Diversity And Employee Job Satisfaction In Local Government Education Essay

Table of contents


The theory of representative bureaucratism suggests that organisations perform better if their work forces reflect the features of their constitutional populations ( Andrews, Boyne, Meier, O’Toole, and Walker, 2005 ) . Harmonizing to the U.S. Bureau of the Census Community Survey 2006-2008

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, U.S. population is going more diverse in Race and Ethnicity, Education, Origins and linguistic communication, etc. It indicates that the constituents of organisational work forces should hold been progressively heterogenous as the development of diverse tendency in entire population. In world, the demographic alterations in the American work force affected by civil rights statute law and affirmatory action plans have so led to unprecedentedly high diverseness or heterogeneousness within organisations ( Choi, 2008 ) .

The increasing work force diverseness poses some of the most ambitious inquiries for the direction of public service ( Riccucci, 2002 ) . For illustration, diverse constituents of population and work force bring employees into contact with people who may hold really different racial, instruction, linguistic communication, preparation, accomplishments, functional background, civilizations, and even values. As organisations progressively operate in a transnational and multicultural context, understanding how diverseness in the composing of organisational groups affects results such as satisfaction, creativeness, and turnover will be of increasing importance ( Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) .

Although inconsistent on the extent to which increased occupation satisfaction leads to improved public presentation ( Brayfield and Crockett, 1955 ; Petty, McGee, and Cavender, 1984 ; Iaffaldano and Muchinsky, 1985 ) , Petty, McGee, and Cavender ( 1984 ) revealed a strong relationship between occupation satisfaction and public presentation. Furthermore, old surveies besides demonstrated that satisfied employees are more likely to hold lower absenteeism and turnover than those unsated one ( Locke, 1976 ; and Carsten and Spector, 1987 ) . Therefore, to analyze employees ‘ occupation satisfaction is of great important significances.

However, the researches on occupation satisfaction either focal point on its impacts on job/organization public presentation, absenteeism and turnover, etc. ( Brayfield and Crockett, 1955 ; Petty, McGee, and Cavender, 1984 ; Iaffaldano and Muchinsky, 1985 ; Locke, 1976 ; and Carsten and Spector, 1987 ) , or other determiners of occupation satisfaction, such as authorization, participative direction, quality of work life, the function of directors, single features, work environment, etc. ( Bruce and Blackburn, 1992 ; Rainey, 1997 ; Kim, 2002 ) . A comparatively little literature appears to hold examined the possible effects of diverseness on employees ‘ occupation satisfaction.

Furthermore, among a few surveies seeking to the impacts of diverseness on occupation satisfaction, most concentrate on employees on federal degree ( Choi, 2008 ) , instead than in province or local authorities. Furthermore, old researches step employee occupation satisfaction as a whole, but did n’t analyze the impacts of diverseness on employees on different aspects of occupation satisfaction, such as the different impacts on friendliness and aid received in work and on work itself. Besides, the dimensions most surveies used for demographic diverseness include race/ethnicity, instruction, age and sex, and disablement ( Wise, 2000 ; Andrews et Al, 2005 ; Pitts, 2005 ; Choi, 2008 ; Pitts, 2009 ) , but few of them use beginnings and linguistic communication as a step of demographic diverseness. However, with the development of globalisation, more and more first coevals immigrants, whose first linguistic communication is non English and is non born in the US. , are going U.S. citizens and attend public sector. A Harmonizing to U.S. Census Bureau Data

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released on February 22nd, 2005, the state ‘s nonnative population numbered 34.2 million in 2004, accounting for 12 per centum of the entire U.S. population. This figure is 2.3 per centum higher than it was in 2003. Therefore, a survey on the effects of demographic diverseness of beginnings and linguistic communication on occupation satisfaction is really of import. In add-on, most surveies used inactive informations at one clip point. It could n’t reflect the development tendency of demographic features of public employees.

This paper aims at researching the development tendency of public employee diverseness and the impacts of demographic diverseness of local authorities on affectional results, occupation satisfaction ( Figure 1 ) , through a ten-year period. How different dimensions of demographic diverseness, such as race/ethnicity, instruction, gender, beginnings, linguistic communication, and instruction, affect employees ‘ occupation satisfaction? What ‘s the disagreement of the impacts of demographic diverseness on different facets of occupation satisfaction? First, I review the old literature on diverseness concentrating on five of import demographic dimensions of diversity-race/ethnicity, beginnings, first linguistic communication, gender, instruction, and occupation satisfaction. In the following subdivision, I explore the theoretical model and present hypotheses of diverseness and its impact on different aspects of occupation satisfaction. In the last subdivision, I discuss research design/methodology.


The term diverseness frequently provokes intense emotional reactions from people who, possibly, have come to tie in the word with thoughts such as “ affirmatory action ” and “ hiring quotas ” ; yet it is a word that merely means “ assortment ” or a “ point or regard in which things differ ” ( Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Actually, demographic diverseness refers to “ the grade to which a unit ( e.g. , a work group or organisation ) is heterogenous with regard to demographic properties, ” such as race/ethnicity, sex, age, organisational term of office, and societal position ( Choi, 2008 ) . This survey limits its treatment to four demographic dimensions-race/ethnicity, beginnings, linguistic communication, and gender.

Some bookmans have developed several attacks to categorise assorted dimensions of diverseness ( e.g. , Cummings, Zhou, and Oldham 1993 ; Jackson 1992 ; Jackson, May, and Whitney 1995 ; Maznevski 1994 ; Milliken and Martins 1996 ; Tsui, Egan, and O’Reilly 1992 ) . One common differentiation is between diverseness on discernible or readily noticeable properties such as race or ethnicity, age, or gender, and diverseness with regard to less seeable or underlying properties such as instruction, proficient abilities, functional background, term of office in the organisation, or socioeconomic background, personality features, or values ( Cummings et al. , 1993 ; Jackson et al. , 1995 ; Tsui et al. , 1992 ) . Harmonizing the above classification, race/ethnicity, beginnings, gender, and first linguistic communication should be included into discernible properties ; instruction should be considered as implicit in properties.

Job Satisfaction

Employees ‘ satisfaction with their occupations is an of import standard for rating organisational effectivity ( Choi, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Hoppock ( 1935: 47 ) , occupation satisfaction is any combination of physiological, psychological, and environmental fortunes that causes a individual truthfully to state, “ I am satisfied with my occupation ” . Most common definitions are those that assume being of demands ( in changing signifiers ) and by and large view occupation satisfaction as ensuing from the tantrum between these single demands and the occupation and its environment ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . However, Lock ( 1969 ) rejected the construct of demands and defined occupation satisfaction as the enjoyable emotional province ensuing from satisfaction or satisfaction about one ‘s occupation. The interaction of one ‘s values and one ‘s perceptual experiences of the occupation and its environment are two chief causes of occupation satisfaction. In this survey, I chiefly rely on a modified need-satisfaction theoretical account, which combines single demands and work environment.

There are two basic ways of mensurating occupation satisfaction, facet-free and facet-specific steps. It is easy to administrate and understand ( Kalleberg, 1974 ) , and it correlates extremely with more complex measurings of occupation satisfaction to utilize facet-free attack ( Robinson, Athanasious, and Head, 1969 ) . In the procedure of reacting to facet-free inquiries, employees tend to supply their ain agencies of summarize a assortment of different facets of their occupation into a individual reply ( Johns, 1980 ) . However, this attack has been badly criticized for a figure of grounds ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . Most significantly, occupation satisfaction is one-dimensional and multidimensional instead than a individual dimension ( Kalleberg, 1974 ) . One general inquiry could n’t mensurate all facets of a occupation.

However, facet-specific occupation satisfaction steps ask the respondent to measure his/her satisfaction with a series of occupation aspects. And faceted measuring is advantageous in that it coincides with the multidimensional character of occupation satisfaction, provides comparison across the respondents, and permits a grade of control and way by the research worker ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . In old researches, there are 23 aspects studied ( Hopkins, 1983 ) . In this survey, 21 aspects will be used except salary aspect and I categorize the 21 aspects into three facets: friendliness and aid received in work ; development and accomplishment ; and work itself. Friendliness and aid received in work, and development and achievement aspect of occupation satisfaction will be used to prove the research inquiry.

Theoretical Framework and Hypotheses

Previous literature has demonstrated that different dimensions of diverseness may take to different effects ( Jackson, Joshi, and Erhardt, 2003 ; Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale, 1999 ; Milliken and Martins, 1996 ) . Less seeable or implicit in properties may supply a wide scope of thoughts, accomplishments, and penetrations, and finally consequences in organisational public presentation betterment by increasing organisation ‘s creativeness and problem-solving capablenesss ( Cox, 1993 ) . To increase organisation ‘s creativeness and problem-solving capablenesss, and contribute to organisation public presentation betterment is a important foundation and step to single development and accomplishment. Therefore, underlying properties is assumed to be positively related to development and achievement aspect of employees ‘ occupation satisfaction.

H1: Education diverse is positively related to development and achievement aspect of employee occupation satisfaction.

However, discernible properties, such as demographic backgrounds, may take to high degrees of emotional struggles between persons in organisations. Heterogeneous groups may besides see a deficiency of communicating or miscommunication, disenabling struggle, and the load of the high costs of coordination and declaration of struggles ( Jehn, Northcraft, and Neale, 1999 ) .

Harmonizing to Byrne ‘s ( 1971 ) similarity-attraction theory, people prefer interacting with similar others and happen interactions with them easier, positively reenforcing, and more desirable compared with interactions with others who are different. Persons in diverse groups tend to experience less safe and to swear each other less. Lower trust is more likely to take to higher struggles within groups ( Choi, 2008 ) . Furthermore, for employees, who were non born as U.S. citizens and whose first linguistic communication is non English, may hold communicating obstructions with his/her co-worker. This communicating job may impact their development and publicity within the organisation we well, which finally leads to reduced occupation satisfaction. Therefore, discernible properties are supposed to be negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of occupation satisfaction:

  • H2: Race/Ethnicity diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction.
  • H3: Origin diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction.
  • H4: Gender diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction.
  • H5: Language diverse is negatively related to friendliness and assistance received aspect of employee occupation satisfaction.


Dependent Variable: public employees ‘ occupation satisfaction is measured by two dimensions, friendliness and aid received from work and development and accomplishment. It is measured on single degree based on responses to relevant study and interview inquiries.

Friendliness and aid received could be measured by the undermentioned inquiries:

  • Opportunity to do friends
  • Friendliness and helpfulness of colleagues
  • Enough aid and equipment to acquire the occupation don
  • Development and accomplishment could be measured by the undermentioned inquiries:
  • Opportunity for publicities
  • Opportunity to develop particular abilities

Independent Variable:

discernible and implicit in properties of diverseness of public employees in local authorities in NJ. In recent old ages, three sorts of diverseness steps have been used most often: the coefficient of fluctuation, the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness, and the entropy index of diverseness ( Choi, 2008 ) . In this survey, the degrees of each bureau ‘s demographic diversity-race/ethnicity, beginnings, gender, first linguistic communication, and education-are calculated through the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness or Entropy index of diverseness, which are appropriate for categorical variables, instead than the coefficient of fluctuation, which is proper for uninterrupted variables. The concluding choice between the Blau ‘s index of heterogeneousness and Entropy index of diverseness depends on the information collected and informations analysis consequences.

Race/Ethnicity is classified into five groups: White ; Black or African American ; Asian ; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander ; and Others, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification.

Beginning is classified into two groups: born naturalized as a U.S. citizen and foreign born non U.S. citizen, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification.

Gender of public employee in local authoritiess includes both male and female.

First Language is categorized into five groups: English ; Spanish or Spanish Creole ; Other Indo-germanic Languages ; Asian and Pacific Island Languages ; and Other Languages, based on the U.S. Bureau of Census ‘s classification.

Education is measured by two indexs. The first index is to mensurate the diverseness in instruction degree. The diverseness in instruction degree is categorized into six groups: less than high school alumnus ; high school alumnus ; some college or associate ‘s grade ; unmarried man ‘s grade ; maestro ‘s grade ; Ph.D. grade. The 2nd index is to mensurate the diverseness in major. It is categorized into nine groups: societal scientific discipline and humanistic disciplines ; public personal businesss ; library and information ; concern ; instruction ; jurisprudence ; technology ; medical scientific discipline ; and others.

Control Variable: there are some other variables are supposed to hold important impacts on public employees ‘ occupation satisfaction, harmonizing to old research. Those factors include employee place term of office, age, organisation population, city/township population, etc.


A assorted research method will be used to analyze the research inquiry and hypotheses. I plan to roll up ten-year period ( 2000-2009 ) information in employee race, gender, instruction, beginnings, first linguistic communication, and occupation satisfaction from each local authorities in New Jersey, utilizing unnoticeable resources, study, and single interview. The ground for roll uping informations in ten-year period is foremost to track the tendency of the employee demographic constituents in local authorities in NJ during the past 10 old ages, and to mensurate whether diverseness is a apparent character of local public employee in NJ. Second, I want to prove the alteration of demographic factors ‘ impacts on occupation satisfaction, instead than a inactive consequence at one clip point, because it is supposed that the demographic characters of local public employees are changed to be more diverse.

Unobtrusive resources: Archive and Official Documentation to roll up public employees ‘ demographic constituents, including race, instruction, gender, beginnings, and first linguistic communication, in each city/township authorities in NJ during the past 10 old ages. Based on this information, descriptive statistics could be used to depict the development tendency of employee demographic factors.

Survey and Sample: I will carry on a mail study to roll up occupation satisfaction informations. 10 % employees from each city/township authorities will be indiscriminately selected and the questionnaire will be sent to them. In order to guarantee a good respondent rate, I will carry on a three-round study. The follow-up study may be conducted by phone or electronic mail.

Semi-Structured Individual Interview: in-depth informations is needed to unearth some deep information. The chief content of single interview is to look into employees ‘ occupation satisfaction and how diverse on the job environment affect their occupation satisfaction. What are the most of import factors that impact their occupation satisfaction? What are the employees ‘ perceptual experiences or suggestion sing to diversity direction?

Datas Analysis

Above all, content analysis will be used to analyze written paperss. Contented analysis is “ any technique for doing illations by consistently and objectively placing particular features of messages ” ( Holsti, 1968 ) . First, is to make up one’s mind the degrees and units of paperss analysis. Sampling may happen at any or all of the undermentioned degrees: words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, subdivisions, chapters, and books. Second, is to unite content analytic elements, and coding. Coding frames are used to form the informations and place findings after unfastened cryptography has been completed. The whole procedure is to split gathered archive and certification informations and make full them into five independent variables.

For some quantitative informations, occupation satisfaction study informations are Likert Scale informations, 5 graduated tables. Recode each factor to do certain every inquiry and information is in the same way from 1 ( strongly dissatisfaction ) to 5 ( strongly satisfaction ) . Mean score higher than 3 is considered satisfaction, and lower than 2 is considered dissatisfaction.

Furthermore, descriptive statistics is used to cipher mean, media, standard divergence, standard mistake of collected informations, including certification, study, and interview informations. For The documentation/archive information is a pooled information in 10 old ages. To compare informations in different twelvemonth, we can reason whether the constituent of employee in local authorities is more and more diverse. What ‘s the development tendency, to rush up or decelerate down?

If it is necessary, Cronbach ‘s Alpha can be used to prove measuring dependability before making index variables. Multiple arrested development could be used to prove the significance degree and coefficient of correlativity between demographic diverseness and employees ‘ occupation satisfaction. Meanwhile, Variance rising prices factor ( VIF ) can be used to prove whether there is multicollinearity job and Breusch-Pagan trial is used to analyze whether the theoretical account has heteroskedasticity job or non.

Some package plans may be utile to analyse informations, for illustration SPSS, Office Excel, and Stata. The analysing package should including the undermentioned maps: word processors, text retrievers, textbase directors, code-and-retrieve plans, code-based theory builders, and conceptual network-builders.

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Employee Survey Analysis (ESA) Scripts

Table of contents

With this paper of our, we have peculiarly worked on one of the application of Data Analysis. We have proposed a fresh method for happening out valuable information out of the clump of natural informations utilizing Python and NLTK libraries. We have processed the Remarks of the assorted Employees of a Company in the signifier of Raw Data. Each Remark follows different stairs such as Cleansing which removes all the errors in the remarks made by the user, Taging which tags word harmonizing to the different types of verbs or adjectives used in the remarks, Lumping which includes choosing a perticualr phrase out of the cleansed remark by usage of a appropriate grammar regulation, Category Generation which includes different types of class generated for the words which can be used for bring forthing different class user remarks. This includes the usage of Python as a tool where NLTk is added as a Natural Language Processor which is used for different sorts of linguistic communications. You may happen the elaborate account about our methodological analysis in the ulterior parts of this paper.


With the growing of IT sector over the past few old ages, informations handling and its analysis had become really hard. Many companies trades with a big sum of informations and they have purchased different tools from different companies like IBM, Microsoft, etc for informations storage and its analysis. Data Analysis fundamentally provides us the method to pull out some valuable information out of some natural facts. It contains several Fieldss which are required to be undertaken such as taking all the errors, change overing it into that signifier which our tool can understand, saying regulations for it usage, happening the results and take supportive actions on the footing of these results. The field of Data Analytics is pity huge and have many attacks related to informations extraction and mold and in this paper we will be discoursing on the one of the of import application of Data Analytics.

Let us better understand what Data Analysis is with illustration of a individual named Lee who had a wont of composing dairy. He started observing each and every incident of his life get downing from his birth boulder clay now. With the class of clip, he have written a batch of information about himself which reflects different phases of his life. Suppose if another individual goes through each and every incident of Lee ‘s life and analysis what he used to wish when he was below 10 old ages of age or which portion of his life was unforgettable. This analysis of the natural information and happen out the valuable information out of it is categorized with the term Data Analytics. I think now we are in a place to understand the relevant nomenclatures used in this paper. So I would wish to depict the existent methodological analysis of our research paper.

A Brief Methodology

This paper demonstrates a novel method which help user to pull out utile information from the clump of a natural information. It includes a method/ codes which include the usage of set of categories and maps which help in pull outing a utile information out of input informations. There are many utile maps which help in pull outing information that are included here. Some of them may be named as, Tokenizer, Taggers, Chunkers, Stemmers, Transformation of Chunkers and Taggers and many more. These methods or categories work on the tool Named as Python 2.7.6 which is required to be downloaded and good configured in the system. Every Code that is executed required to be imported through assorted bundles present in the library. In this undertaking, we have processed the informations and produced the different class out of it and through that we have extracted what user really meant to state in his/her remarks. You may happen the elaborate account as what this paper is all approximately in ulterior portion.

Python  is considered as a high degree linguistic communication, a degree in front of C and C++ . It is fundamentally developed for developing applications or books for transforming different signifiers of linguistic communications like English, French, German and many more. Python have a alone characteristic which differentiate it from other linguistic communications like C, C++ or Java is that it uses white infinite indenture instead than curly brackets. Presently, the latest version of python in the market is Python 3.4.1 was released on May 18th, 2014. But we have used Python 2.7.6.

NLTK  is described as Natural Language Tool Kit. It comprises of library files in different linguistic communications that Python may utilize for informations analysis. One is required to import the NLTK bundle in the Python Shell so that its library files can be used by the coder. NLTK includes several characteristics like graphical presentation of informations. Several books have been published on the alien belongingss and installations of NLTK which clearly explains things off to any coder who is either novice with python or NLTK or merely an expert. NLTK finds several applications in research work when it comes to Natural Language Processing. It helps in treating text in several linguistic communications which itself is a large positive for modern research workers.

Implementation of Employee Survey Analysis ( Esa ) Scripts

In Today ‘s universe of Globalization and competitions, It is the tendency which is followed by every company to form a Engagement and Exit Survey for its employee within the organisation to happen out the grounds why people wants to fall in or go forth their company. When any individual leaves any company, he/she is required to make full an online study that comprises of assorted Fields which might be the grounds for his go forthing the Organization. In that study, the inquiries might be in assorted signifiers like Check Boxes, Scroll List, Text field, etc. It is pity easy to enter and analysis those inquiries which involve replying through Checkboxes or Scroll List but state of affairs becomes really feverish for the individual who is analysing that informations if the reply is recorded through Text fields or Text Paragraph. When speaking about manually reading, the individual, who is reading that informations, will be required to travel through each and every employees remarks to happen what were the grounds why they have left the occupation. Each company comprises of 1000s of employees and it is really common in industries that people moves from one organisation to another organisation. So, maintaining the path of all those employees by merely manual reading is a tough undertaking.

Figure 1– A Screen Shot of Employee Exit Survey [ 1 ]

Each company spends a batch of money and resources on their employees on their preparation and growing and hence, wants to happen the grounds why their best employees are go forthing them. Therefore, we are in an pressing demand of something which can assist us happening the grounds why any individual is go forthing his/her organisation. Although, there are several tools in the market by some singular companies like IBM. But the major point is they all are paid and therefore, require a batch of money to invested to buy them. In comparing with these paid tools, these Python Script are unfastened beginning and are free of cost. Any organisation can besides do alterations in the books harmonizing to its demand. Hence, it is supplying us the best ground why to choose for ESA Scripts.

ESA Scripts performs following actions as specified below: –

  • It corrects all the Spelling Mistakes.
  • It corrects all the Repeated Words.
  • It performs Lemmatization, Stemming and Tokenization of Data.
  • It performs Antonyms and Synonym Operations on words.
  • It find out what sort of Verb, Noun or Adjective is used by the Employee.
  • It generates Phrases depending upon the type of Grammar Rule one select.
  • Removal of Stop Words.
  • Encoding and Decryption of Special Stop Words.
  • Removal of ASCII Codes.

There are many more of import operations which comes under these above specified operations which are discussed subsequently as their functions comes.

First of all, Remarks of different employees are taken in a individual Column of a CSV file and read line wise. Each Remark comprises of different paragraph holding different Spelling errors, repeated characters in a word and many more errors which are required to be removed before we can happen out what individual meant in his/her grounds for go forthing his/her occupation.

All the files are required to be stored by.py extension and all the of import methods or categories are required to be defined in a individual library file so that when utilizing those maps and classes we can import them in a spell and utilize them to make whatever we like to make. These methods/classes are defined in library file named as CustomClassLibrary.py and this file is required to be executed at the top before utilizing any of the map or category so that these categories work consequently whenever they are called in the chief book.

There is yet another of import thing that we are required to take attention of. You must either topographic point all you scripts in the current on the job directory or you must supply the way where you have placed your books. It is extremely required and if we do non supply the way of our books decently so it will be traveling to demo mistakes which will return an mistake that current file do non be in our directory.

Figure-2Block Diagram Representing Various Processes to be followed

This Purpose has been divided into 3 Class which are as follows:

  • a. Cleansing.
  • b. Tagging and Chunking .
  • c. Category Generation.

The above described description can be better explained by the figure given below.

Cleansing, as its name suggests includes the methods which help in cleaning the information which the user has provided. It includes those methods or maps by which one can tokenize informations, correct the spellings, take all the perennial words like if any user wrote ‘love’ as ‘llooovvvee’ in a really passionate manner. So they are required to be corrected. There are several Abbreviations that people wrote which are required to be changed to their normal word signifier. Then there are several stop words in the sentences which do non lend much to the significance of that sentence are hence required to be removed from that sentence. The process of this is explained as below.

First of wholly, we break Paragraph into Sentences and in that process some of the words are changed into ASCII Codes which created job when we further run the procedure on them and are required to be removed through strip_unicode bid. After taking ASCII Codes we tokenize Sentences into words.

Now, explicating each class in item below.

Figure-3Measure wise Explanation for Above Process

These words are processed and all the perennial words like “looovvee” are changed to “love” by utilizing repetition replacer map. After that all the short signifiers or the Abbreviations are changed to their full signifiers. All the spelling errors are required to be corrected before continuing farther. This map is imported utilizing import bid and all the methods are required to be defined in our library file named as CustomClassLibrary.py

After rectifying all of our spelling errors, we lemmatize our word if they are found to be of Noun, Adjective or Verb. For any other class of words, it traveling to go through the word as it is. After that all the punctuations are removed such as Commas, Exclamation grade, Full Stops, etc.

Here, now we are required to code some of the particular words so that they can be used in approaching procedure. We will be coding some of the words and them taking stop words from that list of words. All those word which do non assist in analysing the sentences like can, could, might, etc are removed from the list of words. Once, Stop words removed, we once more decrypt those particular words once more so that they can be processed now. At this measure, we have got the list of words which are traveling to be passed to make Antonym of words which appears after “not” word.

For Example, “let’s” , “not” , “uglify” , “our” , “code” is changed to “let’s” , “beautify” , “our” , “code” . Therefore, we are at that place with our Cleansed Data.

Tagging is a procedure of assigning different tickets to the word in conformity with the portion of address tagging. For this, we have used Classifier based POS tagger [ 5 ] [ 10 ] which is rather a good tagger. When calculated, its efficiency comes out to be over 90 % which is rather good. For labeling, we passed the information word wise and happen out to which portion of address class it belongs. Either it is a noun or it is a verb or adjectival like vise.

We are making labeling in order to bring forth labeled word from where we can make a grammar regulation so that from them, all the words which comes, forms a meaningful phrase and therefore can be wrote in different file.

Grammar Rule  and Unitization

This Chunk Rule can be described as the phrase formed will get down with optional Adverb or Determiner or any sort of Noun or any sort of Verb followed by any sort of optional Verb followed by optional any word followed by any sort of optional Adjective and stoping with as many figure of any sort of Adjective or any sort of Noun.

For Category Generation, we have selected those set of tokenized words which are generated from chunked end product. These words are written individually in different file and we manually create class for that. Like if “salary” appears in the file so we have created its class as “salary problem” likewise if “family” appears in the word so we generated its class as “Personal Issues” . Once this file is created so we compare each and every word of the file and if we find that word in our distinguishable words file so we are traveling to bring forth that class for that word.

Figure-3Distinct Categories defined for Chunked words

Once the class is generated, this class is used to bring forth the consequences for the different remarks made by user. It is here shown in the figure below.

Figure-4Classs Generated for different Employees remarks

We can make sentimental analysis utilizing this application.

Sentimental Analysis – This is a procedure of analysing the sentiments of a individual, be it positive, negative or assorted emotions.

We can utilize the same application for other spheres as good like battle of an employee with the organisation.


This Paper provides a advanced thought which helps in cut downing the human attempts as individual who is analysing the information of assorted employees who had left every bit now, is non required to travel through each and every employee’s remarks. Therefore, by running these books we will be able to bring forth what an employee is speaking about, what are the assorted causes which he found in the company which forced him to vacate. Hence, the value of this merchandise goes up when you think analysing the information of different users of different states following different linguistic communications.


  1. hypertext transfer protocol: //123facebooksurveys.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/employee-exit- interview-1.png.
  2. hypertext transfer protocol: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_ ( programing language ) .
  3. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.python.org/download/releases/3.4.1/ .
  4. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.nyu.edu/projects/politicsdatalab/workshops/NLTK_Presentation.pdf.
  5. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/3609-chapter-3-creating-custom-corpora.pdf.
  6. hypertext transfer protocol: //caio.ueberalles.net/ebooksclub.org__Python_Text_Processing_with_NLTK_2_0_Cookbook.pdf.
  7. hypertext transfer protocol: //fjavieralba.com/basic-sentiment-analysis-with-python.html.
  8. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ics.uci.edu/~pattis/ICS-31/lectures/tokens.pdf
  9. hypertext transfer protocol: //nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/html/htmledition/stemming-and-lemmatization-1.html.
  10. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.monlp.com/2011/11/08/part-of-speech-tags/
  11. hypertext transfer protocol: //danielnaber.de/languagetool/download/style_and_grammar_checker.pdf.
  12. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.eecis.udel.edu/~trnka/CISC889-11S/lectures/dongqing-chunking.pdf.

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How to Run an Effective Social Media Employee Advocacy Program

Every smart entrepreneur knows that you need to use to effectively market your business and your brand.

I realized that back in 2008, when I opened my camera store in New Jersey and had to compete against the largest camera store in the world – B&H Photo — and the biggest competitor of them all – Amazon. I had to acquire customers, and build our brand with little time and even less money. Social media turned out to be the fastest way to do that. But one of the problems I immediately faced was how to get engagement on our posts, when we didn’t have a big following on any of the social platforms.


This is a problem that many entrepreneurs face today.

In many cases, your social media accounts do not have very many followers, connections or interactions. So, if for example, you post on Facebook, your relatively small number of followers will mean Facebook’s algorithm will keep engagement very low. But is there a way to increase your engagement without investing a lot of money boosting posts?

The tactic I discovered back in 2008, and one that I have honed with great success today, is employee social advocacy. Here are the 10 steps I’ve used to implement and run an employee-driven, post-boosting program, which you can start doing today.

1. At the next staff meeting, it should be announced that you are looking for all team members to promote posts on their personal social media accounts – Facebook, LinkedIn, beBee, Twitter and Instagram — on a regular basis.

2. There should be an email sent to All@YourCompany.com with an explanation of what employee advocacy is, why it is done and what will be accomplished for the company. Ask staff to reply with their willingness to participate. I would not require any staff member to do it that doesn’t want to, but let them know there will be rewards for the people who do it the most.

3. In a follow up email, ask everyone to follow and like all of your YourCompany pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, beBee, Twitter and Instagram from their personal social media pages.

4.There needs to be a social leader in the company. It works best if it’s the owner, president or stakeholder. He or she will lead the charge on the personal posting side. Let everyone know who that will be. There can be more than one leader.

5. All participating members need to connect with the social leader. It’s ok if someone is not on every social platform. Let them participate where they can.


6. The social leader then creates a post on their personal social media accounts. Use all the social networks if it makes sense for the post’s content. The post needs to be interesting and engaging and include no direct selling. That post should be shared on all company pages by the company page owner.

7. Send an email to All@YourCompany.com with all of the links to the leader’s posts asking everyone to share on their accounts with a personal comment added that relates to their friends, fans or followers.

8. When you start this advocacy program, do one post per week until your staff gets use to it. Then do up to three per week, but that is the maximum you should do. The staff will get tired of it and so will your followers.

9. To jump start the program, give everyone who follows No. 2,  No. 3,  No. 5 and  No. 7 a $20 giftcard or something similar. Many, who agreed to do it, won’t – especially the first time. A personal note or visit from the social leader asking them to participate again is the way to go here.

10. Create contests, and publicly hand out prizes. The top employees with the most engagement, receives a money prize, extended lunch, day off or something else intriguing. You should post a leaderboard and hand out prizes for the top performers for each month and for the year.


Employee social advocacy is an incredibly cost-effective way to build your brand and business. It also builds employee morale and creates a corporate culture where staff feels like they have directly contributed to the success of the company.

You now have the formula to turn your staff into an engagement engine. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines now.

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Category of SSA employee

A special category of SSA employee with regard to customer service is the field office employee who interviews customers regarding their needs. Interviews are undertaken either by claims representatives or service representatives. The challenge involved in this issue lies in the fact that, today, the claims representative may be a generalist, who has a general knowledge of the regulations of SSA, or he or she may be a program specialist in the area of SSA retirement or survivor disability insurance.

In general, a claims representative serves a customer by “completing applications for initial SSA or SSI benefits, by completing request for reconsideration or hearings related to denied initial claims applications and by handling complicated post entitlement actions like continuing disability reviews, SSI redeterminations and overpayment personal conferences” (ILO, 2006, p. 8). Because of the nature of this work, more and more claims representatives are specialists as opposed to generalists.

At present, two thirds of claims representatives in the SSA are specialists, with this trend apparently growing. By contrast, service representatives are usually always generalists, in that they help beneficiaries with such post-entitlement activities as “reporting changes in address, marital and student status, direct deposit changes, explaining notices and other corrections to benefit records” (ILO, p. 8). The trend toward specialization in terms of customer needs also encourages increased training as a prerequisite for good service (ILO, 2006).

The SSA has also found that the disability programs that it administers continue to have service problems. According to ILO, in order to alleviate these shortcomings, the “SSA devoted considerable time, and energy to the Disability Redesign Plan” (ILO, 2006, p. 8). An important part of the plan was the creation of a new job title, the disability claims manager. This person would be responsible for the “complete processing of an initial disability claim” (ILO, p. 8).

Not only did the DCM position have to be piloted in practice, but a working group was formed in order to advise offices in how to convert claims representatives into full DCM positions. As per best practices, the DCM’s position was made clear through a careful guideline of work flow, and the DCM job was supported by on-the-job training using both formal training and a coaching cadre on the job (ILO, 2006). The results of the reform indicate that the processing of disability claims is smoother, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

A final aspect of the Social Security Administration is that much of its operations, because they are so critical to national economic life, are watched by other organizations such as the GOA This agency not only evaluates the validity of SSA reform initiatives, but looks into any changes in how the SSA reports results. For example, one GOA report expressed concern that “SSA changed and deleted several customer service indicators essential to documenting progress and performance in this area” (Bovbjerg, 2001, p. 8). Specifically, the “SSA merged to accuracy indicators without sufficient justification” regarding payment outlays (Bovbjerg, p.

8). The GOA feared that this merging of data indicators may “affect SSA’s ability to sufficiently monitor and manage payment accuracy” (Bovbjerg, p. 8). The nature of GOA oversight of SSA reporting then is to express concern at any attempt of the SSA to alter reporting of progress in such a way as to compromise the attainment of real progress in various areas. It also encourages SSA to establish performance goals in areas where it has to finalize these goals. Finally, the GOA also oversees whether or not SSA generates data quick enough for inclusion in performance reports.

In all of these ways, the SSA is burdened or informed by oversight from other agencies that provide a built-in roadmap of how to close gaps between asserted and realized goals. In sum, there is evidence in the literature on the practices of customer service in public agencies that current practice is often not up to best practice. Various ways of closing the gap, from model-oriented redesign of the agency, to simply following concrete rubrics with regard to such basic service problems as waiting, are available in providing an evidence-based way to close service gaps.

Finally, the SSA itself is an organization in a reformist mode, and continually works, and is aware, of gaps between theory and practice. The fact that the GOA oversees even any attempt by the SSA to alter reporting procedures in a manner that, the GOA believes, may inadvertently compromise reporting and thus actual progress to a goal, indicates the degree to which customer service has been enmeshed in the “learning organization” that the SSA is today. It remains to review interventions, which have been studied in the literature, and have been found helpful in helping government agencies improve customer service.

Summary This literature review has examined the means by which the Social Security System has accommodated the new paradigm of customer service in the public sector, and evaluated the current efforts by the Agency to provide good customer service (Auster, 2006; Barnhart, 2007; Bovbjerg, 2003; FOIA, 2006; Liebman, 2005). The SSA has a number of programmatic efforts underway designed to reform the traditional system into one that is more customer-centric, and which provides ease of access and use to all customers.

Among the many changes instrumented by the SSA in order to meet these needs, the 800 line, the establishment of an e-presence and the implementation of a number of service reforms with regard to SSNs, services for the disabled, and timeliness and thoroughness of service are explored.

The review also examined the array of interventions which have been developed in order to convert public agencies into well-managed customer-oriented units (Chance & Green, 2001; Edwards, 2004; Farrell, 2004; Hultberg & Glendinning, 2003; International Labor Office (ILO), 2006; Kelly, 2004; Kernshall & Ross, 2003; Kunstelj & Vintar, 2004; Marianov & Rios, et. al. , 2004; Ray & Muhanna, 2005; Scharitzer & Korunka, 2002); Schieffelbusch, 2005; Spall & McDonald, et. al. , 2005; Suh & Lee, 2005; Tam & Ho, 2003). Under this heading, this review briefly explored a number of interventions based on Total Quality Management, or New Public Management as it is known in the public sector, redesign of the organization, reform of particular processes, the use of technology, especially websites with e-presence, and, finally, what kind of web presence is required if a public sector agency is going to actually improve customer service through the implementation of online sites.

After reviewing what the SSA is currently doing in customer service, this review then explored the fact that at present in some public sector agencies there remains a gap between best practice in customer service and current practice. Efforts to close those gaps, again with regard to the SSA in particular are also explored (Farmer, 2001; Harmon and Scotti, et. al. , 2000; International Labor Office (ILO), 2006; Selen and Schepers, 2001; Van Fleet and Wallace, 2002).

At present, the literature suggests that the state of the art in terms of actually improving service through IT is quite difficult to achieve, and in fact has been achieved by very few government agencies to date. Moreover, the demands of customer satisfaction appear to theoretically mandate the implementation of virtual reality or other forms of telepresence, a finding which most public sector agencies also seem hard-pressed to approach.

At present, therefore, the literature suggests that while the Social Security Administration is doing much to improve customer service, and has done much to close the gap between its current practice and best practice, that it may not yet have reformed itself according to some of the more onerous interventions mandated by TQM and IT in the area of public-sector customer service (Bovbjerg, 2001; Callahan and Gilbert, 2004; Groth and Gilliland, 2006; Heenan, 2004; International Labor Office (ILO, 2006).

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How to Attract, Retain and Motivate Employees

Companies today recognize that it is their people who can give them a competitive advantage (Buckingham & Coffman 1999). How organizations develop their employees can be a competitive advantage or disadvantage for them. There is intense competition to attract and retain talent. Research has shown that organizations that provide better learning and growth opportunities have an advantage when competing for that talent (Buckingham & Coffman, 1999).

These trends suggest that for many organizations, a strategic learning should be to ensure that employees believe they have ample opportunities to learn and grow. Companies need to provide developmental opportunities, and be sure that current and prospective employees are aware of those opportunities, in order to attract, motivate, and retain employees.

As part of the planning process, leaders should clarify their company’s core set of strategic learning imperatives. Strategic learning imperatives are high-level, learning-related actions that an organization must take to ensure continued success. They should be based on an understanding of the business environment, an awareness of company aspirations, and insights about various training and learning options. Collectively, they can provide a sense of direction and serve as a high-level road map to guide an organization’s learning and training efforts.

In the current business environment, employee and corporate loyalty are generally low (Hall & Mirvis, 1995). Most employees no longer expect to spend their career with a single employer. Similarly, most employers reluctantly admit that they cannot expect their employees to work for them for thirty years. On a personal level, there is a growing recognition that to have a successful career, one needs to build competencies continually.

To remain marketable, employees need to acquire new skills and knowledge, whether through training, new experiences and assignments, or interactions with others. Employees who do not feel they are growing in their current job are more likely to leave. This is particularly true for employees who possess the most valuable competencies, because they have a range of employment choices. As a result, companies need to assess how their employees feel about the growth and learning opportunities they offer.

  • Do employees feel they have sufficient opportunities to develop?
  • Are they receiving the training they need?
  • Are they receiving challenging, interesting assignments?
  • Do they feel competent and capable?
  • Are they ready and able to cope with change?
  • Do they believe that someone cares about their personal growth?
  • Has anyone talked with them about their career?

This type of assessment is different from evaluating whether a particular training program is effective. To address this strategic imperative, employers must know how their employees perceive their personal development.

Many organizations are reconsidering their investments in human resource practices such as training as they begin to recognize that the knowledge, skills, and competencies of their employees will help employees achieve more positive work outcomes. Organizations such as Motorola, Southwest Airlines, and Sun Microsystems have devoted considerable expense to training, whether provided by in-house personnel or out-of-house experts.

They use training to facilitate learning but also to attract and retain employees, improve their culture, and create incentives for good performance. Yet although there is no widespread systematic evaluation of the effectiveness of training, trainers are still responsible for making sure that employees have a positive ‘gut feeling” that the training works and makes good use of their time.

Training effectiveness refers to the processes that occur before, during, and after training to improve the likelihood that it will have an impact. Training evaluation is the measurement of the extent to which it is effective. Historically, most researchers and practitioners have evaluated the impact of training through outcomes proposed by Kirkpatrick (1976), including trainees’ reactions to the program, learning, behavior change, and results.

But the types of outcomes used to evaluate training programs have since been expanded to include cognitive, affective, and motivational outcomes (Kraiger, Ford, & Salas, 1993). Examples of affective and motivational outcomes include posttraining self-efficacy, customer service attitudes, tolerance for diversity, team commitment, and willingness to participate in future training programs.

The real value of training may come not from individual learning but rather from having employees interact and share ideas. This is especially true for companies engaging in knowledge work (pharmaceutical, communications, and engineering organizations, for example), where so-called systems thinking and creativity are critical. Here training is viewed as part of a larger system in the company to create and share knowledge. That system includes technology for communications, delivering training, and sharing and storing knowledge, as well as traditional instructional design issues (Mathieu, Tannenbaum & Salas 1992).

E-learning is a good method that provides an excellent learning environment and facilitates knowledge sharing. E-learning uses the Web or company intranet to deliver instruction. From the trainees’ perspective, e-learning can provide a rich learning environment, complete with learning objectives, feedback, opportunities to practice, and evaluation. Trainees can learn at their own pace. E-learning also has the added advantage of allowing them to share learning, problems, and issues with one another. Learner-learner, instructor-learner, and learner-expert links can be easily established and used to facilitate learning and transfer of training.

Despite calls for making training more strategic, the evidence continues to suggest that companies rely primarily on reaction criteria—so-called smile sheets—for measuring training effectiveness. These include self-report measures collected from trainees immediately after training that ask about their satisfaction with the content, instructor, and learning environment.

Older employees have been found to demonstrate less learning and participation in training programs than younger employees (Colquitt et al., 2000). In a study investigating age differences in the adoption and use of new technology, Morris and Venkatesh (2000) found that younger workers’ decision to use technology was strongly influenced by their attitude toward using it. This suggests that programs training employees to use new technologies should emphasize how the new technologies will help employees achieve more positive work outcomes (appeal to younger workers) as well as emphasize the ease of use of the new technology (appeal to older workers).

To motivate older employees trainers should:

  1. Mix trainees of all ages in groups. Encourage employees from different cohorts to talk together and share experiences.
  2. Ask older workers to share their anecdotes and success stories.
  3. Use materials that are based on what the trainees already know.
  4. Emphasize that training is not a remedial activity but rather an important strategic activity for all employees.
  5. Get trainees involved through interaction and discussion.
  6. To counter resistance to change, emphasize the positive benefits of training.
  7. To help older trainees who have not been in a learning situation for several years feel comfortable, personally contact them before the session to introduce it and answer any questions.
  8. Allow trainees time to familiarize themselves with technology (for example, the Web) before using it for training.

Self-efficacy, job involvement, organizational commitment, and career exploration: these are important characteristics that trainees bring with them to training. All have been shown to be related to training motivation (Colquitt et al., 2000; Tannenbaum, & Salas, 1992). Self-efficacy describes an individual’s belief that he or she can successfully organize and perform courses of action to attain certain outcomes. In a training situation, self-efficacy refers to a person’s belief that he or she can successfully learn the content. Self-efficacy has been linked to positive outcomes in many types of training programs. One review found that self-efficacy had moderate to strong relationships with training motivation, declarative knowledge, skill acquisition, and job performance (Colquitt et al., 2000).

Employees tend to behave according to their perceptions of the environment, known as the climate (London & Smither 1999). In training, research suggests that a positive climate for learning and transfer can become very salient and affect behavior. Trainees who report working in a supportive climate are more likely to attend programs and exhibit high levels of motivation to learn (for example, Hall & Mirvis 1995).

Climate refers to the trainees’ perceptions of characteristics of the work environment that influence the use of what they have learned (Kraiger, Ford, Salas 1993), such as manager and peer support, adequate resources, and positive consequences for using the training content. Research clearly demonstrates that the climate for transfer does influence motivation to learn as well as to work (for example, Colquitt et al., 2000).

A business that wants to keep good employees will have to offer competitive salaries along with some kind of health insurance. To motivate and satisfy employees, managers also need to provide them with on and off-the-job training; give them effective job-performance feedback; allow them to participate in decisions affecting the structure and objectives of their jobs; provide opportunities for them to move to higher-paying positions with more responsibility; tell them whether or not they are promotable; and provide them with safe working conditions. While all of these practices constitute “good management,” they have a moral dimension as well (Mathieu, Tannenbaum ; Salas 1992).

Managers and their agents are obliged to follow fair hiring practices, avoiding discrimination against people on grounds of gender, race, age, or disabled status. In the issue of wages, people need to earn enough to care for their human needs at some comfortable level. That would define a minimally just wage, and a business seems obliged to pay it.

All employees are subject to a formal or, certainly in small business operations, informal appraisal process. Large companies customarily establish ranking and rating systems that compare peers in a unit of the business and award merit pay treatment to those who are judged to be doing better jobs and contributing more. The following guidelines have moral force because they affect human beings whose dignity requires that they be treated justly and with the respect due them as persons:

  1. Subordinates need to have clear and concrete objectives set out for the appraisal period, and they need to provide their own input to these objectives.
  2. Employees have a right to feedback on their performance on some regular basis. It would be unfair, for example, to wait until the end of the appraisal period to tell someone that he or she was performing at a poor or unsatisfactory level.
  3. Performance must be measured by valid criteria.
  4. Supervisors need to bring adequate anecdotal information on a subordinate’s accomplishments and failures to ranking and rating sessions.
  5. A subordinate whose performance is poor or unsatisfactory has to be made aware of that fact.
  6. Only those people who have had sufficient contact with a person’s performance should have a say in its appraisal.

Training is becoming part of a continuous business model that companies are striving to achieve. Continuous learning may be defined as a directed and longterm effort to learn, a desire to acquire knowledge and skills, participate in activities that facilitate learning, and apply what is learned for personal and organizational benefit (London ; Smither, 1999). Changes resulting from training are reinforced by a supportive organizational climate. If supervisors are supportive of employees trying out new skills, provide opportunities to practice, and give time off to attend refresher courses or other relevant courses, transfer of training is enhanced.

As the workplace continues to diversify, organizations will have to make a choice: either ignore this trend and continue business as usual or take steps to prepare for diversity. Ignoring demographic changes may cause such problems as an inability to attract and retain minority employees or a hostile work environment. This will increase the risk of litigation. In contrast, organizations that work to change or create organizational practices and policies that support a diverse workforce may not only minimize exposure to discrimination lawsuits but also realize the benefits of the creativity and problem-solving capabilities that a diverse workforce can provide.

This work has outlined a systematic approach to training, based on both the training literature and current best practices in training. If training becomes a part of the overall business model, then specific objectives should be developed to guide content and process, as well as the evaluation strategy. An effective training initiative will not only increase awareness of the issues but enable employees to interact more effectively with people, and motivate them to search for ways to improve their work.


  1. Buckingham, M., ; Coffman, C. (1999). First break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do. New York: Simon & Schuster.
  2. Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., Noe, R. A. (2000). ‘Toward an integrative theory of training motivation: A meta-analytic path analysis of 20 years of research.’ Journal of Applied Psychology, 85.
  3. Hall, D. T., & Mirvis, P. H. (1995). Careers as lifelong learning. In A. Howard (Ed.), The changing nature of work (pp. 323–361). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  4. Kraiger, K., Ford, J. K., Salas, E. (1993). ‘Application of cognitive, skillbased, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation.’ Journal of Applied Psychology, 78.
  5. London, M., & Smither, J. W. (1999). Career-related continuous learning: Defining the construct and mapping the process. In G. R. Ferris (Ed.), Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management 17 (pp. 81–120). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  6. Mathieu, J. E., Tannenbaum, S. I., & Salas, E. (1992). ‘Influences on individual and situational characteristics on measures of training effectiveness.’ Academy of Management Journal, 35.

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New employee for McDonalds

Table of contents

To begin with, I’m going to evaluate the effectiveness of the documents which I used in my recruitment process. I’m going to discuss how the documents contribute overall to the organisation, management and conduct of the interview and the process of making a selection decision. I’m going to talk about each document and describe how it is an advantage or disadvantage to use that specific document when recruiting an new employee.

I’m also going to talk about the problems that could be caused without having the documents during the recruitment process and the importance of them. At first I had to consider the type of documents that were required when recruiting a new employee for McDonalds. I had to make a variety of documents that would all help to get the ideal shift manager to work at McDonalds. This is why I had to ensure I did my best when creating the five different documents. I’m going to write about each document and the advantage and disadvantage of each one of them.

Job Advert

When designing my job Advert I had to ensure that I used all the correct information that was required to be shown to the members of the public. I had to make sure I included the job role, where the job is based, the hours of work, how to apply and the experience that I required for the shift manager. The job advert is the start of the process of documents that are used to help find the correct recruit after the whole process. I’m going to discuss the advantage and disadvantages of this document which I used for the recruitment process of the shift manager. Read about 

McDonald’s quality assurance.


By using this type of document when recruiting for McDonalds, you can appeal to a much wider audience; get a bigger cross section of people from different backgrounds. Another advantage is that it really helps to fill lots of vacancies fast therefore the shift managers job role is very important and needs to be filled quickly by advertising it in different areas it attracts people, it also helps with any competition, if your advert is good etc. Disadvantages You can prove expensive for some smaller companies although McDonalds are a huge company so it doesn’t always apply to them.

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Advertising a good job such as a management role means you’ll get everyone applying for it, even if they aren’t qualified to do the role, which is time consuming having to sift them out which is why it needs to be so specific, so it doesn’t waste the time when short listing. Job description When creating the job description for the job role of the Shift manager, I had to consider the roles and responsibilities that they had to take on everyday. It was important that I included as much as possible to eliminate people who didn’t fit the criteria, and didn’t have the relevant qualifications and skills required. Read also about S amsung competitive advantage

I made sure I included as much as I could relating to the hours of work, the basic job and what was expected of them, so that the chosen recruit would know what to expect. I’m going to write about the advantage and disadvantage of using a job description.


The advantage of using a job description as one of my documents for the recruitment process at McDonalds meant that its a lot easier to compare potential candidates to it, by helping with the selection process. It also allows possible candidates to compare themselves with the job.

It is also an legal requirement and allows candidates to know the relevant information needed about what the job involves and the responsibilities they will have before applying for the job role. It therefore it makes it a lot easier for myself to draw up a relevant job advert, which had relevant information on it and allowed me to obtain candidates who could the necessary tasks.


The disadvantages of using the job description as a document when recruiting means, that there is a high chance you can lose an ideal candidate for another type of job within the job. You may also be interested in Ansoff Matrix McDonalds

It also means that a recruit may have skills in a certain area on the job description but they can’t carry out a particular task therefore they don’t apply meaning you may have lost a good candidate. Application form It was important to give out application form McDonalds for the potential recruit to fill out to find out background information about the person who is applying for the job. It also meant that I was able to see their previous work place, and what type of skills they had, by using application forms there is advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages All application forms are the same for the applicants to fill out so it makes it a lot easier to scan and compare information on the different employees. By using an application form it mean that I could get all the information I need to know in order to schedule an interview. It is also beneficial to see what educational qualifications they have to plus work experience to see if they had the experience requested. It is also great to learn more about the person. Also read about factors affecting globalization

Disadvantages There are disadvantages to using application forms, is that applicants don’t have the space like they do on a CV, (although cover letter’s and CV’s were also aloud which also added). Therefore the applicant can’t write much about themselves so as the recruiter you don’t know a great deal about them as its just cold facts on paper . It’s also know so great as people could lie and then they don’t know its true because they are only filling out the form.

CV/ Cover letter When recruiting an new employee it’s important that you receive a CV and cover letter from them to find out their specific qualification and what previous jobs the have had, if they have completed any awards and their current skills. For the job role of the shift manager it was specifically requested what was expected of them, therefore on the CV’s and cover letters being handed in they should have all consisted of the expectations before receiving an interview.

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Motivating and Rewarding Employee Performance

Motivating and Rewarding Employee Performance

  • Mars Model A model outlines the four factors that influence an employee’s voluntary behavior and resulting performance. The motivation, ability, role perceptions and situational factors.
  • Motivation The forces within a person that affects his or her direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior.
  • Ability Consists of both the natural aptitudes and learned capabilities required to succesfully complete a task.
  • Role Perceptions Employees who feel engaged in their jobs not only have the necessary motivation and competencies to perform their work but also understand the specific tasks assigned to them.
  • Situational Factors Include conditions beyond the employees immediate control that constrain or facilitate his or her behavior and performances. Motivating Employee: A Three-Part Process Part 1: Managing Motivation through Drives and Needs
  • Drives Instinctive tendencies to seek particular goals or maintain internal stability. Needs Mostly conscious deficiencies that energize or trigger behaviors to satisfy your needs.
  • Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory A motivation theory of needs arranged in a hierarchy, whereby people are motivated to fulfill a higher need as a lower one becomes gratified. Four-Drive Theory A motivation theory based on the innate drives to acquire, bond, learn and defend that incorporates both emotions and rationality.
  • Drive to Acquire This is to seek, take, control and retain objects and personal experiences. Drive to Bond This is to drive to form social relationship and develop mutual caring and commitments w/ others.
  • Drive to Learn This is to drive to satisfy our curiosity, to know and understand ourselves and the environment around us.
  • Drive to Defend This drive creates a “fight-or-flight” response in the face of personal danger. Part 2: Managing Motivation through Goals, Expectations and Feedback
  • Goal Setting and Feedback The process of motivating employees and clarifying their role perceptions by establishing performance objectives.

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