Article Summary/ 2 or 3 pages for each article/ APA format/Psychology Article Summary
Schwinn, T. M., Schinke, S. P., Hopkins, J., Keller, B., & Liu, X. (2018). An Online Drug Abuse Prevention Program for Adolescent Girls: Posttest and 1-Year Outcomes. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 47(3), 490–500.
Pires, S. F., Guerette, R. T., & Shariati, A. (2017). Specifying Kidnapping for Ransom Epidemics at the Global Level: A Matched-Case Control Design. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 40(2), 139–156.
1. Please type 2-4 clear, concise, and complete sentences in response to each of the following components by using a narrative (paragraph) format.
1. Topic – What was the topic of the research study? Which specific social problem is addressed in this study?
2. Purpose of the Study – Why did the researcher choose this topic to study? Typically, there is a statement regarding what the researcher intends to contribute to the body of literature by conducting this study.
3. Research Question – What were the Research Questions asked by the researcher? What were the stated hypotheses?
4. Literature Review: What were some key areas of research contained in the literature review? How is the social problem explained in the literature review? In other words, what background information is discussed as it relates to understanding the social problem?
5. Sociological Theories– Which sociological theories are used as the framework for the research? Many studies discuss a sociological theory that frames the study. However, not all articles may mention a sociological theory.
6. Research Design and Methodology- How was the study conducted? What was the blueprint that guided the study? Was this a qualitative or quantitative study? How was the data collected? Did the researcher use a survey or conduct interviews?
7. Findings- What were the results and discussion of the research as it relates to the study? What new information was reported in the findings?
8. Implications- What relevance does the study have for the field of Sociology and further research on this social issue.
9. Opinions – discuss your thoughts/opinions regarding the study? What, if any, were the limitations of the study?
2.Please attend to the following details when completing this assignment:
a. This assignment must be typed, using 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.
b. Please be sure to address each of the component items listed above. NOTE: It can help to use the headings as listed.
c. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are important and will be evaluated in this assignment.
d. Please include a link to the article.
e. Cite sources in the APA format.
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