Convert Words to Pages
How to Convert Words to Pages
When you are asked to write a certain number of words, you might be confused how to convert words to pages. There are different guidelines for every style of writing, depending on whether you are doing an academic project, writing an eBook, or creating company white papers. Below you can find out more about how to convert words to pages, and how to determine the right length of your project.
Line Spacing and Font Type
Your tutor or professor will give you the requirements for the format, including the number of words or the number of pages. You will also be told to use either single, 1.5, or double spacing. Generally, a page of double spaced page of dissertation or essay should be around 250 words.
Double spaced documents have three lines per vertical inch
1.5 spaced documents have four lines per vertical inch
Single spaced essays have six lines per vertical inch
The most commonly used fonts for essays and dissertation are Arial and Times New Roman. Depending on the font you use, your pages to word count will change accordingly.
How to Calculate Pages to Words
For every single paged document, you should count 500 words as a minimum. For double spaced documents, you need a minimum of 250 words
Convert words to pages
per page. Generally, for 1.5 line spacing, there should be around 375 words, but this all depends on the size of the font, the font type, margins, and the number of headers.
You are generally asked to use 1-inch margins all around and the most commonly preferred font size is 12. When calculating the pages to words, you will also have to take into consideration whether or not you leave extra space between paragraphs, and if you need to use indentation at the beginning of each new paragraph.
It is important to note that you generally do not count title pages, headers, footnotes, reference pages, and the Abstract into the total word count. Therefore, you might have a 4 page document with a title page, abstract, and reference page double spaced that only has 250 words double spaced.
Pages to Words Converter
While Microsoft Word and other document editing programs give you the instant word count of your document, you might want to use a pages to words converter to make sure you comply with the original requirements. One of the pages you can check is This tool allows you to check how many pages you have written.
As an example, a 2000 word essay should be four to five pages if it is double spaced, and a dissertation of 100 pages needs to be at least 45,000 words, if the document is 1.5 spaced.
General Rules to Convert Words to Pages
When converting words to pages, you always have to check the font size, margins, and line spacing. You also have to add space for chapter titles. If you are writing a dissertation , every chapter should usually start on a new page. This means that you will possibly end up with pages that are not full.
How to Use a Words to Pages Converter
If you want to check the word count of your essay, you could use a words per page calculator that will help you convert words to pages. If you have already completed your assignment, you can copy and paste your text in the words to pages converter, and see how many pages you have written.
When using the online tool to convert words to pages, follow the below steps:
Enter the total number of words
Choose a font
Choose the font size
Choose the spacing
This method, however, is not completely accurate, as it does not take into consideration the margins and the chapter titles/subtitles.
An alternative method to convert words to pages is to copy and paste your essay into the field on the calculator, providing the font size, type, spacing, and the margins.
Word of Advice: Check Your Words to Pages
It is important that you check your words to pages before submitting your college essay or dissertation. While online editing tools and Microsoft Word give you a total word count, you should ensure that you are not counting footnotes, headers, title pages, references, appendices, and other preliminary pages.
The task becomes even more difficult when you have to submit a 40-page dissertation, as you are likely to have the following preliminary pages that should not be included in the word count:
Page numbers
Title page
List of tables
List of figures
List of abbreviations
You must also check with your university or college what they require to be included in the word count, and you might need to state the word count in the beginning of your paper. This is when a pages to words converter comes useful.
Requirements Before You Start Writing
While there are general rules for converting words to pages, you must always read the requirements of your institution or professor before you start writing. You must know the size and type of font you should be using, the margin and line space requirements, and the general formatting guidelines. For example, if you have to leave a space between each paragraph, you can fit fewer words on a page than if you do not use paragraph spacing.
Make sure that your writing style and font is consistent throughout the document, so you can easily convert pages to words. Even if you use headers and sub-headers, they should be the same font type as the rest of the document, according to common academic editing guidelines.
Confused about Converting Words to Pages?
If you are still not sure how many pages your assignment should be, and how many words you should write, you can get in touch with one of our experienced writers who will assist you in understanding our requirements and formatting your document according to the guidelines set by your institution.
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How to convert words to pages?
This article briefly explores how to convert words to pages while writing essay and the impact of fonts and type of writing on accomplishing your objective of writing a quality document.
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