BUS 375 week 1 discussion 1 replies (please post the name and number next to the response.
Required Resources
Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://ashford.content.edu
· Chapter 1: Introduction to ADDIE: Analyzing Training Needs
· Chapter 2: Designing Effective Training
#1Heather beck
WednesdaySep 27 at 2:37pm
Manage Discussion Entry
According to Kopp states “ the performance based view of training is the primary focus of having well trained employees means you will increase their value along with workplace productivity.”(2014) This development looks at the fact that if you have well trained and good quality employees that in turn you will have a more productive workplace. If you have employees that are performing well it has to be because they are trained well. The performance employees that perform at a higher level can generate more revenue and business to a company. The Developmental view is more personal and not so much business. Kopp states “ in the developmental view you look at fulfillment, self actualization, and the potentialities of Human agency in the learning process of the worker” (2014) I think both views have the same values in regards to training and developing the employees. Both views want to better the business and workplace with training.
In my current line of business we are geared more towards the performance based view. In the healthcare / Medicare field our agents have to be very well trained. They have to be extremely knowledgeable. We do coach the agents on getting better and small things they can change in order to achieve their goals. The bottom line of our business is productivity and not getting information wrong was we can be fined for giving wrong information by the centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Being productive is the biggest goal in my current company.
Kopp, D.M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.
#2Mary Corigliano
WednesdaySep 27 at 6:35pm
Manage Discussion Entry
In Human resource development, there are different views that get examined and differ yet have a lot of similarities. After reading this week’s lecture I learned that in regard to performance based and developmental HRD views the similarities are the employees. Both have to do with the learning and developing of employees, but for different reasons. The Performance-based HRD is more about the bottom line, the profits. The Performance-based HRD will invest in the employee’s development and training, but with the overall look and reasoning that the employee will make the company more money. With the Developmental HRD view the employees are thought of as real people with feelings instead of dollar signs. This view has a goal of helping a person be a better version of themselves and develop their skills to be better people and employees at many levels.
Where I work the developmental view is used above and beyond anything. The company invests in the employee’s skills that they have and help the employees draw out their passions and developments using tools that the person already has. The company that I work for always has their leaders ask themselves exactly what the Harvard Business Review video said, “Think about what is pivotal in the process or the business or the resources that I manage here” (2008). This way they can harness the talent needed and what the motivations for developments are. The company has road maps, pays for their education, offers mentors, and is constantly praising and encouraging the employees on jobs well done and mile stones achieved. With the developmental view the employees have confidence and loyalty in themselves and the company. The view also helps the overall “bottom-line” to not be compromised because the company retains their employees, saving the company money in turn over.
Harvard Business Review (2008, December 1). The new science of human capital [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3rZSIqZ0pM
Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning [Electronic version].
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