Discussion Board
You will summarize the possible impact of the DHHS’ policy in a discussion board post. Make sure to list the data required to monitor outcomes of policies within the Health Care. You must also respond to 2 of your peers’ posts and make sure to reference any outside sources you may have used in your assignment post
Navigate 2 Scenario for Health Policy
Episode 4: Evaluating a Health Care Policy
In this Navigate 2 Scenario, you are responsible for examining the DHHS’ evaluation of the policy and how it may impact the Health Care System. You will then work with a team to determine the best way to monitor the implementation of policy within the Health Care System and report it to the DHHS. Specifically, how they:
Monitor and report medical errors to the Department of Health and Human
Use root cause analysis on a certain percentage of
Track and report patient outcomes focused on the clinical problems identified in the National Health Care Quality Report (http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/qrdr10.htm (Links to an external site.)).
Integrate the 5 health care profession core competencies into staff education and track
Establish a no-blame
You will summarize the possible impact of the DHHS’ policy in a discussion board post. Make sure to list the data required to monitor outcomes of policies within the Health Care. You must also respond to 2 of your peers’ posts and make sure to reference any outside sources you may have used in your assignment post.
Learning Objectives for this LearnScapes scenario
Analyze how such various applications of the law affect decisions in the development and operation of a health care
Use technology and information resources to research issues in health care policy, law, and ethics.
LearnScape 4 Characters
Timothy Kohl, Staff member at DHHS
Timothy is in his mid-50s, and has been with DHHS for more than 20 years. His main focus is health policy. Timothy consults with staff in various departments and agencies to work out how health care law should be written and then implemented. He will work extensively with the student to determine what data is needed to stay in compliance.
Tiffany Halpert, Chief of Medical Staff of Bright Road Health Care System
Tiffany is a physician in her early 40’s. She is bright, funny, and very direct. Her current responsibilities include care management and organizational performance for the Health Care System including medical management, care coordination, case management and management engineering. She is an internist, just beginning her term as Chief of Medical staff.
Ken Bloom, Chief Nursing Officer of Bright Road Health Care System
Ken is in his mid-40s, and has held various positions of nursing departments in both small and large medical facilities. At Bright Road, he began his career in an urgent care facility, where he saw a lot of elderly patients. He had a natural inclination for assisting elderly patients, so he shifted his focus to geriatric care and took a position at one of the largest hospitals in the system as a geriatric care nurse. He’s sympathetic, kind, and passionate about a nurse’s ability to positively impact patient care.
Ronald Baxter, Chief Administrator Officer of Bright Road Health Care System
Ron is in his late 50s. He’s boisterous and direct. He has been the Chief Administrative officer for Bright Road Health Care for about a year. Ron is fairly new to health care in general, having been in the industry for only 5 years. Prior to joining Bright Road, Ron held various positions in software corporations throughout the United States. Because of this broad experience and bold communication style, Ron brings an interesting and refreshing viewpoint to the team.