Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer in Women In this essay I will be discussing breast cancer, a very serious issue that affects thousands of women each year. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women and is the second leading cause of death in women ages 35 to 54. The majority of breast cancer cases are sporadic, meaning there is no family history of the disease. Only 5% to 10% of women with breast cancer have a family history. Although there is no known cure for breast cancer, by educating yourself about this disease it can help you in early detection.

The first step in early detection is self breast exams. These exams should begin when a woman is 18 years old in order to learn what is normal and what is not in the breast. Other important steps in early detection are regular doctor’s exams and mammograms. A mammogram is the best way to detect breast cancer. A woman should have a mammogram when she is 40 years old and then one every two years until she is 50. Once a woman turns 50 she should have a mammogram once a year because the chances of getting breast cancer greatly increases. In females, breasts are made up of lobules, ducts, and stoma.

Lobules are milk producing glands, ducts are the milk passages that connect to the nipple, and stoma is the fatty tissue that surrounds the duct and lobules. Cancer develops when cells become abnormal and start growing out of control, forming a tumor. A tumor can be benign which means it can damage tissue but doesn’t spread to other parts of the body. On the other hand, malignant tumors spread to other parts of the body damaging and destroying healthy tissue. There are many different types of cancer. Ductal carcinoma in situ has the lowest mortality rate.

It starts in the milk ducts and is treated before spreading to other breast tissue. This type of cancer is almost always curable. The most common type is called invasive ductal carcinoma. This cancer starts in the milk ducts of the breast, then it breaks through the duct and attacks the fatty part of the breast. This cancer accounts for up to 80% of all breast cancer. Another type is called invasive lobular carcinoma. This cancer begins in the lobules of the breast where the milk is produced, but it spreads to surrounding tissue or the rest of the body.

This cancer accounts for 10% of invasive breast cancers. Signs and symptoms of breast cancer are a lump in the breast, a change in the skin such as abnormal redness or swelling, a change in the nipple, bloody discharge from the nipple and an enlarged lymph node under the arm. When recognizing these signs, it is critical to see a doctor so he/she can give you a breast exam, mammogram, or an ultrasound. Based on those tests results, your doctor may request that you have a biopsy done to obtain a sample of the breast tissue or mass.

If the test finds evidence of breast cancer, the kind of treatment will depend upon the size and location of the disease. A treatment of the disease depends on the type of tumor and how far it has spread in the lymph glands or other organs in the body. Treatment can be local or systemic. Local treatments such as surgery and radiation are used to remove, destroy or control the cancer cells in a specific area in the breast. Systemic treatments such as chemotherapy and hormone therapy are used to destroy or control cancer cells all over the body.

Depending upon what the doctor finds, you may have to have one form of treatment or a combination of both. Another option is a mastectomy; where one or both breasts are removed. A mastectomy may be necessary if there is more than one lump in the breast, if the cancer is directly underneath the nipple, if the patient had a previous lumpectomy and the tissue around the cancer is abnormal or if the cancer is too large to remove from the breast to still look normal. Also, some patients that have a larger but operable breast cancer can use medicine.

There’s a treatment call adjuvant that uses medicine to attack cancer cells including the ones that have spread. Using this treatment can kill these cells or prevent them from growing for many months and/or years with or without radiation. For many women breasts are a visual symbol of femininity, a focal point of sexuality, and a proud source of nurturing new life. Developing breast cancer can be traumatic not only for a woman’s health but for her self-esteem. That is why it is so important for women to be educated on the early detection signs in order to diagnose the cancer early and minimize any negative effects it may have.

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Media Communications

Smoking is considered an addictive activity that has some numerous side effects. Bryant & Oliver (2008) in their book “Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research” state that about a third of the male population in the world are heavy smokers and this numbers are on the rise as women and young teenagers are starting to smoke. Target audience The target audience of this issue will be the smokers and the non-smokers. These two groups would be a great help in advocating for the harmful effects of smoking that smokers usually endure.

Additionally, these two groups will make the necessary social change as the smokers will be able to motivate other smokers to quit smoking and the non smokers will be able to interact well with other people in the society for the ‘no smoking’ campaign. Action After the exposure to the ‘stop smoking’ campaign, the smokers in the society will get the necessary motivation from the smokers who are leading the campaign itself. Additionally, the non-smokers will offer the necessary support to these people in the campaign. Key benefit

From the audience perspective, smokers should make a change and stop this detrimental habit. This is because smoking has many harmful effects like; the risk of contracting lung cancer; life p is reduced in a smoker’s life because of smoking; and many other medical complications that are a result of smoking (Robinoff, 2007). Support The reasons that will convince the audience about the harmful effects of smoking are; that there is a higher likelihood of a smoker having oral and lung cancer; it is hard to quit smoking so the audience who are not smokers should not even consider starting to smoke because of this.

Furthermore, there supportive groups that smokers can join programs to help them quit though it will be hard to quit but with the right motivation, they will prosper in this (Roth, 2009). Openings The audience for this ‘stop smoking’ campaign will be reached through the extensive media coverage and advertising about the dangers of smoking. Image The action will be conveyed in an organized manner that targets the audience who smoke and those who do not.

Additionally, the media coverage will mainly portray smoking in the negative light so as the campaign can be more successful. REFERENCES Bryant, J and Oliver, M. (2008). Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research. Washington, DA: Taylor & Francis Rabinoff, M. (2007). Ending the tobacco holocaust. New York, NY: Elite Books Roth, G. (2009). Tobacco and the cardiovascular system: the effects of smoking and of nicotine on normal persons. New York, NY: Thomas

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Non-Hodgins Lymphoma with Case Study Example

Table of contents

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphocytes the white blood cells. The lymphocytes and lymph system are essential in our body’s immune protection. It is an abnormal growth rate of these cells. Since lymph is found throughout the body it is easily spread from one area to another. In 2008 there were over 66,000 new cases and just over 19,000 deaths from it. It is categorized as slow growing or fast growing, as well as if it starts in the T-cells or the B-cells. Lymphomas from B cells are most common in the United States.

The lymphoma can develop in any of the lymph tissues, and discovery of which kind of lymphoma determines the treatment options. Causes Although there are no definite causes to Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma there have cases where it has been linked to persons with another ailment. Autoimmune diseases like RA and SLE have been linked to NHL. Exposures to chemicals such as benzene and treatments in chemotherapy have been seen in trends to cause NHL. People who are immunocompromised like HIV patients and those that are on immunosuppressant from transplants are also at risk for Lymphomas.

Also, people having excessive exposure to large amounts of radiation, like cancer treatments have an increased risk of developing this lymphoma. NHL is mostly seen in the older community so age is also a risk factor. Also chronic diseases may increase the chances of getting a lymphoma due to the increased risk of mutations from constantly producing new lymph cells. Some patients can be born with a disease that can lead to NHL due to a defect in their DNA. It is not likely that they can pass on the NHL to their offspring if they don’t have the underlying disease.

Most often it develops independently. Discovery Lumps in the skin and lymph nodes can be discovered by the patient, their partner or doctor. Where the lump is located can also give extra symptoms. For instance, if it is found near the skin there would be a swelling in the surrounding tissue. If it’s in the abdomen it can cause severe pain and possible digestive problems. If the lymphoma is on the skin t can cause an itchy patch. If it is in the chest cavity it can cause trouble breathing.  Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Shannon Z is an active 58 yr old female.

In her early twenties she had undergone chemotherapy and radiation for her treatment of breast cancer. When she noticed the lump in her neck she immediately went to see her doctor. The doctor ordered some blood tests and a biopsy of the lump. Her doctor wasn’t very concerned because fighting an infection can also cause enlarged nodes in the neck. She ordered the tests anyway because of the patient’s medical history. Along with the lump, she experienced drenching night sweats which are another symptom of NHL but she thought it was a side effect of menopause.

Other signs to look for would be persistent fevers and a sudden loss of weight, usually 10 % body weight or more. An incisional biopsy is a surgical technique used to obtain a sample of the node for observation. This was used because the enlarged node was close to the skin surface. There are other biopsies available. Fine needle biopsies can also be used but often don’t provide enough sample to determine if its lymphoma or not but does not require surgery. Lumbar punctures look for lymphoma in the CNS. Bone marrow aspiration looks for the cancer inside the bone and bone marrow by removing pieces of the bone and/or marrow.

Laboratory tests All samples must be diagnosed be a trained pathologist with experience in lymphomas. The most important test would be those differentiating if the patient has a cancer, then T cell lymphoma from the B cell lymphoma. If a concrete diagnosis can’t be made from looking at the cells then other methods must be used. Methods like Immunocytochemistry involve using fluorescent tags on the surface of the cells can differentiate the different lymphomas from each other and non cancerous diseases. Flow cytometry uses antibody tagging and laser beams to cause the cells to emit light if they have the antigen.

This is important because different NHL’s have specific antigens. Discovery of the type of NHL helps determine the treatment route. Blood tests cannot determine a lymphoma but they do show significance of the rate of growth of the lymphoma. CT scans and MRIs provide the doctors with images of the size of the actual lymph nodes and how many growths there are through the body.


There are two staging systems for NHL. The most common is the Ann Arbor system. It uses 1-4 to stage the severity of the disease. Stage 1 has lymphoma in one area in the lymph system and one outside the system (organ). A lymphoma is considered stage 2 if it is found exclusively in 2 areas above or 2 areas below the diaphragm and organs in close proximity to lymph. Stage 3 occurs when it is found on both sides of the diaphragm and other organs near lymph. Stage 4 is when lymphoma reaches the bone marrow, CSF, or an organ not next to a lymph source. This system is used in conjunction with the International Prognosis Index. The IPI uses the age of the patient, stage of the cancer, patient everyday performance status, location of the tumors, and levels of LDH (increases as the lymphoma spreads)

Good Prognostic FactorsPoor Prognostic Factors

Age 60 or belowAge above 60 Stage I or IIStage III or IV No lymphoma outside of lymph nodes, or lymphoma in only 1 area outside of lymph nodesLymphoma present in more than 1 organ of the body outside of lymph nodes PS: Able to function normallyPS: Needs a lot of help with daily activities Serum LDH is normalSerum LDH is elevated. Treatment Chemotherapy is often used in conjunction with radiation for low levels, or with medications like Rituxan or Zavalin. Rituxan is an antibody that targets the cancerous cells.

Zavalin is an antibody with a radioactive component. The antibody attaches itself and the radioactive isotope destroys the cell. These drugs are used for the more persistent lymphomas because chemo and radiation have been proven very effective against the lymphoma. Stem cell transplantation is also another option. Once diagnosed, patients are requested to have frequent physicals and blood tests to track the growth of the cancer.


  1. http://www. oncologychannel. com/nonhodgkins/diagnosis. shtml
  2. http://www. cancer. org
  3. http://www. cancer. com
  4. http://www. mayoclinic. org

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The Public Health Campaigns Health And Social Care Essay

Even though the relationship between cervical malignant neoplastic disease and sexual activity has proved by surveies to be near and the function of the HPV virus in the development of cervical malignant neoplastic disease is well-known, the reviewed articles showed that there have n’t been emphasized plenty by the public wellness runs ( Waller, McCaffery and Wardle 2004 ) . Specifically in the NHS, the information provided is limited. Some surveies demonstrated that the medical cusps highlight the taking behavioural hazard factors such as the early age of first intercourse, the high figure of sexual spouses or the deficiency of usage of rubbers, nevertheless, the relationship between a sexual transmitted virus and cervical malignant neoplastic disease is n’t presented clearly ( Waller, McCaffery and Wardle 2004 ) .

Sexual activity of adolescents could be characterized as either a milepost of their development or a field of unsafe behaviour. During pubescence, gender becomes active as adolescents experiment, seeking for ‘sexual individuality ‘ . Merely one article ( [ 13 ] ) refering Greece high spot that to day of the month Greece competes with the highest abortion incidence rates worldwide and sexually transmitted diseases are the most common public wellness job among striplings. The deficiency of information on how to protect themselves for unintended gestation of STIs could be ruinous ( Iliadou and Palaska 2008 ) . Harmonizing to this survey, sexual instruction is limited and unsatisfactory among striplings in Greece because conservative positions claim that sexual wellness instruction shows new patterns to the immature people which otherwise they would n’t follow. Specifically the chief beginnings of information on contraceptive method are friends ( 66 % ) , household ( 60 % ) and books or magazines ( 59 % ) whereas the wellness professional apply merely the 3.3 % of the replies ( Iliadou and Palaska 2008 ) . Contrary to the immature Greek population, research workers examined striplings of other states such as Denmark and they concluded that they have equal cognition on how to protect themselves while adult females and work forces are considered every bit responsible for the transmittal of STIs ( Mortensen 2010 ) .

In add-on, most surprising is that besides the UK provides limited cognition on the STIs and HPV infection in both work forces and adult females. Five of the surveies ( [ 20 ] , [ 30 ] , [ 31 ] , [ 32 ] , [ 33 ] ) provided studies which proved that 67 % of the people responded that ‘many sexual spouses ‘ is a major cause of cervical malignant neoplastic disease whereas merely 31 % replied ‘viruses or infection ‘ . Merely 1 % of the respondents answered that HPV virus is a causal factor of cervical malignant neoplastic disease ( Waller, McCaffery and Wardle 2004 ) . The same surveies demonstrated that the form of cognition seems to divert across different age groups. For illustration, adult females of 55-64 old ages old are most likely to cognize hazard factors such as the sexual activity and holding many sexual spouses. On the other manus, younger adult females of 16-24 old ages old and people holding hapless instruction showed the lowest consciousness of the hazard factors ( Waller, McCaffery and Wardle 2004 ) ( Wardle, et Al. 2001 ) . This study raises the inquiry on the cognition British adult females have, sing the sexual behaviour. Furthermore, the overall cognition on sexually transmitted infections ( STI ) is surprisingly low among pupils. British female pupils were familiar with the smear trial as a preventative cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing step and they replied that they had ne’er considered themselves to be examined but they expressed an involvement in the HPV vaccinum. On the other manus, work forces were n’t certain what smear trial is ( Martin, et Al. 2011 ) . Hence, what is revealed is that the recent high cervical malignant neoplastic disease incidence rates are the result of a wellness instruction system where the cognition of the sexual behaviour is limited and it is n’t concentrated on the self-management and the subject of the organic structure.

All these findings, in add-on to the 14 % increased incidence rates in the last four old ages ( Cancer Research UK, 2012 ) demonstrate that the current wellness instruction peculiarly in school-based undertakings in the UK is hapless and one-sided. It focuses largely on the unintended gestation and contributes to the position that sexual wellness is merely adult female ‘s duty. These surveies ( [ 30 ] , [ 32 ] , [ 33 ] ) show that school based programmes in the UK fail to understand that betterment of misbehaviour is required to set up self-discipline. Alternatively, these school-based programmes should intent to increase the cognition of the adolescences to supervise themselves, produce the consciousness of the hazard factors and make the sense of personal duty in take parting on a regular basis in the showing trials. Hence, wellness instruction would finally make adept disciplined organic structures. This manner, the organic structure becomes cardinal. The construct of bio-power is placed to exert non merely the organic structure but besides the psyche. For that ground, there was ever been a argument on whether the UK should present unfastened treatments about sex in a school-based programme and educate adolescents on proper sexual behaviour and their engagement to testing trials in order to cut down the sexually familial infections ( Martin, et Al. 2011 ) . Overall, it is dismaying that most people in Britain consider household medical history as most noteworthy factor for cervical malignant neoplastic disease than the infection by STIs ( Waller, McCaffery and Wardle 2004 ) .

However, acceptance and execution of wellness instruction programmes outside school, has been a topic of research. Contrary to what Nettleton claims there is besides the belief provided chiefly by Annemarie Mol that wellness instruction of public wellness is n’t adequate to do people move rationally and give up unhealthy life styles. Public wellness runs are accused for being really general and that they address the full population without taking into consideration the differences among people ‘s wellness position and the stipulations for disease. Every educational run focuses on the population as a entire and as all being equal and they do n’t acknowledge that when the educational programmes address the whole population, there is a portion of it, that ca n’t hold entree to the healthy life style they suggest and people do n’t see themselves reflecting in this state of affairs ( Mol 2008 ) . Furthermore, gender is a sensitive field that most adult females feel uncomfortable and diffident to discourse about publically. Any public statement that emphasizes on the nexus between cervical malignant neoplastic disease, sexual activity and smear trial, sounds to be about the adult female ‘s ‘ ain gender ( Braun and Gavey 1999 ) .

This is the ground why the wellness instruction even in public wellness runs should be targeted to specific age groups. School is a promising manner. Harmonizing to the undermentioned surveies ( [ 20 ] , [ 30 ] , [ 31 ] ) school is the lone establishment in our society where many immature people attend before their first intercourse. Given proper and sufficient wellness instruction, it is cardinal that the self-management of the adolescences is improved and the informed pick is activated. Health instruction finally creates to the adult females the sense of power and subject on their ain organic structure. Self-discipline is considered as a moral behaviour which is motivated by intrinsic factors. The school-based programmes aim to better these factors and make a sense of cognizing ego and lead to active agents of the society where people control themselves unconsciously ; that is, school- based programmes create what Foucault has defined as docile organic structures. Harmonizing to surveies conducted in the ’90s and 2000, there is no grounds that sexual instruction increases the sexual activity. Alternatively, the sexual instruction specifically in school-based programmes delays the first intercourse, increases the usage of prophylactic methods and reduces the figure of sexual spouses ( Kirby, et Al. 1994 ) ( Dolan Mullen, et Al. 1995 ) ( Iliadou and Palaska 2008 ) . Most significantly, through the wellness instruction course of study there were important positive consequences sing the decrease of unhealthy wonts ( Glanz, Rimer and Viswanath 2008 ) ( Dolan Mullen, et Al. 1995 ) such as smoke, and a important addition in the inoculation rates. In add-on, in the 1980s research surveies was found out that among simple and secondary school kids, wellness instruction really improved kids ‘s wellness attitude and behaviour ( Dolan Mullen, et Al. 1995 ) . Therefore, it is a great chance to turn to wellness instruction programmes particularly sing the decrease of hazardous sexual behaviour ( Kirby, et Al. 1994 ) and the regular engagement in diagnostic trials because most HPV instances are reported in immature ages of 20-24 old ages old.

There are many ways to believe that public policy can forbid hazardous activities and advance healthy manner of life. Recreation countries and rigorous nutrient statute law are some public intercessions Mol suggests through which, people can switch into rational mundane wonts ( Mol 2008 ) . Information runs on the HPV inoculation is another 1. Some articles consider Denmark as a important illustration that makes a important attempt since the debut of the HPV vaccinum in 2006, to educate the female population with HPV information runs. These runs are concentrated on the safety, the cost, the efficiency and possible side effects of the vaccinums ( Mortensen 2010 ) . Besides, in the same model, the two vaccinum makers organized a media-based run meaning to inform the female population on the benefits of the inoculation ( Mortensen 2010 ) . The engagement of adult females in these events can increase their cognition on the disease and the possible hazard factors and they can do informed picks on showing or inoculation.

Not surprisingly, in most of the developed states the cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing system is advanced, nevertheless as surveies show, adult females still develop cervical malignant neoplastic disease ( Bosh and Harper 2006 ) . So, primary bar has a double function ; in the first topographic point, the end of the wellness instruction is to supply information through a non-threatening, easy and accessible manner and raise the consciousness of persons about organic structure care and lifestyle alteration to forestall disease through assorted programmes. Through nonsubjective and progressive information, people can go rational histrions for them and they can acknowledge easy the hazard factors and the dangers of specific activities. For illustration, research analyzing the attitude of adult females and parents for the HPV vaccinum demonstrated that given the right information on the safety and efficaciousness of the vaccinum, they promote its usage ( Raffle, 2007 ) ( Bunn 2008 ) . Hence, a wide and complete educational programme is indispensable to trip an informed pick. Most of the articles pointed out that it is cardinal that adult females have the ability to do their ain wellness picks. Additionally, another end of the wellness instruction is to stress the personal duty for wellness and promote the engagement of adult females on wellness services ( Scambler 2005 ) . Women should experience that go toing the cervical malignant neoplastic disease testing scrutinies is a personal determination. In Western societies, people are an ideal illustration of docile organic structures as they are encouraged to take attention of their organic structure through preventative interventions and they are induced to command their wellness. Namely, protection of their organic structures is a portion of their duty as being members of the society ( Braun and Gavey 1999 ) ( Petersen and Lupton 2000 ) . As Mol agrees, it is better to promote people to take part in such intercessions instead than compel them ( Mol 2008 ) . No power system has of all time survived with the fright and coercion as the lone arms.

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Meat Consumption

23 May 2011 One Bite At a Time Most Americans are aware of global warming, cancer, heart disease and the fact that the earth’s supply of good water is diminishing. In an effort to conserve our planet people drive hybrid cars, recycle, and use low energy light bulbs and appliances, which is great. However, most Americans are unaware and uninformed about how meat effects global warming, our health, and how much of our planet’s water and resources meat production consumes.

Meat contributes to global warming, increases risk for cancer, causes heart disease and uses a tremendous amount of resources to produce, therefore people need to be informed about what they are eating through food labeling and Surgeon General warnings, as well as cutting back to appropriate portion sizes. Farming used to do good things for our planet, where as now its causing harm due to mass production and factory farms. “Traditionally, farm animals played a useful role . . . they ate grass, crop wastes, and kitchen scraps that people could not eat and turned them into good that people could eat.

Their manure provided the soil with needed nutrients . . . the animals pulled plows and provided services that enhanced human life”(Robbins 233). Things have changed drastically since the days of simple farming. Today, “With the expansion and mechanization of animal farming . . . there are now 20 billion livestock on Earth- more than triple the number of human beings”(Robbins 234). The problem with having so many livestock on earth is that the manure that used to provide soil with nutrients now releases nitrous oxide, which contributes to global warming. According to the U.

N Food and Agriculture Organization “ Worldwide livestock farming generates 18% of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions . . . all the world’s cars, trains, planes and boats account for a combined 13%”. However it’s more than just the manure contributing to global warming. FAO estimates that 70% of former forest covers were cut down to make room for grazing. This is a problem because “Lost forest cover heats the planet, because trees absorb CO2 while they’re alive . . . when they’re cut down or burned, the greenhouse gases are released back into the atmosphere”(Walsh).

Cutting back on meat, or eliminating it all together would be a great way to help preserve our planet and much cheaper than a hybrid car. If meat production continues to grow, not only will it keep contributing to global warming, it will continue using the earth’s precious resources. The amount of food and water needed for farming is obscene. Water is something that we take for granted. There is no replacement for water, so when there is a 3 to 1 ratio from livestock to humans, why are we wasting so much of our earth’s precious water on livestock? Forty-two percent of the fresh water available to us in the United States is used for agriculture” (Silverstone 25). Granted it’s not all devoted to animals, and the amount of water needed to produce meat varies in different parts of the country.

In California, according to the Water Education Foundation, to produce one pound of California beef the amount of water required is 2,464 gallons; comparatively a pound of tomatoes only requires 23 gallons of water (Robbins 236-237). Think of how much water California would save if everyone cut back on meat. Then there is the other problem, how much food we use to feed the livestock. Sixty million acres of the United States are devoted to growing hay primarily for livestock, while we only use 13 million acres to grow fruits and vegetables”(Silverstone 25). If there were less of a demand for livestock, that would enable us to use the land devoted to growing hay for growing vegetables, fruit and other plant based foods while using considerably less water. Not only is meat taking a toll on the environment, it’s taking a toll on the heath of America. Eating meat, especially the portions Americans eat, cause Heart Disease and increase a person’s risk for Cancer.

The facts that there are triple the amount of livestock on earth means only one thing, that humans eat entirely too much meat. In fact, “The average person in the industrialized world eats more than 176lb of meat annually”(Walsh). People would argue that we need meat to survive, but in fact meat causes more harm than it does good because of saturated fats and cholesterol. “Cholesterol is found only in animal foods and is particularly concentrated in organ meats and eggs”(Davis and Vesanto 27), therefore, it would be hard to argue that cutting back or eliminating meat would be a bad thing.

Another major problem is that meat contains a ton of saturated fats, which raise a person’s blood cholesterol and causes plague to clog arteries, clogged arteries lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks (Silverstone). “More than anything else, blood cholesterol determines your likelihood of having a heart attack”(Marcus 10). There have also been many studies that link meat consumption to cancer. “Researchers at the University of California at San Diego have isolated a sugar molecule that shows up in many cancerous human tumors . . Not only does Neu5Gc seem to build tumors, our human bodies produce antibodies against Neu5Gc, which causes inflammation, helping the tumors to grow even more”(Silverstone 17). The connection between eating meat and cancer from the research done at UC San Diego is that the sugar molecule Neu5Gc comes from red meat and is not produced in the human body (Silverstone). In America people have a hard time recognizing that what they eat contributes to disease, they would rather put blame on smoking and drinking when it comes to cancer.

However, “The American Cancer Society estimates that 75 percent of all cancers are the product of our environment and lifestyle . . . 30 to 40 percent of all cancers are caused by diet”(Davis and Melina 32). The consumption of meat has also been liked to Osteoporosis; “When you eat meat, your blood becomes acidic . . . In order to balance all the acidity, your bones come to the rescue by releasing some of their minerals”(Silverstone 17). “Diets”, in America revolve heavily around meat and dairy products; no wonder cancer is the second leading cause of death.

These are significant problems because Heart Disease and Cancer are the number one and two killers in America. “Almost one of every two Americans will die from Heart Disease . . . 40 million diagnosed with heart disease, and 1. 5 million a year having heart attacks”(Marcus 8). There is no denying that disease is developing at a rapid pace. Everyone knows someone who had or has cancer or heart disease. They are awful diseases, and “a high-fat, animal based diet is the single most significant cause of death from heart disease”(Marcus 3).

If people cut back or eliminated animal products from their diets, not only would they be eating less of the foods that cause their bodies harm, they would be eating more nutrient rich foods (fruits and vegetables) that help fight off and prevent disease. “Doctors like Dean Ornish and John MacDougall have discovered that plant-based diets have the power to reverse heart disease, diabetes, even cancer”(Silverstone 7). One might argue that eating vegan or vegetarian is expensive; but would you rather pay a little bit more at the grocery store now, or pay for an xpensive heart surgery or chemotherapy because of what that inexpensive meat did to your body? There are some things already being done in an effort to get Americans to cut back on meat, but they aren’t enough. Yes, there are more vegetarian options at grocery stores now; you no longer have to go to a specialty market to get vegetarian options. In major chain grocery stores like Ralph’s and VONS, they carry vegetarian brands of non-meat items like Boca and Garden burger; you can buy tofu, tofurkey, non-dairy cheese, yogurt and milk.

The only problem is that its not always easy to find, they usually have a separate “heath food isle” where they keep all the non-animal products. Then there is the John Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health. They have started a global movement to get people to cut back on meat by reinventing a campaign called Meatless Mondays that was based on a campaign used during WW1 to conserve food for soldiers. In 2003, they recreated Meatless Mondays as public heath awareness program to help Americans reduce their risk for preventable disease by cutting back on meat. It was originally endorsed by over 20 schools of public health and is now global.

Countries, hospitals, restaurants and Universities around the world are joining the movement for Meatless Mondays; it could always get bigger though. If there was backing from our government like there was during WW1 just think of how much larger this campaign could get. During that time, “The effect was overwhelming . . . In November 1917, New York City hotels saved some 116 tons of meat over the course of one week”(Meatless Mondays). If the U. S food administration made the same effort today, the United States could be one step closer to a healthier population. There needs to be a Surgeon General’s warning on meat products.

The duties of the Surgeon General are to “Protect and advance the health of the nation through educating the pubic, advocating for effective disease prevention and health promotion programs and activities, and, providing a highly recognized symbol of national commitment to protecting and improving the public’s health”(Surgeon General). If the Surgeon General serves as “America’s doctor”, and is concerned advocating for disease prevention, they should take a serious look at promoting a low fat plant-based diet. According to “ Dr. William Castelli, director of the Farmington Heart Study . . a low-fat plant-based diet would decrease an individual’s risk of heart attack by 85 percent”(Silverstone 16). The government, starting with the Surgeon General, also needs to do their job in educating the general public on what meat does to their bodies. Everyone is familiar with the Surgeon General’s warning on cigarettes, that smoking causes cancer and increases you risk for heart disease; if eating meat causes heart disease and increases risk for cancer and other diseases like osteoporosis it is important people know what they are putting in their bodies just like cigarettes.

Food labeling needs to be the same for meat as it is for every other food product. Almost everything you buy these days has a nutrition label except for fresh meat and poultry. At the end of 2009 the Department of Agriculture proposed a solution that forced grocery stores and supermarkets to provide nutrition facts. However, the solution doesn’t work because the grocery stores and supermarkets don’t have to put it directly on the package; they can put the nutrition facts on a poster, pamphlet, or anywhere in the store that is available to customers if they request (Hurley and Liebman).

If they were forced to add the nutrition facts directly to the package on fresh meats just like every other food product out there, it would at least inform people on what they are putting into their bodies and reduce the amount of meat purchased, and therefore reducing the amount of meat produced. Restaurants need to decrease portion sizes and offer non-meat items. “The U. S department of Agriculture says that a typical serving of steaks, roasts, chops and poultry parts is just 3 ounces”(Hurley and Liebman).

Most restaurants typically serve a six-ounce chicken breast, and the size of a steak ranges from 6 to 12 ounces. That is a huge problem right there, no wonder obesity is a problem in the United Stares. If restaurants were required to serve the appropriate serving size recommended by our government and health officials, there would be less people eating meat, which would once again lead to less meat being produced. Another problem with restaurants, especially chain restaurants are that they don’t always serve non-meat items. I have worked for T.

G. I Friday’s for the past seven years, and they don’t even serve a veggie burger. Restaurants should be required to serve a vegetarian option. Most people love dining out and if they had non-meat options it would allow them make healthier decisions and help contribute to the reduction of the amount of meat produced. If Americans want to do their part in conserving our planet while reducing their risk for heart disease, cancer and other nasty diseases they need to consider how what they eat effects themselves and the environment.

The government needs to provide guidelines and Surgeon General warnings to help inform and guide our nation to eating less meat and living a healthier lifestyle. If we all do our part one bite at a time we will have a healthier nation, reduce the amount of harm farming is doing to our planet (because their would be less livestock on earth), as well as use less of our earth’s precious resources.

Works Cited “A Campaign Becomes a Movement”. Meatless Mondays. n pg. n. d. Web. 11 May 2011. Davis, Brenda and Melina, Vesanto. The New Becoming Vegetarian. Summertown, Tennessee: Healthy Living Publications, 2003. Print. Hurley, Jayne and Liebman, Bonnie. “The Kindest Cut”. Nutrition Action Health Letter. 37. 8 (Oct 2010): pg. 13. Web. 11 May 2011. Marcus, Erik. Vegan The New Ethics of Eating. New York: Mcbooks Press, 2001. Print. Office of Surgeon General. “About the office of the Surgeon General”. Surgeon General. n. pg. n. d. Web. 9 May 2011. Robbins, John. The Food Revolution. San Francisco: Conari Press, 2001. Print. Silverstone, Alicia. The Kind Diet. New York: Rodale Inc, 2009. Print Walsh, Bryan. ”Meat: Making Global Warming Worse”. Time. Sept. 2008:n. pg. Time. com. Web. 3 May 2011.

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Bladder Cancer

BLADDER CANCER Bladder cancer is the growth of malignant cells in the urinary bladder. Most forms of bladder cancer start in the superficial layer of the transitional epithelium, and most often affect the transitional cells. It may also be called transitional cell carcinoma or even urothelial carcinoma. Urothelial carcinoma is also a term used for transitional cell cancer in the renal pelvis, ureters, and urethra. Bladder cancer is a relatively common disease.

It is the fourth leading cancer among men (following prostate, lung, colorectal cancers), and the tenth leading cancer among women; occurring in men about three times more often than women. Like most types of cancer, bladder cancer usually involves epithelial cells, in this case, the transitional epithelium that lines the urinary bladder. Constant repetitive damage to the epithelium causes the mature cells to die. This stimulates rapid replication in the basal layer, and soon new colonies of immature cells migrate to the surface.

These new cells are easily disrupted by genetic mutations and may become malignant growths that cause bleeding into the bladder. The causes of bladder cancer vary according to medical history and geographical location. People who have had pelvic radiation for other problems and people who have had chronic infections, bladder stones, or catheter use are at an increased risk for developing bladder cancer. In Africa, Asia, and South America, bladder cancer is associated with a specific parasitic infection, called Schistosoma haematobium.

In the United States and industrial countries, most cases of bladder cancer are directly related to more controllable factors. The transitional epithelium of the bladder seems to be particularly susceptible to damage from environmental toxins. Several genetic mutations that limit the body’s ability to slow down tumor growth or invasion have been linked to bladder cancer. These mutations are frequently triggered by exposure to carcinogenic substances. About half of bladder cancer cases are believed to be related to cigarette smoking.

Other contributing factors include exposure to aromatic chemicals used in dry cleaning fluid, hairdressing chemicals, and textile and rubber industries. The earliest most dependable sign of bladder cancer is hematuria (blood in the urine). The urine of a bladder cancer patient is often noticeably reddened or rust colored, although the patient has no particular pain in the early stages of the disease. If the tumors continue to grow and invade deeper layers of the bladder, secondary symptoms may develop.

These are the result of mechanical pressure, including the bladder irritability (painful urination, increased frequency of urinating, reduced urine output) and compression on the rectum, pelvic lymph nodes, and any other structures that may be in the way. In order to diagnose bladder cancer, urine samples may be tested to look for shedding cancer cells, and a digital rectal exam (or a pelvic exam if the patient is a woman) provides information about tumors.

Other diagnostic techniques include using dye to stain the urine and make the bladder easy to radiograph. Specific markers for bladder cancer have recently been identified, but tests to find them are not yet consistently accurate or widely available. However, continued development in this area show a promising future toward the early detection and treatment of this disease. How to treat bladder cancer depends on the stage at diagnosis.

Surgeons can use a small wire loop at the end of a cystoscope to remove abnormal tissue, or another tool may be used to burn the tumor away with electricity. More invasive surgeries may remove part or the entire bladder, and if signs of pelvic metastasis are present, other tissues as well. Urine flow may be routed out of the body through a stoma, or a variety of surgeries have been developed to form artificial bladders from parts of the large or small intestine. In addition to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy may be used in the battle against bladder cancer.

More than 70% of bladder cancer diagnoses are made when the cells affect only superficial layers of tissue. Of course, this is excellent news because the survival rate for cancers caught early is much better than for cancers caught in stage three or later. Even so, bladder cancer has an unusual habit of growing in several places at once, so although it may be possible to catch one or two tumors, any invisible third, fourth, and fifth tumors may not become symptomatic for another several months.

This means that the reoccurrence rate for bladder cancer is surprisingly high; up to 80% percent of bladder cancer patients have at least one reoccurrence. The relation between bladder cancer and carcinogenic substances is one of the most clearly demonstrated links between environmental exposures and cancer. The good news is the bladder cancer is probably a completely preventable disease, if exposure to the carcinogenic substances is limited or eradicated. References Bladder Cancer. (2008).

Retrieved 30 January, 2009, from Mayo Clinic Foundation for Medical Education and Research Web site: http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/bladder-cancer/DS00177 General Information about Bladder Cancer. (2008). Retrieved 30 January, 2009, from National Cancer Institute Web site: http://www. cancer. gov/cancertopics/types/bladder Health Information: Bladder Cancer. (2008). Retrieved 30 January, 2009, from University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinic Authority Web site: http://apps. uwhealth. org/health/adam/hie/1/000486. htm

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Breast cancer reflection

The finding was made through a study from the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program at Michigan State University, which indicated that before any umors appear, there are changes in the breast that include increased cell growth and alterations in immune cells. I believe this is a great topic for a health science class for students, has many other broader areas of work and subject to further discuss such disease and preventions that can be made and helps teachers have more knowledge as to what diseases can be prevented from articles like this one..

This article helps a lot in a health science class. In health science it is important to teach students the different diseases that are killing many out there and the early reventions that can help reduce the risk of it become a disease, in this case, cancer. In a health science class, we can discuss food groups and differentiate what are high fat diet foods. Also, we can deeply discuss puberty, which usually half of them know, because even their parents are too shy to discuss such topic.

Sometimes students see changes in their body and have no idea why, and I think this subject links puberty to a well discussed topic in a classroom. Finally, being able to discuss breast cancer, and other cancers can link a great topic for a health science class, discussing hat is a cancer, how it develops, how it is reduced and moreover and most important, how it can be prevented.

Discussing about how high fat diet plans during puberty increases the risk of breast cancer, we as teachers can link this topic in other subject so students grasp the information, share it with their families and spread what can save a life in their community. In English, writing essays as to how you would inform the community of what high fat diet during puberty can cause can link the topic. In social studies, students can be engaged in the global social month of cancer awareness which is in the month of October.

And finally linking health science with English, and social studies, to help more and broaden such article, we can engage in different arts and craft that visually help to explain students and others of how we help in cancer awareness, know what it is and how we can spread the word. Articles like this one are very important to students and teachers for the betterment of self-knowledge and also to help the community. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same.

We have made a lot f progress but still have a long way to go and articles like these make us have a broader idea of what can cause it and instead of finding ways to prevent it, once and for all be able to avoid it by taking the necessary steps to live better, longer and healthier. Students, females in this case are able to also avoid un-healthy dietary plans and take more care ot them and us as teachers not only help increase the cancer knowledge of what can cause it to our students but moreover help our students share the information and make our community help a nation with more information flowing for the betterment of everyone.

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