Manage own performance

Explain the systems and procedures and codes of practice relevant to your personal work role: 1. 2 Why is it important to plan work and be accountable to others? It is important to plan your work and be accountable to others to enable you and your organization progress. This helps to determine work objectives, It allows you to know what results are possible and what the best path to the desired outcome should be.

Being accountable to others can bring a sense of ownership to the process by making you now that others are counting on you to perform a task and deliver results. It can also help keep you on track. 1. 3 / 1. 4 Explain the purpose and benefits of agreeing realistic targets for work and who would you agree these with? Purpose: The purpose for agreeing realistic targets for work is to keep everyone on task and focused on accomplishing a target that Is possible, not out of reach.

This way, everyone can contribute effectively and reach targets efficiently Instead of struggling and going off track. Benefits: Having a target shows you the path that you want to take, you can then Greer on the most effective way to achieve the target and also create a plan that will give you a time scale of things to be done. This brings fast and reliable compliance to the tasks at hand. Who with and how? Compromising with my manager, we discuss some realistic/ achievable targets that I will be able to achieve and create a plan to show the most effective ways to achieve the targets. . 5 Describe the ways which you plan work to meet agreed targets: First of all It Is important to look at how much time you have to complete the agreed targets. Then he next step would be breaking the target down in to parts, this will then give you a much clearer idea of what you can do to complete the target. You can then give yourself deadlines to complete each part of the target, instead of trying to do everything at once. You need to make sure you put the most Important and time any problems that occur along the way, you will have time to solve them. . 6 Explain the purpose of keeping other people informed about progress: The purpose of keeping other people informed within your organization is so that everybody is aware of the progression towards the targets that have been set. Also keeping people informed of your progress eliminates the confusion of the same thing being done more than once. 1. 7 Explain the purpose and benefits of letting other people know if work plans need to be changed: People need to be made aware of any changes as soon as possible so that they can also change what they are doing.

It also makes them feel involved in what’s going on, they might also give you feedback whether they agree with new changes or not. 1. 8 / 1. 9 Describe the types of problems you may encounter during work and who would you go to for help and why? Equipment Breaking – I would inform the person that is in charge of ordering the equipment. Also I would inform my manager. Other employees being absent – I may be asked to do extra hours or a Job that is out of my comfort zone. I would talk to my manager about anything I am unsure on or that I can’t do.

People not giving me enough information – If I am doing a particular Job and I have not been given enough information to complete the task, I would then ask questions about things that I am unsure on. Colleagues or clients asking me questions that I don’t know the answer to – If I don’t now the answer then I would try and point them in the direction of someone who does know the answer. 1. 10 Why is it important to recognize and learn from your mistakes? Firstly of all it is important to own to the mistakes that you have made, instead of trying to shift the blame onto someone else or denying that you are at fault.

Once the mistake you have made has recognized, you can then start to look at ways to prevent this from happening again. Wars you can do this are; taking extra training if you think it is required, asking another member of the team, for example your manager, or Just sing your own initiative your own work and how would you set these? Purpose & benefits: It is important to set high standards for my work because then it will help me to do the best I can and help me to be recognized at work in a positive way. Also at the same time I am setting myself a challenge rather than keeping to standards that can already achieve.

How would you set these? To set myself new high standards for my work, I would first look at areas of my work which I am able to do comfortably and with ease, then I would see what I could do to improve the standards even more. . 3 / 2. 4 What is the purpose and benefits for taking on new challenges should they arise and why is it important to be able to adapt to change? Purpose & benefit: Organization have to change from time to time to keep up with other competitors and also keep in tune with new technology that may become available over the years.

Why is it important: It is important to take on new challenges and be able to adapt to change because this will show my employer that I am capable and a strong part of the organization. It will also help improve and learn new skills along the way. 2. / 2. 6 Why is it important to treat others with respect, honesty and consideration and how do you use this in your workplace? Why: It is important to treat others with respect and to be honest because It creates a good working environment in the work place, which will effect the happiness of others in the work place.

This is also makes the team look good as a whole. How: Being honest and treating my colleagues with respect will build a strong, trustworthy relationship which you can only benefit from. 2. 7 Describe the types of behavior at work that show honesty, respect and inconsideration and explain those that don’t: Types of good behavior that show honesty, respect and consideration are: Types of poor or bad behavior that show dishonesty, no respect and lack factorizations are: Taking the blame for your own actions, if you have made a mistake.

Not asking questions when you encounter a problem and you don’t know what to do. Not interrupting someone when they speak to you. Not taking the blame when you are at fault. No being bothering to help Having a positive attitude towards work. Being a bad team player Being trustworthy Being disrespectful

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Business Culture in Venezuela

Venezuela is a country, situated in the northern part of the South America. Historically, it had remained under Spanish rule for quite a long time, so the major language spoken is Spanish. Even though most citizens in the country speak English, it would be useful to know several phrases in Spanish: “Hello” – “Hola”, “Yes” – “Si”, “No” – “No”, “Good morning” – “Buenos dias”.

Although Venezuela is a part of Latin America, known for the practical absence of personal space in communication, it would be impolite to touch a business partner during the talk. The citizens of this country tend to stand close to one another and are expressive in terms of emotions, but they also use to distinguish between friendly communication and business issues, so the visit should not misunderstand their exaggerated friendliness and view it merely as a gesture of good manners. It is also inappropriate to avoid eye contact, as this aspect of non-verbal communication is particularly important to demonstrate the person’s integrity and honest intentions. The inhabitants of this state are risk averse, so trust in commerce is vital.

Speaking about verbal taboos, it is important to note that it is indecent to speak about sex, romantic relationships and joke on this basis with Venezuelans, as most of them are Roman Catholic, moreover – hard-line, so in business protocol it is necessary to avoid “romance cues”. It is also odd to speak about money in terms of another person’s income (unless directly requested by the business meeting) and to ask about the cost of another person’s property. There are no religious taboos in the country, except the necessity to observe the traditional Roman Catholic holidays, during which Venezuelans stay at home with their families and refuse to discuss their work.

Business etiquette in this country can be characterized as Continental, but there exist several critical issues to remember. “When meeting groups, always introduce yourself to the eldest person first; When leaving, say good-bye to each person individually; Since this is a formal culture, address people by their academic and professional title and their surname until invited to move to a first-name basis” (, 2007).

The perception of time and the idea of punctuality is quite unusual in Venezuelans. While all attempts to arrive on time should be made, there is a little more freedom in Venezuela in terms of punctuality. Days of up to 30 minutes are acceptable, even in business meetings. Thus, when arranging meetings, it is important to include the aspect of tardiness. In the United States, individuals are used to firm schedules and appointments, which occur on time, so that everything works fast, whereas in Venezuela, citizens work with other people and need to fix several problems simultaneously, so there are no firm deadlines for completing a particular assignment. In addition, Venezuelans tend to “waste time” socializing before the meeting. They are more inclined to informal communication, so the development of business culture in this country is quite a slow and difficult process. During such talks, it is polite to demonstrate interest in the person’s family members, their health and so forth. Family in Venezuela is considered a central unit of the society, so individuals tend to act in the interests of their household rather than their own ambitions – thus, while meeting a father and daughter, who work for the same organization, it is possible to expect agreement between them.

It is also important to pay attention to gift-giving in Venezuela. Visitors are not supposed to bring gifts, but when invited to a party, for instance, it would be appropriate to send flowers before arriving. When receiving a gift, it is necessary to open it immediately. A “thank you” note should be sent to the gift-giver, as this gesture shows the person’s politeness. Handkerchiefs are considered unlucky and must not be given as gifts.

There are some other aspects of business protocol in Venezuela. For instance, “Venezuelans prefer face-to-face meetings to doing business by telephone or in writing, which are seen as too impersonal. It takes time to develop relationships; Appearances matter in Venezuela. Dress well and try to stay in a reputable hotel. Senior positions in business are predominantly held by the upper class, so it is important that you pay attention to the hierarchy and show appropriate deference and respect” (, 2007). Of course, it is necessary to behave politely with all participants of the meeting, but those at senior positions expect special attention. When greeting them, it is vital to mention their position, as they are really proud of their career advancements (career development is a bit slower in Venezuela, so it takes time to grow to the position of an executive); furthermore, after the meeting, it would be useful to send “Thank you” cards to them.

Negotiation in Venezuela might consist if several stages or meetings. It is practically impossible to find consensus at the first or second meeting, as Venezuelans need to get to know their partner, especially the foreigner. It is also important to keep in mind that interpersonal relationships are more valuable in Venezuela than commerce and the related issues, so the efforts to split business partners, whose friendship counts years will meet a very cold response. When explaining one’s own position, it is vital to emphasize the long-term perspectives, so Venezuelans prefer long-term business collaboration.

To sum up, there is a number of business expectations in Venezuelans, not all of them are mandatory for a foreigner, but the common gestures of politeness are likely to enhance business communication and establish positive and productive relationship.


  1. Kwintessential. Cross-cultural solutions. (2007). Venezuela – Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette.  At


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Caught Up in Different Worlds

The short story Caught Up in Different Worlds is a fascinating piece that takes the readers through different jaunts of experiences of a woman called Sylvania, a good pretender who can imply to be happy even if sad, and can also appear to be sad when really happy. She is caught in different escapades that force her to fake what she does not feel. When wedding Horace, she pretends to be happy, yet in a real sense, she hates what she goes through. Later, when Horace dies, she pretends to be at a great loss, yet feeling relieved at last. This study examines the story alongside different stylistic devices used by the author. The devices include anaphora, asyndeton, polysyndeton, and kenning. Sylvania’s parents arrange her marriage with Horace in accordance with their culture where parents decide whom to marry their sons and daughters.

That is done to ensure they marry the right person. Even if they do not agree, children are obliged to accept their parents’ verdicts. As a result, Sylvania pretends to be happy to meet Horace as her husband, but inside her is a heart of pain and despair that is forced to accept something she does not feel for. The story is a captivating piece about the experiences of a woman living in a world controlled by her parents who choose to express what she does not feel, just to conform to their expectations.

She appears to be happy from outside, yet suffering from inside.AnaphoraAnaphora is one of the stylistic devices used in the story. It is the repetition of common or similar words at the start of consecutive phrases in conjunction with the pinnacle of the story. The author uses anaphora to express Sylvania’s feelings on the last day of the wedding. While in her room, he engages in a monologue repeating the words ‘How I wish they understood’.

The speaker uses the statement to explicate her inner feelings about what she is yet to face. The reader is able to see a jovial woman from outside but is in pain from inside. At one time, she opted to run away not to wed Horace, but on the other hand, she is strongly held by the love and respect she has for her parents. Horace, on the other hand, is comfortable and promises to be a good husband. The readers follow the story keenly to see how Sylvania would survive in the arms of a man she does not have any feeling for.

At the end of the story, Horace involves in a road accident that claims his life. In that too, Sylvania pretends to be grieved and saddened by the death of her husband, but from inside, she is happy that she is free at last and makes her own decision. The culture allows a widow to remarry any man of her choice without being dictated by her parents. Therefore, the story is about a character that lives by pretense to please the people around her.AsyndetonAsyndeton is an act of omitting conjunctions between clauses, words, and phrases. In the story, Sylvania eulogizes her husband as loving and caring by the statement, “Horace, is loving, caring.” the people who listen to her are carried by her expressions to realize that they have not stayed for long in the marriage and feel that it is a great loss to her.

She makes them think so by appearing so, but on the other hand, she feels relieved and happy at last. She falsely narrates how she was happy to have him as her husband, yet by the time of a wedding, she had thought of running only to be kept by the love and respect she has for her parents. In fact, the readers usually have an extended advantage over the characters since they can see the holistic story of what takes place. Among the people attending the two events, wedding and burial go home with a different image of Sylvania.

They think that she is happy when she is very sad. On the other occasion, they think of her to be sad, yet she is the happiest. Therefore, any written piece has a lot for the readers compared to the characters involved. Polysyndeton is structurally opposite to asyndeton. It involves the use of a conjunction between each phrase, word or clause.

The use of polysyndeton is apparent at the beginning of the story where Sylvania is informed about the impending wedding. According to his father, though not named in the story, Horace is a good man with standard discipline and qualities of a husband. When given the news, Sylvania appreciates and accepts to marry as a demand of the custom, while inside her heart she does not have any feeling for him. Similarly, when the message of his death is delivered to her, she appears to be shocked and wails bitterly, yet feeling better to finally live a life that is uncensored by her parents. The other uses complete sentences that are well conjunct to express Sylvania’s inner world. The story is so electrifying to see the way Sylvania is able to pretend and get away with it.

In fact, Horace also lived with Sylvania for their short time in marriage imagining that she loved him, but not really. From this plinth, Sylvania represents many people in the society who live in particular ways just to impress the people around them, yet they do not like what they are. Therefore, it is an educating piece for the readers and the society to avoid putting more pressure on people to an extent that they live to express what they are really not.KenningKenning is used to creatively describe something in a more creative and skillful way.

Chopin uses the same in her story on the first page, paragraph four and five. The story gives the readers an outlook of what Sylvania looks like while inside her room, during the wedding and when eulogizing her husband. As depicted in the story, she narrates her experience with Horace right from the time they had their first encounter. She also refers to him as a loving, caring and responsible husband. The readers can imagine a woman who enjoyed her marriage.

They see someone at a great loss, more so because the marriage did not last long. Two things they are not aware of is that Sylvania did not enjoy the marriage, did not support her parents’ choice and is very happy to have the news about the death of her husband. Life is a journey where two people can walk together facing the same direction, but not having a common destiny. Horace and the people around him thought that his wife loved her.

When he died, people thought that it was a blow to his wife. However, the truth of the matter is that no assumptions were consistent with whatever Sylvania was.ConclusionThe story gives the readers an outlook of Sylvania, more so whatever she feels about the wedding and the death of her husband. People living around her are very unclear about what she really is. The story is a captivating piece about the experiences of a woman living in a world controlled by her parents. They choose a husband for her and she pretends to like it, yet not. When the husband dies, she pretends to be in a great pain of loss yet happy inside. It represents the people in the society who can smile to please people, but from inside, they suffer. Therefore, it has a lot for the readers to desire.

Study Outline

  • Attention Getter: The short story Caught up in Different Worlds is a fascinating piece that takes the readers through different jaunts of experiences of a woman called Sylvania, a good pretender who can imply to be happy even if sad, and can also appear to be sad when really happy.
  • Thesis Statement: The story is a captivating piece about the experiences of a woman living in a world controlled by her parents who choose to express what she does not feel, just to conform to their expectations. She appears to be happy from outside, yet suffering from inside.

The readers learn a lot from the story, more so the inner world of Sylvania. It tells more about living in a bigoted society. It paints the picture of the pressure that the society places on people to live according to certain expectations. The story is an electrifying piece with much for the readers to desire.

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Cultural Factors that affect Business Communication

Various countries interact in business-related activities on a daily basis. However, these countries have different cultures. These differences in culture prove to be obstacles in business communication. Factors such as language, gestures, holidays and dress codes play a major role in business communication. It is important to understand various cultures when participating in business-related activities. Knowledge of cultural factors eliminates the common mistakes and misunderstandings associated with business communication between cultures. Purpose The purpose of this report is to examine the cultural factors of various countries and how they affect business communication, and also to suggest ways to overcome the various communication barriers. Understanding cultural factors is vital when dealing with business communication. Differences between cultures must be respected in order to communicate clearly and effectively.

Sources and Methods In preparing this report, the cultural factors of various countries were analyzed in order to 1 determine how they affect business communication. The information is gathered from a variety of business journals and magazines. Report Organization This report explores the challenges in cultural communication, examines the differences in cultures of various countries, and recommends steps to achieve multicultural collaboration. CULTURAL COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES Communication varies between cultures. Factors such as language and gestures may have different meanings in different cultures. These factors make it difficult to communicate clearly. In the business world, communication is essential. It is important to understand the various differences in communication when dealing with different cultures. Culture and Business Communication Culture is a concept that encompasses many elements, but is simply defined as the customs or common experiences shared by a community or group. Cultures vary from country to country, and the differences in cultural values sometimes conflict. These differences can cause misunderstandings in communication.

Since communication 2 is essential when dealing with business, it is important to understand the basic cultural values of other countries. Culture and business communication are closely related, as culture is one of the foundations of basic communication. Patterns of Cultural Communication Differences The ways in which the cultures of various countries differ from one another can be categorized into six patterns: differences in communication styles, attitudes towards conflict, completing tasks, decision-making styles, attitudes toward disclosure, and knowledge. The patterns describe common situations in communication between cultures. · Different Communication Styles – People communicate through language, gestures, and facial expressions.

Non-verbal communication can also include personal distance and seating arrangements. · Different Attitudes Towards Conflict – When conflict arises, different cultures handle situations in different ways. Some cultures avoid conflict, while others deal with it directly. · Different Ways of Completing Tasks – When working together on tasks, some cultures place more emphasis on teamwork than on actually completing the task, and some place less emphasis on teamwork, and more on the task at hand. · Different Decision-Making Styles – Various cultures like to hold a consensus when 3 making a decision, and others may like to delegate the decision making responsibilities. · Different Attitudes Towards Disclosure – Many cultures prefer to keep emotions private when dealing with various conflicts, while others feel comfortable revealing information. · Different Ways of Acquiring Knowledge – Cultures acquire knowledge using different methods. Some prefer to learn through performing some type of research, or by other cognitive methods.


International trade between countries has increased over the years as Figure 1 depicts. FIGURE 1: U.S. Exposure to International Trade 1929-1997 4 Communication is an essential part of international trading. Therefore, it is important to know the cultural factors of countries when engaging in such business activities. Knowing the proper ways to interact with various cultures is essential, and it eliminates common mistakes and misunderstandings. Japan Japan is one of the major countries involved in business activities around the world. In engage in any type of business-related activity, it would be best to have general knowledge of the Japanese language. Other cultural factors include holidays, attire, time, and gestures. During three weeks of the year (December 28 to January 3, April 29 to May 5, and mid August) many Japanese visit the graves of their ancestors. Making appointments or scheduling meetings during these times would be considered inappropriate. The attire should also be considered. Some Japanese homes and restaurants require that shoes be removed.

In Ryokan style restaurants, a Yucatan or a kimono robe is usually provided by the restaurant to be worn. The robe should be only wrapped left over right, as only the deceased wear a kimono wrapped right over left. When conducting a meeting, the Japanese feel that punctuality is key. Late comers are considered rude. The Japanese work week consists of 48 hours with no overtime. 5 During the first 15 minutes of any meeting or conversation, the Japanese consider it proper to be silent. The bow is the most important gesture in Japanese culture. Bows are used for expressing appreciation, making apologies, greetings and farewells. The depth of the bow is also important. When addressing an individual of a higher status, or when the rank of the individual is not known, the bow is low. When addressing an individual of equal rank, a bow at the same height of the other person is suitable. The Japanese consider pointing to be rude.

Instead, one should direct the hand towards the person indicated with the palm facing upward. The Japanese also consider direct eye contact as a sign of respect. When shaking hands, the Japanese use a gentle grip. Brazil Brazil is one of the world’s largest countries and has a very diverse population. Many factors will affect the communication within such a large group of people. The many ethnic groups and nationalities that exist in Brazil, all with their own languages, dialects, customs and values, make communication difficult. Communication that take place as a result of business can become difficult to decipher without the proper research on the parties involved. Brazilians are friendly and enjoy socializing and meeting people from other countries. 6 Brazilian people are fast talkers and consider it rude to break eye contact. Conversation is highly animated. When conversing, it is proper to stand close together and to touch often.

Brazilians consider themselves Americans, so using the phrase ‘in America’ may cause some confusion. In business practices, Brazilians prefer a slow pace. Good-natured small talk is needed before delving into business. Problems are solved according to subjective feelings rather than going by a set of rules or laws. The primary negotiator will take into consideration only the information that is relevant. Business culture is intensely hierarchical. Social class is a major influence in this society, and it often determines what type of job a person will have. When doing business with Brazilians, there must be an understanding that the business relationship will be long- term. It is considered rude to change the negotiating team, as this is a major breach of Brazilian business protocol. Business attire in Brazil is becoming more casual, but some may refuse to do business with persons dressed inappropriately.

In initial meetings with Brazilians, it is advisable to wear dress clothes. It is preferable for men to wear three-piece suits and for women to have an elegant appearance. Lightweight fabrics should be chosen for the sweltering summer. With so many languages and dialects, business communication can be potentially 7 difficult. Barriers to communication, though, will mainly lie with the language differences. Therefore, it is important to have an understanding of the various cultural factors that play a role in communication. Germany Germany is one of the most important countries involved in international trade. It is imperative to understand the cultural factors of Germany when involved in business communication. Various cultural factors include language, management methods, and business relationships. Most Germans speak two languages, which are German and local dialect. It is best to assume that some German individuals do not understand English. Therefore, it would be wise to learn to speak or write German when engaging in business activities.

Most German companies do not adopt methods that use teamwork. Companies in Germany for the most part do not delegate responsibilities to individuals below the management. Many managers prefer to control everything. Also, it is proper to assume that business relationships are long-lasting. When German companies form relationships with their clients, they expect that the relationship will endure for a long period of time. The logic of the Germans is that relationships take time and a lot of effort to build and maintain. This is the reason why one should expect to 8 have a lasting business relationship. China China is also an important country that is heavily involved in international trade. Most fail to realize that the Chinese place value in older methods that relate to business. If one does not learn about the cultural factors of China, obstacles in communication will be numerous. In making decisions, the Chinese deliberate longer than most cultures. Longer deliberation about a decision is a sign of wisdom to the Chinese.

Most people like to make quick decisions, but the Chinese consider this foolish. Also, when making decisions, Chinese individuals want to be involved in every aspect of the decision making process. When in a business setting, the Chinese do not like to admit that they do not understand a particular concept. The Chinese have a high level of perfectionism, and strive to do their best at everything. Mistakes are not acceptable to the Chinese when completing a task. Also, Chinese people do not tend to ask questions. In a Chinese classroom, it is typical for the professor to lecture and for the student to take notes. Students do not ask questions of the professor. Similarly, in a business setting, the Chinese do not tend to ask questions. 9 Most Chinese do not enjoy being in the public eye, especially when being reprimanded. It is considered disrespectful to the Chinese to be chastised in public.

The Chinese see this as a valid reason for ending a relationship with the individual. OVERCOMING COMMUNICATION OBSTACLES The obstacles involved in business communication are numerous. However, these obstacles can easily be overcome by simply acquiring knowledge of various cultural factors. Knowledge of cultures is key in business communication, as it makes communication effortless. Respecting Differences Knowledge of cultural differences is essential in business communication as well as other aspects of life. There are many cultures within the world, and each culture is a fundamental part of society. If individuals are knowledgeable about the differences, working together will become easier, and fewer problems will arise. Respect is a key factor in understanding differences. Even if a culture is not fully understood by an individual, respect for that particular culture would overcome many obstacles faced in communication.

Respect for diverse cultures aids communication not only in the business atmosphere, but also in everyday life. 10 Multicultural Collaboration It is essential for different cultures to collaborate when dealing with business communication. In order for different cultures to work together effectively, there are a number of guidelines that must be followed: · Avoid Stereotypes – Stereotypes are major barriers to communication and must be eliminated. · Practice Communicating with a Different Culture – Practice can ensure easier communication with cultures. · Avoid Ethnocentrism – Ethnocentrism is the idea that one culture is better than another. Obviously this idea is false, and must be avoided in order to ensure clear communication. · Listen Attentively – It is important to listen actively when learning about other cultures.

It provides for a better understanding of the culture. · Look at the Situation Differently – It is important to look various situations in communication from another’s perspective in order to get a better understanding of the culture. · Have Knowledge of Historical Events – Discussion of history helps bridge the gap between cultures, and it also helps to provide a clear path for future communication.


This report analyzes the cultural factors that affect business communication, and presents guidelines and suggestions for overcoming the barriers between cultures. There Are Many Challenges in Communication Between Cultures Communication varies between cultures, and it is important to understand the factors involved, such as language and gestures. The differences in cultures can be categorized into six patterns: differences in communication styles, attitudes towards conflict, completing tasks, decision-making styles, attitudes toward disclosure, and knowledge. Cultural Factors Vary From Country to Country It is important to know the cultural factors of countries when engaging in business activities. International trade is an aspect of business that involves communication between cultures.

In order to communicate clearly, knowledge of cultural factors such as language, attire, gestures, and management styles. Obstacles in Business Communication Can Be Eliminated Respect is essential in overcoming communication barriers. By respecting various cultures, working together will become easier. Guidelines for multicultural collaboration include avoiding stereotypes, practicing communication, avoiding ethnocentrism, listening attentively, looking at situations differently, and having knowledge of history.

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Status Demand Respect

Respect has a great importance in our everyday life. As children we are taught to respect our parents, teachers, elders, school rules, traffic laws, family and cultural traditions, other people’s feelings, and people’s differing opinions. We come to value respect for such things when we’re older as well as through our experiences in life. Sometimes we may shake our heads or fists at people who seem to have not learned to respect them. We develop great respect for people we consider pure and lose respect for those we discover to be artificial, and so we may try to respect only those who are truly worthy of our respect.

In reality at some level, all people are worthy of respect. Respect is also important in today’s society. If you want a job and go to an interview for one, and you are rude to the boss you are most likely not going to get the job. Jobs and relationships become unbearable if we receive no respect in them and we don’t perform at 100 percent as a consequence. The price of disrespect if we violate the street law, “Diss me and you die. ” is an increasingly part of public life this time of days.

Members of racial-ethnic minorities and those discriminated against because of their gender, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, and economic status demand respect both as social and moral equals for their cultural differences. We live in a diverse nation made up of many different cultures, languages, races, and backgrounds. A variety that can make our lives very different and exciting if we get along. You may not like every single person you meet but if you respect them they will respect you and that will make life a bit simpler.

We learn that our lives are better when we respect the things that deserve to be respected and that we should be courteous in giving respect to all equally. It is crucial that are lives depend every bit as much on whether we respect ourselves. The value of self-respect is something we take for granted in most cases, or we may discover how very serious it is when our self-respect is threatened, or when we lose it and struggle to regain it. In some cases people find out that finally being able to respect themselves is what matters most in life and they accomplish this by kicking a disgusting habit, or defending something they stand for.

Others sadly discover that life is no longer worth living or cherishing if self-respect is irretrievably lost. It is essential that respect and self-respect are deeply connected with each other. It is tough if not merely impossible both to respect others if we don’t respect ourselves and to respect ourselves if others don’t respect us. One of the keys to building or tearing down ego is respect. The interchange of respect or failure to interchange respect can affect ones self esteem greatly. Sometimes it can take an eternity of investment to exhibit love, respect, admiration for ones self as well as for others.

Respect to me, is a way of showing someone that you think highly of them and well, respect them. Respect is a very important part of life. If a person is respected, it makes him fell good and in return, he or she respects you. Respect is important to me because if a person didn’t respect anyone, he himself would not be admired, and over time, he would grow up to be a very rude and inconsiderate person. Rudeness and kindness are also two very big components of respect. Everyone has a different opinion on respect and who deserves theirs. If you are rude to people or a person, you are disrespectful.

If you are purposely mean or nasty to people, you are disrespectful. Respecting teachers is a very important part of education and life. Teachers feel good when they are respected and tend to be less grumpy and nicer during the day. Respect can take years to earn or it can almost be earned overnight. Teachers, priests, authority figures and other groups of people spend years in school before they earn their respect. Musicians can right a song and earn respect almost immediately. Respect is ten Gaining respect from someone is one of the hardest things to do.

I think nowadays that it’s even harder to gain respect from people than before. Most respect goes to the actors, actresses and musicians, so I guess people have some competition when it comes to that. Sure, there are people who do get respect for being kind, for not being a pushover, but most respect is given to those in “gaudy” careers, action can loose a person their respect. People can spend their whole lives thinking of ways to earn respect, but unless they do something they will never get it. In contrast respect is something everyone wants and something no-one wants to loose.

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Analysis of “The Ethics of Respect for nature”

In this paper, I will be conducting an analysis of the article “The Ethics of Respect for nature” written by Paul W. Taylor. In this paper Taylor presented the foundational structure for a life-centered theory of environmental ethics. The structures according to Taylor are based on three categories which are related. The first part of the structure is called respect for nature. What this section of the article basically talked about was how human being only respects living things.

And it also mentioned how if we as human beings were to adapt to the life-centered system of environmental ethics, the way in which we view the world right now will have to have to change we would be caring for nature more than we are now. Taylor argued that, it is the good (well-being, welfare) of individual organisms, considered as entities having inherent worth that determines our moral relations with the Earth’s wild communities of life. In order to prove his argument he was able to relate the argument with the anthropocentric views.

In the anthropocentric view, human actions affecting the natural environment and its nonhuman inhabitants are right (or wrong) by either of two criteria: they have consequences which are favorable (or unfavorable) to human well-being, or they are consistent (or inconsistent) with the system of norms that protect and implement human rights. From this human-centered standpoint it is to humans and only to humans that all duties are ultimately owed (James). We as human have no obligation to promote or protect the good of nonhuman living things.

The difference between the life-centered system of environmental ethic and the human-centered system of environmental ethic is in life centered system (as noted earlier) we as human will have more duty to the nature. Our duties to respect the integrity of natural ecosystems, to preserve endangered species, and to avoid environmental pollution stem from the fact that these are ways in which we can help make it possible for wild species populations to achieve and maintain a healthy existence in a natural state (Taylor).

Our duties with respect to the “world” of nature would be seen as making prima facie claims upon us to be balanced against our duties with respect to the “world” of human civilization. We could no longer simply take the human point of view and consider the effects of our actions exclusively from the perspective of our own good. The evidence that the author used to justify the respect of nature is by making clear the fundamental moral attitude that underlies and makes intelligible the commitment to live by such a system.

The second part of the structure is a belief system that constitutes a way of conceiving of the natural world and of our place in it. This belief system underlies and supports the attitude in a way that makes it an appropriate attitude to take toward the Earth’s natural ecosystems and their life communities. This section focuses more on the perception of biocentric outlook on nature.

Taylor believed that the biocentric outlook on nature has four components; the first is human are thought of as member of the earth’s community of life, second the earth’s natural ecosystems as a totality are seen as a complex web of interconnected elements, with the sound biological functioning of each being dependent on the sound biological functioning of the others. Third, each individual organism is conceived of as a teleological center of life, pursuing its own good in its own way.

And the last component, whether we are concerned with standards of merit or with the concept of inherent worth, the claim that humans by their very nature are superior to other species is a groundless claim and, in the light of elements (1), (2), and (3) above, must be rejected as nothing more than an irrational bias in our own favor (Taylor). To further understand his argument he was able to relate human with other species in a biological aspect.

The laws of genetics, of natural selection, and of adaptation apply equally to all of us as biological creatures. In this light we consider ourselves as one with them, not set apart from them. We, as well as they, must face certain basic conditions of existence that impose requirements on us for our survival and well-being. Each animal and plant is like us in having a good of its own. This argument is considered a strong one because it logically self-explanatory and there are many scientific evidence to support this argument (Darwin’s theory of evolution).

What differentiate us humans from any other species according to Taylor is our good. This argument is reasonable because, although our human good (what is of true value in human life, including the exercise of individual autonomy in choosing our own particular value systems) is not like the good of a nonhuman animal or plant, it can no more be realized than their good can without the biological necessities for survival and physical health (Taylor). Taylor also argued about the possibility of extinction.

The possibility of the extinction of the human species, a possibility which starkly confronts us in the contemporary world, makes us aware of another respect in which we should not consider ourselves privileged beings in relation to other species. This argument has some strength to it because according to biology, the well-being of humans is dependent upon the ecological soundness and health of many plant and animal communities, while their soundness and health does not in the least depend upon human well-being.

Thinking about it, one can argue that the existence of the human race is not necessary. Every last man, woman, and child could disappear from the face of the Earth without any significant detrimental consequence for the good of wild animals and plants. On the contrary, many of them would be greatly benefited. The destruction of their habitats by human “developments” would cease. The poisoning and polluting of their environment would come to an end.

The Earth’s land, air, and water would no longer be subject to the degradation they are now undergoing as the result of large-scale technology and uncontrolled population growth. Life communities in natural ecosystems would gradually return to their former healthy state. Tropical forests, for example, would again be able to make their full contribution to a life-sustaining atmosphere for the whole planet. The rivers, lakes, and oceans of the world would eventually become clean again. Spilled oil, plastic trash, and even radioactive waste might finally, after many centuries, cease doing their terrible work.

Ecosystems would return to their proper balance, suffering only the disruptions of natural events such as volcanic eruptions and glaciation. The third component is a system of moral rules and standards for guiding our treatment of those ecosystems and life communities, a set of normative principles which give concrete embodiment or expression to the attitude of respect for nature. Taylor was able to support his argument by relating the idea of human superiority to the system of moral rules.

The relations that the author made in this case certainly helped his argument because, knowing that we as human are superior to other animals, we tend to overlook the morals in which we are supposed to look at which result in humans not respecting other species (James). The author also argued that various nonhuman species have capacities that humans lack. There is the speed of a cheetah, the vision of an eagle, the agility of a monkey. Why should not these be taken as signs of their superiority over humans in the way we as human treat other species?

This evidence is reliable because according to research a cheetah is faster than an average human being, an eagle has a much better vision than an average human and a monkey is much more agile than an average human being (Taylor). In the aspect of moral rights and the matter of competing claims, Taylor argued that animals and plants should not be included in the class that have moral rights. He argued that there is no reason, why plants and animals, including whole species populations and life communities, cannot be accorded legal rights under my theory.

This is a strong argument because to grant them legal protection could be interpreted as giving them legal entitlement to be protected, and this, in fact, would be a means by which a society that subscribed to the ethics of respect for nature could give public recognition to their inherent worth (James). The strength of this article is that it can be related to many aspect of the human race today in consideration to the definition of right and human rights today. Most of the term that was used in the article was well defined for example the definition of both life and human centered environmental ethics.

There was also enough adequate support of his argument, for example in the way Taylor used the anthropocentric view to support his argument of life-centered environmental ethics. One weakness that I found in this article is the way the author went about relating his topic in order to make his argument more sufficient. The author should have stated in introduction that he will be using “the attitude of respect of nature”, “the good of being and the concept of worth” etc. to support his argument instead of jumping into the discussion.

In conclusion, Taylor presented the foundational structures for a life-centered theory of environmental ethics. The structures according to Taylor are based on three categories which are related. The first part of the structure is called respect for nature, the second part of the structure is a belief system that constitutes a way of conceiving of the natural world and of our place in it and the third component is a system of moral rules and standards for guiding our treatment of those ecosystems and life communities, a set of normative principles which give concrete embodiment or expression to the attitude of re pect for nature . The author’s main purpose in this paper has been to try to establish a base point from which we can start working toward a solution to the problem. Most of the arguments that Taylor constructed in this paper are really convincing and was supported by evidence both scientific and philosophical evidence.

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Need and Respect

Most people appreciate receiving respect from others; however, much of the time people fail to give respect. Respect takes a number of forms: Respect for other people, respect for people’s property, and perhaps most importantly, respect for oneself. If you want others to give you respect, you must first learn how to give respect yourself. People need to be treated with Respect. Everyone needs and deserves respect. Respect is a basic human need. We all crave respect and we all should give respect. The Golden rule, Due unto others as you would have done unto you, is perfect example of respect.

This famous saying means treat others as you would want to be treated. Or in other words respect everyone. The great hold upon people is the desire for respect and admiration by others. Why? People need friends and to feel loved. If you are constantly rejected by people it hurts and it may form the way you respect someone. Compassion is remembering the humanity behind the case. Compassion is remembering the role you have in someone’s life. Compassion is listening rather than just looking like you are listening. Compassion is treating someone as you would want yourself, or a close family member whom you care about, to be treated.

We can’t always do what we want for someone, provide the services needed, take the necessary action – but we can always treat people as if they are human beings and we can always show respect and behave with dignity. Respect is not an emotion; it’s an action we perform. It is something we do to show others we value them. Showing respect is one way we can show compassion and bring healing to someone during a compromising time in one’s life. Compassion in social work is teamwork we all have to work together to help and save lives.

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