Easy Guide to Integrating Long-Tail Keywords into Your Content
Long-tail keywords (LTK) are prolonged key phrases that consist of at least 4 words. They can increase search traffic for your website. For example, Amazon makes 60% of their sales based on LTK usage. The secret is that competition regarding keywords is too high. If you own small business, it is impossible to get visible on the first page of search engine results.
Imagine that a person is looking for “makeup products”. This keyword will let him/her to millions of pages. On the other hand, if a web search query is more specified, like “cruelty-free vegan makeup products”, it has less competition.
Only 10-15% of all web search is done using single keywords. The middle-lengths keywords take another 15-20%, which means that the enormous amount of up to 70% is devoted to LTK. Why is it so? People usually know what they are looking for. Imagine that you need to find a smartphone. You won’t Google just “smartphone” because this term is far too broad. If you actually want to get useful results, you will probably search for “best Android smartphones with good camera”. It works for everyone.
LTK usually have lower click-through rate (CTR) than simple keywords. However, they target every customer interested in purchasing a particular product. How to implement LTK in your content? There are several steps you need to follow.
Tips on Usage of LTK in Content Creation
Begin with your purpose
Work on your marketing strategy. Setting a purpose is a crucial part of content creation and it should be done before you start working on actual content. You need to concentrate on your future goals. The idea is not only to create several articles that are well-written, but provide customers with a useful information. If you are working on the website of your business, pay attention to the opportunities you have to offer to customers. People are not ready to pay for poorly advertised goods.
Another crucial element of content is its relevance and quality. If you create text filled with senseless keywords, it won’t get a proper response. The information given should be verified, readable and reliable.
Your marketing strategy should include the desirable CTR and approximate rate of Return of Investment (ROI) you are going to achieve. Study your competitors – it can inspire you and give you an idea of some useful strategies to apply to your business. Use it as a starting point for building your plan.
Visualize target audience and their needs
You are creating content for people and the goal is to know your audience. The product you are selling or the topics you address to your readers in your blog can shape your content. You need to have a clear vision of people that will find it beneficial for them. Don’t stop at defining age and gender preferences, you need to do a better study.
You should know everything about your audience. Try to find out their jobs, marital statuses and positions on the political spectrum. Also, you need to define the main issues they are dealing with. Make a visualized bio of the target persona you are aiming to. What are their online activities and communication sources? The bio should be as detailed as possible so that you can implement proper techniques to meet the clients’ demand.
Find suitable long-tail keywords
As soon as you are confident about the purpose of your content and the audience you are going for, start looking for suitable long-tail keywords. They provide lower search volumes than the generic short ones. On the other hand, the conversion rate is much higher. The question is how to find proper LTK?
- Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This is a free research tool for your website. Type your sphere of business and click “get ideas”. You need the column named “keyword ideas”. Here you have a great list of the phrases you can use. First of all, choose those that consist of 4 and more words. Secondly, look at the competition rate – pick the high or medium ones. Eliminate phrases with a low competition rate.
- When you have found LTK, you may look for alternatives as well. This service is amazing for that purpose as it gives you a great amount of them according to your input.
When choosing the LTK you need to focus on the client’s intention. After that, you are ready with your choice to create a content that corresponds with this intent. Those long-tail keywords shape your content in conformity with the clients’ needs.
If you are not sure whether you know exactly what customers are looking for, you can use Google search results page. Insert the product or keyword and go through current suggestions of this search engine. The longer phrases illustrate what people are interested in. For example, put in “vegan makeup” and the search result will be “vegan makeup product brands/list/country”. It means that people are interested to learn about a brand along with its country of origin.
Shape your
The great way to make your content sharable and popular is to pay attention to your headline. The secret is to implement the LTK inside. You need to do it naturally, otherwise, it makes no sense. The headline should be engaging and clear. You can build it based on the formula Number, Adjective, Keyword, and Promise.
For example: 10 (Number) Amazing (Adjective) Brands of Vegan Cruelty-Free Makeup Products (LTK) That Will Make You Glow (Promise).
The Studies show that putting numbers in your headline is very effective. First of all, the reader can assume the time he/she will spend on your article. It increases CTR by 2-% according to CMI.
Well, choose the LTK and embed them naturally in your content. A good idea is to look at various popular headlines. You can find inspiration in magazines’ covers of related products. There is also a fascinating resource for finding popular headlines – BuzzSumo. You can insert your keyword and look for the most shared articles. You can use them to inspire yourself and find motivation for your future projects. Another suitable platform is BrandMentions. It provides interesting alternatives, which are relevant to your keywords and content in general.
The 6 Best Tools to Find Suitable LTK
There are several exciting tools for LTK search.
- This platform isn’t free, but it might be useful in long-term for your business. Here you can find great LTK suggestions in relation to different search engines.
- io. This one is absolutely free and, therefore, it is beneficial for those, who are just starting out. It provides you with an amazing variety of search queries in line with your keyword.
- Rank Tracker. This option is more professionally oriented as it gives you a lot of analytic data. If you need to know about competition, volume, and data – it is for you.
- com. It is also free and has several advantages: shows volume, competition, cost per click of your content.
- Answer the Public. Great online tool, there you can look through different related topics, which could be useful for creating LTK for your website. There are also commonly asked questions, which enable you to form your content related to clients’ needs.
- There is a 14 days trial period, but generally, it is not free. Its main benefit is that this tool provides complete SEO suite. It will find LTK for your website and give you suggestions on how to insert them properly.
Remember that implementation of LTK should be natural and done in compliance with provided content. It is not hard to find a text, but it takes a lot of skill and time to master SEO-friendly and informative writing. Pay attention to overall structure of an article and subheadings. The focus of viral content is to meet customers’ needs and sell your product.