Biography of the Author Thomas Hardy

About the author Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 in Dorset, a rural county in the south-west of England. His father was a stonemason and the family were not well off. Hardy showed an early interest in books, however, and when he was sixteen, he began training as an architect in Dorchester. In 1862, he went to work in London, where he was able to compare city life with the customs and timeless ways of the country village where he grew up. He began writing in his spare time.

In 1870, he met and fell in love with Emma Gifford, but they could not afford to marry. His fourth novel, Far From the Madding Crowd, published in 1874, was a big success. This allowed him to become a full-time writer and to marry. Hardy wrote several more novels, among them The Mayor of Casterbridge, published in 1886. He and Emma lived in Dorset, but they spent part of every year in London, where they mixed with literary people and Hardy was much admired. Although Hardys books were very popular, when Jude the Obscure appeared in 1896, people hated it.

They thought it was an attack on marriage, and ound it shocking and immoral. Hardy turned to poetry and never wrote another novel. He died in 1928. Some biographers portray him as snobbish, mean and hateful towards women. Others believe he was a sensitive man who cared deeply about the human condition. Summary Young, poor Michael Henchard feels trapped by his wife and child and one night gets drunk at a fair and sells them to a stranger called Newson. Horrified by what he has done, he swears not to touch alcohol for twenty years. Eighteen years later he is the mayor of Casterbridge and a successtul businessman.

Believing Newson is dead, is wife, Susan, and daughter, Elizabeth-Jane, arrive in c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Casterbridge to find Henchard because she has no money. He marries her again and they have a short happy life together. Farfrae, a young man with modern business ideas, arrives at the same time and becomes Henchard’s farm manager. Susan dies, and Henchard learns that Elizabeth-Jane is really Newson’s daughter. Henchard falls out with Farfrae, who sets up a rival business, and soon outdoes him. A woman from Henchard’s past, Lucetta, comes to Casterbridge. Henchard now wants to marry her, but she and Farfrae fall in love.

Henchard’s business fails and he loses his house so he starts drinking again. Lucetta dies of shock after the local people make fun of her and Henchard in public. He sees that he will now lose his ‘daughter’ as well as everything else. He leaves Casterbridge on foot. He is penniless and has lost his family – Just as at the beginning of the story. ElizabethJane remains loyal to Henchard, but he dies before she can find him. Chapter 1: Henchard, a farm worker aged twenty, has a family, no Job and no home. He gets drunk and sells his wife and child for five guineas to a sailor named Newson t a fair.

Devastated at what he has done, he looks for them without success. Henchard makes a solemn promise not to touch alcohol for twenty years. Chapter 2: Susan, widowed and poor, and her eighteenyear-old daughter, Elizabeth- Jane arrive in Casterbridge to find Henchard. She is relieved to find he is now the Mayor and a businessman who needs a corn manager for his growing business. Chapter 3: Henchard employs Farfrae, a handsome innovative Scotsman as corn manager and the business improves. He also meets Susan and devises a plan so that the townspeople do not find their marriage strange.

He draws closer to Farfrae and tells him about his past; including a woman in Jersey he promised to marry. Chapter 4: Henchard marries Susan, but she is reluctant to have her daughter’s last name changed. He and Farfrae disagree publicly over a worker. Henchard is Jealous and organises a rival entertainment day to Farfrae’s, but it fails. Farfrae leaves him and sets up a rival business. Susan dies but leaves a letter with the truth about her daughter. Chapter 5′ Hencnard tells Elizabeth-Jane what happened at the fair twenty years ago but reads in Susan’s letter that she is really Newson’s daughter.

He begins to treat her coldly, and even encourages Farfrae to see her. ElizabethJane meets a woman at her mother’s grave who is friendly and offers her to share her house. The Mayor of Casterbridge – Teacher’s notes of 5 Chapter 6: Lucetta, the woman from Jersey, has inherited property in Casterbridge and has employed Elizabeth-Jane as a housekeeper. Henchard tries to see her but they fail to meet. Farfrae calls in to see Elizabeth-Jane, who is out. He likes Lucetta and she loses interest in Henchard. Chapter 7: Henchard goes bankrupt because of the weather and his own impatience while Farfrae’s business ucceeds.

Henchard realises he and Farfrae compete for Lucetta’s love, so he threatens her with making their past public so that she accepts his proposal of marriage. Chapter 8: Henchard agrees to postpone their wedding if Lucetta helps him buy some time to repay a debt to Grower. She cant because she has secretly married Farfrae and Grower acted as witness. Chapter 9: Henchard claims the letters from his safe, and reads them out to Farfrae without disclosing the sender. He promises Lucetta to give tham back to her and asks Jopp to deliver them.

Chapter 10: Jopp asks Lucetta to help him become her usband’s manager but she refuses. In a pub, he reads out the letters to two women and they plan a skimmity-ride in town to scorn Lucetta and Henchard. Chapter 1 1: A member of the Royal family visits the town but Henchard is not allowed to greet him. Hurt, Henchard fghts Farfrae in a barn but cannot bring himself to kill him. Chapter 12: Henchard is back in town to see the ride. Farfrae does not see the ride because he is lured away from town but Lucetta dies of the shock. Chapter 13: Henchard and Elizabeth-Jane live together happily.

Elizabeth-Jane and Farfrae renew their relationship and get married Newson returns and te s daughter the truth, which makes her very happy. Henchard leaves the town. Chapter 14: Elizabeth-Jane marries Farfrae and tries to find her father to take care of him but he dies before she can find him. The original text The novel first appeared serially, in twenty instalments, in 1886 in The Graphic, an English periodical and simultaneously in the United States. The book appeared as soon as the serial publication was complete but it differs a lot from the serial novel. It has been adapted for TV as a miniseries.

Background and themes Where the story came from: Hardy claims the story as inspired by three actual events: the sale of a wife by her husband reported in a local newspaper, the uncertain harvests and the visit of Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, to Dorchester, the town upon which Casterbridge is based, in 1849. Fight with self: The main theme of the book is Henchard’s fight against two things: his own character and chance. As he fghts with himself, his actions and decisions affect other people’s lives, usually badly. He often allows negative feelings to overwhelm him – at the beginning when things seem so bad he sells his wife.

He is lways honest in business, but not always kind; he is often impatient and quick to anger, but he is capable of great love and great loneliness. His complex character creates uncertainty in the reader – should we feel sorry for him or does he deserve everything that happens to him? Chance: Chance plays an important part throughout the story: the chance appearance of Newson in the tent when Henchard is trying to sell his wife; the rain that spoils Henchard’s fair; the August weather that ruins Henchard’s business; the chance meeting between Farfrae and Lucetta when they fall in love.

Hardy believes that although Henchard is a powerful character, he is never fully in control of his life. Alcohol also has a role here. Henchard’s life improves when he stops drinking; as he devotes himself to work, builds a successful business and eventually becomes mayor. Once ne starts again, ne loses his pride and his Judgement. Traditional versus modern: The two men represent contrasting ways of life in the country. Henchard is traditional and old-fashioned. Farfrae is young and modern. Hardy was always fascinated by country customs and ways.

He often includes strange country rituals like the skimmity-ride in his novels. They make useful plot devices and allow him to paint pictures of colourful but less important characters. He also uses them to reveal the conservative side of society, which can be very cruel to people who fall outside its strict rules of moral behaviour. Lucetta dies because of the skimmity Joke. This breaking of the moral code becomes a very important theme in Hardys later novels, which shocked the reading public and ended Hardys novel-writing career. Discussion activities Before reading 1 Group work: Students work in groups.

Each group chooses an important person in their local community, e. g. factory owner, the mayor, the chief of police, a magistrate. They then decide on a terrible secret in the past of their character. They discuss the details of the secret without other students overhearing. The class then questions each group in turn to try and find out what the secret is. Groups have to answer as truthfully as they can. 2 Read carefully: Read the Introduction on pages Ev’ii. Make a chart of the events of Thomas Hardys life. Use these dates: 1840 1871 1886 1895 1913 1914 1928 Example: 1840 Thomas Hardy is born in Dorset.

Chapter 1 While reading Pair work: (atter page 4) Michael is ottering his wite or a little money at the fair. Ask students in pairs to make a list of the things they could say to persuade Michael to keep quiet. 4 Discuss: (page 6) Michael makes a formal promise not to drink alcohol for twenty years. Ask students to discuss the following: How hard will this be for Michael? Have you ever made a promise that was hard to keep? After reading 9 Pair work: Henchard wants to persuade Farfrae to stay and work with him. How can he do this? Ask students in pairs to write down reasons why Farfrae should stay in Casterbridge.

Then they prepare a short speech and give it to the rest of the class. Finally, have a class vote for the most convincing speech. 10 Discuss: Ask students to discuss the following: How do you think people in Casterbridge would react if they knew that the mayor had sold his wife twenty years before? How has this changed in present days? Are citizens’ decisions influenced by the private life of their authorities? Chapters 3-4 11 Discuss: Ask students to discuss the following: What about Farfrae has attracted Henchard? Why would he be interested in him? Guess: Tell students that eighteen years have passed after Henchard’s promise not to drink for twenty years. Ask students to guess what has become of Henchard’s life. Will he ever find his family again? 12 Write: (after Chapter 3) After he learns about Lucetta and Henchard, Farfrae advises him to write a letter to the young woman explaining to her why he is no longer available to keep his word and marry her. He even helps him do so. Ask students in pairs to write the letter from Henchard to Lucetta. 13 Role play: (page 21) Ask students to pretend they are ordinary townspeople at Henchard and Susan’s wedding.

They are very surprised by the wedding. Ask them to role play the conversation in pairs. 4 Guess: (page 23) Farfrae and Elizabeth-Jane receive notes for a secret meeting in a barn. Neither of them has written the note for the other. Ask students to guess who may have wanted them to meet and therefore written the notes. What motive might that person have? 15 Discuss: (page 24) Henchard and Farfrae argue over how to treat a worker. Ask students to discuss how different their approaches to management are. How can they be described? If they were a worker, who would they prefer as a manager? Role play: Susan leaves the fair with the sailor. How do they feel? What do they say to each other as they alk along the road? Ask students to role play the conversation between them. Chapter 2 7 Discuss: (page 9) Ask students to discuss how Susan’s life might have been different if she had not left with the sailor eighteen years before. Would her life have been better? 8 Role play: (after reading aloud the first paragraph on page 15) Casterbridge was a very quiet town in Hardys day. Communications with big cities like London and Portsmouth were slow and difficult. So when Farfrae arrives, a visitor from Scotland, it is a big event.

Farfrae is in the bar at the King of Prussia. One student is Farfrae. Other students are customers. What do they ask him? Ask them to role play the conversation in small groups. 16 Group work: Put students in small groups. Ask them to discuss how these sets of relationships change in this section of the book: Susan and Henchard; Hencnard and Fartrae; Elizabeth-Jane and Fartrae; Elizabeth-Jane and Henchard. After their discussions, groups report back to the class. Chapters 5-6 17 Discuss: Ask students to discuss these questions with a partner. (a) Who is the Woman in black? b) The next chapter is called ‘Love at First Sight’. Which two characters will fall n love at first sight? 18 Group work: (page 33) Henchard has Just been told that he will not be offered the position of mayor again. Farfrae has been chosen instead. Ask students in groups to discuss which candidate would be a better mayor and to give reasons for their choice. Then they share their ideas with the class. 19 Role play: (page 35) Elizabeth-Jane is sitting by her mother’s grave, reading. A woman she has never met before approaches and they start talking. She tells her about her life before and after Casterbridge.

Ask students in pairs to role play this conversation. Remind them the woman ends up hiring her as a housekeeper. 20 Discuss: (page 40) Will the new planting machine be good for the people of Casterbridge or bad? Ask students to take a minute and write arguments for and against new machinery. Then they share their ideas with other students. 27 Group work: Wealth (or the absence of it) plays an important role in the novel. For example, Hencnard’s interest in Lucetta grows now that she is wealthy and independent. Ask students to work in groups. Assign each group a character (Henchard, Susan, Lucetta, Elizabeth-Jane, Farfrae).

Students discuss how money nd wealth have changed their character. Are they better off with money? Are they happier? Then they share their views. 21 Discuss: Elizabeth-Jane wonders why Lucetta did not trust her with the truth. Ask students in pairs or small groups to try to respond to this question. Then they compare their views with other students. Chapters 7-8 22 Guess: Ask students to discuss who the title of the chapter may refer to, when it comes to love. Who are the women involved? 23 Group work: (page 44) Ask students in small groups to list the mistakes or miscalculations Henchard made as regards his business.

What did he do wrong? What shouldn’t he have done? What should he have done instead? Encourage them to give reasons for their answers. Then they share their lists with the rest of the class. Do they have similar ideas? 24 Discuss: Invite students to read aloud the incident on page 45 between the two drivers. Discuss with students how this incident reflects the wider situation between Henchard and Farfrae. Record ideas on the board. 25 Discuss: (page 47) Ask students to discuss the following questions: How does Henchard force Lucetta to agree to marry him? Was she right in accepting the proposal?

Did she have any other way out? How will Farfrae feel about this? 26 Discuss: (page 53) Ask students to discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups: What emotions does Henchard feel when he learns of Lucetta’s marriage to Farfrae? Will he keep quiet about their past relationship? Then they snare their ideas wit n the rest ot the class. Chapters 9-10 28 Guess: Ask students to guess how Henchard might react to Lucetta’s rejection. 29 Pair work: (page 55) Ask students in pairs to discuss the following questions: How do Henchard’s and Farfrae’s management styles differ?

What kind of manager would you like to have if you were an employee? 30 Role play: (page 59) Elizabeth-Jane stops Farfrae in the street and warns him about Henchard’s feelings but he does not take her seriously. Ask students to role play this conversation. 31 Discuss: (page 66) Mrs Cuxsom and Nance Mockridge plan the skimmity-ride after they listen to Jopp read out the letters. They want to teach Mrs Farfrae a lesson using an old tradition. Ask students to discuss the following: How would people in your country shame others today? 2 Group work: Students compare events in the lives f Henchard and Farfrae by making a good/bad list for each of the two men. Divide the class into four groups. Each group takes and completes one section of the list. Groups report back to the class, writing their ideas in list form on the board. As a follow-up, students write a paragraph comparing the fortunes of the two men. Chapters 11-12 33 Discuss: Farfrae has Just been offered the position of mayor. Ask students to discuss these questions: Do you think he will agree? Why/why not? 34 Role play: Ask students to imagine that they are standing in the crowd watching the royal visit.

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The Going by Thomas Hardy

Hardy almost appears unaware of the years passed distanced from his wife ntil the fifth stanza, suggesting her death has the effect of a virtual awakening, allowing him to finally accept it, yet not settle from mourning it ,as is made evident by the following 1912-13 poems. The Repetition of “Why’ beginning the first, third, and fifth stanza illustrate Hardys rejection of Emma’s death, probably resulting from the regret of not having taken advantage of the time she was alive. Hardy feels Emma “calmly’ died with “indifference”, giving way to intense feelings of remorse in the following stanza’s.

His uspicion of her carelessness is further highlighted in the second stanza as she is described to have “never to bid goodbye” – “or lip [him] the softest call”. Emma’s apparent alienation of hardy suggests she deliberately left him in response to “those days long dead” where she was as good as dead to Hardy. Moreover Hardy remains unsettled by the fact that death or Emma offered “no hint” of her “going”. Deaths unexpectedness emphasizes its fragility, and tendency to “quickly – and calmly’ occur at any “moment, and alter all”.

The use of the oxymoron, quickly – and calmly’ to describe death may suggest Hardys state of confusion due to the swiftness of it all happening, as well as him actually not knowing how she died because he was not there. In addition the aural imagery created through the use of the monosyllabic words, “up and be gone”, has the effect of emphasizing deaths suddenness. The “IloW’ sound created by the feminine end rhyme of “where I could not follow – with wing of swallow’ has the effect of something continuous, in this case suggesting Hardys growing distance from Emma now that she is dead, as well as oreshadowing the long period of grief to come. The Going” is reference to Emma’s gradual fading from Hardys memory. Emma death is also described to be a “swift fleeing” and a “great going”. Death and the after life are never referred to explicitly. Therefore Hardys use of euphemisms illustrate his avoidance of reality, as well as his fear of acknowledging Emma’s death. Furthermore, Hardys commemorations of his courtship with Emma in the fourth stanza further stresses this point. The tone of the poem shifts during this process, as he cadence begins to rise, revealing the Joy Hardy feels whilst remembering Emma alive.

It almost seems as if Hardy is attempting to “follow’ Emma through his memories of her. Hardys eventually recollects the moments where him and Emma were most distant and “did not spear or “visit together those places that they once visited”. By this point, regret dominates Hardys feelings and the poem. Furthermore, in the first stanza Emma’s is described to have passed on “quickly after the morrows dawn” – the use of the word “dawn” adds a sense of light to poem, allowing readers to imagine the sun rising.

This may symbolize Emma’s soul rising from her dead corpse, as well as, portraying an ambiance of increasing light. Hardy deliberately eliminates this semblance of light to depict his increasing sense of grief. In the third stanza, the use of the words “darkening dankness” and “yawning blankness” coupled with Hardys description of his wife’s hallucination “at dusk”, convey this diffusion of light. In the final stanza Hardy appears to be undergoing acceptance, suggested by the use of the words “well, well”. Nevertheless his grief has not yet subsided.

The broken yntax alters the rhythm, as well as giving the impression of it faltering forward. Hardy describes himself as a “dead man held on end to sink down soon”, this conflicts with the “rising” of Emma in the first stanza, nevertheless, may imply the same idea. Hardy is now plagued with a wish to Join his wife in the after life, yet this does not bring them any closer to her, as Hardy feels he’ll “sink down” instead of rising up. In addition, similarly to the sun “rising” in the first stanza, the use of “sink down” may symbolize the sun now sinking, bringing about darkness.

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Analysis of the Voice by Thomas Hardy

POEM: THE VOICE BY THOMAS HARDY What is the genre of this poem? To me this poem speaks about “Woman Much Missed” Meaning there is someone very dear to the poet that is much missed & is no longer seen. The poem has a sense of Reminiscence, Depression, Sorrow & Death. What is the tone of voice? The tone of voice is rather Nostalgic, Emotive and Anxious. Because he says “Let me view you, then, Standing as when I drew near to the town Where you would wait for me: yes as I knew you then,”

What is the theme? The theme is rather about love and a great loss. Because it says “Saying that now you are not as you were, When you had changed from the one who was all to me” What is the structure? The structure is rather Emphatic, because he emphasizes when he says “How you call to me, call to me” twice. What is the setting? The setting is in a rather sad & depressed/scared mood. He says “Thus I; faltering forward” shows he’s fear to move on without this woman. What is the Image being Portrayed?

The poet is setting a rather mysterious/miserable image. Mysterious because as he says “Can it be you that I hear? ” It makes you wonder if the poet is going mad. Miserable because he shows how much he misses this woman by saying “Woman much missed” What is the Key Statement? The key statement to me is in the title because the title in itself makes you reason out what the poem is about. The title is THE VOICE, this title would make me ask, Why the voice? , Who is the voice? What about the voice? So in short it’s all about the voice. What is the sound being portrayed? The impression being portrayed to me is that life is all about love and that life cannot continue without it, for others. What is the Language use? The poet is using the language rather narratively because rather than describing his emotions he’s narrating the events that are happening e. g. “Traveling across the wet mead to me here” What are the qualities that resonate/evoke with the reader?

The poem is rather much private because he says “Woman much missed, how you call to me call to me” which confirms the poets love for someone missing. He indirectly channels the reader to his feelings through someone else. In the third stanza he starts to question the authenticity of the voice. “Can it be you that I hear? ” The poet uses a mixture of alliteration and assonance to guideaid the reader with these lines. What is the value of this poem? Value the people you love for you never know what the future holds for you or your spouse/partner in life.

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Thomas Hardy’s View on Time

In hardy’s poems time is not constant or limited by a forward direction of time passing nor the vertical view of time. time is a landscape or location upon which we view the different vantage points and aspects of it, and consequently he has given locations the characteristics of time. The journey through locations is constant and forward moving but as in time you can access memories but revisiting them in your mind, or in hardy’s sense, by revisiting the location. ou are not locked in time as you are in reality, hardy rewinds time as he chooses and sees what he saw at any period in his life but only when at the location. This comes through in “after a journey” when hardy revisits a cave and the echo from his previous visit their still remained, as if no time had passed, “and the cave just under, with a voice still so hollow that it seems to call out to me from forty years ago” Hardy’s subconscious is so active that by revisiting a place, any memories from there reawaken and occupy the scene.

In the first stanza of ‘where the picnic was’ we are in hardy’s memory at the early stages of assumedly Emma and hardy’s marriage, when the ‘fire’ was still young and strong in their relationship. Hardy is describing a place they went in the summer time. towards the end of the stanza we are indicated that there has been a change and time is allowed to show what is in front of him then juxtaposition is introduced and we are rapidly in this new, dull and derelict scene but the location has not changed.

The time jump shows where hardy really is in his life journey. Reminding him that can although he can see all these different vantage points of a landscape there is always on true outcome the present giving time a personality and the ability to ridicule. This relates to “after a journey” where  Time is personified “despite Time’s derision” time is given a character that in a way as if to taunt Hardy for wanting so much to access old layers of time . Emphasising that time has the ultimate power and control and can not be completely defied

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Essay Summary of The Going by Thomas Hardy

The Going in part of a set of poems written by Hardy for Emma between 1912-13. All these poems are a reflection of his guilt and regret at remaining oblivious to his wife’s state. The poems are attempts at redemption and attempts at trying to console himself. The Going is an accusation at Emma’s untimely […]

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Analysis of the Voice by Thomas Hardy

POEM: THE VOICE BY THOMAS HARDY What is the genre of this poem? To me this poem speaks about “Woman Much Missed” Meaning there is someone very dear to the poet that is much missed & is no longer seen. The poem has a sense of Reminiscence, Depression, Sorrow & Death. What is the tone […]

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Thomas Hardy Notes on Hap

Author: Thomas Hardy First Published: 1898 Type of Poem: Sonnet Genres: Poetry, Sonnet Subjects: Suffering, Despair, God, Pain, Good and evil, Gods or goddesses, Fate or fatalism, Life, philosophy of, Life and death, Time, Joy or sorrow, Luck or misfortune The Poem Thomas Hardy has structured “Hap” to meet all the requirements of the form […]

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