Erikson’s Psychological Stages
After closely reviewing Erosion’s eight stages of life I find that currently I am facing his seventh stage. This stage is known as Generatively VS.. Stagnation it happens when you are a mature adult. This stage I see myself as because I am needed in the life that I am living. I live my life striving for the pursuit to take care of my family, and live a well-balanced life. Being the family man and devoted parent that I am Erosion’s theory states that many adults obtain their needs to be needed, and by doing so they also direct the next generation in a direction.
By being a generative adult I am committed to fulfill a greater need than Just my own I am committed to leading my next generation to success with my positive guidance. The children I am raising are what make me a generative adult with a purpose to live. How can I fashion a gift is the main focused question of this stage. It took me some time to fully understand what that meant, but I believe it to mean what I can do in my life for my next generation to remember me for.
This means am I going to be remembered as the AZ person who care about nothing, or am I going to be remembered for the amazing person I was that accomplished everything he set his mind to. I have answered this question a number of times by actively being Involved in my daughter’s life and my family’s life, and showing them I can accomplish everything for us to have a great life. This means my role as a great father I am actively engaged in my daughter’s life I play with her, read to her, do puzzles with her, practice words with her and try to be a positive influence to her.
My daughter Is only two, and by being as positive I can be I am hoping that she grows up to be very talented and smart. The other side of It Is I am a very hard worker, and provided everything that my family needs, so In by doing this it shows her what hard work can got you. Being an active father In my daughter’s life and future children’s life I am hoping will bless them with great memories of me forever. I want them to have what I never did the remembrance of a happy fun loving family.
Another person who I will compare to Erosion’s eight stages of life In my little rather he Is In the Industry VS. Inferiority stage. This stage will occur while the child Is In school Erickson speaks about children beginning school must have a Blvd Imagination, Impulses, and urges to make others happy. When an adult supports a child attempting to do these things the child feel good about them self. Unfortunately If that child Is not supported the child will develop Inferiority towards life. When there are great levels of Inferiority the child begins to feel helpless, and believes they cannot be helped by anyone.
When the child Is praised too much and feels great pressures to do better the child tends to grow to become and adult to fast. The question this stage focuses on Is how I can be good. This question Is answered by being the best you can be, and knowing when you are pushing yourself too far. The child needs to be able to realize that he Is still a child and he should not have to take life so seriously. Question a number of times by actively being involved in my daughter’s life and my family’s life, and showing them I can accomplish everything for us to have a great life. Strive influence to her. My daughter is only two, and by being as positive I can be I am hoping that she grows up to be very talented and smart. The other side of it is I am a very hard worker, and provided everything that my family needs, so in by doing this it shows her what hard work can got you. Being an active father in my daughter’s family. Another person who I will compare to Erosion’s eight stages of life in my little brother he is in the Industry VS. Inferiority stage.
This stage will occur while the child s in school Erickson speaks about children beginning school must have a vivid imagination, impulses, and urges to make others happy. When an adult supports a if that child is not supported the child will develop inferiority towards life. When there are great levels of inferiority the child begins to feel helpless, and believes they cannot be helped by anyone. When the child is praised too much and feels great question this stage focuses on is how I can be good. This question is answered by child needs to be able to realize that he is still a child and he should not have to take