Career Path: Why I Want to Become an Orthodontist
Throughout my life I have always valued education and intelligence. I grew up believing that my smarts were one of the most valuable things that someone cannot take away from me. Having known this, I find that I am very proud of my knowledge and know that I would love to say I finished many years of schooling. I personally want to get a high education because I love to learn and grow my intelligence. Luckily, the career I want to go into requires a lot of schooling due to the intensity of the job. I want to become an orthodontist but know that it requires many years of education to become qualified.
This is something I know that I will be immensely proud of when I retire and look back on my life. Ever since I was a baby, I have had a weird interest in teeth. Growing up, I realized the intensity of my passion, and now it is so strong that my family and friends can’t imagine me doing anything else. Some of the things I do now are things like documenting my braces journey. I have had a lot of dental work done throughout the time I have had my braces, and have taken many pictures of my teeth and document my personal experience.
I also have all of my teeth from the very first teeth I lost until the ones I most recently had removed. Another large reason I want to become a dentist/orthodontist is because I want to help people and give them beautiful smiles. One of the most powerful things is a smile, and I would love to help give many people straight and lovely smiles so they can be happy, as well as others.
I can honestly say, I never been so excited for anything in my entire life. I know that this is something I would love to do on a daily basis. I would be very proud to tell my children and grandchildren about my experiences as an orthodontist, including my own personal journey with braces and dental work. If, for some reason, I decide against doing dental or cannot perform up to the standards, I would love to be a doctor of some sort. Although the criteria to become a doctor is slightly more intense, I love medicine and think that helping people is one of the most important things one can do. I know that I personally have an interest in the brain, and could help people immensely by becoming a psychologist.
I have had several friends, including myself, that have suffered from mental issues in their lives. Over the years, I have helped them come out of their shell and see things in a different light. It was rewarding to think that I was helping someone feel better. Although the impact was not large, I helped someone get to a better place in their life and am proud of the friendship I have with them! Overall, I know that working with medicine and helping people is something that I want to do, but being a dentist/orthodontist is number one on my list.