A World Without Children

A World Without Children A world without children would be a terrible place to live in. Everyone would know that mankind is dying and would soon be extinct. With kids around, the earth is a much happier place. Not because we know we’ll survive, but because children can brighten up anyone’s day. Children are essential for humans to prosper, and they bring the kindness and responsibility out of people. Newborns seem to be unaware of their surroundings, but in reality, they are taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of this new world.

Toddlers are in the stage of becoming independent; they want to do things for themselves and have their own ideas about how things should happen. Preschool children want to touch, taste, smell, hear, and test things for themselves. School age children are often excited about going to school; their parents are still the most important people in their lives. For a start, the survival of humans would be impossible without children. There would be a select number of people living that would slowly die away, and then everyone is gone. Reproduction is very significant to us because it keeps our species at a stable population.

Children are the next generation and without them there are no new generations. So basically, once reproduction stops it’s just a matter of time before mankind is no more. With no children our fate would be inevitable; we would become extinct. All children are important to the survival of mankind. Secondly, children make people responsible. With little ones around people are usually more careful. When you become a parent you have a lot more things that depend on you, so you need to become responsible to take care of all those things. Infants cannot take care of their daily needs, so they rely on their parents to do all these things from them.

If children weren’t here people would be a lot less responsible. I believe some people would act as if they weren’t accountable for their actions. As an example, I had a cousin who was probably the most irresponsible person I knew. She spent her life partying and not seeing the consequences that could come from it. She had a child about a year ago, and from the way she has turned her life around you would have never known it was the same girl who went out every night to parties. I know from this that a child can really change everything about you.

Knowing that you have control over someone’s life and have to take care of most everything for them can really change a person. Children are the ultimate responsibility. Furthermore, children can make people kind. Kindness is a big role in raising a child. You need to nurture them with love and compassion. All children need to feel loved and valued. Children who feel loved and successful have greater confidence and higher self-esteem. These qualities give them strength and resiliency to overcome disappointment and stress. A child left without feeling loved will have a hard life.

Providing a child with care and attention can also promote development. Play promotes progress in all areas of development. Physical activities like playing tag, catch, or riding a bike help promote motor skills. Playing with puzzles helps children learn about sizes and shapes and how things fit together. Reading to children teaches them about letters, words, and ideas. Storytelling, pretend play, and drawing encourage creativity. When you play games like patty-cake and peek-a-boo it forms bonds with the child. Playing with them lets them know that they deserve your time and attention.

This boosts their self-esteem, and it helps them learn to give and receive love. Playing board games and group games promotes social skills such as sharing, taking turns, resolving conflicts, and compromising. When playing with others, they learn how to develop and maintain friendships. Playing with others also teaches children to understand how their actions affect others around them. Gradually, children will learn that cheating is wrong because it’s unfair to others. All of these things need to be put into action with kindness because kindness is one of the biggest roles in raising a child.

As was previously stated, survival, responsibility, and kindness are my three thoughts on what the world would be like without children. I believe that without children people would become much less responsible. Because an abundance of people learn how significant responsibility is once they become parents, the world would lose track of their obligations much easier without the experience of very important responsibilities. Also, I think that kindness would be depleted drastically. People already know how to be nice, but when around children you learn a new type of kindness. I believe that children bring out the goodness in people.

By showing kindness to children you help them develop self-esteem and teach them how to show kindness to others. The last reason of what I think the world would be like without children is the end of mankind. Without reproducing, humans would be gone, and that is inevitable. With no children there are no new generations being created. To put this to an end, I believe these are all valid points on what the world would be like without children. Without children I think the world would be a darker place. I wouldn’t want to live in it, and I don’t think anyone else would either.

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How do enterprising skills help the company meet their objectives

Tescos use enterprise skills to help their business meet their objectives in many ways. Firstly they use self-confidence and motivation to make sure their company meets all the objectives. Also confidence and motivation helps tescos business expand by building new stores, but without confidence tesco might be scared to move out of town or build new stores, this could result in loss of profit or this will result in them loosing a percent of the market. An example of this would be the fact that Marks and Spencer did not have the confidence to move out of town, which did cause them to have a dip in profit intake.

Another reason why a business would need good motivation and confidence would be for adapting new ideas. Tesco have this ability because they moved out of the non-food, such as tescos clothing range. The clothing range has brought in a lot of profit, so has the electrical items they sell which are also sold in well known high street stores but are much cheaper at tesco. Also tesco use motivation and confidence to set clear goals and targets. For example making sure they reach the set amount of profit for their company.

Tescos are also well known for taking risks, some of the risks tesco have been well known for taking would be moving into new product areas. These product areas such as clothing have been great for the public, rich or poor tescos Cherokee range as been a great barging and the clothes style is up their with some Italian designers as well. Tescos also offer a grat new mobile phone network (tesco mobile), this could have been a serious loss in profit because there is so many different types of phone networks, Another major risk tesco took was building some new stores like tesco expresses.

Most companies would not build new stores in case of loss of profit, which is why most companies need good confidence and motivation. Also tesco take a risk every day by setting pricing strategy like buy one get one free. This could have a serious downfall in the profit market if they don’t use this strategy well. Tescos also have a good ability to innovate, by having this skill tesco’s are able to be successful in all the new product areas they have come up with. For example moving their company into non-food areas allows them to be a lot more successful and control a large percentage of the market.

These non -food areas consist of, tescos clothing range, tesco electronic range and tesco free home delivery service. Tesco showed great ability to innovate when introducing this home delivery service because this allowed a lot more customers to join tescos community, but this was also a big risk because this could have lost tesco quite a lot of profit intake. Tesco clothing range has let them take in a lot of profit as well as the electrical side, like their mobile phone network they have made, which offers great deals and new phone models for good standard prices. Read about W aitrose aims and objectives

All these areas have been a great success for tescos which have gain them lot more customers and profit, this is because they took a risk by going into non food areas. For tescos to be able to have all this success tescos needed the ability to inspire the staff and customers. Tescos must offer great training programs for there staff. If you ever shop at tescos you can really see a good relationship between each employee this helps tescos motivation to progress into new product areas. This motivation also helps the company take risks to inspire growth, for example when tesco build new buildings, which would need good motivation.

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Active Citizenship Coursework

This coursework is all about being an active citizen, and what it takes to be one. I will be giving an example of an activity in which I was being an active citizen. Then I will be showing how I have been an active Citizen.

Brief Details of the Activity

From late 2007 to the early months of 2008, I was taking part in a programme of activities known as the Duke of Edinburgh’s award (D of E), at the silver level. This involved me carrying out work in different forms of activities with the aim of completing set objectives, as well as planning and training for an expedition by my

D of E group to cover 14 miles in 2 days by foot.

The activities context

The role of other people/planning

The D of E award required a lot of planning spread out over different aspects. Below I will explain the layers of planning required in order for me to have successfully completed my D of E.

The first level would be organising the instructors. The instructors would have to be trained adequately in order to assist the participants. There are different areas in which they would have to be trained – they would have to have knowledge about the objectives which are required in order for participants to complete the award. Furthermore, if they area assisting with an expedition, they would have to have an even greater knowledge about what is required to complete the objective successfully (such as knowing about map reading or tents). All this training is important for them to be able to help us plan our D of E successfully. As we meet up regularly to check on the progress of our D of E, the instructors will be there to see if we are on target to achieve our set objectives, and their input can be important for us to have our D of E planned.

With instructors being trained adequately, the next stage of other peoples planning would be my peers When we take part in the D of E award, we also have to take part in an expedition. In order for the expedition to be successful, a lot of different work will be needed to be carried out before we set out on our expedition. Firstly, the group needs to create a planned route that we set out on, and this requires full participation from all the group’s members. After the route has been created, the next aim would be to organise where the camping location would be. Part of the team will be allocated the job of locating possible areas for the location. After possible locations are found, the group has to come together to make a decision on the best camping place, based on location, facilities (such as showers) and costs.

Finally, after all the details are agreed on by the group, the instructors have to make sure the route they would take out would be feasible, based on the factors of its distance, contours (up/down hill), or if the route is safe to undertake. After the instructors have accepted the route, they will have to submit the route to the head D of E offices. This is required for the group to have their route validated, as well as make the personnel undertaking the award eligible for the insurance required to do the expedition. This final stage of the planning required lots of paperwork to certify the route to meet the criteria required, such as organising the insurance for the group.

[improvement – possibly choose skills I have not already undertaken]

What I have done for the award

There is a large area of work which I have done in order for me to have achieved the award. My first step towards achieving the award is to sort out my activities I will be undertaking to meet the set objectives of the D of E – the skills, service and physical sections.

In my skills service, I had the aim to encourage the discovery and development of practical and social skills and personal interests. I decided to play the piano for my skills section. Choosing to have piano lessons for my skills section was handy, as I already played the piano. I found there were lots of benefits I had when I undertook piano for my skills. It helped me a lot to manage my time, as playing the piano wasn’t just about piano lessons, but also find the time to practice.

For my service section, I decided to help the Bronze D of E group – the group that were starting doing their D of E for the first time. I helped them forwards in achieving their D of E, especially preparing them for their expedition, giving them advice or skills on map reading, setting up tents, lighting stoves (which could potentially be a hazardous task), and what to bring in your rucksack. I found that doing this voluntary work for my service was really enjoyable, as well as making me an active citizen by supporting and helping others in their goals.

Finally, for my physical section, I decided to choose tennis lessons. I feel that choosing tennis for my physical recreation was a good choice, as it was something new, and it gave me a challenge. At the beginning, my tennis was not that good, but after a few months of playing, my tennis has improved.

I thoroughly enjoyed taking out those activities, it provided me with an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal developments, which has improved my character, given me more self-confidence, and given me a sense of responsibility.

What taking part means to me, and what I have learnt

Taking part in the D of E means a lot to me. It means that I have achieved a lot personally, and have more confidence in myself. I didn’t believe that it was possible for me to walk 14 miles in 3 days, carrying a 25kg rucksack on my back, but I have proved to myself that it is possible.

Taking part has given me a range of experiences that I can learn from and improve. One of the experiences I have taken on board is for me to plan prior the routes I take – not just in an expedition, but in life. In one situation, I was stranded on a steep scree face, which I could not climb up. I was map reading, and I took a wrong route, and ended up slipping down a steep hill. I eventually managed to get back up to the top by changing my approach to the situation, but it was a scary experience, unable to crawl back up the hill.

I have learnt that your major decisions should be made as soon as they can. Another lesson I have learnt whilst on the expedition is that if my approach to a problem, I need to change it in order to successfully achieve my goals. With this knowledge I have gained, if I were to encounter a similar situation like that one, or if I may encounter another one whilst doing my Gold D of E very soon, I would change my approach to find a solution, such as instead of me trying to climb back up, I could climb safely down and find a rendezvous point for my group.

Another situation my group faced was right at the end, after walking around 13 miles, we thought we were in the right place for meeting the instructors, but we found out that we were lost. In this situation, we were very demoralized, exhausted and close to tears. After using the GPS, we found we were about another 2 miles from where we were meant to be. We had to co-ordinate the GPS reference with our OS map, and found out a new route we would have to take. Our legs were so tired, and we were cold, but we all decided to keep each other in good moral so we at least had the mental state to make it. Finally, about another half hour later, we made it to the end, as a group.

After this experience, I have learnt that you don’t have to make things harder then they are, and you have to make sure that the whole group is fine, because if just one person doesn’t want to participate, then it could jeopardize the efforts from the rest of the team. Here we had to make sure that everyone was fine and was willing to carry on walking – otherwise if we didn’t arrive back as a group, then they would have failed us for not sticking together, and we would have to re-do our entire expedition.

If on my Gold D of E, or anywhere in my life I am working with a group, I have learnt to make sure that everyone in the group is ok, otherwise we won’t be as productive as if they are working

Problems suffered whilst undertaking the D of E

When undertaking any D of E activity on any level, there are always going to be problems. The most common problems suffered were when my group was undertaking the expedition. As the expedition requires a lot of a person, both physically and mentally, it means that you have to prepare yourself; but however much you try to anticipate those problems, some problems which can not be anticipated may happen. One common example of this is when doing an expedition. You can anticipate the fact that there is a large amount of walking, but you can’t anticipate the exhaustion you feel if you don’t regularly walk that distance.

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Superstition as a Form of Uncanny Mysterious

Table of contents

This paper aims to explore the theme superstition as a form of uncanny mysterious happening that have been witnessed and continue to be witnessed in everyday of our lives. The expression ‘superstition’ is sometimes taken to be a simply mean an insult, which is, therefore, not vulnerable to objective meaning and it undoubtedly can be used in this manner.

However, when for instance we think through some occurrences that everyone would undoubtedly agree to call superstitious, making doves appear from nowhere, changing clothes to money, waving introvert magpies, saying ‘break a leg’, blowing on cards or dice before playing and rolling them, putting on a lucky t-shirt to a baseball match, we shall realize that in fact, they epitomize rather a close and easily clear group.

In the above case, the superstition explicitly or implicitly affirms a particular causative connection without comprehending any explanation of it workings. A candidate at an examination, who fails to express confidence because ‘it would bring a misfortune’ does not know of the ways by which, the curse would take effect.

Someone strolling at night and make a wish on a shooting star cannot tell who or what might hear his or her wish and make it come true. An entrepreneur who once made a bad fortune when there were thorn flowers in the room and who now rejects to have the same in his or her house has no philosophy as to why he or she thinks the thorn flowers are unfortunate, these are just but a few examples to go by. Many people fear the word when they hear someone affiliate with it because they think that it’s a source of evil work.

Indeed, if by any explanation there were evidences, the word ‘superstition’ would no longer seem particularly applicable.Introduction Superstition has had a significant influence in the lives of people probably since the beginning of the world. For centuries, human being have clung to the practices as well as, believes encompassing the uncanny phenomena.

The superstitious traditions have continued ever since time immemorial even after pieces of evidence being produced by the work of science to explain what was in the past considered supernatural. Superstitious rituals dating back in the middle ages are still witnessed in practice today. However, the kind of things in superstition like hitting on wood or having a horse shoe hanged at the door did not emanate just like that.

They were taken with great significance and were presupposed to have various consequences. Superstition, ad is denoted by the dictionary, thesaurus and oxford, is “excessively, credulous belief and reverence for the supernatural.” The belief was in no other time greater and excessive as in the middle age period’s where a simple blow on your face could send you to unknown destination, a simple sneeze could take someone’s life, and witches used broomsticks to fly around at night as well as conjuring spells were done by Jewish sorcerers.

The mysterious circumstances in those ancient periods, were put forth by the imaginations of our descendants. In these times, before science had its roots, simple happening were described as mysterious and supernatural. For instance, a simple shadow cast, probably at midnight during moonlight would be considered as a person’s reflection of their soul. Sounds at night were considered to be from ghosts and genies and this instilled lots of fear to the generation of the time.

There was the personification of natural phenomena in those days. The purpose of this paper is to discover the roots of the uncanny superstition, the beneficial use of it if any to people, the consequences and instances, why was it used and who were using it, the power of the this preternatural phenomenal, the various beliefs among others. The roots of superstitionSuperstition as far as we are concerned is said to have been there from the beginning of mankind.

Theories have been put forward to explain this unnatural phenomenon. Firstly, it is thought that superstition comes when a person’s desire is beyond their ability in what is called the implorative desire or mind. For instance, if a person is in dire need of a car or money and he or she has no means of obtaining it but then hears of an available psychic or witch somewhere who could make it possible for them to get what they wanted without any struggles.

This will eventually drive him or her to the psychic or the witch due to the strong desire and need. Secondly, a fearful mind is also said to be a root of superstition. For instance, a family that has experience consecutive death of their relatives would have some form of fear that would drive them to seek some wizard’s intervention for why has it been that there has been the same cause of death for all the relative of theirs. More stories such as this of repetitious and mysterious causes often results into some form of superstition.

As human beings, each and every one of us has their own fears as well as wishes. If the two happen to exist then it eventually and likely to lead to superstition unless there is some form of holy intervention in a person. No matter how a person may appear educated, if the mind is filled with a fear and wishes that are beyond their abilities then definitely they would become superstitious. It is natural that part of humans is filled with fear and greed, therefore, on their search for satisfaction and peace people tend to be reliant on their dark side, the superstitious power.

The law of Cause and EffectThis is consider to be the law of truth as well as natural concept that people do rarely think about. It is human nature that human beings always want to have the consequence that are disproportionate with the source like craving for something big outside their reach. Absence of self-confidence, uncontrollable wishes, as well as, worries are all what will make people become superstitious.

People ought to understand that it’s their deeds that cause all effect whether successful or not, rich or poor, either bad or good. Also they should understand no effect is coincidental, from nowhere, it takes diligence and clear mind to achieve. If we make good deeds then the end result is good if we make our deeds bad then there would be no good at the end of it all and such leads to superstitious being.

The superstition explicitly or implicitly affirms a particular causative connection without comprehending any explanation of it workings. A candidate at an examination, who fails to express confidence because ‘it would bring a misfortune’ does not know of the ways by which, the curse would take effect. It is worth noting that all things in life whether nice or wicked are not merely existent but comes from a cause that we made before (Kim 641-658).

Therefore, there is need for good causes in all our endeavors. The law of “cause and effect” varies from the current to the future life hence is not just an ordinary discipline of study. The big emphasis is that we should proudly as well as, courageously, accept the consequences of our deeds whether they are good or bad without any form of grief, fear or worries because they are what we have sown from the beginning. If we make the cause then even the effect is our end result as well and we should learnt to be responsible of our own self.

There is the aim to remain bright and thoughtful while making decision which is the cause so as we prepare for the best effects later that would be easy to accept. By understanding and making believe in the law of cause as well as, effect, we take control of our cause for the upcoming effect. We also make sure that we remain so thoughtful and smart while making our decisions. We are also encourage to keep our greed and fear thought in control as well, for us to be responsible for our deeds.

Our superstitious Mind

A lot of people can attest to have always had their lives threatened at some by the scare warning they were used to hear people say. Things like try as much to avoid encounters with black cats at night, don’t go under those sheds of trees or cabins at during late hours, every 13th day coinciding with Friday is a bad lack and so forth. Well, the fact is many believed this to be true and had really avoided such encounters and locked themselves in their houses just to make sure such myth are not part of their happenstances.

It is said that, these beliefs could happen too those who really and truly believe them to be true and the same is not the case for those who takes them as a mere scare (Vyse 467). However, some of these myth posed a positive effect to the people because they help to shape their behaviors, this is to say, and not all of these superstitious were negative. It was a way to make the mind believe on the wrongs to be avoided and the rights to be done.

Nevertheless, there are so many cultures around the world that have hold on to these beliefs to date. Are there certain things that make people to hold on to these beliefs? If yes, how do they perceive them? Are they really things they should hold on? And so forth. There are so many questions that would need answers that would be difficult to find, if we tried get into this and dig deeply. There are several and various extents of superstitions in the world we live in, that we keep hearing of.

In this extent, superstitions themselves can be from the smallest actions like people in a casino using simple trick to win money, and other actions that people certainly do to make them avoid back lack and increase their chances of getting what they want, to some big forms like disappearing from sight of audiences. So whether, trying to win, or wearing a lucky scarf and getting out of sight, all these can be considered to be superstitious things because they can never be performed by a normal human being.

Being mindful of what we do is a good way to avoiding unwanted consequences in future. A good human being, is one who learns from their past mistakes to make their future a better one than where they are from. The cause and effect is very helpful subject to understand and make good out of it.

Three Doors to Freedom from Superstitious Minds

How can we teach ourselves to be free from thought that might be superstitious?

Here are better ways to make our intentions right. First we need to understand the doors to our freedom. The emptiness is the first, having no desires is the second and the last is formlessness. Anyone who grasps these situations will have the intelligence see the real truth about every aspect in human existences.

These contain no arrangements because they are comprised of combination of various casual features. Based on cause all beings are called “hollowness” because of their illusory nature. If they have physical systems, then there is no blending. People ought to try and discover the actual form in the make-up. The professional have specified that it compromises of four components, air, the earth, and fire, as well as, water. Therefore, missing either of them, would degenerate the body.

And when either of them is the controlling or in other words, the dominant portion, our bodies become functionless. Another issue would be how they can be in line when there is a considerable amount of conflict between them? We therefore got the obligation balance them by having the right foods. Which of the considerations is the overriding in our heads? (Patil 411). It is the beliefs that we hold that give rise to either desirable or the undesirable natures that affect how we involve ourselves in the ways that are not permissive.

The three doors emphasized by the theory is the one good way that when observed would allow us to avoid all the thing that pre-occupy of heads with dirty stuffs which shifts our rightful thinking. The way we carry our burdens in our mind, by this is to mean the things that distract us in our everyday life determines how we release them back out to other people. A mind that keeps on wishing without coordinating the body to work hard will always have superstitious thoughts to fulfill the wishes.

All said and done, the next thing that can influence our thought to be evil are the people we keep around us. If we have friends who keep suggesting negative motives like stealing, fighting, causing chaos then we would always be driven to the dark side of thoughts. We therefore have to be very mindful of the close people we have because we never know there intentions towards us.Just as earlier mentioned, the big emphasis is that we should proudly as well as, courageously, accept the consequences of our deeds whether they are good or bad without any form of grief, fear or worries because they are what we have sown from the beginning.

If we make the cause then even the effect is our end result as well and we should learnt to be responsible of our own selfThe Power of SuperstitionThe phenomenon has been seen to cause more harm than good. Magician who have taken the upfront to using superstition are very capable of doing dangerous stuffs that are very destructive. For instance, we see them in our television performing scary of event that leave us holding our mouths.

Imagine if such a person decides to go bad, what harm they would be capable of. aSuperstition in Julius CaesarIn some ancient days, superstition was a significant perception in the Roman times, as it was the fueling force in uncountable actions of the people at the time. To them it was considered a historical believe. The phenomenon was seen as a strengthening factor with their gods. This is well brought up by a play by Shakespeare called Julius Caesar, named after the great ruler of the Romans at the time.

Superstition is used in the play repeatedly to foreshadow the death of the ruler by his friend Brutus who eventually as well, kills himself due to conscious guilt. Shakespeare expresses the awareness that many people tried to get the better of what the future held, such as ill-fated events, by being superstitious. This is exceptionally prominent in Julius Caesar, as it effects the day to day regular daily life of the Roman citizens.

From ghosts to half-naked and thonged men, nearly every individual had to deal with the uncanny, a mission that many seemed to take as life changing. In Julius Caesar, superstitious motives within the characters change their choices concerning life, revenge, and death (Beckett 17).This was a time in Roman when sex was a glorification and unfertile women would sought help to be able to procreate while, the fertile ones sought more children by use of superstition.

We see from the story that Caesar is approached by an old man by the name of Soothsayer who warns him of his coming death by “the ides of March,” through foretelling but Caesar ignores that by saying he is a dreamer and just as foretold, he is stubbed to death with among them being Brutus, close friend to him. Being a good friend to Caesar, Brutus was blindly lured by Cassius to plot to kill him which they did. Later on, a ghost of Caesar appears to Brutus assuring him that they would meet. Due to this form of superstition, Brutus thought he was meant to die and he took his own life as a result.

All This are all instances of superstitions at the time. It also shows how significantly superstition changed the actions of the characters together with how it affected their lives (Chibnall & McFarlane 252).Superstition as a Survival MechanismAs long as superstition is regarded to be involving dark magic and mysterious power it has been of benefit to others mostly in the ancient days where it was used for protection and security to guard against possible enemies. As depicted in various movies and films today, the same was the case though not as exaggerated as such.

A lot of people use some ritual emulate to help them do better in what they are working on. They feel that it gives them a boost to motivate them and increase their confidences. Personal superstitious way of thinking is another mechanisms people use to think in some manner that prepares someone to get defense from displeasure, heartbreaks and disappointment. In this regard, the old traditions and cultures use superstitious powers to guard their communities from attack.

Possible attackers may never locate their allies in their attempt for an attack also, the same was use by witches to escape when they become hunted down. They would either disappear or make their enemies lose track of them by somehow using their black magic on them and as a result they would be safe. However, due to human nature, some of this was used in the wrong way like making people suffer for no good reason. Also some would use their so called “super powers” to steal from other without having being notice thereby causing loss of property. Those who have been said to use the phenomenon as a means to survive have also been using it to influence factors to their benefit.

If for instance, a bank is demanding payment from such people and they don’t have any cash to settle out the loans, they would use paper and make these look like real money then give it to the former who might not even notice. This is just to emphasize that magic and superstition go hand in hand and whatever reason it is used for then there can never be the right form of it because it has had more bad than goodConclusionIn conclusion, this phenomenon called superstition is an influence that is destructive in our society, which, has twisted many people who are worried and nervous, lack of self-confidence, and have a dull thoughts as well as, evil mind.

To wish for a healthy society, we can’t accept superstition. We have a duty to spread and share the good teachings about self-confidence, of self-emancipation as well as, clarification. So how can we be superstitious? Though, there are many people who will suggest their groups to seek God’s interventions when they have problems of any nature. It doesn’t matter how many problems there are, there will always be a better way to solve them all.

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Identify the Different Reasons People Communicate

I am of the opinion that as a child practitioner an essential part of our work role will involve actively seeking to evolve and where apt build relationships. Consequently having a significant impact on children and young people’s lives. As quoted, (Children and young peoples workforce, early and child care book 2010) there are a number of reasons why people communicate which are to:

  • Build relationships

The ability to effectively communicate with a wide range of people is a vital factor in working towards building relationships that may flourish and enable the gaining of confidence and trust.

For example in working with some young children who may have difficulty expressing themselves, an array of emotions could be displayed, i. e. Frustration, aggression, anxiety and withdrawal. As a practitioner, it would therefore be important to be patient, approachable, non judgmental and a good listener. It is also good to be creative in terms of engagement recognising the different needs of young people.

  • Maintaining relationships

I am of a view that open communication and a positive attitude can support the maintenance of relationships.

I feel it is therefore important to assess your own attitudes and values to ensure this doesn’t impact on others, hence have a willingness to challenge any arising issues in a professional manner. Conflict may arise in a working relationship. It would be important to be sensitive and allow feelings to be aired, but actively seek where apt to resolve a situation instead of dwelling on the issue.

  • Gain and share information

Working in partnership with young people, families, work colleagues and professional bodies is the foundation for enabling effective service delivery. The gaining and sharing of information where appropriate enables the identification of need and appropriate support. I. e. Child protection issue, discussed on a need to know basis, the aim being to protect the safety and well being of the child.

  • Gain reassurance and acknowledgement

It is important to have an awareness of others and the different ways you can provide support. I. e. praising a child or your colleague, being a listening ear, giving constructive feedback and being approachable. This stance can elevate confidence and vision. Express needs and feelings It is important for young people and colleagues feel that they can express their needs and feelings without being judged or discriminated against.

Consequently I feel it is important for a practitioner where appropriate to put aside their personal judgements to facilitate others and provide them with an opportunity to be heard and supported. For example this stance can allow others to find their voice and raise self esteem.

  • Share ideas and thoughts

I am of an opinion that sharing ideas and thoughts is an essential part of communication.

It can foster a better understanding of each other and issues promoting respect, confidence and new approaches. In working in a team or with young people it can enable the forming of new relationships creating better working practices and pro change and more productive outcomes.

1. 2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting In order for communication to be effective within a work setting it is essential to establish and sustain good relationships with a diverse range of people and agencies. Within a work setting, poor communication can lead to a number of factors, i. . low moral, mistrust, anger, anxiety and isolation.

If communication issues are not resolved outcomes can be absences, high staff turnover, and ineffective service delivery, which impacts on the service users. It is imperative to keep the lines of communication open to build strong relations. Awareness of your body language, tone of voice, proximity, cultural differences, individual needs and being non judgmental can foster good relationships. Accordingly in working with colleagues regular supervision/team meetings and training can promote understanding and better work ethics.

In working with children and young people it is important to be able to engage with them (as outlined in unit 1. 2). During the settling in and transitioning period great consideration needs to be given to identify any barriers to communication and plan appropriate support for themselves and parents. I. e. key working, ESOL identifying any internal or external resources that may be applicable. I am of the belief that taking such steps to improve working practices can make children, young people and their parents feel that they have been heard and supported.

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Infant Neurosensory Development: Brain Development

Infant Neurosurgery Development Brain Development In Infants Trident Technical College September 11, 2013 In the article, Infant Neurosurgery Development: Considerations for Infant Child Care, The Internal and external environments affect the development of physical and neural structures that gulled visual, auditory, comprehension, compensatory, and limbic system functions. These systems both contribute and respond to cognitive development, including memory (Fieldstone) This article elaborates on ways to help template the infant’s brain for optimal brain growth and development.

One of the ways included making sure the infant got ample ERM sleep. Genes also play an important role in the brain development. When babies are exposed to such toxins as smoke and alcohol it deprives the brain and can alter the developmental process. Four contextual elements assist understanding of infant development: genetics, environment, stimulation, and relationships.

I found It Interesting that “Colonization also plays a critical role In development, even before birth, The circuitry of the brain Is developed through stimulation presented with adequate Intensity, repetition, and duration to create and amplify the neural connections which are stored in short-term and, eventually, in long-term memory. Learning occurs through successive memories which arise from the connections between neurons that have been strengthened by repeated stimulation (Fields 2005). Pl 76”.

I Eked this article because It broke everything down Into different categories of brain velveteen and It relates to what we have been studying In relation to theorist. “The Brain combines concepts from two major theorists. Viscosity (1978) claimed that 90% of learning occurs from the Influence of the ;proximal environment’ which encompasses approximately a five toot circumference around the intact_ Frontbencher (1989) stressed that to develop optimally, each child must develop 1 tot Witt at least one person … A strong, mutual, irrational emotional attachment p. L Early Childhood Educe J (2011) 39:175-181

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Barriers to Communication

Barriers to communication I Ways to overcome the barrier I A person could be deaf, so obviously they cannot hear what any body is saying to them, they wouldn’t be able to hear somebody calling them over and they wont know If people are talking about them which could also lower their self esteem. I This person could still be communicated with by others that know sign language, people could learn sign language so they can interact and communicate with this person, or written communication could be used so people are still able to talk to this person.

I People from different cultures may not speak the same language which is a barrier to communication, because they will not be able to understand what you are saying and you will not be able to understand them. I This can be solved by having a translator to help you communicate, you could also try to understand their language by having someone teach you. Pictures and signs could be used to communicate visually making It easier to communicate.

I Having a lack of confidence could be a barrier to communication because the person wont feel confident enough to speak to you, be reverse, shy and scared, and lack of confidence could prevent communication skills from developing. I Ways to overcome this could be to make the person feel comfortable, start off the conversation, make the person feel like you are interested and make them feel better about them selves. I If a person is blind they could feel uncomfortable speaking to people because they wont be able to see who they’re talking too, feel vulnerable, scared and unsafe.

I Having a person that they know and feel comfortable around with them, would help because they then would feel safe ND secure having somebody they trust with them I Speech difficulties. A person may not be able to speak due to damage to the brain or vocal cords or any other problems they may have which doesn’t allow them to speak. I Electronic speech synthesizers could solve this problem. It allows people who have problems with speaking, to communicate with others although they can’t actually speak themselves.

I Having parent’s who are deaf/have speech difficulties could be a problem,it could prevent communication skills developing because their parent’s can’t speak to hem, teaching them communication skills as they grow up. I Being at nursery, and schools will help this situation. The child will be around others who will speak and communicate in other ways with them. Teaching them communication skills. Having a family member, friend or helper who has no speech difficulties, around the child as he or she grows up would make a difference because he or she can pick up the communication skills they need from that person.

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