Analysis of Mr Sookhoo and A Cat Within

Money has been, throughout the history of humanity, an end and an aim for human action. In their pursuit of money, people have followed different paths; some honourable, legitimate and legal and others devoid of legality, honour and legitimacy. Indeed, in the short story collection Stories from Around the World complied by Hilary Patel, many stories examine the impact of money and financial considerations on the decisions that many characters make. In “Mr Sookhoo”, the eponymous character is immediately identified to the reader as someone whose sole concern in life is the accumulation of wealth and riches.

Mr Sookhoo, sitting on his porch and chewing at a tooth pick discloses an ingenious idea to his helpless wife: he informs her that he aims to deploy religion as a tool for making easy money. Mr Sookhoo’s plan is simple; knowing that religious people give generously around the festive season especially when presented with a group of innocent carol singers raising money for charity, he decides to fabricate an institute for the blind, deaf and dumb and to use local school children to achieve his selfish money-making aims. Sookhoo shows total disregard to morality putting his personal financial gain at the top of his priorities.

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When Mr Sookhoo’s plan starts paying dividends in the form of good takings on the very first day of his carol singing project, he immediately resolves to work his young assistants (who are not, of course, aware of his malicious intentions) longer hours giving them little rest. Moreover, when Mr Archibald, the Headmaster of the local school attended by the carol singers, suggests treating the children to ice-cream, Mr Sookhoo chooses to ignore the suggestion buying the children only a carbonated drink that clearly costs less than the ice-cream.

It is clear here that Sookhoo is oblivious to anything but his obsession with making easy money. In Christianity, Sookhoo is guilty of the sin of avarice or greed which is one of the seven deadly sins that signal total loss of faith. In the story, Mr Sookhoo is not a Christian but pretends to be one convincing Mr Archibald that he had “seen the light” in order to gain his approval for sending children with him on the carol singing mission.

Mr Sookhoo’s avarice leads to his eventual downfall when he is found out and captured at the end of the story. Sookhoo’s avarice leads to a snowballing of unfortunate occurrences that upset the money-making plan that seemed to be going too well. All at once many characters appear in the story pushing, as it were, one more nail into Sookhoo’s coffin. First, Mr Ali, who had previously paid Sookhoo to deliver some gravel for him, appears and exposes Sookhoo’s failure to keep his end of the bargain.

In addition, Mr Archibald, who started harbouring doubts about Mr Sookhoo when the latter’s account of the carol singing successes did not correspond to what Mr Archibald was told by a young pupil called Horace, receives a visitor by the name of Mr Harris (who is a real philanthropist working in the charity field) who confirms to him that the deaf, dumb and blind institute does not exist. These revelations and findings raise tension in the story and drive the plotline towards its climax when Mr Sookhoo’s love of money brings about his downfall and arrest.

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At the end of the story, poetic justice is upheld as the aggressor and wrong doer is punished while the good are rewarded. “Mr Sookhoo” ends on the note that a blind love of money can only lead to negative consequences. The price that Sookhoo pays for being a slave to money and materialistic gain is no less than his freedom. Mr Sookhoo’s metaphorical slavery (signaled by his servitude to anything that can lead to making money) at the beginning of the story becomes the cause of his physical incarceration, which is a form a slavery, at the end.

Although in the case of Mr Sookhoo, poetic justice is upheld as good is rewarded and evil is punished, the so-called “cliff-hanger” ending of “A Cat Within” where the reader is left to decide whether justice will be at all served, contrasts to the message of “Mr Sookhoo. ” In “A Cat Within,” where the symbol of the cat acts as a reminder of a dark secret that comes back to haunt the un-named “Shopman” in the story, the love of money seems to have caused a series of crimes much weightier than those committed by Mr Sookhoo, but there is no indication that these crimes will be punished.

In fact, one possible interpretation for the blurred ending of the story is that the Exorcist’s own love of money will prompt him to eternally blackmail the Shopman in order to keep his crimes safely tucked away and hidden like the cat’s head stuck in the metal urn. “A Cat Within” ends with the Exorcist withdrawing into his room but reminding the Shopman that he will request his pay later. This reminder could be read as a covert threat and a prelude to a life-long blackmail project the Exorcist hopes to embark on. In “A Cat Within,” both the Shopman and the Exorcist display their extreme attachment to money.

On the one hand, the Shopman keeps his tenants in dire living conditions and sacrifices his own comfort by sleeping in the doorway to stop intruders from coming into his house. On the other hand, the Exorcist makes his living by giving the false impression that he is curing people from obsessions by demons and other supernatural evil beings. When the Exorcist is called upon to help with the assumed “evil spirit” wreaking havoc in the shop store, his world that places money at the top of the consideration list and the world of the Shopman, where money occupies the same place, meet.

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The Exorcist being adept at reading people like a book, manages to speculate accurately about the Shopman and the way he came to accumulate his wealth. It transpires that the Shopman killed a man and his widow before taking their land and money. However, unlike Mr Sookhoo, the Shopman remains free at the end with the cat, a symbol of his dark secret, roaming in the streets with a jug on its head. The symbolism of the cat slipping out of the store but with its head still caught inside the jug suggests that the Shopman’s secret is only half revealed.

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Journal of a Foreign Descendant

The thesis in the book suggests the idea that all people of African descent in distributed in the Americas as well the rest of the world should -in the face of the inaccurate misrepresentation and portrayal of the continent, and the cynical disengagement being practiced in the west -try to go to Africa and get the rich experiences that the continent has to offer. The book is mainly directed to two audiences: The academicians and the general public.

The book deals with two main extremist views of Africa. The Eurocentric view of Africa portrays it as being mostly Jungle, uncivilized and inhabited by sub humans. The other extremist view is that of those that think that Africa is the answer to all the problems afflicting the people of African descent. Television programs generally go to the very rural areas -indeed there are some very rural areas -in the different parts of the continent, they videotape these peoples way of life, and then show only that on television. The ordinary TV watcher is only exposed to what is televised hence the development of the Eurocentric view of Africa.

The author supports him theme in a variety of ways. He believes that people of African Descent have a lot to learn from the continent of Africa. One such lesson is the virtue of honesty. The author supports this by giving us an example of Geoffrey Black. While Mr. Black got into an argument with the taxi driver and declined to give him some extra money, The taxi driver returned his expensive camera, which he had forgotten in the cab.

The author also Emphasized on the distinctive African work ethics, conservation and communal sense of responsibility. The Africans believe that resources -like water – are not to be wasted. Furthermore, everyone has a role to play in the society as a whole. Consequently, each person performs his or her duties without having to be pushed around. If there is work to b done, someone does it. Fathers also take their responsibilities as parents seriously. Miss Vida Dzobo, a lady who sold out her personal belongings to start up a school demonstrated citizen responsibility in contributing towards the development of the rather than waiting for the government to do so. In addition, the author did not fail to recognize the kindness and hospitality of the African people both by Rev Ghalas’ family and also through the Egyptian lady in Asmara who spread a blanket for them and gave them food.

One very enriching experienced and lesson acquired is in the book is “the secret of life” as put by the author. The author in his life as a Christian and historian was impressed, overwhelmed and touched all at the same time by his experience in Ghana at the Leprosium and Podue. The author due to the lack of handicapped accessible buildings witnessed a physically challenged man struggle up the stairs to attend the church. Moreover, The church was filled with lepers who were joyfully praising God despite their suffering. This particular incident showed that life is mush more than material things.

On the flip side of the authors theme of corporation between Africans and Africans in Diaspora, the Africans have a lot to gain from the People of African descent. As Dan Hoffman said, Africa had contributed greatly to the development of the Americas and have much more to contribute now both in natural resources and others ways. The author went ahead to give us examples how and where Africans could use some help. He noted that it is in Africa that the greatest human drama had occurred in the late twentieth century. People were dying due to the widespread civil wars among the Africans. As The author put it “Just as Eastern Europe is demanding democratic reforms, the same dynamic is being played out upon the African continent”

The people of Africa are also perishing because from hunger yet the land is richly endowed with natural resources. As the author went through Egypt, he realized that though they were called deserts, “Arizona, California, and Nevada have nothing equal to the piles of pure white sand that seems to have had all the signs of vitality bleached out by the rays o the sun”. The African farmers need help in such areas as farming tools and equipment as well as the technology and know how that is so richly prevalent in the west in order to adequately feed the people.

In addition, the continent of Africa has its hare of political problems. In Nigeria for example, as witnessed by the author, was not politically stable because of the military rulers had strained the public with their policies. The Bureaucracy in Ghana had engulfed the system made a simple process a whole stressful situation all in the name of creating jobs for people. Generally many African nations have not had good leaders. The past leaders have only dwelled on enriching themselves and exploited the citizens while in their positions rather than improving the county’s systems. Examples include Mobutu Sese Seco of former Zaire now the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the well-known tyrant Idi Amin Dada of Uganda.

With the exception of a few countries such as South Africa and Egypt, the infrastructure in most African countries is not developed. The Africans could use help in his area. Educated and skilled people of African descent should come together and assist in the improvement of the roads, the sewage systems, and provision of clean water. Unfortunately, as the author traveled to and from Ho and Ogun, he experienced first hand what badly maintained roads could lead to.

There is a potential for the African people as well as African American people to gain if they cooperate. The author does well in his recommendation that more African Americans travel to the continent Africa. I concur with the author in his idea that all people of African descent should be concerned about Africa just like Jewish Americans are concerned about the middle east and just as the polish Americans are concerned about Poland.

As the Africans benefit from the new technology from the Africans in the west, the people of African descent will also gain valuable virtues that were extorted from them during the institution of slavery. They should therefore at least give traveling to Africa a try than just fully agreeing with the distorted view of Africa in the west. Consequently, rather than try to alienate themselves from anything to do with Africa as they have for a long time been conditioned, they will instead be able to appreciate their land of origin. This will bring out the best in them that has been hidden for an incredibly long time.

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Egyptian Architecture

Egypt: Art and Architecture Architecture The great architectural achievements of the past are built of stone. Stone quarries supplied the large blocks of granite, limestone, and sandstone that were used for building temples and tombs. Architects planned carefully as building was done without mortar, so the stones had to fit precisely together. Only pillars were used to sustain short stone supports. At the temple of Kara, a ramp of adobe brick can be seen leading to the top of the temple wall.

Such ramps were used to allow workmen to carry stones to the top of structure and allow artists to decorate the tops of walls and pillars. Pillars were built in the same way. As height was added, the ground was raised. When the top of the pillar was completed, the artists would decorate from the top down, removing ramp sand as they went along. As soon as a pharaoh was named, construction on his tomb was begun. Tomb building continued throughout his life and stopped only on the day on which he died.

As a result, some tombs are very large and finely decorated, while other tombs, like that of King Tutankhamen, are small because he ruled as a pharaoh for such a short time. The architecture was based upon perpendicular structures and inclined planes since there was no tutorial assistance except the strength and balance of the structure itself. For this reason, the square and the plumb-line were very important tools. One of the most notable and lasting achievements of the Ancient Egyptians are their pyramids. The size, design, and structure of the pyramids reveal the skill of these ancient builders.

The pyramids were great monuments and tombs for the kings. The Egyptians believed that a king’s soul continued to guide affairs of the kingdom even after his death. To ensure that they would continue to enjoy the blessings of the gods, they preserved the pharaohs body through the mummification process. They built the pyramids to protect the pharaohs body, the pyramid was a symbol of hope, because it would ensure the pharaohs union with the gods. The largest pyramid in existence is the Great Pyramid built by King Cheeps (Chuff) at Gaza.

The Great Pyramid measures 481 feet high, by 775 feet long at each of its four bases. Other notable pyramids include the Step Pyramid built for King Sore, and the pyramid built for King Hunt, that was a transition between the step pyramid and the smooth sided pyramid we know today. The art of the Egyptians reflects every aspect of their lives. Depicted in tomb and temple drawings are scenes of everyday living, models of people and animals, glass figures and containers, and Jewelry made from gold and semi-precious stones.

The wall and pillar drawings are perhaps the best known. In these drawings, it can be seen that people are going about the everyday business of baking, fishing, boating, marketing, and meeting together in family groups. Such drawings were also used to help the deceased to live forever by giving them all of the instructions they would need as they met the gods on their way to eternal life. The good deeds were recorded ND the art that surrounded their mummified body was to help their spiritual self in solving the problems related to life after death.

Pictures of food, clothing, servants, and slaves could be used by the deceased Just as the real things were used by the person when living. A variety of perspectives is often combined in Egyptian art; however, the side view is the most often seen. The artists used bright colors of blue and red, orange and white to develop pictures that tell of the life of the deceased individual. The artist would first sketch a design on a piece of pottery, and if the sign was satisfactory, it would be sketched on the wall with charcoal. Colors could then be used to fill in the completed picture.

Paints were made from naturally occurring minerals and artificially prepared mineral substances. Paint brushes were sticks with fibrous wood with frayed ends. Walls were covered with mud plaster, then with lime plaster. By the time of Rammers II, artists were able to shade colors to achieve a layered effect. Wall paintings were then protected by a thin layer of varnish (the composition of which is still not known). Sculptors were important artists in Egypt. Statues were made of kings, queens, scribes, animals, and gods and goddesses.

Frequently, human and godlike attributes and symbols were combined. The work of the artist was seen in other media as well. Alabaster, a white and translucent stone, was often used for making vessels and containers. Pottery was made of ceramics and clay. Pottery glazed with minerals was used to make beads, amulets, pendants, and other Jewelry. A vivid blue glaze was very popular during the reign of Rammers II. Craftsmen made glass for inlayer designs and for some containers. Workers were able to make articles out of lead, gold, silver, and copper.

Such metals were used to make pins, tweezers, razors, axes, knives, spears, sculptures, and Jewelry. The stability of the government during the reign of Rammers II allowed the skills of the artist and architect to flourish. Religion was often the subject of Egyptian literature. Prayers and hymns were written in praise of the gods. The most important book was “The Book of the Dead. ” This book contained over 200 prayers and magic formulas that taught the Egyptians how to reach a happy afterlife. The Egyptians also wrote adventure stories, fairy tales, myths, love stories, poems, proverbs and quotes.

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The Central Bank Of Egypt (CUBE) Analysis

Table of contents

The Central Bank of Egypt (CUBE) has continued to manage a gradual depreciation of the Egyptian pound since foreign currency inflows slowed down after the revolution. As the exchange rate (ESP. per IIS$) slowly declined to ESP. 6. 04 at the end of March 2012, and ESP. 6. 13 at the beginning of December 2012, compared ESP. by March 2012; the annual inflation rate reached 9 percent compared to 7. 1 percent n October 2011, as pointed out by the CUBE, the higher price level was mainly due to anticipated rise in international food prices, local supply bottlenecks, and distortions in the distribution channels.

In the light of this poor economic performance and Egypt financial conditions after the revolution, the Egyptian government faces a lot of challenges to meet the continuing demands of Egyptians specially law income groups for higher wages, and more social Justice. The budget deficit continues to be a thorn in the government’s side and a top priority. The finance ministry opined that an 745 43-751 increase in public sector salaries and a fall in tax revenues due to deteriorating economic activity during the 18 months of political upheaval contributed to the budget deficit.

The ministry’s reports showed that the current budget deficit was about 8%of GAP, which the government intends to bring down by 1% in the next two years. Meanwhile, the government is seeking to cut its expenditure on fuel subsidies. The government is considering cuts to gasoline subsidies and the introduction of a coupon or a smart card system so that the subsidies reach only the poor. Spending in excess of revenue requires the state to arrow from either domestic or foreign sources. Until recently, the government has been borrowing from the domestic market.

Domestic debt in 2011 registered an increase of 19. 6 percent over 2010 in absolute figures and 1. 7 percent relative to GAP (USAF, 2011: 3), borrowing from the domestic market at a higher rate combined with other numerous restrictions, will tighten liquidity and hinder investment. During the summer of 2011, the military turned down loans from international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (MIFF) and the World Bank, citing discomfort over external borrowing.

The World Bank has pledged up to $1 billion in each of the next two years if the government meets certain economic reform conditions, the Bank also may provide $2. 5 billion in loans for development projects, Egypt was also negotiating a loan deal worth $4. 8 billion with the MIFF and seeking additional funding of $1 billion from the World Bank and the African Development Bank (Sharp, 2012: 11). The report said that United States is looking to forgive debt worth $1 billion; Meanwhile Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the European Union have together pledged billions of dollars in budget support.

The 68 countries also have promised loans through development banks and have said after their latest meeting that they are willing to provide $billion for Egypt and through 2013(Sharp, 2012: 12). Despite all of these offers of aid from countries and international organizations, Egypt did not get but a few of them, in December 2012, the MIFF declined in giving the loan to the Egyptian government because of floundering political administration , and the government decided to reconciliations for taking the loan from the fund to support the government budget deficit.

The government ill try to begin the consultations by showing that it is recently finalizing an economic reform program, which would soon be open for public discussion. In the light of this difficult period which the country is going through, and the lack of economic effective in increasing economic growth and overcome the challenges faced by it.

Data Description and Model Specification

This study uses annual data for analyzing the impact of foreign aid on economic growth.

The study will use the real per capita gross domestic product as a measure of economic growth and Net Official Development Assistance as a measure of foreign id for the period 1970-2010. Data has been collected from the World Bank Data Base.

Model Specification

To analyze the relationship between economic growth and foreign growth in Egypt , the study will include two other variables the gross capital formation, and the trade openness , as a great proportion of the literature which focuses on estimating the macro economic benefits of aid has been used them in their econometric models.

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Education Essays – Egypt Education System

Egypt education system

The extension of the free compulsory instruction jurisprudence in 1981 was one of the grounds to unite the Preparatory Stage, both Primary and Preparatory stages ( Ages 6 through 14 ) together under the label Basic Education, as instruction beyond this phase depends on the pupil ‘s ability. Egypt operates two corresponding instruction systems: the secular system and the spiritual, or Al-Azhar system.

The secular system consists of basic instruction which covers the first 8 eight old ages of schooling. The 2nd degree divides pupils between three-year general academic secondary schools and three or five-year vocational schools, as there are three different types of secondary instruction which are general, proficient, and vocational Technical instruction. These types of instruction are provided in three-year and five-year plans, and include schools in three different Fieldss: industrial, commercial and agricultural. The 3rd degree is universities.

The Al-Azhar system, which maintains separate installations for male and female from primary to university degree, enrolls 4 per centum of the country’s entire pupils, and is responsible for conveying the mission of Islam and uncovering its part to humanity’s public assistance and advancement. In this system, primary school extends over the first 6 old ages, and preparative school for the following three old ages. Students who successfully complete 4 old ages of secondary school can inscribe at Al-Azhar University.2 Al-Azhar University, which is considered to be the bastion of Islamic cognition in Egypt, was founded in AD 970.

There are two sorts of authorities schools in Egypt which are Arabic Schools and Experimental Language Schools. Arabic Schools provide the governmental national course of study in the Arabic Language ; nevertheless, experimental Language Schools teach most of the authorities course of study in English, and add Gallic as a 2nd foreign linguistic communication.

Furthermore, there are three sorts of private schools. As Government schools, private schools besides has different types such as ordinary schools, linguistic communication schools, and spiritual schools. First, Ordinary schools have the same manner of instruction of the authorities schools with more concentration on the pupils want and services provided to them. Second, linguistic communication schools have the same educational stuffs as the authorities with the exclusion that all those stuffs are taught in different linguistic communications ; this is beside the high fees those schools requires.

The 3rd type of private instruction is spiritual that are established or controlled by Muslim Brotherhood. Their educational course of study is wholly unlike the authorities and Azhar schools. Private schools on Egypt are considered the best instruction because of high and assorted installations offered by those schools. This educational system is supervises by the ministry of instruction

However, the Azhar instruction system is supervised by the Supreme Council of the Al-Azhar Institution and considered to be independent from the Ministry of Education, but is finally under supervising by the Egyptian Prime Minister. The Azhar schools are named “ Institutes ” and besides portion the same phases as the normal educational system which both include primary, preparatory, and secondary instruction.

The Azhar schools in all stages teach non-religious topics, to a certain grade ; nevertheless, the bulk of the course of study consists of spiritual topics. All the pupils are Muslims, and males and females are separated in all stages. The Azhar schools are spread all over the state, but overly in rural countries. The alumnuss of the Azhar secondary schools are eligible to go on their surveies merely at the Al-Azhar University. In the early 2000s, the Azhar schools accounted for less than 4 % of the entire registration.

There are both private and public universities of higher instruction in Egypt. The difference between them is that Public higher instruction is free in Egypt, and Egyptian pupils merely pay enrollment fees, but Private instruction is much more expensive and is considered to b for the elite, as alumnuss of such schools by and large do really good on their concluding secondary school scrutinies, which ensures them entree to what are considered as elect modules.

Presently 98 per centum of alumnuss from secondary schools enter higher instruction. The higher instruction sector in Egypt is comprised of universities and establishments of proficient and professional preparation. The system is made up of 12 public universities, 51public non-university establishments, and 4 private ( for net income ) universities.

In May 2000, there were 18 pending applications to open extra private for net income higher instruction establishments. Of the 51 non-university establishments, 47 are biennial in-between proficient institutes ( MTI ) , and 4 are four or five-year higher proficient institutes ( World Bank, 2000:1 ) .

The major public universities are Cairo University ( 100,000 pupils ) , Alexandria University, Ain Shams University, and the 1,000-year-old Al-Azhar University. While the American University in Cairo, the German University in Cairo and the Universite Francaise d’Egypte is of the taking private universities in Egypt.

Entry into the secular university system is based on the consequences of the Secondary Educational stage. Harmonizing to the article “Egypt, ” “only pupils go toing general academic secondary schools were eligible to matriculate ; nevertheless since 1970 universities have been inscribing some pupils from vocational schools. The Placement Bureau of the Ministry of Higher Education controls admittance, and there is alegion clausesimposed by the Supreme Council of Universities ( SCU ) on admittance at institutional and province levels” .

Al-Azhar University system, unlike other systems, requires certain certifications like a Secondary School Certificate from the Al-Azhar instruction system and a Certificate of Koran Recitation from a Koran Recitation Institute or keep an Al-Azhar sheepskin.

Non-university instruction is offered by industrial, commercial, and proficient institutes which provide 2-year classs taking to diplomas in accounting, secretarial work, insurance, computing machine or wellness scientific disciplines and electronics. Technical instruction schools provide 5-year classs taking to progress proficient instruction sheepskin in commercial, industrial, and agricultural Fieldss.

Although the American University in Cairo ( AUC ) has existed since 1919 as a private university, Egypt merely legalized Egyptian private universities in 1992 when the People’s Assembly passed a Law # 101 leting the constitution of private universities. The most indispensable consideration is that the Minister for Education must O.K. the assignment of private university, as presidents, and non-Egyptians can non busy taking places in private universities without the ministry’s blessing.

The 2nd critical facet is that the Supreme Council of Universities indirectly supervises private universities and is responsible for monitoring criterions to guarantee that graduation certifications from province and private universities represent an equal instruction degree compared with the governmental certifications. “In May 2002, the private universities’ commission was replaced with theprivateuniversities’ council.The council has the same powers as the Supreme Council of Universities, which regulates public universities.”

Many Peoples assume that private higher instruction establishments in Egypt are s establishments that “sell”grades to those who can afford the university expanses. Critics of private higher instruction in Egypt besides argue that private higher instruction is at odds with the rules of the1952 Revolution, which called for equal entree to educational chances for all citizens.

Egypt is considered the state that has the largest higher instruction systems in the 3rd universe as it contains about 1.670 million pupils. Egypt relies in its instruction on biennial proficient institutes to go on supplying entree to all secondary school alumnuss while protecting the already overfed universities. Technical institutes enroll 40 per centum of all secondary school alumnuss.

This deficiency of fiscal, human, and material resources consequences in hapless quality instruction in most universities and is considered by many people as non academic establishment. The figure of higher instruction pupils per 100,000 dwellers is 1,900 in Egypt compared to 1,132 in Morocco ; 1,236 in Algeria ; and 1,253 in Tunisia. Surveies on the societal category and educational backgrounds of province university pupils have revealed inequalities of entree to what are considered as high status/elite modules.

To better the educational system in Egypt administration and control of higher instruction should be obtained by the Ministry of Higher Education, the Supreme Council of Universities ( SCU ) , and the Central Administration of Al-Azhar Institutes.

The Ministry of Higher Education has a legal authorization over higher instruction by oversing and commanding the instruction, planning, policy devising, and quality control on primary and preparative schools and developing for basic instruction for instructors.

The Supreme Council of Universities formulates is the 1 responsible for policy devising and decision making or commanding the figure of pupils to be admitted to each module in each university.

Furthermore, supervising and disposal of the Al-Azhar higher instruction system is the duty of theCardinal Administration of Al-Azhar Institutes, which is a section of the Supreme Council of Al-Azhar that is responsible for the development of the general policy and planning to enable the spread of Islamic civilization and Arabic linguistic communication.

In official discourse, instruction in Egypt is “free” from basic to higher instruction. While officially the province is responsible for funding higher instruction in Egypt, the state’s portion of higher instruction finance for universities was reduced to 85 per centum in 1994-1995, go forthing the universities to bring forth the staying 15 per centum through assorted gross variegation schemes.

Sanyal ( 1998:16 ) , and the World Bank ( 2000:40-41 ) place the undermentioned gross variegation schemes adopted by Egyptian universities:

( a ) Charging nominal tuition fees for alternate academic plans that are perceived to be of high quality and presenting other relevant fees. For illustration, province universities have introduced foreign linguistic communication plans for which they charge tuition. Some public universities charge ?E1,000 as tuition for a degree plan in Commerce which uses English as a medium of direction. The figure of appliers in some degree plans in public universities exceeds available infinites, a phenomenon which gives room for universities to bear down tuition. While the tuition charged in this instance is still merely about 33 per centum of the existent cost of the plan, this agreement sets a case in point towards cost recovery in public establishments ( World Bank, 2002:40 ) .

Besides, in recent old ages, a new system of admittance to the modules of Law, Commerce, and Humanistic disciplines allows a less qualified pupil to obtain a topographic point on paying an admittance fee of ?E 360 ( Sanyal, op cit ) . The impact of this pattern on the quality has been negative as manifested by a high figure of reiterating pupils in universities.

Egyptian pupils pay between 30- 50 per twelvemonth as a nominal tuition fee in authorities funded universities. In add-on, they besides pay necessary equipment, books, transit, and abode fees. The pattern of bear downing nominal tuition fees in Egyptian public universities goes as far back as 1924 when the Egyptian University ( now Cairo University ) started bear downing ?E30 per twelvemonth for all modules with the exclusion of the pharmacological medicine section that charged ?E20 per twelvemonth. This university besides imposed a non-refundable scrutiny fee of ?E1.16 Tuition fee in private universities range from

E15,000-25,000. The American University in Cairo-the oldest private university in Egypt, charges a tuition fee of US $ 2,813 for 6 credits and US $ 469 for each extra recognition.

( B ) Income coevals by specialised university centres from:

  • Cooperation with industry ;
  • Patent rights ;
  • Provision of go oning instruction to industrial employees ;
  • Entree to research lab and scientific equipment ;
  • Manufacturing intermediate industrial merchandises ;

In add-on, In 1998, theInternational Finance Corporation ( IFC) conducted an extended feasibleness survey onthe market for pupil loans in post-secondary instruction in Egypt.This survey recommendedagainstestablishing a pupil loan plan due to the undermentioned grounds:

( a ) limited market size ;

( b ) underdeveloped debt/credit market ; ( degree Celsius ) cultural attitude uncomfortable with personal debt and loans ; and ( vitamin D ) deficiency of a consumer recognition bureau

As a consequence of the above recommendations, the Egyptian Government by 2000 was be aftering to set upa ?E100 million-loan planfor destitute university pupils. Under this proposed loan strategy, pupils who canprovethat they are in demand of fiscal aid for education-related disbursals will be eligible to have up to?E1000 pertwelvemonthin authorities loans. The loans are to be involvement free and refund will be spread out over a period of 40 old ages after graduation.

Problems and challenges in Egyptian higher instruction system are analyzed in the World Bank’sHigher Education Enhancement Project,which is a portion of a comprehensive reform scheme for higher instruction in Egypt. The higher instruction reform docket was influenced by the National Conference on Higher Education, held in February 2000, and aims to turn to Egypt’s demand to upgrade educational quality in the university sector.

Egyptian higher instruction sector faces a figure of challenges including:

  •  antiquated system-wide administration and direction ;
  • low quality and relevancy at the university degree ;
  • low quality and relevancy at the in-between proficient degree ;
  • limited financial sustainability of publically financed registrations ( World Bank, 2000:1 ) .

The job of financially weak registrations is related to the dramatic addition in registrations in university instruction.For illustration, registrations increased by 42 per centum between 1997/98 and 1998/99 taking to an 8 per centum diminution in per -student disbursement that exacerbated disparities in resource allotment between modules ( World Bank,2002:41 ) .

While the overall outgo on instruction as a proportion of GDP has grown from 3.9 per centum in 1991 to 5.9 per centum in 1998 with higher instruction having a 28 per centum portion of entire outgo in 1998, the dramatic growing of the higher instruction pupil population in Egypt creats a serious job in funding higher instruction. Given the high population growing in higher instruction, to merely keep the portion of 18-22 age group at its present 20 per centum degree ( this is an official policy ) would necessitate on norm an extra 60,000 new registrations in higher instruction for the following 10 old ages ( WorldBank, 2000:2 ) . The authorities has no fiscal ability to make this.

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She remained In power while constantly straggling with a brother or sister and keeping alliances with Rome at the same time. She held her own even when the first Roman Emperor was coming against her. Her fatal mistake was that she reached too far. She tried to become the ruler of the attention world, along with her lover and her children. Rome just didn’t let that happen. Firstly, Cleopatra family may have ruled Egypt, but they were Greek. Cleopatra was the first of her family to learn native Egyptian – bearing in mind her family ruled Egypt for 300 years.

She also closely associated herself with the Egyptian goddess, Sis’s. This would indicate she had a respect for the people she ruled and understood the importance of being able to relate to them. Therefore she was popular among Egyptians. Her father had a catastrophic reign and when he died, she squabbled with her siblings over who would rule Egypt. She cleverly maneuvered herself Into a good political position – marrying her brother . Keep her brother’s supporters happy. Keep the Egyptians happy she was going along with tradition and upholding her father’s will 3. Pep any male, who opposed female rule, happy. More importantly, she allied herself with Caesar and sealed the deal by producing a son. She gradually edged her brothers out of the picture over time, so much so that it was barely noticed. Rome was of course, the biggest power in the Mediterranean and arguably, the world, at that time. By attaching herself as the consort of It’s biggest leader she was gaining the Roman empire as an ally and securing the Roman army. In return, Caesar was gaining the support and wealth of Egypt – It Is Important to note that Egypt effectively fed Rome and was extremely wealthy.

We can’t know for sure If this was a love match, but It was definitely two political giants Joggling together as equals, when nearly all of Room’s allies were subjects paying tribute. When Caesar was killed unexpectedly, Cleopatra was left in both a bad and good position – she made sure everyone was aware she considered her son by Caesar as an heir to Rome. This put her son in a dangerous position, which would later backfire. In a dangerous move, Cleopatra again allied herself with a Roman politicians Anthony.

The Roman people increasingly began to see her as a threat to their public – They were very much against Kings and Anthony was effectively King of Egypt. Furthermore, he rejected his Roman wife to be with Cleopatra. This turned Rome against him and Octavia began to establish himself as emperor and true heir to the now deified Julius Caesar. Cleopatra attempt to get a foothold In Roman politics began to backfire on her – her son was now a very real threat to Octavia (later Augustus) Rome needed Egypt around. So in a way she was a good leader, bonding with her people and she showed great political astuteness.

However her ambition arguably led to her downfall – No doubt you know what append – Anthony and Cleopatra lost against Octavia and her son was killed. She may have understood her own people, but she couldn’t have understood Romans very well – she should have known they would never accept her as a consort of Antimony’s (Their marriage wasn’t recognized in Roman law) that they would never accept her son as a leader Illus Caesar himself knew this and in his will dictated Octavia as his heir), and she should have known the idea of kingship was abhorrent to them.

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Gbmt Cilantro Cafe

Table of contents

Global Business Environment

Introduction & History

Changed by the revolution SWOT Vision Strategy & Implementation Reasons of success Success of the communication strategy The smart and innovative strategies 7. Recommendation Introduction ? An Egyptian coffee shop company based in Cairo. ? First modern-culture coffee shop in Egypt. History 1999 2000 Two young Egyptian entrepreneurs begin to think about the idea of Cilantro Cafe. Establishment of Delicious Inc. with “Cilantro” as a trade name. Launch of the first Cilantro Cafe. Within 4 years, the company opened 8 shops in Egypt.

Rise of competition

El-Sewedy, an Egyptian local group, won the bid against Starbucks chain to make the acquisition of Cilantro. Beginning of the internationalization of the company with the opening of the first outlet abroad in London, UK. Beginning of a popular uprising which became the Egyptian revolution. The company owns around 70 outlets in Egypt.

Health Consciousness

Transition from local to Global process :

  1. Choice of country for franchise
  2. Selection criteria for franchisee
  3. Contract negotiation
  4. Operational preparations
  5. Outlet
  6. Opening
  7. Continuous monitoring & feedback
  8. SWOT analysis
  9. Internal Strengths
  10. Creation of the concept of a modern-culture coffee shop
  11. Diversified customers
  12. and value of health-consciousness.

Communication strategy

  1. differentiation while creating add
  2. Value added services.
  3. Good marketing team
  4. Maintenance of the company’s key performance indicators
  5. SWOT analysis

Internal Weakness

  1. Hardly to control the franchise.
  2. Time consuming for the transition from local to Global process SWOT analysis – External Opportunities
  3. Domestic development
  4. A lot of potential prospects
  5. Egypt revolution with the merge of Egypt
  6. whom new values clearly fitted with cilantro’s ones. SWOT analysis

External Threats

  1. Rising competition and global competitors.
  2. The country-of-origin effects and cultural symbolism for an in ternational brand are critical
  3. Adaptability to globalization Vision Delicious Inc.
  4. To build new and creative food service concepts
  5. Maintain & up-grade uniqueness in the products
  6. Positioning of the brands Strategy
  7. Increase the brand recognition
  8. Defend its home market by constantly up-grading what is offered to customers
  9. Adhering high quality standards and a unique Cilantro Spirit.
  10. Become an important contributing member of its community.


  1. Offer a positive environment for its internal family while ensuring the long-term business goals.
  2. Provide the “Cilantro Experience”.


  1. Decorations and layouts of the outlets can provide cozy, modern and fresh atmosphere
  2. Offering a reading corner and Online red book Providing healthy, fresh and tasty choices
  3. The smart and innovative strategy
  4. I & U Models
  5. I-Model
  6. Makes use of the export / sales ratio of a firm, which is said to reflect the dependence of the firm on international markets
  7. More suitable for SMEs The smart and innovative strategic
  8. I & U Models
  9. U-Model It assumes that a firm gradually increases its Internationalization operations in stages, at first starting small and low risk, building up experience incrementally to take on larger international roles PESTEL
  10. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal.
  11. Success of the communication strategy
  12. Franchising department stays in continuous contact with the franchisee brand manager and conducts monthly regular audit for each of its outlets

Main Reason of Success

  1. Drastic change in the Egyptian coffee house concept
  2. Introduced a new category of leisure in Egypt
  3. Post-revolution

Strategy of differentiation

  1. Provide a unique Cilantro spirit Further capitalize
  2. International Bank
  3. Issue Stocks
  4. Venture capital Recommendation
  5. A mix between I and U model is the most valuable strategy be cause it would provide multi-dimensionality.

The End.

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