Generic Development Process

Table of contents

The work undertaken so far has proven that the development of a process map is gaining momentum within the construction industry as a whole. The Lethal inspired CRISP (Construction Research and Innovation Strategy Panel) community has in principle adopted the Process Protocol as a basis for its activities in terms of promoting process thinking in the construction industry.


The need for improvement to the conventional design and construction process in the construction industry is well reported. Emerson (1962), Bankable (1964), and Lethal (1994) have all commented upon the need for change, and each highlight similar problem areas.

Fundamentally, the need for improvement is related to the poor performance commonly associated with building projects. Typically, this performance is measured in terms of cost, time and/or quality. Unfortunately, it is the UK Construction Industry response to the need for change that has perpetuated and even perhaps fostered this problem. For example, Franks (1990) and Master (1992) presented the evolution of the range of procurement systems currently on offer to potential construction project clients as driven ultimately by the ‘product’ view, and the need to optimism cost, time and quality. Yet, whilst many of the more recent approaches to construction procurement (I. E. Design and Build, Construction Management) apparently attempt to address ‘process issues’, such as communication, in reality they fundamentally fail.

In a survey conducted by Hubbard & Disbarred (1996), a sample of 64 respondents (representing both clients and consultants) demonstrated that contract time performance was a factor considered to be relatively insignificant, when compared to there problems commonly associated with construction projects as shown in table 2. 1. Furthermore, Mortgaged & Shari (1996) reported that from a total of 215 projects surveyed, 136 (63%) were delivered later than expected “… In terms of the dates fixed by the contract or the dates given to the client for completion. “

Mortgaged & Shari (1996) go on to suggest that it is the ‘expectation’ rather than the delivery which is at fault. The conventional process of generating an ‘expected’ delivery date is considered the reason for this: “In some cases commercial, economic or political considerations can be a driver towards setting these unrealistic goals which become expectations and contract dates for lack of informed and unbiased advice.

Consequently, construction performance falls short of expectations which were largely unachievable when they ere established. ” A number of lessons can be learned from the manufacturing sector with regards to the implementation and practical use of a ‘process view within the construction industry. The area within the manufacturing sector that relates closely to construction and building works is called new product development (NYPD). It concentrates in the development of an idea, need or client requirement to the final commercialism’s of the product e. G. A building or a car. A number of similarities can be found between the two industries with regards to the activities used for developing new products.

For example they include: ; The start of a project can be initiated internally or by direct and/or indirect contact with the customers ; The development of the product requires the participation of a number of specialists and functions such as: designers, surveyors, marketing, stress analysts etc. ; The successful construction or manufacture of a building or product can only be achieved if all external (suppliers and consultants) and internal resources are utilizes and co- ordinate effectively ; The building or product is handed over to the customer/client and provisions are made for future support. However there are a number of distinct differences, the most important of which is that in the manufacturing industry all NYPD activities are co-ordinate, managed and controlled using a common framework which is the NYPD process.

The construction industry mainly, uses ad-hoc methods for achieving the latter and therefore reducing repeatability of process execution, resulting in the same mistakes occurring time after time. This shift into the establishment of a consistent process for the construction industry requires a new way of thinking entailing a change of culture and working practices. Furthermore, it requires: ; a good understanding of current practices and future trends ; effective communication mechanisms of such processes, such as modeling ; agreement of participating parties Technology can then be used to enhance integration and sharing of information. In conjunction with a process map, an IT map should enable the effective use and co- ordination of technology based on a predetermined process framework.

This paper proposes a process map which consists of a high level process and sub-processes (Activity Zones), which support the various phases of a construction project and the appropriate information technologies. 3. Methodology During the development of the Protocol a number of research methods have been used: 1. 4. 5. Retrospective and prospective case study analysis; Review and analysis of contemporary construction processes and practices; Review and analysis of concepts and practices applied within the manufacturing industries; Process modeling including various modeling tools and techniques; Iterative development using feedback from several industrial partners via interviews and workshop sessions and scenario building; The results to date of some of this work will be described in subsequent sections


As a result of the initial review of the literature, and the identification of the industry requirements through additional interviews with practitioners, six key principles are considered to provide the basis for an improved process. They are drawn heavily from the manufacturing sector where process thinking and continuous improvement has been focused upon for some 30 years. In addition, many of the principles relate to recognized problem areas in construction, where significant improvements have been called for (interracial Bankable, 1964; Lethal, 1994). The six principles are as follows: Whole Project View In the construction industry the definition of a project has traditionally being synonymous to actual construction works.

As such the pre-construction and post- construction activities have been sidelined and often accelerated to reach the construction stage or to move on to the ‘new Job’. This has resulted in poor client requirements identification and delayed the exposure of any potential solutions to the need to any internal and external specialists. Any contemporary attempt to define or create a ‘design and construction process’ will have to cover the whole ‘life’ of a project from recognition of a need to the operation f the finished facility. This approach ensures that all issues are considered from both a business and a technical point of view. Furthermore this approach recognizes and emphasizes the inter-dependency of activities throughout the duration of a project.

It also focuses at the front-end’ activities whereby attention is paid to the identification, definition and evaluation of client requirements in order to identify suitable solutions. A Consistent Process During the review of existing models and descriptions of the design and construction process, it was quickly established that little consistency existed. In such an environment, the problems encountered by temporary multi-organizations (TOM) working can be compounded. Luck & Newcomer (1996) support this view, describing the ‘role ambiguity commonly associated with construction projects. Development of this generic Process Protocol provides the potential to establish its consistent application. Through consistency of use the scope for ambiguity should reduce.

This, together with the adoption of a standard approach to performance measurement, evaluation and control, should facilitate a process of continual improvement in design and construction. Progressive Design Fixity The ‘stage-gate’ approach found in manufacturing processes (Cooper, 1994; ref. Fig. L) applies a consistent planning and review procedure throughout the Process. Phase Reviews are conducted at the end of each Phase with the aim of reviewing the work executed in the Phase, approving progress to the next Phase, and planning the resounding and execution of the next Phase. Cooper, in his third generation process, saw the need for ‘conditional-go’ decisions at phase gates, to accommodate aspects of concurrency. This philosophy is translated in the development of the Protocol’s phase gates.

Phase gates are classed as either soft or hard, with the ‘soft gates’ allowing the potential for concurrency in the process, whilst ensuring that the key decision points in the process are respected. Fig. 4. 1 Cooper’s comparison of stage-gate processes (Cooper, 1994) The potential benefit of this approach is fundamentally the progressive fixing and/or approval of information throughout the Process. As Cooper(1994) states, the discipline of the Phase Review activity improved the conventional chaotic, ad-hoc approach of manufacturing to which the Construction Industry of today could be compared. Co-ordination Co-ordination is one area in which construction traditionally is perceived to perform poorly.

This perception is supported by Bankable (1964) and Lethal (1994), in addition to many other reviews of the Industry. The need for improved co-ordination was also highlighted by the interviews with senior managers undertaken during the research project. It is therefore proposed that co-ordination of the Process Protocol is undertaken, principally, by the Process and Change Management Activity Zones. (see section 7) Appointed by the Client, the Process Manager will be delegated authority to plan and o-ordinate the participants and activities of each Phase, throughout the Process. The actions of the Process Manager are supported by the Change Manager, through which all information related to the project is passed.

In this role, the Change Manager acts as the official interface between both the Activity Zones in the Process, and ultimately the Legacy Archive. Stakeholder Involvement & Teamwork It has been recognized in the manufacturing industries that multi-function teams, established in a development process, reduces the likelihood of costly changes and production difficulties later on in the process by enabling design and manufacturing sections earlier in the process. Conventionally, many building projects comprise a team of participants assembled specifically to facilitate the development of that single. Consequently, a complete project team rarely works together on more than one project, and, as Somerville & Stocks (1996) argue, this can negatively affect the assembled “team’s” performance.

In addition, many key contributors are identified and included too late in the process. Project success relies upon the right people having the right information at the right time. Proactive resounding of Phases through the adoption of a ‘stakeholder’ view would ensure that appropriate participants (from each of the key functions) are consulted earlier in the Process than is traditionally the case. This, in itself, will not eliminate the problems associated with TOM working. However, the active involvement of all participants, especially in the early phases of a project, may subsequently help foster a team environment and encourage appropriate and timely communication and decision making.


In addition to the direct teamwork problems associated with TOM’s, the ability to learn from experience is also hampered by the continual formation and break-up of project teams. Both success and failure can offer important lessons for the future, yet the fragmented and competitive nature of the Construction industry prevents the benefits of shared best practice being utilizes. The Phase Review Process facilitates a means by which project experiences can be recorded, throughout the Process, thereby informing later Phases and future projects. Competitive advantage will come from how such experiences are acted upon. (shared knowledge may not automatically reduce the competitiveness of companies working in construction.

This Process Protocol therefore proposes the creation, maintenance and use of a Legacy Archive acts as a central repository, or information-spine (Sheath et. Al. , 1996), for the information generated through each of the phases of the process. The subsequent increase in awareness, project to project, has the potential for reducing risk and improving performance which over time may ultimately meet Lathe’s expectations. Process Development Given the apparent lack of commonality in the contemporary understanding of the design and construction process, an attempt was made to produce a model of the process which could be debated and subsequently refined towards a generic representation.

The initial model was developed based upon existing descriptions of the design and construction process (inter alai Walker, 1989; Hughes, 1991), some case study data, and reviews of other published models (inter alai RIBS, 1980; Assassin, 1994; BAA, 1995) The DEFIED-O (Integration Definition language O for Function Modeling) process modeling technique was adopted, initially, as the most appropriate means of representing this process. The DEFIED-O technique essentially represents a process as a sequence of activities, described by a verb followed by a noun. Each activity has associated inputs, outputs, controls and mechanisms. It is this technique that has been used successfully to represent processes such as Assassin’s (1995) Integrated Building Process Model In developing a process model using the DEFIED-O technique, an initial step is the establishment of the activities that will comprise the model. In preliminary interviews and workshop sessions with the project’s industrial partners these activities were presented for discussion in the form of an Activity Hierarchy.

However, initial reactions to this were poor, principally because such an approach did not facilitate communication of the process, either quickly or clearly. Moreover, it was found that the industrial partners to the project, at this stage, also preferred to concentrate on the general principles of the process, in preference to the detail of the activities involved. This preference for principles was found to have a certain congruence with other models of manufacturing processes. Cooper’s discussion of the evolution of the ‘stage-gate’ models in manufacturing (Cooper, 1994), and other (inter alai GAP (1990), Fissions) industrial models, demonstrate this. In such models the graphical representation of the process conveys it’s inherent reminisces.

As Rousseau (1996) notes, such process models are “an effective way to show how a process works”. In their definition; “A process map consists of an X and a Y axis, which show process sequence (or time) and process participants, respectively. The horizontal X axis illustrates time in process and the individual process activities or gates. The Y axis shows the departments or functions participating in the process… ” (p. 444) Beyond this convention, there appears to be little formality in the method used to represent a process. Furthermore, it could be argued that the elated informality of the modeling process enhanced the contributions of the project’s partner representatives.

Through several workshop sessions, the model was revised and deliberated by the partner representatives. As Rousseau (1996) argues, this “participative” approach to design makes any new process easier to accept and use. In an industry with a ‘need for change’ such an approach must be considered appropriate. Thus, through a process of gradual refinement, progress was made towards an agreed version, the Process Protocol, which this paper presents. 6. The Process Protocol The draft Process Protocol Model is presented in Fig. . 1 . Essentially, the model breaks down the design and construction process into 10 distinct phases. These 10 phases are grouped into 4 broad stages, namely Pre-pro]etc, Pre-Construction, Construction and Post-construction.

Pre-project Stage

The Pre-project Phases relate to the strategic business considerations of any potential project which aims to address a client’s need. Throughout the Pre-project Phases the client’s need is progressively defined and assessed with the aim of:

  • Determining the need for a construction project solution, and
  • Securing outline financial authority to proceed to the Pre-Construction Phases.

In currently acknowledged models of the design and construction process (inter alai RIBS, 1980; British Property Federation, 1983; – Hughes, 1991 provides a comprehensive review), and recently published client-focused guides (CIRRI, 1995), this stage of a project is given scant consideration, when compared to the latter stages.

However, the models assume that when approaching the Construction Industry, clients have already established the need’. Whilst there is little evidence to suggest this is not the case, it would seem reasonable to assume that the knowledge possessed by speculative alluding developers and consultants could assist any client in these early stages of a project. The problems associated with the translation of this need through the conventional briefing stage of design (Reilly, 1987) have the potential for substantial elimination via such an approach. Pre-Construction Stage With outline financial approval obtained, the Process progresses through to the Pre- Construction Phases where the defined client’s need is developed into an appropriate design solution.

Like many conventional models of the design process, the Pre- Construction Phases develop the design through a logical sequence, with the aim of levering approved production information. The Phase Review Process, however, adds the potential for the progressive fixing of the design, together with it’s concurrent development, within a formal, co-ordinate framework. Progressive fixity should not be confused with ‘design freeze’, although to some this may be a desired aspect of the process. The major benefit of the fixity of design is the potential for improved communication and co-ordination between the project’s participants as they pass through each Phase. Given the dynamic market conditions which influence any construction client’s decisions, the need for flexibility must be addressed by the industry.

At the end of the Pre-Construction Phases, the aim is to secure full financial authority to proceed. Only upon such authority will the Construction Phase commence, and this decision will be easier to make where the extent of the works, and it’s associated risks can be readily understood. Construction Stage The Construction Phase is solely concerned with the production of the project solution. It is here that the full benefits of the co-ordination and communication earlier in the Process may be fully realized. Potentially, any changes in the client’s requirements will be minimal, as the increased cost of change as the design progresses should be fully understood by the time on-site construction work begins.

The ‘hard gate’ that divides the Pre-Construction and Construction Phases should not prevent a Workplace’ approach to construction, and the associated delivery time benefits this brings. As with all activities in the process, where concurrency is possible, it can be accommodated. The hard and soft gates that signify Phase Reviews merely require that before such an activity is carried out, approval is ranted. Post-construction Stage Upon completion of the Construction Phase, the Process Protocol continues into the Post-construction Phases which aim to continually monitor and manage the maintenance needs of the constructed facility. Again, the full involvement of facilities management specialists at the earlier stages of the process should make the enactment of such activities less problematic.

The need for surveys of the completed property, for example, should be avoided as all records of the development of the facility should have been recorded by the project’s Legacy Archive.

The earlier involvement of the project’s participants, throughout the process is a significant development of the conventional approach to building. Traditionally, a construction project’s participants are referred to by their professional or expert status. Ball (1988) demonstrates how this may be attributed to the inherent class relations associated with each of the professions and expert groups. As with all class distinctions, the effect that this basis for organizational structure in design and instruction has is division.

A consequence of this traditional approach, by which even the more recent forms of contract procurement (design and build, management contracting, etc. ) are included, is the poor communication and coordination commonly associated with construction projects. The participants in the Process Protocol are referred to in terms of their primary responsibilities, and are represented on the Y-axis of the Process Model. It is recognized that traditionally, project to project, organizational roles and responsibilities change, resulting in ambiguity and confusion (Luck & Newcomer, 1996). By basing the enactment of the process upon the primary responsibility required, the scope for confusion is potentially reduced, and the potential for effective communication and co-ordination increased.

The Process Protocol groups the participants in any project into ‘Activity Zones’. These zones are not functional but rather they are multi-functional and they represent structured sets of tasks and processes which guide and support work towards a common objective (for example to create an appropriate design solution). A single person or firm can carry out an activity zone in small-projects but in large ND complex projects, an activity zone may consist of a complex network of people and between relevant functions and/or organizations. Since they are multi-functional, membership of the ‘zones’ is determined by the specific project task and/or process.

For example Design Management often has important input in the Production Management and Facilities Management activity zones, amongst others and vice- versa. Of the activity zones associated with the model, not all will be discussed here. Most of the ‘zones’ are self-explanatory. However, the role of the Process/Change Management and Development Management activity zones will be described, as they present a significant departure from the conventional view of the design and construction process. Development Management The Development Management activity zone is fundamentally the client/customer for the potential project. In the Protocol scenario, it is ultimately responsible for the success or failure of the project.

Representing the major stakeholder in the process, it has an important role. It is via the brief prepared by the Development Management that the client/customer’s needs are presented and ultimately interpreted. The Development Management is the only constant ‘player’ in the process. All other activity zones potentially consist of a dynamic membership, as the needs of the project develop throughout the process. The extent to which the other participants in the process, particularly the Process Management, have authority to proceed is delegated by the Development Management. It is they who will ultimately review the work of the project’s participants and sanction progress or cessation.

Development Management is responsible for creating and maintaining business focus throughout he project, which satisfies both relevant organizational and stakeholder objectives and constraints. For example, a proposed speculative office development needs to satisfy the developers objectives (say, return on capital) and constraints (say, available finance), as well as fulfilling other stakeholder considerations (say, compliance with prevailing planning concerns).

Process / Change Management

The Process and Change Management activity zones are essentially the interface between the Development Management and the other project participants. Process Management has a role independent of all other activity zones.

A distinction must be dad between this conventional view of a project manager and the Process Management role. Process Management, as the title suggests, is concerned with the enactment of the process, rather than the project. Key to the success of each Phase in the process is the production of project deliverables (reports and documentation associated with each Phase). In this respect the Process Management is responsible for facilitating and co-ordination the participants required to produce the necessary deliverables. Acting as the Development Management’s ‘agent’, it will ensure the enactment of each Phase as planned.

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ORION Case Study

ORION was a division of a large aerospace company with 7,000 employees which evolved from a project organization into a matrix structure to minimize costs and utilize limited resources. Normally, they were able to work on three to five large projects and 30-50 smaller projects. They were facing some problems that are as follows: Production cost is higher than expected, low quality, ineffective customer support, lack of strong project ownership, scope creep. There is to help ORION deal with these above existing problems in organizing and managing in ORION. What are recommendations? According to traditional Master Plan at ORION, the life of the project was quite long and ineffective. It took 5 – 7 years for new product design, development and manufacturing.

The main reasons were: Manufacturing engineers that had to follow design engineers’ lead they didn’t have a manager to control and assistant. Design engineers were not experts in manufacturing. For this reason, it leaded to higher product costs. Thus, there should have a manufacturing manager who would manage and authorize to make decision in design for manufacturability. Low quality was because of lack of a manager in control and management quality of products. Furthermore, this team did not involve in process of product design to give advices and recommendations of quality concern on time. Therefore, ORION should have a quality control manager who would manage the team and involve quality concern in original design of products. Ineffective Customer support was because of lack of a manager and lack of identification of customer’s concerns. For this reason, the company should have a customer service to control the team and corporate closely with design team to understand exactly technical documentation and user manuals.

By the way, marketing team should support to survey market in capturing of customer’s needs and requirement in order to improve quality of service and make customer satisfied. Lack of strong project ownership: Senior manager should establish criteria in selectio and balance the available organizational resources among different types of projects. For large and important projects, they should arrange talent and experienced engineers to work full time instead of doing multiple projects. Engineers in small projects are able to do multiple projects or ORION could outsource personnel for its requirements. In addition, ORION should build up an equal reward criteria to motivate their employees such as salary, promotion basing on contribution and performance no favoritism, for instance : design engineers were paid higher than the manufacturing engineers. Scope creep was due to lack of design manager so that design engineers do what they like. Hence, a manager will work with marketing team to know and understand what customer’s need are. Then, the design manager will provide guides to orientate what design engineers should do to meet customers’ requirements and reduce unexpected costs for testing, production, and modifications.

Recommendation of changing in the organizational chart and mater plan: According to the above recommendation, the changing is presented in detail: Organization of Product Development Project at ORION

  •  Master Plan at ORION
  • Design Reviews
  • Design and development
  • Production and delivery
  • Buidling production line and test equiptment
  • Documentation and Training programe
  • Production and delivery
  • Training

In conclusion, moving “build production line and test equipment” and “Documentation and training programe” once CDR had been done. Obviously, this will shorten the life of project cycle and save costs for design of manufacturing due to manufacturing engineer’s involvement in process of new product design. During this time, training and documentation is also proceeded. As the result, it only takes 3 -5 years for SDR, PDR, CDR, TRR & PRR. Furthermore, ORION should allocate account managers who are care of specialized responsibility to control and assistant to complete the projects. ORION matrix is identified in the balance matrix that should improve to STRONG MATRIX. The project manager has broader control and functional departments act as subcontractors to the project. This matrix form creates the “feel” of project team within a matrix environment. Culture of organization plays an important role that supports to complete effectively. Establishing a policy of equal reward is to motivate and encourage employees’ performance.

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Designing a Syllabus

From the theories given above, we conclude that when designing a syllabus, curriculum, school mission and students’ needs should be taken in consideration in order to achieve learning objectives. As stated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosova (MESTK) “In order to achieve the targeted aims and objectives of particular grade English language curriculum and to cover the topical content of particular grade syllabus, teachers should select and use materials of appropriate level from textbook(s) and other sources (online magazines and newspapers, TV, video, Internet).

These materials should be primarily dedicated to teenagers and young adults. It remains in the teacher’s domain to select teaching materials that may be type and profile appropriate, which (s)he may use either as alternative or as supplementary material in the English language program.Although it is estimated that within a school year, approximately 8 content areas should be covered, it is the teacher’s responsibility to plan the number of topical areas (units) and the composition of it, in accordance with the total amount of hours dedicated to English in different types of vocational schools.

In addition, teachers may plan an amount of 20 – 30% of overall teaching materials, which (s)he may use with a particular profile of learners in order to cover specific professional needs and meet the requirements of particular vocational schools. These could be a selection of specific texts/materials suitable for the particular type/profile of vocational schools (e.g. texts in medical field, technical field, business, catering…).

Apart from this, teachers may use supplementary materials to suit the learners’ needs, that is, their background knowledge (or lack of it), their interests and motivation. Supplementary materials (video tapes, documentary films, drama activities, projects, contests and quizzes, and similar), may be used either within regular English classes, or within additional activities planned by the vocational school curriculum (choice subjects, extra-curricular activities, and similar).” The above citation can be found on the website of MESTK under the section of vocational schools curriculum.

However, the difference between general schools and vocational schools’ curriculum is made only by the part cited in this paper. I.e. English language taught in professional schools despite different study domain, is not treated as ESP program but the burden falls on the teacher who, besides the units that are envisaged to be included in the program, is obliged to select additional materials which are profile appropriate. Scholars as Dudley-Evans and ST John (1998) describe the teacher as the material selector, researcher, and an evaluator as well as syllabus designer.

They continue their argument emphasizing that these roles cannot be fulfilled if the learners’ needs are not analyzed beforehand. ESP teachers have to complete all the roles mentioned above in order to achieve the harmony between, students’ needs, study domain and the curriculum designed by the Ministry of Education. 2.5 Using textbooks in the lesson Textbooks have an essential role in language classrooms in all types of educational situations. It is a kind of media used by both students and teachers.

When using a textbook teacher is assured that everyone in the class is getting the same amount of knowledge and that they are equally evaluated and tested. Course books provide a diversity of learning resources since they make a set of workbooks, cassette tapes, or CD-ROMs, and a teacher’s guide. Richards (2010) claims that there are also some disadvantages in using textbooks; for example, they may not reflect students’ needs.

Each textbook aims to occupy the global market and so it is unable to serve everyone’s needs. There are innumerous textbooks which are designed for teaching-learning process but not all of them are categorized as good textbooks. As the result, before choosing a textbook, teachers should really understand about needs, interests, abilities, and level of the students.

Similarly, Harmer (2007) declares that the most important part of the use of textbook is to adopt the needs of the students. Bertin (2003) proclaims that it is a special skill that teachers should have in order to choose the textbook that suits language level, content, activity and the logical order of the textbook.

In English for foreign learners (EFL) classes, a course book is the key to language teaching, language learning as well as it is a window to particular language culture. Nevertheless as Dickins (1994) clarifies, that the resources evaluation literature tends to focus absolutely on the analysis of the product. This means that teachers themselves carry out the evaluation of textbooks in order to conclude which materials best suit their purposes, schools mission and students’ needs.

Despite its special importance, regarding features mentioned above, a textbook should be selected and evaluated carefully before used in the class. Cunningsworth (1995) proposes four criteria for analyzing textbooks:o “Coursebooks should correspond to student’s needs. o They should match learners’ uses (present or future).

Selected textbooks should equip learners with the knowledge that will effectively serve them for their purposes.o They should take in consideration students needs and facilitate their learning process.o They should have a key role as a sustention to learning. Their role is similar to teachers. They negotiate between the target language and the student.”

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Economic Analysis of Law

Table of contents

This project is done as a semester project, as a part of course titled “Economic Analysis of LaW’. We are really thankful to our course instructor DRP P. M. Parkas, Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanata, for his invaluable guidance and assistance, without which the accomplishment of the task would have never been possible.

We also thank him for giving this opportunity to explore into the real world and realize the interrelation of Law and Economics, without which a society can never progress. In our present project we have chosen the topic- “Urban Land Use, Planning and Development” and a case study of the same is done for Kanata city, one of the famous cities of Attar Pradesh, India. This report contains an over view of Zoning regulations of Kanata and the Land Development Acts under which an effective planning and development of land can be performed.

Planning that also includes outlying communities and highway is termed regional planning. In contrast to traditional planning, which concentrated on improving the physical aspects of buildings and streets, modern city planning is increasingly concerned with the social and economic aspects of city living. The process of city planning is a highly complex, step-by-step procedure, usually involving a series of surveys and studies, development of a land-use plan and transportation plan, preparation of a budget, and approval of a unified master plan by various agencies or legislative bodies.

City planners are usually part of an urban planning board or governmental agency that must take into account the characteristics and long-range welfare of the people of a particular urban community? their employment opportunities, income levels, need for transportation, schools, shopping areas, hospitals, parks and recreational facilities. They must face the problems of traffic, congestion, and pollution; they must also consider the availability of police, fire, and sanitation services, the limitations posed by zoning and other regulations, and the problems of funding.

In recent years, students of many communities have demanded greater participation in the planning of their own neighborhoods, and some planners have worked closely with community groups during various stages of the planning process. Planners develop long- and short-term plans to use land for the growth and revitalization of urban, suburban, and rural communities, while helping local officials make decisions concerning social, economic, and environmental problems. Because local governments employ the majority of urban and regional planners, they often are referred to as community, regional, or city planners.

Planners promote the best use of a community’s land and resources for residential, commercial, institutional, and recreational purposes. Planners may be involved in various other activities, including making decisions relating to establishing alternative public transportation systems, developing resources, and protecting ecologically sensitive regions. Urban and regional planners address issues such as traffic congestion, air pollution, and the effects of growth and change on a community.

They may formulate plans relating to the construction of new school buildings, public housing, or other kinds of infrastructure. Some planners re involved in environmental issues ranging from pollution control to wetland preservation, forest conservation, and the location of new landfills. Planners also may be involved in drafting legislation on environmental, social, and economic issues, such as sheltering the homeless, planning a new park, or meeting the demand for new correctional facilities.

Planners examine proposed community facilities, such as schools, to be sure that these facilities will meet the changing demands placed upon them over t 3 ‘me. They keep abreast of economic and legal issues involved in zoning codes, building codes, and environmental regulations. They ensure that builders and developers follow these codes and regulations. Planners also deal with land-use issues created by population movements. For example, as suburban growth and economic development create more new Jobs outside cities, the need for public transportation that enables workers to get to those Jobs increases.

In response, planners develop transportation models and explain their details to planning boards and the general public. We all want to live in nice communities that become better and better with every new “development,” yet many people are dissatisfied with the way their communities are evolving. During 12 years of meetings with boards, neighborhood groups, developers, and environmental groups, the Smarter Land Use Project discovered a new way of thinking about land development.

Smarter Land Use results when project development is specifically designed to benefit its adjacent human and wildlife communities. It is the happy result of a smarter land development process. We all live on land that has been developed. Humans change the environment that nature provides in an effort to have more comfort, security, and beauty. Our ancestors were smart enough to build houses, farms, trails, and workplaces. Our towns are enriched by libraries, theaters, playgrounds, and meeting places.

Land Use Planning

Land Use Planning is the term used for a branch of public policy which encompasses various disciplines which seek to order and regulate the use of land in an efficient way. Despite confusing nomenclature, the essential function of planning remains the same whatever term is applied. The Canadian Planners Association offers a definition that; “Planning means the scientific, aesthetic, and orderly disposition of land, resources, facilities and services with a view to securing the physical, economic ND social efficiency, health and well-being of urban and rural communities”.

Land Use Planning encompasses the following disciplines: Architecture Environmental planning Landscape Architecture Regional Planning Spatial planning Sustainable Development Transportation Planning Urban design Urban planning Urban Renaissance Urban renewal Architecture, urban design, urban planning, landscape architecture and urban renewal usually address the selection of physical layout, scale of development, aesthetics, costs of alternatives and selection of building materials and landscape species.

Environmental planning usually implies the use of tools to forecast impacts of development decisions including roadway noise computer models, roadway air dispersion models and urban surface runt computer models. Urban Planning Urban, city, or town planning is the discipline of land use planning which deals with the physical, social, and economic development of metropolitan regions, municipalities and neighborhoods. Other professions deal in more detail with a smaller scale of development, namely architecture, landscape architecture and urban design.

Regional planning deals with a still larger environment, at a less detailed bevel. Historically, urban development was more often a haphazard, incremental event than a deliberate planned process. In the nineteenth century, urban planning became influenced by the newly formalized disciplines of architecture and civil engineering, which began to 5 codify both rational and stylistic approaches to solving city problems through physical design.

However, a number of broad critiques of the rational planning model gained momentum after the asses (such as those of Jane Jacobs), helping to expand the domain of urban planning to include economic development planning, immunity social planning and environmental planning. Urban Design Urban design is related to urban planning, but focuses on the physical design of places through place making. The complexity of urban design requires the balance and representation of multiple fields such as architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, ecology, local history, and transport planning.

Urban design tends to suggest a serious collective concern for three-dimensional space and as much consideration for the public areas between or beneath buildings as for the buildings themselves. This would imply an understanding of micrometer; the aesthetics, environmental qualities and durability of materials; the benefits of landscaping, trees and nature in the city; suitability of maintenance arrangements; the social functions and interactions possible in urban spaces; and the wishes of likely future users.

In some approaches, Street furniture is playing a larger role in urban planning as well as increasing city income through outdoor advertising; in others, simplification of street design is being pursued, requiring signage and other street furniture to be kept to a minimum along with a lessening of the distinctions between spaces for motorized transport and people.


What is Zoning? Zoning is the way the governments control the physical development of land and the kinds of uses to which each individual property may be put. Zoning laws typically specify the areas in which residential, industrial, recreational or commercial activities may take place. For example, an R-1 residential zone might allow only single-family detached homes as opposed to duplexes or apartment complexes. On the other hand, a C-1 commercial zone might be zoned to permit only certain commercial or industrial uses in one Jurisdiction, but permit a mix to housing and businesses in another Jurisdiction.

Besides restricting the uses that can be made of land and buildings, zoning laws also may regulate the dimensional requirements for lots and for buildings on property located within the town, the density of development, and whether you can have pigeons, dogs, sheep or llamas. Some zoning ordinances also regulate the extraction of natural resources from land within the zoned area, others provide space for hospitals, parks, schools, and open space and still others protect places of historical significance within the community.

Some Concepts related to Zoning Variance A variance is a request to deviate from current ongoing requirements. If granted, it permits the owner to use his land in a way that is ordinarily not permitted by the zoning ordinance. It is not a change in the zoning law but a waiver of a certain requirement of the zoning ordinance. Examples, where a variance might be apply, would be to build a gazebo in the back yard, or to add a second story in a one-story zone, or to allow the owner of an odd-shaped lot to reduce slightly the setback requirements in order to fit a building.

Rezoning A change in zoning is called “rezoning”. Whether requested by a property owner or by the local overspent, rezoning changes often involve changing a parcel or parcels of land from one land use classification to another land use (I. E. , from retail use to restaurant use, agricultural use to light industrial, low density to high density). Not all rezoning proceedings are alike. But key features are consistent. For starters, it begins with an application (and payment of a fee), followed by a notice to all nearby property owners.

Several open public hearings some at the neighborhood level–are held so that area residents and government agencies can speak out their opinions and concerns. Most people seeking a rezoning retain an experienced attorney to assist them. At the public hearing, she or he would “present your case” and be prepared to handle the objections that might be expected from those who oppose your request. A lawyer will 7 also be prepared to allay the fear of opponents that the requested zoning change could hurt property values or be incompatible with the surrounding uses of nearby areas and the goals of the city’s comprehensive community plan.

Ramifications for violating zoning laws It is risky to ignore zoning rules since the ramifications for zoning violations can be brutal. Suppose, for example, that in a strictly residential-only area, you add – illegally -an extra back room in order to operate a massage business and the town and neighbors don’t notice. When you later sell your home, you cannot guarantee that the property is “up to code” and run the risk of being forced to accept a reduced price or to withdraw the home from the market.

Even if the ownership has changed hands since the illegal construction and it comes to the attention of the local authorities (perhaps through a tax assessment), the new owner could be ordered to comply with the zoning rules, pay a fine, or worse, ear down the illegal addition. A conditional use permits a use of the property that the zoning of the property does not include. Conditional use permits are usually Justified after a public hearing and a finding that they fit with the goals of the communion master plan and are essential to the public interest.

An example to a conditional use may be a nursery school operating in a residential-use only zone or a nursery school on a lot in an area that is zoned for residential use. Subdivision A subdivision is Just what the name implies: it is dividing a single piece of property into mailer, separate pieces or lots, usually to sell as a divided piece or to allow for future development. Commonly the proposed subdivision involves a series of events that include notice and comment by the public and hearings before area residents and government officials before approval is given.

Buffer zoning Leaving a strip of land to develop a park, a small driving range, or grass and trees to separate a strictly single-family detached residential district from an apartment complex is becoming a common planning approach used by local government and developers. Down zoning It is rezoning of a track of land to less-dense uses. Examples of downzoning are prohibiting high-rise apartments and allowing only low-rise apartments or single- family homes. Another is prohibiting industrial use and allowing retail uses.

Down zoning is one 8 of the most popular tools for tightening the screws on development and curbing suburban sprawl. Esthetics zoning One of the most rapidly expanding forms of zoning is the adoption of esthetics zoning regulation by some communities. These ordinances describe what is and what is not permissible for a land owner in terms of landscaping, color schemes, mailboxes, fences, solar panels, decks, satellite dishes, hypes of materials, shapes of roof, and so forth. Esthetics zoning ordinance may require that building plans be submitted and approved by an architectural review committee before the “hammering” begins.

Contract zoning In some communities there is a practice that allows a property owner to enter into a written agreement with the local government to rezone certain areas of land, on the condition that the limitations or restrictions set by the town for those parcels are accepted by the owner. The conditions would not necessarily be applied to other similarly zoned parcels.

Spot zoning occurs when a small area of land or section in an existing neighborhood is singled out and placed in a different zone from that of neighboring property.

For example, a park or school might be allowed in a strictly residential area if it serves a useful purpose to the neighborhood residents. In some areas of the country the courts have found spot zoning illegal on the ground that it is incompatible with the existing land use-zoning plan or in an overall zoning scheme for the community. Whether the exception carved out is reasonable and supported by the facts, often turns on public interest, the effect the spot zoning has on the rent uses of neighboring properties, and any ramifications created by the zoning.

Easement An easement allows another person the right to use your land for a specific purpose. The most usual easements are those granted to public utility or telephone companies to run lines on or under your private property and to neighboring houses to use a common driveway to give access to their home. Right of Way A right of way is a form of an easement granted by the property owner that gives the right to travel over your land and to have the reasonable use and enjoyment of your property to there as long as it is not inconsistent Witt your use and enjoyment to the land.

These principles had their origin in traditional common law which governed, for example, the free flow of water or allowed neighboring landowners to travel over another’s property 9 (an informal “road system”). Although ownership rights of property are lessened by an easement, society at large benefits due to the additional freedom of movement.

Related Problems and Issues Problem

What can be done about an obnoxious neighbor that plays his music very loud, day and night? The police have tried, but so ar nothing has worked. You can take them to small claims court, alleging nuisance. For starters, you can rent/borrow a device to measure the sound levels at the property line and inside your house. There is probably a zoning law limiting the number of decibels your neighbor can send over the property line. In court, you should  Bring witnesses,An audiotape, Copies of your police reports. Evidence of the sound levels, and any other evidence you can muster. Can I convert my basement or room over my garage into an apartment? Or redesign my front walkway?

In some communities, adding or redesigning are common events and, depending on the extent of the change, are sometimes tacitly ignored and the city does not bother you, even though technically they are a zoning law infringement. Again, to prevent future problems, and legal hot water, before you decide to undertake such a project, it pays to do all the up-front planning and research to make absolutely sure you will be permitted to do what you want and will comply with setbacks, height, esthetics and any other possible restrictions.

Can I run a business out of my home? Zoning laws on home-based businesses vary considerably among the communities. It may depend on the nature of the business, whether you have any employees or business visitors, your hours of operation, parking and delivery issues, etc. Before getting into legal hot water, it pays to check out the zoning rules on what you can and cannot do in your area before you decide to set up a shop.

One more thing many localities have begun to impose license fees on home-based businesses to generate money for local coffers. Some zoning ordinances in some strictly residential areas will absolutely prohibit all in-home businesses. On the other hand, if you are lucky, your local town officials may overlook these ordinances, especially if your at-home business operation is hidden from public scrutiny designing computer software as opposed to a preschool and is not disruptive for your neighbors. 10 Other communities permit a home business, but may specify the kinds of work that can be run out of your home (I. E. , law, dentistry, music, beauty salon, physical therapy, tutoring); limit the amount of floor space that can be utilized; restrict he hours; limit the use to on-street parking;  prohibit or limit the number to employees you may hire; or  ban or require an entrance to your business that is separate from your residence; ban advertising signs. How do I complain about a neighborhood zoning problem?

If you feel that your neighbor might be running afoul of your local zoning rules and regulations, and that the zoning ordinance is not being enforced, contact your local zoning and planning office or city attorneys office. Ask them to explain the matter to you. The complaint process varies enormously among municipalities. In some areas, there are complaint forms; in a few, a complaint can be emailed. In most cases, a reported complaint is followed up by an inspection. Having the city take up the enforcement campaign is a lot cheaper way to start than initiating a lawsuit. Can a community impose red-light zoning laws?

Many zoning laws prohibit or restrict in some form adult entertainment establishments. Topless bars, peep shows, and sex-oriented book and video stores may be outright proscribed in residential neighborhoods. Others laws restrict adult entertainment to a certain geographical area. And still others bar such establishments within a certain distance of educational institutions or churches. The United States Supreme Court has upheld such laws. How many animals can I have on my property? Commonly, local zoning laws restrict the number and type of animals you may keep.

Most areas allow certain types of domestic pets, such as dogs, birds, cats, in a reasonable number, in a residential neighborhood. If you are an animal lover of chickens, sheep, horses, llamas, rabbits, chinchillas, or cows, most ordinances prohibit keeping these farm animals in residential neighborhoods. The wise animal lover should know how an area is zoned if the keeping of such animals is important or you are interested in starting a homebred rabbit farm business. Can zoning laws prohibit unrelated persons from living together in a single-family home?

Some communities have rarely enforced ordinances on the books limiting the types of people who may live in a home. Broadly speaking, these ordinances provide that all occupants of a single-family home must be related by blood, adoption or marriage in order to live together within the community without violating the law. Though times have changed as more couples live together without marrying, it would be wise for an unmarried couple to check first with the local zoning department, especially if they envision buying or renting property in the community with such an ordinance.

Wetlands are being impacted by somebody action. What can I do? Call your local construction code official or zoning board. They had to approve the development, should have studied the environmental impact statements, and allowed public comment before approving the development. See what they tell you. If your answers are not fully addressed, or they are not enforcing the law, talk to other officials higher up in your city, county, state, Army Corps of Engineers, or EPA, or consult an attorney. 12 4.


A General overview Kanata, an industrial city of India and previously known as – Jinrikisha or Compare, located about 425 km east of Delhi on right bank of holy river The Gangs and developed linearly along this river. The expansion of the city was restricted in Southern direction by the river Panda. The city acquired important status when British Army Camp was established in 1778 and subsequent development as industrial town by East India Company which gained leverage of connecting railway line in 1859 and G. T. Road.

The city witnessed significant population growth from 1. 275 ml. In 1971 to 2. 037 ml. In 1991 with average annual growth rate of 2. 6 percent. The study areas falls within the Jurisdiction of Kanata Development Authority (KID), subdivided into rural and urban areas. The rural areas covers Gallantly (with some urban area), Begin and Quasars and the urban area covers Kanata Municipal Corporation, Cantonment, Armature Industrial Estate, Railway Colony, Charier, IT etc. The total area under KID is 829 sq. M out of the total Kanata Magna District area of 1040 sq. M. Major City Functions The city of Kanata plays multiple function such as; Industrial growth centre with important industrial establishments of Urea Fertilizers Plant, Thermal Power Plant, ELM scooters, Indian Oil Corporation and National textile Corporation mills, trade and commerce centre as major distribution centre for finished leather products, textile, fertilizers and for the products not manufactured in the city; as transit point; educational centre with educational institutes of national reputation .

Institute, CLERIC, National Textile Institute, ‘CAR, Kanata University etc. The linear development of Kanata city along the right banks of river Gangs in east-west direction is restricted towards south with river Panda. The landaus pattern of the city is marked with a heavily built CB area near railway station hosting the wholesale market and cantonment area in the eastern side. The development of public, semi- public, residential and other mixed land-uses have come-up in the western direction and mixed with the industrial growth in that direction.

Industrial Profile of Kanata Kanata, once an industrial growth center of development in the region faced the problems of uncontrolled growth coupled with decline in industrial production resulting the adverse impact on this urban set-up. The cause of decay could be attributed to closure of many large industrial units and deterioration in infrastructure facilities. The industrialization era of Indian economy marked the city landscape with about 75 large & medium scale industries that followed western direction of expansion along the railway line and G. T. Road. These industries include government-owned units biz. Elgin Mills, Mir Mill, Compare woolen Mills, Ordinance factories, New Victoria Mill, M. P. Dog, HAVOC, and Alumni which are facing threat of closure vowing to problems like old technology, gigantic workforce, high input cost and low output. Inspire of this grim scenario Kanata is still a major industrial centre with few operating textile mills, defense establishments, power plants, fertilizers unit, automobile industry, vanishing oil mill and tanneries.

Apart from the largesse units city also has about 5457 mixed type of Isis which grew as ancillary to major units with the predominance of metal reduces (830), Leather products (819), Food Products (443), Rubber & plastics (416), Machinery parts (396), Hosiery & garments (387), Chemical (337), paper products (318) and Cotton textile (246). The most of the industries are in Gobo. Industrial estate (Kali Road & Fazing), Industrial Estate, Co-operative Industrial estate (Dada Magna), Panky Industrial Area and Jam Industrial area.

The tanneries in 65 number in clustered form (surrounded slums, village settlement) located in Jam area on the bank of river Ganges, with degraded environmental conditions until the Gangs Action Plan (GAP) came into effect for the rescue. The engineering industries of armaments, automobiles and steel fabrication units are in Kali road industrial belt. The small scale steel workshops found to be not highly polluting except noise impact to residential areas in vicinity. The large scale engineering units discharge toxic metal from electroplating and painting processes.

The Thermal Power Plant of 264 MM capacity is the single largest source of emission in the city but not effecting the city due to tall chimney. But the plant has two small boilers which create substantial fly-ash due to use of old chimneys and large amount of fly ash is being discharged onto river Panda. The housing quality of Kanata, which by and large depends on civic services (water supply, sewerage collection), power supply, roads, greenery, commuting facilities, community shopping centers etc. Is difficult to characterized and range between good to bad in different areas. The city core area is densely populated, very old blocks in dilapidated condition, old sewerage system, broken- down water supply lines, improper garbage collection and insufficient open spaces. As per the compiled sources, the deficit in housing stocks of Kanata is 50,000 against he total households of 390,817 and is increasing at the rate of 6% per annum.

There are 296 identified slums with 5 lacks population which includes colonies of industrial workers, common slums, population squatting on public land. The workers colonies, 90 in number, commonly known as Thetas are in state of dilapidation due to lack of any development work from the industries which either already closed or under closure. The slums, commonly known as beads are with lack of civic services resulting unhygienic living conditions.

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DAIS and Design Thinking in Society

Go through this process, writer will be more understand the messages that the author or artist want to convey. In addition, DAIS is actually more to the writer opinion and It can help writer to improve thinking skill from different angles. In DAIS, we no need to create anything and it only need a short of time to write DAIS. On the contrary, design thinking is a process create something that based on our client’s opinion, benefit, requirement and condition. The whole design thinking process include empathic, define, ideate, prototype and test.

In this process, we need to do a lot of research to collect information before we start designing, for example, observation, interview, survey, analysis data and etc. It will take longer time for the whole design thinking process, because it need times for gathering data, analysis data, brainstorm idea, testing and experiment. In conclusion, DAIS is based on writer own opinion and a process to understand creator message. On the other hand, design thinking is based on our clients benefit and requirement. These are the differences between DAIS and design thinking.  When would you use DAIS and when would you use design thinking? When want to gather some information about artwork or images, I will use DAIS. Because DAIS is simple and suitable to collect data from artwork or image and an understand the artwork in details. When have my own clients who need me to help them solve their problem, I will use design thinking. It is more suitable to understand the need and the way to help my client. How are they related? Visualize the relationship graphically. The above image is about how DAIS related to design thinking.

The design thinking process is created based on “the Right Brain initiative” website and then I add the DAIS between “empathic” until “prototype”. From my understanding DAIS is included in between empathic until prototype. It start with empathic; collecting data like description in DAIS, understand our clients and the market trend. Then, define which is analysis the data we get, think from different angle to understand deeper. After that, follow by ideate, it’s like interpretation from DAIS. From the view of designer, create something that can related to our clients product, means how to relate our own idea to clients product.

Lastly is prototype, present our idea to the clients, try to convey and allow them to judge see whether the idea is suitable for them or not before experiment. This process is like judgment from DAIS. In conclusion, DAIS and design thinking is actually related to each other. Both also have their own advantages and both also can support each other. By using two method at the same time, can make the process more clear and easy to understand. We have discussed a number of problems that needs to be addressed e. G. Single parent, homeless.

In one of the tutorials, the different problems faced, research questions, hypotheses and proposed solutions for single parents was discussed. Would DAIS or design thinking help you to identify better solutions? Why? Yes. DAIS or design thinking have their own step to find out the answer. By following with these step can help me understand and identify he problem easily. Furthermore, these steps can guide and improve my point of view of the problem. For example, we can use different angle to think and to solve the problem. Based on the above, what does Picasso quote on research mean?

What does having your own voice mean? Why do We need to acknowledge the source? What would you define as original? Based on the my research, Picasso quote can be define as art-based research can be defined as the systematic use of the artistic process, the actual making of artistic expressions in all of the different forms of the arts, as a primary way of understanding and examining experience by both researchers and the people that they involve in their studies. From my understanding, the word “research” can define as experiment.

Picasso explore himself by using art, he using painting to experiment the changing of the color and technique, and how it can change the element and the feeling of the whole painting. As a designer, we are not just sitting there and read data, we always need to experiment different kind of technique to gain knowledge and experience. This is what I understand from that quote. Having my own voice can be define as to stay strong and believe of my own pinion, to adhere my own decision, to speak out what I want to say or have my own freedom. The word “voice” can represent idea, choices, decision or freedom.

For example, a boy making decision on what to study for degree, parent always hope he can go study as doctor, account or some others career that can earn a lot of money, the boy will choose the subject that he is not interest in, it is because the boy do not want to disappoint to his parent. In this situation, the boys voice being cover by his parent voice and he choose to listen his parent voice rather than his voice in his inner heart. We should rye to listen and believe our own voice, because this is our life. Speak out is the only way to get what we really want and what we really need.

Based on my research, there are few reason that why we need to acknowledge the source. The first reason is to avoid plagiarism. Since we are borrowing people’s facts or document to prove our research, we should be honest to give them credit to prove that we are borrowing their document and not stealing. The second reason is allow reader to know furthermore about the source of material we use. This not only can convince them, but also can help them understand more about what they interest in. The third reason is to enhance our credibility as a writer or researcher.

To show how serious and important that this research to us, for example our research subject, objective, argument, ideas, experiment and so on. These are the three main reason that why we need to acknowledge the source. Original can be define as not only new but the very first or one of a kind. From my understanding, original means some object, thing that created by ourselves. It also mean the beginning of something. For example, as an artist, use to create my own anima character when I was free. I will get some references about how my character should act like.

Let’s say my character are standing, then I will follow those standing reference for my character. The output would be different because with my own art style it will look totally original by me. What have you learnt from the exercise on abstraction? From the abstraction question 1, I had learnt how to think differently and see things from different angle. The meaning and message will change when we change another angle to understand the problem, it can change the tone of our thoughts from negative to positive. This is how those successful people thoughts.

For example, create a AD view of the word “HI”, below is the image. As you can see, there are different be;men a, b, c, and d; a is opposite of c, the shape of b and d is same, but b is red color and d is black color. This show that a tiny changes will always bring different. Just like what Richard Bach said “A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow’. This is what I had learnt from the abstraction question 2. From the abstraction question 4, there are 2 different things that I learnt when I created an abstract kaleidoscope pattern; one is from Photos, another one is from Sony Vegas . In Photos, I had learnt how to find he Photos tree brush to help me reduce the time on design the abstract art. Then, adding some sketches and TV noise effect on my abstract art.

In Sony Vegas 13. 0, I had learnt how use front and side mirror effect to reflect my abstract art. After I reflected it, I added glowing light effect to make it like moving. In last step, is to change the color by using color correction. In my conclusion, had gain new knowledge from abstraction question 2 and 4 which are “think in different angle” and “some technical knowledge” in Sony Vegas 13. And Photos.  We have also discussed in 3-4 tutorials, what factors would attract the argent audience’s attention and leaves them with a wow feeling. Identify these factors and how they are achieved from: The activities related to the handout on self-promotion In self-promotion section, we are requested to create a magazine cover that can convey message to the audience. My group are created a magazine cover about Christmas. We separated few step to achieve our goal.

First, is to observe competitor’s magazine cover, to analysis how they create the magazine, in what kind of style. From our observation and analysis we noticed that most of the Christmas magazine cover is more to the realistic ND warm feeling image. It looks normal and a bit boring with this kind of style, therefore we decide to change it to illustration style. We arranged different kind Of item to form a red Christmas tree on a simple white color layout to catch people attention from different kind of magazine. The spacing and color will emphasis the red Christmas tree.

Our objective is to bring back audience childhood’s memory and to convey audience to celebrate Christmas with their family. In this section, we learnt how to use the correct art style to promote the product and use the right image to convey message to audience.  The activities related to the handout on brainstorm (for our clients) In brainstorm section, we are requested to help our client to solve their problem. My group are help a fashion customer to promote his new fashion brand named “SPACE”. At first, We are trying to understand our client company and his competitor.

Then we will discuss with him about his requirement on promoting the brand, such as budge, printing media promotion, location of the printing media, the style of promotion, TV advertisement promotion, discount and etc. Based on the data we collect, we will try to search the related information and get some inspiration to create a ester. Based on this section, we learnt how to communicate and handle our client. It is important to do some survey or interview to our client, because sometime our client do not tell us what they really want or need, they confuse and do not understand what kind of information that graphic designer need. . What do you think fun, sustainable design and interactivity mean? Fun, sustainable design and interactivity can define as something that not only can entertain user, but also can deliver the message to user in creative way. With these fun, interactivity and sustainable design, will leave deep impression in the audience mind. User will remember it forever. For example, a horror website game named ‘the house”, this game is created by SHANGHAI. The house is a Flash horror point and click games. Player can experience the scary feeling in horror house by just clicking the item in rooms.

It is fun and interesting. Remember the first time I play this game is in high school, it really leave me deep impression, until now I still remember this game. In conclusion, a design that include fun, interactivity and sustainable design will always leave deep impression for the audiences.  What have you learnt from the various topics covered in the syllabus? Elaborate on three which have impressed you the most. DAIS, design thinking and the process of creating an abstracting art is the things that had learnt.

DAIS is one of the method that similar to the previous critique method that I learnt in History of Art. As method before in the question 1, DAIS is a process to gather information and collect data from critique artworks, images or photos. It includes description, analysis, interpretation and judgment. The reason why remember it is because we have discuss DAIS for few times and we have use DAIS method to solve problem. Design thinking is the second method that always being discuss in lass or compare with DAIS in exercise.

I had used this method for my final year project, it is very useful and it guide me a way to solve some of the final year question, therefore it leave deep impression for me. The third thing I learnt in this syllabus is creating abstraction art. The reason why it impressed me the most is because had created an abstract artwork by using Photos and Sony Vegas. The process when creating that kaleidoscope pattern is really fun and enjoy. Experiment different effect like changing the color, adjusting the glowing lights effect and editing mirror affliction, this process is like expressing my feeling in art.

As a designer or a creator, We should enjoy the process on creating something rather than outcome. In Bruce Man’s quote, he mention that “Process is more important than outcome. When the outcome drives the process we will only ever go to where we’ve already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we’re going, but we will know we want to be there. ” In my conclusion, DAIS, design thinking and the process of creating an abstract art are method and technique skill that I learnt in this syllabus. Both method an be used in any others subject and can use it to solve the problem in future.

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Quality Of Outpatient Service Design Health And Social Care Essay

Table of contents

In Malaysia health-care design, developing spacial design is considered as one of the most of import undertakings in the preliminary design phase. In effect, the result of the design gives an impact to quality of service design. The choice of quality appraisal is of import in support of the mission and criterions of Malaysia health-care services. It is associated with a delivered a user-friendly, efficient and effectual service to the patient. Hence the serviceability construct is attached to user ‘s perspective rating really appropriate as a measuring. In these fortunes, the functions of installation direction are to understand and be sensitive in this issue. In add-on the installation directors are responsible in making and bettering the design every bit good as the service meets its best map and organisation mission. The intent of this paper is to reexamine and understanding the ” serviceability construct ” and “ Usability method ” as an appraisal the quality of architecture in- usage ” . On top of that is to understand the useable method to mensurate health-care services. This paper will be concentrating on three serviceability cardinal factors ; efficiency, effectivity and users ‘ satisfaction. This overview will assist research workers in their hereafter survey to look into the relationships between the spacial design and “ usability constructs ” . This is done by taking into considerations the user experience and outlook of the outpatient spacial design in Malaysia public infirmary.

The International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) defines serviceability is a merchandise as “ the extent to which the merchandises can be used by specified users to accomplish specified ends in the specific context of usage with the peculiar environment ” . ISO besides pointed out that serviceability is measured based on the three basic parametric quantities ; effectivity, efficiency and satisfaction ( Blakstad, 2008 ; Alexander, 2008 ; Fenker, 2008 ) . Hence usability rating is all about users experience and feedback to the design and environment. It is besides associated between human experience and its influence on people ‘s apprehensions of a design or installations in-use and the dimension of context-of-use ( Chamorro-Koc,2009 ; Carr, 2010 ) .

The serviceability surveies started in the twelvemonth 1950s and emerging from assorted subjects backgrounds and Fieldss and is widely known in relation to applications within merchandise design, information engineering and Human Computer Interaction ( Blakstad, 2008 ; Fenker,2008 ) .Hence it is related to user friendliness and functionality of the system or design meets user demands ( Jenso, 2006 ) . In a built-environment, it started by the Facilities Management field with the construct of duty of the Facility Manager to carry through the demand of stakeholders by cognizing the action and feedback from users experience to edifice in -use. It ‘s was introduced by International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction ( CIB ) Task Group 51 “ Usability of edifices 2005 ” , Workshop W111 – “ serviceability of workplaces 2-2008 ” and “ serviceability of workplace 3- 2010 ” has been established to use constructs of serviceability and to supply a better apprehension of the user experience.

The chief focal point of Facilities Management ( FM ) has for a long clip been related to cost decreases, but in recent old ages, there is a alteration towards the demand for FM to make added value. It more focal points on the result of the procedures in FM and the effects that FM can make to better productiveness and functionality of the organisation and benefits for the stakeholders. Consequently, it related to betterment of environing, people and spacial relationships, societal, functional facet, environment and economic ( Jensen, 2010 ; Low Sui Pheng ; 1996, Diez ; 2009 ) . Therefore, to acquire a quality system or design and satisfied stakeholders involved the duties of the FM as the judge before and after the edifice occupied and during the designed procedure. From the organic structure of literature, there are assorted standards of appraisal involve in a built-environment, particularly related to healthcare sectors, including ;

Healthcare design rating:

Evidence based design: The rating of how design impact to patient results ( Cama ; 2009 ; Becker ; 2007 ; 2008, )

Post tenancy rating ( POE ) : The systematic rating attached to constructing public presentation and user satisfaction ( Ghazali ; 2010, De Jager ; 2008, Begum ; 2010 )

“ Kansei ” technology: The rating of quality design by intercession a users feeling and emotions to better future design. ( Harun ; 2008, Ayas ; 2008 )

Kano theoretical accounts: Related to satisfaction rating and design or service public presentation ( Mustafa, 2002 )

Design quality index ( DQI ) : The appraisal refers to user feedback with edifice building and edifice in usage as a usher for future design ( Volker ; 2010 )

Experimental Research: It associates to prove the variables which influence the topic or histrion by placing the results of the experiment. ( Said ; 2006, Surrenti ; 2009 )

Healthcare Service rating

Theoretical and stochastic theoretical accounts: it is choice measurement theoretical accounts. Combination of Discrete Event Simulation ( DES ) and the informations of Patient Classification Systems ( PCSs ) The construct is based on a Staff-Patient Satisfaction Relation Model ( S-PSRM ) ( Komashie ; 2009 )

Service quality ( SERVQUAL ) : It is a measuring related to the spread between the client ‘s degree of outlook and how good they rated the service by looking at human facets and response to service provided ( reactivity, dependability, empathy and confidence ) ( Medabesh ; 2008, Bahari 2010 )

Service quality & A ; service useable ( SERVUSE ) : Human Factors and Usability in Service Quality Measurement ( by cognizing utilizations outlook and demands ) . Measure service quality through a study instrument termed SERVQUAL. ( Strawderman ; 2008 ; 2006 )

Service Excellence: measurement quality and excellence -direct service user input and engagement in the service planning and bringing procedure ( Abusaid ; 2007 )

Six Sigma -measurement for service quality: to better the nature, criterion and cost of public services as prosecuting a end near-perfection in run intoing client requirements-measurement for service quality ( Abdullah ; 2008 )

Additionally, most of the infirmary in Malaysia ‘s assessment determines on a quality direction system and to carry through the demands of ISO certification, which concentrating on audit and accreditation of a papers procedure. This can be seen on Malaysia Society for Quality in Health ( MSQH ) rating, which concerns on health care installations, services and in patient safety appraisal and ensures the uninterrupted quality betterment in health care. International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) , choice direction system ( QMS ) ensures that their internal procedures are able to run into their patients ‘ and applicable regulative demands in a consistent mode. All this is for bettering the quality of the service or the rating of design, installations or systems impact to the users or organisations. Besides that on top, we can reason this overall appraisal is attached to user satisfaction and organisation betterment. Otherwise serviceability besides touched on user satisfaction but more profoundly to users experience by cognizing in-depth their demands and outlook, which focus on the effectivity and efficiency of quality in-use.

Architectural usability

In Space is the machine, Hillier ( 1996, p. 129 ) clarifies that ‘the belongings of intelligibility means the grade to which what we can see from the infinite that make up the system  . ‘ And further on ‘an unintelligible system is one where well-connected infinites are non good incorporate  . ‘ With this in head, constellations of edifice layouts have great impact on the users ‘ behaviour.

Component layout plays an of import function in the design and serviceability of many technology merchandises. The layout job is besides classified under the headers of wadding, packaging, constellation, container dressing, palette burden or spacial agreement in the literature. The job involves the arrangement of constituents in an available infinite such that a set of non subjective scan be optimized while fulfilling optional spatial of public presentation restraints. The layout ends are normally formulated as non subjective maps. The aims may reflect the cost, quality, public presentation and service demands. Assorted restraints may be necessary to stipulate spacial relationships between constituents. The specifications of constituents, aims, restraints, and topological connexions define a layout job and an optimisation hunt algorithm takes the job preparation and identifies assuring solution by measuring design options and germinating design provinces. Analysis of aims and restraints vary from job to job.

Spatial knowledge and wayfinding research every bit good as design knowledge are good established as A?elds of research. It is however mostly unknown how designers ground when they try to incorporate manner finding-friendly factors into their designs.

Weismans four factors, ocular entree, signage, architectural distinction and floor program complexness provide a comparatively general theoretical base.

The function of architectural design on the perceptual experience and mental representation of infinite by worlds is investigated. The navigability and serviceability of reinforced infinite is consistently analyzed in the visible radiation of cognitive theories of spacial and navigational abilities of worlds. It is concluded that a edifice ‘s navigability and related wayfinding issues can profit from architectural design that takes into history basic consequences of spacial knowledge research.

Architectural design of infinite has multiple maps. Architecture is designed to fulfill the different representational, functional, aesthetic, and emotional demands of organisations and the people who live or work in these constructions. The designed spacial environment can be seen as an of import tool in accomplishing a peculiar end, e.g. , making a finish or happening an issue in instance of exigency.

Usability an appraisal of quality in-use

Serviceability is about user position on their experience. Those experiences are created non merely by elements which the supplier or direction can command, but besides by elements that are outside of the supplier control that effected end-users experience either positive or negative experience. From the organic structure of literature explain the assortment of experience:

It involves the cognitive psychological science, act uponing, emotional reaction, and perceptual experience. However, experience influence by personal reading of a state of affairs based on cultural background, temper, esthesis and physical status. ( Verhoef, 2009 ; McGee, 2004 ; Pullman, 2003 ; Hekkert, 2006 ) .

It is an event quality of experience. Harmonizing to Dewey ( 1963 ) it is understood as people ‘s comprehension of unrecorded events ensuing from their interaction with merchandises and their environment of usage. ( Pullman ; 2003 ) .

It is attaching to sensation cognition ensuing from the interaction with different elements of a context of usage. ( Gupta ; 1999, Fenker, 2008 ) . It considered users find alone, memorable, sustainable over clip and knowing and promotes word of oral cavity. ( Pine, 1999 ) .

It ‘s about the persons comparing their outlooks to the results generated by their interaction with a system, service or installations offered. It is an interrelated rhythm of trying to fulfill hopes, dreams, demands, and desires. ( Austere 2003, 2004 ; Hseih, 2009 ; Said,2007 ; Abdullah,2008 ; Alexander,2010 ; Alho, 2008 ; Garde, 2008 ; Hignett, 2009 ) .

It ‘s an attitude on how users feel about their experience, while they ‘re utilizing it, how good it serves their intents and tantrums into the full context in which they are utilizing it ” ( Alben 1996 ) .The manner it feels in their custodies, how good they understand how it works.

Therefore, it can be concluded that usability surveies as a portion of a cultural phenomenon from understanding user ‘s experience. It is a portion of human behaviour activities and reaction survey or to value of terminal user satisfaction. Quality of experience is user ‘s outlooks that benefit to stop users, which influence to societal factors, emotional, and physical well being after deliver or reaction to plan or service. It impacted of a individual ‘s wellness on his or her ability to take a carry throughing their demands or life ( Carr ; 2001 ) . Quality can be defined as the mark that is intended to be reached. In the literature, there are several nomenclatures used to specify the term quality. Which is quality is a method of acknowledging, implementing, and entering good manners of action. Consequently, from a organic structure of usability literature in the built-environment, most of the rating is measured the values of users experience, and it related to appraisal of quality in-use. ( as shows in table 1 ) .

Usability rating standards and procedure of rating

Purpose of this pilot is observation dues to the issue and to prove the method of informations aggregation and prove the serviceability rating model. Whereas those related to the chief aim of this survey are to research and detect the behavior activities of user experience the serviceability of healthcare spacial design from the patient ‘s outlooks and feedback.

The rating derived from Voordt 2005 ; 2009, which is an appraisal on healthcare architecture- in usage, utilizing 9 dimension, range ability and parking installations, handiness,  efficiency,  flexibleness,  safety, spacial orientation,  privatenes, territoriality and societal contact,  wellness and physical wellbeing and, Sustainability. This rating adopted from NHS, Achieving Excellence Design Evaluation Toolkit ( AEDET ) : its Post tenancy Evaluation ( POE ) Toolkit with the systematic questionnaire ( Excel-based plan ) related to how edifice performed, provides three cardinal countries ; functionality- usage, entree and infinite, impact -character and invention, signifier and stuffs, staff and patient environment, urban and societal integrating, and build quality and standard public presentation, technology and building .

This survey was conducted in a replacing infirmary. A replacing infirmary is a new infirmary built to replace the original infirmary which had been closed or turned into the province wellness section or wellness clinic. Presently there are 11 replacing infirmaries and 9 have been in operation for this survey, and three infirmaries have been selected, in which the infirmary began running in 2000 and above. It focuses on the northern part of peninsular Malaysia, is due to Lack of research worker survey and concentrate on this country and concentrate on spacial design. Two replacing infirmary been chosen with a different class, territory infirmary with 11 medical subjects and 498 beds and territory infirmary with 250 beds. The 10 respondent from each infirmary been interviewed during the walkthrough procedure due to the limited country within anteroom, parking country, outpatient country and entree to specialist clinic.

The serviceability appraisal method is suited for usage in the appraisal cause the deficiency of qualitative appraisal, which in-depth focal points on patient experience and outlook. Furthermore, Usability is the measurement methods related to human factors, which is focused on understanding benefits and restrictions of the human organic structure and associated with the direction and usage of Facilities and environment. This geographic expedition pilot survey is to cognize the easiness of usage and how the system matches with the existent state of affairs which focus on:

Patient experience and outlook to special design characteristics: Flexibility of design attaches to serve waiting process inclusive the factors effectual and efficient standards that contribute to their satisfaction.

Chemical reaction and feedback of the patient journey experience through the special design environment and orientation start from the handiness aspect to make the service or their ends.

This appraisal it has been use to happen the standards for the chief instance surveies ‘ appraisals. The methods of roll uping informations used in this survey are walkthrough observation and unstructured interviews of patients and visitants journey experience. In the early serviceability trial, study had been behavior, but the consequence finds merely fewer respondents want to be involved in that study. Therefore, those two methods of roll uping informations had been chosen and more answering action to the interview. As we mentioned the walkthrough and interview method had been chosen in this information aggregation technique. It had done cause deficiency of dependable appraisal method that thoroughly observes and identifies the user ‘s action from their experience the existent thing. Acknowledging the demand for a conjunct response to what had been design or been using from the direction or the medical contriver.

Walkthrough observation behaviour activities by watching people use their environment and activities related to spatial-relationship and surrounding. It has done by analyses of the infinite and motions “ tour ” of the edifice measuring different qualities of maps of environment. In the same clip Interviews had used to back up worlds without upseting their activities. Interviews utile to back up behavior reaction, and we will cognize in-depth information around the subject and related issue. Those methods being used to cognize the expected utilizations, new utilizations and abuses of design, recognized demands by acquiring the narrative behind a participant ‘s experiences.

Usability issues from pilot

During the pilot, there are few cardinal inquiries of interview and observation standards related to how users experience the special design. It is reflecting to the chief research inquiries of the surveies:

How the serviceability of special design can act upon the health care special design in order to bring forth choice architectural in-use?

Why the patients concern on their procedure of journey experience and how their outlook from the special design to reflect support to the manner it used by them?

The specific cardinal inquiries for this chief interview are:

How do you experience about this infinite? Why its of import?

How your experience utilizing all the installations along your journey experience and are those installations easy be used?

What do you believe of this infinite and are the installations needs betterment?

You want to travel where and from where? How about you ‘re experiencing and what your outlook from this experience? What are the jobs you encounter to that country?

Keys of observation during visitants or patients walking into the mark country by placing any mistakes:

How a respondent identified the space- utilizing signage/ map/ inquiring person.

Chemical reaction to any of the serviceability issues highlighted by them.

Chemical reactions of household, kids, friends who accompany patients to those above standards.

The decision in this little pilot survey, we identified several serviceability jobs explains the position of patients and visitants to their experience in hospital special design and the account of serviceability standards in table 2.

Don’t cognize how to travel to the cafe and other area/space and every clip to happen an country, we will inquire the security guard or receptionist.

I can’t read, I merely can acknowledge the topographic point if the signage got image or symbol.

My kid is already tired, they want to travel drama. but in the chief land floor afraid to allow them travel  I can’t see from here aˆ¦the inside is excessively world-weary and that ‘s no topographic point for childs to play or making others activities.

There ‘s non adequate sitting unit, the puting it ‘s excessively difficult and the agreement of putting unit it ‘s difficult for me to pass on with each others.

Waiting so long but it ‘s nil to make and I like to wait in the anteroom aˆ¦.can see the people, landscape… . and it ‘s so deadening sit in a topographic point that uncle received intervention, merely watching Television…

Feel non safe walking through stairway  ower limit of light entre and the country are closed.

It possible if the bannister attaches to the wall -it ‘s easy for me to walk and rest for a minute  I ‘m already old

Even though from that serviceability issues, in this pilot survey besides we can reason there are several standards impacting that serviceability and influence the respondent satisfaction, which are an outlook of effectual and efficient standards from the service or design.


In drumhead, we explore that serviceability principles is human factors. It is a reaction between the applications or proviso of service provided to the user, whether it is good or non.As good as the serviceability parametric quantity is defined the effectivity is, whether the design or installations provided effectual and good to consumers in full and run into the outlook. While Efficiency is related to something that is easy accessible, do non take excessively long to be resolved and it is related to clip and distance. This issue is non often been raise compared to effectiveness standards. Satisfaction is a grade or value of satisfaction related to the both parametric quantities. But all the serviceability standards depend on the background, their physical status and their state of affairs.

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Pestel of nike

Nikkei being number one sportswear in the USA, its profits, turnovers, marketing sponsor ships and advertising surmount all other sports wear companies. This company is not only positioned as a market deader but also leaders in the industry labor practices initiatives. Although Nikkei had suffered bad publicity over the last decade, for various reasons, it is best placed in the political climate as an ethical company. This gives it a good public reputation, which keeps on strengthening the brand name. Authority of USA political temperatures as well as Nines commitment to industry leading transparency in matters related to social responsibility made the coma Economic Factors The increased demand for the products in the sporting clothing market in USA over the last 20 years provided a great opportunity for Nikkei Shoe Company. The only high quality brand, which existed in the US market, was Aids shoes from Germany that were very expensive and not available. This economic situation provided a very good environment for Nikkei brand to take root very quickly due to its availability and affordability.

Nikkei is usually making much profit due to its increased sales and low costs due to economies of scale it is enjoying. Nikkei enjoyed an economy with high national income. This boosted the demand for its products. The affordability of interest rates made the CEO of Nikkei to borrow funds which he used to expand the business. The strong US currency made importation f the shoes from Japan easy. This led to the selling of the Nikkei shoes at lower prices than Aids from Germany even though both brands had the same quality. This environment gave Nikkei a competitive advantage over Aids brand.

During early development of Nikkei Company, USA experienced very good economic stability, inflation was held in control and thus wage demands for employees remained normal. This was a great boost to Nikkei because it was able to maximize the profits by exploiting cheap labor, especially at the industry in Japan. Although the many enjoyed the benefits of good economic climate, it also suffered some finical challenges. For instance, the Coo’s decision to solve Sir’s financial problems by offering 30% of the company to the public in May 1970 failed.

Social factors pestle of Nikkei By duckier 18 Social doctors are cultural aspects that are perceived to attest the business either in a positive or negative manner. They include such factors as age structure, demographics, rural-urban migration, literacy levels, leisure activities, changing lifestyle and gender role. Those factors are linked directly to the market potential and he customer needs. For example in USA, labor pool is growing. This has led to the firms paying pension to their employees to increase because the staff is living longer. The Social environment that Nikkei enjoys is smooth.

The company targeted athletes and their need for quality affordable shoes. Change in the customers need and preferences for high quality affordable sport gear and the changing lifestyles increased the pace of product change to fit the customers’ needs. The fact that Aids shoes were expensive and hardly available in US market led the customers to rush for the BARS shoes. BARS shoes met the customer’s needs of quality, affordability and availability. Majority of Nines manufacturing takes place in developing countries where more than 500000 workers are employed.

This has made the company to struggle with transparency issues due to its vastness. However, the launch of transparency 101 program will help I ensuring that the public is made aware of everything the company is doing. The practices in each factory should be in line with the company code of conduct. Technological Factors Technological factors are trends in new technology keep on advancing on daily basis. Technology can create new products and services as well as phase out existing ones. For instance, mobile telephone created new business for GSM carriers whereas it spelled doom for other business like the postal and courier services.

For the case of Nikkei Company, money is expected to use both existing and new technology to grow its business portfolio. If well adapted, technology can considerably reduce Nine’s operational costs and thus grow its profit margins. Nikkei enjoyed technological innovations in sports wear by producing and selling sport shoes, which are ultra- supper light to athletes. Technological advancement and diffusion of technology in the manufacture of Nikkei shoes led to quality improvement and competitive advantage.

This has played a major role in benefiting the consumers and the organization returns on investment. Nikkei employ specialists in the areas of exercise psychology, engineering design, and related fields to run the business. They also utilize research committees and advisory boards made up of athletes, coaches, trainers, and other experts to consult and review designs, concepts and materials for the improvement of the products. Employee athletes and other athletes’ wear-test port wear and evaluate the design of the products and development.

Technical innovations in the design of foot wear, apparel and athletic equipment is stressed so much so that product are produced that reduce injury, enhance athletic performance and improve comfort. This is the major goal of Nikkei sport Wear Company which the CEO continually emphasized and achieved. Environmental Factors Environments I doctors include such doctors as climate and weather changes in a period. Changes in environment are difficult to determine or control and they have greater impact on businesses either directly or indirectly. Nikkei Company has put many efforts towards creating a better world.

The implementation of sustainable product innovation cycle has helped the company to advance in creating products, which are sustainable and go beyond customer satisfaction. The cycle guides their operations and that of their suppliers since environmental impact occurs at every step in Nikkei product process. The use of organic cotton plays a major role in preserving and protecting the environment and health of people living near cotton growing areas. The environmental plan exhibited by Nikkei has helped in building very throng public relations and has enticed many customers and investors.

Many American investors are environmental conscious, thus they feel strongly involved in environmental protection by investing in organizations, which they feel are ethical environmentally. Nikkei shoes are greener and more ethical as compared with other products in the USA market. Nikkei shoes are easier to recycle, and the solvent use of reduced by over 85% when compared with other brands like tiger and Aids. Legal Factors Legal factors have to do with government regulations that come into play from mime to time.

They relate to legal environment of an organization and the impacts hey impose on the performance of an organization in the market place. They include health and safety laws, consumer law, competition law, employment law, and discrimination law. Nikkei has face d a lot of legal issues in its process of growth and development. For instance, Stakeholders vs.. Nikkei case. Nikkei stakeholders sued it claiming that Nine’s executives withheld negative news and profited from the results. The allegations stated that the actions of Nikkei led to increase in stock.

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