Performance Management Systems

Performance Management System Sparrow and Hiltrop (1994) suggest that “performance management is essentially a strategic management technique that links business objectives and strategies to individual goals, actions, performance appraisal and rewards through a defined process. ” They also believe that “the most important feature of an effective performance management system is its ability to be seen as a method of continuously securing improvement’s in the performance of teams and individuals against pre-defined business strategies and objectives. From reading through the quotes of Sparrow and Hiltrop I understand performance management to be a system which identifies the strengths and weaknesses of individuals or teams of employees. From then speaking to the employees in a formal manner, in which you are praising them for their achievements throughout the year i. e. promotion, raise or a company car, but also explaining to them where they could improve themselves to be motivated in following the objectives and strategic plans of the company.

Job performance within management performance reveals several terms that are often used interchangeably, such as performance appraisal, performance assessment, performance evaluation and job appraisal. However, in general terms, they are regularly all concerned with measuring an individual’s performance in a given job against preset work standards and involve designing a formal system to facilitate observation, monitoring, analysis, feedback and target setting. Since of late I have had my own performance appraisal done in in a large fast food restaurant I will be constructing my essay around performance appraisal.

In my essay I will be looking at how performance appraisals help improve motivation within the work force, I will explain how the system operates currently, provide evidence that base criticism of the system, and suggest practical and implementable improvements. History Its roots started in the early 20th century; it can be linked to Taylor’s scientific management theory. Taylor thought that workers should be paid and rewarded by meeting specific work targets. If the workers met these targets, he would then pay his workers fairly for the tasks and goals met.

He would also give regular feedback to his workers. This point ties in with performance appraisal, by Taylor rewarding and giving feedback to his workers he was demonstrating how if workers did well they would be rewarded for their efforts. Also by giving his workers feedback he was showing how the task could be better or to the correct standard. Taylor also believed that workers should be trained and developed, which is also relevant to today’s role of performance appraisal. However Taylor assumed the way of thinking like an autocratic manager, where he thought workers where only motivated by money.

But as performance appraisal has expanded and grown with time, it has seen that workers are not just motivated by money. Performance appraisals started out as being a simple method of income justification. Appraisals were used to decide whether or not the salary or wage of an individual employee was justified. If the employee’s performance was found to be unsatisfactory then the employees’ wages would be cut. However, on the other hand if the employees work was found to exceed the manager’s expectations, then the employee would find him/herself with a pay rise.

Very little consideration was given to developing the employees’ skills and talents in the work place. It was seen that a cut or rise in pay was good enough for the employee to work harder or keep working hard. More often or not this system failed. Motivational research showed that workers with evenly the same work abilities could be paid the same but one individual’s motivational principles could be completely different to someone else’s. Pay rates are important to workers but it is not the only characteristic that influences an employee’s performance.

By the research discovered once employee’s where financially safe workers would then look for morale and self-esteem to motivate them. I associate this research finding with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Once a worker knows that they are physiologically safe, they then start to move up the pyramid, they would realize that money does not influence them to be motivated to work hard at work anymore. Instead they will look to be socially accepted in the company and that their hard work is valued and recognized within the company.

When a worker has been with a company after a length of time and has been rewarded with rises in pay, they will then look to getting promotions and move higher up in the company. Present Appraisals Once managers recognized that workers were not motivated by money anymore, they realized things had to change. So in today’s working environment, there can be five key steps to setting up a performance appraisal. * Develop an appraisal form. * Identify performance measures. * Set guidelines for feedback. Create disciplinary and termination procedures. * Set an appraisal schedule. Developing an appraisal form Appraisals should be done justly, consistently and accurately to protect the employees’ interests and to protect your company from legal liability. A way to ensure consistency is to use a standard appraisals form for each worker. The form used should focus only on the essential job performance areas. This makes the appraisal more meaningful and relevant and allows the appraiser and the appraised address the issues that matter most.

The job performance areas that should be included on the performance appraisal form are job knowledge and skill, quantity of work, quality of work, work habits and attitude to others and communication skills. In each area, the appraiser should have a range of descriptors to choose from i. e. very bad, bad, good, very good and excellent. Depending on how specific the descriptors are, it is often important that the appraiser also have extra space included on the form to provide their thoughts behind his or her rating. Identifying performance measures

Identifying and developing performance measures can be one of the more time-consuming parts of creating a performance appraisal system however; it is one of the most powerful. Standard performance measures objectively measures some of the more subjective job performance areas, such as work habits. The appraiser can establish an objective measure for attendance by defining the acceptable number of times an employee can be late for work or absent during a certain time frame. Standard performance measures don’t always work for other subjective areas, such as attitude.

In these cases, it’s still important to be as objective as possible in your appraisal. Don’t attempt to describe attitude, instead, describe the employee’s behavior, which is what expresses the attitude, and the consequences of that behavior for the practice. For example this employee has failed to support his/her co-workers. When another member of his/her department is absent, he/she refuses to take on the additional tasks required to process patients in a timely manner. This behavior causes patient backlog, places a burden on staff and compromises effective teamwork.

Managers should work with their employees in each position to gather quantitative data, examine historical patterns of volume and determine qualitative measurements that reflect the company’s mission and goals. Setting guidelines for feedback Feedback is what performance appraisals are all about. So before human resource management, implement the performance appraisal system, make sure that all the managers that will be conducting appraisals knows what kind of feedback to give, how to give it and how to get it from the employee in return.

Many managers make the common error of glossing over an employee’s deficiencies and focusing only on his/her strengths. It is by explaining their weaknesses that employees can take ownership of their performance and role in the practice. And when given the support they need to make improvements in these areas, employees learn to take pride in their work and are willing to take on new tasks with confidence. After the appraiser has discussed the results of the appraisal with the employee, the appraiser should encourage the employee to give some constructive feedback.

They should ask the employee whether he/ she agree with their assessment, and/or invite suggestions for improvement. In my appraisal, I was told that I was doing a good job but also where I could improve. The company is also thinking of sending me on a one day course to gain some more skills, for me to improve in my job. Creating a disciplinary and termination procedures In some cases, even after a thorough performance appraisal and a discussion of expected improvements, an employee will continue to perform poorly.

Human resources need to be prepared to handle such a situation by having well-defined, written disciplinary and termination procedures in place. These procedures should outline the actions that will be taken when performance worsens. In most cases companies will firstly proceed with a verbal warning. If the employee still performs badly a written warning is then issued. If there is no improvement or a recurrence, then termination is the situation if not ultimately resolved. Setting an appraisal schedule

Once human resource management has built their performance appraisal system – the appraisal form, the performance measures, the feedback guidelines and the disciplinary procedures – they just need to decide when to conduct the performance appraisals. Some practices do all employee appraisals at the same time of year, while others conduct them within 30 days of each employee’s anniversary of employment. In my opinion the latter may work better since it spreads the work of the appraisals out for employer and employee. Whichever way they decide to schedule the appraisals, they must ensure that each appraiser consistently meets the deadline.

Ignoring employees’ overdue appraisal will make them feel devalued and may hurt morale and performance. For me my performance appraisal was a week after my anniversary of starting in the restaurant. This is the easiest way for this company as so many people work there. From my own experience my appraisal was not a formal event. I was told when I came into work that my manager wanted to see me, which made me feel anxious and worried. It was informal and very relaxed. In this instance I would criticize the way the appraisal was held.

In researching for this topic performance appraisals should be formal and official. Since I was offered the chance to go one the course, it made me very confident that I was doing a good job. It motivated me to work harder for the company. From working a year in the company people will notice who is doing a good job and who maybe not, especially when the boss is gone. My suggestion would be that employee’s confidentially review their co-workers using the appraisal forms. However this will only work is people are not too nasty and use this against their co-worker. .

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Determining Shareholder Value Analysis Through Performance Management

Table of contents


Although stockholder value prosodies and value-based direction are widely identified and good known, but they are far from being universally applied. Old ages of restructuring and employee layoffs frequently attributed to stockholder value considerations attached with self-interested direction and small sighted and concentrate on current stock monetary value has promoted defeat and uncertainness. Therefore, it is critical to understand the stockholder value attack and its discrepancies. Additionally, it is indispensable for the stockholder value attack that the aims of the troughs and the company ‘s stockholders have to be aligned and should be focused on presenting superior stockholder value. Known the globalisation of capital markets and their worsening boundaries, economic systems will bit by bit run out of capital if they are non capable to make stockholder wealth and therefore attract investors. If economic systems are incapable to supply superior or at least fulfilling returns they will fall in further and further buttocks in planetary competition and will drop employment chances. Therefore, a value-based system grows in significance, as capital becomes more nomadic ( O’Donnell, 2008 ) .

Anyhow, this theoretical base research seeks to supply critical rating of mensurating stockholder wealth through the qualitative and quantitative techniques, such as economic value creative activity ( EVC ) . Falling within the model of EVC are a figure of similar constructs utilizing legion acronyms, such as EVA ( economic value added ) SVA ( stockholder value analysis ) , VBM ( value-based direction ) and qualitative steps i.e. , quality, client satisfaction, larning and invention and internal concern procedures ( equilibrate scorecard ) . These constructs all represent ways to associate the strategic determinations at executive degree with the operational drivers used by the front-line directors and employees ( Schuster, 2000 ) . This research will concentrate merely, on the construct of stockholder value and their determiners. Shareholder value analysis ( SVA ) is one of the legion non-traditional prosodies used in the concern universe. SVA evaluates the fiscal value of a company by measuring the return that goes to their shareholders. SVA besides supports company managers by concentrating on strategic aims as it maximises the wealth of company shareholders in general ( Baker, 2001 ) . Therefore, SVA is value-based step, intended to measure concern schemes, capital undertakings, maximizing the long-run stockholders wealth etc ( Pike and Neal, 2006 ) .

3. Background:

The basic construct of value is traceable back in clip to the nineteenth century economic theory that leads the manner to the thought of “ Residual Income ” ( Magni, 2009 ) . However, the term Value-based Management and acronyms such as VBM or MSV ( pull offing for stockholder value ) have non used until the mid-1990s. VBM is a formal, systematic attack to pull offing companies to achieve the aim of maximizing value creative activity and stockholder value overtime ( McTaggart et al, 1994 ) and stockholder value direction and its analysis has been greatly stressed and introduced in late by doodly-squat Welshman.

Value-based direction is a systematic attack to direction, whereby the company ‘s overall aspirations, logical techniques, and direction procedures ( should aline ) to assist the company to maximize its value by concentrating direction determination doing on the cardinal drivers of value ( Copeland et al, 2000 ) . Value-based direction became popular in the mid-1980s when Alfred Rappaport published his descriptive text, “ Making Shareholder Value ” . However, stockholder value orientation is common in concerns and it is still on high dB argument either the manageraˆ?s exclusive focal point should be to raise the firmaˆ?s value. Therefore, this factor pushes me to follow and acquire on with this research analysis in deep.

In new epoch the New Standard for Business Performance has been developing. Companies such as Boots, Lloyds TSB, and Cadbury Schweppes were shortly doing unfastened public committednesss to mounting value for their stockholders ( Maple-croft, 2005 ) . So we can state that stockholder value is a concern term, which entails the critical step of a company ‘s success and stockholders ‘ value by and large understood through three cardinal elements likely, making value ( procedures ) , mensurating value ( EVA and MVA ) and pull offing for value that is administration, direction, administration, civilization and communicating ( ICMA, 2009 ) . Corporations retained their earning for growing and development usually they invest in employee preparation, and in other concern procedures like physical assets merely to acquire more enhancement ; and this sweetening increases the stockholders value in concern in financial signifier ( Jhunjhunwala, 2009 ) .

Harmonizing to Rapport, ( 1986 ) :

The SVA used in several ways as,

It is refer to the market capitalisation of a company.

It is mentioning to the construct of the primary end for a company is to increase the wealth of stockholders ( proprietors ) by paying dividends and/or doing the stock monetary value to increase ( Rapport, 1986 ) .

It is refer to the more specific impression that planned actions by direction and the returns to stockholders should surpass certain benchmarks such as the cost of capital construct ( Swensen, 2000 ) .

In kernel, the thought “ stockholders ‘ money should be used to gain a higher return ” than they could gain themselves by puting in other assets holding the same sum of hazard ( Rapport, 1986 ) . If hazards are at that place so there must be answerability has to be exist so answerability of concern at all degrees increased perceptual experiences of value-added in concern ( Baker, 2001 ) . In recent old ages increasing acknowledgment that business-based intangible assets are great drivers of value. Business base parametric quantities can recognize as a taking force in creative activity and for direction of these market based assets. To make this we must present common model for public presentation measuring and its part in value- added direction for the interest of stockholders ( Reimann, 1987 ) .

4. Performance Management:

Historically, public presentation step systems was developed as a agency of monitoring and keeping organizational control, which is the procedure of guaranting that an administration pursues schemes that lead to the accomplishment of overall ends and aims ( Nanni, et al 1990 ) . Performance step plays a critical function in every administration, as it is frequently position as a advanced system of measurings that assist directors to foretell the company ‘s economic public presentation and topographic point the demand for alterations in operations. In add-on, public presentation step can supply directors, supervisors, and operators with information required for doing day-to-day opinions and determinations ( Reimann, 1987 ) . Performance step uses by administrations on a regular basis, as it enables them to guarantee that they are accomplishing uninterrupted betterments in their operations in order to prolong a competitory border, addition market portion and increase net incomes. Traditional steps public presentation step has chiefly been fiscal mensurating ratios such as ROI ( Return on Investment ) , RI ( Residual Income ) , and EPS ( Earnings per portion ) ( Pike and Neal, 2006 ) . These cost associated prosodies histories help house ‘s topographic point countries in which capital invested profitlessly. So regular opinion through strategic survey must in topographic point to accomplish and modulate direction focal point consequently.

5. Strategic Management:

Strategic managementA can be used to find mission, vision, values, ends, aims, functions and duties, timelines etc, but at strategic degree. So strategic direction can specify as its:

“ Strategic direction is the set of managerial determinations and actions that determines the long-term public presentation of an administration ( Robbins and Coulter, 2005: P-86 ) ” .

Harmonizing to Favaro, ( 2003 ) doing top direction more accountable for mounting the company ‘s intrinsic value is the key to protecting stockholder involvements. The top direction should understand the importance of strategic survey when there is inquiry of how to increase the stockholders wealth through concern procedures, it is leads long-run strategic thought, and it consequences in higher organisational public presentation. The bulk executives today understand that the demand to make stockholder value is critical. However, many discover that attempts to present on this cardinal are frustrated in pattern. Turning concerns and bettering profitableness by traditional factors often fail to gain the assurance of investors. Higher market portion and broader client acknowledgment go unrecognised, or even worse, which are punishing by the capital markets. By and large, the most competitory direction squads are reacting to the force per unit area to make value by implementation new public presentation prosodies and new theoretical accounts for pull offing their companies. As strategic director, they get ready to rush up that passage. In most instances, strategic direction aid by transform their administrations with the undermentioned factors:

By deriving a superior apprehension of what drives value,

By redesigning fiscal direction systems to analyze and describe information from the position of part to value, and

By developing a powerful inducements system for directors to construct stockholder wealth

Strategic direction squad transport a logical, consistent model for nearing strategic and tactical determinations from a value-based position. When suitably implemented, this model becomes a true beginning of competitory advantage that eventually turns in to maximal stockholders wealth.

6. A value based attack:

Increased stockholder value should be the concluding end of any history able concern activity. By acquiring better client value and pull offing market-based assets, concern activities contribute to hard currency flow coevals, which leads to improved stockholder value. SVA is the doctrines for merchandise or service of combined attempts from the direction to the employees in big ( Pike and Neal, 2006 ) .

7. Sustainable Business Scheme:

The authoritative conversation on concern scheme for sustainability has started in the concern and this conversation is greater than earlier ; and this is from consumers, employees, and stockholders on a common intent and a passion for companies that do good by making good. Any scheme without sustainability at its nucleus can be obviously irresponsible, and bad for concern, bad for stockholders, bad for the environment in big. These challenges represent alone chances for large trade names such as Dell, Toyota, Procter & A ; Gamble, and that are implementing built-in, instead than sideline, schemes for sustainability. These companies are making as by confirming practical model for alteration ( Presto, 2005 ) which involves prosecuting employees, utilizing transparence as a concern tool, and harvesting the wagess of a networked organisational construction ( Werbach, 2009 ) . Leave your old impressions of corporate societal duty and environmentalism behind ( more draw back ) . Werbach, ( 2009 ) is get downing a wholly new duologue around sustainability of endeavor. Sustainability is now a great and really competitory strategic advantage, and constructing it into the nucleus of any concern and research worker ( I ) believe, it is the lone means to guarantee that your company will be survive and companies can construct more of their stockholders value in pecuniary term.

8. Economic Value added ( EVA ) :

EVA is the innovation of Stern Stewart & A ; Co. , a planetary consulting house, which launched EVA in 1989 ( Virtanen and Salami 2001 ) . EVA is Economic Value Added, a step of economic net income. It is calculate as the difference between the Net Operating Net income after Tax ( NOPAT ) and the chance cost of invested Capital. This chance cost is determines by the leaden mean cost of Debt and Equity Capital ( WACC ) and the sum of Capital employed ( Joseph et al. , 2005 ) .

Harmonizing to Stewart, ( 1991 ) given the utility of the step, many companies have adopted it as portion of a comprehensive direction and inducement system that drives their determination procedures. They strive to increase their EVA by:

Increasing the NOPAT generated by bing Capital

Reducing the WACC

Investing in new undertakings where the Return go over the WACC

Depriving Capital where the Return is below the WACC

Such focal point on value creative activity has provided and served the stockholders good and this is the right manner.

9. Market Value Added:

MVA is a computation that demonstrates the difference between the market value of a company and the capital contributed by investors ( both bondholders and stockholders ) .A In other words, it is the amount of full capital claims, which held against the company, plus the market value of debt and equity. It is calculated as MVA= Company ‘s Market Value- Invested Capital ( Lin and Wang, 2003 ; Stock research, 2009 ) .

10. Difference between economic value added and market value added:

Economic value addedA ( EVA ) is a public presentation step the true economic net income produced by a company ( Baker, 2001 ) . It is often besides demoted to as “ economic net income ” , and provides a measuring of a company ‘s economic success ( or failure ) A over a period. Such a metric is utile for investors who desire to find how good a company has produced value for its investors, and it can be compare against the company ‘s equals for a speedy analysis of how good the company is runing in its industry ( Pike and Neal, 2006 ) .

Harmonizing to Tauba, 2003 ) market value addedA ( MVA ) , on the other manus, is merely the difference between the current sum market value of a company and the capital contributed by investors ( including both stockholders and bondholders ) . MVA is non a public presentation metric like EVA because MVA reflecting more likely intangible prosodies compare to EVA so EVA is a wealth metric is straight related to stockholders wealth and mensurating the degree of value, and a company has accumulated them over clip ( Taube, 2003 ) . As a company executes good over clip, it will retain earnings.A This will retrieve the book value ofA the company’sA portions, and investors will probably offer up the monetary values ofA those portions in outlook of future net incomes, doing the company ‘s market value to lift ( Taube, 2003 ) . As this happens, the difference between the company ‘s market value and the capital contributed by investors ( it is MVA ) represents the extra monetary value the market assigns to the company because of it past operating successes.

11. Advantages of Shareholder value analysis:

SVA has the undermentioned advantages: ( Aglietta, 2000 ) :

It obtains a long-run fiscal position on which to establish strategic determinations

It offers a universal and general attack that is non capable to differences in companies ‘ accounting policies and is hence applicable internationally and across concern sectors

It forces the organisation to do topographic point and focal point on the hereafter and its clients, peculiarly the value of future hard currency flows

Advantages are great as these been described earlier and these forces company ‘s direction to follow and understand the model for mensurating SVA.

12. A model for Determining SVA:

Harmonizing to Tahir and Conway, ( 2009, pp-7 ) All finding Framework should hold implicit in rules and that prosodies should be link to concern scheme and those cardinal elements which as followers:

Tax return on selling investing:

Shareholder value is calculate by spliting the estimated entire net value of a company based on its present and future hard currency flows by the value of its portions of stock. The resulting figure indicates the company ‘s value to shareholders ( Pike and Neal, 2006 ) .

Customer satisfaction:

Satisfaction is the major driver through which keeping rate of client ( repeat purchase ) achieved, greater the merchandise and service public presentation greater the client delectation, which has ultimate, impact on more gross revenues therefore stockholders wealth can be increase ( Kotler and Armstrong, 2002 ) .

Without vacillation, the stakeholder group seen to make the greatest challenge to the laterality of stockholder involvements is clients. It is inexplicit that no company can make great wealth for its stockholders without a stable and turning gross base watercourse, which can merely come from holding really satisfied and loyal clients. However, this consequence is by no agencies mechanical. It is possible to achieve high degrees of client satisfaction and yet be unable to interpret this supposed advantage into adequate returns for stockholders, allow entirely great wealth ( CIM, 2002 ) .

In add-ons, client satisfaction will take topographic point when the merchandise or service meets or exceeds outlooks and is obtained at a monetary value no higher than its evident value. Furthermore, to the value perceived by clients, every merchandise and service besides contributes some to stockholder value. The size of this part will depend on the volume sold, the monetary value realized, the cost of doing and presenting the Product and service to clients and the needed investing. These factors interrelate to bring forth a hard currency flow watercourse for the concern. The present value of this hard currency flow watercourse determines the pecuniary advantage to stockholders of bring forthing and selling the merchandise or service ( McTaggart and Kontes, 2007 ) .

Market portion in targeted sections:

The company scheme must work to increase the figure of clients on regular footing as greater the figure of metameric market greater the public presentation of the company.

Brand equity:

Harmonizing to Doyle, ( 2001 ) Brand is now, recognised by investors as a important beginning of strength and value for concern selling scheme. Brand equity of a company drama positive function in increasing the wealth of their stockholders ; so in this respect, direction plants and develop business-marketing scheme, which must do alliance with trade name and its development ( Baker, 2001 ) .

Enterprise administration:

It is the set of duties and patterns exercised by the board and effectual direction with the end of supplying and implying strategic way through guaranting organizational aims have achieved, and besides determining that the hazards are managed suitably by verifying that the administration ‘s resources are used sanely ( Denis and McConnell, 2003 ) .

In concern, a common set of recognized concern theoretical accounts and a procedure for developing a set of prosodies related to hard currency flow results and it is of import to cognize it is the cardinal country of SVA programmes.

Harmonizing to Tahir and Conway, ( 2009 ) to accomplish stockholders value the sustainable value creative activity attack is of import. Using the sustainable value attack ( as above ) economic, environmental and societal resources are assessed ( strategic survey ) and aggregated based on their comparative value part and can be articulate in a pecuniary unit or can be quantify.

13. Research Purpose:

The cardinal purpose of this thesis is to analyze the determiners of stockholders value analysis through a holistic attack by reexamining and analyzing how involvements of stockholders, are protected, and constrained throughout the life of a company. So the purpose of my thesis can be explained as it is:

“ Determining of Shareholder Value Analysis ( SVA ) Through Performance Management in Commercial Sector ”

13.1. Research Aims:

What are the functions of stockholders value analysis in the strategic corporate scheme in the commercial sector?

What are the determiners that play significance function to increase the stockholders wealth in the commercial sector?

How do the value added determiners ( touchable and intangible ) have important impact on stockholders wealth in the commercial sector?

14. Choice of Research Methodology

14.1 Research Classifications

Research can sort into three groups as Pure Research, Applied Research, and Action Research ( Easterby-Smith & A ; Lowe 1991 ) . Each of these are distinguished by their features and intended results. These could be view as the followers:

Pure research is indent to take to theoretical developments. It is consequences are circulating to an academic audience. Pure research can farther be branched into three categories- Discovery, Invention, and Reflection.

Discovery arises when a new thought or account emerges from empirical research, which may revolutionise believing that that specific country. They are rare and unpredictable ( Easterby-Smith & A ; Lowe 1991 ) .

Invention occurs where a new technique, method, or thought creates for a peculiar issue, based on the direct experiences of their discoverers. Examples include Scientific Management Total Quality Management ( TQM ) .

Contemplation like the one the name suggests, occurs where an bing theory technique or group of thoughts are re-examined.

Applied Research is undertaken when solutions to specific jobs are required. It normally involves working with clients who identify the jobs and are involved in the solution. The consequences so reported to the client and disseminated through diaries and other publications ( Sutherland, 2004 ) .

Action Research deals with the position that research should take to alter, which should integrate into the research procedure itself. It operates based on engagement ( Salford University, 1999 ) , and stresses the importance of set uping a collaborative relationship between the research workers and researched a “ new paradigm ” research attack. It is largely utile when working with persons or little groups ( Easterby – Smith & A ; Lowe 1991 ) and most suited to state of affairss where alteration has planned or at hand ( Salford University, 1999 ) . The research procedure itself is portion of the acquisition procedure.

14.2 Methodology

Harmonizing to Burns and Bush, ( 2006 ) methodological analysis refers to the scientific discipline of finding appropriate methods to carry on research.

Collis and Hussy, ( 2003, pp-82 ) refer the word research:

“ Methodology associates to the overall attack to the research procedure, which is theoretical base of aggregation and analysis of the information, considered ” .

Similarly, the analysis of the rules of methods, regulations, and posit ( hypnotized or assume ) employed by a subject the systematic survey of methods that are and it can be, or have been applied within a scientific subject a certain process or set of processs is called Methodology. Methodology moreover refers to more than a simple set of methods ; it refers to the principle and the philosophical premises that underline a peculiar survey. Research methodological analysis frequently refers to anything and everything that enclosed for a subject or a series of procedures, activities, and undertakings. Few illustrations can happen in package development, undertaking direction and concern procedure Fieldss, and other Internet selling ( IMA ) research. This usage of the term is unified by the lineation who, what, where, when and why. Harmonizing to Collis and Hussey, ( 2003 ) research methodological analysis determines the research whole procedure from the beginning to the terminal.

They besides highlight the research doctrine, which refers to the premises refering the universe and the nature of cognition

The term methodological analysis may be used either to “ mention to the chief paradigms of an attack ” ( i.e. qualitative or quantitative ) or to specify “ an operational research technique ” which can be completed through Questionnaire- Based Structured, Case Study Technique and Semi- Structured Interviews ( Yin, 2002 ) . In the first case of usage, there are two different research attacks to the aggregation and handling of informations – the Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches.

1. The quantitative attack or scientific method ( as it is besides known ) , is founded on the averment that there is a individual world, which is nonsubjective. It is hence possible and necessary to

Separate the phenomenon from the environing environment and do a separate appraisal.

Maintain distance and objectiveness from the research topic

Observe without inter-relating to what is observed

2. The qualitative attack on the other manus has an opposite position. It is base on the premises that there is no remarkable aim world and that the nature of the ascertained world is in some manner related to the research worker ‘s interaction with it. It is a realistic though complex survey since it does non enforce any isolating premises or controls on the phenomenon. This attack yields rich, complex informations and the findings focal point on the qualities of the research topic, instead than their numeral measuring ( Salford University, 1999 ) . This theory is instead better for theory edifice so proving.

A instance survey attack to action research will chiefly be usage in this survey. Case surveies can categorise as the followers ( Yin 1994 ) :

Exploratory- normally focuses on theory development

Explanatory- involves hypothesis testing.

Descriptive- describe an uncontrived state of affairs

Further Amartunga, ( 1998 ) stated that a instance survey attack to research is ideal when

a holistic, in-depth probe is needed,

to research those chosen state of affairss,

To look into a modern-day phenomenon within its existent life context

To convey out the inside informations from the point of view of the participants by utilizing multiple beginnings of informations

There are many benefits of utilizing a instance survey attack as listed ( Yin, 2002 ) :

Rich penetration, into the issue under consideration

Provision of illustrations


Bridging spread between industry and academe

Development of a web of people

Permission of multiple beginnings of information and stuffs

On the other manus, there are many troubles associated with the instance analyze attack excessively:

A inclination to be excessively descriptive

Trouble in screening out proper information: volume of informations generated

By and large do non seek to analyse issues

Decision may be statistically limited

Tend to capture the experience of an organisation merely at a peculiar period of clip

For Secondary informations there are following resource have to be look to roll up research stuff and information for farther research they could be hold relationship up to some extent but it is great aid to get down primary research as:

Customer records ( e.g. regular purchaser )


Gross saless figures

Operational informations – stock degrees

Customer satisfaction study consequences

Ad spend

Customer ailments records

Effective informations from promotional runs ( good consequence )

Marketing research studies from past surveies

14.3 Data Collection and Analysis

Data collected chiefly through study scheme carried out by the research worker, consequences will so analyse. The secondary agencies of roll uping informations for the research through literature reappraisal. This takes the signifier of books, academic and professional diaries, posters on cyberspace web sites and newspaper articles. Last, semi-structured ( Qualitative ) interviews will hold taken in order to flesh out issues and find industry place and sentiments sing assorted issues.

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Essay Summary of Performance Management

Every organisation aspiring to achieve success by extending its wings from the mother country to a host country has to put into consideration certain pertinent issues that govern assimilation of the organizational culture into the existing political and socio-economic structures of the host country. The fundamental is an organisation aspiring to put up a new […]

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Business performance management assessment tools

Business performance management is a set of management and analytic processes that enable the management of an organisation’s performance to achieve one or more pre-selected goals. Synonyms for “business performance management” include “corporate performance management” and “enterprise performance management”.

Business performance management is contained within approaches to business process management. Business performance management has three main activities:

  1. selection of goals,
  2. consolidation of measurement information relevant to an organisation’s progress against these goals,
  3. interventions made by managers in light of this information with a view to improving future performance against these goals.

Although presented here sequentially, typically all three activities will run concurrently, with interventions by managers affecting the choice of goals, the measurement information monitored, and the activities being undertaken by the organisation.Because business performance management activities in large organisations often involve the collation and reporting of large volumes of data, many software vendors, particularly those offering business intelligence tools, market products intended to assist in this process.

As a result of this marketing effort, business performance management is often incorrectly understood as an activity that necessarily relies on software systems to work, and many definitions of business performance management explicitly suggest software as being a definitive component of the approach. This interest in business performance management from the software community is sales-driven[citation needed] – “The biggest growth area in operational BI analysis is in the area of business performance management. ” Since 1992, business performance management has been strongly influenced by the rise of the balanced scorecard framework. It is common for managers to use the balanced scorecard framework to clarify the goals of an organisation, to identify how to track them, and to structure the mechanisms by which interventions will be triggered. These steps are the same as those that are found in BPM, and as a result balanced scorecard is often used as the basis for business performance management activity with organisations. In the past, owners have sought to drive strategy down and across their organizations, transform these strategies into actionable metrics and use analytics to expose the cause-and-effect relationships that, if understood, could give insight into decision-making. Reference to non-business performance management occurs in Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Sun Tzu claims that to succeed in war, one should have full knowledge of one’s own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of one’s enemies. Lack of either set of knowledge might result in defeat. Parallels between the challenges in business and those of war include:

  • collecting data – both internal and external
  • discerning patterns and meaning in the data (analyzing)
  • responding to the resultant information

Prior to the start of the Information Age in the late 20th century, businesses sometimes took the trouble to laboriously collect data from non-automated sources. As they lacked computing resources to properly analyze the data, they often made commercial decisions primarily on the basis of intuition. As businesses started automating more and more systems, more and more data became available. However, collection often remained a challenge due to a lack of infrastructure for data exchange or due to incompatibilities between systems. Reports on the data gathered sometimes took months to generate.

Such reports allowed informed long-term strategic decision-making. However, short-term tactical decision-making often continued to rely on intuition. In 1989 Howard Dresner, a research analyst at Gartner, popularized “business intelligence” (BI) as an umbrella term to describe a set of concepts and methods to improve business decision-making by using fact-based support systems. Performance management builds on a foundation of BI, but marries it to the planning-and-control cycle of the enterprise – with enterprise planning, consolidation and modeling capabilities. Increasing standards, automation, and technologies have led to vast amounts of data becoming available. Data warehouse technologies have allowed the building of repositories to store this data. Improved ETL and enterprise application integration tools have increased the timely collecting of data.

OLAP reporting technologies have allowed faster generation of new reports which analyze the data. As of 2010, business intelligence has become the art of sieving through large amounts of data, extracting useful information and turning that information into actionable knowledge. Definition and scopeBusiness performance management consists of a set of management and analytic processes, supported by technology, that enable businesses to define strategic goals and then measure and manage performance against those goals. Core business performance management processes include financial planning, operational planning, consolidation and reporting, business modeling, analysis, and monitoring of key performance indicators linked to strategy. Business performance management involves consolidation of data from various sources, querying, and analysis of the data, and putting the results into practice. edit] Methodologies Various methodologies for implementing business performance management exist. The discipline gives companies a top-down framework by which to align planning and execution, strategy and tactics, and business-unit and enterprise objectives.

Reactions may include the Six Sigma strategy, balanced scorecard, activity-based costing (ABC), Total Quality Management, economic value-add, integrated strategic measurement and Theory of Constraints. The balanced scorecard is the most widely adopted performance management methodology.Methodologies on their own cannot deliver a full solution to an enterprise’s CPM needs. Many pure-methodology implementations fail to deliver the anticipated benefits due to lack of integration with fundamental CPM processes. Metrics and key performance indicators Some of the areas from which bank management may gain knowledge by using business performance management include:

  • customer-related numbers
  • new customers acquired
  • status of existing customers attrition of customers (including breakup by reason for attrition)
  • turnover generated by segments of the customers – possibly using demographic filters
  • outstanding balances held by segments of customers and terms of payment – possibly using demographic filters
  • collection of bad debts within customer relationships
  • demographic analysis of individuals (potential customers) applying to become customers, and the levels of approval, rejections and pending numbers
  • delinquency analysis of customers behind on payments profitability of customers by demographic segments and segmentation of customers by profitability
  • campaign management
  • real-time dashboard on key operational metrics
  • overall equipment effectiveness
  • clickstream analysis on a website
  • key product portfolio trackers
  • marketing-channel analysis
  • sales-data analysis by product segments
  • callcenter metrics

Though the above list describes what a bank might monitor, it could refer to a telephone company or to a similar service-sector company. Items of generic importance include:

  1. consistent and correct KPI-related data providing insights into operational aspects of a company
  2. timely availability of KPI-related data
  3. KPIs designed to directly reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of a business
  4. information presented in a format which aids decision-making for management and decision-makers
  5. ability to discern patterns or trends from organized information Business performance management integrates the company’s processes with CRM or ERP. Companies should become better able to gauge customer satisfaction, control customer trends and influence shareholder value.

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The Process of Performance Management

Table of contents

“Performance Management can be defined as a systematic process for improving organizational performance by developing the performance of individuals and team.”


Performance Management may be defined by as a feedback mechanism for the evaluation of employee s past performance. This may be a five-minute informational discussion between employees and their supervisors’ or more elaborate, several week processes involving many specific steps:

  • Employees generally see any such evaluation as having some direct effect on their work lives.
  • Performance Management led to increased pay, a promotion development areas for which the employees need some training.
  • As a result, any evaluation of emotionally charged event.
  • Performance Management is no longer a simple process. It is now more difficult to perform one while simultaneously focusing on key job activities.
  • Performance evaluation conveys to employees how well they have performance on established goals.
  • It also desirable to have these goals and performance measures mutually set between the employ and the supervisor.

“Without proper two way feedback about an employee’s effort and its effect on performance, we run the risk of decreasing his or her motivation”

Links Between Individual, Team and Organizational Objectives

Individual and Team

Individuals are the constituting body of a team. The team is more than a group. It has common objectives and accountability and may be setup by the organization under the supervision or coaching of a team leader.

“A team leader is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance, goals and approach, for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”

(Katzenbach and Smith)

Team working may be used for:

Individuals, Team and Organizational Objectives

Meeting team objectives can be more difficult than meeting individual objectives, as more people need to be involved in the process. More people mean more ideas, more skills, more knowledge, and more experience collective efforts to see the organizational objectives as a success. These potential benefits needs careful management of the process agreeing team objectives in a worth.

Organizational objectives should be SMART

  • S Short
  • M Measurable
  • A Accurate
  • R Reliable
  • T Time Manageable

In that situation individuals and team will put their best efforts to meet the SMART goals.

Evaluating Teams

  • Team effectiveness includes:
  • Task Performance:
  • Fulfillment of task and organizational goals.
  • Team Functioning:
  • Constructive maintained of team working managing the demands of team, roles and process.
  • Team Member Satisfaction:
  • Fulfillment of individual development and relationship needs.

Selecting and Agreeing Individual and Team Objectives

It can be more difficult to agree team objectives than individual objectives, as more people desire to be involved in the process. However, more people also means more ideas; more experience, skills and knowledge tremendous support within the team; and a combined determination to have objectives through successfully. All these benefits make the useful management of the process of agreeing team objectives worthwhile. Training activity gives the team leader to a method of agreeing on team objectives that is based on to get maximum input and commitment. The team leader can utilize the training activity to agree real-life team objectives by replacing the examples provided with their own material.

I am introducing the training process by telling the participants that they are ready to spend some time focusing on SMART objectives in the context of setting team objectives then I put pressure on the importance of agreeing rather than imposing objectives. Next, I conversant about how difficulties in agreeing individuals objectives. I set a step by step method that can be used when agreeing team objectives, than run either or both of two exercises where objectives are made for a particular area.

Individual and Team Responsibility in Achieving Objectives

We can define a team as a group of people who are all focused to achieve a common objective. In the team, every member may know his/her value within the team, and they can work towards the individual objective they have been given when all the smaller objectives get together, they become a greater common objective.A team can work well with great efficiency when the team is efficient. It’s not important to provide for a team where every single person has the essential team spirit is more necessary for the team to be a real team in every possible way. Individual members should be fully committed to their personal objective the greater common objective of the team can be achieved if the members of the team concentrate on their “bit” and deny the rest to those who are a salary commensurate with such responsibilities.Team members should know to appreciate how the pooling of individuals talents and to the skills and the recourses can strengthen the team and achieve better results. There should be importance of individuals’ members and importance should be accepted by the team leaders and managers. If a team worker feels that he is a valued person of his team, he has the right team spirit, and they will be much more easily persuaded of its importance.

  • They are agreed to work interdependently towards both personal and team goals with mutual support.
  • Members of the team collaborate together.
  • They are agreed to use their talent and experience for organizational objectives.
  • They respect and listen to every person’s point of view.
  • They participant equally in decision making.

Creating an Environment of Trust and Support With Others

Environment of Trust and Support

Different skills are used in interactions and relationships between two or more people which are as follows:

  • Building a rapport

Being in tune with the other people, which draws them into a relationship.

  • Building trust and respect

So that relationship is maintained and cooperation facilitated.

  • Managing conflict

Managing conflict in the relationship to preserve it.

  • Persuading or influencing another person

Persuading or influencing another person, to do what you want them to do or to share your beliefs

  • Negotiating

It means to compromise or a mutually acceptable solutions to problem.

  • Communicating assertively

It includes to uphold your rights and get your needs met.

  • Communicating informatively

Through this you give timely and relevant information

  • Communicating supportively

It is usedto encourage others and get their commitment.

Why Trust and Support are important?

Understand and manage the roles, relationships, attitudes and perceptions.
Communicate clearly with the other people.
Achieve your aims.

Importance of Trust and support in an organization

In business context, trust and support are important for processes such as:

  • Motivation

It means persuading and inspiring for committee performance.

  • Team working and Team Building

It helps in building trust, encouraging communications and managing conflict.

  • Customer Care

We can win trust, exchanging information and managing conflict.

  • Human Resource Management

We can use it for negotiating, interviewing conducting approvals and managing disciplinary and grievance procedures.

  • Negotiation

It means maintaining relationships by acceptable solutions.

  • Workload management

It has being able to delegate effectively, negotiating assistance and saying “no” assertively flexibility.

  • Career Development

It provides demonstrating networking, communication and leadership skills, essential for management roles.

Evaluating and Assessing Individual and Team Performance Against Objective

Following points explain the individual and team performance against objectives:

Written Essays

In a written essay, an evaluator appraises an employee’s performances through a written description of an employee’s strength and weaknesses, past performance, and potential. In addition, the evaluators make suggestions for improvement.

Critical Incidents

Using critical incidents, an evaluator appraises an employee’s performances by focusing on critical behaviors that separate effective from ineffective job performance. The appraisers writes down anecdotes that describe what an employee did that was especially effective or ineffective. The key here is that only specific behaviors not vaguely define personality traits, are cited.

Graphic Rating Scales

One of the most popular performance appraisal methods is graphical rating scales. This method list a set of performance factors such as quantity and quality of work, job knowledge, cooperation, loyalty, attendance, honesty and initiative. The evaluator goes down the list and rates the employee on each factor using an incremental scale. For instance, a factor such as job knowledge might be rated from 1 to 5.
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales:

Another popular approach is behaviorally anchored rating scales, which combine elements from the critical incident and graphing rating scale approaches. The appraiser rates an employee according to items along a numerical scale, but the items are the examples of actual job behaviors rather than general descriptions or traits.

Methods of Providing Feedback to Individuals and Teams on Performance

Providing Feedback to Individuals and Team

Feedback gives information to others about their performance, behaviors and results against goals.

Types of Feedback

Motivational Feedback

Rewards reinforce positive behaviors by praise and recognition. The purpose is to motivate them.

Developmental Feedback

Informing what to be improved and how to improve Its purpose is to develop learning.

Constructive Feedback

Supports development. This is not giving only positive feedback but negative feedback as well when there are shortcomings.

Constructive Feedback Requires


Assertivance is preparing to face difficult situation.

Respect for others

While developing the individuals, they should be managing respectfully.


Effective feedback is a complex interpersonal skill

Tips for Constructive Feedback

Choose the right time

It is necessary that choose the right time close to the event. Appropriate time should be chosen for sensitive matters e.g. conflict handing situation.

Start with positives

People accept criticism if balanced with positive aspects

Focus on the behavior

Rather than personality

Be accurate

Avoid exaggeration for instance instance instead of saying that you are always late, it is better to say you were late on two occasions.

Balance negative with positive

Close your discussion with positive encouragement.

Benefits of Feedback

  • Positive feedback is motivational.
  • Negative feedback is developmental.
  • Feedback helps employees to understand and adjust their performance.
  • Feedback enables us to plan and direct our efforts.
  • Feedback enables us to understand the purpose.

Causes of Conflict and Strategies to Minimize or Prevent Conflict

When I am using the term Conflict, I am referring to perceived incompatible differences resulting in some form of interference or opposition. Whether the differences are real is irrelevant. If people in a group perceive that differences exit, then there is conflict.

Conflict is a natural outcome in any group and need not be negative but rather has potential to be a positive force in contributing to a group’s performance.

The very major proposes that not only can conflict be a positive forced in a group but also that some conflict is necessary for a group to perform effectively.

It is also necessary that all conflicts are good and best. Some conflicts are seen as supporting te goals of the work group and improving its performance.

Types of Conflict

There are mainly three types of conflict which are as follows:

Task Conflict

Task Conflict relates to the content and goals of the work.

Relationship Conflict

Relationship conflict focuses on interpersonal relationships.

Process Conflict

Process Conflict refers to how the work gets done.

Systems for Performance Assessment for Individuals or Teams

A performance evaluation system would be remiss if it did not concern itself with the legal aspects of employee performance. Suppose a supervisor has decided to terminate an employee. Although the supervisor cites performance matters as the reason for the discharge, a review of the employee’s recent performance appraisals indicates that performance was evaluated as satisfactory for the past two review periods. Accordingly, unless this employee’s performance significantly decreased, personal records do not support the supervisor’s decision.

Performance Improvement Cycle

The performance improvement cycle can be explained below:

The performance improvement cycle is given below:

In this diagram, the first circle shows following terms:

  • Use Behavior-Based Measures:
  • Combine Absolute and Relative Standards
  • Providing Ongoing Feedback
  • Use Multiple Raters
  • Rate Selectively
  • Train appraisers

Indicators of poor performance

  • Bad Result
  • Less effectiveness:
  • Not able to meet the organizational objectives
  • Employees absentees
  • Dissatisfaction of the employee
  • Not able to work in team

Supporting performance improvement

Probability one of the most complex function of performance management is the design and implementation. International compensation packages in the United States generally used the “balanced _sheet approach, ’’ which considers four factors: base pay, differentials, incentives and assistance programs.


Ideally, this equals the pay of employees in comparable jobs at home, but the range of pay scales in most countries is far narrower than in the United States. Thus, whereas a middle manager in a U.S. factory might earn $75,000 a year, the same manager in Germany might earn the equivalent of $110,000. However, the U.S higher_ level executive might earn $500,000 and her counterpart in Germany only the equivalent of $150,000. How can human resource managers satisfy the middle manager who earns a third less than the counterpart where he works, while also satisfying the German executive who earns less than her U.S. counterpart In addition to fairness among overseas employees, foreign currencies and laws must be considered. Should expatriates be paid in U.S. dollars or the local currency values_ or a combination of the two

  • How does the organization deal with changes in currency values
  • Do restrictions apply to either bringing in or taking out dollars or the local currency
  • If so, how are savings handledShould salaries increases follow the same standards as those established for the domestic employees or local standards
  • Does the expatriate pay U.S. or foreign income taxes

The U.S. State Department has negotiated agreements with every country to determine where income will be taxed, but the protection of foreign tax rates creates new administration for the organization.


The cost of living fluctuates around the world, and the value of the dollar to foreign currencies affects prices. For example, if a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in the United States where $1.25; in England is might be equivalent to $4.83; and in Hong Kong, 5.24, to publishes a regular updates by most multinational corporations for providing differentials to maintain the standards of living the expatriate would enjoy if he or she were home.


Not all employees are willing to leave family, friends and the comfort of home support system for long periods of time. Thus, mobility inducement to go on foreign assignment is regularly offered. These may include monetary payments or services, such as housing, car, chauffeur, and other incentives. But companies must decide how a hardship premium should be paid. As a person of salary In a lump sum paymentIn home or foreign currency In forgiven housing is provided, what happens to the vacant home back in the US or to the family housing situation when they eventually returnIncentives required carefully planning before, during, and after the overseas assignment.

Assistance Programs

As with any relation, the overseas transfer requires much expenditure for the employee’s family. Some assistance programs commonly offered by multinational corporations includes household goods , shipping and storage , major appliances; legal clearance for pets and their shipment; home sale protection living expensive ,travel and annual home leaves, special return leaves . Club membership and security.

Disciplinary and grievance procedures


Condition of orderliness, in which members behave sensibly according to the standards of acceptable behavior and goals of the organization.

(i) Positive Discipline.

Procedures designers so that employees have no option than to act in desired manner.

(ii) Negative Discipline.

Sanctions designed to make people behave in desirable way. Action can be Punitive (punishment)Deterrent (warning not to do) Reformative (it will not happen again)

STRICT DICSIPLINE. Types of disciplinary situations that managers have to face are as follows:

  • Sleeping on duty
  • Threatening co-workers
  • Disobeying
  • Take drugs
  • Guilty
  • Destroy company’s image
  • Embezzlement
  • Lying
  • Safety procedures ignored

Disciplinary Action

  • The informal talk minor problem, the employee has clear records. Friendly talk at this level to inform about standards
  • Oral warning employees repeated violation, emphasizes the undesirability and warning for the formal, written warning
  • Written warning becomes permanent record of the employee.
  • Lay off or suspension repeated violations lead to this can go for days or weeks.
  • Dismissal drastic step on serious offence. Expensive for the organization

Managing disclipnary Situation


Disciplary actions should be taken speedily. Avoid haste and on the spot decisions.

Advance Warning:

Employee should be informed in advanced about rules and regulations


Each time it occurs, action should be taken. Inconsistency lowers the morale.


Action should not be based on personality.


Action should be taken in private to avoid conflict and humiliation.


Actions to be based on investigated facts. Opportunities should be given to defend him or her.

The role of the manager in both a disciplinary and a grievance procedure

Describing what managers do is not easy or simple. Just as no two organizations are alike, no two manager’s jobs are alike. Despite this fact, management researchers have, after many years of study, developed three specific categorization schemes to describe what managers do: functions, roles and skills. In this section, we will examine each of these approaches and take a look at how manager’s job is changing

Management Functions

According to the functions approach, managers perform certain activities as they efficiently and effectively coordinate the work of others. What are these activities or function?

All managers perform five functions:

Let’s briefly look at each function.

1. Planning:

If you have no particular destination in mind, then you take any road. However, if you have someplace in particular you want to go, you have got to plan the best way to get there. Because organizations exist to achieve some particular purpose, someone must clearly define that purpose and the means for its achievement. Management is that someone. As managers engage in planning , they define goals, established strategies for achieving those goals and develop plans to integrate and coordinate activities.

2. Organizing

Managers are responsible for arranging and structuring work to accomplish the organizational goals. We call this function organizing. When manager organize, they determine what task are to be done. Who is to do them, how the task are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made;

3. Leading

Every organization includes people, and a manager’s job is to work with an through people to accomplish organizational goals. This is the leading function. When managers motivate subordinates, help resolve work group conflicts, influence, individuals or teams as they work, select the most effective communication channel, or deal in any way with employee behavior issues, they are leading.

4. Controlling

The final management function is controlling. After the goals and plans are set, the task and structural arrangement determine d, and the people hired, trained and motivated, there has to be some evaluation of whether things are going on planned. To ensure that goals are being met and tat work is being completed as it should be, managers must monitor and evaluate performance. Actual performance must be compared with the previously set goals. If there are significant deviations. It’s management’s job to get work performance back on track. This process of monitoring, comparing and correcting is what we mean by the controlling function.

The Key Aspects of Legislation That Applies to an Organization’s Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure

Drive Leaders exhibit a high effort level. They have a relatively high resire for achievement; they are ambitious; they have a lot of energy; they are tirelessly persistent in their activities; and they show initiative.

Desire to lead

Leaders have a strong desire to influence and lead others. They demonstrate the willingness to take responsibility.

Honesty and integrity

Leaders built trusting relationships between themselves and follower by being truthful or no deceitful and by showing high consistency between word and deed.


Followers look to leaders for an absence of self-doubt. Leaders, therefore, need to show self-confidence in order to convince follower of the rightness of their goals and decisions.


Leader need to be intelligent enough together, synthesize and interpret large amounts of information, and they need to be able to create visions, solve problems and make correct decisions.

Job Relevant Knowledge

Effect leaders have degree of knowledge about the company, industry and technical matters. In depth knowledge allows leaders to make well-informed decisions and to understand the implications of those decisions

Leaders Are Energetic

Leaders are energetic lively people. They are sociable, assertive and rarely withdrawn.

Reflective Statement

Simply I can say that Performance management systems involve different activities, far more than simply reviewing what has employee has done. These systems must fulfill several purposes. Moreover, they are often constrained by difficulties in how they operate.


  1. By (Michael Armstrong) Book name: Performance Management, 3rd Edition
    Katzenbach and Smith

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The Bedrock of Performance Management? Communication of Acceptable Behavior.

Table of contents

It’s said that people don’t quit jobs; they quit bosses. I suppose it’s true that some people hate their work — I, for example, would hate to have a job that feeds on human misery, like that of a bill collector or phone solicitor. But people do those jobs, so on some level they tolerate, if not enjoy, the work. 


After all, I have to believe those people weren’t runaways targeted by recruiters who took in, gave them food and shelter and then one day said, “Yo, you gotta earn your keep around here. Hit the phones and read this script.”

Maybe that actually happens; what do I know?

Prizefighters and whiners

I have little patience for people who seek sympathy by whining about how miserable their lot in life is because their job is torture. I, for instance, am not a prizefighter. Why? Because I don’t enjoy getting punched in the head (which you may not believe if you’ve read any of my articles here).

And, no matter how good a prizefighter you are, you will at some point get punched in the head.

But many of the reasons people quit their jobs ultimately come down to the actions or inactions of their bosses (hopefully excluding getting punched in the head). Consider this: Your job may be intolerable because you do all the work while your coworkers shop online, talk to their babysitters, or work on their fantasy sportsball team — or because your boss is a tyrant. Regardless, the real reason for this unpleasant job environment can be tracked back to how the boss manages both the work and performance of your co-workers.

Performance management

In the work world, as in so much of life, you get what you put up with. I used to train long-suffering managers who would complain bitterly that the company didn’t have a policy on this or that, rendering them powerless over a given behavior, to which I would reply (and I will clean this up a bit), “We don’t have a policy against defecating in your waste basket; but if I kept doing it, you would find a way to make me stop.” 

I know that a lot of you will think me crude for saying that, but Lyndon B. Johnson was a lot cruder and he was president of the United States. I use that example not for shock value but because I never met anyone in any of those management classes who didn’t take my point, driven home like a railroad spike to the chest.


In most organizations, performance management is a yearly report card where people are rated as “working up to expectations,” which itself is a lame excuse for not getting a raise.

But truly effective performance management is something that happens every day. Effective leaders manage performance by continually reinforcing their criteria for success. The astute reader will notice that I didn’t say, “reinforcing their expectations”; my word choice was deliberate. You might work with a bunch of sluggards whom you expect to sit drooling on themselves; so “working up to expectations” is not necessarily a good thing.

Matter of fact

Effective performance management is in the little things a manager says to his or her team: “Nice work on that report, Jim,” or “Sally, we start work at 9 a.m., not 9:15, and this is the third time in two weeks that you’ve been late. I expect everyone to be on time and working at 9 a.m.”


There’s no reason to gush over Jim’s font choices or to berate Sally as being habitually late with a crappy work ethic. A simple matter-of-fact tone is enough for people to understand your baseline for acceptable behavior. Such timely feedback on people’s behavior is far more effective than waiting a year for a formal performance appraisal to let Sally know you are ticked off that she was late three times last March. Sally will resent you and so will I; it makes you seem deluded and petty.

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Performance Management essay example

Performance management and Result based management in aviation hare two different aspects in aviation. These two concepts are important for the overall success in the day to day running of the activities in aviation operations. The comparison paper therefore attempts to illustrate the differences and similarities between result based management and now effective performance can be achieved. In the review, the major goal is to highlight various drawbacks to effective performance in aviation operations and handle so as to ensure safety within the operation lines.

As a necessity this paper focuses on the relationship between improving the development and implementing various effective measures which can initiate improved performance. Comprehensive strategies are then drawn to provide better recommendations which include management of fatigue through the use of Alertness Management Program (AMP), Corporate Performance management (CPM) and information obtained from Aviation, Space and Environmental management in medicine (Mark, R. , Kevin, G. B.

and Melissa, M. M, 2006). INTRODUCTION Performance management is the art of building on the processes that had earlier been set by using appropriate communication and measures that could help in achieving the goals. It can also be referred to as performance assessment in organizations where results are the basis of operation. Result based performance thus deals with the understanding of assessing the progress of the company so as to determine whether the predetermined goals are being achieved.

The review focuses on performance management based on the planning of work, setting goals, monitoring how the work is progressing, motivating the staff to enhance there performance ability and measuring of performance to gauge the practicability of the operations system. To enhance the motivation process and facilitate result based performance top achievers should be rewarded. In aviation organization performance provides the linkage between work and actual results that are desired and therefore any deviation would initiate a need to have a correcting measure.

This measure is referred to as performance improvement zone which plans, provide coaching and delivers feedback. Enhancing performance through management of sleep in aviation industry Individual alertness is an important aspect in aviation operations and can be hindered by fatigue causing sleep. Fatigue therefore poses a risk in the safety of the crewmembers. This has led to the growth of the need to improve in the areas where fatigue has been experienced. For effective management in the level of performance in aviation setting, there should be various activities which can help in improving alertness.

Such comprehensive management skills should include educating the workers on strategies for controlling fatigue, scheduling and enhancing healthy sleep for the staff and the managers within the aviation setting (Mark, R. , Kevin, G. B. and Melissa, M. M. 2006). Result shows that when a comprehensive alertness management program (AMP) is incorporated in the physiological fatigue management principle, provides an improved result. Similarly in a result based management strategy orientation is significant. This knowledge acquired helps the crewmembers to perform effectively during their operation.

Result based performance advocates for an objective quantity of sleep which when used is significant in improves healthy practices within the commercial airlines. Result based aviation management showed that any flight taken under normal standard condition did not give a good performance index. This was opposed to when there was application of various AMP measures. Psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) is another strategy that has been used to provide ground for evaluation based on control of fatigue (Mark, R. , Kevin, G. B. and Melissa, M. M. 2006).

This mechanism advocates the need to allow the flight attendants to have an objective sleep so as to support the daily activities. Result based however encourages the attendants to be active doing there duties and does not focus on the causes of fatigue. USE OF CORPORATE PERFORMANCE IN MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION Any business enterprises should involve all the members. Due to this a corporation is seen to improve the legibility of the business. Such performance focuses on the flow of information concerning delivery, performance outlook and the effectiveness of such an enterprise in the commercial airlines.

Basic elements of corporate performance management provides understanding, managing and was of improving trade. This can be done through coordination of managers, employees, customers and the company supplies. Through strategic planning and provision of information their aim is to ensure that there is an intergraded environment for working Corporate performance management in aviation is therefore concerned with ensuring that relevant information is provided to the policy makers which in turn boost the performance levels (Wade, D. and Ronald, R. 2001).

All the aviation air links should have a provision of performance oversight to the managers who in turn oversees the optimization of the enterprise. Result based aviation management focuses on the basic conducts that relates to safety in the airlines. To achieve, there has to be focus on various integrated management systems which are considered important in the management of various aviation programs. The management system is considered qualified to conduct various civil aviation programs which promote better results. Similarly result based aviation performance management has initiated performance measurement frameworks (Scott, R. J.

2001). This gives guide lines to the corporate that are responsible for decision making. This helps in acquisition of a proper ways of selection and developing the evaluation on the proceeding performance within the airlines. Performance management in aviation unifies the management process with an aim of making the work place attractive. Such collaborative and interactive environment which fosters the financial gain, improve performance and motivates the whole workforce (Wade, D. and Ronald, R. 2001). For the performance to be improved, the use of internet collaborations to advertise the capabilities have has employed in aviation sector.

This has since then provided improvement in the flow of information. Result based aviation management on the other hand has advocated a criteria that is used to measure the performance based on the outputs, result, indicators and who much it cost. This framework generalizes all the aspects involved so as to obtain a feedback that has a profit and satisfaction. For results to be obtained in aviation management there has to be a framework dealing with integrated risk management. This framework ensures that there is a continuous communication on the risks involved in the aviation setting.

Proactive and systematic process should help to provide understanding so that the risks are managed properly. Similarly performance management provides the functionality that can help in achieving the complete solution to problems. The operators of the aviation business have also acquired necessary skills in running and maintaining the general operations of the company. MANAGEMENT OF AVIATION BASED ON DOCUMENTATION Result based management team have come up with a system of documentation that monitors the scope and the services provided by every airline.

This document provides the performance procedures and the expected interaction between the various activities going on within the aviation operation. The aviation management has also adopted various strategies including Alertness management program (AMP) and psychomotor vigilance task (PVT). This program dictates the level and the condition of operations so as to avoid occurrence of accidents in the real world of operation. Procedures in the control measure have also been initiated by the result based aviation management.

Most of aviation documents have to be approved, reviewed so as to ensure that proper and relevant records are used in the overall management. In other words, the document prevents the inversion of any obsolete materials whose use has not been approved. The procedure of these control measures have also gained relevance in performance management where the crewmembers have a specific monitoring control on how they interact and their close rational level. This assured criterion of management performance has led to a development of performance contract within the airlines.

The third procedure that has improved result under documentation is the procedure governing the aviation records. Good results can be obtained if the records are identified and stored in a manner that can allow easy retention, retrieval and disposition of the recorded information. Similarly such should be protected from any form of corruption (Scott, R. J. 2001). This ensures that there is smooth running in the operations of the airline. When the performance on the aviation is good, then the implication is due to readily accessible records. Valuation of the market value and specialized aviation business

Result based aviation management, requires a consultant group that looks into and reviews the financial state of any air link company. In the process the estimated market value should use the current gains to focus into the future. This helps in knowing the prospective performance of the air link. Through this, evaluations of various elements that provide economic avenues are gauged. A full understanding of the management of the aviation property is gained and employment opportunities are easily created. This helps the company to generate earnings.

In comparison orientation, performance management has established various industries which are concerned with sales and programs that offer multiple earnings. It quantifies and focuses on the tangible variables. These variables have been seen to promote direct value outcome giving a drive to the directly adjusted market prices. Aviation performance management capitalizes in addressing the nature of operations, general administration, major distributions and the services provided to customers. It further addresses the core issues under the same context providing an orientation for addressing flight operations.

For instance, the effective customer services address their contact transformation and the insight achieved with the same. The result based obtained their criterion on the same basis by setting a plan on how every issue is to be handled by the managers and the staff. First it has to employ a strategic business plan. The philosophical mission, vision and the values of the company or the organization are the established. Through these collective plans with targets to be met provide the guidance for the future operations within the aviation industry.

DRAWING THE BUSINESS OVERVIEW WITHIN THE AVIATION INDUSTRY This process is used by result based aviation management to provide historical understanding of aviation and how its present management proceeds (Scott, R. J. 2001). The position of those who own the company and how it is structurally organized gives the function, its facilities as well as the managing personnel, in the process the aviation performance management has to lay down the importance of assigning responsibility to individuals. A plan has to be drawn the aviation business to be managed effectively.

Result based aviation management recommends the training of employees and the importance of having a balanced staff (Scott, R. J. 2001). The management information skills can only be obtained when the staff is properly trained to adhere to the major developments and compensations. In the process of obtaining aviation performance, a good market plan has to be drawn to help in increasing competition among various aviation companies. At the same time there has to be a financial plan to control between the cost and the expenses incurred. POLICY ON LEASE AND CHARGES ON PROPERTY

Performance in aviation should not sideline the importance of implementing proper parameters to control the leasing process at the airlines. Lease, rates and charges policy give the process for establishing, controlling and adjusting rates that are charged on the value of the assets. Under result based aviation management the lease document provides the ground that is used as a guideline for setting rules and regulations and the expected standards of performance within the aviation industry. CONCLUSION Performance management in aviation should employ relevant communication and procedures in assessing the progress of the objectives.

Result based aviation management on the other hand should check on the actual outcomes in comparison to desired hypothetical results where any discrepancy could lead to performance improvement zone. A good result based aviation management should therefore include plan, feedback, adjustments and appraisal. A well managed aviation industry gives effective delivery of the incentive plans. This shows that there is a clear correlation between performance management and result based performance management. As a result, aviation industry should encourage the use of the two categories of managements. References Cokins, G. (2004).

Performance Management in Aviation: Finding the Missing Pieces. London: John Wiley & Sons Dresner, H. (2007). The Performance Management Revolution: Business Results through Insight and Action. London: John Wiley & Sons. Mark, R. , Kevin, G. B. and Melissa, M. M. (2006). Alertness management in aviation operations: Enhancing performance and sleep. Canada, USA: Aerospace Medical Association. Scott, R. J. (2001). Results-Based Management and Accountability Frameworks. Canada, USA: Annex A-Lexicon Publishing Press. Wade, D. and Ronald, R. (2001). Corporate Performance Management. New York, USA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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