Digital Forensics
Define several forms of metadata that can be useful to an investigation. How are valuable to an investigator? Post between 250 and 300 words.
Choose a company that has or could have a marketing problem that needs to be solved. The Milestone 1 paper will identify and describe your chosen company, what business it is in, and set out the problem that needs to be solved. This is a situational analysis. Paper length: 3 pp. not including title page and references.
For your Milestone 2 paper about your chosen organization, you will outline your marketing objectives, describe any research you would do, and describe your target market(s). Paper length: 3 pp. not including title page and references.
The Milestone 3 paper will describe the marketing mix for your project, including product, promotion, distribution, and pricing. Paper length: 3 pp. not including title page and references.
P.S. – 2,3, and 4 should focus on same company. Could be any company but not Tesla, Apple, Google, and Microsoft.