The Heart Aroused

To use this word in the context of my own life and ally work Is definitely possible, but would be difficult, I think that destiny Is an extremely strong word that is not in enough people’s vocabularies. I would say that the most common occasion that I hear this word is in the context of the phrase “you control your own destiny”. In my opinion, as click as this sounds, It Is very true and highly effective. Yes, destiny is a predetermined series of events, but you can still have a hand in with happens to your destiny. For example, the harder you work at something, the luckier you will get.

People allow “barriers” In life to prevent them room achieving goals, instead of moving further down their journey in life. Q. How do I bring into my work the questions about my own destiny that enliven, embolden, and perhaps even scare me a little? What questions do I need to ask secretly and alone and what questions need support and conversation? A. As a student currently in college, I hold a large amount of power in my life, and what Is ahead of me. Obviously, I would like to someday have a job that I absolutely love and enjoy. But, this is not always easy.

It is right now in my life that I must ask myself questions such as, “how doll want to live my life when I am older? Or “what lob will I be willing to put all of my heart and soul Into? “. These questions are what I will attempt to base my studies and further learning upon. It is very scary to think about the future and what it will bring. Currently, I have absolutely no idea what I will be doing In the next five years. Yes, I have plans to graduate college and get a masters degree all in the next four years, but after that the road is open.

I have no idea what I will be doing for a career, where I will be living, or who I will be friends with. I must work hard and carefully and be sure to make good decisions in the near true which will eventually lead me to destiny. Beowulf: Power and Vulnerability in the Workplace Q. What is my own equivalent of Grenade’s mother? What clues or hints do I have as to what I find difficult to confront about myself? What are the things I find difficult to face about my own relationships to my work? What conversational waters must I enter that seem dark and fearful to me?

What conversations are unspoken taboos in my organization? What is Grenade’s mother for my organization? A. For something to be my own equivalent of Grenade’s mother, it would have to be something I must overcome. It must be something I need to fight off to reach toys success. I would say Tanat my equivalent would De my coeducation. I Nils Is something that I must fight and work to overcome. Today, education is like a gateway to the rest of life. Without it, it is very difficult to go anywhere. If Beowulf did not kill Grenade’s mother, he would have been killed, and his legend would not have continued on.

There are many instances when I am not loyal to my work. I do not put in nearly as much effort as I should. There are times when I only do enough to “get by’, and I do not perform to my best ability. I need to begin to set goals to maximize my effort, which will allow me to defeat my equivalent to Grenade’s mother. Q. Who are the people in the workplace with whom I can discuss matters of the heart? If I do not have a confidant in the workplace, where do I have the conversations that matter? A. For me, the workplace is the college environment.

Luckily, I am surrounded with people that I can talk to about anything. First, I have my friends. These are people that I live with, and spends lot of time with. I feel comfortable talking with my closest friends about anything. Next are my professors. Although I am not real close with all of my professors, I definitely feel close enough to some of them that I can discuss matters of the heart. Fire in the Earth: Toward a Grounded Creativity Q. How often do I refuse the first steps towards my creativity because I am not sure who will emerge at the other end?

What are my favorite ways of sabotaging myself? What does “fire” feel like in my own life? When I think of my own creativity in my own flow, what days or hours of my life do I remember? If I could imagine my own creativity at full flow, how do I imagine or anticipate it would show itself? Having read the story of the Chinese potter at the end of the chapter, what is the work that would bake me to perfection? What is the part of myself that I have been holding back? A. Not a day goes by without me holding something back. There are far too many occasions when I find myself hiding from something.

Sometimes in class I am afraid to share my views and ideas with the class because I am afraid of “sounding stupid”. I am refusing the first steps towards my creativity because I fear what is one the other side. I do not know what will happen. The results could be extremely positive or extremely negative. In my life, “fire” feels like the creativity I have once I release it. Once I finally let go, and allow myself to be free. There are certainly times in my life where I have done this. For example, I used to be the best artist in my art class. Yes, I was not displaying my creativity verbally, rather through artwork.

This was my way of showing what creativity I have to offer. I think I shocked many of the students in the class because they were always so used to me holding it in. If I could see my creativity at full flow, I would be speaking constantly. Nothing would hold me back and I would be expressing all of my ideas. Fortunately, not only would this benefit me, but it would also benefit others. I think that this creativity that I tend to always hold back, if let out, would “bake me to perfection”. Fire in the Voice: Speaking Out at Work Q. What are the essential qualities conveyed by my voice?

Is my voice strong enough to represent the inner core of my aspirations to the outer world? What are my mouse sounds? What are my lion sounds? Having read the story beginning this chapter, what story could I tell from my own life to illustrate a time I said Ten Instead AT Leer? How could I practice leaning my voice out Into my world Ana my aerospace more fully? How well do I say No to the things for which I do not have a Yes? When in my own life did No blossom into Yes? A. Voice is a very powerful tool that every individual in the world can potentially conquer. It is scary how influential one’s voice can truly be.

My voice at times can be loud, and other times can be awfully quiet. When chose to be quiet, I am not being myself. I am not allowing myself to open up be creative as spoken above. Unfortunately, only sometimes my voice can be strong enough to represent the inner core of my aspirations to the outer world. My mouse sounds are those used hen I am hiding, and not allowing myself to air out. For example, I use my mouse sounds when I let someone talk down to me, and I do not fight back. My lion sounds are used when I will not take No for an answer, and I plead my case.

There was one time where I also chose Ten instead of Zero. It was the end of the semester and I was rating one of my professors. I chose to Just give her all fives when she really deserved zeros. I did this because I was afraid of being the different one and possibly being questioned. I can hopefully someday learn to be able to say Zero, and backup my opinions. Finn and the Salmon of Knowledge: Innocence and Experience in Corporate America Q. How much of my day is spent trying to solve the problem and problems of life? How much of my day is spent attempting to live out the mystery of my existence?

How much alone time do I give myself for this explanation? How much of my time with others am I truly present? A. There are always various problems in one’s lifetime. As a result, I am spending most of my day trying to find solutions to these problems. In the workplace, one can have either experience or innocence in their voice. To have experience is to give in to hose with the authority. On the other hand, to have innocence in your voice is to make your own ways in the world no matter what the circumstances may be. Nobody really knows how alone they really are in the world.

In contrary, there is no exact measurement of togetherness either. We must find a medium between the two that will allow us to balance the two. There are those times that you are physically with others, but are you truly present? Are you really completely in existence? I would say that most of the time I am with others, I am not really present. I am usually living inside my own brain, on my own and alone. Q. Taking this image of the orphan as a catalyst for my own thoughts, what would I want to claim as my true inheritance? By whom would I like to be raised? What is my lineage?

Who are the people, writers, teachers, artists-?alive or dead-?who have both emboldened and steadied me? What names would I shout out if confronted by Call Mac Con, so as to be recognized and not slain? A. My true inheritance is what I was brought up with. Because of my parents, today. I was raised how they chose to raise and nurture me. In addition to them, I was raised also by those individuals close to me such as friends. Also, there were individuals in society such as teachers, music artists, political figures, and actors who have also steadied me.

For example, I have had several teachers throughout my educational career that have strongly influence my inheritance. My favorite music artists and actors have also had a hand in making me who I am. There are political figures such as John F. Kennedy Ana Frankly D Roosevelt won nave Impacted my Tie. IT called upon Day call Mac con, I would shout from whom I am descended, where my strengths come from, and what kind of blood flows in my veins. Q. What does this story mean to me? How do I distinguish between passivity and following my heart’s desires into the clearing?

Do my strategic abilities serve me well or am I continually serving them? Do I believe I can have the life I want if only I can figure it out to be clever enough? What does it mean to love doing something? How much do I think I am stealing time when I am tending to the thing I love? How willing am I to place the people, places, and things I love first, not only in my home life, but in my work life too? How well have I preserved my innocence? A. This story to me, describes the importance of inheritance and lineage. In my life, I can be passive and Just sit back and relax. I can be uninvolved and not react to what is going on around me.

On the other hand, I can follow my heart’s desires and be all that I want to be. I must figure out what my strategic abilities are, and not serve them, rather they will serve me. To love doing something is to be passionate. To love something, you must be willing to put it first, before anything else. People can love other people and people can also love places or things. To preserve one’s innocence though, one must be able to put these things they love first. I can say that I have earned to do this pretty well. Coleridge and Complexity: Facing What is Sweet and What is Terrible Q.

If I were asked to state the basic principles of my life in the simplest and clearest way possible, how would I articulate them? How much resemblance does my daily work like bear toward these principles? How well does my organization embody the things I deem most important? How do I remember these simple elements on a daily basis; what disciplines do I have for remembering them? How much quiet time do I make for myself in order to remember? A. My basic principles of my life are guidelines that I live my life by. These principles for me are honesty, respect, and love.

Honesty is Just so important because being truthful is the best way to go. Lying is never a good strategy, no matter what the situation may be. Respect is also very important to me because it is the best way to live life. When I respect others, I expect to be respected in return. Lastly, love is very important in life because everyone must admire something. Whether you love a person, place, or thing it is still very important to feel passionate about something. My daily work resembles these principles because I have learned how to live by them. I also hope that my organization deems my basic principles most important also.

Throughout my lifetime, I have learned how to acknowledge these principles naturally and no longer need to discipline myself in order to remember. Q. How much time do I spend imagining? What does it mean to have faith in my own images? What is one abiding image inside me in which I could choose to have a faith? When chaos reigns around me, how do I react? What instinctual internal images could make a difference to my response? How do I work with others without forming a flock? A. I spend a lot of time imagining. It is my time to get away from what I am doing and not be “bounded by my office cubicle”.

An imagination shows a different side of things, completely separate from the ordinary. To have faith in my own images, I must understand their meanings. When there is chaos, I use my Imagination to get away Ana Trot some Kina AT order . Nine Soul AT ten world: lower an Ecological Imagination Q. How much attention do I pay to the world around me? How self-preoccupied am I? Do I let anything in from the outside at all? How self-preoccupied is my organization? How do I see other people in my organization-?are they Just a boning backdrop to my own drama or doll really take time to see they have lives and destinies of their own?

How much time do I spend in the natural world or environments outside the world of work that help me put my own struggles in perspective? A. I think that one must pay a large amount of attention to the world around him. Other individuals are Just as important as the actual being himself. Many problems can arise when someone is too self-preoccupied and does not value others around them. I think that one is too alone when he or she does not let anything in from the outside. Goals cannot be achieved when one is too self- reoccupied.

Today, people are commonly self-preoccupied by their appearance, and reputation. In addition, my organization is also too self-preoccupied by the same things. They are too worried about what others think about them. My organization sees others outside of the environment as Just a moving backdrop to what lies inside. Q. What is that place, that room, that certain time of day in my own life? A. There are several places in my life that I can go to get away. For example, my car is that “place” for me. Other places such as the library, my bedroom, and the outdoors are all places that I can also use to “get away’.

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Pro Capital Punishment – Paper

One of the main reasons that people object to the death penalty In because of the fear that the wrong person could be convicted and put to death. Even though an innocent person could be wrongfully convicted, certain criminals should face the death penalty because It ensures the murderer can commit no more crime In the future and it Installs fear In other potential criminals. In July 2010 1 heard on Fox 21 News that three convicted murderers escaped from an Arizona prison, these murderers were facing fifteen years to life for their crimes.

One of the three men was caught in Western Colorado two of the men still remain at large. This Is a really scary situation. Frightening enough people escape from prison, jail and half way homes more than people are aware of. C. Sullenness reported that the Bureau of Justice Statistics in 1 998 showed that 6,530 people escaped or were ALLOW from state prisons (2001 , Para. 2). Shown below is the prison population for two separate years and show the number of Inmates that escaped or were ALLOW. (Sullenness, 2001 , Para. ) According to this research this, is not very many escapes and the reason that we don’t hear about it is because not many of the escapes are as dramatic as movies and T. V shows make them seem. Although the statistics show that this number is not really high, It still proves that Inmates are capable of escaping and they do. For example the Texas Seven escaped from John Connelly unit in the year 2000 these men were highly dangerous and were looking at serving many years for their crimes, one of the men had ninety nine years to serve.

Eventually all the men got recaptured thanks In large part to the popular TV show “Americas Most Wanted”, but It took more than a year. In that one year many people lived in fear, scared to go outside alone at eight. Innocent people should not have to live in that constant fear. Many innocent lives were put at risk including a security officer who lost his life when the men escaped. We shouldn’t risk are families. If criminals found guilty of pre-meditated crimes are given the death penalty it would ensure that they don’t escape and begin to kill again.

Guarantying those citizens our kept safe from such violence. Capital punishment could do more than Just keep criminals off the street; it can also prevent crime. When someone Is put to death, due too serious crime they have committed In he society other potential criminals take It as a warning that such violence will not be tolerated and dissuades them from committing any crime worthy of the death 1 OFF penalty Research cone Day VIC Lee Inelastic Tanat “In ten mom to late number of executions stabilized, the murder rate increased.

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Wolf Creek Analysis

Greg McLean and released in February 2014, is a film which everyone should see because of the clever way stereotypes are challenged, Australian values are shown, and cinematography shows the natural beauty of outback Australia. Wolf Creek 2″ Is about a couple of foreign travelers backpacking around Australia who are disturbingly interrupted by an outback serial killer who then turns on a traveler attempting to save them. Behind the horror, Australian values are made clear, stereotypes of Australian culture are challenged and the natural beauty of Australia is shown to the audience. The Australian value of home being an open door and welcome to all Is shown In “Wolf Creek 2”. This is evident when the injured and dehydrated victim, Paul, collapses on the doorstep of a secluded country house.

Upon waking up, he finds himself in a bed, with his clothes washed and folded neatly beside him. Confused and delusional, Paul is greeted by an old couple who then proceed to serve him a home cooked meal. “l made it special, for you” was a statement made by the elderly lady as she served Paul the food – even though he was a total stranger, This Is significant because she took him In like she would her own some This series of events encourages viewers to believe the fact that Australians believe a home is a place of welcoming and that anyone in need can feel comfortable. Wolf Creek 2″ challenges the stereotypical belief that Australia is meant to be a friendly country which backpackers feel safe In. This film displays backpacking In two ways, contrasting the stereotype. For example, the couple Is shown enjoying their experience, being picked up by numerous people and engaging In friendly conversation with them. This is the stereotypical belief being displayed. Although, the people refuses an offer from serial killer Mica Taylor for a ride – which consequently results in them being victims of a vicious attack.

This scene portrays Australia to be an unsafe environment for backpackers – completely opposite to the foreigner’s beliefs. The Inclusion of this Idea In the film forces viewers to question the conventional Idea behind the culture of backpacking In Australia. Phenomenal cinematography exhibits the stunning nature that is of outback Australia. Numerous wide shots were used of the mountains, grassed areas and wolf reek itself. This was done to show the viewer the full scale natural aspects of Australia.

Birds-eye shots were taken of the long, endless, deserted highways to show the distance that the backpackers were traveling as well as the Isolation of the area. The grass – assisting in creating the Australian outback feel. The audience is challenged to consider whether the beautiful aspects of the Australian outback are masking the horrors happening in the very same place. “Wolf Creek 2” is a film which challenges the stereotypical Australian culture and aloes as well as displays the amazing nature of the Australian landscape.

It supports the value of a home with an open door – a value which many viewers can identify with. Backpacking stereotypes are challenged by the series of murders; contrasting with the belief Australia is a friendly place for this leisurely activity. Finally, cinematography captures the spectacular landscape of outback Australia. Following the Journey of the backpackers takes the viewers on a Journey of understanding, shock and realization – making this movie a significant Australian film.

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Anxiety Culture

Theme Society must give up the belief of hard work that we acquired from the Puritan era to live a true, happy, and fulfilling life. Attitude concern, informational, reflective (Tone) A Audience The working class R Rhetorical Rhetorical question- “How can you despise ease and laziness then Strategy not feel guilty when you take a rest? ” (Anxiety Culture: The puritan Work Ethic)

Commentary In the magazine article, “Anxiety Culture: The Puritan Work Ethic. ” by Brian Dean, he uses the rhetorical question “How can you despise ease and laziness then not feel guilty when you take a rest? ‘ to allow the readers to answer the question in their mind and get them thinking about the topic. The reader gets the point of the article clearly by answering the question in their heads without the author having to state it directly.

Brian Dean leads the reader, with this rhetorical question, to realize that we all have something inside of us that keeps us from slowing down and relaxing. Then, Dean goes on to explain why we do have these beliefs and what is programmed inside of us to believe it is right. I tried the challenge given by the author and failed very quickly! I only could do it for approximately 1 hour and 48 minutes. When I was Just laying there doing nothing, I felt this flood of remorse, and I could not stop thinking about all the things I should e doing instead of this.

It was also really hard for my mom, because I help her around the house and by each minute she became increasingly annoyed. I agree with the article that we are programmed not to relax, and to constantly be occupying ourselves with work. It was one of the hardest things to do. STARS By Triennial Puritan Work Ethic) Commentary In the magazine article, “Anxiety Culture: The Puritan Work Ethic,” by then not feel guilty when you take a rest? ” to allow the readers to answer the

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British Culture Chaoxiaoqian

My questions are Why does Helena stay with Jimmy and leave Jimmy, why does Alison come back to Jimmy. These are very tricky questions like twisted twines. Here I just air my views, expecting to be complemented by yours. The reasons for Helena staying with Jimmy might be probed from the following:

Superficially looking, Jimmy is a person basically worth while.

Jimmy is a young man with education, ideas and penetrating insights. Alison breaking through her family’s strong obstacles to marry Jimmy from side reflects Jimmy’s charms and attractions. Jimmy seems a natural desire and magnet for women if his working-class background?poverty and walled situations are ignored for the moment. As Helena said she took Jimmy to herself because “she finds that she desires him and wants to have him for a time”.

It is an outburst of impulse catalyzed by special occasions. At that time, without digs, Helena had an appointment on the next day and had to lodge in Jimmy’s attic; Jimmy is then immersed in bereavement without comfort while Allison and Cliff left him successively. Witnessing Jimmy’s bitterness and helplessness, out of her female compassionate nature, Helena offered Jimmy her hand and herself as well. For solace and release, Jimmy dramatically accepted his natural enemy. Thus the two naturally and reasonably moved together.

Exploring the in-depth reason, Helena’s staying with Jimmy might be considered as a challenge she made for herself driven by her instincts of curiosity and conquest. Helena wanted to make out why the seemingly compatible couple always brawl and torture each other, why Jimmy is always angry?dissatisfied and cynical,always trying hard to be offensive, provocative, irritating. Determined by her inborn authoritative personality and her middle-class inclination to sustain the status quo,she takes Jimmy as a challenge and an attempt, an enemy territory to conquer, to justify her middle-class convictions and consciousness. She expects Jimmy to be changed, back into normal, behaving like anyone else and taking reality like a real man.

Naive?romantic and over-confident as Helena is, she fails to change Jimmy. Conversely and ironically, she was within an inch of being changed. Helena was inevitably to lose the war because Jimmy’s anger was socially deep-rooted. He had the complex of inferiority and superiority. He showed contempt for uneducated Cliff, irony for educated Alison. He was well educated, but his situation was no better than the two he looked down upon. It was an affliction and sarcasm to him. He lived at the sea of isolation?desperation and inarticulate agony. Without being heard or understood. He found no target to attack, therefore everything became his target. Jimmy was a man born out of his time. To change Jimmy Helena should change the times first. It is difficult and impossible for Helena to change the time, and so with Jimmy. To bridge the systematic and fathomless class and value gap was never a easy task and doomed to be futile and fruitless.

Jimmy and Helena’s combination was the effect of passionate impulse. It was a kind of insanity or wrong-doings as Helena herself later commented. Once waken up from the dream, the end of their relation was approaching. Helena was a woman of conventionality by nature, she couldn’t forget the book of rules anytime. She still believed in “right and wrong”! Gnawed by the worm of conscience and sense of guilt, she can’t ”be happy without the book of rules”, she can’t ”be happy when what you’re doing is wrong, or is hurting someone else”.

Moreover she lost the war waged against changing Jimmy, the war to restore everything into normal. Unless Jimmy and Helena don’t confront with each other face to face, or they will certainly fall into the state of war, the war of ideas, class, values, social reality. There was no middle road to compromise. Helena’s exeuntting also meant she lost the war against conventionality, against status quo. Her story is more than a morality one, it further proved every desire or attempt to change the suffocating and inanimate society over-confident and all for naught. Everyone would inevitably subordinate himself to conventionality.

My understanding of Alison’s return is explained as such:

Alison might feel regret about her past behaviors. Though she is the seeming victim of Jimmy’s irrational assault, she knows that Jimmy has reason to do so on her. After her abortion, something dormant was aroused from the bottom of her heart and she came back to Jimmy, though shilly-shally. As a young woman, she is a ”monument of non-attachment”. ”She hasn’t had a thought for years!” She is a woman in her 20s without enthusiasm, animation and sincerity. Nothing Jimmy could do would provoke her. Her marriage with Jimmy was a kind of physical and responsive affinity rather than mental and spiritual one. She was nicknamed as ‘Lady Pusillanimous’ by Jimmy.

Moreover, as a middle-class woman by nature, she kept her arrogant and uppish manner in communicating with the working-class people which was especially exposed when she wrote letter to her mother, discussed Jimmy with her father and Helena, refused to see the dying Mrs. Hugh with Jimmy. She had the sense of inborn class superiority which is a fatal and permanent weapon to sensitive Jimmy. She did betray Jimmy in a sense. In a word, she has never given herself to her husband with the honesty which she knew he demanded and needed. Actually, she knew she should shoulder some responsibility for Jimmy’s anger and offered Jimmy more understanding and communication. The problem of their marriage was not sheer Jimmy’s fault.

Alison left Jimmy in pursuit of peace and relaxation. Tortured by Jimmy’s distorted allegiance and loyalty demands for her, Alison wanted to escape from the role of hostage and the war Jimmy declared on ”those sections of society”. But Alison never succeeded in escape. Things didn’t go in the way as she expected.

Alison’s coming back could be interpreted as a subjugation to conventionality?reality and failure of Ostrichism. Alison is easily to get used to everything and she is also on the verge of burst. Tortured by Jimmy’s distorted allegiance and loyalty demands for her, Alison wanted to escape from the role of hostage and the war Jimmy declared on ”those sections of society”. She leaves Jimmy, in pursuit of peace and relaxation. But Alison never succeeded in escape. Things didn’t go in the way as she expected.

Her abortion brings her shock and disillusionment, awakening something dormant in her heart. She then clearly sees a depressing?aimless?hopeless and futureless reality, without light and outlet. By then she understood Jimmy’s anger and discontent to some extent. Without a bright future, Alison had to revert to the past, though vague, remote and suspended it is. She wanted to find herself a position in the conventional and accustomed role of wife. The unpleasant past seems a more lovely memento In comparison with the suffocating and smoldering reality.

Finally Alison and Jimmy decide to pick up the bear-squirrel game. It is a seeming communiqu� by Alison and Jimmy, protesting the reality and fighting against the “cruel steel traps, lying about everywhere, just waiting for rather mad, slightly satanic, and very timid little animals.” This could be regarded as a faint flicker of hope offered by the protagonists who had a in-depth perception and understanding of life.

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What A Big Impact The Beatles Had On London

From source A we can learn what a big impact the Beatles had on London. The origin of the source is the actress Joanna Lumley, the nature of this source is a written description and the purpose of the source to inform us about the impact of the Beatles.

‘Extraordinary silence’ this suggest the Beatles had such a massive impacted on London that everyone was watching the Beatles. ’emptiness had descended upon London, on England, on Britain’ this is showing us just what impact the Beatles made on the whole of Britain also ‘hurried’ and ‘sprinted’ is showing the excitement of this incredible god like band. ‘No one was seen by the flower -stall’ showing what people would give up just to see this band and yet again just showing how big they were. ‘Fab four’ showing there celebrity status. ‘It was very heaven to be alive’ this just sums up her feelings of what she thought it was like to live back in the 1960’s

Unfortunately this source is quite one sided seeing as this source is an account written 30 years after these events had happened and quite dramatic in her views. She knows how big they become and this also influences her memories, as back in 1964 they weren’t as big as they were later. Plus Joanna Lumley wasn’t your ordinary teen back then she had celebrity status and seen things a lot more differently than other teens back then.

This is a more realistic view on her views, ‘A hot summer’s evening’ not everyone is going to be inside watching the Beatles its not like everyone loves them. ‘London, on England, on Britain’ the whole nation wasn’t interested in them and they were barely known throughout Britain anyway seeing as this was only the start of the Beatles. ‘The nation held its breath’ the Beatles were mostly a teen band and not all teens would of even liked them and how would see know this anyway. ‘ instead of the rush hour an extraordinary silence’ this just shows how blinded she has become while writing this and its like she’s writing more on the impacted they did have on the 1960’s on a whole, not back in 1964. ‘Being cool, hip, smart, lippy, champing, and funny. How does she know what there personalities are like she didn’t even know them, no one did and that’s why they have drug allegations behind them so she surly didn’t know them that well.

In my conclusion she set’s up the impact the Beatles on a massive scale but reality how could she know this and we know this isn’t true seeing as they were more of a teen band and were barley famous at this time anyway. I fell this source is showing us more of the impact the Beatles had on Lumley personally and not what it had on the nation as a whole this is why we cannot trust this source completly.

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LAND by Masanobu Hiraoka

Monsanto Hiram animation video mostly because of how much I enjoyed watching it. The first time I viewed it I could not concentrate on the important graphical elements or how well the animation was done; The first thing did, was enjoy the mixture of the amazing colors moving and transforming Into shapes on my screen with the perfect sound going along with these moving colors. The many more times after that I watched it I kept getting impressed on how well everything is made and this is what I will discuss in this essay.

Monsanto Hiram Is both an Illustrator and animator born in Kyoto, Japan. He created his first animation projects during graduation year at his university. His videos have a great Influence on Japanese culture and artists like Tattoo-u Amounts and Daisies Garish. He doesn’t work for any studio but does a lot of commercial work besides his artistic projects, which he creates for fun. The artistic style of “Land” (released September 2013) Is very similar to his past projects but Its easy to observe how his recent millions have improved a lot.

I think the concept of this video was just to create a wonderful imaginary world were a boy can walk through it and mess around with the metamorphosis of different objects. Primary and secondary imagery and effects make this composition very complex, uncluttered and Interesting. Its obvious where the artists wants us to look, he leads our eye to the most important subject the whole time but, everything around it never stops moving. This method keeps the imagery from looking flat because not much depth and dimension is used in the animation.

The mood of this piece Is generated from three principal elements: the music, the colors and the shapes. Shapes start flat and are being transformed the whole time, they are even converted into geometrical objects that look as if they had a third dimension. The colors change through out the video but never go out of a specific color palette. The colors vary from pastel blue, green. Pink, white, yellow, etc. This makes the animation feel natural and not aggressive as If It were to use Blvd reds.

Colors are amazingly coordinated with the music. Most of the time it makes you feel relaxed and happy, there are no dark and sad shades of color and the tone of the music never changes drastically to keep you in the same mood. The music was created by a Spanish girl named Lamar Molder and makes you want the video never to end. I noticed that the video also utilizes some of the animation principles. Here I will discuss a few of them: Squash and stretch – we can appreciate this principle since the first seconds of the film.

Forms are being squashed and stretched and give the ewer a sense of Hewlett and flexibility which make It more appealing to the eye. Anticipation There is not much anticipation except when there are repetitive patterns, but mainly, the artist prepares its audience to be ready for anything unexpected to happen. Staging – Hiram uses staging through out the whole animation. He makes you look at forms by making them move, isolate, pop, change 1 OFF through – This principle is shown by objects that keep on moving until they are out of frame or transformed into other visual objects (metamorphosis).

Slow in and out – Every single wave of color has a smooth way of appearing and disappearing. Arcs – objects move sometimes following the laws of physics and sometimes not, but in general the animation has a continuous arc movement that makes the objects look realistic by how they move. Secondary action – Even though we are following a main subject the whole time, objects around it never stop moving. Personally, what I most found impacting about Hooray’s work in “land” was that I did not need a message or complete story structure to get hooked.

After watching a few seconds I was expecting anything to happen. The planning for this must have been really difficult and for a long time. Every element in the frame matches with the next one that is coming in and with the one that Just left. If I could think of any recommendation to make the piece better, it would be to play around a little bit more with depth and different dimensions to give the moving objects more distance from one another so the frame does not get crowded at any time.

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