Nuclear Energy And Producing Electrical Energy

As the need for electricity increases through time, it’s important to find options for future complications. Nuclear power has both negative and positive attributes in producing electrical energy. Despite the negative, I believe it’s a good choice to make for when we can no longer depend on other sources such as natural gas because it is cheaper and more “green”. Of course, there are other sources that could also be considered such as wind power, solar power, or coal. In my opinion, these are not as superior as nuclear power for several reasons.

As global warming becomes a bigger concern, options such as natural gas and coal are eliminated because of environmental hazards. This leaves wind power, solar power, and nuclear power. Wind power and solar power are not bad options. In fact, they are probably the smartest and most “green” inventions for producing electricity. Like most things, however, they have a few flaws. For example, in a CNBC news article, “Primer: Nuclear Power” it stated that wind power and solar power produces the least amount of energy for the highest price.

Another article, “Nuclear Power is Nuclear” said wind power is not only expensive but also dangerous to birds. The article said a proximately 75,000- 250,000 birds die each year by crashing into the spinning generator! With knowing that both wind power and solar power are cost-defective and knowing that coal and natural gas is harmful to the environment, what makes nuclear energy so great? Well, from an economic standpoint, nuclear energy is the cheapest to produce and produces the most.

Nuclear plants now produce electricity for 1. 76 cents per kilowatt-hour, compared to 2. 47 cents for coal or 6. 78 cents for natural gas. ” (Primer: Nuclear Power). As for the environment and people, it is a very safe process (in most cases) and does not produce global warming. Some people, like me, might have corresponded nuclear weapons to nuclear energy, which might have put you to look at nuclear energy from a negative perspective. But knowing and understanding how it works, shows that it is safer then you may expect.

However, if an accident would occur it wouldn’t be very good because of radiation poisoning that could spread and can cause a lot of cancers and other defects and diseases. Although the chances of this happening are very small and hopefully through time safety will progress. With these facts and statistics, nuclear power shows a cleaner and cheaper way for producing electricity in the future. With nuclear energy only being 20% of our power, hopefully nuclear plants would increase as well as their safety.

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What Will Our 2040 Energy Future Look Like

Energy is a fundamental part of our lives; however, can we continue to rely on fossil fuels? By 2030 global energy demand will be 40% higher and there are also growing concerns over increased greenhouse gas emissions and the resultant warming of our planet which causes us to ask questions about whether our current energy supply is truly sustainable. The UK is running out of energy, without massive investment in new power plants there will be regular black outs in 10 years.

There are several factors to consider when evaluating different primary energy resources; these include economic, environmental, political and social implications. However, the most important factors to consider would be economic viability (which is particularly significant due to the UK’s current economic situation) and environmental sustainability. In this essay I will be looking at these factors in order to try and come up with the most sensible solution to the growing energy problem in our country and therefore what primary energy resource should be developed to solve it.

Natural Gas

Natural gas is a major source of electricity generation through the use of gas turbines and steam turbines. It burns more cleanly than other hydrocarbon fuels, such as oil and coal, and it also produces less carbon dioxide. For an equivalent amount of heat, burning natural gas produces about 30% less carbon dioxide than burning petroleum and about 45% less than burning coal. Gas from the North Sea has provided Britain with a regular supply since the mid 1960s when the first discoveries were made. However, UK supplies from the North peaked in 1999, since when production has fallen by around half (see graph to the right). The trade secretary says that the UK is now a net importer of gas – this growing dependence on imports means increasing vulnerability to rising prices and instability in gas-producing regions. Also the CO2 emissions are still significant so you can’t consider this energy resource as completely ‘clean’. Gas fracking in the UK is a very controversial issue, especially after the recent earthquakes at test drilling sites near Blackpool.


33% of our current energy sources come from coal; it is well established, cheap and reliable. However economically viable UK coal will run out in 10-15 years and is already expensive to mine. Half the coal used in the UK is now imported. The huge environmental implications involved with coal also remain to be a concern – there are high emissions of CO2 and SO2 (which causes acid rain.) Earlier this year the government invested £1 billion in cleaner technologies, in particular carbon capture technologies which prevent CO2 from escaping into the atmosphere. “The potential rewards from carbon capture and storage are immense: a technology that can de-carbonise coal and gas-fired power stations and large industrial emitters, allowing them to play a crucial part in the UK’s low carbon future” says Ed Davey, Energy and Climate Change Secretary. However this still remains to be a controversial strategy as some say that carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is in its infancy and does not work yet.

Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity – it provides about 20% of the UK’s energy, utilising 16 operational nuclear reactors at nine plants. Nuclear power is the primary source of electric power in France; 76% of France’s electricity comes from nuclear power, the highest percentage in the world. France’s nuclear power industry has been called “a success story” that has put the nation “ahead of the world” in terms of providing cheap, CO2-free energy. The main positive environmental implication is that it creates minimal CO2 emissions after construction and therefore it isn’t contributing to global warming however this shouldn’t indicate that it is environmentally friendly; there are high levels of radioactive waste involved and the Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011) incidents raise concern over nuclear disasters.

After the 2011 Fukushima incident, the head of France’s nuclear safety agency said that France needs to upgrade the protection of vital functions in all its nuclear reactors to avoid a disaster in the event of a natural calamity, which will inevitably increase the cost of electricity. There are further negative economic implications as there are high costs of building and decommissioning reactors. Planning and building a power station takes at least 10 years so this will not help meet Kyoto agreements. However a positive economic implication is that Nuclear energy is not as vulnerable to fuel prices fluctuations as oil and gas. There are several pros and cons to nuclear power which makes it a controversial matter; all of the above points would have to be considered if this resource would be developed over the next 20 years.


This is the most widely used form of renewable energy, accounting for 16 percent of global electricity consumption but just over 2% of the UK’s current consumption. Natural flow hydro is reliant on rainfall and vulnerable to drought which is ideal for the UK. There are no CO2 emissions involved and no vulnerability to fuel prices or political instability and is very cheap once the dam has been built. In theory this sounds like the ideal option for the UK to develop over the next 20 years however in practice there are several negative implications involved. For instance, hydropower projects on mega dams in China have caused species extinction and serious water pollution issues. The three gorges dam in China has had many negative impacts; huge areas of land has been flooded resulting in a large scale relocation of people, villages etc. This case study indicates that a large scale hydropower system within the UK would not be completely sustainable.

The Three Gorges Dam


Oil only accounts for 1.2% of the UK’s energy consumption and although it is a reliable technology and well established it has many negative implications with it. It is a finite stock resource – many oilfields are depleting; meaning production has peaked and prices will rise (price instability). This has also led to searching for unconventional reserves of oil e.g. in the Arctic. There could be 16 billion barrels of oil in Alaska and big oil TNCs are keen to extract it from this fragile wilderness which causes many harsh environmental impacts. The oil industry has a large dependence on politically unstable regions which causes many problems; the recent Arab spring conflict in Libya meant there were no exports of oil from this major producer. As well as creating a lot of CO2 emissions which contributes to global warming a major environmental implication is oil spills; the deep water horizon oil spill disaster caused extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats and to the Gulfs fishing and tourism industry.


Biofuels are crops or organic matter such as agricultural wastes which can be used as fuels. They are defined as renewable because they are based upon plants which have trapped the sun’s energy during photosynthesis and converted it into chemical energy. In the UK it accounts for 0.6% of energy consumption – there are only a few facilities burning Biofuels such as waste wood products and straw that are already operating. Energy crops could be grown in the UK, but some will not be cost effective unless yields improve. These energy costs are considered to be carbon neutral because carbon released when crops are burned is balanced by carbon absorbed from the atmosphere during growth. One of the main issues concerned with Biofuels is that it uses up a lot of land which could be used for other things such as growing crops – there is a link between the spread of Biofuels across the world and rising food prices.

Brazil is considered to have the world’s first sustainable Biofuels economy and is the Biofuel industry leader; the UK could learn a lot from Brazil’s 37-year-old ethanol fuel program which is based on the most efficient agricultural technology for sugarcane cultivation in the world. This program has led to there no longer being any light vehicles in Brazil running on pure gasoline which has huge environmental benefits. However, again Biofuels cannot be considered completely environmentally friendly as you need to take into account the direct and indirect effect of land use changes; Brazil and other developing countries convert land in undisturbed ecosystems, such as rainforests, savannas, or grasslands to Biofuel production. Some experts call bioethanol “deforestation diesel”.


Wind is a key renewable resource that is not vulnerable to fuel price fluctuations. Turbines are emission free and quick to build, with the costs of building them decreasing. The UK is very suited to wind farms – some say that the UK has the best wind resources in Europe. The UK is ranked as the world’s eighth largest producer of wind power; at the beginning of March 2012 the installed capacity of wind power in the United Kingdom was 6,580 megawatts with 333 operational wind farms and 3,506 wind turbines. However, even though it is a leading producer, wind power only accounts for 0.5% of our energy consumption therefore there is a large amount of room for development. There are several issues with this source of energy to be considered; it uses up a lot of land which inevitably leads to NIMBYISM issues – there is local opposition and concerns about the noise pollution and the impact on the landscape. This energy source is also intermittent as wind levels fluctuate.


Solar is also a key free and renewable energy source. It can generate electricity from photovoltaic cells, be used to heat water directly, or be maximised by good building design. Spain is one of the most advanced countries in the development of solar energy however it is one of the European countries with the most hours of sunshine. This suggests that this source of energy would not be right for the UK as the UK sunshine is unreliable and limited. Solar power is also confined to daylight hours unless photovoltaic cells are used to store power in batteries. The solar power industry within the UK is developing however the potential may not be big enough for it to be developed further in the UK in my opinion.

Wave and Tidal

This has large potential in some parts of the UK and is a key renewable resource. However there are large development costs and it is still in the research stage with technology not being completely developed yet. There are also environmental issues involved with wave and tidal power; the barrier will act as a physical barrier to fish movements to spawning grounds etc. The wave and tidal barriers will also detract from the visual beauty of the coastline.


In this essay I have evaluated the pros and cons of several forms of primary energy which have the potential to be developed within the UK over the next 20 years. I have considered the environmental, political, social and economic implications of each in order to try and come up with the most sustainable option for the UK’s future.

Forms of renewable energy seem to be the most obvious choice to be developed in the UK with the ever increasing concerns over global warming and climate change. The environmental impacts involved with using natural gas, coal, nuclear energy and oil all seem to be too big for them to be considered. The political impacts concerned with oil in particular is a strong indication of an energy resource that should be avoided by the UK; oil is already making a small and declining contribution to electricity generation in our country.

With the focus being, in my opinion, on renewable energy it leaves the controversial decision over what particular primary energy source should be developed. At first glance, maximising the potential of hydropower seems to be the most sensible option as this is already having the largest contribution to our energy consumption out of all the renewables. However, much of the UK’s hydropower potential has already been exploited with large scale future development unlikely. I also believe that solar power isn’t the right renewable energy to go for as the UK’s climate is simply not suitable enough for it to have a large impact on our growing energy consumption. Wave and tidal energy does however have large potential in the UK however I am worried that due to its early stage in development it would need massive investment for it to reach its potential; this I believe would not be economically viable in the UK considering our current economic climate.

This leaves me with wind power. I believe that this should be the energy resource that should be further developed over the next 20 years for several reasons; it is currently the fastest growing renewable in the UK and there is already heavy government backing to support it. There are little environmental impacts to be considered and with costs falling it is also economically viable. NIMBYISM objections can also be solved with the development of off-shore wind farms further out to sea, for example the world’s biggest offshore wind farm off Kent with the 100 turbines being expected to generate enough electricity to power 200,000 homes. The success of this particular development will in my opinion become a catalyst for further development of more wind farms in the UK and will hopefully help solve the growing energy problem in our country.

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Water Molecules

I love to travel and can be found In every home in the United States. I can change into many different shapes and can go almost anywhere If I am given the chance. My story starts in a well in my back yard at my home. I come from an underground aquifer. I can travel through the pipes into my kitchen faucet. I have many uses. I can be hot, warm or even cold. I can be mixed with dish soap in the kitchen sink or ran through a dishwasher to clean the dishes.

I can wash clothes or be used to cook with. I can be mixed with something or drank plain. There are a lot of foods made with me. I am used for many things. People clean with me. Drink me and cook with me. I travel swiftly and In many shapes. I also can rise Into the clouds and evaporate Into a gas. It starts to rain. I fall down to earth. I lay in puddles. The plants soak me up. Rain barrels fill with me in them and the animals drink me. Plants and animals cannot survive without me. I make the plants and grass grow.

After lying on top of the soil for a while, what does not evaporate soaks into the soil. I am now groundwater traveling through the ground. I make my way back Into the underground aquifer and back Into my well. This Is a never ending process. I start my cycle all over again. I am used many times thru out the day. I go through my cycle over and over each day and night. Everyone needs me. Not everyone has easy access to me. Some people have easy access at their homes while others have to buy water or walk for miles to attain enough water to survive.

In many cases water is being wasted. Hydrogen bonding holds water molecules together. At 32 degrees the kinetic energy is so low that the water freezes. When the temperature rises the kinetic energy thaws and we then have liquid water again. When the molecules absorb energy from the sunlight evaporation takes place and this is called water vapor which is the gas state. References: Wright, r. , & bores, d. (2014). Water: Hydrological Cycle and Human use. Environmental Action.

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Potential Impact Study of Renewable Energy Resources on Power Transformer

Chapter One Introduction to Topic CHAPTER I 1. 1Introduction: India is one of the developing countries & at the same times a fastest rising economy in the world. India along with the BRIC countries is considered as the back bone of the world’s economy. This attraction is partially due to the lower cost of manpower and good quality production. India is now the eleventh largest economy in the world, fourth in terms of purchasing power. It is poised to make tremendous economic strides over the coming years, with significant development already in the planning stages. For development of a country, infrastructure plays a vital role.

With the opening of the Indian economy in 1990, many multinational / transnational companies were eager to invest in India. India being the second largest population of the world is the largest market for foreign multinationals. For this reason development of the infrastructure was need of the hour for the economy. ENERGY development is the key aspect of infrastructure development & demand of the developing economy. Moreover, fulfilling the energy requirement of ever growing population is herculean task. The infrastructure deficit in India is immense & India is power stressed.

The increasing vibrancy and flexibility of the Indian economy is not matched by the power sector. India was heavily relied on Conventional energy resources like thermal energy. The conventional energy development mainly depends on availability of resources like oil, coal, coke etc. Even nuclear power generation depends on availability of uranium & platinum. Conventional energy generation also results in higher carbon emission & pollution. Destroying the wastes from the conventional energy generation is the major task ahead of the country. Renewable energy Resources give the best possible solution for this problem.

Renewable energy resources can be defined as the energy resources which can be replenished, as & when they are consumed e. g. solar, wind, small hydro power, biogas etc. Knowing the potential of this form of energy resources, Indian government established a separate ministry for Renewable energy resources in 2006. Perhaps, India is the only country having separate ministry for renewable energy. Since then renewable energy market is an upcoming market in Indian power sector. With boom in the renewable energy market, there is also a rise in demand for related manufacturing equipment industries.

Transformer is one of such equipments required in power systems for transmission of power. Our aim in this project is to make a Market Potential Impact Study for transformer for renewable energy markets. 1. 2Research Methodology: The first and a very important step in market research is formulating a research problem. It is the most important stage as if the problem is wrongly defined the subsequent stages will be of no good for the purpose for which the research is being conducted, at the same time the problem must not be defined too broadly or too narrowly.

In this Project we are identifying the gap in the organizations portfolio of Transformer Business in India. We have identified that organization has no presence in the low voltage, distribution class transformer markets in India. Looking at the growth rate of Renewable energy markets and governments initiative towards the renewable energy, our main objective is to ascertain its impact on transformer business. Identifying sources of information There are two type of data resources used for the research primary and secondary data sources. Primary research data :

Primary research involves getting original data directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that did not exist before it is designed to answer specific questions of interest to the business. • One to one interaction: Idea generation of the project is drawn from the one to one interaction with the experienced colleagues and trusted associates. • Casual Interviews: Casual interviews are the unstructured interviews. Casual interactions with the seniors, discussions with the vendors are one of the sources of primary data. • Brainstorming:

Brainstorming is the casual interaction with experts. Experts are allowed to discuss freely on a particular subject. Their newly generated ideas are registered. There may not be any time duration for such sessions. • Observations: • Existing customer enquiries & their feedbacks: Many times customer enquiries can give us the data we required. The feedbacks from the existing customers are also helpful for idea generation. Secondary research data : Secondary data is the pre- existing data, already available through books, previous researches, organizations, government documents, journals, news papers etc. Trade magazines, Journals: There are various trade magazines in power sector available. IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association), Powerline magazines, ITMA (Indian Transformer’s Manufacturing Association) are some of the related associations. These associations are also working on the Renewable Energy Resources. • Newspapers: News papers are always giving the updates about the new trends, ideas, research going on around the world around. • Internet articles, websites: Internet is the huge pool of data available for secondary research.

Various search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. are useful for finding the relevant data. Websites of various Private & government PSU’s are the sources of data. Websites of PGCIL, IEEMA, ITMA, Wind Power Associations, Wind mill solution manufacturer’s, statistical agencies are of immense help. • Books: Books are always the sources of the technical data. • Statistics agencies; The statistical agencies like India Securities ltd. , which are doing their own research in various industries, are the sources of secondary data. • Government resources:

Government organizations like PGCIL, SEB’s, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Resources are the sources of data. • Manufacturing associations: Indian Transformer Manufacturing Association (ITMA), Windmill manufacturing associations are some of the manufacturing associations, which are used as the sources of secondary data. Gathering the existing data & checking its authenticity is an important step in the research design. After the process of data gathering information, the data was tabulated and analyzed through graphs & bar charts as discussed in chapter 4 of this report. . 3Objectives: • To study the current status of renewable energy market within India. Our study will mainly concentrate on Wind Energy & Small Hydro Projects (SHP). • To ascertain the market potential for renewable energy up to 2030 & study the strategic locations of renewable energy generation within India. Find out the trends in Power sector. • To study the specifications & the categories of the transformers required for renewable energy transmission. • Establish the relationship between the volumes of transformer business due to renewable energy market. To study the present organization set-up, this can be utilized for renewable energy transformers. 1. 4Limitations of the study: There are following limitations for the research: • The primary research was limited due to wide spread of consumers. 80% of the transformer business is from the Public utilities, state electricity boards. Most of the sites are in remote places. Hence data collection is time consuming. It is very difficult to get the responses from such wide spread customers in limited time.

For this research we mainly concentrated on customer feedbacks & experiences of previous telephonic conversations. • The secondary research is mainly concentrated on the data available through government resources. This is due to the fact that majority of the decision making & forecasting is done at the central government level. As there is increase in Private participation in recent years, there is limited amount of data available for it. 1. 5Conclusion: India is developing with the rapid pace; it implies heavy investments in infrastructure.

Energy generation is the key aspect for the infrastructure growth of the country. With the government’s initiative towards clean energy development, Renewable energy sector is booming. Due to Renewable energy development, there is also increase in the private participations in power plants implementations. This scenario is conducive for the demand of the transformers required for small power projects (private as well as public). In this project we will be concentrating on impact potential study of Renewable energy on power transformers.

This will be helpful for the organization for initiating the low power, low voltage, distribution transformer’s business in India. We will ascertain its feasibility in the subsequent chapters starting with the organization’s profile. Chapter Two Company Overview CHAPTER II SIEMENS Ltd. 2. 1HISTORY: Siemens was founded in Berlin by Werner von Siemens in 1847. As an extraordinary inventor, engineer and entrepreneur, Werner von Siemens made the world’s first pointer telegraph and electric dynamo, inventions that helped put the spin in the industrial revolution.

He was the man behind one of the most fascinating success stories of all time – by turning a humble little workshop into one of the world’s largest enterprises. As Werner had envisioned, the company he started grew from strength to strength in every field of electrical engineering. From constructing the world’s first electric railway to laying the first telegraph line linking Britain and India, Siemens was responsible for building much of the modern world’s infrastructure. Siemens is today a technology giant in more than 190 countries, employing some 440,000 people worldwide.

Our work in the fields of energy, industry, communications, information, transportation, healthcare, components and lighting has become essential parts of everyday life. While Werner was a tireless inventor during his days, Siemens today remains a relentless innovator. With innovations averaging 18 a day, it seems like the revolution Werner started is still going strong. 2. 2Corporate Overview: Siemens Ltd. in India The Siemens Group in India is a unique player in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.

We have the capability to integrate diverse products, systems and services into turnkey solutions across the life- cycle of a project. Innovation is our strength. But it’s not the only one. Our customers also know that they can rely on us to execute quality projects, while delivering value. In all areas of our operation, we provide the complete range of offerings. • In the Energy sector, our expertise ranges from power plants to turbines. • Industry sector, we build airports, as well as produce contactors. • In Transportation, we deliver complete high-speed trains, right down to safety relays. In Lighting, we illuminate large stadiums and also manufacture small light bulbs. • In Healthcare, we execute complete solutions for hospitals, as also provide “in- the canal” hearing aids. • And, the thread that connects all our businesses is Information technology. Siemens Ltd is the flagship listed company in India. Siemens in India, which comprises 20 legal entities, is a leading provider of industry and infrastructure solutions with a business volume aggregating about Rs 11,800 crore, as on September 2008. It operates in the core business areas of Industry, Energy and Healthcare.

It has nation-wide Sales and Service network, 20 manufacturing plants, a network of around 500 channel partners and employs about 17,200 people. 2. 3BUSINESSES: Organizational Chart Power Transmission & Distribution High Voltage Energy Automation Medium Voltage Transformers Services At Siemens, end-to-end products, systems and solutions for industrial and building automation as well as infrastructure installations are provided. These turnkey solutions cover project management, engineering and software, installation, commissioning, after-sales service, plant maintenance and training. . 4SECTORS • Energy Sector Siemens consolidates its innovative offerings in the Energy sector by combining its full range expertise in the areas of Power Generation (PG) and Power Transmission & Distribution (PTD). Utilizing the most advanced plant diagnostics and systems technologies, Siemens provides comprehensive services for complete power plants and for rotating machines such as gas and steam turbines, generators and compressors. Power Generation Efficient, reliable, climate-friendly power generation is vital for economic development.

With innovative technologies and products, Siemens is pushing the limits of power plant efficiency and helping strike a viable balance between climate protection, supply security and cost-efficiency in power generation. From simple cycle power plants to combined cycle power plants, steam power plants up to integrated gasification combined cycle plants, Siemens ensures the highest levels of efficiency currently possible throughout the entire power generation process. The wide range of offerings include solutions for the automation of power grids and products such as medium voltage switchgear and components. Compressors • Gas Turbines • Generators • Steam Turbines • Combine cycle power plants • Reference cycle power plants • Steam power plants • Fuel cells • Instrumentation & controls • Renewable power plants Power Transmission & Distribution (PTD) Efficient high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) power transmission lines are indispensable for transporting large amounts of electricity over long distances with minimum loss and thus for transmitting power from renewable energy sources in remote locations to distant consumer centres.

This is where the Power Transmission Division (PTD) of Siemens plays an important role as pioneering technology providers, offering greater reliability and efficiency besides contributing to develop sustainable power supplies. PTD offerings p the entire field of high voltage power transmission, including HVDC transmission systems and products and systems for high-voltage switchgear and transformers. • Power Transmission & Distribution Systems • Arrestors • Energy management • Power network communications • Power transmission system • Protection & substation controls Switchgears • TRANSFORMERS • Healthcare Sector By combining the most advanced laboratory diagnostics, imaging systems and healthcare information technology, Siemens Healthcare division enables clinicians to diagnose disease earlier and more accurately, making a decisive contribution to improving the quality of healthcare The Siemens Healthcare Division is one of the largest suppliers of healthcare technology in the world. It offers solutions for the entire supply chain under one roof – from prevention and early detection through diagnosis and on to treatment and aftercare.

In addition, Siemens Healthcare is the market leader for innovative hearing devices. Laboratory Diagnostics The Diagnostics Division of Siemens is engaged with the business of generating clinical diagnostic test results using tissue and fluid analysis – a process known as in-vitro diagnostics, besides immune diagnostics and molecular analysis. The Division’s solutions range from point-of-care applications to the automation of large laboratories, producing high quality outcomes that save time, money and lives. Diagnostic Imaging and Therapy • Laboratory Diagnostics • Hearing Instruments • Market Specific Solutions • IT Solutions and Services • Financial Solutions • Information & Communication We provide software solutions across the IT service chain, from consulting and system integration to IT infrastructure management in the areas of telecommunications, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, utilities & government. • Communication Services • Fixed and mobile services • Information Technology • Telephone & communication Wireless modules • OSRAM India Pvt. Ltd. (Lighting) OSRAM India Pvt. Ltd. (Lighting)Artificial lighting accounts for a significant portion of today’s CO2 emissions. The use of energy-efficient lamps, LEDs and intelligent light management systems would not just help in bringing down the emission levels but also save significant amounts of energy and money. Siemens provides economical, long-life lighting for every application, including incandescent and fluorescent ones for domestic and industrial lighting.

Offerings include:General Lighting • Automotive Lighting • Electronics and Controls • Display/Optics • Opto Semiconductors • LED Systems • Luminaires • Mobility (Mob) A pioneer of the railway signaling systems in India, Siemens offers products and solutions in railway signaling and safety systems, traffic control and automation, electrification, traction equipment for locomotives and multiple unit system and mass transit vehicles. The product palette also includes rolling stock and auxiliary inverters for air-conditioned passenger coaches.

Fully equipped and backed by trained staff, turnkey projects are undertaken for urban transportation, mass rapid transport projects, traction substations overhead centenary and long distance transmission lines. Portfolio includes: • Railway automation • Rail electrification • Turnkey systems • Metros • Trains and locomotives • Light rail vehicles • Multiple units • Service, maintenance and support for • Building Technologies (BT) Siemens Building Technologies specializes in meeting the growing demand for increased personal safety and more secure public and private infrastructures by electronic security and building automation systems.

A market leader in providing solutions for ‘Intelligent Buildings’, the division offers a range of products and services for security, comfort and efficiency in high-end buildings, and covers the entire chain of offerings from engineering to services. Innovative solutions for Intelligent Buildings • Cross-Sector Business Siemens Information Systems Ltd. Siemens provides software solutions across the IT service chain, from consulting and system integration to IT infrastructure management in the areas of telecommunications, healthcare, manufacturing, public sector, utilities and government • Consumer Products Computers • Cordless Phones and Home Media • Electrical Installation Systems • Hearing Instruments • Home Appliances • Home Security • Home Automation & Asset Management 2. 5Transformer (Product Details) “Bringing the energy safely to the consumer” A basic requirement applicable to all power transformers. However, every single one is unique – designed according to individual factors such as voltage, power, climate, system topography, sound level and many more. Siemens is your partner, who picks up these requirements converting them into convincing solutions with maximum quality.

Power transformers that render their service reliably at site. Cost-efficient and safe throughout decades. Whether for infrastructure systems, industry or households – transformers play a key role for a reliable power supply. As a customer, one quite rightly place the highest demands on reliability, cost-effectiveness and operation time. In more than 100 countries and for more than 100 years, transformers from Siemens are synonymous with top quality – as a result of ideas, knowhow and unequalled experience. Many reasons for reliability

First of all, there is the fulfillment of the quality claim to which Siemens has committed themselves without compromises. Every factory manufacturing Siemens Transformers puts quality management system into practice. And only those transformers that have successfully passed all the comprehensive tests will then go into practical application. Siemens offers a complete service – from advice and design via manufacture, transport and commissioning up to our Transformer Life Management. The right transformer for your task

You need a product that exactly fits your task. Siemens provide the right transformer for every requirement – from compact distribution transformers through to large power transformers with ratings over 1000 MVA. Price Development World-market prices for raw materials and energy are continuously increasing, forcing the manufacturers of high-voltage products and transformers to significant price increases. Thanks to optimized processes and internal cost reduction measures, however, the price adjustment for Siemens products is extremely moderate.

Product Range Only a company that offers a complete product range can really cover all of your requirements. Siemens has put this fact into practice. For every required power, every voltage, every cooling method and every operating mode. • Generator step up transformers • System interconnecting transformers • Phase shifters • Shunt reactors • Transformers for HVDC • GEAFOL cast-resin transformers • Oil distribution transformers and voltage regulators • Special-purpose transformers • Line feeding transformers • Traction transformers pic] [pic] Cast-Resin Tansformers Ditribution transformer [pic] [pic] Power TransformersReactors [pic][pic] HVDC TransformerFurnace Transformers 2. 5SIEMENS Transformer Division in India Siemens has newly set-up a state-of-the-art, power transformers design-and-manufacturing facility in Kalwa, near Mumbai. The factory was started in 4th December 2007. The facility is capable of manufacturing high-voltage direct-current and other special application transformers.

The transformers manufactured by Siemens in India will be identical to those made in Europe, the United States and elsewhere as the technology for these comes from Nuremberg, Germany. The full technology transfer, including the know-how for design and production techniques, has been transferred through documentation as well as the training of Indian personnel in Siemens plants in Germany and elsewhere. The new plant is designed taking into consideration all the experiences gathered from other Siemens plants, which have been in operation for the past several decades.

This makes the plant unique as it applies all the best practices established in other plants – under one roof. The new plant will have 500 employees when it reaches full production capacity. The manpower and production costs account for approximately 15 percent of the sales price in India compared to about 35 percent in developed countries. The new Transformer factory will be able to address the heightened demand for power transmission equipment in the country by designing and manufacturing large transformers of power rating upto 600 MVA and 800 KV voltage class.

The factory will also produce special application transformers such as for HVDC and traction furnace applications. This factory is the latest addition to the prestigious league of 17 Transformer factories of Siemens located world-over. One of the unique features of the factory is that the transformers are manufactured in a dust-free and humidity controlled environment to ensure top class dry windings coming out of a vapour phase oven and tested under tough conditions in fully shielded test-lab. 2. 6SIEMENS IN FUTURE:

Identifying technologies with major growth potential, recognizing technologicalbreakthroughs, anticipating future customer needs and new business opportunities -Siemens experts are doing all of these things in a systematic process designed to make the company a trendsetter in as many business fields as possible. In an increasingly complex business environment marked by ever-shorter product cycles, the major challenge facing companies is how to organize R&D activities in as focused and success-oriented a manner as possible – while simultaneously making optimum use of available funds. Rigorous focus on growth markets of the future

Siemens’ Ten-Point Program was launched at the end of the 1990s to intensify the company’s focus on active portfolio management. To this day, Siemens continues to pursue the strategy defined in the program and achieve its growth targets through organic growth powered by the company’s innovative strengths, as well as through acquisitions, divestments and the formation of startups and joint ventures. In 2005, Siemens launched the Fit4More program to further tailor the strategic development of the company’s portfolio to the growth markets of the future, thus laying the groundwork for sustainable profitable growth.

In addition to defining four pillars – Performance and Portfolio, Operational Excellence, People Excellence and Corporate Responsibility – the program identified urbanization and demographic change as key megatrends that would drive its business in the future. The company’s business portfolio has changed considerably in the past few years. For example, Siemens withdrew completely from the components business (now Infineon and Epcos). Large parts of its telecommunications technology business were funneled into the joint venture Nokia Siemens Networks in 2006.

At the same time, Siemens strengthened its activities in the energy, industry and healthcare fields though extensive acquisitions. In 2006 alone, the company invested more than €6 billion to acquire companies and holdings. The current Fit4 2010 program embodies a rigorous continuation of this strategy, including further portfolio optimization with a focus on the fields of energy and environment, industry and healthcare. Siemens expects to win new orders of around INR 1 trillion in the next three fiscal years 2010 until 2012, which will be generated by government stimulus programs already announced around the world.

Green technologies are expected to account for 40 percent or approximately INR 400 billion of this total, which will significantly increase the share of the company’s revenues from its environmental portfolio in the future. Siemens based this forecast on an initial systematic analysis of the largest stimulus programs. Siemens has continued with its investment plans and focused on strengthening the local manufacturing base. In the last two years, Siemens has added three new factories in Indian energy sector alone. SIEMENS constant focus is to bring world-class and high technology products to India. Chapter Three

Theoretical Framework CHAPTER III 3. 1Energy Scenario in India Energy is the prime mover of economic growth and is vital to the sustenance of a modern economy. Future economic growth crucially depends on the long-term availability of energy from sources that are affordable, accessible and environmentally friendly. India ranks sixth in the world in total energy consumption and needs to accelerate the development of the sector to meet its growth aspirations. The country, though rich in coal and abundantly endowed with renewable energy in the form of solar, wind, hydro and bio-energy has very small hydrocarbon reserves (0. % of the world’s reserve). India, like many other developing countries, is a net importer of energy, more than 25 percent of primary energy needs being met through imports mainly in the form of crude oil and natural gas. The rising oil import bill has been the focus of serious concerns due to the pressure it has placed on scarce foreign exchange resources and is also largely responsible for energy supply shortages. [pic] India has had a negative Energy Balance for decades, which has forced the purchase of energy from outside the country. Based on available energy resources, energy sector can be classified as follows:

Few Definitions: 1. Thermal power generation: At a thermal power station in which the electric generators are steam driven. Water is heated, turns into steam and spins a steam turbine which drives an electrical generator. After it passes through the turbine, the steam is condensed in a condenser and recycled to where it was heated. The steam can be generated using • Fossil fuels like Coal / ignite • Gas • Diesel or Liquid fuel 2. Hydro-Eectric Power Generation: It is nothing but using the power of water currents to generate electric power.

Generally, hydroelectric power is created by directing water flow through a turbine, where the water causes fans to turn, creating the torque needed to drive an electric generator. [pic] 3. Nuclear Power: The energy released from an atom in nuclear reactions or by radioactive decay: esp. the energy released in nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. The radioactive materials like Thorium, uranium are used for energy generation. 4. Wind power It is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy, such as electricity, using wind turbines. Wind power produced about 1. % of worldwide electricity usage;[1][2] and is growing rapidly, having doubled in the three years between 2005 and 2008. 5. Geothermal power (from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat) It is power extracted from heat stored in the earth. This geothermal energy originates from the original formation of the planet, from radioactive decay of minerals, and from solar energy absorbed at the surface. It has been used for space heating and bathing since ancient roman times, but is now better known for generating electricity.

About 10 GW of geothermal electric capacity is installed around the world as of 2007, generating 0. 3% of global electricity demand. 6. Solar power It is the result of converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly with concentrating solar power (CSP), which normally focuses the sun’s energy to boil water which is then used to provide power. The largest solar power plants, like the 354 MW SEGS, are concentrating solar thermal plants, but recently multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants have been built. 7.

Wave power is the transport of energy by ocean surface waves, and the capture of that energy to do useful work like electricity generation 8. Tidal power, sometimes called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into electricity or other useful forms of power. Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than wind energy and solar power Following chart shows the Indian energy scenario in 2005 & as on August 2008. It also shows the potential of various energy sectors by 2030. [pic]

Installed Capacity, by fuel (as on August 31 2008) |Fuel |Installed Capacity (kW) |Share (%) | |Thermal |92691. 83 |63. 42 | | Coal & ignite |76646. 50 |52. 45 | | Gas |13560. 52 |9. 8 | | Diesel & liquid fuels |2484. 81 |1. 70 | |Hydro |36399. 80 |24. 91 | |Renewable |12932. 74 |8. 85 | | Wind |9041. 00 |6. 9 | | Small Hydro |2211. 00 |1. 51 | | Biomss |649. 00 |0. 44 | | Bagasse |973. 00 |0. 67 | | Waste-to-energy |56. 00 |0. 4 | | Solar |2. 74 |0. 00 | |Nuclear |4120. 00 |2. 82 | |Total |146144. 37 |100. 00 | (Source:CEA, Ministry of New & renewable energy. ) Power line magazine- Sept. 008 Since thermal generation is based on burning coal or oil, increases in CO2 emissions, which damage the environment and affect global warming, accompany this growth. As the graph below shows, it also increases the dependence on imports, which will continue into the future unless the policy changes. [pic] [pic] Estimates of Potential Capacities from Renewable Energy Sources (in MWs) (Source: India Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources) [pic] Under this project we will be concentrating on the potential of Renewable Energy Resources-Wind Energy & Small Hydro projects in India. 3. WIND ENERGY: [pic] 3. 2. 1Wind resource potential: The wind power generation in the country is influenced to a great extent by the wind speed and wind power density prevalent at a particular potential location at any given point of time. The wind speed is affected to a large extent by the strong southwesterly monsoons, starting in May-June, and by the weaker northeastern monsoons in the winter months. It has been generally observed that 60-70% of the total wind power generation in the country takes place during June- October when the southwest monsoons are prevalent throughout the country.

According to a latest study, locations having an annual mean wind power density greater than 150 watts/ square meter at 30 meter hub height have been found to be suitable for development of wind power projects. 3. 2. 2Advantages of Wind Power: • It is one of the most environment friendly, clean and safe energy resources. • It has the lowest gestation period as compared to conventional energy. • Equipment erection and commissioning involve only a few months. • There is no fuel consumption, hence low operating costs. Maintenance costs are low. • The capital cost is comparable with conventional power plants. For a wind farm, the capital cost ranges between 4. 5 crores to 5. 5 crores, depending on the site and the wind electric generator (WEG) selected for installation. | |Wind |Fossil Fuel | |Availability |Usable as it exists |Have to be procured and made usable through | | |laborious and environmentally damaging | | | |processes | |Limitation on |Inexhaustible resource |Limited in reserves, expected to be completely| |availability | |exhausted in the coming 60 years | |Transportation |Used where it is available or |Has to be transported from its source site for| | |transported where needed |further processing, exposing the environment | | | |to pollution from accidents | |Environmental |Zero emission |Used in producing electricity, releasing green| |effect of use | |house gasses | |Geo-political |Reduces our reliance on oil, |Over-reliance on oil as a resource has | |implications |safeguarding national security. undermined India’s energy security, e. g. OPEC | | |Allows for self sufficiency. |crises of 1973, Gulf War of 1991 and the Iraq | | |There is no adverse effect on |War of 2003. | | |global environment. The whole | | | |system is pollution free and | | | |environment friendly. | |

The pollution saving from a Wind Energy Generation with an average output of 4,000 kWh per year, savings have been estimated as follows: • Sulphur – dioxide (SO2): 2 to 3. 2 tonnes • Nitrogen – oxide (NO) ; 1. 2 to 2. 4 tonnes • Carbon – dioxide (CO2) : 300 to 500 tonnes • Particulates: 150 to 280 kg. 3. 2. 3The essential requirements for a Wind farm: An area where a number of wind electric generators are installed is known as a wind farm. The essential requirements for establishment of a wind farm for optimal exploitation of the wind are the following: • High wind resource at particular site. • Adequate land availability • Suitable terrain and good soil condition • Maintenance access to site • Suitable power grid nearby • Techno-economic selection of specific turbines • Scientifically prepared layout Resource |Potential (MW) |Installed capacity as on 31st March 2007 (MW) | |Wind |45000 |7092 | |Small hydro |15000 |1975 | |Biomass power / cogeneration |19500 |1184 | |Solar |4-6 kWh/m2/day |2. 74 | | |(20MW/sq. m) | | |Waste-to-Energy |2700 |43 | The sum of these renewable resource potentials, 152,000 MW, is greater than the current total installed energy generating capacity of India. 3. 2. 4Estimated Wind Power Potential in India The wind power potential on a national level, base data collected from 10 states considering only 1% of land availability, is around 46,092 MW. StateGross potential (MW) Andhra Pradesh 9063 Gujarat 7362 Karnataka 7161 Kerala 1026 Madhya Pradesh 4978

Maharashtra 4519 Orissa 1520 Rajasthan 6672 Tamil Nadu 4159 West Bengal 32 TOTAL 46,092 3. 2. 5Manufacturers of Wind Energy Generators (WEGs) |Name |Foreign Collaborator | |Arul Mariamman Textiles Limited |Win World Denmark | |Asian Wind Turbine Pvt. Ltd. |NEG- MICON Denmark | |Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. |Nordex, Denmark | |Das lageway Wind Turbines Ltd. Lagerwey, Netherlands | |Elecon Engineering Company Ltd. |Turbowinds n. v. , Belgium | |Enercon India Ltd. |Enercon GmbH, Germany | |Kirloskar Electric Company Ltd. |Wind Energy Group, UK | |NEPC India Ltd. | | | Poineer Wincon India Ltd. |Wincon, Denmark | |REPL Engineering Ltd. |Bonus Denmark | |Suzlon Energy Ltd. Sudwind Energie Systeme, Germany | |Tackle Wind Energy India (Pvt) Ltd. |Tacke Windenergie GmbH, Germany | |TTG Induatries Ltd. |Husumer, Schiffswerft, Germany | |Vestas RRB |Vestas, Denmark | |Windia Power Ltd. |Nedwind, Netherlands | 3. 2. 6Economics of wind power development • The capital investment generally incurred towards installation of a 1 MW capacity wind farm is to the tune of Rs. 4. 0 crore. • Nearly 85-87% of the capital investment cost is incurred towards the supply, packaging, handling, loading, transportation, unloading, insurance cover, erection and commissioning of the WEGs. • Another 2-3% of the capital cost is incurred towards construction of the foundation of the tower and other associated civil construction units like the metering and control room, foundation for housing the step up transformer etc. • Nearly 1-2% of the capital cost is incurred towards purchase of land and site development. • The cost of land should be valued to the rates prescribed by the District Level Committee (DLC) of the concerned state. The remaining 8-12% of the capital cost is incurred towards purchase of electrical equipment like the step up transformer, controls, OHT line connection to the nearest available grid and other electrical accessories. • The operation and maintenance cost per annum (inclusive of the insurance coverage) amounts to approximately Rs. 7. 00 lakh. • The expected generation of power from the WEGs on an annual basis come to the tune of 2. 5 million KWh after accounting for non operational hours of the machines due to annual repair and maintenance, non availability of cut in wind velocity or wind velocity being higher than the cut off wind velocity at a particular site. • The cost of generation of power is in the vicinity of Rs. 3. 5 / KWh. The power buy back rate varies from state to state. If wheeling is permitted then the power buy back rate can be fairly assumed as the commercial rate prevalent in a state. Wind energy generated is connected to the grid as follows: [pic] At the various stages of transmission, transformers are used for stepping-up or stepping down the voltages. [pic] | | |3. 3 Small Hydro Power: | |3. 3. Introduction | |Hydropower is a renewable, non-polluting and environmentally benign source of energy. It is perhaps the oldest renewable energy technique | |known to the mankind for mechanical energy conversion as well as electricity generation. | |Hydropower represents use of water resources towards inflation free energy due to absence of fuel cost with mature technology characterized | |by highest prime moving efficiency and spectacular operational flexibility. Out of the total power generation installed capacity of 1,48,265 | |MW (April,2009) in the country, hydro power contributes about 25% i. e. 36,877 MW. |3. 3. 2 Hydro Power Project Classification                                | |Hydro power projects are generally categorized in two segments i. e. small and large hydro. In India, hydro projects up to 25 MW station | |capacity have been categorized as Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects. While Ministry of Power, Government of India is responsible for large | |hydro projects, the mandate for the subject small hydro power (up to 25 MW) is given to Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Small hydro | |power projects are further classified as | |Class |Station Capacity in kW | | | |Micro Hydro | |Up to 100 | | | |Mini Hydro | |101 to 2000 | | | |Small Hydro | |2001 to 25000 | | | | 3. 3. 3 Small Hydro Power Programme | |Small Hydro Power ( SHP) Programme is one of the thrust areas of power generation from renewable in the Ministry of New and Renewable | |Energy.

It has been recognized that small hydropower projects can play a critical role in improving the over all energy scenario of the | |country and in particular for remote and inaccessible areas. The Ministry is encouraging development of small hydro projects both in the | |public as well as private sector. Equal attention is being paid to grid-interactive and decentralized projects. | |Aim:    The Ministry’s aim is that the SHP installed capacity should be about 7000 MW by the end of 12th Plan. The focus of the SHP programme| |is to lower the cost of equipment, increase its reliability and set up projects in areas which give the maximum advantage in terms of | |capacity utilisation. | |Potential: An estimated potential of about 15,000 MW of small hydro power projects exists in India.

Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has | |created a database of potential sites of small hydro and 5,415 potential sites with an aggregate capacity of 14,305. 47 MW for projects up to | |25 MW capacity have been identified. | | STATE WISE IDENTIFIED SMALL HYDEL SITES AND POTENTIAL | | | |UP TO 25 MW CAPACITY  (as on 31. 3. 2009) | | | | | |S.

No | |Name of State | |IDENTIFIED NUMBER | |OF SITES  | |Total Capacity | |(in MW) | | | |1 | |Andhra Pradesh | |489 | |552. 29 | | | |2 | |Arunachal Pradesh | |566 | |1333. 4 | | | |3 | |Assam | |   60 | |213. 84 | | | |4 | |Bihar | |   94 | |213. 75 | | |5 | |Chhatisgarh | |164 | |706. 62 | | | |6 | |Goa | |     9 | |    9. 0 | | | |7 | |Gujarat | |292 | |196. 97 | | | |8 | |Haryana | |   33 | |110. 5 | | | |9 | |Himachal Pradesh | |547 | |2268. 41 | | | |10 | |Jammu & Kashmir | |246 | |1411. 2 | | | |11 | |Jharkhand | |103 | |  208. 95 | | | |12 | |Karnataka | |128 | |  643. 6 | | | |13 | |Kerala | |247 | |  708. 10 | | | |14 | |Madhya Pradesh | |  99 | |  400. 8 | | | |15 | |Maharashtra | |253 | |  762. 58 | | | |16 | |Manipur | |113 | |  109. 0 | | | |17 | |Meghalaya | |102 | |  229. 81 | | | |18 | |Mizoram | |   75 | | 166. 4 | | | |19 | |Nagaland | |   99 | | 196. 98 | | | |20 | |Orissa | |222 | |295. 7 | | | |21 | |Punjab | |234 | |390. 02 | | | |22 | |Rajasthan | |   67 | |   63. 7 | | | |23 | |Sikkim | |   91 | |265. 54 | | | |24 | |Tamil Nadu | |176 | |499. 1 | | | |25 | |Tripura | |   13 | |   46. 86 | | | |26 | |Uttar Pradesh | |220 | |292. 6 | | | |27 | |Uttaranchal | |458 | |          1609. 25 | | | |28 | |West Bengal | |203 | |  393. 9 | | | |29 | |A Island | |   12 | |       7. 91 | | | |  | |TOTAL | |               5,415 | |       14,305. 7 | | | | Identification of new potential sites and strengthening of database for already identified sites is an ongoing process. In this direction, | |the Ministry has been giving financial support to state governments/ agencies for identification of new potential SHP sites & preparation of | |state perspective plan. | |3. 3. 4 Small hydro installed capacity and progress | |            The total installed capacity of small hydro power projects (upto 25 MW) as on 31. 03. 009 is 2429. 77 MW from 674 projects and 188 | |projects with aggregate capacity of 483. 23 MW are under construction. | |            While in early 90s, most of the SHP projects were set up in the public sector, from last 10 years or so, most of the capacity | |addition is now coming through private sector projects. Beginning of the 21st century saw near commercialization in the small hydro sector. | |Private sector entrepreneurs found attractive business opportunities in small hydro and state governments also felt that the private | |participation may be necessary in tapping the full potential of rivers and canals for power generation.

The private sector has been attracted| |by these projects due to their small adoptable capacity matching with their captive requirements or even as affordable investment | |opportunities. In line with Government of India policy, 18 states have announced their policy for inviting private sector to set up SHP | |projects. The Government of India announced the Electricity Act in 2003, Electricity Policy in 2005 and Tariff Policy in 2006 to create a | |conducive atmosphere for investments in the power sector. Small hydropower projects are now governed by these policies and the tariff is | |decided by the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) as per the Tariff Policy. | |During the 10th Plan, Following have been year-wise capacity addition from SHP projects. |Year | |Target | |(in MW) | |Capacity addition during the year | |(in MW) | |Cumulative SHP installed capacity | |(in MW) | | | |2002-03 | |80 | |80. 39 | |1519. 28 | | | |2003-04 | |80 | |84. 04 | |1603. 2 | | | |2004-05 | |100 | |102. 31 | |1705. 63 | | | |2005-06 | |130 | |120. 80 | |1826. 3

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Greener Forms of Generating Electricity

A power station is a facility which is used to generate electric power. iAt the center of nearly all power stations is a generator, a rotating machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by creating relative motion between a magnetic field and a conductor. In Bosnia there is a lot of hydro power plants, the biggest ones are: Grabovica, Jablanica, Salkovac, Visegrad etc. There are three different types of power plants, thermal power plants, hydro power plants and solar power plants.

In order to make our lives and the lives of our offspring better, we need to investigate and design new greener ways of converting mass amounts of energy into electricity. Solar power plants use an endless power, which is the sun. Beams from the sun hit mirrors which convert the suns energy into electricity. Approximately, every 7. 2 hours, 3. 6kWh electricity is produced. Solar power is clean and green and it can provide enough energy. However, the downside to this type of power is that it isn’t cheap. Building a single mirror of 3. 8 meters by 1. 6 can cost up to $60. 00.

These mirrors are state of the art which capture the suns light, and turn it into energy. Thermal power plants are bad for the environment because they contribute to global warming by burning fossil fuels. These power plants are still in use today, because they provide a lot of energy and coal is cheap, so it can be burned in large quantities. Most houses today are supplied either by thermal or hydro. Thermal is very bad for the environment and since the industrial revolution kicked in global temperatures have been rising. Another type of power is wind power.

Wind turbines are rotary devices that get provide energy using the air. This type of technology is not to be sniffed at as wind power can sometimes provide more energy than burning coal. There is a downside to this as well. Staying green and using wind powered turbines can cost a lot of money. Staying green and investing in these ideas will matter in the future. By burning excess fossil fuels we are creating green house gasses which are heating up the planet, thus destroying a lot of environments. (2)

In Bosnia, the biggest hydro power plant produces around 170. 00 cubic meters of water that reach speeds of 60 km per hour. This is enough water to fill up around 100. 000 Olympic swimming pools every day. Hydroelectric stations have been up and running for about 100 years, and since been scientists have been searching for a way to harvest the energy better. The main idea behind these power stations is to convert the energy of flowing water into the flow of electrons or electricity. Most hydroelectric stations use either water diverted around the natural drop of the river such as a waterfall or rapids.

In addition to this a damn is also built across the river to raise the river to create the drop needed to provide a force. Water in the higher level is collected in the reservoir, which flows into the pipe called the pen star which carries it down to a turbine water wheel at the lower water level. The water pressure increases as it flows down the pen star, it is this pressure and flow that drives the turbine which is connected to the generator. Inside the generator is the rotor which is spun by the turbine.

Electro magnets are attached to the rotor located within coils of copper wires called a starter. AS the generator rotors spin the magnets, a flow of electrons is created in the coils of the starter. This produces electricity that can be stepped up in voltage through the stations transformers and sent to this transmission lines. The following water the proceeds down the river. Most of our energy comes from the spinning of the rotor of the AC generator in power stations like Nuclear power stations, thermal and hydro power stations.

An AC generator is a device which converts mechanical energy into electricity. The working of an AC generator is based on electromagnetic induction which states that whenever the flux passing through a circuit changes, an EMF is induced in it and a current begins to flow. The direction of this is given by Lenz`s law or Flemings right hand rule. Lenz`s law which is more commonly used states that the direction of the induced current is such as to oppose the very cause producing it. (1)

In our homes we use open electrical circuits which is very important as with them we do not use direct current. If we were to use direct current many more fires caused by electricity would happen and appliances would not function well and they would simple burn out. We need electric circuits for everything, they are what keeps our appliances running safely. Today using thermal power plants is a big problem as it affects many factors. Countries in the EU have to follow certain conduct when it comes to power plants.

For instance Nuclear power plants have to have the right materials, funding etc, thermal power plants have to have filters, can`t produced to many greenhouse gasses etc. the waste that comes out of these plants are often dumped into the rivers or oceans, this kills a lot of marine wildlife which local farmers depend on. These power plants also affect our environment; they can both help and destroy our environment. The waste produced in power plants is often thrown out in the forest, or lakes and seas. On the other hand solar and wind power can help with the environment by providing a clean way to get energy.

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Gummy Bear Experiment

Combustion of Gummy Bears Energy is a concept.? Most definitions of the word energy fail to provide its exact meaning when applied to scientific matters.? In science the word energy is a concept that expresses two measurable properties, heat and work.? Here is the relationship of energy, heat and work: Energy Released=Work Done + Heat Released The Law of Conservation of Energy, derived from centuries of observation and measurement, indicates that energy cannot be created or destroyed. But energy need not stay in one place. Energy can be converted from one form to another and can be created in one place and show up in another.

Remember that energy, in an open system, can do work on the surroundings or supply heat to the surroundings.? When we express energy as the sum of heat and work, we are making a very specific claim concerning these two properties. They are related. The relationship between heat and work is a close one, so close the amount of heat and the amount of work must be expressed with numerical values having the same units. Within limits, energy may be controlled to appear as heat (as we use electric power to dry clothes in a dryer) or work (the same electric power rotating the drum in the same dryer).

Briefly, we define the amount of heat and/or work using two units, the Joule (J), and the calorie. The Joule and the calorie are related as follows: 1 cal = 4. 184J Both units represent quite small increments of energy. We must add 1 calorie of heat to increase the temperature of 1g of water 1 degree Celsius. Our bodies expend about 1J of work with a single heartbeat. For convenience sake, both the Joule and calorie are often expressed in multiples of 1000. We speak of the kilojoule (kj): 1 kJ = 1000J and the kilocalorie (kcal). 1 kcal = 1000 cal Thus we must add 4. 184 kJ of heat to raise the temperature of 100g of water 10 degrees Celsius.

Chemical Reactions and the Production of Energy Heat and Work We learned the foundation of thermochemistry rests on the ability to link the amount of energy released or required to the chemical equation for the specific chemical change. We often experiment under conditions where no work is done on or by the system.? The heat, evolved or required is the change in enthalpy. We use the change in enthalpy of the fuel-consuming chemical reactions to arrive at the energy that would be available. The amount of energy available from a given amount of fuel does not vary with how slow or fast we burn the fuel such as in exercise.

Enthalpy itself is a state property. All materials have enthalpy as an element of their nature. It is the change in this property through chemical processes which concerns us. The oxidation of 0. 5g of glucose yields a certain amount of energy regardless of how slow or fast the reaction takes place.? In the real world (during exercise for example), energy, work and heat, are produced in complex, changing systems. The combustion of a gummy bear shows how a compound is broken down into an element and other compounds in the presence of a catalyst or heat. An organic carbon compound will combine with oxygen to give off carbon dioxide and water.

An exothermic reaction releases different forms of energy. Sugar is a fuel that we use for energy. We can also use it to fuel a chemical reaction. As we heat the Potassium Chlorate this will release O2 gas and leave KCl as it starts to decompose as follows: 2KClO3(s) ? 2KCl(s) + 3O2 (g) This produces oxygen which oxidizes the sugar (glucose) in the gummy bear. This oxidation is incredibly exothermic (-5000 kJmol-1). The reaction is: C6H12O6(s) + 6O2 (g) ? 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O (g) All chemical reactions involve a change in substances and a change in energy.

Neither matter nor energy is created or destroyed in a chemical reaction only changed. This experiment is a decomposition reaction a more complex substance breaks down into its more simple parts. One reactant yields 2 or more products. The presence of oxygen in the decomposition reaction is seen when heat energy is added to potassium chlorate, and its decomposition releases O2 and leaves KCl, when bubbles form. Heat is necessary in this reaction because the excess of oxygen, generated by the decomposition of potassium chlorate, will react with the glucose in a gummy bear, releasing a large amount of energy quickly and dramatically.

When it comes in contact with the oxygen in the test tube some of the sucrose disintegrates and this releases heat energy. The released heat causes the potassium chlorate to release more oxygen and a positive feedback loop develops. The difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions is that endothermic reactions absorb heat, and exothermic give off heat. Dilution of ammonium chloride is an example of an endothermic reaction. This is the active ingredient in chemical ice packs you can obtain in a pharmacy. Other reactions are melting and boiling which also absorb heat to happen, although you may not consider them chemical reactions.

Combustion is a typical exothermic reaction any type of burning. An exothermic reaction occurs if the energy of the bonds formed in the products are stronger (lower energy) than the bonds broken in the reactants. Endothermic reactions require heat. If there is no external source, the reaction gets the heat by cooling to a lower temperature. These reactions are driven by the change in the configuration of the atoms. If the atoms in the product molecules have a less orderly structure than the atoms in the reactants, these reactions will occur even if the cost some energy to happen.

Potassium Chlorate is the oxidizing agent and when it is melted; its decomposition provides an oxygen rich environment. A gummy bear is dropped into the liquid and immediately begins to combust. The heated mixture ignites and oxidizes the sugar in the gummy bear in a violent, exothermic reaction. The gummy bear explodes because the combination of one gummy bear which is composed mostly of sucrose with molten potassium chlorate the gummy bear explodes. A surprising amount of energy is released by the reactants and in the process their atoms and molecules rapidly rearrange to form the products carbon dioxide, water and potassium chloride.

The products of the reaction are H2O (vapor) and CO2. Ideally, a balanced equation would show sucrose (C12H22O11) being converted to carbon dioxide and water while the KClO3 becomes KCl. But the combustion was incomplete and carbon and or carbon monoxide were additional products. Bibliography ” Endo, Exothermic Reactions and Energy. ” Ask a scientist, Newton. 4 Jun 2002, Chemistry Archive, Inc. . Dr. Matt Hermes “Gatorade. ” Chemical Reactions, General Chemistry Case Studies. 14 Jun 2002, Inc . “Chemistry problems. ” Chemistry, The Scientific Forum. 8 Mar 2003 . R Gallagher “Chemistry Made Clear. ” GCSE edition. 6 Dec 1997. .

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Case Analysis: the Early Bird – Electric Power Load Despatching

Case Analysis: The Early Bird – Electric Power Load Despatching The Early Bird – Electric Power Load Dispatching Electric utility firms have, for more than two decades, used marginal productmarginal cost concepts to generate and dispatch electric power in a more efficient, lowercost manner. Southern Company, the nation’s third largest utility, refers to its load dispatching method as the “Early Bird” system. Southern’s Early Bird is designed to provide automatic, computerized control of all the company’s power production and transmission facilities.

The Early Bird continuously calculates the marginal cost of delivering additional kilowatts of electricity to Southern Company customers anywhere in the company’s service area; then, as electricity demand rises or falls at points throughout the system, Early Bird transmits “raise” or “lower” impulses to the company’s generating units and routes the correct amount of electricity along the most economical transmission path to the end user. Periodically, Southern Company engineers test the operating efficiency of every piece of power-generating equipment the company has in service.

The purpose of the test is to determine how much fuel, labor, and other variable inputs are required to produce electricity with that unit and, subsequently, to calculate a production function for that generating unit. Experience has shown that revised production function equations must be calculated from time to time because normal wear and tear, maintenance problems, and mechanical efficiency vary over time and from generator to generator, depending on who manufactured it, when it was purchased, how long it has been in service, and the reliability with which it has performed.

In other words, the production function for a given generating unit shifts by sufficiently large amounts over time to make it worthwhile to update the input-output equation. The equations for the production functions of each generating unit are then fed into Early Bird and combined with information as to fuel prices, wage rates, and other variable input prices to obtain marginal cost functions; from these, MC values can be calculated for a particular generating unit at whatever rate it is being operated.

In addition, because there is a loss of electricity in the course of “shipping” it through the transmission wires, Southern engineers make studies to determine the transmission loss coefficients from generating units to distribution substations. These, too, have to be updated several times a year since the transmission loss depends not only on the distance factor but also on the varying load characteristics of the system and changes in the transmission grid.

The marginal cost equations, together with the transmission loss coefficients, are the nucleus for Early Bird’s control of power generation and transmission. When, during the course of a day, the demand for electricity picks up, the Early Bird system is programmed to compare the marginal costs of generation at each on-line unit and then to send impulses to raise the electricity output of the unit (or units) where MC is lowest.

Simultaneously, another Early Bird program analyzes the transmission loss coefficients to calculate how best to allocate the increased load on the transmission grid so as to minimize transmission loss to the many substations and end-user locations. In similar fashion, when electricity demand falls off (as work shifts end and businesses close at the end of the day), the Early Bird system automatically sends impulses to reduce electricity generation at those power units where MC is highest and reroutes the remaining load to maintain maximum transmission economy and load-generation balance.

At periods of peak demand, when on-line generating units are already operating at or near their minimum cost points, and assuming that water levels in Southern’s dam reservoirs are ample, Early Bird sends impulses to Southern’s hydroelectric facilities to open the gates and generate enough power to get across the peak. Southern’s power system control center is also equipped to forecast short-term loads for the next hour, day, or week. For example, weather data from all round Southern’s four-state service area are fed into the Early Bird network several times a day to help forecast heating and air-conditioning loads.

The hourly, daily, and weekly Early Bird forecasts of upcoming load demands are used to preplan the mix of generating units to put on line and those to put on standby, to schedule maintenance, and to determine whether to exchange blocks of electricity with neighboring utilities. For instance, approximately 15 minutes prior to the beginning of an hour, Early Bird calculations as to the next hour’s generating and transmission costs are made; this information is then compared immediately with similar information obtained from adjoining utilities having interconnections with Southern’s transmission network.

If it is determined that it would be more economical for Southern to buy a “block” of electricity from an adjacent company than to generate the electricity needed itself (because at the forecasted generating rates the other company will have lower MC than Southern), then an order is placed for that unit at a price set forth in the interchange agreement between the two companies. On the other hand, if Southern’s marginal costs are lower than those of its neighbors, then it may agree to sell a block.

The exchange of electricity among interconnected companies based upon marginal cost calculations is common throughout the electric utility industry. As bigger and faster computers have become available, the functions of the Early Bird system have been expanded to permit. 1. Reductions in unnecessary “load-chasing,” with resultant savings on maintenance; 2. Monitoring the current operating status of generating units, line flows, voltages, station breakers, and switches as a basis for assessing the prevailing degree of security (reliability) within the system: . Altering the dispatch criteria to allow for reducing power output at a particular facility because of unexpected air or thermal pollution, yet doing so in a way which entails the least increased costs to the system; 4. Operating hydro, steam, combustion, and nuclear generating units in a mix which seeks to minimize fuel costs; and 5. Monitoring temperatures, oil pressures, stream flows, and so on at unattended hydro stations to give early notification of potential troubles.

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