Chapter 20 Problem 1

Week 5 – Financing Strategy Problem Problem 1 – Chapter 20 Firm A has $10,000 in assets entirely financed with equity. Firm B also has $10,000 in assets, but these assets are financed by $5,000 in debt (with a 10 percent rate of interest) and $5,000 in equity. Both firms sell 10,000 units of output at $2. 50 per unit. The variable costs of production are $1, and fixed production costs are $12,000. (To ease the calculation, assume no income tax. ) A. What if the operating income (EBIT) for both firms? Sales/Revenue: 10000 * 2. 50 = 25000 Variable Cost: 10000 * 1 = 10000 Fixed Production Cost: 12000

EBIT = sales/revenue – variable cost – fixed production cost = 25000 – 10000 – 12000 = $3000 B. What are the earnings after interest? InterestEarnings after interest Firm A: 0 3000 – 0 = $3000 Firm B:5000 * 10% = 500 3000 – 500 = $2500 C. If sales increase by 10 percent to 11,000 units, by what percentage will each firm’s earnings after interest increase? To answer the question, determine the earnings after taxes and compute the percentage increase in these earnings from the answers you derived in part b. Sales/Revenue: 11000 * 2. 50 = 27500 Variable Cost: 11000 * 1 = 11000

Fixed Production Cost: 12000 EBIT = sales/revenue – variable cost – fixed production cost = 27500 – 11000 – 12000 = 4500 Firm A Firm B Interest 05000 * 10% = 500 Earnings after interest (prior) 3000 – 0 = 3000 3000 – 500 = 2500 Earnings after interest (after) 4500 – 0 = 4500 4500 – 500 = 4000 Increase/decrease % 50% 60% D. Why are the percentage changes different? Firm B had a higher increase in profit because they had a higher net % change and lowered their interest income through their debt financing.

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Essay On Problem Solution: Interclean, Inc.


In today’s world increasing competition, changing customer needs, the global economy and pressure from stakeholders have created many challenges for InterClean, Inc. (InterClean). Using a defined problem-solving technique such as the one used at the University of Phoenix will help InterClean understand the situations that lead to the problem; analysis of the challenges and opportunities which leads to a much better understanding of the problem through logical analysis of alternative solutions and finally to a decision.  Furthermore, evaluation of the end results against stated goals will help InterClean management realize the effectiveness of the solutions. Understanding the situation is critical in moving toward making a decision.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

InterClean is an established institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation company in an industry where stakeholders are demanding more. Here are some key facts:

  1. Customers are looking for total solutions including products and services that will reduce their costs and concerns with cleaning and sanitation. Furthermore customers are demanding product training, monitoring, information sharing and full-service cleaning. The roll-out of which is on an aggressive timeline.
  2. The current sales force does not have the “Solution Selling” skills required to sell the new products and services.
  3. InterClean has acquired EnviroTech, Inc. (EnviroTech) who has the products, services and selling skills InterClean desires.
  4. InterClean’s CEO inherited the business. He is driven, competitive and a risk-taker.
  5. InterClean is interested in expanding into Global markets.

The President and CEO of InterClean, Inc., David Spencer has announced a bold strategic change to grow his company and be a market leader in a new systems based sales of cleaning products and services. In a memo written about a new strategic direction to all the InterClean employees it was announced that in six months a media blitz will begin to publicly advertise this new strategy.

The commitment needed to change the management process should have been planned  before this strategy was implemented. The two main departments, the sales force, and HR were never approached by David Spencer prior to the company announcement. The two departments were informed by memo at the same time as all the employees.

There are five issues that need to be addressed before this strategy can be achieved. They are as follows:

  1. Training and Development-the skills and competency of the existing employees of InterClean and the acquired employees of EnviroTech.
  2. HR Skills Sets and Gap Analysis-HR has not set a strategy for dealing with the results of the assessment of skill sets or decided what further skills are needed to perform this new strategy. A budget for this training was only mentioned as being tight with no concrete figures.
  3. Organization Restructuring-Lack of a plan to merge the two sales forces, job assignments not clarified, and two CEO’s with two agendas.
  4. Selection and Recruitment-There is no current policy for recruiting in place. There has not been a determination of the qualifications and skills needed for the new sales force strategies, and the current HR department lacks expertise in this field.
  5. Forecasting Future Sales and Profitability- InterClean has not forecasted the impact of this new direction with hard figures, only to say an increase of 40% is desired. There has been no mention of the amount of people needed for this operation to be successful.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

David Spencer, President and CEO of InterClean Inc. – Some of the values that David has includes being very ambitious, competitive, and a risk taker. One of the dilemmas that David has is because of his aggressiveness he made a strategic direction change in selling strategies without consulting other stakeholders.

Sally Lindley, CEO of EnviroTech, has a dilemma of having insider information of political connections; this might lead to unethical behaviors when lobbing for the cleaning industry. Janet Durham, VP of Human Resources has the dilemma of having a bias for the InterClean employees, and this might make Janet not look objective enough when it comes to choosing the best people for the job.

Tom Jennings, VP of Marketing, his dilemma lies in having a close and long relationship with Mr. Spencer, and might not state his objective opinions when it comes to MR. Spencer’s direction. The employees also have a dilemma of not sabotaging the training and development of new and acquired sales people, spreading rumors, and aiding in the decline of employee morale.

InterClean faces multiple stakeholders. From executives, employees, customers, and regulators, each one has his or her own interests, rights and values and presents ethical dilemmas. Table 2 describes each stakeholder, his or her interests/rights/values and the ethical dilemmas facing the company as a result of each stakeholders’ point of view.

Once InterClean’s situation is reviewed and the challenges and opportunities studied, defining the problem is the next step.

Problem Statement

InterClean will become a market leader in the sanitation industry, by utilizing a solution-based sales force, which strives to be the best sanitation company in the industry. InterClean needs to develop and implement an integration plan and human resource management system to face changing customer needs and new government regulations.

End-State Vision

InterClean will achieve 100% increase in sales revenue, within one year. InterClean, will be the market leader within six months. Customer satisfaction will increase to above 90% or better after one year. Third party surveys show InterClean leading the industry in customer satisfaction.  InterClean, Inc. will increase revenues by 40% by providing solutions to customer’s needs. InterClean will develop and implement a human resources management system that support the changes in the industry and customer needs and will build a highly-skilled talent pool that is unique to the requirements of InterClean.

Alternative Solutions

InterClean must spend the time to develop a prioritized skills matrix when hiring sales representatives in order to recruit and select the candidates that will help them meet the company’s end-state goals.

Alternative A: Develop a skills matrix for the hiring of sales representatives that will aid in the recruitment and selection of new employees.

InterClean should assure that the person running the department is behind the new philosophies of the company. Furthermore, a gap analysis should be completed and a training plan developed for each sales rep that individually assures the sales rep’s success.

Alternative B: Perform a gap analysis on current employees and develop a custom training plan to bring those employees to the skill level required for success and/or an exit strategy for those employees who do not meet the minimum requirements of the job.

Alternative C: Determine the best organizational structure to support the solution selling and delivery of the new full-service, industry-specific products.

InterClean needs to immerse themselves in the industries they plan to work within and develop training programs to help sales reps understand the industry, the regulations and the challenges facing customers. Sales reps need to learn about the products so they can apply their knowledge to help solve the customer’s pain.

Alternative D: Develop a training plan that immerses the sales reps in the industry, regulations and products to help them solve customer’s pain.

InterClean needs to develop a reward system that drives the sales reps to sell a solution that meets the customer’s needs.

Alternative E: Develop a reward system for sales reps that influences them to use solution selling techniques and provide the solution that meets the customer’s needs.

Analysis of Alternative Solutions

Each of the alternative solutions will meet some of InterClean’s end-state goals. Table 3 summarizes the goals and weighs the goals against each alternative using a weighted grading scale. Based on the analysis of the alternatives and how the alternatives measure up against the company’s goals, InterClean should further investigate the combination of Alternatives C and B to determine the best organizational structure to support the solution selling and delivery of the new full-service, industry-specific products and to perform a gap analysis on current employees and develop a custom training plan to bring employees to the skill level required for success.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques

InterClean must address the risks and determine ways to mitigate each risk should the outcome occur. Table 4 describes each alternative, the risks associated with each alternative, the consequences foreseen if the risk should happen and ways to mitigate each risk. A full risk assessment will help InterClean prepare for all possibilities and take action if necessary.

InterClean management will have to face the risks of employee anxiety with organizational changes and the skill sets that employees will be required to learn in order to remain employed with the company. There are many creative ways to mitigate these risks such as using a pilot program and communicating with employees. In addition, InterClean will have to mitigate the risk of not making the correct organizational changes. If they do not organize properly customers will become frustrated and leave.

Optimal Solution

Develop a New Organizational Structure

The new organizational structure will support the solution selling model and in addition will support the industry specific products and services that InterClean has decided to deliver thus satisfying the company stakeholders.  When determining the company’s organizational structure it is important to determine whether the company is internally or externally oriented and whether the company is a defender, prospector or analyzer firm (Dreher & Dougherty, Ch. 5, p. 102-103).  InterClean is externally oriented and due to the CEO’s risk taking nature, aspires to become a prospector organization – innovating the market with turn-key, total/customized solutions for customers in their industries.

InterClean will “systematically manage the turnover process by continually downsizing and restructuring” (Dreher & Dougherty, Ch. 3, p. 59). They will “aggressively work to retain only those employees who are top performers or who possess a critical set of skills and abilities” (Dreher & Dougherty, Ch. 3, p. 59).

InterClean needs to determine whether to organize by products or industry or create a matrix organization to satisfy customer needs. “Matrix structures are effective when coordination and control are important.” (Ulrish & Brockbank, 2005).  InterClean should develop a matrix organization so that Product Specialists can work together with Industry Specialists to develop a custom solution for the customer. The new organizational structure will support the type of human capital organization necessary to support the business strategy.

 Perform a Gap Analysis to Develop a Custom Training Plan

“In today’s business environment, skill inventories are becoming more commonplace because the technology needed to create and update such systems is now readily available.” (Dreher & Dougherty, ref. Ch. 3, p. 59-60). “Employee education level and type, information about past work experiences and assignments, performance appraisal data, information about career objectives and preferences for assignments and geographical placement” (Dreher & Dougherty, Ch. 3, p. 61) will be gathered and stored in an electronic human resources database. The database will be used when new positions open so that the company can determine whether they have internal employees with the skills desired. The database will become an essential tool in the succession planning process.” (Dreher & Dougherty, ref. Ch. 3, p. 61).

In addition, InterClean will use the skills database to develop a customized training program for the employees so that each employee will obtain the talent required for performing his or her job functions. Product specialists will be given intensive training in the use and benefits of the products. Industry specialists will be immersed in all aspects of their industry specialty so that they can learn the specific needs of that industry and work with the product specialists in the development of customized solutions for each customer.

Implementation Plan

InterClean will implement the combination solution of restructuring the company and performing a gap analysis for the development of custom training. Tables 5a and 5b detail the implementation plan for each solution.  InterClean will use typical project management techniques to implement the two projects. “Project management includes developing a project plan, which includes defining project goals and objectives, specifying tasks or how goals will be achieved, what resources are need, and associating budgets and timelines for completion.

It also includes implementing the project plan, along with careful controls to stay on the “critical path”, that is, to ensure the plan is being managed according to plan. Project management usually follows major phases (with various titles for these phases), including feasibility study, project planning, implementation, evaluation and support/maintenance.” (McNamara, 1999).

Evaluation of Results

Five years from today InterClean will evaluate the results of the two projects. InterClean will achieve 100% increase in sales revenue, within one year. InterClean, will be the market leader within six months. Customer satisfaction will increase to above 90% or better after one year. Third party surveys show InterClean leading the industry in customer satisfaction. Table 6 details the measurement of the results against the end-state goals.


InterClean has the opportunity to improve the human resources management system to meet the growing and changing needs of the industry and customers. Reorganizing after the acquisition of EnviroTech is particularly important in order to meet the challenges of turn-key, full-service, industry-specific product offerings. In order to re-organize it is important that InterClean assess the talent pool within the company and develop a plan to train current employees in their new positions and/or hire new employees. Only then can they meet their end-state goals and satisfy stakeholders’ requirements.

Whenever a company changes directions everybody involved needs to be informed. The most successful companies like GE have a change management policy in place and a culture that accepts change as an every day occurrence. A great training and development policy insures that promotions will be based on skill and competency and not just to fill the gap with anybody. InterClean also needs to sustain a competitive advantage that is valuable, rare, inimitable, and not substitutable. This will insure that InterClean remains profitable in the future and the market leader.


Dreher & Dougherty (2001). Human Resource Strategy. The Effective Management of People (pp. 4-8). The MacGraw Hill Companies.

Dreher & Dougherty (2001). Human Resource Strategy. In Staffing Systems (pp. 102-104). The MacGraw Hill Companies.

Dreher & Dougherty (2001). Human Resource Strategy. In Human Resource Systems (pp. 168-170). The MacGraw Hill Companies.

McNamara, Carter (1999). Project Management. Retrieved June 25, 2006 from

Rushing, J. Taylor. (2005). Florida Times Union, Jacksonville, Fla, 5/6/05, pg. B3.  Retrieved 4/6/06 from ProQuest database.

Ulrish, Dave & Brockbank, Wayne. (2005). The Work of HR Part One: people and performance. The RBL Group and Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, 4(5), 20-23.

Table 1

Issue and Opportunity Identification

Issue Opportunity Reference to Specific

Course Concept

(Include citation)

Customers are demanding products and services that are different from what InterClean has provided in the past. InterClean needs to identify early trends and quickly plan to meet the challenges of changes in the industry.

Dreher & Dougherty (2001, ref. Ch. 5, pg 102-104)

InterClean sales reps do not have the Solution Selling skills, in-depth knowledge of the industry requirements and legal standards required. InterClean needs to take advantage of the HRM approaches of:

•          Organizational Capability acquired from EnviroTech;

•          Organizing for Success by restructuring the organization to better suit the Solution Selling business model

•          Effective People Management in order to meet their future goals.

Dreher & Dougherty (2001, ref. Ch. 1, pg 4-5)

The current organizational structure of InterClean and EnviroTech does not support the new products and service lines. InterClean needs to properly plan to effectively manage the people assets of the company by hiring employees with the correct skills and attitude, rewarding employees with proper incentives, training and skill development, cross-training, giving ownership and breaking down class barriers.  Dreher & Dougherty  (2001, ref. Ch. 1, pg 6-8)
The culture’s of InterClean and EnviroTech will cause many clashes and make integration difficult. In order to sustain competitive advantage, InterClean needs to understand the value of HR, treat employees as the rare resources they are, develop a HR system that is unique and useful only to InterClean and develop non-substitutable resources.Dreher & Dougherty (2001, ref. Ch. 8, pg 168-170) “Proper attention to people flow ensures the availability of the talent the organization needs to accomplish its strategy.” (Ulrich & Brockbank, 2005, p20).
InterClean does not have the organizational structure to assure that the right talent is addressing customer’s needs. InterClean needs to develop a new organizational structure to support the new products and services that will lead to further growth.   (Ulrich & Brockbank, 2005).


Table 2

Stakeholder Perspectives

Stakeholder Perspectives

Stakeholder Groups


The Interests, Rights, and

Values of Each Group


Executives versus Employees Executives have an interest in the success of the company.  Expansion into new markets, development of new products and services will all advance the company into the next decade.

Executives have the right to expect that the employees will carry out the assignments to the best abilities, think creatively and will build the company’s legacy.

The dance of constantly balancing the need to change sales strategies versus the commitment to human capital can lead to unethical behavior.

Expansion may require changing human resource needs which means the company no longer values the skills of some of their employees. What do with these employees presents an ethical dilemma. Should the company move, layoff, retrain employees? The decision is based on the executive management of the company and often differs from the needs of the employees.

Customers versus Sales Reps Customers have an interest in the longevity of the company because switching providers is timely and costly.

Customers have the right to products and services that meet their needs and the ability to voice their needs to their providers.

Customers can be fickle when voicing their requirements. InterClean must determine whether customers are just asking for too much or whether their requests are an industry trend. Sometimes customers will ask for anything just to see if their supplier will do what they want.

Regulators versus Company Executives Regulators are interested in safety. Safety for people using sanitation products and living or working near hazardous materials. Environmental regulators as well as OSHA have an interest in companies providing sanitation services to all industries.

Regulators have a right to expect companies to learn about regulations, establish standards and follow all guidelines and laws. In Tallahassee, Florida there are several bills before the House and Senate where the sponsors’ original aim is to establish a stronger sense of ethics and independence of the Public Service Commission (Rushing, 2005). Regulators are often under-paid and can be influenced by those who are unethical by accepting bribes to bend the rules.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Techniques
Alternative Solution Risks and Probability Consequence and Severity Mitigation Techniques
Determine the best organizational structure to support the solution selling and delivery of the new full-service, industry-specific products ·         InterClean may not understand what the market requires to build an organization to meet those needs;

·         The organizational structure may not support solution selling or meet customer’s needs;

·         Employees may become disgruntled because they were not placed where they wanted in the new structure.


·         InterClean may not put in place an organization that meets market demands.

·         Constant re-organization has a negative effect on employees as they frequently have to learn new policies and procedures.

·         Customers are affected as they are pushed around the changing organization.


·         Determine the infrastructure necessary to sell and deliver the new products;

·         Pilot the new organizational structure using a small group of employees;

·         Develop a full-blown organizational plan based on the pilot.


Perform a gap analysis on current employees and develop a custom training plan to bring employees to the skill level required for success ·     Employees may not be honest about their skills due to uncertainty about their future employment;

·           Employees may not believe in the training;

·           Employees may panic when told of the changes.



·         Employees may leave the company due to the uncertainty.

·         Because the CEO is a risk-taker, these employees would not be valued by the company.


·         Determine the skills needed to sell and provide the services;

·         Develop a methodology for gathering the information that will pacify employees’ anxiety;

·         Pilot the approach on a single customer if possible using the best, most talented employees;

·         Develop an approach/ policies and procedures;

·         Develop a customized training program;

·         InterClean must assure that upper-management supports the training program developed  and that the method of training should reinforce the skills required.

·         Wait until the waves of risk adverse employees leave to determine hiring and firing requirements;

·         Assure employees that all employees will be given a chance to find their place in the new organization and if the new InterClean is not for them, that an exit strategy will be offered.


 Table 5a

Optimal Solution Implementation Plan

Restructure the Organization

Deliverable Timeline Who is Responsible
Review the business strategy and align the staffing plan to that strategy. 0-14 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources with Executive Staff
Define project goals and objectives/ detailed project and resource planning 0-14 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Review the products and services offerings in detail 0-14 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources with Tom Jennings, Vice President of Marketing and Sam Waters, Chief of Compliance
Review and analyze the industries and determine which and the number of industries to specialize 0-30 days Tom Jennings, Vice President of Marketing with Executive Staff
Determine the number of employees required in each group (Product Specialists and Industry Specialists) 30-60 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Use skills analysis to determine the recruiting or layoff requirements 60-90 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Complete training 120-180 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Transition to new organization 180-360 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Evaluate organizational changes 210 – 360 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Develop and implement a continuous improvement process.  Make organizational adjustments as needed 210 – 360+ days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources with Executive Staff

 Table 5b

Optimal Solution Implementation Plan

Gap Analysis and Custom Training Plan

Deliverable Timeline Who is Responsible
Review ability to gather analysis data 0-14 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources with Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Define project goals and objectives/ detailed project and resource planning 14 – 60 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources with Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Determine process for gathering data 14-60 days Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Determine computerized processes for compiling and using data 14-60 days Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Determine resources required to gather data 14-60 days Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Develop detailed project plan 14-60 days Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Conduct gap analysis 60 – 90 days Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Compile data 75 – 120 days Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Analyze data 90-120 days Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant
Design training solutions 120 – 150 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Deploy training solutions 150 – 180 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Evaluate results of gap analysis 120 – 180 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Evaluate results of training 180 – 210 days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources
Make adjustments based on evaluation 180 + days Janet Durham, Vice President of Human Resources with Executive Staff

 Table 6

Evaluation of Results

End-State Goals Metrics Target
Increase revenues by 40% Revenue increase of 40% annually After the implementation of the projects InterClean has consistently increased

revenues 40% each year.

Provide solutions to customer’s needs Industry-specific product offerings customize-able to customer’s requirements. After reorganization of InterClean and development of a set of product and service offerings that are industry specific, InterClean is able to compose solution offerings to


Develop and implement a human resources management system that supports the changes in the industry Recruitment and staffing plans that are designed to attract industry experts. InterClean has trained and/or hired industry specialists that are able to design customized solutions for customers.
Develop and implement a human resources management system that supports customer needs Training, communication plans that are designed to train sales reps to understand the uses and benefits of products. InterClean has trained and/or hired product specialists that are able to work with industry specialists to compose a customized solution for customers.
Build a highly-skilled talent pool that is unique to the requirements of InterClean 5% turnover is maintained InterClean employees have the tools and education to perform job functions. Few employees leave the company due to job dissatisfaction.

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Communication Problem Within The Workplace

Communication Problem within the Workplace


            The working environment is a place where relationship among employees is highly valued. The occurrence of problems in the workplace that are related to the ineffective communication or disruption in the communication process is inevitable. Hence, communication is a crucial factor to organizational success. An efficient and effective communication between the members of the organization enhances professionalism, productivity, and better working relationships.

            Communication is one of the common problems of businesses. It is becoming a barrier to the success of businesses. Poor communication may involve interpersonal conflict, misunderstanding among employees, and conflict between executives and subordinates. Poor communication is also affecting the other aspects of the business such as productivity, quality of the products and services, and formation of diversity in the workplace. The types and causes of poor and ineffective communication greatly contribute to how communication is going to affect the workplace environment (Smith). For instance, difficulties resulting from communication problems, such as ineffective relationships and inefficient flow of messages from supervisors and subordinates are detrimental to business operations. Nevertheless, communication problems are dilemmas that are quite easy to solve. There are people who are not born communicators but they can easily learn the art of communication (Smith). This paper aims to determine the causes of communication problems within the workplace.

Communication Problems

            Scarcity in Information

            In some workplaces, employees find it difficult to obtain pertinent information that they need to carry out their jobs. This may be attributed to companies that purposefully withhold information from their employees or are unaware that their employees require such information. Consequently, the workers search for the information that they need from external sources. This particular communication dilemma occurs because people who are holding the information are unaware of the situation and the state of the knowledge deficit (Harlig). For example, it was reported that there are companies that do not provide information on how to use computer software programs as they expect that the employees already know them. Handling software applications can be quite complicated. Thus, when employees do not know how the applications work, it could greatly affect their production (Harlig).

            Communication Style

            It is undeniable that there are people who are good in expressing themselves and their thoughts in a manner that people would most likely understand. Their style encourages other people to listen. Problems arise when people judge other by the way they speak and not by the content of their message. Through the manner of speaking, people may encounter difficulties in understanding the message of others who employ a communication style that is different from theirs. People may also come to believe the things about another person’s character and motive based on his or her communication style (Harlig). Consequently, people make assumptions regarding other people’s personality and behavior. However, these assumptions may be incorrect and may become barriers to a successful and effective interaction. An example of this dilemma is the formulation of assumptions by some employees regarding other employees. Employees judge people through the manner of their speaking, and when they do not like another employee’s accent or manner of speaking, they assume that they will not get along with him or her.

            Gender Differences

            It is true that men and women differ in terms of how they communicate. The differences do not merely lie on the message they send but also on how they act while conveying the message (Harlig). There is a difference in the actions that men and women do while conversing with others. For instance, most men sit in manner that they take more space than women. This particular action reflects their domineering nature. Most men also do not interrupt when someone is speaking; they just let the person to finish before they give out their reactions. Most women, on the other hand, sit in a prim and proper manner which depicts their femininity and suggests their few contributions to the discussion. Women also would like to hear simple utterances such as “uhm,” “uh huh,” etc. to be reassured of being understood by their audience.

            The serious conflict among male and female employees occurs in the workplace when female employees do not respond appropriately to the orders of their male supervisors. Another problem is when male supervisors tend to dominate their female co-workers bearing the same position due to the manner by which the latter convey their message (Harlig). Such instances lead to misunderstanding and even hostility between the male and female employees. This may become a hindrance to the fulfillment of their duties and responsibilities.

            Native Language Differences

            At present, the huge part of the U.S. labor force consists of people from various nations who migrated to the U.S. As a result, the number of workers who belong to other nationalities increased (Harlig). Some of these people have low proficiency in English. Thus, the difference in language hinders effective communication and that may lead to severe problems in the workplace.

The increase of non-American employees in the workplace also brought about cultural diversity in the working environment. Thus, a company that consists of people from various cultures tends to have problems in communication among its employees, as they experience difficulties in understanding the actions and attitude of people with a different culture. Hence, it is highly important to manage cultural diversity in the workplace in order to establish unity and resolve other problems resulting from it (Harlig).

            A particular example of this communication problem is misinterpreting the information conveyed by superiors to subordinates due to language barriers. A person coming from different nationality is using his native language that may be incomprehensible to other people that give them a difficult time understanding orders and instructions from other people.    Grapevine

            Another one of the communication problems in the workplace environment and considered as one of the destructive dilemmas is the formation of grapevine which is a form of informal communication that travels neither upward, downward or horizontally and the source can be either subordinates or superiors. Informal communication such as grapevine has always existed in the working environment. Grapevine can be destructive at times, especially when the content of the message is malicious. Rumors and slander can be categorized as grapevine for it travels informally around the workplace.

Therefore, grapevine should not be neglected by managers and supervisors for sometimes business concerns travel around the workplace in an informal manner and do not reach the ears of the people in the higher positions. Although some of the topic in informal communication is not business-related, research reveals that almost 80 percent of the content of grapevine somehow pertains to business. Informal communication should not be dismissed because by listening to grapevine allows the managers to grasp the views and concerns of employees toward the company (“Heard it on the Grapevine”).

An example for this type of communication problem is the rumor in the Bendix Corporation. In October 1980, Mary Cunningham, who joined the company for 15 months as Agee’s executive assistant, was promoted twice as vice president and chief corporate planner. Rumor went around the company speculating that her promotion was due to the romantic relationship she had with the company’s CEO. The rumor was strengthened by the sudden divorce of Agee and his wife for 23 years. Due to the destructive effect of the rumor in the company, Cunningham was forced to resign (“Bendix Abuzz”).

Solving Communication Problems

            In attempting to solve the various communication dilemmas, it is important to understand first and determine the exact communication problem. Before attempting to solve a problem, the difficulties of the organization must also be assessed (Harlig). Another way to resolve communication problems is to hone one’s communication skills. Managers and supervisors could clearly benefit in honing their communication skills. They will be able to manage their subordinates properly, handle well interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings with their subordinates.

By improving their communication skills, they can also establish personal contact with other people, especially with their employees (Smith). In today’s modern society, there are various media that can be utilized in performing personal contact. The classic dyadic form of communication can be done by the superiors with their co-workers during lunch. Mediated form of communication is used to engage oneself in personal communication using devices such as the telephone and electronic messaging. A study reports that effective communication is best achieved when verbal and written instructions are used. Verbal instructions reinforced by written instructions are more effective as the message tends to be inculcated in the minds of the employees (Smith).

            In a workplace, it is important that the message is clear and can be easily understood by the employees. As money is involved and running every minute in a business, a flaw or a small mistake may be equivalent to a significant loss in profit for the company. Hence, employees, especially the managers, should not assume that everyone understands what they said. They should ask whether everything is clear and if further information or explanation is needed (Smith).

            It is also important that the managers and employees provide meaningful feedbacks. Communication is a two-way process, and feedbacks are necessary to achieve effective communication (Smith). Subordinates can voice out their views and concerns with regard to the company and their superiors. In this way, the managers and supervisors could solicit feedbacks from the employees concerning company policies and how to make their jobs easier and satisfying. In turn, managers and supervisors can also give out constructive criticisms on their subordinates or their assessment for the improvement of goods and services.

            It is highly important that managers and supervisors find the time to conduct meetings and to keep the communication lines open between the superiors and the subordinates, regardless of how busy they are with their workloads. A manager should know what is going on with the company and the difficulties of their subordinates (Smith). This can be done in the form regular meetings and informal communication means such as phone calls or instant messages.

            Conflict is inevitable in a workplace, and when the conflict already arises from misunderstanding and other business-related problems, the managers should try to minimize the impact of conflict and maintain the productivity of the workplace. However, with effective communication, effect of conflict within a workplace can be minimized (Stoppler). One of the elements of effective communication is clarity and precision. For instance, when voicing out complaints, the employees should be specific, as vagueness tends to worsen the problem (Stoppler). Another element of effective communication is respect. Subordinates should acknowledge and the authority of managers and treat them with respect, in the same way that managers should respect their subordinates and use their authorities within the boundaries of their responsibility. In a workplace, employees should also limit their involvement in issues to which they are not directly involved or has no direct participation. There is a tendency that employees will further mess up the situation instead of helping in resolving the problem (Stoppler).

            Employees and managers alike should also maintain a professional attitude in solving conflicts, especially when dealing with communication problems. They should resolve the problem not for personal interest but for the interest of the whole company. They should also keep an open mind and be able to listen to the views of other people. They should also clarify what other people have said before they give out their own opinions about the issue (Stoppler). Communication problems sometimes just spring from misunderstanding. Sometimes, people just misinterpret the message of another due to noises and hindrances in effective communication.


            Communication problems are inevitable in a workplace. There are problems existing in the work environment that evolved from ineffective and inefficient communication. Communication problems are dilemmas that are solvable but could be destructive at times when neglected. Communication problems take many forms such as gender differences, language and cultural differences, and grapevine. The various communication problems vary in impact depending on the extent of the communication problem. Communication problems can be addressed by developing one’s skills in communication and convey messages effectively. Resolving conflict is also important to maintain productivity and quality of the business.

            Effective communication is vital in a business and other institution. Communication is utilized to convey important messages and information that are vital to the company. Communication is used to perform transactions and deliberation of important issues and relevant ideas that needed to be discussed by the whole company. Through effective communication, employees and managers alike will be able to maintain harmonious relationship with co-workers, and the good working relationship will have a positive impact on the company’s overall performance.  A company which has effective communication will also achieve unity and efficiency.

Research Design

            The paper aims to determine the causes of the communication problems within the workplace environment based on the perceptions of the subordinates, supervisors and high executive officials to be able to resolve the various communication dilemmas.

            The approach best suited to the research is Qualitative approach. The essential features of Qualitative Research are the choices of appropriate methods best suited to use in the study, the incorporation and analysis of different perspectives and the variety of approaches and methods.

            The study’s main purpose is to resolves the communication problems taking place in the workplace. In order to collect qualitative data from the informants, the researchers decided to perform Focus Interviews with the employees, supervisors and high executive officials.

Data Gathering Method

            Focus Interview was selected for it is appropriate in gathering qualitative data for the study. This method answers the primary concern of this study.

            The study used Focus Interview on collecting data from employees, supervisors and high executive officials. Through this method, the researchers will be able to gather different opinions and perspectives pertinent to the study.


            Researches will use focus interviews (FI) to different informants based on the study’s main objectives. Focus Interview, the Interview guide composed of questions such as the respondents’ personal profile. Other questions will be asked pertaining to communication problems in the workplace.

Works Cited

“Bendix Abuzz”. Time. 6 October 1980. 5 September 2008 <,9171,954585,00.html>.

Harlig, Jeff. “Effective Workplace Communication?: It’s More Than Just Talk”. Words@Work. May/June 1999. 5 September 2008 <>

“Heard it on the Grapevine.” 2 April 2001. Southeastern Louisiana University. 5 September 2008 <>.

Smith, Shawn. “Remove your Workplace Communication Barriers: They are Costing more than you Think!.” Next Level Consulting.  2003. 5 September 2008 <>.

Stoppler, Melissa Conrad. “Office Conflict Resolution: 11 Communication Tips for a Healthy Workplace”. Ed. William C. Shiel, Jr. 24 July 2008. 5 September 2008 <>.

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If You’re Not Solving Somebody’s Problem It’s Time to Reconsider Why You’re an Entrepreneur

Let’s get a few things straight. Talking about entrepreneurship, just to talk about entrepreneurship, and then selling a “private video series” at the end of the talking, isn’t actual entrepreneurship. The purpose of entrepreneurship, while it certainly has a self-serving element to it, is primarily service to others. Embedded in all ethical businesses is an intrinsic element of social good, even if the owners profit wildly as a result. You see a problem that you can solve, you fix it for others at scale and, if you do it right, you’re rewarded. If you don’t solve the problem, the market will tell you. By not buying. That’s entrepreneurship. But these days, we have confused marketing for entrepreneurship. We’ve confused the whistle with the train. We’re all eating Hostess without the cream filling.

And the marketers got it backwards. Instead of identifying a real problem and fixing it, they’re creating problems that nobody had before, exaggerating the created problem and linking a lot of pain/FOMO to it, then charging to solve it. This creates a sense of constant neuroses in the entrepreneurial community. It perpetuates the feeling that we are always in the dark. That we will never know what we are doing and that there will always be a guru whose robes we must cling to as we genuflect in awe of their unattainable achievements. “Teach me, wise one.”

This approach is highly profitable for people untroubled by preying on the confusion but it doesn’t make anything better. It makes money. And that’s the confusion: just because something makes money doesn’t mean that it’s useful. Or helpful. Or wise. (See: Bernie Madoff, Enron, et al.) If you’re going to make something, make something better for someone else.

Solve real problems. I have some good friends out there who are living this: literally created a magical device  from scratch that could be the most powerful habit changing device of the last century.  and are teaching men (and women) how live on the edge and become the best versions of themselves at is writing books and creating programs to help the next generation of leaders how to get their clients into shape with the .

They’re making things a LOT better for people. As a result, their lives are getting better, too. That’s what real entrepreneurs do. After all, what are you doing if you’re not making things better? Screw the hype. Screw the facebook ads with stock photos of impossibly ripped, smiling couples high-fiving as they complete their 45-minute work day from the beach. Screw the textbook “hero’s journey” viral videos about guys who started with a few dollars and ended up in a garage full of exotic cars. Screw this inception of ideas about ideas about ideas. And if you can’t make the lives of others better, then screw you too!

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Morbid Obesity The Problem

Table of contents

Fleshiness is a medical status in which unnatural surplus fat has accumulated in our organic structure. Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in populations. Harmonizing to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United state, 850 million people worldwide were undernourished in the old ages between 1999 and 2005. Genes and unhealthy life style do play a function in the development of fleshiness. Obesity besides associated with several comparatively common diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, bosom disease ( CVDs ) , and some malignant neoplastic diseases. So, I feel that is of import to hold an effectual intervention that can assist them lose weight for good. I am traveling to discourse the a possible solution for this job in this study.

A possible solution

After making some research, I have found that bariatric surgery is the most effectual method in assisting those who are holding fleshiness. There are two types of bariatric surgery that are most common usage which are cut downing the volume of the tummy ( e.g. by adjustable stomachic stria and perpendicular banded gastroplasty ) , which produces an earlier sense of repletion, and cut downing the length of intestine that comes into contact with nutrient ( stomachic beltway surgery ) .

Restrictive process

A silicone set is putting around the top of the tummy utilizing cardinal hole surgery. It so making a little pouch and a narrow transition into balance of tummy.

No film editing or stapling of tummy involve. It will cut down the tummy gap where the gorge and tummy meet.

The size of gap can be adjusted or controlled by increasing and diminishing the volume of saline solution inside it, through a port placed under the tegument.

Patients usually can travel place after 1 or 2 after surgery

Roux-en-Y stomachic beltway surgery.

Malabsorptive process

The tummy is divided and a little pouch which limits Calories is formed silmutaneously as the bulk of the tummy is sealed of.

A part of the little bowel is so divided and sewn to the freshly created little tummy pouch.

It can be performed as the unfastened surgery or laparoscopic surgery .

”Forty per centum are utilizing the set and 30 per centum are utilizing are utilizing the marker ”

By Dr. Mal Fobi top bariatric sawbones

Actually, it is based on the sawbones on taking the most appropriate type of bariatric surgery for the patient.

Effectiveness OF Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is effectual in dainty fleshiness by lose their weight. It besides said have less complication therefore do it most suited as a intervention.

”I don’t desire to be chesty, but I popularized the fleshiness surgery in America ”

I have found the effectivity of bariatric surgery based on the research done in the 1995 in Florida. The research included 34 patients who had undergone either a stomachic beltway ( RYGBP ) ( N=30 ) or a perpendicular banded gastroplasty ( VBG ) ( N=4 ) . The mean follow up period was 6 old ages. The per centum weight loss ( % EWL ) was 66 % .

”When asked, most patients agreed that if they had to make it over once more they would ; merely two said they would non ” based on research done in Florida in 1995 .

All the informations above are dependable beginnings since the informations are all in different beginnings but still shows about the same consequence in the effectivity of bariatric surgery. The writers of these beginnings are good known people that had done their research on bariatric surgery.

Although, all the surveies showed the old ages that can be see out to day of the month comparison to now but this proven that the engineering in that clip is possible in overcome fleshiness by surgery. Therefore, now we have advanced in engineering which makes surgery go more effectual in dainty fleshiness. For illustration, now we have laparoscopic technique instead than open surgery which minimize the cut on the tegument and complication during carry out the surgery.

Social and economic deductions

When people are acquiring fleshiness it is really the beginning towards many fatal diseases particularly cardiovascular disease ( CVDs ) . This may take to the unhealty society in a large figure. Since people acquiring disease from the consequence of fleshiness that can likely do a patient bash non capable to execute their day-to-day activities particularly go to work and do a big load to their households and friends particularly their loved 1s. In the movie of play series ”Manjalara ” in TV3 which illustrates a teenage miss holding an fleshiness, it conveys the palpably existent hurting of household and loved 1s. Sometimes she besides being humilliated by others particularly by some of her relations and friends. The surgery done do work-albeit with side effects-and she are acquiring better after that.

Furthermore people with fleshiness tend to acquire emphasis when they are strive to cut down their weight. Some of them seek many medical specialties including pills, herb teas, and even utmost manner by non eating or others likes holding binge-eating syndrome and aneroxia nervosa syndrome of fearing acquiring weight addition that cause an inauspicious effects in their wellness. Some of Herbal weight loss pills are non regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. So there are no limitations to go around hazardous and unsafe herbal weight loss pills in the market .

Economic Effects

Medical costs associated with corpulence and fleshiness may affect direct and indirect costs ( Wolf and Colditz, 1998 ; Wolf, 1998 ) . Direct medical costs may include preventative, diagnostic, and intervention services related to fleshiness. Indirect costs relate to morbidity and mortality costs. Morbidity costs are defined as the value of income lost from decreased productiveness, restricted activity, absenteeism, and bed yearss. Mortality costs are the value of future income lost by premature decease. Corpulent air riders demand the offering of wider seatsA in the aircraft. A survey reveals that corpulent riders are bing air hoses and other clients an estimated $ 75,000,000 US dollars a twelvemonth.

Benefits and hazards

One survey of bariatric surgery, found a weight loss of between 14 % and 25 % ( depending on the type of process performed ) at 10A old ages, and a 29 % decrease in all cause mortality when compared to standard weight loss steps. A pronounced lessening in the hazard of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and malignant neoplastic disease has besides been found after bariatric surgery. Marked weight loss occurs during the first few months after surgery, and the loss is sustained in the long term. The most common perioperative complication is wound infection ( in approximately 3 % ) ; the most common late complication is anastomotic tummy stricture ( in approximately 5 % ) . Patients should be monitored every 4 to 6 hebdomad while weight loss is rapid ( normally about the first 6 minute after surgery ), so every 6 to 12 minute. Weight and BP are checked, and eating wonts are reviewed  .

Alternate solutions

Besides surgery drugs, medicine besides can be utile to handle fleshiness. Most weight-loss medicines are “ appetite-suppressant ” medicines. Appetite-suppressant medicines promote weight loss by diminishing appetency or increasing the feeling of being full. These medicines decrease appetite by increasing 5-hydroxytryptamine or catecholamine — two encephalon chemicals that affect temper and appetite . There are two types of drug intervention which are individual drug intervention and combined drug intervention.

”It is hence encouraging to see that a merchandise like Proactola offers a healthy manner of doing it easier to take charge of your weight and eating wonts. It besides turn toing issues beyond weight direction, such as take downing cholesterin and equilibrating blood glucose fluctuations. ” ”

Proactol drugs can adhere up to 28 % of our day-to-day fat consumption, lower blood cholestrol and act

as of course supressing your appetency. Proactol drugs have been trial and passes all of the guidelines set by the EU Directive ( MDD/93/42/EEC ) . It is 100 % side effects free .

Screening procedure

Nowadays we have dedicated pysicians, dieticians, physical therapist to assist those who have obesity by talk to those who are expert.Initial testing procedure include:

  • Individual audiences with our physicians
  • Nutrition reding including anthropometric informations assemblage and organic structure fat appraisal
  • Physical activity guidance and exercising prescription
  • In order to contend and get the better of fleshiness one should non contend and stand entirely since they need support and aid from others.

Social theraphy

Social therapy is the therapy that involved the action taken by household, authorities and society in overcome this job either among themselves or others.

What are you making about the environment?

The city manager has outlined a program to hold a park within a 10-minute walk of all New York City occupants. This is portion of an attempt to make an even more walkable and bicycle-friendly metropolis.

Using Devices

Palm runing system and PocketPC 2003 Treat overweight and fleshiness harmonizing to the Clinical Guidelines on Overweight and Obesity in Adults with this free synergistic plan for usage on Palm runing system and PocketPC 2003 devices of your manus that allows you to instantly bring forth individualised and evidence-based appraisal and intervention recommendations for each patient at the point-of-care that mention to the Clinical Guidelines on the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: the Evidence Report and the Practical Guide to the Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Features include Body Mass Index computation, appraisal of cardiovascular disease hazard factors, and finding of demand for intervention. ( Palm OS devive and Pocket Personal computer 2003, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute ) .PDA images


Proactol have been found to cut down fleshiness efficaciously since it is clinically proved and 100 % side effects free based on the mention  side effects or are at that place practol side effects.htm. It besides been recomended by many physician and dietitions therefore make it a dependable beginnings. It besides shows equal reviewed consequences and certified by many administration such as UK vegetarian society and France ECOcert SAS.

I have besides found the other beginnings ( Win control information web ( WIN ) coaction with national institutes of wellness and U.S section of wellness and human services and besides information services of national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases ( NIDDK ) .prescription.htm ) . This web gives the information about the side effects of drugs taken. It explain about the usage of label and which drugs are aprroved by nutrient and drug adminstration. It is a dependable beginnings since the information are from national and many other administrations.


  1. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //www.obesitytherapy, /a turning job for United Kingdom populations.html, herbal weight loss pills.htm, not medical consequences.htm
  2. hypertext transfer protocol: // Centre for Disease Control and Prevention/economic consequences.htm
  3. Sime Darby
  4. The Expert Weighs In New York City and the Public Health/October 2007 Obesity Management DOI: 10.1089/obe.2007.0063
  5. Obesity treatment.htm
  6. Fleshiness and metabolic syndrom: Merck Manual Home Edition.html
  7. NHLBI Health Information Network at NHLBIInfo @
  8. www.obesity-cause-symptoms-treatment-cure.asp.htm
  9. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.WHO/obesityandaverweight.index.html
  10. hypertext transfer protocol: //
  11. hypertext transfer protocol: // medicines.html
  12. Proactol % 20Side % 20Effects.htm
  13. Fleshiness and corpulence for professional: informations and statistics: U.S fleshiness tendencies
  14. Genomicss, resources, diseases, fleshiness editorial.htm
  15. hypertext transfer protocol: // obesity.htm
  16. hypertext transfer protocol: // free fleshiness pictures.html
  17. hypertext transfer protocol: //
  18. 10 Healthy Dieting Tips Obesity Therapy.htm
  19. Good primary attention is the fleshiness medicine.htm
  20. International diary of fleshiness: 10 Healthy Dieting Tips _ Obesity Therapy.htm
  21. A© 2009 Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All Rights Reserved.
  22. spouse of AGORA, HINARI, OARE, INASP, CrossRef and COUNTER
  23. hypertext transfer protocol: // utilizations of egfr inhibitors to forestall or handle fleshiness
  24. hypertext transfer protocol: //
  25. hypertext transfer protocol: //
  26. Heisler, J 2009. What is The LapBand Weight Loss Surgery. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: //
  27. Heisler, J 2009. Understanding Gastric Bypass Weight loss Surgery. Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: //

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Syllabus: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Is not a review course, and is designed to integrate all the core materials you have covered here at The Fox School in an applications context, with emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving, and business communications. There will be discussions of core business concepts that you will use in the Capsicum simulation, but you are responsible for knowing and demonstrating an ability to apply all the concepts covered in the core Fox School business curriculum. We will not spend class time going over, In detail, the concepts covered In the ABA core.

There are many online sources, such as Wisped, that you can use If you need to review the ABA core material. The course’s goal Is to help you synthesize the tools you have acquired in your other courses such that you can draw meaningful conclusions for developing effective organizational strategies and programs. BAA 3103 will bridge the gap between theoretical class work and business practice. We will use the Capsicum business simulation as a vehicle to test alternative ways to manage a business in a competitive environment. Emphasis will be on developing leaning and problem solving skills.

We also will explore concepts in classroom discussions, case presentations, and critical analyses of current topics. Your participation In class discussions is important, required and expected. Your participation In all classroom discussions Is required. Guest lecturers will further enrich your learning. I will Invite a mix of seasoned “pros”, relatively new business entrants, ex-students and other business professionals to speak to you and answer your questions. Further, you will quickly realize that I do not suffer fools gladly. So,

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Differences between management decisions problem and marketing research problem?

The key to this answer lies in the actual difference between the meaning of the management and marketing positions. The former one deals with administrative questions as well as calling the shots regarding the company’s strategy, critical decisions, evaluating risks, while the latter researches the market, its trends, creates the image for the company.

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