Employment law
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
To understand why employment laws were developed, let’s look at a prominent, tragic incident in labor history.
1) Read/watch a description of the event. Here are some possible sources:
Small, D. (Editor). (2011, March 20). Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist fire [Television series episode]. In M. Teel (Producer), CBS News Sunday Morning. New York, NY: CBS Interactive Inc. (This runs about 7 minutes.)
Writch, J. (Producer). (2011). Triangle fire [DVD]. (This was originally published by PBS, but it isn’t available on the website now. This 1-hour video is running at:
Industrial Relations School. (2017). Remembering the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire. Cornell University.
(This has a set of materials about the event.)
https://www.c-span.org has several programs about this event. Just type “Triangle Shirtwaist Fire” into the search box.
You may be able to locate other sources if you have difficulty with the above links.
2) Analyze the material. Note the business reasons that led to the conditions. Note also the perceptions about employers and employees and the issues of equity, voice, and efficiency. When you have finished reviewing the material, in the Week 2 discussion forum, post one example of equity, voice, or efficiency illustrated in the event and discuss whether it is an issue today.