Ethnographic: Teen Pregnancy
Teen pregnancy is when an adolescent male and female from the pubescent age to twenty years old, which are involved In sexual activity that results in the female becoming pregnant. Whether the pregnancy Is continued or terminated, the child Is keep with parents or given up for adoption and whether or not the parties Involved where married. Interviewer Targets: Teen Mothers Teen Fathers Open-Ended Questions: 1) At what age did you partake in sexual activities? And at what age did you get pregnant? 2) Why did you choose not to abstain? 3) What role did your self-esteem play in your decision to have sex? How did your social relationships with friends, family, and the opposite sex play in the determining fact of your choice to have sex? 5) Did your parents/guardians discuss sex, sexual activities, prevention and SST with you? Did those conversations have an effect on your decision to continue or to stop all sexual acuity? 6) In your relationship, who was the person concerned about prevention and protection? 7) How did teen pregnancy affect your life? 8) Considering everything, what do you think are the disadvantages to having a baby now instead of waiting until you were older? How did being a teen parent impact your life goals before the pregnancy? 10) What are some steps you will take in the future to help your child prevent teen pregnancy? 1 1) How did your social relationships change? 12) How has the opinions and assumptions of others effect you? Ethnographic Style: The ethnographic style completed on this paper is done through theory and method. The theory Is addressing the concern of the specific social problem of teen pregnancy In the modern society versus the same problem In the united States past generations.
The method Includes different research tools, open-ended question Interviews and participant observation, research design of community studies and data presentation the use of select quotes, fieldwork and statistical research found. Teen Pregnancy of “Epidemic Proportion” Teen pregnancy is an adolescent male and female, from the pubescent to twenty years old, who are involved in sexual activity that result in the female becoming pregnant. Whether the pregnancy is continued or terminated, the child is kept with parents or given up for adoption and whether or not the parties involved where married.
The assumption that teen pregnancy is 100% preventable, adolescences re participating in sexual activity at younger ages than in past generations, and that the underline reason teens are choosing to participate in sexual activity is not addressed. These assumptions only initiate the need for purpose of this social problem to be address by understand the underline reason teen pregnancy is occurring, researching methods that will better prevent teen pregnancy and to better understand the reasons and the affects of teen pregnancy for both sexes. The assumption and purpose of this paper will be presented through the ethnographic style.
The ethnographic style completed on this paper is done through theory and method. The theory is addressing the concern of the specific social problem of teen pregnancy in the modern society versus the same problem in the United States past generations. The method includes different research tools, open-ended question interviews and participant observation, research design of community studies and The ethnographic style is broken down through the assumption, purpose, target interviewees, open-ended question responses that were collected and the data research of statistical research documented and collected by past researchers.