Effective Leadership for Managing Change - MyhomeworkGeeks
Introduction Change is an avoidable aspect that constantly occurs in an organization. The issues that Mullins (2010) tries to clarify are that change depends on one’s personality with regards to the change management plan. Nevertheless, it is a bit challenging to accept change and work accordingly. It is impossible for an individual to manage change. However, a person can just be ahead of the change. In the current context of corporate cultures, fostering change has become a norm because of the frequently changing business environments. It is important to note that change comes with risks and decisions that seem uncomfortable to people ( 2014). Therefore, dealing with change with and managing its core aspects calls for hard work. Several research works are still underway to determine why some people resist change while others accept it. In this context, an individual’s attitude plays a major role. Mullins: “It Is All Down to the Personality of the Individual and There Is Little Management Can Do About Resistance to Change” The successful implementation of change depends on the people within the organization. They are the ones involved in the change processes, which will affect their daily activities. In terms of personal change, certain individuals might be resistant while others can accept the change. The response towards change varies from one individual to another. Because people are the most important resource in an organization, initiating change management process is necessary. The inability of the management to predict the reaction of people to change could lead to undesired challenges with direct effects on performance (Mullins 2010). Although challenges and risks are expected, any initiated change should engage all stakeholders. It is because change will have both positive and negative effects on people, and that is the foundation of the change acceptance and resistance. Therefore, Change Management is a necessary element in an organization. It refers to a structured model that provides transitional guidelines for individuals and groups to move from the current situation to the desired state. It involves an organizational process established to help employees in developing positive understanding, commitment, and acceptance of the proposed changes. Efficient management of change in an organization is necessary. It is important to note that change is constant because the business environment and technology demands take a new shape every time. It should be kept in mind that change is the main driving force that can lead an organization to success ( 2014). Leaders should initiate the Change management processes by considering it as an opportunity to enhance productivity and growth. The Role of Managers in Avoiding and Overcoming Resistance to Change To achieve positive outcomes, managers can choose and adopt an appropriate change management model in their organizations. For instance, Lewin’s Change Management Model could be suitable for an organization that needs a smooth transition from the current to the desired state (Mullins 2010). The model was developed based on the concept of Unfreezing, Change, and Refreezing in which the organization uses a change as a tool for development. The idea developed above can be understood using the example of a large cube of ice developed by (2014). When one needs a cone of ice but what is available is a large ice cube, the person will melt the cube so that it can be amenable to change. The process is called unfreezing. The person will then mould the melted cube into the desired cone shape. The process is known as refreezing or changing something to the desired state. Resistance to change is based on an individual’s perception and desires. However, management can do much to change people’s perception. The application of a Change Management model does not relieve managers from their duties. The management team should continue to pay attention to all employees in terms of their attitudes and reactions. The move would be essential in developing a care management strategy for the change processes. The management should act as the team leader by developing confidence and embracing change. They should engage the team in solving critical issues. They should develop and convey a vision aligned with the activities proposed (Mullins, 2010). In this context, clarity of leadership plays a major role. As a leader, one should develop clear goals that would give the team a direction. The leader should be accountable and ensure that those goals are achieved. For instance, the electronics industry is one of the sectors that are highly susceptible to change. What works today as a modern technology might be obsolete in the near future. Apple Inc. has been investing heavily in innovation and creativity to continue making new changes in its products. Although some employees might have been resisting the change, the company has developed clear goals through its Change Management strategies. As a result, the company has been producing some of the best smartphones and tablets, such as the iPhone and iPad models (Heracleous 2013). With better results, even the resisting employees can accept the change. Conclusion In conclusion, any organization that needs success must include the Change Management processes as part of its strategies. The management should develop a care plan aimed at preparing the organization for the uncertainty that comes with change. Through an appropriately managed change process, the majority of people, including the most resistant, will be contented with the new ideas. List of References Heracleous, L 2013, ‘Quantum Strategy at Apple Inc’, Organizational Dynamics, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 92-99., 2014, Lewin’s change management model: understanding the three stages of change. Web. Mullins, L 2010, Management and organisational behaviour, Harlow, Prentice Hall.