You can find them through buildings, government, and in our day to day lives. Their hieroglyphics survived as visual proof of a civilization that thrived for many years. Their culture was one of the oldest that existed, which set the standard for future successful nations. From their inventions to the great monuments left behind, we still use many of their foods, tradition/ceremonial ways, writing system, sports and their general way of life. Egypt had a very complex society which has given us many advances in modern day and opened doors for the entire world. Ancient Egypt’s contributions cannot be understated.

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How the Nile Form Ancient Egypt

Throughout history, humans have interacted with their environments to meet their needs and to satisfy their wants. Water has always played an important role in a civilization’s ability to develop and thrive. People settled in the Nile River Valley to take advantage of the resources the water and land provided. The Nile River was an integral part in the development and growth of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and it was the foundation for Egyptian innovations and religion.

Ancient Egyptians interacted with the Nile River through their gods and in addition to using the river as a means for travel and trade, the Egyptians used its gifts, or resources for farming, inventions and religious ceremonies. The Nile River was the key factor in the growth and development of the ancient Egyptian civilization. The Egyptians relied on the Nile River for many resources and used it as a means for travel and trade. (Doc. C) The Egyptians used the papyrus that grew along the river to make paper, which scribes used to record daily activities.

This helped to develop their civilization because they could use hieroglyphics to keep written records and document important economic, government or social events for the officials and pharaoh. Most Egyptians lived near the Nile. They mostly lived at the Nile Delta. The Nile Delta had the most vegetation so farmers/peasants live there to work in farms. (Doc. A) It was where they could actually get there crops growing. The most important resources the Nile River provided the ancient Egyptians were water and silt.

Annual floods provided rich silt for which the Egyptians used to cultivate their crops. They learned that they could plant barley seeds in the same spot every year, and it would grow again if there was enough water. (Doc. D ) Having a surplus of food led to specialization in ancient Egypt. The division of labor was critical to the development of the ancient Egyptian civilization because it provided the Egyptians with time to master their crafts and then trade. Egyptians used sailboats to travel up and down the Nile River to barter for goods and share ideas. (Doc. C)

The local trade routes and longer expeditions that Egyptians often went on created interdependence between themselves and neighboring communities. The development and growth of the ancient Egyptian civilization was the direct result of the Nile River; its most precious resource. The Nile River was a source of innovation and religion for the ancient Egyptian civilization. The Egyptians used other inventions to help them manage and use the Nile’s gifts. They created a calendar which helped them predict the floods. (Doc. B)

Being able to predict floods helped the Egyptians prepare for and manage the annual surge of water. Ancient Egyptians were innovators in math, science, medicine and architecture. It was their belief, however, that their gods were directly responsible for everything they had and did. The Egyptians invented the shadoof, but they believed that their god-king Osiris taught them how to lead the waters to the barley. (Doc. D) The Egyptians believed that Osiris was the one who had given them the fields and the knowledge of planting seeds. (Doc. D)

Finally, the ancient Egyptians strongly believed in life after death or the afterlife. The Nile River played an important role in the transportation of mummified Egyptian pharaohs or kings. Since they were buried on the west side of the Nile River, a funeral barge was used to transport Egyptian royalty to their tombs. (Doc. C) Ancient Egyptians used the Nile River as a source for their religion and inventions which helped them to develop, grow and thrive as a civilization. When the Nile rises, the land is in exultation. (Doc. E) Without the Nile River there would not be life in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptians depended on the Nile River greatly, and their interaction with the river was evident in all aspects of their lives. The Nile River was directly responsible for the growth and development of ancient Egypt. Without the river, the Egyptians would not have been able to farm and provide a constant food supply. The surplus of food made it possible for the Egyptians to make advancements in math, science and technology, and it provided them with the time and resources to barter. This helped them to develop and grow as a civilization. The Nile River was also directly connected to the Egyptians’ innovations and religion.

The shadoof, nilometer and calendar are great examples of inventions the Egyptians developed to maximize their use of the Nile River which helped in their development. Finally, the ancient Egyptians believed that everything they had, including the Nile River, was connected to their gods. Therefore, the Nile River played an important role in religious ceremonies in ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians’ interaction with the Nile River helped them to meet their needs and satisfy their wants, and it was directly responsible for their growth and development as a civilization.

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Ancient Egyptian History

The relationship of Queen Hatshepsut under Deir-el-Bahari, which means ‘Northern Monastery’, an ancient city in the West Bank, is no less closely related to Egypt in 1458 BC. If the pyramids were a structure for the afterlife of the pharaohs, the tombs that would have been built through the rock cliffs were the tombs of […]

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Ancient Egypt History

Ancient Egypt blossomed for many years, thirty centuries to be exact, from 3100 B.C. to 322 B.C. “When people mention the roots of western culture and heritage, they often refer to classic Greece, Rome, and Judaism. All three, however, seem to have drawn their inspiration in many (perhaps even occasionally illicit) ways from the leading […]

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Ancient Egyptians

Table of Contents Thesis Statement…………………………………… 1 Time period………………………………………… 2 Geography/Location……………………………………… 3 Political Characteristics……………………………5 Economy……………………………………………. 8 Religious Beliefs…………………………………. 12 Social Structure…………………………………… 15 Achievements/Accomplishments…………………18 Decline of Ancient Egypt…………………………20 Personal Observations……………………………. 22 Bibliography……………………………………… 23 Thesis Statement Ancient Egypt has made incredible achievements at all aspects of a civilization. Over the years, Ancient Egypt has had many cultural accomplishments […]

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