the Catcher in the Rye Expository Essay

“The catcher in the rye expository essay” The catcher in the rye is a book I have read and really enjoyed because of the plot and the characters in the novel. “I always call it the catcher of the rye of the new generation. ” (www. Thinkexist. comJessica sharzer) the novel takes place in New York. This narrativeis really enjoyable and fun to read. This novel deals with a lot of issues and this is the reason I enjoyed this innovative story. The story takes place in New York City and this is one of the many reasons why I like this novel.

The story was also written in a narrative format because of the way the main character: Holden Coldenfield. Holden narrates throughout the entire narrative because he is the narrator. He has been kicked out of eight different schools due to the way he acts in class and towards his peers. He also smokes to keep his stress down because of the way he acts. Every single person who knows of Holden would not like or even care for him. The only person who cared for him is his little sister.

The family does not know he was kicked out of his new school Yancy academy. Holden cares for his little sister Phoebe Caulfield. Holden also stays at a hotel for a couple of nights after being kicked of his poised school Yancy academy. He tries to act like an adult to show he is not afraid even though he is sixteen. When Holden couldn’t afford to stay at the hotel anymore he decided to stay with a teacher who tries to molest him while he sleeps and Holden then decides to leave the teachers house without calling the police.

While he is walking he happens upon a bar and decides to walk in even though he is sixteen but he has a fake driver’s license and he sees a girl dancing by herself and so he decides to ask her out and it does not end well for him. Holden decides to leave New York for another city because he knows that his family will send him to another prep school. His family might start to miss him since he was their only son and they took him for granted. Before leaving he finds his sister while she is on a field trip in central park and takes her to a merry go round before leaving.

Since Holden really cares for Phoebe he explains to her that he is leaving and won’t be coming back and he tells her that he loves her. He also tells Phoebe the dream he had explaining him being a catcher in the rye and how he was catching little kids as they ran off a cliff. After he is done telling her this she asks him if she could go with him when he leaves New York. Finally, the catcher in the rye is a novel that I have read and enjoyed because of the characters and the plot in the novel. “I will always call it the catcher in the rye of the new generation. ”(Jessica sharzer)

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Holden and Phoebe

In a frenzy of sadness and frustration on the night that Allele died, Holder smashed all the windows in his garage with his bare fists. I was only thirteen, and they were going to have me psychoanalysis and all, because I broke all the windows in the garage. I don’t blame them. I really don’t. I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all the goddamn windows with my first Just for the hell of it. My hand still hurts me once in a while, when it rains and all, and I can’t make a real fist any more… Although Holder is innocent, he is not naive. Society has affected him to the extent that he is aware of the cost of things, but wastes his money on taxis, as he wants to avoid the phones on buses. He refers to the value of his coat, his cases, his typewriter and even his pens, but he does not cherish his possessions as he gives his typewriter away and lends his coat to Seedeater. When his gloves were stolen, the only thing he cared about was that he became cold.

When he was a child he lost his belongings – so now as a teenager he fails to take his change and hates people ho spend time at posh restaurants and popular bars; yet there is a hypocritical side to him which makes him take taxis, go to bars, cinemas and theatres, and stay in hotels. Society has taken everything from Holder, both of his brother’s presence and his parents Seedeater borrows all he owns, his clothes and even the girl he loves.

His possessions are stolen at school. Because of all of this, he feels he must reject society. It is not surprising that he feels he must turn to children; after all, they are a symbol of innocence, and they have not rejected him. He says that he would like to e ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, who is a fictional character in a Burns poem, who stops children running off the edge off cliff whilst playing in rye fields.

This analogy epitomizes the only future Holder can see for himself. Phoebe is the only person Holder trusts. Her sanity and naturalness restores confidence of society in Holder. Due to his love from Phoebe a complete breakdown by the pond, and from a pointless escape later. Holder hates hypocrites and phones, but meets few people who are honest, so he generalizes and says there are phones all around him, another thing that makes IM an outcast of society.

Even his teachers are phones; Mr. Spencer acts in front of the headmaster, and the headmaster performs in front of the rich parents and Mr. Anatolian appears to have crooked morals. Holder’s parents are absent in his life, his dad is a lawyer who is very strict as seen in “Daddy will kill you” he also doesn’t show affection towards Holder. Holder’s mother isn’t very interested in neither his nor Phoebe’s lives as when she catches Phoebe smoking, as all she says is “l don’t like that, Phoebe. I don’t like that at all. ” (159)

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Catcher in the Rye Song Project

The Life Song

The Catcher in the Rye and My Name is Asher Lev voice how society is a song, each member having his own verse. However, Holden Caulfield and Asher Lev demonstrate different and unique interpretations of their lines. Both books by J.D. Salinger and Chaim Potok use mediums, specifically Salinger’s profanity and lies and Potok’s Ladover Hasidic lifestyle, to show routine consistency, the protagonists’ integrity, and how society suppresses the individual.

To begin, profanity and Hasidism are used in their respective novels to create a rhythmic consistency of daily life. When the pattern breaks, the words notify the reader of a change of pace. Throughout the story, Holden Caulfield utilizes an unpleasant vocabulary which includes “like hell” and “goddam [sic],” among others. In this fashion, Salinger establishes a habit where the character finds comfort and familiarity, akin to the Levs’ tradition of Shabbos and singing the zemiros. Both authors break away from this uniformity to reveal a transformation in each character’s or family’s thoughts. For example, within the large part of a paragraph, Holden forgets his ubiquitous swearing when describing pleasant childhood memories about the Indian Exhibit in the Museum (Salinger 156-158). Similarly, because of the recent Lev family death, Aryeh does not remember to ask Asher “to say the Krias Shema,” as he usually does each night before bed (Potok 48). Both situations signal a divergence from routine, like when Holden remembers cheerful times instead of anger towards phonies and Aryeh’s heavy stress when dealing with his wife’s tragedy.

Next, both authors define a personal boundary to indicate that the main characters do not blindly follow a pattern, displaying their own judgment. To further explain, Holden sees the F-word written twice on different walls at Phoebe’s school. Interestingly enough, even with his tendency to use strong language, the curses obviously trouble Holden, especially their meaning. He tries to remove them but concedes that he “couldn’t rub out even half the ‘[F-word] you’” signs written out there (Salinger 262). This feature is shared with Asher Lev who, despite being an observant Jew, still opts to paint stripped to the waist and later cut off his side curls, both taboos in his religion (Potok 225, 299). Both examples portray the characters’ integrity to their own principles simultaneously with conformity and flexibility towards the world: Holden tries not to spread his lexicon to younger children. Asher follows all Hasidic lifestyles respectfully save the ones constraining his true desires and soul.

Finally, the presentation of lies and Judaic lifestyle express how individuals conform to the rest of the world in spite of their truthfulness towards themselves. Holden himself states that he is the “most terrific liar you ever saw,” an example being the time he tells his classmate’s mother his name is Rudolf Schmidt– his dorm’s janitor (Salinger 22, 71). Holden lies to hide his true persona in the same way Hasidic Jews are expected to conceal their bodies using “long-sleeved dresses and fancy wigs” for reasons of modesty (Potok 6). Both situations depict the realistic irony of modern society as individuals struggle to identify themselves yet attempt to fit in. Holden voices disdain for phonies– the same people influencing his false façade. While Jews promote the Hasidic lifestyle, Rivkeh exemplifies her community’s obvious discomfort when she “perspired a great deal” in the middle of summer due to her long sleeves (Potok 7).

To tie it all together, Salinger and Potok expertly construct a setting out of words where each action shows near-perfunctory repetition, the limit each protagonist is willing to follow such repetition, and how that limit is nonetheless molded by the constant pressure of society. The Catcher in the Rye and My Name is Asher Lev use paradoxical mediums like profanity, lies and the Ladover Hasidic lifestyle analogously. In the end, Holden and Asher sing their parts of the song with their own voices, making sure they’re heard above the rest of the chorus.

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Lexical Pecularities and Translation Difficulties in ”the Catcher in the Rye” by J. D. Salinger.”

Table of contents


There are different elements that are helpful in the presentation of all features that are presented in an analysis and one o the main steps that are taken in the identification of these important features are lexical pecularities and translation difficulties. “„Lexical Pecularities and Translation Difficulties in”The ” by J. D. Salinger. ” is a thesis that was chosen in order to identify these important features. The theme of this thesis that would be discussed is “Lexical peculiarities and translation difficulties in “” by J. D. Salinger “and this theme was chosen in order to describe the lexical peculiarities used by the author and to make distinction in the types of translation difficulties and to identify them in this work. The theme such as the translation difficulties and lexical peculiarities is actual and well-known today because these are two the most important elements of a lexical-stylistic analysis or important elements of studies in lexicology and in translation studies. The Modernist period is a time of the late XIXth and XXth centuries that was marked by the work of the great writer that activated during this period.

The main representatives of this period are , Sherwood Anderson, F. Scott Fitzgerald and the writer whose work would be treated in this thesis is J. D. Salinger with his well-known novel „The Catcher in the Rye. ” The first point that would be discussed in this thesis is Lexical peculiarities which are one of the main characteristic of the defining the main features of the text. The types of the lexical peculiarities and their meanig would be pointed out in the context of this reserch paper.

Lexical peculiarities comprise the following difficulties: difference in the semantic volume of a word because a word exists in a close connection with the lexical-semantic system of a given language. It may have various kinds of lexical meanings (lexical-semantic) variants; it may widen or narrow its meaning and make it more abstract and concrete. The second point that would be investigated in this work is the translation difficulties which are presented through various types that would be in details discuss in this reseach paper.

In this graduation paper there are given such methods of investigation:

  • explanation,
  • description,
  • investigation,
  • analysis.

The goal of this paper is to discover the lexical peculiarities and difficulties in translation from English into Romanian. In order to achieve the main goal and to study these important features of this theme the following specific objectives must be considered.

  • To present the main features of the Modernist Period;
  • To point out all the aspects that influenced the writer J. D. Salinger to write the prominent work „The Catcher in the Rye”
  • To show the definition of the translation difficulties and to identify the types that could exist;
  • To describe the main features of J. D. Salinger’s work „The Catcher in the Rye”;
  • To make a clear deffinition of the lexical peculiarities and to point the types of this peculiarities for identification of them in the Salinger’s work „The Catcher in the Rye”;
  • To analize Salinger’s work and to identify the translation difficulties in „The Catcher in the Rye. ;
  • To identify the main meaning of the words that were used by the author in the order to point out their function in the context;
  • To point out the usage of the lexical peculiarities and translation difficulties in the analysed text;
  • To investigate grammatical, lexical, stylistic and phraseological difficulties of translation in J. D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”. The object of this research paper can be considered as one that gives the detailed review of the translation difficulties.

It also helps to improve one’s understanding of the principal rules of translation which plays leading role while processing translation. To accomplish this matter we are going to focus our attention on several points that are important elements of the lexical peculiarities and translation difficulties and that reflect in an accurate way the main meanig of the writing and more specifically. First of all we should account for the techniques or the main pont of an analyse such as translation dificulties and lexical peculiarities that are used during the Modern Age for pointing out the most sential meaning of the writings that were written during the period. This research paper consist of two chapters. The first is reprented by theoretical information where the literature of the Modern Age and the activity of one of the main representative of this period is analysed. This chapter will point out the activity of one of the main representative of the 20th century J. D. Salinser and critics about one of the well-known writing of this writer „The Catcher in the Rye”.

The second chapter contains practical information from the book written by the writer that represent this period J. D. Salinger with his best-known novel „The Catcher in the Rye”. The practical chapter will single out examples of translation difficulties from the sourse language English and target language Romanian. The first chapter of this study shall define the notion of „Translation difficulties” and present the representatives of the Modern period and some critics about one of the representative of this period which is J. D Salinger. The second is represented by the analysis of a modernist novel written by J. D. Salinger „The Cather in the Ray” in which would be treated the points such as lexical pecularities and translation difficulties used by the author. Translation difficulties and lexical pecularities are the main points of an analyses. These two criterias identify the needs for a good knowledges in English in some of its branches of science.

This study on lexical pecularities and translation difficulties in a literary work are addressed to everybody but especially to pupils and students, also and the practical value of this research is that these features of an analyses is better understood and used by students and by everybody who is interested in, it facilitate the possibility of using and practice it day by day in the research and make it more expressive and colorful.

The Modernist Literature

The first chapter deals with J. D. Salinger’s place in world literature, the most important influences on his writing style, the cultural and historical background behind his literary works and how they influenced and were reflected in his literary creations. The most important patterns, themes and motifs in Salinger’s fiction were the centre of this chapter, but before embarking upon discussing Salinger’s literary trademarks, it has to be approached the issue concerning the controversy around Salinger and his ability to maintain his reputation in the context of his self-imposed reclusive lifestyle.

The conclusion was that the main reasons behind his “retirement” from the public world refer to his great disappointment with the disturbing elements brought along by success and his desire to find a peaceful existence, most likely as a result of the Second World War experiences and, later on, of the strong influences of Zen philosophy. J. D. Salinger’s secluded lifestyle had its share of contribution and impact on the very popularity he has rejected and the implicit controversy.

In this first chapter were also presented major biographical data on Salinger’s life and on his literary works in in order to emphasize the similarities and differences between his life and some of the events presented in his fiction. The conclusion is that there have been some similarities between Salinger’s private life and some of the events in his works, but not enough to entitle anyone to think that his fiction is autobiographical.

A major theme and also strong influence concerns the war and the army life present throughout his short stories, especially during and after his participation in the Second World War. In this chapter also will be exemplifies that Salinger’s fiction followed a chronological evolution, that there has been a well defined process of creating certain typical characters and that his characters evolved from the early prototypes in his short stories to the fully developed characters in his “mature” works, or even disappeared for good from his literary creations in a few cases.

The conclusion is that the major themes, patterns and motifs that recur in Salinger’s fiction and develop into major and instantly recognizable archetypes, his trademarks, and at the same time a very clear indication of the very evolution of his writing technique, mainly refer to: his brevity, conciseness and concentration of style; his attentiveness to details and to exact dates and facts; his constant reference to parts of the human body; his leitmotif of the letter or note; his constant way of picturing certain female characters painting their nails or toenail or the recurrent motif of a man holding a child’s feet; his constant references to colors and the symbolism within colors; his repertoire of characters; his penchant for coining new words or changing different parts of speech into others; his constant use of italics; his inclination of dealing with psychological problems in his fiction; his tendency to use the pattern of sequence—sequence in his characters’ names—in his themes, etc. his preference for the first ; his unique and constant sense of humor; his attitudes towards sex, war, phony world, materialism and false values; his constant references to music and songs, to the movie industry, to movie stars and to famous movies; his penchant for constantly making references in his literary creations to writers, to literary works and classic characters; his preference for creating stories around the brother-sister relationship, but also around the idea of family and the relationships between family members; his love for children and the innocence they stand for; his multitude of representative names and characters and his preference for dialogue and replies; his tendency to use real and historical data or to introduce in his fiction real places where he either grew up or which he knew; his use of well-established symbols throughout his fiction; his unique approach of religious themes and his use of Zen philosophy; his attachment to and protection for his characters.

The research has also led to the conclusion that the recurrent pattern of the letter or of the note plays a very well defined role in J. D. Salinger’s fiction and it is usually manifested through the characters’ repeated reading or memorizing of them in different (mostly difficult) situations. This chapter has also centered on presenting the major themes from Salinger’s literary highpoint, his novel and his Nine Stories collection. It was discussed the reasons which led to the negative reactions around The Catcher in the Rye and its repeated banning and removal from schools and high schools reading lists since its first publication until nowadays, and also some similar cases in American literature.

The main reasons for the novel’s extensive banning refer to the colloquial and slang language used by and to the book’s sexual content. The many negative reactions were mainly caused by the social and political background of the postwar period, by misunderstanding the text, by misreading it, by associating the novel with famous criminals and the reading of the novel by the wrong audience—teenagers instead of adults. Another important aspect of this chapter focused on the presentation of the major themes developed by Salinger in his novel, in the Nine Stories collection and in some of his “mature” and last publications until 1965 when he stopped publishing his writings. J. D. Salinger is one of the main representatives of the Modern literature which is experimented with a wide variety of new approaches and techniques, producing a remarkably diverse body of literature. Modernists shared a common purpose. They sought to capture the essence of in the form and content of their work. The Modernists constructed their works out of fragments, omitting the exposition, transitions, resolutions, and explanations used in traditional literature. Modernist literature can be viewed largely in terms of its formal, stylistic and semantic movement away from Romanticism. Modernist literature often features a marked pessimism, a clear rejection of the optimism apparent in Victorian literature.

Modernism as a literary movement is seen, in large part, as a reaction to the emergence of city life as a central force in society. Modernism was distinguished by an emancipator met narrative. In the wake of Modernism, and post-enlightenment, meet narratives tended to be emancipator, whereas beforehand this was not a consistent characteristic. Contemporary met narratives were becoming less relevant in light of the implications of World War I, the rise of trade unionism, a general social discontent, and the emergence of psychoanalysis. The consequent need for a unifying function brought about a growth in the political importance of culture. Modernist writers were more acutely conscious of the objectivity of their surroundings. In Modernism the object is; the language doesn’t mean it is. This is a shift from an epistemological aesthetic to an ontological aesthetic or, in simpler terms, a shift from a knowledge-based aesthetic to a being-based aesthetic. This shift is central to Modernism. The literature of this period is marked by the activities of many well-known writers. The well-known representatives of this period are Ernest Hemingway with his writings “The Sun Also Rise” and “A Farewell to Arms. ” Another important writer of this period is William Faulkner with his works “The Sound and the Furry”, “Light in August” and “The Hamlet”. J. D. Salinger with his well-known work “The Catcher in the Rye” is also one of the main representatives of this literature. The author of this work is a writer that succeeded to combine all elements that represent this period in his work.

Critics about J. D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Ray” and Influence.

Jerome David “J. D. ” Salinger is an American author, best known for his 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, as well as his reclusive nature. He has not published an original work since 1965 and has not been interviewed since 1980. This author achieved his fame through his especial style of writing that was pointed out in J. D. Salinger’s novel “The Catcher in the Rye”. Raised in Manhattan, New York, Salinger began writing short stories while in secondary school, and published several stories in the early 1940s before serving in World War II. In 1948 he published the critically-acclaimed story “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” in The New Yorker magazine, which became home too much of his subsequent work. In 1951 Salinger released his novel, The Catcher in the Rye, an immediate popular success. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers. The novel remains widely read, selling around 250,000 copies a year. In 1951 Salinger released his novel, The Catcher in the Rye, an immediate popular success. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the protagonist Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers. The success of The Catcher in the Rye led to public attention and scrutiny: Salinger became reclusive, publishing new work less frequently. He followed Catcher with a short story collection, Nine Stories (1953), a collection of a novella and a short story, Franny and Zooey (1961), and a collection of two novellas, Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963). His last published work, a novella entitled “Hapworth 16, 1924,” appeared in The New Yorker on June19, 1965.

Afterwards, Salinger struggled with unwanted attention, including a legal battle in the 1980s with biographer Ian Hamilton and the release in the late 1990s of memoirs written by two people close to him: Joyce Maynard, an ex-lover; and Margaret Salinger, his daughter. In 1996, a small publisher announced a deal with Salinger to publish “Hapworth 16, 1924” in book form, but amid the ensuing publicity, the release was indefinitely delayed. A lot of critics were expressed after the publishing of J. D. Salinger’s novel “The Catcher in the Rye”. Much of Salinger’s reputation, which he acquired after publication of “The Catcher in the Rye”, is derived from thoughtful and sympathetic insights into both adolescence and adulthood, his use of symbolism, and his idiomatic style, which helped to re-introduce the common idiom to American literature.

While the young protagonists of Salinger’s stories (such as Holden Caulfield) have made him a longtime favorite of high school and university audiences, establishing Salinger as “the spokesman for the goals and values for a generation of youth during the 1950’s” (qtd. in Davis 317), “The Catcher in the Rye” has been banned continually from schools, libraries, and bookstores due to its profanity, sexual subject matter, and rejection of some traditional American ideals. Robert Coles reflected general critical opinion of the author when he called Salinger “an original and gifted writer, a marvelous entertainer, a man free of the slogans and clichs the rest of us fall prey to”. In 1961, the critic Alfred Kazin explained that Salinger’s choice of teenagers as a subject matter was one reason for his appeal to young readers, but another was “a consciousness among youths that he speaks for them and virtually to them, in a language that is peculiarly honest and their own, with a vision of things that capture their most secret judgments of the world. ” Salinger’s language, especially his energetic, realistically sparse dialogue, was revolutionary at the time his first stories were published, and was seen by several critics as “the most distinguishing thing” about his work. Salinger identified closely with his characters, and used techniques such as interior monologue, letters, and extended telephone calls to display his gift for dialogue. Such style elements also gave him the illusion of having, as it were, delivered his characters’ destinies into their own keeping. Recurring themes in Salinger’s stories also connect to the ideas of innocence and adolescence, including the “corrupting influence of Hollywood and the world at large”, the absence of connects between teenagers and “phony” adults, and the perceptive, precocious intelligence of children. Contemporary critics discuss a clear progression over the course of Salinger’s published work, as evidenced by the increasingly negative reviews received by each of his three post-Catcher story collections. Ian Hamilton adheres to this view, arguing that while Salinger’s early stories for the “slicks” boasted “tight, energetic” dialogue, they had also been formulaic and sentimental. It took the standards of The New Yorker editors, among them William Shawn, to refine his writing into the “spare, teasingly mysterious, withheld” qualities of “A Perfect Day for Banana fish”, The Catcher in the Rye, and his stories of the early 1950s.

By the late 1950s, as Salinger became more reclusive and involved in religious study, Hamilton notes that his stories became longer, less plot-driven, and increasingly filled with digression and parenthetical remarks. Louis Menand agrees, writing in The New Yorker that Salinger “stopped writing stories, in the conventional sense. … He seemed to lose interest in fiction as an art form—perhaps he thought there was something manipulative or inauthentic about literary device and authorial control. ” In recent years, Salinger’s later work has been defended by some critics; in 2001, Janet Malcolm wrote in The New York Review of Books that “Zooey” “is arguably Salinger’s masterpiece. … Rereading it and its companion piece “Franny” is no less rewarding than rereading The Great Gatsby. During a period was established that Salinger’s writing has influenced several prominent writers, prompting Harold Brodkey (himself an O. Henry Award-winning author) to state in 1991: “His is the most influential body of work in English prose by anyone since Hemingway. ” Of the writers in Salinger’s generation, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist attested that “the short stories of J. D. Salinger really opened my eyes as to how you can weave fiction out of a set of events that seem almost unconnected, or very lightly connected.

Yates describes Salinger as “a man who used language as if it were pure energy beautifully controlled, and who knew exactly what he was doing in every silence as well as in every word. ” Ever since its publication in 1951, J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye has served as a firestorm for controversy and debate. Critics have argued the moral issues raised by the book and the context in which it is presented. Some have argued that Salinger’s tale of the human condition is fascinating and enlightening, yet incredibly depressing. The psychological battles of the novel’s main character, Holden Caulfield, serve as the basis for critical argument. Caulfield’s self-destruction over a period of days forces one to contemplate society’s attitude toward the human condition. Salinger’s portrayal of Holden, which includes incidents of depression, nervous breakdown, impulsive spending, sexual exploration, vulgarity, and other erratic behavior, have ll attributed to the controversial nature of the novel. Yet the novel is not without its sharp advocates, who argue that it is a critical look at the problems facing American youth during the 1950’s. When developing a comprehensive opinion of the novel, it is important to consider the praises and criticisms of The Catcher in the Rye.

Many critics consider J. D. Salinger a very controversial writer, for the subject matters that he writes. J. D. Salinger’s works were generally written during two time periods. The first time period was during World War II, and the second time period was during the 1960’s. There are a lot of Salinger pieces in the University of Texas, at Austin? Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center rare books collection; although some contemporary critics see a clear progression in Salinger`s published works, they think that The Catcher in the Rye is so brilliant. For example, Louis Menand said that the early stories of Pulitzer Prize- winner –Philip Roth- were affected by J. D. Salinger. The Catcher in the Rye and J. D. Salinger were very popular among young people because his rich and fresh vocabulary, full of slangs, connected with the teenagers; in the Fifties, there were a lot of articles about “The Catcher Cult”. This novel revolutionised the society of the Fifties; as well as the style of J. D. Salinger, the other novelty was the big critic of the society that it represented.

Some topics of The Catcher in the Rye were taboos (like drugs, sex or ). A lot of literary critics saw in this novel an advance of the crazies Sixties, with rebel and revolutionary young people who didn’t understand the “fabulous” society that adults had build. So this book supposed a big phenomenon of sales during Fifties and Sixties; but today, in the XXI century, catch more supporters and it is still editing, there are a lot of editions in different languages. The fame of Salinger grew very much at Eighties, when it appeared a lot of articles and comments about The Catcher in the Rye: one critic said that this novel was satanic.

This is the main cause of the prohibition of this novel in some schools; but in the other side, there are a big number of schools and teachers that recommend this book as an obligatory reading. We can see that it were negative comments, hard critics… Many critics told that there wasn’t any novel that went into the adolescence as this Salinger? s work. Holden’s force and ideas last in time: his spirit, his way of thinking, etc… In a New York Times op-ed piece published after J. D. Salinger’s recent death, David Lodge charged that many of Salinger’s critics simply “didn’t get” his work, particularly his post-Catcher in the Rye and Nine Stories work. Lodge suggests that Salinger—unbeknownst to his critics – was “playing a kind of Shandean game. Offering a bold alternative to the famously critical 1961 review of Franny and Zooey in which John Updike concedes that Salinger’s fiction “matches the tint and shape of present American life,” but insists that it “pays the price of becoming dangerously convoluted and static,” Lodge implicitly challenges critics to revisit and reassess Salinger’s body of work. And finally, it can be said that Salinger didn’t assume the fame as well as other authors and he’s actually out of the literary world.

J. D. Salinger’s style and techniques of writing

Without a doubt, J. D. Salinger is one of the best twentieth-century America authors. He is best known for his book, Catcher in the Rye, a book about a seventeen-year-old teenager, struggling through his teenager years, falling into a depression and trying to understand the real world.

The straightforward approach to his novel caused a hurricane of controversy in America. It was the first time an author, dared to tell it how it really is and tried to open America’s eyes to understand the thoughts of a typical adolescent teenager. This straightforward, simple read is nonetheless used in many schools today for its rich content of symbols and truthfulness. This book has had a huge impact on teenagers all over the world.  It’s possible that Salinger`s character –in this case, Holden- is expressed in his own works: some literary critics insist that the author is very controversial, and his novels are not simple.

In general, the main characters are usually misfits of society: they don’t like their way of life; they use to start with their stories telling us their bad conditions, their problems with the society and life in general. But then, they have solutions and they can change their hard conditions for better ones. It’s possible that Salinger has a very negative view of the world; the author thinks that the research of happiness is based on 3 important elements: religion, loneliness and symbolism. He used to name, above all, the religion as the proper solution (for example, Holden was sad when he lost his girlfriend, and he read a passage in the Bible). The Holy book gave him peace.

Moreover, the characters created by Salinger used to have some obstacles to fins their own happiness; but, suddenly, it appears the religion as a solution, as a way of liberation: it supposes the end of the suffering for each character. Normally, the conflict becomes the base of the unhapppiness, but many of the Salinger’s characters, loneliness or isolation is the better way for seach happiness. They think that society is harmful and they don’t like to be in it. Loneliness supposes a for too many characters. In conclusion, Salinger’s characters feel that society is hard and they have to go away. The author wanted to show that with a kind of symbols, like religion or loneliness, life can be happy: a better life is possible.

One example of those symbols is that Holden changed his personality when he was at the fountain in : he became a new person when he was near the water. So it can be concluded that Salinger tries to explain what these three elements can do for search the true happiness. So his main characters (who have a lot of obstacles) learn . If we talk about the language at Catcher in the Rye, we can say that the author uses a simple writing, with several interjections and qualifier adjectives; the tone of this novel is colloquial and full of teenager’s expressions (it is written in a monologue and in lively slang; it`s also important the chronolect). Holden jargon is very important, because it emphasizes how this teenager was, how he talked… We can see that Salinger has the tendency to use the second person pronoun “you” and the irony… It`s easy to see Holden`s thoughts: the author reproduces the teenager’s mind quite well. At this work, Salinger uses the technique of the interior monologue; this procedure reinforces the little stream of consciousness of Holden (we can appreciate his way of thinking). He uses letters and phone calls and he connect different ideas, like innocence and adolescence with the Hollywood’s corruption. It exist a thin line between seriousness and humour.

We could think that The Catcher in the Rye is next to the classical humour (for example, two works: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Salinger has the “power” to disconnect between his adorated teenagers and phony adults: he magnifies children’s intelligence; so we can say that the kind of language used in this novel is not monotonous. We must think that the author language was revolutionary, new and controversial at the time his first stories were published. Richard Yates wrote at The New York Times in 1977 that Salinger is a man “who used language as if it were pure energy beautifully controlled, and who knew exactly what he was doing in every silence as well as in every word”.

Salinger had a very big number of important influences as Kafka, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Proust, Keats, Lorca, Rimbaud, Burns, Jane Austen or Coleridge. And he also an important influence for writers as Harold Brodkey or the two Pulitzer Prize- winners John Updike and Philip Roth. So it can be consider that J. D. Salinger has a rich literary base and he becomes a kind of teacher for several big writers. Salinger’s writing style is pointed out through a very open and explicit way. He lets the reader know how the character feels at that time and his or her thoughts. For the first time, I can see a definite connection between the main character in the story and the author.

Salinger seems to be almost identical to Holden in the story. They have the same attitude towards other people and they think the same way, too. Salinger used his teenage years as reference in creating Holden. Happiness is the very substance which all of these characters are striving for in Salinger’s works. Salinger uses religion in his works to comfort them so that they can proceed on their quest to achieve happiness. Salinger uses religion as a means for liberation. Salinger uses much of the Zen philosophy, as in the case of Nine Stories, to achieve this liberation. In many of Salinger’s works loneliness is used to isolate characters from evil.

Salinger portrays all of society to be bad, and for many character’s isolation from society is the only way to achieve happiness. In Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield’s entire plot deals with him trying to isolate from society. Holden realizes that society has become bad, and wants no part in this terrible life. Salinger uses society as the source of discord in this case to be isolated from. The characters can only become happy if they isolate themselves from this society. Salinger uses loneliness also as a means to change in life. The characters in J. D. Salinger’s works start out in bad situations. Through the use of lucky symbols their life is changed to what will make them happy. Salinger uses symbolism in his works also to a better life. 10] In Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, Salinger refers greatly in one chapter to ducks in central park. The ducks are in context to a scripture in the Bible, which tells of how the ducks are Free. Salinger later explains that Holden will become free as these ducks. In “The Catcher in the Rye” Holden’s main purpose was to be free from the suffering. The ducks represented how he would feel, being happy. Salinger also shows his symbolism from other works through the work of Mark Twain. Salinger portrays how Holden in Catcher in the Rye changes to a different man when he is at the water fountain in Central Park, as the case in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn in which Huck changes when he is on the Mississippi River.

Salinger uses symbolism from other books in his books to convey how the characters in his works will change for a better life. Salinger uses much of the symbolism to show how the life of the characters has become happy. Salinger uses symbols to show the of the character’s lives. He shows that these symbols will change their lives for the better. The works of Salinger show the quest for happiness through religion, loneliness, and symbolism. Salinger’s writings deal with characters fulfilling their quest for happiness. The writings of the Salinger become very important for this time period, because he goes against the grain of society to show how it is wrong.

The writings of Salinger, while they may have been excellent in style, have become very controversial for what he has portrayed in the society during this time period The Catcher in the Ray is a writing of a well-known American writer J. D. Salinger that is marked by a lot of characteristics of Salinger writings

Formal/Stylistic characteristics

  • Free indirect speech
  • Stream of consciousness
  • Juxtaposition of characters
  • Wide use of classical allusions
  • Intersexuality
  • Personification
  • Hyperbole
  • Parataxis
  • Comparison
  • Quotation
  • Pun
  • Satire
  • Irony
  • Antiphrasis
  • Unconventional use of metaphor
  • Symbolic representation
  • Psychoanalysis
  • Discontinuous narrative
  • Met narrative
  • Multiple narrative points of view

Thematic characteristics

  • Breakdown of social norms
  • Realistic embodiment of social meanings
  • Separation of meanings and senses from the context
  • Despairing individual behaviors in the face of an unmanageable future
  • Sense of spiritual loneliness
  • Sense of alienation
  • Sense of frustration
  • Sense of disillusionment
  • Rejection of the history
  • Rejection of the outdated social system
  • Objection of the traditional thoughts and the traditional moralities
  • Objection of the religious thoughts
  • Substitution of a mythical past

Two World Wars’ Effects on Humanity In the end, “The Catcher in the Rye” will continue to be a point of great public and critical debate.

One must remember, however, in the study and critique of the novel, particularly for a researcher or critic in 1996 that the story was written in a different time. If originally published today, the novel would probably create little publicity and garner only average book sales. The fact that a novel of such radical social opinion and observation was written in a time of conservatism in America made it all the more controversial. Some critics scolded the novel as being too pessimistic or obscene, too harsh for the society of the 1950’s. Others, however, nominated Salinger himself as the top-flight “catcher in the rye” for that period in American history.

They argued that Salinger’s concerns represented an entire generation of American youth, frustrated by the phoniness of the world, just like Holden was. The popularity of the novel and debate over its redeeming social value have never faltered since its initial publication, due in no large part to the fact that J. D. Salinger is now a recluse. It would be conclusive to say that critics of “The Catcher in the Rye” have legitimate criticisms of the novel, while advocates and supporters of the story’s message also have expressed veritable praise.

Translation Difficulties and its types

Every translation activity has one or more specific purposes and whichever they may be, the main aim of translation is to serve as a cross-cultural bilingual communication vehicle among peoples.

In the past few decades, this activity has developed because of rising international trade, increased migration, globalization, the recognition of linguistic minorities, and the expansion of the mass media and technology. For this reason, the translator plays an important role as a bilingual or multi-lingual cross-cultural transmitter of culture and truths by attempting to interpret concepts and speech in a variety of texts as faithfully and accurately as possible. Most translation theorists agree that translation is understood as a transfer process from a foreign language—or a second language—to the . However, market requirements are increasingly demanding that translators transfer texts to a target language that is not their mother tongue, but a foreign language.

This is what Newmark calls “service translation. ” Through experience it was learned that the consequences of wrong translations can be catastrophic—especially if done by laypersons—and mistakes made in the performance of this activity can obviously be irreparable. Just think of what could happen in cases of serious inadequacy in knowledge areas such as science, medicine, legal matters, or technology. There are many thorns that can mortify us during the translation process, whatever the nature of the text we face, and translators should be aware of them. The first problem is related to reading and comprehension ability in the source language.

Once the translator has coped with this obstacle, the most frequent translation difficulties are of a semantic and cultural nature: “Linguistic untranslatability” (cognates, i. e. true and false friends, calques, and other forms of interference; institutional and standardized terms, neologisms, aphorisms, etc. ), and “cultural untranslatability,” (idioms, sayings, proverbs, jokes, puns, etc.). One should adopt a very cautious attitude toward these words or expressions so as to avoid interference and/or language misuse. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process, procedures must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text.

In the words of Nida and Taber (1974): Translating consists of reproducing, in the target language, the nearest equivalent to the message in the source language, in the first place in the semantic aspect and, in the second place, in the stylistic aspect. This perfectly applies to the transfer process of ideas from one language to another, which obviously implies a lot more than the simple reproduction model. In the preparatory phase of a translation, cognition, in the form of self-consciousness and self-confidence, plays a very important role, inasmuch as this period implies conscious mental activities, where translating problems are detected and analyzed, and information and knowledge are accumulated. … he transfer process is a difficult and complex approach mechanism, one in which one must make use of all one’s intellectual capacity, intuition and skill (Tricas, 1995). As suggested by Kussmaul (1995), it is a good practice to classify the kinds of errors/difficulties. The most frequent types of difficulties arising from translation that can be proposed to assess in any translation are the following:

  • Comprehension, sense and ideas;
  • Lexico-semantic level;
  • Morpho-syntactic level;
  • Writing style and register;
  • Spelling and punctuation;
  • Creative solutions to translation problems;
  • Transfer and re-wording (use of translation procedures);
  • Cohesion and coherence;
  • Assessment of the result and post-edition;
  • Format.

The method of penalization of errors must be previously established, using clear criteria, and placing emphasis on the lack of coherence, especially regarding meaning and sense, whether it is due to faulty translation, missing items or the wrong application of lexical, semantic, grammatical, graphemic and/or cultural transfer. It is suggested to be drastic with text omissions, but it was found as an important feature to point out to the students all the positive aspects of meaning of her/his translation. A translation difficulty is a problem that could be met in the process of translation because a translation is the same text in a different language. Every statement made about the work by a reader of the translation should also be true of the original text. This is not possible.

Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. But it is what it aims at. The real thing, with the curtain of language somehow made transparent. There are different types of translation difficulties. One difficulty in translation stems from the fact that most words have multiple meanings. Because of this fact, a translation based on a one-to-one substitution of words is seldom acceptable. This first type of difficulty is the task of distinguishing between a use of a word as a specialized term and its use as a word of general vocabulary. One might think that if the distinction can be made, people are home free and the computer can produce an acceptable translation. Not so.

The second type of difficulty is distinguishing between various uses of a word of general vocabulary. The third type of difficulty is the need to be sensitive to total context, including the intended audience of the translation. Meaning is not some abstract object that is independent of people and culture. During a great period of searching it was identified three types of translation difficulty:

  • Distinguishing between general vocabulary and specialized terms,
  • Distinguishing between various meanings of a word of general vocabulary,
  • Taking into account the total context, including the intended audience and important details such as regionalisms.

Types of translation

In his article `On Linguistic Aspects of Translation’, Jacobson distinguished three types of translation:

Intra-lingual translation or rewording (an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs in the same language). Intralinguistic translation, or rewording means interpreting verbal signs through other signs of the same language. This can be done on diachronic level: Chaucer’s text is translated into modern English. When done on synchronic level, this kind of is called a paraphrase. We often deal with paraphrasing when trying to explain or define things. In the theory of translation, this type of code switching is called a transformation.

  • Intralinguistic transfer can also be illustrated by stylistic differentiation

Inter-lingual translation or translation proper (an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language). Inter-language translation means substituting verbal signs of one language by verbal signs of another language, or switching from one language code to another one. This type of code switching is translation proper, the object of Translation Studies.

  • Inter-semiotic translation or transmutation (an interpretation of verbal signs of non-verbal sign systems). Inter-semiotic translation means substituting signs of one semiotic system by signs of a different semiotic system.

In its broad meaning, the term implies transmutation and can be illustrated by decoding some ideas and themes expressed, for example, in a poem through the “language” of music or dance. But Dagut’s distinction between `translation’ and `reproduction’, like Catford’s distinction between `literal’ and `free’ translation does not take into account the view that sees translation as semiotic change. In his definition of translation equivalence, Popovic distinguished four types: • Linguistic equivalence, where there is homogeneity on the linguistic level.

  • Paradigmatic equivalence, where there is equivalence of `the elements of a paradigmatic expressive axis’, i. e. elements of grammar, which Popovic sees as being a higher category than lexical equivalence.
  • Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is `functional quivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning’.
  • Textual (syntagmatic) equivalence, where there is equivalence of the syntagmatic structuring of a text, i. e. equivalence of form and shape. After researching different kinds of documents the scientist made a great work in identifying the types of translation difficulties. The scientists identify the next types of translation difficulties and these types are:
  • False friends – are an umbrella term where some similarity between two words in a language pair dealt with look or sound sufficiently alike to sometimes make translators render the source word by a target word that is semantically wrong in that context.

False friends (or faux amis) are pairs of words in two languages or dialects (or letters in two alphabets) that look or sound similar, but differ in meaning. The term ‘translator’s false friends’ (les faux amis) was introduced by the French theorists of translation M. Koessler and J. Derocquigny in 1928. This term means a word that has the same or similar form in the source and target languages but another meaning in the target language. Translators’ false friends result from transferring the sounds of a source language word literally into the target language. P. Newmark calls them deceptive cognates, as their meanings are different and they can easily confuse the target text receptor. ‘False friends’ could be called inter-language synonyms, homonyms and paronyms. False cognates, by contrast, are similar words in different languages that appear to have a common historical linguistic origin (whatever their current meaning) but actually do not. Both false friends and false cognates can cause difficulty for students learning a foreign language, particularly one that is related to their native language, because students are likely to identify the words wrongly, because of linguistic interference. Because false friends are a common problem for language learners, teachers sometimes compile lists of false friends as an aid for their students.

  • Collocations – is the way in which particular ors tend to occur or belong together. Idioms – is a phrase whose meaning is difficult or sometimes impossible to guess by looking at the meaning of the individual words it contains. The first step towards an examination of the process of translation must be to accept that although translation has a central core of linguistic activity, it belongs most properly to semiotics, the science that studies sign systems or structures, sign processes and sign functions (Hawkes, Structuralism and Semiotics, London, 1977). Beyond the notion stressed by the narrowly linguistic approach, that translation involves the transfer of `meaning’ contained in one set of language signs through competent use of the dictionary and grammar, the process involves a whole set of extra-linguistic criteria also.

Edward Sapir claims that `language is a guide to social reality’ and that human beings are at the mercy of the language that has become the medium of expression for their society. Experience, he asserts, is largely determined by the language habits of the community, and each separate structure represents a separate reality: “No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same world with different labels attached. ” Sapir’s thesis, endorsed later by Whorf, is related to the more recent view advanced by the Soviet semiotician; Lotman that language is a modelling system.

Lotman describes literature and art in general as a secondary modelling systems, as an indication of the fact that they are derived from the primary modelling system of language, and declares as firmly as Sapir or Whorf that `No language can exist unless it is stepped in the context of culture; and no culture can exist which does not have at its centre, the structure of natural language. ‘ Language, then, is the heart within the bodies of culture, and it is the interaction between the two that results in the continuation of life-energy. In the same way that the surgeon, operating on the heart, cannot neglect the body that surrounds it, so the translator treats the text in isolation from the culture at his peril. There are different kinds of difficulties that appear during the process of translation and one of the main is lexical difficulties which is one of the main . Lexical difficulties in translation deals especially with the word meaning. There are different types of lexical difficulties in translation and the main of them are:

  • A polysemy is a word or phrase with multiple, related meanings. Polyseme in the same time is the capacity for a sign (e. g. , a word, phrase, etc. ) or signs to have multiple meanings or a large semantic field. A word is judged to be polysemous if it has two senses of the word whose meanings are related.

One group of polysemes are those in which a word meaning an activity, perhaps derived from a verb, acquires the meanings of those engaged in the activity, or perhaps the results of the activity, or the time or place in which the activity occurs or has occurred. Sometimes only one of those meanings is intended, depending on context, and sometimes multiple meanings are intended at the same time. Other types are derivations from one of the other meanings that lead to a verb or activity. There are several tests for polysemy, but one of them is zeugma: if one word seems to exhibit zeugma when applied in different contexts, it is likely that the contexts bring out different polysemes of the same word.

If the two senses of the same word do not seem to fit, yet seem related, then it is likely that they are polysemous. The fact that this test again depends on speakers’ judgments about relatedness, however, means that this test for polysemy is not infallible, but is rather merely a helpful conceptual aid. One group of polysemes are those in which a word meaning an activity, perhaps derived from a verb, acquires the meanings of those engaged in the activity, or perhaps the results of the activity, or the time or place in which the activity occurs or has occurred. Sometimes only one of those meanings is intended, depending on context, and sometimes multiple meanings are intended at the same time.

Other types are derivations from one of the other meanings that lead to a verb or activity.

  • Phraseologisms – or expressions that would aspire at becoming so – are formed in huge quantities, but do not always succeed. The only instances that create problems for the translator are the stable, recurrent lexical idioms that for their metaphorical meaning do not rely only on the reader’s logic at the moment of reading but also, and above all, on the value that such a metaphor has assumed in the history of the language under discussion. The obstacle for the translator consists in recognizing phraseologisms. If unrecognized, they are translated interpreting the meaning of the single words to the letter, with doubtful outcome.

The translator is always alert in order to catch a passage that is marked, forms a particular sensitivity allowing the translator, to stop and think about an unusual formulation even when in translator’s experience he/she never ran across that particular idiomatic expression. The lexical translation consists in expliciting through other words the denotative meaning of the phraseologism, giving up all the other style and connotation aspects. Once the expression is identified, the next problem consists in decoding it. All authors agree that dictionaries are not always reliable tools in this sense. First, they don’t contain all phraseologisms, then because every day new ones are formed, and lastly because dictionaries have a limited length and cannot contain all.

The second problem consists in the identification of phraseologisms under a given entry: “to be between hammer and anvil” can be found under the words “between”, or “anvil”, or “hammer”, or “be”, but certainly if it is present under one entry it is absent in all the other entries, otherwise the dictionary would be too redundant. The third problem is the use of bilingual dictionaries. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compiler’s intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language. Since there is never a good coincidence of meaning between phraseologisms, there is a very high risk of finding others that have different metaphors, a different meaning, and are not at all fit for specific cases. Once the idiom has been recognized and understood, the task is not yet finished: in the contrary, one could say that has just begun. The problem is to find a translating expression.

In the case of non phraseological rendering, there are two possibilities: one can opt for a lexical translation or for calques. The lexical translation consists in expliciting through other words the denotative meaning of the phraseologism, giving up all the other style and connotation aspects. In the case of the “hammer and anvil” idiom, a lexical rendering could be “to be in an uneasy, stressing situation”.

  • One of the main problem or difficulty in translation- is the use of bilingual dictionaries. In this case, the provided solutions are not the explanation of the sense of phraseologisms that, in the compiler’s intentions, should serve to translate them into the other language.
  • Slang- is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker’s dialect or language. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to things considered taboo. Slang should be distinguished from jargon, which is the technical vocabulary of a particular profession. Jargon, like many examples of slang, may be used to exclude non–group members from the conversation, but in general has the function of allowing its users to talk precisely about technical issues in a given field. Few linguists have endeavored to clearly define what constitutes slang. Attempting to remedy this, Bethany K. Dumas and Jonathan Lighter argue that an expression should be considered “true slang” if it meets at least two of the following criteria: It lowers, if temporarily, “the dignity of formal or serious speech or writing”; in other words, it is likely to be seen in such contexts as a “glaring misuse of register. ” Its use implies that the user is familiar with whatever is referred to, or with a group of people who are familiar with it and use the term. “It is a taboo term in ordinary discourse with people of a higher social status or greater responsibility. ” It replaces “a well-known conventional synonym. ” This is done primarily to avoid the discomfort caused by the conventional item or by further elaboration. “
  • Slang should be distinguished from jargon, which is the technical vocabulary of a particular profession.
  • Jargon, like many examples of slang, may be used to exclude non–group members from the conversation, but in general has the function of allowing its users to talk precisely about technical issues in a given field. One difficulty in translation stems from the fact that most words have multiple meanings. Because of this fact, a translation based on a one-to-one substitution of words is seldom acceptable.
  • Colloquialism is a lexical item used in informal speech; whilst the broadest sense of the term ‘colloquialism’ might include slangism, its narrow sense does not. Slangisms are often used in colloquial speech but not all colloquialisms are slangisms. Justification is the reason why someone properly holds a belief, the explanation as to why the belief is a true one, or an account of how one knows what one knows. In much the same way arguments and explanations may be confused with each other, so too may explanations and justifications. Statements which are justifications of some action take the form of arguments. For example attempts to justify a theft usually explain the motives (e. g. , to feed a starving family). It is important to be aware when an explanation is not a justification. A criminal profiler may offer an explanation of a suspect’s behavior (e. g. ; the person lost their job, the person got evicted, etc. ).
  • Such statements may help us understand why the person committed the crime, however an uncritical listener may believe the speaker is trying to gain sympathy for the person and his or her actions. It does not follow that a person proposing an explanation has any sympathy for the views or actions being explained. This is an important distinction because we need to be able to understand and explain terrible events and behavior in attempting to discourage it. • While arguments attempt to show that something is, will be, or should be the case, explanations try to show why or how something is or will be. If Fred and Joe address the issue of whether or not Fred’s cat has fleas, Joe may state: “Fred, your cat has fleas. Observe the cat is scratching right now. Joe has made an argument that the cat has fleas. However, if Fred and Joe agree on the fact that the cat has fleas, they may further question why this is so and put forth an explanation: “The reason the cat has fleas is that the weather has been damp. ” The difference is that the attempt is not to settle whether or not some claim is true, it is to show why it is true. Arguments and explanations largely resemble each other in rhetorical use. This is the cause of much difficulty in thinking critically about claims. There are several reasons for this difficulty.
  • People often are not themselves clear on whether they are arguing for or explaining something. The same types of words and phrases are used in presenting explanations and arguments.
  • The terms ‘explain’ or ‘explanation,’ et cetera is frequently used in arguments. Explanations are often used within arguments and presented so as to serve as arguments. All mentioned above features about translation difficulties single out that it can be concluded: there are three main types of translation difficulties: grammatical, lexical and stylistical difficulties in translation.

Grammatical Difficulty of Translation

Translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language –the source- and in the other language-the target.

Translation must take into account a number of constraints, including context, the rules of grammar of the two languages, their writing conventions, and their idioms. In translation, both the source language and the target one are important. Sometimes in translation, the translator will face some problems related to the equivalences of source and target languages. Finding a good equivalence is an important job which the translator should care about it. One problem which will arise in translation is the translating of the pronoun from Persian –as a source text- into English –as a target text. In this case the translator will face many difficulties. A text has some features which make the texture of a text.

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Catcher in the Rye Symbolism

The Dangers of Isolation in The Catcher in the Rye It is normal to want to get away from all of the problems of the world, but it is not normal to want to be completely isolated from people. Holden wanted to have no human contact what so ever, and that is not normal. Throughout the book Holden expresses a rebellious attitude toward the world, and this rebellious attitude comes from his infatuation with being alone. He isolates himself from the world because he has not yet found himself and is searching.

Holden feels that he must find himself alone with no one else’s help. Holden expresses his rebellious side when he gets kicked out of school, again. Holden doesn’t like school because he doesn’t like doing activities that he loses patience for and sees no point in doing them. Holden also is rebellious in the way that he smokes and drinks when he is a minor. He is an excessive smoker and turns to alcohol to suppress his feelings of depression, which are signs of alcoholism. This behavior is not unheard of, but is rare for a 16-year-old to become an alcoholic.

From this rebellious attitude Holden becomes isolated from those around him. His first act of isolation with a combination of rebellion is when Holden doesn’t go to the game in the beginning of the book. Everyone was going to be there and he doesn’t want to be like everyone else. Getting kicked out of school is another example of him rebelling and the cause of it being isolation. After he leaves Pency, Holden meets up with an old friend of his, Sally. After hanging out with her for awhile Holden asks her if she wants to run away with him.

From this we learn that he has a desire to get away from the world. From this quote that Holden said we can tell how much he wants to run away, “I thought what I’d do was, I’d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn’t have to have any god dam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they’d have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They’d get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I’d be through with having conversations for the rest of my life”(p 198).

Upon being kicked out of school, Holden decides to go on a little vacation. In this short period of time Holden goes through many tribulations. To get from place to place Holden takes taxicabs. During these rides Holden asks the cab drivers if they know where the ducks go when the pond freezes over. The reactions from the cab drivers are different each time, but his recurring concern about the ducks seems to be symbolic of Holden’s desire for purpose and direction. While he is by himself, Holden doesn’t stay in one place for very long.

He didn’t know where to go next just like he didn’t know where his life was going. During his time by himself, Holden imagines becoming a deaf-mute and running away. Holden wants to use his imagination to feel more connected to the world and his emotions. He does this because in his fantasy world he can control what happens and in real life he wanted to do the same. Towards the end of the book, Holden loses more and more of his sense of reality. If he had stayed on this path he would have lost all sense of reality.

All of these feelings that Holden had were each the cause of themselves. He kept going around in a destructive and unproductive cycle, which would be hard to break. In the end of the book, Holden didn’t ride the merry-go-round because he wanted to break that cycle. He wanted to be there for his sister and see her grow up. He wanted to be a part of life, and the world. In order to do that he would need some help, and the mental hospital was the perfect place for the kind of help Holden needed.

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Catcher in the Rye Critique Essay

An unhappy Epiphany In contemporary society, loss of Innocence Is obvious during the transition of childhood to adolescence. Today’s view on losing this kind innocence is actually deemed to be what would the “cool” thing to do; thus, many people around the same age as Holder Coalfield, conform to this norm and try to act as if their own innocence Is lost. Throughout Catcher In the Rye by J. D. Slinger, examples of the loss of innocence are shown in various scenes where Holder Coalfield, the main character, is with a symbol of innocence.

For example, Holder is seen in a Natural history Museum, and no matter how much time has passed, the inside never changes. This symbol represents that no matter what has happened In Holder’s life, he Is able to return to this museum, where as If a freeze-frame picture of his own childhood comes back to life. J. D. Slinger develops the corruption of the young by introducing several scenes in Catcher in the Rye where Holder’s previous views of innocence are challenged by the adultery and corruption that he experiences in real world situations.

An idea that can be interpreted from the fear of losing innocence that Holder eels is actually Holder just being afraid of getting older, even more so that he finds adulthood repulsive. I said no, there wouldn’t be marvelous places to go to after I went to college and all. “Open your ears. It’d be entirely different. We’d have to go downstairs in elevators with suitcases and stuff. We’d have to phone up everybody and tell ‘me good-by and send ‘me postcards from hotels and all.

And I’d be working in some office, making a lot of dough, and riding to work in cabs and Madison Avenue buses, and reading newspapers, and playing bridge all the time, and going to the ivies and seeing a lot of stupid shorts and coming attractions and newsreels. Newsreels. Christ almighty. ” (Slinger 133) Various adjectives and phrases can be taken that can describe the atrocities of what Holder would call a “phony. ” These Include being concerned with money, social formalities, and parties.

What Slinger uses Is the breakdown of Holder at this point of the book where he finally get fed up with Sally, and releases a bit of what he feels on the inside. Slinger puts Holder in this kind of confrontation to allow the reader to realize that Holder does not want to come older, and eventually, a phony. Another example of this kind of Acrophobia (fear of aging) Is, again, In the example of the Museum. “The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobody’s move.

You could go there a hundred thousand times, and that Eskimo would still be Just finished catching those two fish, the birds would still be on their way south, the Deere would still be drinking out of that water hole A part of this quote that should be dissected, that relates to the theme of this fear of getting older, is: “The only thing different would be you. Just to restate, this reminder of the museum is the snapshot in time where Holder keeps precious, which relates to Innocence. Through this, Holder’s visits to the museum allow him a break from his perceptions and the changing world.

Holder loves it because everything Is constant – the Eskimo, birds, etc and he would feel, “Nobody be different. The only thing that 1 OFF putting forth a symbol that every reader is familiar with and that museum constant and never changing inside is the way that Holder wants to keep all children at. And through this kind of preservation we are able to interpret this innocence as omitting that we too cherished at a young age, being the museum. Another way that Slinger develops this theme of loss of innocence is through Slinger introducing what Holder Coalfield wants to do; He wants to save kid’s lives. You know that song ‘If a body catch a body comic’ through the rye’? I’d like – ” “It’s ‘If a body meet a body coming through the rye’! ” old Phoebe said. “It’s a poem. By Robert Burns. ” ” I know it’s a poem by Robert Burns. ” She was right, though. It is “If a body meet a body coming through the rye. ” I didn’t know it then, though. “l thought it was ‘If a body catch a body,'” I said. Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all.

Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s around – nobody big, I mean – except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff- I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where they’re going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d Just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it’s crazy, but that’s the only thing I’d really like to be. I know it’s crazy. ” (173) Within this quote contains he first symbol of “catcher in the rye. However, Holder misinterprets this idea and actually interprets it to be Holder wanting to catch a body coming through the rye, instead of a body were to meet a body coming through the rye. Also, instead of saying people’s lives, he states that he wants to save kid’s lives, and actual irony occurs because the song is actually about sex. Anyways, Slinger presents this scene where he opens up his true side and consults with his sister about what he actually wants to do in life. Also, But while I was sitting down, I saw something that drove me crazy. Somebody’s written “Buck you” on the wall. It drove me damn near crazy.

I thought how Phoebe and all the other little kids would see it, and how they’d wonder what the hell it meant, and then finally some dirty kid would tell them – all cockeyed, naturally – what it meant, and how they’d all think about it and maybe even worry about it for a couple of days. I kept wanting to kill whoever written it. I figured it was some perverts bum that’d sneaked in the school late at night to take a leak or something and then wrote it on the wall. I kept picturing myself catching him at it, and how I’d mash his head on the stone steps till he was good and goddamn dead and bloody.

But I knew, too, I wouldn’t have the guts to do it. I knew that. That made me even more depressed. ” The most significant part of this quote is where Holder again admits that he is continually feeling more and more depressed due to the curse words on the wall. This shows that he is protective over the young and innocent children who are becoming more and more corrupted with this kind of terrible writing of the wall. Slinger portrays a character of wanting to retain the innocence that Holder Coalfield holds in such high regard.

Slinger presents Holder Coalfield in a way such that Holder truly Just wants to stay a kid. Holder wants to prevent what’s happened to him, and his own loss of innocence, to the kids around him. This is why Holder reacts the way he does when he surrounded by what he calls “phonies” who are adults, already corrupted and the museum and how he finds that place a safe haven, due to it representing stillness of his past innocence. Finally, the “Catcher in the Rye” song symbolizes the literal catcher in the rye who will capture the kids and save them before their own innocence is lost.

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Catcher in the rye dairy entires

Table of contents
  • Be the main character from your novel.
  • Create fictional diary entries about each chapter.
  • Each entry you need to write in first person in the point of view of the main character.

Possible Ideas about the entry: You can write what happened to the character in that chapter, and have the character reflect on the events that happened, what he/she would have done differently, or what that character questions; any possible connections to family, values, historical events or prior events.

Dairy entry #1

Hello, I’m here in my rest home in which I came for therapy. I don’t really want to talk about my early life. But I to have mention D. B my older brother that is a Hollywood writer which I believe that he is only searching for fame. My life’s a complete mess I tell you. I was attending Penny Prep back in Pennsylvania. Just because I was not ready to “apply myself”, I flunk four of my five courses thus I will never come back, that’s for sure. I remember I was there overlooking the football field which I had no interest in being there were Penny plays its annual grudge.

I was there because I was supposed to be in New York because I’m the manager of the fencing team but I accidents lost the teams utile on the subway and all, but I actually don’t care. I have really good memories form things that happen there but I sure had to leave. I remember having to go and say goodbye to Mr.. Spencer because he meant a lot to me, although his smoking kills me.

Dairy entry #2

So I go and greet Mr.. Spencer and OMG he is in decrepit conditions. As always he was trying to lecture me on my academic failures and his quotes about all this crappy things.

I do hate him when he told me that he had flunked me. I couldn’t handle on more word; I Just hate to be lectured. So guess what I did? (Obviously not trying to rut that accusations). Yeah baby I left to my dorm room.

Dairy entry #3

So I was there living in Johannesburg hall, reading my book with my hunting hat when I was interrupted by Ackley. Btw, he is a student who lives next door who is terrible hygiene when it comes to his teeth and is always making up lies on how “sexual active” he is. While he was trying to mug me, Seedeater enters my room and mentions some kind of date he is having.

You are probably wondering who Seedeater is, so yeah Seedeater is the one good looking tall and attractive guy, who I don t know why always get to handle sexy girls.

Diary entry #4

So I am there next to that Jerk talking to him while he shaves and whistles the “Son of India” with his piercing whistles that never tune. Just for the sake of it I have to say UK I hate how his razor is always so dirty. He is quite attractive though. Seedeater all the sudden asks me to write his English composition about some god dam descriptive thing and tougher then writing him a composition was that I had to “not stick all the commas in the right place. Why? Because he was a stupid bastard that didn’t do well at all in his English class. Then I started tap dancing for the sake of it. After a while of doing stupid things together I asked him who his date was and he wouldn’t tell me for while, then after a couple of guesses he told me he was dating Jean Gallagher. His date was Jane Gallagher. Yeses! My Jane Gallagher. I talked to Seedeater about her for a while and told him to send her my regards and to no tell her I got kicked out. Then Ackley entered the room again. I think this was the very first time I was glad to see him and set there touching his dirty face until dinner time.

Dairy entry #5

We were their having the same meal as every Saturday night the same steak. When we got out of the dining room we got about three inches of snow in the ground. I didn’t have nothing to do so me and my friend Mall and Ackley decided to go to the movies like an old couple of gays. But instead we went and ate some hamburgers’. When we came back we handed together for a while and as always Ackley was always saying his stories about a girl he should have had sex with. After he left my room I stared writing the composition.

I had no idea what to write about but then all the sudden I diced I was going to write about Allies baseball mitt my litter brother that died. He had read head and was terrifically intelligent. In fact the most intelligent of my family. That might probably be because he was left handed some believe that if you are left handed you are smarter. I loved him and I loved to play with him. God, he was a nice kid. I slept in the garage the night he died and broke all the windows in there. Anyways, that’s what I wrote Straddle ‘RSI composition about and it was about ten-thirty when I finished it.

I was board so I Just sat there looking through the window.

Diary entry #6

I am stuck here in my rest room and its quite hard to remember everything that appended but I do remember that when Stalled got back from hid date and saw the composition he hated it. He said it was supposed to be about something god dam descriptive and that what I did. But no, he had to complain about it so I took the paper and ripped it. I was no really glad I did that but I had to do it. I was really mad at him. I lit on a cigarette Just to bother Stalled, he hated when people broke the rules.

He sat there cutting his stinky nails and said sit about his date. I remember he was quit late. After a while of my asking he stared fooling with me and I told him to cut it out. He told me he stayed in a car. In the basket ball coaches car. He said he gave her “the time”. We fought for a while, I fight in which I didn’t have to get into because it ended with him sitting on my God dam chest and my nose was quite bleeding. I was so bucking mad. When the hell was he going to stop giving girls the time, especially to girls like Jane? I thought the probably Ackley heard the fight so I crossed the curtains and went to his room.

After all I am so glad that I had Ackley, he is someone I can go to when I am down and he is going to understand me. Sometimes Seedeater is not more than a pain in the ass.

Diary entry #7

Hello Diary so I went into Cackles room and turned on the lights and Ackley woke up. I was very down I swear, I lied there in Eels bed, that’s Cackles roommate. He had gone home for the week end. That room stinted , I mean after all it was Cackles room. I Just started calling Ackley a prince and a gentleman and he really was. He asked me what the fight was about but I was a very long story.

I sat there and thought about Jane and all. It drove me crazy. Every time I thought about that I Just wanted to Jump of the window. Ackley reminded me that Ely would flip if he came in and saw me in is bed but I couldn’t care less. After a while Ackley slept and I was trying not to think about the situation but I Just couldn’t, it kept poking my brain. After I while I heard stupid Seedeater come back from the can and go to the room. I was thinking about joining to monastery and asked Ackley about it but then decided it was not my thing. I know I’m not that religious.

I got up from Eels bed and walked toward the door. I decided to leave this atmosphere in this place was driving crazy. I didn’t know if this would be a good choice but I was sick and tired. On my way stopped to say good bye o Ackley. I packed my stuff and left everybody was asleep and the corridor was empty. I Just wanted to leave Penny that’s all I wanted to do.

Diary entry #8

I took the worst decision I could have ever taken, walk to the station I know it wasn’t too far but I was freezing. Every part of me hated that type of cold but it was too late to call a cab.

So I got to the station and only had to wait about ten minutes to get a train. I get board in trains and I was thinking about buying some magazines but then I tough I was not even going to read them because the situation I was in. I Just didn’t feel like it. So the train arrived and this lady set next to me. The whole train was empty but no, she had to seat right next to me. Just for the sake of it She look at my bags and saw the Penny prep sticker so she told me her son Ernest Morrow goes to Penny prep and asked me if I knew him. I did know him but he was a Jerk and a bastard he was a perfect definition of a accusations.

Rather than me sitting there and telling her what a bastard her son was I sat there and I lied about what a good boy her son was an how sociable he was. After a while I asked her if she wanted to get a cocktail with me. What was I thinking, this woman know my age. I’m not fooling anyone. She denied the invitation. Then she asked why I was here and I lied about having this little tumor operated. I realized I was lying a little bit too much so I Just started reading my timetable. I was hoping she didn’t ask anything else because I know I can lie for a while. I know it’s wrong but it’s so interesting.

Diary entry #9

As soon as I got to Penn satiation I felt like giving someone a buzz. I felt lonely I thought about calling several people but it was too late at night. I was afraid if I called my little sister phoebe my mom would pick up the phone and notice it was me. Everyone had an excuse for why not to call them so I ended up not calling everybody. It was quit depressive though. So I got in a cab and ask the taxi driver to drive me to some goofy place and what he did was to get mad and I realized he was kind of a bastard so I Just told him to drive me to Edmond.

I asked him to stay with me for a while, yeah that how lonely I was and he said he couldn’t. I got to Edmond and check in, when straight up to my room and UN packed and all. That hotel was full of perverts you could tell by only seeing through the window. Sex is something I don’t ally understand. It’s kind of something extremely hot and UN heritable. I some for a while as I always do but I don’t know why because I know its harmful but I still do it. I was feeling horse so I called this girl up that no a where but quit sexy. She kind of wrecked my planes down but what the hell.


Diary entry # 10

If you didn’t know I hate to go to bed when I am not tired. So I was no tired at all and it was not that light so I went down to the lavender room where they had a club. I was really missing phoebe. I am a very sentimental guy let me tell you. So I went down to he Lavender room and stood there for a while and I order something but no I’m no aged enough for the accusations that attended me so I had to order coco. For the first time in my life I see the club tree young women alone. One was k, the other two were horrible.

So I invited the cute one to dance to Buddy Dinners horrible music but talking to her you could notice why she was alone. She was a kind of stupid retard. Then I came over to the table where they were and talked to all three for a while. They talked about famous people and pretty much the same thing the pretty one told me that they had seen this famous guy named Peter Lore. Girls my friend. Girls can drive you crazy. They talked about where they work and many crap. Then they said they had to leave. Their names where Bernice Krebs or Crabs something like that , the two ugly ones name where Marty and Lavender.

It was a cool night though the club was not awesome but it was something.

Diary entry #11

Jane Gallagher in my mind again. Bucking Seedeater. I remember the whole day of when I met her and it was all because of a stupid Doberman Pinscher pooping on my mothers lawn and all. I hated when she was crying and I remember seeing her crying next to the swimming pool at the club. It was all like in the movies when a prince see a princess crying and then its all romantic and stuff. Yeah, that kind’ crap. She always read and I loved to see her reading.

I still have the picture in my head if when I was showing her Allies baseball mitt that had all the poetry because I knew she loved poetry. We were close to kissing one day but she didn’t let me. I always thought of Jane like a different kind of girl. Any way that was what I was thinking while sitting in the sticking lobby chair. I thought that I knew she was not going to let him even get to first base but I was not actually that sure at all. The lobby was so depressing that I only got up to my room and sat down. I was quite board I tell you.

So I went down to the lobby again and got a cab that drove me to Ermine’s night club down at Greenwich Village. D. B uses to go there. Ernie is a big black fat guy who plays the piano. And he kills me, he think his an all star artist but he really stinks that the actual truth about the situation.

Diary entry #12

The cab who brought me there was a freeing sticking old little cab and the taxi driver was all impatient guy. Like all other cab drivers. I’m sick and tiered of all theses god dam taxi drivers I need a car. I mean, taxi drivers are not even persons, they act like animals sometimes.

So I go again and ask him what do the ducks do when the lagoon in central park freezes and he has no bucking idea. Then we stars to get all passed and then I ask him what fish do. I really made him think about that, really made him think about all these things. Btw his name was Hurwitz. Anyway, I finally got to Ermine’s and what I padded old Hurwitz told me, “If I was a fish, Mother Natured take care you, wouldn’t she? , you don’t think them fish would die when it gets to winter? ” I think he might have been the touchiest guy Vive ever meet.

So I went into Ermine’s I don’t know why still but I was there and sat down like always they asked me for my age and I sat down on a table way on the corner on the back of the bar. The place was full of people clapping for the wrong thing like Ernie playing the piano. Many ugly girls that I believe have it tough. All the sudden I saw Lillian Simmons. This is a girl my brother was dating a long time ago. I talked for a while with her and she asked me to go with her but I was not really in the mood, Vive actually should have gone. But you could see the interest she had in me she was not thanks to me, was because of my brother.

She clearly has an interest in my brother still.

Diary entry #13

So I walked back to the hotel. Not that I felt like walking but I certainly didn’t fell like taking another stupid cab with another stupid taxi driver. So I walked forty-one blocks. It remembered me of the time when I left Pence Prep and I walked to the train station. I was missing my gloves, it was god dam freezing. If I knew what accusations have stolen my gloves back at Pence I would kiss their ass believe me I’m kind of a yellow guy and all. Well after all I might not be all yellow and stuff I manly Just one who doesn’t give a damn about anything.

Finally I get to my hotel and in the elevator the elevator guy tells me if I want a hook up that he could send me one so I was very exited it was going to be my first time. Tough I had quite a lot of chances to loose my virginity. So I went up and got all ready. After I while I didn’t even feel like it. The prom is I get really sorry for them. I mean some don’t know that they are even doing. After a while of practically doing anything with her, because as I said I felt like sit. I thanked her and gave her five bucks, but no. That accusations told me it was ten.

The elevator dude had said five. So I told her to leave with the five and eave me alone.

Diary entry #14

I was sitting in my chair up at my room. Smoking some cigarettes and thinking about past events in my life when all the sudden Bam Bam, someone was knocking my heat was really hard at the moment. It was sunny and Maurice charging me the bucking five dollar I apparently owed, but no one told me that. I said I didn’t owe anything but what for? It only passed him more. He threatened me to tell my parents that I spent the night with a where. So sunny went and looked for my wallet.

He Maurice snapped his finger in my you know. And then punched me in the stomach they got the god am five dollars and left the hell of there. I stayed in the room for about an hour taking a shower and all. I got to bed and finally got some got dam sleep. All I felt was like suicide of Jumping out the window.

Diary entry #15

I didn’t sleep long. I was very hungry the last time I had eaten g was those hamburgers with Ackley and Brassard. Vive probably instead of wasting my money in some stupid woman in a stupid club at a stupid launders room I should have spent some in food.

So I Just smoked a cigarette and that’s it. I called Sally and we made an appointed to meet each other under the clock at the Baltimore at two. So yeah I made a date with her. So I got into a stupid cab again and went to grand central station. I check my wallet and I’m not as packed as before though my father is quite wealthy that it not an excuse of why should I be throwing money to the sky and all. My mother hasn’t felt to healthy since Allele died that another reason not to tell them that I got expelled form Penny Prep. So I got to the grand and took a train where I met some god old nuns and stuff.

One of them thought English classes and I talked to her for a while since English was the only subject I had not flunked. After a while they ere trying to find out if I where catholic. I gave them ten bucks; I wanted to give them more. They wouldn’t let me tough. Well, whatever I need money for tickets and stuff. God dam money is always a mess and stuff.

Diary entry #16

Hey, so I got there and got my breakfast but it as around noon and stuff. I made the appointment with sally at around noon so I had nothing to do and went for a walk. I tell you, I could go on miles and miles walking and never get tired.

The nuns were in my head. To me honest with you I do not imagine anyone that I know doing that kind of charity, probably my mother. But my mother is not that Christian after all I think so. Then I see this family walking down the street seeing everything around and I caught a little girl singing. I also saw a family with a mom a dad and a little boy that sang beautiful. He was singing that song “If a body catch a body coming through the rye. ” Then I was kind of board and I thought maybe I game old Jane a buzz but I was no in the mood to talk with her god dam mother.

I’m really moody guy. So I went ahead and bought some phonies tickets to a phonies show and stuff witch I knew sally would like. I hate shows but I knew old Sally would like the stupid show. All the sudden I came up with this lousy idea to look for Phoebe I don’t exactly know why I wanted to look for her but I did, my idea to talk to a little girl which I tough would know her was very bad I looked like kid of a pedophilia. Anyways the girl told me she might be at the museum and thus I got there. And then I got all sad or happy o I don’t know what was actually.

When I tough about phoebe and stuff in the museum and looking at the animals and stuff Indians made in ancient times. I remember all those classes we talked about Columbus and all the stuff Isabella lending him dough to buy ships and all. I mean I loved the god dam museum. I can remember all the time I went in here. I Just saw everything and imagined her seeing the same things I saw and being different every time. It Just made me nostalgic.

Diary entry #17

So it was about time to go to my date and all and then I got there and all touts stupid girls sitting there I mean It was probably because it was time for vacations and all.

You could see on there face that they would probably all marry stupid guys. Then I saw Sally coming to me. I don’t know if it was the impact on seeing someone I knew finally or that I if I really felt love inside me. I mean I could really feel the love flowing in the air. And I told her I loved her and all but of course I lied, but after all I meant it. So we went to see the stupidest play ever which she enjoyed. When we were coming out of the play and all some stupid guy she told me she knew came up to us and was all flirting and stuff, you could see over his clothes that he was a very rich guy.

After she had the idea to go ice skate and all so we went and we fell and all. We looked awesome and all but in the end we didn’t even know how to sake. When we finished skating we sat down and talked for I while, I have to admit it I talked al lot of sit to it UT I meant it you know. I meant it. Everything that had to do with marrying her and living together and love and all I said it. I told her something about moving to Vermont and cabin camps and everything. The all the sudden this words came out of my mouth, muff give me a royal pain in the ass, if you want to know the truth. She started to cry and all then I was bucking afraid of her god dam father which hated me so damn much but whatever then she left telling me not to take her home but whatever who cares. After all I really do not meant what I tell her but whatever she need to be happy and stuff I don’t care. Tough I meant when I asked about marrying her I still don’t care.

Diary entry # 18

So when I left the skating rink I felt hungry and stuff and ate something. I thought about giving Jane another buzz to take her dancing and all because I knew she was a great dancer.

I knew as well she liked the type of man that had zero brain and a lot of muscles. Which she had had inferiority complex and stuff. It’s hard for me to understand girls I mean they say sit, a lot of sit. If they like a guy then they classify him as the type of guys that had inferiority complex and if they don’t like the guy they ay he had inferiority complex as well. What the hell happens to girls. Its so hard for me to understand them, sometimes I prefer not to even think about them. Anyway I do not regret giving old Jane a buzz because she didn’t even answer.

So I called my old friend and stuff which I really liked and all. He was very smart by the way. He told me he could not meet with me so I went to the radio city movie and saw this hellhole bored thins that ended up with everybody laughing after all the drama and stuff. I recommend you not to see it because it is bucking bored. So we meet at this cool lace and stuff after dinner and all. While I walked to the place and all I thought about war and all. I have no clue why. Anyways it reminded me of D. B my brother, we has in the army for a while.

He said the army was full of bastards and stuff. I started to remind me of Ackley and Seedeater in the army with me. D. B hated the army but still loved the bucking book of “The Great Gatsby’ and stuff. Tough I liked it too. I’m so glad they invented the freaking atomic bomb; whenever they explode it again I would be the volunteer who sat on it. I actually don’t know why I think that but whatever.

Diary Entry #19

So I got to the bar and all, up at Sexton Hotel and I star to think about Luck and what an amazing guy he really is, his big and mature and stuff.

He is three years older than me and studies at Columbia University. Back when I was at Whatnot School Luck was the most amazing dude ever. He talked to us about hooking up and sex and stuff. Though I still think he is a phony. So he got to the place and all it was cool and all. I tried pocking his mind into talking to me about some sex stuff but he was not that into that. I think he was probably ashamed or something I don’t really know what was it. He probably had gown now and leaves the “taboo” or whatever people call it behind. Anyway got really passed and left the bar.

He was saying that I need some psychoanalysis sit. His dad was a psychoanalyst and all, I wonder if he had ever done one to his son. I don’t care if he got annoyed by my questions an all I at least had someone to get entertained with.

Diary entry #20

So Luck left the bar but I didn’t really care I Just sat around and kept getting drunk. I don’t really know why I wanted to get drunk anyhow. I at least wanted to get some girl from the bar to look at me but I was drunk as hell. So called the waiter to go ask a girl something for me but he probably didn’t ask because it was bobbies he didn’t care.

People Just don’t give others your massage. It makes me flip every time people do that. Just like Jane and Seedeater; he didn’t give my god dam massage to her, and the waiter at Ermine’s bar did the same sit. C’mon people! So I paid and everything and went out of the bar because I felt like giving old Jane a buzz again, I was drunk as buck you know. I went inside the phone booth to call her and all but I was not in the mood so I called old Sally Hayes. I dialed about twenty number before I dialed the erect one. I was DRUNK I tell you.

So I went on with Sally and her grandma and I made a show out of me and all she kept saying me was to go home and all. I wish I would not have ever called her. By that time and the level of alcohol in my head I didn’t even know where I had to be so I walk straight to the park where I went to see the ducks in the lake. I had a hard time finding the god dam lake, when I got there the ducks were not there. It was damn cool, I was freezing. I thought maybe I would have died of pneumonia and all. I thought of the bastard that would visit me. I hope someone would dump me in the river and all.

Because who really wants to be in the cemetery all dead and all with flowers in your belly. After all I decided to go see phoebe I really missed her. I had spent a lot of money since I left Penny so I walked home. It was freezing and by then I was not that drunk.

Diary entry #21

I am darn crazy, I have no idea what I problem is. The point is that I had the best brake ever. So I got home and Pete the regular guy that’s always there was not here. There was this new guy I believe. So I needed a way to get up to my apartment so I said to the guy I needed to get to the Dickens’s’.

He told me they were up on the urethane floor in a party. He told me to stay and wait. I couldn’t Just stay and wait! So I came up with a story about how I had this bad leg and it had to be in a certain position and all. So finally he felt pity for me and took me up so I Just waited till the elevator closed and instead of going to the Dickens’s’ side I turned to my house. So I opened up with my key and all and then I smelled the smell of my house, I could feel I was home. I sneaked in I knew the maid couldn’t hear me because when she was little her brother stuck a straw right up her ear and all.

I knew that if I touched anything my mother could hear me she had the lightest sleep ever, the straight opposite of my dad. So I went looking for Phoebe and found her sleeping in D. BBS room. She was there laying on the bed and all. I really missed her I loved old Phoebe a lot. I always say kids look lovely when they are a sleep. I love them all. So I sat there reading Phoebes stuff that was up o D. BBS huge desk. Anyways, I woke her up, honestly she is not very difficult to wake anyways. So she wakes up and holds me and hugs e. She’s a really affectionate girl though.

Then I gave her a kiss. We talked for quite a lot of time. About everything in the world. Then I found out my mother and my father were not home but they weren’t going to be home any way. I asked her if B. D was going to be home for Christmas but she didn’t know. She told me something he was writing and all I didn’t really care at all. Then all the sudden she knew that got kick out. She knew because she smart people I tell you, she’s damn smart. She told me about one hundred times that dad was going to kill me. I kind of knew but didn’t think about it that much.

I was talking to Phoebe which told me that I didn’t like anything. I really didn’t after all. I Just kind, like only kind like James Castle this guy who Jumped out of a window back at Election. She then told me what I would like to be when I grow up and in a summary of all I said I wanted to be the Catcher in the rye and all. This comes from a poem by Robert Burns.

Diary entry # 23

Mr.. Anatolian is very nice I mean he told me that late at night I could go to his house, in which I actually planned to sleep there. I told him I had flunked out of Penny I don’t know why, I Just felt like to tell him.

He was about the best teacher I ever had. Mr.. Anatolian was pretty young tough, was only a few years older then B. D. He was the one to pick up James back at Election when he flew out the window. So I stayed there with Phoebe and all we talked about her dresses and her plays and everything. We were then and then she told me to hush and all then I heard me parents come in, then I ran inside the closet and all and she came in told talked to Phoebe for a while then she left. So I went out of the closet when she left and decided I had to go. That was the exact moment to go so I put my shoes on and left.

Phoebe asked me where would I stay and I planned to stay at Mr.. Anatolian house. Then I started to cry and all and Phoebe was scared and all but I Just cried and cried and all. Then I left and actually it was harder to sneak in then to sneak out. Tough I really didn’t care if I got caught after all.

Diary entry #24

So I went to Mr.. Antagonist apartment and all it was this very swanky apartment. Mr.. Anatolian was friends with B. D and when B. D went to Hollywood he said the someone like D. B had no business going there. Let me tell you I had to walk because I didn’t want to spend Phoebes Christmas dough.

So I got to their house and it was full of sit all over the place, it had glasses all over the place and dishes with peanuts. Mrs.. Anatolian didn’t even want me to see her because she was all ugly and all. So we sat there and talked sit and all we has lecturing me as always and all. He asked a question or a “pedagogical” question as he said and from then on we would stop lecturing me. So Mrs.. Anatolian brought Coffey and then went back to sleep and all. Mr.. Anatolian was drinking and he was quite a drunk bastard. He told me something that quiet scared me, he said that the sad talked to my father and my father was worried about me.

He told me he didn’t even know what to say to me, and frankly I understood him. So he lectured me a lot while I was tired. So told me how applied I had to be at school. He told me something I had never thought about, he said,”you’re no the first person who was ever confused or frightened and even sickened by human behavior. ” And that my friend, it the complete truth. He was really drunk by then. He told me as well, that only educated and scholarly man are able to contribute something valuable in the world and he really meant that those are the valuable records the come behind a man of that kind.

I was really sleepy let me tell you, all the sudden I yawned, it was very rude I know, I don’t know why I did that man. So he kind of notice I was sleepy he didn’t get mad or anything, but after all I was happy but a little ashamed. So while he fixed up the couch and all he asked me for my woman a sally and Jane and all those separate stories which I was really not in the mood to talk about. The couch was too short let me tell you but I dint mind. He told me something about finding out the size or your mind and all. So then he left me there and I slept, I was really sleepy so I slept right away.

Then all the sudden the weirdest sit happened to me. I felt something rubbing my head in the middle of the night and it as old bastard Mr.. Anatolian rubbing my bucking head. So woke up as fast as I could and got all my things on and left. He followed me until the elevator and it was all creepy and stuff. I stared sweating and I really didn’t even know what to say. That kind of stuff happened to me a lot and I can’t stand it.

Diary entry #25

After I left Mr.. Antagonist house it was damn cold outside and I took the sub down to Grand Central to take my bags, I really don’t feel like saying much but let me tell you that I slept there.

After all I should have probably stayed at his house because he was ere nice to me talking about finding the size of your mind and all. So I was Just there sitting down and I started to read this magazine that talked about hormones and cancer and sit so I figured I was most likely getting cancer and was paranoid as hell. So I went out to look for some breakfast and I walked trough the street it was all Christmas. This two guys bucking with a Christmas tree made melange and while I laugh I almost vomit. I felt sick but I Just kept looking around for the nuns I had meet but I couldn’t see them. So I walked up to Fifth Avenue.

I was sweating like a bastard ND I don’t like to admit it but you could say I was hallucinating because I could talk to my brother Allele in the moment. So then while walking an awesome idea came to my mind, I decide I will never go home again and I will go far away I could give old phoebe her Christmas dough she landed me and then leave. To be honest to you right now, I don’t know what the heck I was thinking. I was thinking I could go far west and work at a gas station and marry a deaf-mute because I would pretend to be one too, I had no clue what the heck was I thinking I Just made up this damn sorts of my life in my head.

So I guess I could go to old phoebes school and take her a note telling her to meet me at the museum to give her back her dough. So that’s Just what I did, I knew exactly where her school was because I had studied there was well. Point is I got there and all and I went to the receptionist at school and all and the little time I was there at school I saw about a million “Buck you” writing everywhere around the school. It pieces me off. Mostly because I don’t want old Phoebe reading that kind of things, it really does pips me.

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