Empathy in A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

On the surface, an individual does not let things show, but there are tremors in one’s life These tremors are hidden from everyone else, especially if the individual is an adult because they are not willing to embrace it and let it define their life. They want to define their life by the work that they do, they want to show that they are resilient and can fight through the toughest situations In the novel A Thousand Suns by Khaled Hosseini, the protagonist, Mariam, is seen transforming into a strong character from her previous naive Character. In the beginning of the novel, Mariam is naive and embraces the fake empathy given to her by people in her life, but as the story progresses, she realizes that she has been foolish the whole time and now realizes that all the empathy shown to her was fake. The empathy shown to her was merely a facade put on to fool her. Even though she later learns that she was given fake empathy, it was something that motivated her to keep going. She later meets Laila, an individual that shows her true empathy because they both struggle in the same situations, which motivates Mariam to go on with her life. An individual builds purpose and strength when they are shown empathy which helps them build resilience.

Empathy does not always have to be genuine in order to help build a resilient person with purpose and strength. In the beginning of the novel, Mariam is shown fake empathy from her father, Jalil, but she does not realize that Mariam lives with her mother, Nana, and their relationship is distant. Nana tries to protect Mariam from the harsh reality, but Mariam does not understand that, instead, she sees it as Nana emphasizing the fact that Mariam is a ”harami’. In contrast to that is Jalil, the parent that she loves, He is the parent that makes Mariam no longer feel like a “harami”, she feels legitimate and validated in Jalil‘s presence. Nana warns Mariam that he will not hold on as tight as she thinks, but, “She believed that she would always land safely into her father’s clean, well-manicured hands (pg. 21)“. This quote has hand imagery in it, Jalil’s‘ hands are described as being clean and well-manicured, Nana is correct about what she says about Jalil, he will let Mariam slip away because he does not want to ruin his clean, well- manicured hands and make them dirty, he wants them to remain clean. Jalil also brings gifts for Mariam to cover up the fact that he is a bad father figure, not caring for his child properly. On this particular trip, Jalil brought Mariam a necklace for her to wear, and he tells her that she “look[s] like a queen (pg. 24)” when she puts on the necklace. Nana knows better, she knows that it is made out of coins, “They melt the coins people throw at them and make jewelry (pg 24).” People throw coins when they want to get rid of something that is unwanted, and Jalil giving that necklace made of coins to Mariam further emphasizes that she is not wanted in Jalil’s life.

Even though the empathy Mariam receives is not genuine, it helps her become a resilient individual to the tough situations that she has to face. When empathy is no longer given, it makes it difficult for an individual to remain resilient. Shortly after Nana dies, Jalil takes in Mariam to live with him for a few days, but then finds her a suitor named Rasheed to get married off to. When his wives discuss with Mariam about this marriage, she is clearly against it, saying that she does not want to get married to an old man, but when she looks for reassurance from Jalil, all she gets is, “Goddamn it Mariam, don’t do this to me (pg. 49).” This quote shows that now, Jalil has lost all his empathy for Mariam because of the image he needs to maintain. He wants to maintain his image of an affluent man who does not have any scandals associated to him. Keeping Mariam would taint his image, and he does not want that to happen, so he loses his empathy for her. After getting married off to Rasheed, she is shown empathy at the beginning of their marriage He takes her places to go sightseeing, and for a period of time, Mariam feels like she could possibly survive the marriage that she was forced into. She soon gets pregnant, and that brings happiness into both Mariam and Rasheed‘s lives, Rasheed has been wanting a child ever since his son drowned, so it gives him the chance of having another son, and for Mariam, the kid brings hope that her life could be better. Unfortunately, this all fades away once Mariam suffers from the miscarriage at the bath house. Rasheed starts isolating himself from Mariam, and lashes out at her every time she tries to speak to him, “But after four years of marriage, Mariam saw clearly how much a woman could tolerate when she was afraid (pg. 98).” Now, she has lost the empathy she used to receive, now, she lives in fear. She was not able to provide Rasheed with a baby boy, and now she is having to suffer because of that. Rasheed continues becoming more violent and his mood more volatile by the day, Mariam lives in fear of her own life, it becomes difficult for her to remain resilient. When Rasheed was eating dinner, he wanted to compare what his dinner felt like eating, so he left, “Mariam to spit out pebbles, blood, and the fragments of two broken molars (pg. 104).”

The pebbles used to have a positive connotation attached to them, Mariam associated the pebbles with her siblings, but now, the pebbles are a symbol of loss literally and figuratively, She broke her molar teeth, and she also lost her siblings and the family that she used to have. Because Mariam is not shown any empathy by Rasheed, her motivation to stay resilient starts slipping away. When genuine empathy is shown to an individual, they are motivated to stay resilient and to build purpose and strength. When Laila’s parents die because of a bomb, Rasheed takes her in and cares for her until she heals. Once she heals, Laila is forced into marrying Rasheed because she has nowhere else to go. Initially, Mariam feels betrayed by Laila’s presence because she takes over Mariam’s spot in the household, but they soon create an alliance between each other and gain a bond because they both suffer from the same situation that they do not want to be in. When Rasheed goes to beat up Mariam, Laila stands up for and tells Rasheed, “Stop it, has (pgt 241)!” This is the first time it is seen in the novel that Laila stands up for Mariam, where their alliance is truly proven, it shows the power of a female-female relationship. Laila is the hope that Mariam was asking for in her life, and now she is here to help her endure this struggle, Laila’s daughter, Aziza, also motivates Mariam to remain resilient so she could help Laila and her children get away from the terrible situation that they are currently facing. They attempt to run away, and when they go to run away, they know that “there was no going back (pg, 258).” Mariam knows that they have put themselves into an extremely risky situation, but at the same time, goes along with it because she wants Laila and her children to have a more promising future, they are giving the strength and purpose that Mariam needs.

This is also the reason why Mariam had the power to kill Rasheed with “everything she had (pg 349).” Rasheed was a heavy burden on both Mariam and Laila, and she did not want Laila to deal with him any longer because she feared that Rasheed would kill her with the gun he stored in his drawer. She knew that by killing Rasheed, she would give Laila and her children the freedom that they need to go and live a prosperous life. The genuine empathy Mariam received from Laila motivated her to stay resilient and helped her gain purpose and strength in life. In conclusion, an individual builds purpose and strength in their life when they receive empathy that shapes them to become resilient Throughout the novel, Mariam suffered lots of tremors in her life, but was able to face them all with the empathy she received. In the situations with Jalil and Rasheed, the empathy was not genuine, but it still kept her going When she lost the empathy from Rasheed, Mariam’s motivation to remain resilient was starting to slip away until Laila came along and taught her to keep going The empathy Mariam received throughout the novel helped her gain purpose and strength in her life, as well as shape into a resilient individual.

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Altruistic Personality Scale

Table of contents

Altruism Scale is purposely designed to measure altruistic tendency by gauging thefrequency an individual engages in altruistic acts primarily toward his social setting andinteract. Based from the Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis of Daniel Batson (1987), thisscale includes the concept of empathic concern as it is believed to elicit an approachorientation toward others in need and to facilitate pro-social behavior (e.g., Batson 1991;Stocks et al. 2009).

The objective of the test is to assess the helping and volunteeringtendency in personality. The person taking Altruism Scale will encounter 75 altruismrelated statements and every item was written in a statement form and in a “first personperspective”. Each altruism related statements will be classified into one of the fourcategories in four-point Likert scale type that is based on how frequently is the behaviorapplicable in each statement:

  • (4) “always” ,
  • (3) “often”,
  • (2) “occasionally” and
  • (1) “rarely”.

The responses for this test will be scored through cumulative scoring. A total score persubdomain will be obtained across all items in the set, and those who will get a lowscore will be interpreted that they have a low level of this trait or trait was less frequentlyobserved and those who will got a high scores will be interpreted that they have a highlevel of this trait or trait was more frequently observed.

Test Audience

  • Test taker

Our test takers are the Filipino Young adulthood ranging 18 – 35 years of age(Based on Erik-Erikson Psychosocial Stages). This stage which is intimacy vs isolationcovers the period of Young adulthood where people are exploring personal relationships. Those who are successful at this step will form relationships that are enduring andsecure. Altruism on the other hand on this stage have found to be more common informing close relationships with others.

It is marked by the ability to form lasting,meaningful relationships with other people. In regards with this, Filipinos are known to be generous and willing to givewithout seeking for recognition. It said that our reactions to others are influenced ofaltruistic approach not only by our genetic relationship to them but also by theirperceived similarity to us. (Dovidio et al., 1997; Krupp, De Bruine, & Barclay, 2008).

  • Test user

Our test user could be school personnel who are under the development ofstudent characters. This can be a Guidance counselor who has a bigger role in shapingthe moral values. This test can be used to assess students who are aspiring to becomea peer facilitator that can help their fellow students that encounter struggles andemotional crisis that can be related to their personal, family or academic life.

This testmay help the counselor to determine the qualified students to be trained in peerfacilitation. This test may be applicable to organizations or foundations who are in needfor qualified volunteers to work with them in their charity and programs. Through thisaltruism scale, the willingness and enthusiasm of an aspiring volunteer is measured tobe able to qualify whether they are engaged to help others in need.

II. Test Administration

This test can be administered by using pen-paper procedure. The testing placeshould be in normal conditions: proper ventilation, with good lighting and comfortablesitting arrangement and free from noise. It can be administered by groups or individually. The test developers will start by explaining what the test measures and what it indicates. Afterwards, the answer sheets and instruction on filling out the required personalinformation will be given and the questions will be entertained.

The scale will be thenexplained according to their corresponding frequency of occurrence. After which the questionnaire will be given. The test taker should be reminded tostart only when they are told to do so. The test takers should also be reminded that theaccuracy of their test results would be based upon the accuracy of their answers. Theprivacy and confidentiality of their answers should also be emphasized. Finally, the testtakers will be asked if they have further questions and concerns.

The question will beentertained until everything is clear. Moreover, the test takers should be informed thatthis test has no time constrain. Only then the go signal will be given an the timer willstart.. The test protocol must also be checked for skips and ambiguous responses andmust be addressed right away. The test taker can be asked how the test was; then thetest administration can be dismissed.

Norming and Scoring

The developers use a cumulative scoring. A total score are obtained across allitems in the set, and those who will get a low score will be interpreted that they havealow level of this trait or trait was less frequently observed and those who will got a highscores will be interpreted that they have a high level of this trait or trait was morefrequently observed. The scoring can be accomplished either by hand or a gadget tool. The items arescaled by measuring the frequency of behavior using a four-point Likert Scale whichincludes four categories, ranging from Always, Often, Occasionally and Rarely. TestDevelopers make a score sheet. There is a table where the scores will be plotted.

Testusers will sum the values of each item and Put the total values in the total scores thatcan be seen in the end of end part of scoring sheet. After getting the score, write itscorresponding equivalent stanine that can be seen in tableInterpretationTo be able to come up for this interpretation, the developers were able to gatherdata through researched theories and studies. Those data are accumulated to come upwith the development of the construct and its subdomains. The gathered theories andresearch were rigorously examined by the developers to come up with the interpretationas listed below.

The interpretation will determine the level of altruism tendency of thetest-taker. This test will be useful to the developers in order to determine the profile of thetest-taker. The test takers will be able to evaluate and improve their helping behavior andunselfishness experience towards others. This test will serve as beneficial to ascertainvolunteerism and pro-social behavior to people in workplace, schools or organizations inable qualify if they highly acquire altruism that will be applicable in maintaining welfareand care with their community such as:Altruism is related to the Big Five Personality traits which generally influence thebehavior.

It has been found that positive personality traits of an individual dominate tohigher altruistic values. Individuals who have a positive mood are more likely to be awareof the events going on around themselves and offer help to those in need (Tekeş andHasta, 2015). “Stronger extraversion and agreeableness traits are detected in highlyaltruistic individuals, and also conscientiousness traits of highly altruistic participantswere higher than those with medium or low level of altruistic values.” (Argan & Argan,2017). Also, in regards with openness, higher altruistic values are possessed in bothprogressive and conservative personality traits.

Another research shows that it is unsurprising that altruism is highly correlatedto agreeableness, since people who score high tend to be more friendly, warm andinterested in people. In other hand, research suggests that leaders who score high, tendto be more successful at work (Furnham, 2008). Another study point out that a somepeople are more likely to help healthy individual than those who exhibit abnormal socialbehavior.

Other research state that “People with low levels of the agreeableness havebeen found to exhibit higher levels of ‘dark triad’ traits, a series of characteristics withnegative associations, including Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy”(Jakobwitz and Egan, 2006). High altruism can also increase positivity and can improve mental health andphysical well-being. Studies have found that volunteers tend to live longer and oftenhave better physical health than non-volunteers. Also, the positive energy that you feelafter doing good deed to others can act on your body because endorphins are releasedand it makes us feel good naturally (Carter, 2014).

Helping others can also givemeaningful roles that boost self-esteem, mood and purpose of life, which in turn canenhance mental and physical health (Poulin & Dillard, 2013). Altruism in educational setting can improve connection and social welfaretowards others. The students who get high levels of altruism tend to get this aspects ofaltruism, according to Choen (in Staub, 1996) :

Giving behaviors, which is beneficialfor others who receive or are subjected to treatments with the aim to meet the needs ordesires of others; among students, this is shown by the act helping other studentswhen they are having difficulties in understanding school lessons; Empathy, which is theability to know and understanding the feelings of others, and to participate in thestruggle of life as well as to be aware of others’ needs of feelings and interests; empathymakes students consider moral values.

High empathy will make the students able to feelwhat others feel; and Voluntary, which is the lack of desires to get any rewards, only forthe interests of others. Helping others can also give meaningful roles that boost self-esteem, mood and purpose of life, which in turn can enhance mental and physical health(Poulin & Dillard, 2013). Hence applying this concept in the school will develop healthyand good atmosphere to develop the altruism ‭ among students.

With the school‭altruism all ‭ school members will have a helping collective mind set, it will make theschool rules run consistently for guiding/ensuring the happiness of all school citizens.‭Altruism in the workplace can noticeably influence happiness, healthysocialization and better performance. Helping others at work or being altruistic cancontribute to one’s own well-being at work. Scientists call this the “helper’s high”. Whenwe give and engage in acts of kindness, the “pleasure” and social attachment centers ofthe brain are activated. In fact, studies show that the “helper’s high” appears to act as anantidote to the stress response in the giver. (Nikita Singh, June 17, 2018).

Extremely Low level of Altruism ( 85-111 ) – people with very low altruism areperceived as tough, uncommunicative and materialistic. They tend to be assertive,confrontational, direct and outspoken. On the other hand, very low scorers of altruismseems to acquire a high levels of “dark triad” a set of characteristics with negative bondsuch as narcissism and psychopathy. Low level of Altruism ( 112-155 ) – people with low level of altruism often avoid others,become self-reliant in a situation under pressure. They seem self-centered person,inconsiderate and not helping others who usually decide only for themselves.

Lowscorers on altruism, on the other hand, were more likely to be seen as tough andclosemouthed. Average level of Altruism ( 156-198 ) – people with average level of altruism are pro-active person. They don’t wait for the perfect opportunities to be selfless on others andfeel good after helping someone. They possess and display a healthy degree of self-confidence. In terms of decision making they are just and fair. High level of Altruism ( 199-221 ) – people who scored high on this test excel ineverything they do.

They are friendly, warm and interested in people. They put othersfirst not because they think others are less deserving but simply because they areinnately thoughtful and prefer to prioritize others. They have simply decided to makeasacrifice to help relieve the suffering of their fellow human beings. Extremely High level of Altruism ( 222-295 ) – people who score very high on this testhave a stronger sense of connection to other people with more empathy andcompassion, also they become more appreciative of life and feel a powerful sense ofcontentment.

At the same time, they have a strong general impulse to do what is right touphold universal moral principles, resulting unconditional altruism. Phase I: Test ConceptualizationThe construct is all about Positive trait which is Altruism that refers to a motivefor helping behavior that is primarily intended to relieve another person’s distress, withlittle or no regard for the helper’s self-interest. Altruistic help is voluntary, deliberate, andmotivated by concern for another person’s welfare.

Altruism derives from the Latin alter,that is other, and was used for the first time in the nineteenth century by Comte (Paul etal. 1993), described as a devotion to the interests of others as an action guidingprinciple, implying the elimination of selfish desire and of egocentrism (Irwin 2000). Comte did not deny that people often help for selfish reasons. However, he still claimedthat there are times when people are motivated by altruism and help with the sole aim ofbenefitting the person in need (Batson et al., 2011). From the concept mentioned above, the definition of altruism in this constructwas derived from Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis of Daniel Batson (1987).

Theempathy–altruism hypothesis states that empathic concern (other-oriented emotionalresponse elicited by and congruent with the perceived welfare of someone in need)produces altruistic motivation (a motivational state with the ultimate goal of reducing thatneed). The empathy-altruism hypothesis claims that empathic concern felt for a personin need produces altruistic motivation to relieve that need. Empathic concern is other-oriented in that it involves feeling for the other.

It includes feelings of sympathy,compassion, tenderness, and the like. Empathic concern is believed to elicit anapproach orientation toward others in need and to facilitate pro-social behavior (e.g.,Batson 1991; Stocks et al. 2009). Individuals as a social being exhibit emotionalresponse of concern when witnessing someone in need. Batson cleared in his writings that his concept of emphatic concern is notcorrelated with the emphatic accuracy or with feeling as another person feels. Batsonpointed out that his definition of altruism is inclined with psychological altruism(motivation with the ultimate goal of increasing another’s welfare) rather that evolutionaryaltruism (behavior that reduces one’s reproductive fitness).

The core theory of empathy-altruism hypothesis is the value-extension theory (Batson, 1990, 2011; Nussbaum,2001); it claims that humans are, indeed, capable of valuing more than their ownwelfare. There is an existing scale called Altruism Personality Scale made by Rushton,J. P. et. al, It is a 20-item scale designed to measure altruistic tendency by gauging thefrequency one engages in altruistic acts primarily toward strangers. The benefits of altruistic behavior are supported by a model provided byLyubomirsky, Sheldon, and Schkade (2005), who argue that the most promising meansof altering our happiness levels is through intentional activity.

By intentional activity, theymean specific actions or practices that are voluntary and require a degree of effort. Theyplace intentional activity into three categories: behavioral, cognitive, and volitional. Sometypes of behavioral acts are linked with well-being, such as trying to be kind to otherpeople (Keltner &Bonanno, 1997; Magen &Aharoni, 1991). Cognitive activities can alsoincrease well-being, such as reframing our circumstances to view them more positivelyor pausing to create awareness of our good fortune and count our blessings (Emmons&McCullough, 2003; King, 2001; Seligman, 1991).

Volitional activities can also increasewell-being, like when we devote effort to achieve our important personal goals (Sheldon& Houser-Marko, 2001) or towards meaningful causes (Snyder & Omoto, 2001). Altruistic activity improves happiness because it encompasses all three types ofintentional activity that have been linked to improved well-being – altruism is volitionalbehavior that influences our cognition.

Phase II: Test Construction

The test developers gathered information from the origin of the constructchosen which is the “altruism” and how it evolved and became applicable up to this timeby using the different references that tackles about Positive Psychology and traits underof it. Until developers came up with the construct of altruism and it’s subscale. Thesubscales were determined according to the altruistic component it manifest to thesocietal behavior. The items are developed through statements with a supporting relatedliterature for each sub domains.

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How does Alan Bennett make the audience feel empathy for Doris in A cream Cracker under the Settee?

A cream cracker under the settee is a dramatic monologue written by Alan Bennett in 1987 for television, as part of his Talking Heads series for the BBC.

Doris is in her seventies. This hints at her being old and vulnerable in need of care and assistance. Moreover, she outlines that she does not “attempt to dust”, this is maybe because she is physically unable or consumed by her thoughts.

Zulema says that her “dustings days are over”. This makes you feel sorry for Doris and deeply empathise with her. She may have a fear of dirt – rupophobia or she may just be an exceptionally sanitary person.

Furthermore, Zulema exploits Doris’ old age and feelings by saying she “doesn’t have the sense she was born with”, this maybe true but it is inconsiderate towards Doris’ feelings. Then again, Zulema does have the right to speak her mind, as she has to put up with Doris’s nagging all week.

Doris is never satisfied with Zulema’s housekeeping saying, “Zulema doesn’t dust, she half-dusts” This emphasises Doris obsession with cleanliness, maybe suggesting that she has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Alternatively, maybe occupying her mind with such things helps her forget the melancholy she feels deep within.

However, as we progress through the monologue we learn that Zulema in fact intimidates Doris. Ultimately, making Zulema the more dominating character. She does not hesitate in telling Doris “I am the only person that stands between you and Stafford House.” In spite of this, Doris is adamant that she will not lose her independence and is sure that she will remain in her own home.

Another good example of this is when “she shoves the duster down the side of the chair”. We can only assume that Doris does this to avoid a lecture or confrontation with Zulema, preventing further distress. Again, we feel empathy for Doris as important issues such as treatment of the aged, growing old and life choices are brought to our attention. Therefore, we can conclude that she sometimes feels unhappy and unsettled in her own home.

In the midst of all this, the fact remains Doris is suffering from a “numby” leg. Alan Bennett deliberately places talk about her leg between pauses so that the audience has time to focus on and consider Doris’s current situation and therefore feel a great deal of compassion for her. These strategic pauses are used constantly throughout the monologue, giving us plenty to sympathise with.

Throughout the monologue, the ending of each scene is indication by the simple stage direction “Go to black”. This maybe connotes a temporal shift or the passing of time. Moreover, before each scene fades to black, Alan Bennett gives the audience something to ponder over and keep in the back of their heads.

For the whole of the monologue, Doris speaks to us directly. This enhances her vulnerability, yet she maybe biased, as we only know her point of view and nobody else’s. This leads us to believe that Doris thinks everything revolves around her and she may come across as self-centred or self-obsessed. Then again, we feel great sympathy for Doris as she is isolated, cut off from reality, and maybe unwanted by a society, which considers her as an outsider.

The setting changes throughout the monologue, as Doris travels to various parts of her home, nevertheless she remains in the same location. This connotes a very static nature, suggesting that Doris hardly ever goes out and mostly stays in the same room. According to her, “I never get a bona fide caller”, this tells us the only visitor she probably has is Zulema. We feel great empathy for Doris because she is lonely, lacking a faithful companion. Furthermore, the moving from the comfy position of her settee possibly indicates the movement from a secure and comfy position in life to her current situation. Still, this isolated place is her comfort zone, perhaps signifying that she is more likely to tell the truth as she is under no pressure and can speak of her own free will. Subsequently, she does in fact unravel the truth about various stages in her life.

Another clever device Alan Bennett uses to make the audience feel empathy for Doris is humour and Doris certainly has a sense of humour, we realise this when she says, “Love God and close all gates.” The audience finds it easier to empathise with her because they can laugh with her and not at her. Her dry, sarcastic humour is a hit with audience off all ages.

As Doris discusses her husband Wilfred, she talks about him “getting mad ideas”, stating how absurd they were and how he “never got round to it”. Yet, according to her, “A kiddy’d’ve solved all that”. This makes us wonder why Doris does not have a child and whether she has any family at all. We suddenly feel a great deal of compassion for her because her only family, Wilfred, has passed away. Later on, we discover that she did have a baby, which also passed away. “If it had lived I might have had grandchildren now,” she explains. Our degree of sympathy for Doris expands to greater lengths. Death is certainly one of Alan Bennett says of gaining empathy for his characters.

Further on in the monologue we discover that Doris and Wilfred were not very outgoing people. Doris plainly explains, “We weren’t the gregarious type.” This implies that even when Wilfred was alive, Doris was a secluded, reserved individual. Then she refers to Wilfred, “he thought he was, but he wasn’t”. This gives us the impression that Wilfred could have been a sociable person except Doris stood in his way as she essentially controlled their relationship. We feel empathy for both characters here since they never really experienced anything amazing in their lives; except for grief and now for Doris, loneliness.

This could all change though if Doris decided upon leaving home and moving to Stafford House but apparently “You go daft there, there’s nowhere else for you to go but daft” according to Doris. Perhaps Doris is against the idea of leaving home because all her memories of Wilfred will remain there or she might just feel afraid and unprepared to face the real world on her own at a late stage in her life.

Towards the end of the monologue, Doris hears the voice of a police officer, enquiring as to why her home lights are off. Instead of asking for his help, she lets him leave. It is assumed by the audience that Doris later dies, because she feels the time is right. Also as the conclusions to Bennett’s plays are usually miserable. Her last words are “Never mind. It’s done with now, anyway.” Then the “LIGHT FADES”, a sense of desperation and sadness fill the readers heart and mind, no greater empathy can possibly be felt for Doris at this stage. This dramatic and powerful text leaves the audience wondering, hoping. This is without doubt Alan Bennett’s cleverest writing technique!

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Humans are… what, in Dick’s narrative?

Phillip K. Dick’s sci-fi classic delves into a futuristic world where Earth has been ravaged by radiation from the fallout of the so-called “World War Terminus”. He explores the notion of humanity’s struggle for survival in this diminished environment and incorporates their interaction with the bio-synthetic andriods which serve as mere human slaves in the off-world colonies. This essay will attempt to explore how this author has raised questions into what it exactly is to be ‘human’ and how the humans portrayed in this novel can be seen as ‘un-human’ when compared to their android and sub-human counterparts.

The setting and scene of this novel is of a dystopian world, where many of the human inhabitants go to live in Off-World colonies such as New New York, and avoid the radiation cloud that has infested Earth. The existence of outlawed androids who seek refuge on Earth, are indistinguishable from humans and can only be identified as an android by composing certain ‘tests’ such as the Voight Kampff empathy test or a bone marrow examination. This gives the feeling that humans cannot tell who their enemies are when their enemies are among them, a notion that follows the paranoia of the cold war period that xisted at the time Dick wrote this novel.

The radioactive fallout has caused not only the people to emigrate out of Earth, but have made the genes of some humans to deteriorate. When this decay has passes a certain level, it is detected by a mandatory testing from the state and people who do not manage to pass this test is deemed as “specials”. They are looked down upon as sub-humans and are restricted from emigrating out of Earth in fear of “poisoning” the gene pool of the new colonies. Thus, there are three distinct groups in Dick’s society, being that of humans, specials and androids.

The specials and the androids are seen as inferior to the humans due to their lack of “humanness”. The specials, who were once humans, have essentially lost their rights to do human things such as emigrating, voting and even starting up a family of their own, all due to the fact that their genes have been tampered by radiation. Similarly, the androids who are physically identical to humans and simulate the way humans act to a point where it is indistinguishable, are still considered non-humans due to the fact that they were created by humans only for the purposes of slavery.

The protagonist Deckard, journeys through the struggle to survive and quite fittingly represents the overall human struggle to find solace in an unforgiving world of “kipple”. Equipped with his lead codpiece, which protects him from his genes to deteriorating, Deckard is employed to retire androids, which have illegally escaped to Earth. By undertaking this mission, he is essentially doing a very “human” job although it does require the slaughter of sometimes-innocent androids that pose no threat in any way.

The “threat” may be of humanity’s fear of androids overcoming their built-in age limit of 4 ears and become a super-race to rival humankind. Since the androids have no empathy and do not hesitate to kill humans, the humans hunt down the androids that have escaped to Earth and kill them before they themselves get killed. Thus, it can be seen that to preserve humane values like empathy, the humans have to resort to murder without remorse like the androids in order to avoid being killed by them. Initially it is clear that between the two main characters of the novel, Deckard and Isidore, which one of the two is considered more human. There is no doubt that Deckard is more human than Isidore ccording to the distinctions that are placed within the society.

Deckard is the human, who has the ability to emigrate and to reproduce, works for the police department and although owns a fake animal, takes care of this fake animal nonetheless in order to evoke empathy towards “nature”. Isidore on the other hand does not have the rights that Deckard and other humans have, does not have an animal of his own whether real or fake and lives in an isolated building surrounded by kipple. To make matters worse, Isidore is not only a special but has also been branded a “chickenhead”.

This may imply that, although Isidore seems culturally enriched and sophisticated due to his vocabulary and his ideologies towards himself, humans and Mercer, he lacks common sense as evident when he mistakes a real cat for an android during his work as a delivery man. However, throughout the course of the novel there is a gradual role reversal between the two individuals. It can thus be seen as a whole, that the portrayal of humans, specials and androids do not fit in with their original levels of humanity. The humans are shown as lacking the human values through the acts of Deckard.

The specials, originally humans but genetically decayed and considered sub-human, still show their possession of humanity through Isidore, and sometimes convey more humanness than the humans themselves. Lastly, the androids that are non- humans that have been built by humans still display some of the characteristics that define humanity although also displaying a lack of these same characteristics at other times. The distinctions between the three categories seems to blur due to the changing perceptions of the specials and the androids, throughout the novel.

One of the most important elements of humanity which is conveyed in Dick’s novel is empathy. The Voight-Kampff test, which is employed by Deckard to distinguish from humans and androids, is in fact an empathy test and the importance of empathy as a human characteristic is further emphasised by the use of empathy fusion boxes reoccurring throughout the novel. This empathy box allows fusion between the artificial “God” in Wilbur Mercer and functions as a combination of recreation and religion, used to prove to the users themselves that they are able to empathize with another person. This trait is omething that androids are unable to simulate as seen in Roy Batty’s failed attempts of fusion.

It is rather ironic that humans rely on machines to become one with their human self, at the same time detesting androids from existing among them. As the novel develops, Deckard is shown drifting apart from his wife Iran, the only person to whom he seems to have any real relationship with. This is significant since Deckard is portrayed as the ultimate loner, an image similar to that of detective Phillip Marlowe in his noir genres. When he is speaking with his neighbour, his attitude is a mixture of a desire o get rid of him and a desire to show off. On the whole, Deckard seems somewhat lacking when it comes to emotions. At times he seems to have no emotions at all while other times he seems uncertain to know what to feel. Isidore, on the other hand, shows a longing to interact with others and rid of his empty loneliness that has plagued him ever since he was deemed as a special.

When he realises that he has finally received some new neighbours, he immediately takes a cube of margarine, the most suitable thing he could think of, as a welcoming gift to his fellow tenants. Although the reluctant android Pris hinks little of this “chickenhead”, Isidore tries his best to help her and her friends as best as he can, letting Pris to move in with him so he can “take care of her”. Throughout this whole experience, Isidore empathises with the loneliness that he feels that his new friend must be suffering from, just like he himself does. He does his best to get Pris and her android friends as comfortable as possible, unlike Deckard who has little to no feelings for anyone besides himself. It can obviously be seen, the role reversal between Deckard the human and Isidore the special is taking place.

Isidore is, in fact, the person in the novel who displays the largest portion of the characteristics that are considered “human”. He immediately reacts as if it is his responsibility to be a helpful and comforting host to his new neighbours and he empathizes with the androids when told that they are being pursued by a bounty hunter. Initially, Isidore believes that these androids are regular humans beings and that the bounty hunter is some cruel monster machine, but when he later realises that his new friends are the androids themselves, his feelings of friendship and empathy towards them does not hange, even with this knowledge. That is friends are androids does not alter his perception, and has no relevance to his attitude towards them; only their relationship with him is all that matters to him.

This may be due to the fact that since he has being isolated for such a long time, he does not care whether his friends are “fake”, or maybe it is because he is a “chickenhead” and is too nieve to see that his friends are actually outlaws and pose a potential threat towards the society. However, the fact that he does not consider someone to be worth less or to be less human just because they happen to belong to a articular “race” shows that he has a genuine feeling of understanding of others when being discriminated against. The only time he does not seem to empathize with his new android neighbours is when Pris pulls off the legs of a real spider they have found. It can be seen that not only does she show her lack of empathy and inhumanity whilst performing this act, she also seems to enjoy seeing Isidore’s anguish.

Thus Isidore shows that he has strong empathy for whomever or whatever gets hurt, be it man or spider. From the actions of Deckard, whether it be that he does not use his empathy box as often as he should, is growing frustration and unemotional relationship with his wife or his act of sleeping with the android Rachel while contemplating to kill her shows his total lack of humanness for a person who is supposed to epitomise humanity in this novel. When compared to the actions of Isidore and his regular sessions with his empathy box and genuine concern and empathy towards his android neighbours when hearing that they are being hunted by a bounty hunter, he seems much more in touch with human qualities even when being classified as a special and a chickenhead.

When Deckard is compared also with some of the raits that the androids show, it may be said that androids value and undertake human characteristics more than humans themselves. Roy Batty, the leader of the escaped Nexus-6 androids, has tried to achieve fusion both for himself and others so he can gain the sense of belonging and assimilating into this society. Luba Luft has an unbelievably talented singing voice and appreciates such cultural things as the opera and the arts, while being intrigued by the realist paintings in the theatre as she can see that it mirrors the sufferings of her own life. Even Deckard himself realises that this android does not deserve o die as she is a wonderful performer and is doing good rather than harm towards the society.

The Rand Corporation’s “daughter” Rachel is supposed to be incapable of emotions but claims to love Deckard and is prepared to do Deckard’s dirty work in order for him to love her back. There does exist a contrasting factor, since she offers to kill one of her fellow Nexus-6 so it reverses the original perception that she is totally innocent of being inhumane. It is also seen that she may have merely seduced Deckard for her own ends, as instructed by her creator, Rand. Nonetheless, when compared to

Deckard, who is considered human by society but is very cold and unfeeling with people such as Isidore and Rachel, who are considered sub-human and non-human respectively but display much more emotion, the roles of each class and the way they ought to act seems contradictory. On the whole, Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep conveys a sense that the characteristics that define a human being can be present in both androids and supposedly, deteriorated humans. In the same way, humans that are considered “real humans” by society may be lacking these characteristics. Thus the boundary between human and non-human seems to be very vague.

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The Boy at the Window

The Boy at the Window is a poignant poem written by Richard Wilber. According to a statement made by Wilber, it was inspired by his five year old son being concerned about the possible danger his newly completed snowman was in due to a pending storm. Poetry is often recognized for its ability to evoke strong feelings in the reader and the beautifully innocent nature of Boy at the Window exemplifies this magnificently with skillful use of personification and beautiful use of metaphors.

The story starts with painting a bleak and very serious over tone, seemingly from the overly dramatic perspective of a young boy as told by an omniscient outside perspective. The dire aspect of the snowman’s situation being a wholly terrifying experience to him, as seen in lines three and four of the first stanza, “The small boy weeps to hear the wind prepare/ A night of gnashings and enormous moan. ” It is apparent that, to this boy, this is a huge menacing storm blowing in and threatening his snowman.

It is further defined in the use of personification to describe the prediction of the storms violence, gnashing and moaning, both human qualities with tendencies of use in both pain and anger. Gnashing specifically paints an intense image of something being grinded between two forces until destroyed is extremely impacting. The line following in the poem is a description of the snowman’s facial aspects as seen by this young man, showing a desperation and betrayal as compared to the biblical story of a God- forsaken Adam looking into Eden for the last time.

It adds a touching depth to the fear that this young man is in grips of and it is representative of the emotional transfer to the snowman in a young boys mind. The second stanza is written from the snowman’s perspective, which as a statement in its self shows personification. I find that the fact that the snowman experiences feelings in a very heartfelt way, showing a warmth of humanity and empathy. These traits come into a clear light in the 13 and 14th lines of the poem: He melts enough to drop from one soft eye/a trickle of the purest rain, a tear.

This shows the depth of humanity portrayed in the snow man and the tasteful use of it within the story. The writing in the poem is elegant and beautiful, using a rhyme scheme and the occasional assonance to keep the flow while not maintaining a strict adherence to a set pattern, throughout the poem there are moments of striking imagery and powerful emotionally gripping perspectives which adds to the innocence of the child’s perspective and the humanity shown in the snowman; it is, in short, great writing. Great poetry is able to evoke strong feelings in the reader, making them think beyond the words on a page and take the images painted with the writers craft into their imagination and heart. The book says, “it is more accurate to say that poetry is an evocative response to ordinary life experience (Clungston, 2010)”.

I think watching empathy grow in a child’s eyes and the personification of a snowman combine to paints a beautiful picture of the innocence of youth and the amazing experiences of watching someone slowly mature and grow before your very eyes. Reference Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education,Inc retrieved XX/XX/XXfrom https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 2/sections/sec9. 2 Wilbur, Richard (1952), Boy at the Window, Things of this World, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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Book of negroes essay

Hill uses effective Imagery to emphasize the fact that often loss Is worse than death itself. This is shown through the book when Amanita loses her parents, her child and her home. These losses are worse than death itself. Malta losing her own parents shows how losing them Is worse than dying herself. Watching her own baa die tears her world apart. She is still alive in this scene, but a little part of her died inside, along with the death of her mother. She might not be physically hurt but mentally, she Is dying.

Amanita thinks, “But another man Intercepted her, raised high a big, thick club and brought It swinging down against he back of her head. Mama dropped. I saw her blood in the moonlight, angry and dark and spilling fast… I struggled against the leash to look back over my shoulder, and saw that Mama was still on the ground, not moving” (26). The use of Imagery Is strong In this scene to emphasize what Malta endures while her baa Is killed. It paints a mental picture in the reader’s head of all the emotions being exposed in this scene; fear, angry, and sadness.

This part in the novel is an example of visual Imagery, allowing the reader to visualize the event Like they are actually there, seeing your own mother’s. In this quote, the use of the words; blood in the moonlight, angry and dark and spilling fast, creates a very vivid picture. These words are striking to the reader and show how much detail there is in this scene, which causes the reader to have empathy for Amanita. Having to watch her own mother die will leave mental scars that will last her whole life.

The reader can see that Malta is not severely hurt, but having to go through the pain of witnessing her mother’s gruesome death is eating her on the inside. Effective imagery shows the loss of parents is worse than death itself. Malta losing Amanda hinders the fact that loss Is worse than dying herself. Her baby is taken from her without her consent. “And my baby disappeared into darkness as fast as a falling star… Bring back my baby! I shouted. He laughed in my face. Bring him back! Too late. He’s sold. Only got me five pounds…

I never before wanted to kill a man. But I would have killed Robinson… My heart and my body were screaming for Amanda. But my baby was gone. Sold, sold, sold. Appleby would not say where… Appleby beat me, but I would 1 OFF due to the fact that Amanita wanted to kill Appleby if that is what it took to obtain her baby back. Amanita saying she would have killed Robinson shows how significant losing a child is since it is not like her to wish death upon someone. Hill creates this overwhelming scene to show what Amanita is going through.

This scene causes the reader to feel sympathy for Amanita. At the same time, Amanita has already lost her parents and she does not want her baby to lose his. It is difficult enough for parents to send their child off to university or college, let alone having one’s child stolen and sold. Having Appleby laugh in Mantis’s face as her baby is taken, illustrates how the main Amanita when has inside her is as worse than death. As the reader envisions Appleby beating Amanita for not working, this shows how physical abuse is nothing compared to the pain of losing her son.

The loss a child leads to pains that are worse than death. The loss of home causes an individual to feel like death would be easier to deal with. Amanita is captured and taken from her home. Not being able to return home is like having a part dying inside Amanita. “l knew in that moment that I would never make it back home… I let go of my greatest desire. I would never go back home” (439 – 442). This is as worse as death because losing a home leads to depression and from the effects of depression can lead to death.

Hill uses this situation to cause the reader to visualize how Amanita felt as she left her home, the place she grew up her entire life. At the same time, causes the reader to feel empathetic toward Amanita. It pains Amanita to think of having nowhere to go. If she did try to travel back, she would only be sold back to the slave market. People will say there is no place like home, but for Amanita, there is no place to call home anymore. Losing a place to call home is worse than death itself. In conclusion, personal losses have and always will have a huge impact on an individual’s life.

Hill’s use of imagery throughout the novel keeps the reader occupied with visualizing all the losses that affect Amanita and making their own personal connection with every loss that Amanita experiences throughout the novel. The novel shows how personal losses like parents, one’s child and home emphasize the fact these losses could be worse than dying. As a person loses things around or a part of them, they start to lose themselves, and once you lose who you are as a person a large piece of who you are dies as well

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Emotional Intelligence And Organisational Effectiveness Education Essay

Table of contents


This is a ego motivated statement by Pulitzer Prize victor Robert Frost ( American Poet ) that speaks of a individual ‘s aspiration to make higher bases in life without acquiring distracted by vicissitudes of life. It is any enterpriser ‘s dream to hold employees with this degree of self motive. But the fact is a far call from the ideal image. Harmonizing to the Gallup Management Journal ‘s Employee Engagement Index, 29 % of employees are actively engaged in their occupations, 54 % are not-engaged, and 17 % are actively disengaged. The statistics on work force battle are surprising. About two 3rd of the workers are either reasonably engaged or non engaged.

Obviously, it is difficult to disregard this aftermath up call. Pull offing human resource for productive grounds has planetary deduction excessively. Human resources play a important function in the development procedure of modern economic sciences. As quoted by Sitaram Singh in his book, Arthur Lewis observed, “ There are great differences in development between states which seem to hold approximately equal resources, so it is necessary to ask into the difference in human behavior. ” . Sing that India is one of the universe ‘s fastest emerging economic systems, developing human resources for competitory advantage should be one of the premier concerns for organisations runing in India.

Harmonizing to NASSCOM studies, the IT-BPO industry will witness a healthy growing in this twelvemonth, led by growing in the nucleus markets and supplemented by important parts from emerging markets. The Indian IT-BPO Industry is expected to transcend USD 70 billion in FY’11. The bettering demand scenario has led to increased hiring and hence employment grew by about 9 % in a demand constrained environment. The industry head count add-on is expected to duplicate this twelvemonth to touch 200,000 new employees, taking to 2.5 million direct employment.

“ Peoples are our greatest plus “ is a cliched statement we frequently encounter in one-year studies and diaries of assorted organisations. It is an uncontested fact that people are the assets on which competitory advantage is built, whether in the populace or private sector, in the corporate universe or in the universe of instruction, particularly due to the displacement of focal point from fabricating sector to serve orientation. Companies spent a immense sum of resources like clip, money and energy to better their concern and to convey in the film editing border by following the best schemes like Six sigma, Employee authorization, Information sharing matrix, Business ownership, Superior work life balance, Learning organisations etc. A common yarn running within all this is Human Resource- indisputably the most importance resource for an organisation. Therefore, surveies refering betterment of Human Resource have greater significance.

Back land of the subject of research

Turning consciousness that Emotional Intelligence is critical for work success has captured the attending of many concern houses. Harmonizing to Goleman ( 1998 ) the factor that separates a superior performing artist from an mean performing artist is Emotional Intelligence. When Goleman reviewed competence theoretical accounts of 121 companies for 181 different places, it was found that about two 3rd of the competences required for effectual public presentation were emotional competences. Emotions are built-in portion of human behaviour. In Charles Darwin ‘s book, ‘The look of emotions in Man and Animals ‘ ( 1872 ) , he wrote about emotional valency and strength. Harmonizing to Darwin ‘s theoretical account, there are 7 primary emotions, which include ; Happiness, Surprise, Disgust, Contempt, Anger, Fear and Sadness. Intensity could be experienced and understood by the person himself and may be expressed in footings of per centum. Darwin postulates that facial look of basic emotions is cosmopolitan and can be understood by people across different civilizations. Emotions are inside out and outside in. An single tends to experience the emotion congruent to the facial look. For case, glowering will make the emotion of bitterness.

Every, people-oriented occupation demands correct usage of emotions, though emotions by itself will non take you really far in calling. Even though emotions are an intrinsic portion of our biological do up, our cultural wisdom prevents us from exhibiting emotions in work topographic point. The experience of emotion is determined from the point of position of the person and is really subjective. It has a biochemical and hormonal constituent. Expressing emotions, including the negative emotions, is natural. It so requires developing to take the right grade of look of emotion in response to day-to-day events of life.

Many research workers have strengthened the organic structure of research refering to emotions. Robert Plutchik ( 1980 ) has contributed to this field by making wheel of emotions that talk about primary and secondary emotions and changing combinations of emotions and strength of emotions.

Robert Plutchiks Wheel of Emotions

Robert Plutchik ( 1980 ) describes the relation between emotion constructs, correspondent to the colors in the coloring material wheel. Like the colors of wheel, primary emotions can be combined to organize secondary emotions. For illustration, Fear and Surprise together can bring forth awe. In the wheel of emotions, 8 primary emotions ( Trust Vs Disgust, Joy Vs Sadness, Fear Vs Anger, Surprise Vs Anticipation ) are arranged in 8 sectors of 4 braces of antonyms. The sections contain positive and negative emotions of changing grades. For case, apprehensiveness, if non controlled at the right clip will increase in degree to go sadness, finally climaxing in heartache. Similarly, irritation can go anger and can be heightened to go a province of fury. The intense emotions takes a batch of energy and are by and large short lived and finally gets converted in to more natural and digesting lesser grades of emotions.

Correct usage of emotions will lend to successful and fulfilling life. At the same clip, out of control emotions can turn out to be black. In work life every bit good as personal life, it can impact person ‘s ego individuality, relationship with others and undertaking completion. Psychology connected articles frequently mention about “ Amygdala highjack ” , a term originally coined by Daniel Goleman ( 1996 ) in his book “ Emotional Intelligence – Why it can count more than IQ? ” . To understand the construct of Amygdala highjack, it is indispensable to stray a small from the research subject to advert a few biological constructs briefly. Different environmental stimulations received by different centripetal variety meats are processed by Thalamus in the encephalon and it directs the information to Neocortex ( The Thinking encephalon ) that routes the signal to Amygdala ( The Emotional encephalon ) . The Amygdala so releases peptides and endocrines to the blood watercourse to bring forth emotion and action. But when high grade of sensed menaces are encountered, the smooth sequence is disrupted and Thalamus bypasses Cortex and straight direct s signals to Amygdala, which in bend generates the crude battle or flight response, there by bring forthing irrational and riotous emotions, taking to Amygdala high jacking. This amounts to out of control behaviour which leads to workplace fury

Though emotions have such a strong biological base, emotions and responses to emotions can be tamed. Learning to get the hang the emotions and using the appropriate emotions at the work topographic point will travel a long manner in accomplishing a successful balance in the work topographic point. Controling the riotous emotions before it erupts in to heightened signifier will guarantee harmonious work environment. This makes it imperative to understand Emotional competency and Emotional Intelligence.

Until the last two decennaries, it was strongly believed that IQ is all it takes to be successful life. Gardner ‘s multiple intelligence theory in the early 1980s brought in a different position and mentality towards intelligence and brought inter personal and intra personal intelligence to the bow forepart. Emphasizing Gardner ‘s position point, Steven Covey in 1990 wrote a book, “ 7 wonts of extremely effectual people ” wherein he said that verbal and concluding ability signifier a really little spectrum of human intelligence and inter and intra personal accomplishments are most of import for being effectual and successful. Slowly, many more research workers added on to the organic structure of research, where they concluded that non cognitive ability is every bit or more of import than IQ.

It is apparent that single competence of employee contributes to organisational success, but the socio -behavioral features and work topographic point accommodations of an single mostly determines an employee ‘s success in his occupation. A modern-day administration ‘s employee demands to believe globally and move locally to get at calling success.

The current research has deductions at single, organisational and national degree. Harmonizing to Sumantra Ghosal, renowned professor of strategic leading of London Business school and once Harvard university, “ The most of import beginning of a state ‘s advancement is quality of its direction ” ( Mann 2000 pp23 ) . Since the nucleus aim of the survey is to place the positive impact of Emotional Intelligence on calling success of single employee, which will lend to organisational success and at that place by, improvement of Nation, the survey has National relevancy.

Harmonizing to Zeidner, Mathews and Roberts ( 2001 ) , people with high degree of Emotional Intelligence experience more calling success, construct more stronger personal relationships, take more efficaciously and bask better wellness than those with lower EQ. More motivated, emotionally healthy and socially cohesive work force is a certain mark of decreased tendency of “ encephalon drain ” ( Other states taking off the pick of autochthonal endowments ) .

At organisational degree, it is understood that EQ of employees play a major function in company ‘s advancement. The Tata Group, for case, identifies future leaders based on a combination of experience and emotional intelligence – ego consciousness, self direction, self motive, empathy and societal accomplishments. ( What is Emotional Intelligence? March 15, 2010, Human Resource Management . The emotional adulthood and value system of the leader impacts the squad to a big extent. Emotionally intelligent squads will impel the organisations to greater highs.

In a theoretical account of Emotional Intelligence and organisational effectivity, Cherniss et Al ( 2001 ) describes how Emotional intelligence can impact organisational effectivity. The organisational factors on the left manus side of the theoretical account, viz Leadership, HR maps and organisational clime and civilization influence emotional intelligence through its impact on relationship and each of these three factors influence the other two. For case, Emotional Intelligence of organisational leading influences the administration ‘s clime and thereby impacts organisational effectivity. Different HR maps like enlisting, choice, preparation, sequence planning etc will impact organisational leading, there by impacting the organisational effectivity. Leadership in bend can act upon the HR maps at that place by make up one’s minding the extent to which employees can better their Emotional Intelligence by make up one’s minding the extent of Emotional Intelligence preparation. This explains the interconnectivity of organisational factors, single and team Emotional Intelligence and finally, organisational effectivity. By right and timely deployment of resources, organisational effectivity can be improved to a great extent.

A theoretical account of Emotional Intelligence and Organisational Effectiveness ( Cary Cherniss and Daniel Goleman2001 )

  • Leadership
  • HR Functions
  • Organizational Climate and Culture
  • Relationships
  • Organizational Effective
  • Individual Emotional Intelligence
  • Group Emotional Intelligence

At single degree, EI has big deductions on single success. As Goleman states, “ out-of-control emotions can do smart people stupid ” ( 1998, p. 22 ) . Debra Benton, ( 1992 ) wrote in “ Lions Don’t Necessitate to Roar ” , that people who are incapable of understanding and associating to others have a really short life rhythm in occupations. She feels that the distinguishing factor between high-octane professionals and others is a high degree of EI, compassion and energy to map in a squad environment ( DA Benton, “ Lions Don’t Necessitate to Roar ” , 1992 – Grand Central Publishing ) . Persons with high Emotional Intelligence can place and command their emotions easy and utilize their emotions the right manner to act upon and command others behavior. Their ability to accommodate to alter gives them an border over their equals.

Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the field of faculty members has a really logical base. Academicians are entrusted with preparing tomorrow ‘s citizens of the state. Emotionally Intelligent academicians will lend in developing the pupils in with right mentality towards life. Research workers have started recognizing the importance and relevancy of research in this thrust country. Progressive states like Singapore have already taken active enterprise in Social & A ; Emotional Learning ( SEL ) . Other states like Malasya, Hongkong, Japan, Korea, UK, Australia etc have besides included the constructs of Emotional Intelligence at schools. In 2002, UNESCO undertook initiative to advance SEL by directing 10 basic rules of implementing to education ministries of 140 states.

A research conducted in UK by Hay McBer ( 2000 ) came up with a model for effectual instruction. Data was collected from 80 schools and 170 instructors. Career history and making of instructors, their instruction accomplishments, their professional accomplishments and schoolroom clime were analyzed utilizing schoolroom observation, in depth interviews, questionnaire, focal point groups etc. Pupils ‘ advancement informations were collected and analyzed individually. Research findings identified 3 chief factors within instructors control that significantly influenced student ‘s advancement. They are ; Teaching accomplishments, Professional features, Class room clime. Professional features are deep sitting forms of behaviour like how the instructor does the occupation, self image, values, traits, motive that drives public presentation etc, which are frequently displayed by outstanding instructors. They identified 16 features, for effectual instructors which are clustered under 5 caputs. Interestingly, about all these features overlap with aspects of Emotional Intelligence. The survey concluded that there is a moderate correlativity between higher degree of pupil achievement addition over clip and higher degree of Hay instructor effectivity step. This survey has given drifts to the current research to happen out the relationship between calling success of academicians and their emotional intelligence.

From this theoretical account, it is apparent that Emotional Intelligence of academicians plays a cardinal function in pupil public presentation. Deploying resources to better the Emotional Intelligence will travel a long manner in accomplishing coveted academic public presentation. Training in Emotional Intelligence will besides convey out the best in the student, who is equipped with competences of ego consciousness, self control and societal consciousness. This will finally bring forth quality work force when they join their calling.

Progress in engineering and scientific discipline provide countless chances for companies to specify new boundaries, come up with advanced merchandises, and supply their merchandises and services at best competitory prices- processes that finally assist fulfill the demands of the society. Companies grow merely when their employees turn. Growth within the organisation helps companies tread new evidences with assurance and senior leaders in the organisation are on the changeless sentinel for immature and gifted professionals within the organisation who can take up new challenges in unknown frontiers. Today ‘s aspiring leaders and competent directors face challenges on emotional and mental forepart while run intoing deadlines, accomplishing marks, accepting new challenges or confronting ferocious competition. They have to be good equipt and trained to pull off this challenge to accomplish higher echelons in calling.

Effective use of human resource will reflect in administration ‘s public presentation. This survey attempts to understand the impact of emotional Intelligence on employees success in calling.

Understanding EI

Emotional Intelligence is all about understanding ego, commanding and tweaking the look of emotion suitably, maintaining an optimistic mentality towards life by self motive, understanding others positions, Influencing others efficaciously for positive results, constructing bonds and developing others and eventually to pull off emphasis without haltering productiveness.

Majority of surveies on Emotional Intelligence dating back to 1980s are concentrated in the western states, though there has been transverse cultural surveies on Emotional Intelligence. Studies conducted in India in the field of EI have given more attending to understanding the relevancy of EI in the corporate scenes. ( Singh, S.K,2007, Sinha & A ; Jain, 2004, Hari Shankar Pande, 2010, Srivastava & A ; Bharamanaikar, 2004, C.P. Khokhar et Al ( 2009 ) , Rathi. N & A ; R. Rastogi ( 2009 ) . A survey of EI of employees across states were besides conducted by Singh.D ( 2005 ) .

There is a dearth of research in the filed of relevancy of EI for academicians and no published information is available on comparing the EI degrees of package professionals and academicians.

‘This becomes all the more of import, sing the fact the this is an epoch of multi national and planetary companies wherein there is larger impetus of human resource from one geographical location to another distant location, due to which understanding and accommodating to the work civilization and new challenges have become a common work related activity. Understanding and pull offing one ‘s emotions right, coupled with understanding others and arousing the needed work related responses helps an employee to mount the ladder rapidly.

History of Emotional Intelligence

There is a big organic structure of research on Emotional Intelligence across assorted states. But the really construct of Emotional Intelligence was understood and studied by many in earlier years. The first recorded construct of Emotional Intelligence can be traced back to Charlse Darwin. The first book on emotions was published in 1872by Charles Darwin- The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. In this book, Darwin negotiations about assorted primary emotions and emphasizes the theory of Survival of fittest, that negotiations about adaptability to the surrounding, which is the key to success. In 1930s, Edward Thorndike describes the construct of “ societal intelligence ” as the ability to acquire along with other people. During A 1940s, David Wechsler defined intelligence as sum of planetary capacity to move purposeful, believe rationally, and to cover efficaciously with his environment. Wechsler proposed that no intellective abilities are indispensable for foretelling one ‘s ability to win in life. David Wechsler suggests that affectional constituents of intelligence may be indispensable to success in life. Gradually there came a displacement in the construct of intelligence, where intelligence included a broader array of mental abilities. Howard Gardner pioneered the construct of Multiple Intelligence in 1983. He proposed that Interpersonal and Intra personal Intelligence are every bit of import as the type of intelligence typically measured by IQ trials. He advised pedagogues to appreciate pupils with varied accomplishments and learning manners.

In 1985, the first usage of the term “ Emotional intelligence ” was attributed to Wayne Payne ‘s doctorial thesis “ A survey of emotion: developing emotional intelligence ; self-integration ; associating to fear, hurting and desire ( theory, construction of world, problem-solving, contraction/expansion, tuning in/coming out/letting spell ) . ” In 1985, Dr Reuven Baron coined the term “ Emotional Quotient “ to depict his attack to asses emotional and societal operation. In 1987 in an article published in Mensa Magazine, Keith Beasley uses the term “ emotional quotient. ” It has been suggested that this is the first published usage of the term. Rigorous research in this field was done by psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer and subsequently in 1990 they published an article titled, “ Emotional Intelligence, ” in the diary Imagination, Cognition, and Personality. The two psychologists concluded seven old ages subsequently that emotional intelligence comprised four mental procedures. Though a batch many researches were undertaken and published in this field, the term Emotional Intelligence did non derive popularity and impulse boulder clay 1995, when a screen page article by Nancy Gibbs et Al appeared in Times magazine, which read “ What is your EQ? “ ( Time Magazine, October 1995 ) . Daniel Goleman, psychologist and New York Times journalist, through his best Sellerss “ Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ? ( 1995 ) “ , and “ Working with emotional intelligence ” ( 2000 ) brought the word “ Emotional Intelligence “ as a common term, even understood by a layperson. In the twelvemonth 1997, Reuven Baron created EQ-i, the first trial to mensurate Emotional intelligence, published by a psychological trial publishing house. In the twelvemonth 2000, American idiom society chose the term “ Emotional Intelligence “ as the most utile new word of the decennary.

Definition, theoretical accounts and steps of Emotional Intelligence

There are varied definitions of emotional intelligence and sing any one as a standard definition has become virtually impossible. Some of the following are most popularly used definitions of Emotional Intelligence, used by bulk of the bookmans and research workers in the field of Emotional Intelligence.

Salovey and Mayer ‘s Definition: ( 1997 ) “ Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to entree and generate emotions so as to help idea, to understand emotions and emotional cognition, and to reflectively modulate emotions so as to advance emotional and rational growing. ”

Ability Model of Peter Salovey and John Mayer ( Mayer, J.D. & A ; Salovey, P. ( 1997 )

The most popularly used ability based step of Emotional Intelligence is Mayor Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test ( MSCEIT ) . It has chronbach alpha of 0.68- 0.71.

Dr. Reuven Bar-On ‘s Definition: “ Emotional -Social Intelligence is a transverse subdivision of interconnected emotional and societal competences, accomplishments and facilitators that determine how efficaciously we understand and express ourselves, understand others and associate with them, and header with day-to-day demands ( Bar-On, R. ( 1997 ) . The Emotional Quotient Inventory ( EQ-i ) : a trial of emotional intelligence. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems. ) . Baron ‘s definition lays more accent on version to environmental challleneges

Dr Reuven Bar-on ‘s Emotional and Social Intelligence Model ( Bar-On, R. ( 1997 ) .

Emotional Quotient Inventory ( EQi ) is the tool used to mensurate Baron ‘s Emotional Intelligence. It has a chronbach alpha of 0.85.

Daniel Goleman ‘s Definition: “ Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity for acknowledging our ain feelings and those of others, for actuating ourselves, and for pull offing emotions good in ourselves and our relationships.

Goleman ‘s Emotional Competency theoretical account ( ( Goleman, D. ( 1998 ) .

Goleman ‘s Emotional Intelligence step is Emotional Competency stock list ( ECI ) by Boyatzis, Goleman and Hay Mcber ( 1999 ) . It has chronbach alpha of 0.71- 0.85.

vitamin D ) Petrides and Furnham ( 2000 ) proposed Trait EI ( or ‘trait emotional self-efficacy ‘ ) , which refers to “ a configuration of behavioural temperaments and self-perceptions refering one ‘s ability to acknowledge, procedure, and use emotion-laden information ” .

Trait Emotional Intelligence or Trait Emotional Self efficaciousness Model ( Petrides, K. V. & A ; Furnham, A. ( 2000 ) .

Trait Emotional Intelligence is measured utilizing TEIQue developed by Petrides, Perez and Furnham ( 2003 ) . It has a chronbach alpha of.85.

Proliferation of different theoretical accounts and tools of Emotional Intelligence which are standardized globally and available in local linguistic communication makes it hard to take a tool which is universally accepted. There are more than 60 different types of EI stock lists mentioned in a book written by Schutte & A ; Malouff ( 1999 ) titled “ Measuring Emotional Intelligence and related concepts ” . This is apart from the non standardised and tested EI trials freely available on the universe broad web. All the above mentioned theoretical accounts of EI one common characteristic is that the theoretical accounts bifurcated the EI competence with regard to self and society. It is hard to rate any of the steps of EI to be superior over the other. Harmonizing to Salovey et all ( 2007 ) , mental ability theoretical account can merely be called competently as emotional intelligence theoretical account, the others being more generic. Mental ability the theoretical account is through empirical observation tested and it meets the standards of standard intelligence. Due to the presence of excessively many theoretical accounts, definitions, trials and books on EI, the research in the field of EI has become extremely diverse. It is excessively early to come to a consensus on a cosmopolitan definition, theoretical account and trial of EI, sing the fact that even the most widely recognized trial for IQ, The Wechsler intelligence graduated table was coined after over 100 old ages of clinical appraisal and research. ( Salovey.P. , 2007 ) . Researchers in this field should judiciously take the tool to mensurate EI of respondents based on the research intent and context.

Harmonizing to Holt and Jones ( 2005 ) , assorted theoretical account of EI is preponderantly used across the universe.

Many research workers tried set uping function of emotional intelligence with calling facets of employees. Different occupations may necessitate different degrees of emotional intelligence. Influence of Emotional Intelligence on occupation public presentation depends to a big extent on the type of occupation. Academics is one field which requires high degree of emotional intelligence. In a survey of college of principals by Sala ( 2000 ) , it was found that emotional intelligence was positively correlated with public presentation steps.

There are many closely related surveies demoing the prognostic power of Emotional Intelligence occupation related attitudes in different businesss. Multiple surveies conducted by Sitarenois, G. ( 1998 ) , Sergio, R.P. ( 2001 ) , Slaski, M. & A ; Cartwright, S ( 2002 ) and Zeider et all ( 2004 ) concluded that higher Emotional Intelligence is associated with better public presentation evaluation.

Stephane Cote ( 2010 ) , from University of Toronto ‘s Rotman School of Management concluded that emotional intelligence is a separate trait from other leading qualities such as holding cognitive intelligence and being concerted, unfastened to thoughts, and painstaking. Harmonizing to him, anybody who wants to prosecute a place of leading and power can profit from Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional intelligence connected accomplishments help an person to accomplish the calling aims in synchronism with organisational aims. At any given degree in an organisation, employees will be covering with varied stakeholders at different points in their calling. The accomplishments required for interacting with them are mostly EI connected accomplishments, along with cognitive ability. The following table gives a bird ‘s oculus position on EI connected accomplishment that could be used for efficaciously pull offing the organisation.

Work related properties of high EI persons

The premier competency of high EI person is good ego consciousness. This ability helps an single to command riotous feelings while covering with hostile people. Mirror construct of ego consciousness is alexithymia, which is communicating upset, where in the person is barren of the ability to understand and show emotions as it occurs.

Accurate self appraisal is about ever an property of a star performing artist. They are cognizant of their strengths and they seek out feedback for ego betterment. Harmonizing to Boyatzis, 1982, high grade of ego assurance differentiates the best from mean performing artists.

High EI persons are by and large bestowed with High enterprise excessively. Those with inaugural act before they are forced to make so by external forces. This means two things: Taking prevenient actions to avoid jobs before they happen and taking advantage of chances before they are seeable to others. They have farsightedness to separate between a wise determination and hapless determination.

Empathy gives an sharp consciousness to others emotions, concerns and demands. High empathy individuals pick up others emotions from non verbal cues. Sensitivity to others is critical to a occupation public presentation particularly the occupation demands interpersonal interaction. Empathy has important application in culturally diverse work force. Empathy helps in absorbing accurate information instead than fall backing to pigeonholing of persons, which leads to falsify perceptual experience about stereotypic persons.

Organisational consciousness gives a high EI individual an penetration into political under currents and behind- the- scene networking, which in bend helps in act uponing employees to get at a needed result.

Influencing others is of course a distinguishing property of star performing artists. They do so utilizing assorted schemes like feeling direction, Inspirational entreaty, Rational persuasion, Ingratiation etc.

Making and keeping unfastened channels of communicating is a trademark of high EI individual.

A good struggle direction manner is an indispensable manifestation of high Emotional intelligence. Keeping diplomatic negotiations while managing hard people is the key to conflict direction.

Ethical consideration

The globally standardized questionnaire TEQue -SF is used to carry on study research after taking the blessing of transcript right entirely for research intent. Data collected from assorted companies in the Information Technology and Educational Institutions were collected with the consent of the several authorization in each of the establishment with a non revelation clause. Confidentiality of participants ‘ responses was ensured.

Organizational Deduction of the survey

Corporates have started recognizing the benefits of encompassing the construct of Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence can be efficaciously used in Succession planning. Some of the Indian concern companies like TATA group  identifies future leaders based on a combination of experience and emotional intelligence – ego consciousness, self direction, self motive, empathy and societal accomplishments. Companies that hire and promote people to leading places may happen the positive relationship between transformational leading manner and emotional intelligence utile. Promotion and development of High EI transformational leader will assist in making a harmonious organisational civilization.

In the country of Selection, happening new hires with already high EI will cut down the preparation cost to a big extent, as the new occupation officeholder is deft in accommodating to new state of affairs.

Progressive organisation takes proactive determination and formulates policies, which promote engagement and advancement of adult females there by making trueness among adult females employees particularly during the clip when trueness is a disappearing virtuousness. Understanding the gender difference in emotional intelligence can assist the organisation to tap the country of competency of single employee by apportioning most suited occupation profile based on emotional competency. Tailor made developing plan based on the country of betterment of EI competence instead than holding a generalist attack to developing can cut down developing cost.

Emotional Intelligence goes a long manner in improved employee relationships. High EI can convey in organisational alteration faster than Low EI individual. High-EQ persons are dexterous inducers and incentives because they can read others ‘ cues and adjust their ain words and behaviours consequently.

The current survey will give a unsmooth thought about the EI degree of employees of IT industry every bit good as academicians. EI mark of employees in both the industries will be an index to place developing demands in the country of Emotional Intelligence.

The secondary literature shows that directors with high EI learn foreign linguistic communications faster and adapts to new state of affairs. This can assist in make up one’s minding on taking the exiles for MNCs.

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