discus the following questions
1, Chronic health issues continue to affect individuals globally, especially when combined with poverty and government is unable to support it citizens. According to the National Intelligence Council, of the seven deadly diseases globally, polio, malaria, and HIV, along with TB, is likely to account for the overwhelming majority of deaths domestically and internationally. Knowing this, discuss the pros and cons of addressing chronic diseases like polio, malaria, and HIV. What steps can be taken to eliminate these diseases.
2,The U.S. is the only country without a publicly financed universal health system; however, New care models that reward health care providers based on their patient population’s health outcomes (e.g., accountable care organizations) are an interesting development. Such accountability could create a business case for health care providers to invest in certain social services or other nonclinical interventions, if doing so would be a cost-effective way to improve patients’ health.
Compare any country with a universal health system to the U.S. health system in terms of cost and access. What impact would it have on the government funded healthcare plan? Would it create a two-tiered healthcare system one for the general public and the other for the privileged class?
3,The Syrian refugee crisis has gained unprecedented momentum in recent months. An estimated of 9 million refugees have fled their homes since the outbreak of civil war in March 2011 taking refuge in neighboring countries. Three million Syrian have resettled in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq, which has created the worse refugee crisis to affect the region in years. What are some of the impacts and challenges of the influx of Syrian refugees on the health care system in the Middle East?
4,There has been a lot in the news lately when it comes to the health care system here in the United States. The system has grown exponentially over the past decade. In 2006, “health care expenditures reached $2.2 trillion, which translates to $7,421 per person or 16.2 percent of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product. The health-spending share of GDP reached 16.2 percent, up from 16.0 percent in 2006” (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2009, para. 1). With these figures along, you can understand the urgency behind containing cost, making accessible, and ensuring quality is important in health care. Making this also more beneficial for vulnerable populations. Are the difficulties inherent in the present U.S. health system caused by the private insurance companies or by too much government involvement? Explain your answer.