Meet the Evil Genius Behind New York Comic Con

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In a land, before the time the words did not exist. Fast forward to the future and New York Comic Con is not only a thing, but it is also the premier convention dedicated to comic books, anime, toys, movies, and television. People come to the event to collect, nerd-out over sneak peeks, listen to awesome creator panelists, and more than anything else, play dress up. I went to the Jacob Javitz Center to check out this year’s offering. In an office space overlooking the vast floor of the convention (kind of like a mad scientist’s volcano lair, only with more water bottles and beige walls) I spoke with Lance Fensterman, creator of NYCC and senior global VP of ReedPOP, the company that runs the show. While he did rub his hands together and cackle madly gazing over the insanity he created, never once did he threaten to wipe humanity from the face of the Earth.

What’s New York Comic Con’s origin story?

In 2006, we were in one single hall downstairs in the Javitz Center. The idea basically came from the question: why doesn’t New York City have a big con? The prevailing answer was, “Because it is really expensive!” But in 2006, we gave it a try. It was a tiny show, a tiny hall, and a big crowd. It did not go well. [Laughs] It was 10 pounds of the show in a 5-pound bag. The fire marshal shut it down, people who bought tickets didn’t get in, people who didn’t buy tickets got in, it was a mess. But there was something there. We apologized, made good with the fans, and figured out how to do it better. Now in 2016, we’ve grown so big that we can’t fit in all in the Javitz Center, and are using other venues in the city.

Was this your first big idea?

In away. Reed Exhibitions was in the business trade show space, and dabbled a bit on consumer trade shows but never in a big way. This was the first consumer show. is the offshoot. We realized quickly that ReedPOP needed its own brand, its own culture, its own identity. We went on to do the New York Anime Festival, acquired a small video game show in Seattle called Penny Arcade Expo, we struck a deal with Lucasfilm to run their Star Wars Celebration and now we’re in 10 countries around the world with about 30 events.

How do you maintain consistency across all of those events in all of those countries?

It’s the question that is constantly on my mind. How do you get bigger but maintain the thing that makes it special? I think we do it primarily one way, which is to stay close to the people who matter most, which are the fans. Find out what they want, try to anticipate what they might want before they even think of it. If we stay core to that, we won’t stray too far from the DNA that made us who we are.

Did fandom lead you to do this?

I’m a comic book fan, video game guy, huge LEGO collector. But what’s interesting though is that you go to these shows and you realize you don’t know what a “fan” is until you start to meet these people. Like I have a lot of LEGO sets, but there are people who have thousands of unopened boxes. They’re like, “You open them and build them?!” They look down on me. [Laughs] Those guys are “fans.” I’m an amateur.

What does being a big LEGO fan mean exactly?

It means that when I was moving once and the last thing I was moving was my LEGOs because they’re my most precious possessions. So I’m in the elevator and I’ve got one of the multiple loads of LEGOs and this person goes, “Oh, your son must be so happy.” And I’m like, “Yeah, my son … who doesn’t exist … I’m not weird, I’m just a grown man with thousands of LEGOs in this elevator alone!” I had a personal bounty of $500 cash to my team for whoever could get LEGO to come to the show. And we got them four or five years ago. And now I get to get their exclusive toy with the logo of my show on the box, and that’s like little kid Lance going, “Alright, good job adult Lance!”

There are a ton of businesses out there on that floor. Do you give them tips and best practices?

What’s funny is that the smaller guys know what they’re doing. They know how to get, bring the right stuff — they know what they’re doing! The bigger guys are the ones who need a little bit of assistance. They’re not used to hand-to-hand combat with fans! We definitely lend our expertise to non-endemic brands that are here so that they can connect in an authentic way that will be meaningful. The best way is when you can solve a problem for someone. Like, I think it was Progressive last year, they had professional line standers. Meaning, they had people who would wait in line for you while you walked around enjoying the show. And the fans were like, “Progressive, that’s awesome! You provided more fun time for me.” That’s a great example of a non-endemic activation that fans loved.

How far in advance do you plan this?

I’m looking at my phone and have e-mailed about 2017 right now! We are constantly researching and make use of surveys, taking in comments to see what people want and how to make it better. My team, in part, is paid on how much people enjoyed themselves. I found that helps keep us focused. 

Any regrettable moments over the years?

Um, yeah, OK. Once we did a sponsorship with a toilet paper brand. I thought it was clever, but it wasn’t. It was bad, looked like a total sellout. It wasn’t, I thought it was funny! And there was another campaign, I’m not going to name the brand, that had a clever play on words that was really kind of crass. And it was just stupid. And it was on a lot of our screens in our panel rooms. And our artists and creators would see it on the screen before they spoke and would be like, “What the f*ck is that?” [Laughs] We realized we should never have taken their money, or happily taken their money and then help them do what they were trying to do in a much cooler way. So yes, there have been regrettable moments! When you talk about Comic-Con, the first thing a lot of people think of is the cosplay. I’m not sure that people realize those are just fans who built these elaborate and expensive costumes just for fun. It’s true! And it is kind of an indicator for us if one of our cons around the world is a success. The elaborate costumes and a sheer number of them are amazing, and we see it wherever we go. It’s not “I like this,” it’s “I want to become this.” That’s a passionate fan base!

Are there any countries where the culture alters what Comic-Con is?

No, it is generally very similar. I’ve been all around the world and there is a strain of personality that goes across all cultures and just loves this stuff. Politics sometimes bring in slight differences. Like in Australia, they have very strict age rules on video games, so there will be bigger walls and different configurations to make sure kids won’t be exposed to any of the more mature games.

What is the next step for NYCC?

We want to move into not just curating great stuff, but become more a part of the creation. We’re looking to make this a citywide event, which isn’t easy. “Hey, you have a great idea for a podcast? Go do it at Barcade in Brooklyn.” We want to facilitate and help people who are passionate about this stuff.

What do you think when you look out over that floor?

Well, it’s hard not to see the flaws. These people love this, and it is our job to allow them to enjoy it as much as possible. So for example, this morning, the lines to get in were too long. That took time away from people doing what they love and that’s not OK. But we fix that stuff and keep improving. An important thing to me is that we help small businesses here. There are a lot of people that are going to make a lot of money here this weekend and that’s important. And what’s funny is we have an interesting dynamic with these sellers. They’re not entirely Incentivized to tell us how well they are doing. If they say, “I’m killing it!” then they assume we’d be like, “We’re not charging you enough!” So they’re a little cagey. “Yeah, it’s going OK.” But trust me, if they weren’t doing well out there, we’d hear it!

What does seeing NYCC grow mean to you?

We build fun for a living. There’s nothing “serious” here. I watch the debates, there is some depressing shit going on out there. So I love the fact that people can come here and forget all that, dress up, spend some money and just have fun. I mean, there’s a guy in a fucking 10-foot Hulk costume out there! It’s wonderful.

Who would you most like to be dressed as down there?

I think I’ll cosplay as a real businessman. I’ll wear a suit, shave, carry around, I don’t know, spreadsheets or a binder or some shit? And I’d spew things about IBIDA or whatever.

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Schindler s List Essay Jayden

When the Jews started to be tortured and arced to work for the government and treated horribly Oscar took them in and saved them. He had to do something. During the war the Jews were killed without hesitation by the Nazi’s. If people, like Oscar Schneider, had done nothing the Jewish population would have been much smaller. Ideologically, whoever wrote this source assumes not only that Oscar Schneider is a good man, but also that there is a such thing as a good person. The Bible says that all men are evil sinners at heart in saying, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.

The source is Ritter by a left wing person it would seem because they are assuming that some people are good (good from birth and then you control if you are evil or not) while right wing people believe people are born evil. The strange thing is that the source focuses on individual people to do something about a problem and not people as a whole. This source is most likely written by a left wing person who has analyzed the situation that was the Nazi’s and decided that these people chose evil.

Also they only way for the people who chose to do good that were individuals, of whom they must accept existed, as for them to act individually, and they did make a difference. Left wing people, such as this source, must accept that there are individuals in the world that make a difference for the better without hurting society. Now that it is established that there is not such thing as a good person, we must question what these people are then. These people are people who are sinful people, but they are doing good deeds.

Although they are naturally sinful, they choose to do good either for the good of humanity or for their beliefs. If you define the source like this, then this would be a true statement. Evil will rule the world if us as individuals do not do something about it. Oscar Schneider saw something evil and he went and made a difference. He bought these people as slaves and took good care of them. Although he was rich, he was still only able to buy a portion of the people.

It was sick and horrible how it all went down. In the end, Oscar Schneider wept. He wept over the lives he could have saved if he had just sold some of his earthly possessions. We must see this and keep ourselves in check, for the Bible says in Matthew 6:19-21 , “19 Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, here moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 1 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ” Oscar Schneider not only made a difference, but also learned that we need to not hold on to our possessions. To make a difference in the world we must not be focused on our own possessions. Instead of agreeing that the only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing, we should say something else.

We must say that the only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for us to let our hearts and minds go to whatever pleases us, whether that be rampant murder, child pornography or Nazism. Therefore we must push back. We must fight our desires and fight for a better world, no matter who you are, what gender, race, age or religion. A Christian has a better reason than an atheist, for the Christian has a reason to live for, but We must still push on and do what is best for our country and our nation, or we may be doomed to destruction.

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Nagel’s Negative Good vs Negative Evil

?Chapter 9 short writing assignmentShannon Prendergast Nagel explains negative good. as the absence of something bad and he describes a negative evil as the absence of something good. He is comparing these as they apply to death in this chapter. Assuming that death without anything is either good or bad to the person who dies. . He describes death as being either a negative evil or negative good. It can be described as a negative good because it can lack something bad.

If someone is dying from a painful disease there death will result in the lack of the bad pain they were feeling. It can also be described as a negative evil because they will miss out on the great experiences of life (sun shining, flowers blooming, laughing. ) But for these to be true we must think we don’t exist after death. If we believe otherwise it could be these things don’t change for us. If you were a bad person you may continue to suffer, or maybe the sun and flowers are more beautiful after death if you were a good person.

An example of a negative good in my life is the death of my brother-in-law. He suffered from depression (unknown to family) He was in a dark place and felt much turmoil and pain within. He committed suicide and this could be considered a negative good for him because his pain was ended. It can also be considered to be a negative evil because he will never see his children’s smile, hear there laughter or watch them grow. He was young and there was much life to live.

I hope that there is existence after death and that people are at peace with there pain after death and can watch over there loved ones. Another example in life of a negative good is I had to leave a job I loved, but it happened to open the door for me to go back and finish my degree. The losing of the job was in turn not a bad thing because it produced something that otherwise would not have happened. There is also a negative evil in this situation and that is that I was unable to sign up for the class I wanted to take.

It was not necessarily bad; it just lacked a something good. In wrapping up the difference between negative good and negative evil, I would like to believe that every negative has a positive and when a bad happens to us it is because a good is on its way. As far as death goes I believe we go on to a wonderful, place. whether it be as ourselves or not. After all did we ever not exist, or do we live forever just changing forms. Maybe are cells evolve into different thing and everyone lives forever somehow.

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Why humans are responsible for evil not Satan

C. Contact your representative to send them an email showing them that you support immigration reform. The best part is, it takes two minutes. Conclusion l. Today I have told you about why immigration laws were created, how some immigration laws affect transgender immigrants and undocumented students, and what you can do to help reform the immigration systems. VIII. So get informed and involved. We live in California, a border state, so we’re more likely to be neighbors with someone that may be undocumented, someone that you may have grown up knowing.

Be a supporter of immigrants, because according to Conor Oberst, “Considering out history, I can think of nothing more American than an immigrant. ” References Marriage-based Petitions http://immigrationequality. org/issues/transgender/ marriage-based-petitions/ Cintron, E. J. (2012). Transformation: the Progression of Immigration Petitions for Transgender Spouses. Family Court Review, 50(4), 666-678. Why humans are responsible for evil not Satan By tearsshaven As an ancient chinese proverb said , “A good man lives a hundred years but an evil man lives a thousand years. Dating from histories to the current world, we are constantly bombarded with news, scandals and histories of people being exposed of their evil often only when the damage had been dealt to their victims. Most religions would accuse this evil influence on demons and Satan brainwashing humans. However, despite these accusations, have we paused to ponder if these actions were really influenced from a supernatural force or created from our psychological brains in the realms of our conscience ?

For example , Muammar Gaddafi, the past ruler and politician of Librayan, claimed he was trying to equalize the status of women with men but in truth , he commited atrocities and rape. He proclaimed to treat women and men equally and had his elite bodyguards entirely only women as proof. He was even described as a strict , holy nd religious Islamist. However , in the shadowy depts of deceit, he raped and abused them to fulfil his perverted desires. It was only after his death did the abused victims revealed the horrifying ordeals they suffered. Lets look into the case of Miley Cyrus .

In 2013 , she did a controversial and raunchy dance with Robin Thicke at the VMAS. It sparked outrage among parents and the Christians from Miley’s hometown claimed that she had been influenced by the devil . The same could be said for Katy Perry when her Dad , a pastor in a Church, accused her of being influenced by the devil when she performed provocative music ideos. If we analyse this matter without being subjective with religious views, we would see that Miley and Katy Perry’s actions were techniques to gain the most attention and fame in the shortest amount of time.

Why does Katy Perry , a mere music star , have more followers on Twitter than Barack Obama who is President to United States , the most important country in the World ? Sadly , young sex Just sells. The psychological need in humans is sex. Most people are more interested in her luscious figure in the MVs than to know about Barack Obama and the World. No one nfluenced us to follow them on Twitter , we are Just driven by our instincts to the appealing image. Who were the ones who created porn websites ? The spirits didn’t, the Devil didn’t, humans did it.

Why did we do it ? We are built to have sex and reproduce. Why are so many rapes commited? The rapists were desperate in their needs, unable to control and they were always known to be porn addicts. In the modern world, it is indispensable that we control our sexual instincts as what humanity perceives as ‘not being an animal’ and having a sense of morality. Men that go to postitues are Judged s horny and perverted men while postitues and porn stars are labelled as whore relieve thier human instincts and finding postitutes seemed the only option available.

Based on the Indian Movie known as Silk , a bollywood actress named Silk gains fame and fortune by flaunting her body and promoting sexual appeal much to the digust of other conservative Indian women . Men , however, flocked to see her but treated her only as a sex toy . In their conscience , they only saw her as an appealing sex tool who had no respect for herself. In the end , she committed suicide from the pressure he faced and the toyed love she had. Most of the revered Hindus there also said she was a dirty soul who would fall into hell for disobeying the law of the Gods for flaunting sex.

Yet this is only what humans think. The Bible and other Holy Books were all written by humans . Whether they had really written it as orders from God , no one is 100% sure as we do not have concrete evidence that there is God. We could have also been the ones who invented God . When the Holy Wars were declared and the fighters were determined to shed holy blood in the name of their God , how could they not stop to think if it was Just enseless bloodsheds ? As quoted from Woodrow Wilson , “War isn’t declared in the name of God ; it is a human affair entirely”.

We shouldn’t account our actions in the name of Gods , we have have account it to ourselves. We were influenced to worship God by ourselves. Look at Reetah Parson and Amanda Todd’s case , both were Jovial and nice people who were destroyed by ‘evil’ people . They both reported the abuse to the Police but were taken for lightly. in addition , their classmates and others Joined in to bully and humiliate them because the bullies felt disgusted with them. The teachers were round and acted as if they were oblivious to the bullying.

In the end , both Reetah and Amanda committed suicide from overwhelming pressure and depression . It was only after their tragedy was reported in the news did the Police did a through investigation. The online pages in memory of the girls also gained many sympathies and people who said they would have been friends with them to protect them from the bullies had they known. Previously , the dead girls had their Facebook profiles filled with malicious comments from friends , classmates and other people asking them to die. Edmund Berke once said, ” For evil to flourish , good men must do nothing. “.

The tragedies occured because the adults didnt take actions to help them. No one offered to help the girls and everyonr Just watched Reetah and Amanda being bullied. The Devil didn’t stage this incident. It was all due to human actions and their level of conscience. The bullies did it because they thought it was fun. They didnt have the conscience to consider how the victims would feel. Is it ironic that we curse the Devil for the misfortunes and evil in this World when Satan punishes the evil doers for us ? We also praise the Lord for good things that happen and lament when our prayers are not answered.

Good things happen with great effort. You don’t get good grades Just by praying to God and not study. ” When you look into the sky , you dont look for God , you look in yourself. ” as quoted from Alan Watts. Evil things happen with human actions . You backstab your collegue to without your conscience. Don’t blame others for your deeds. If God is up there , why does he let so many good people suffer ? Abraham Lincoln was assassinated for trying to help the Blacks , Junko Furuta was brutally mutilated hen she had done nothing wrong ?

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Stan’s Future Self and Evil Cartman: Pop Culture Assignment

Stan’s Future Self and Evil Cartman: Pop Culture Assignment By: Sachman Aul In the article Stan’s Future Self and Evil Cartman, Shai Biderman’s purpose of writing this article is to explain the idea of personal identity in South Park. This part of the book is targeted towards anyone who is studying or learning philosophy due to the fact that Shai explores the views of many philosophers that you have to know to understand his point that he is trying to make in this chapter. Biderman uses South Park as a clever way to get the attention of new readers, or teenagers.

Therefore, the article allows people to read on philosopher’s theories on personal identity, in such a way to target and adult audience. Shai’s argument in this chapter is that South Park contains the questions and answers of many of the most asked philosophic question: what makes us, us? In order for Shai to support his argument, he uses several philosophers’ views such as John Locke, David Hume and lastly Thomas Reid. At the start of the article, readers begin exploring Shai Bidermans argument on personal identity, and how many episodes of South Park are discussed where personal identity comes into question.

For instance, the retelling of stories on the bus, Stan meets his alleged future self and when the boys find an alternate Cartman which deals with being in the same place at the same time, Stan’s clone, Jenifer Lopez being Cartman’s hand, and Cartman drinking Kenny’s ashes. Biderman states that the most important thing in personal identity happens to the be brain, therefore people will soon enough change over time due to the changes of the brain. But in the episode “The Biggest Douche in the Universe,” Biderman explains how the actor Rob Schneider’s new film, changes his characters however is still portrayed as Rob Schneider himself.

David Hume states that each of us appear to be “a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement”. The concept behind Hume’s theory is that we all consist of feelings, consistently changing thoughts, and attitudes. In the article, it is quite clear that memory also plays its role in personal identity, and the change over time; therefore it is one’s memory that allows he or she to be the same “type” of person over time.

John Locke happened to support the idea of memory, and stated “thinking intelligent being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider itself as itself, the same thinking thing, in different times and places” (pg. 207). However, Thomas Reid seemed to point out a downfall in the idea of memory, it may be important, but it doesn’t explain the true purpose for personal identity (pg. 208). Shai Biderman states that overall the question of personal identity is still in place. But what truly is it? Is it a sense of psychological experiences over time or better yet, physical experiences?

It is without a doubt that this article tackled the arguments that were made by many supporting theories and the use of philosophers and other views. Therefore, it made it quite easy for any reader to get a general idea on the subject and the facts that were made related to pop culture, thus creating an interest for many. I truly believe that Shai Biderman’s arguments were definitely well supported with the evidence that was given, as well as the use of south park episodes to back up the argument.

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Lord of the Flies and Human Nature

Good and evil. These are two words that everybody has heard. One question that can arise from these two words is whether humans are essentially good or evil. The question of human nature has been a topic that even the greatest philosophers have struggled with. Even the best people still have evil thoughts which demonstrate that evil exists in all of us, however much that the trait is suppressed. Evil is not a bold line straight down the middle of what is right and this is why it is my opinion that human nature is essentially evil.

The book Lord of The Flies by William Golding presents the question of human nature and allows the reader to draw their own opinions on what it truly is. The story presents the situation of various young boys stranded on an island and the slow breakdown of society that occurs afterwards. There are multiple quotes in this book that can be used to argue that human nature is essentially evil. A particular example is “Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew didn’t you? I’m part of you? ”(Golding 143).

The Lord of the Flies said this to Simon while he was hallucinating. In the book, The Lord of The Flies represents the devil and the fear and evil within each of the boys. Further analyzing this quote, it boils down to basically mean that everybody has evil within them. Simon was the only boy on the island who figured out that the beast was not an external threat, it was inside of them. When he tries to inform the other boys of his findings he is killed by them because they were caught in the frenzy and passion of the hunt.

This allowed the beast take them over and rule their actions and caused them to act with brutality. As the story progressed, it demonstrated how the boys went from calm and civilized to savages that were completely taken over by the beast of evil. This action further shows that evil resides in all of us and progressively takes us over as we commit savage acts for the acts that we commit are the ones that will ultimately dictate our nature. After succumbing to their inner beast it seems that the thirst for blood was not subdued in the boys.

They killed Piggy shortly after Simon’s tragic demise and instead of expressing any type of remorse Jack says to Ralph “See? See? That’s what you’ll get! I meant that! There isn’t a tribe for you anymore! ”(Golding 181). He reveled in seeing Ralph’s tribe break down and with that the death of all order within the boys. Not even conform to being leader now, he and his tribe hunted Ralph down and lit the island on fire to try to draw Ralph out of his hiding place to kill him.

This fire, the fire of savagery and evil, had an undesired consequence and got them rescued by order and society in the end. At the end of the book Ralph “wept for the end of innocence and the darkness of man’s heart” (Golding 202). This particular excerpt exhibits that at the end of his trial by fire (literally) Ralph had realized that deep inside, the nature of man is evil. Without any rules in place, the boys reverted to man’s original state of chaos and evil and destroyed the innocence that they had from being children.

It was at the end that Ralph could see that humanity is an evil and twisted thing once he had experienced the death of his most loyal friend and seen and participated in Simons killing. The only two boys who realized that the beast was in them all were ultimately killed by the evil evident in human nature. How can young children, who are notably more innocent and less corrupted than adults, revert to such acts of evil? The only logical answer that one may be able to find is that everyone has an inherent sense of good and evil.

This sense of evil seems to be the one that reigns supreme in mankind and its nature. There are many examples in history one can use to argue that human nature is essentially evil. A striking example is the reign of Mao Zedong in China that started in 1949. He was the founder of the People’s Republic of China and was a communist revolutionary. Once he had reunited China through his Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, he enacted a widespread land reform. Zedong used terror and violence to overthrow the owners of large pieces of land and then divided it into people’s communes.

The true evils of his reign come to play during his Cultural Revolution. Zedong’s regime persecuted millions of people and tortured them, publicly humiliated them, and even forcibly relocated youth to the countryside. Another campaign that killed millions was the Great Leap Forward. The Great Leap Forward led to a famine that killed around 18 to 42 million Chinese citizens. Instead of focusing on feeding his people, Zedong was more worried on maintaining face and continued exporting grain and refused outside help.

Zedong could have avoided this huge genocide but he was more preoccupied with paying back his debts to the USSR. His desire for power and to one day lead a country that surpassed the United States lead him to neglect the most important element, his people, which is an evil in of itself. Evil can come in many forms, be it how you treat someone to just human nature in general. In Lord Of the Flies, William Golding coveys the message that there is evil inside every person, no matter how good they may seem.

Examples in history can also prove that human nature can be a terrible thing and no matter what, there are always going to be bad people who can embody the sense that human nature is evil. One cannot judge and say that human nature is just a good thing or just a bad thing either. There are shades of grey and the in-betweens that one has to account for. In its entirety however, human nature is good with most people just choosing to give in to the evil, leading one to the conclusion that human nature is essentially evil.

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Non-Violent Protest: Dr. Martin Luther King

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Non-violent protest: Dr. Martin Luther King

This morning, I woke up to turn on the 7 o clock news and listened to the reporter to inform America of violence around the world. There were stories ranging from a shootout in Homewood to wars amongst territories. If violence continues to breakdown communities, there will come a time where there will be no communities left to destroy. My grandmother was telling me how today is not the same day as yesterday; when brothers and sisters helped each other progress through struggles. During the the1900s, society was unjust because of color. Whites wanted to rule the nation, but this was not in the interest of black people. Blacks wanted an end to segregation, injustices, and white supremacy. There were many different leaders that used different methods to strive for the achievement of this goal and many failed. Dr. Martin Luther King made a great contribution to the conclusion of oppression for blacks. What did Martin Luther King do differently to help blacks and whites walk together after centuries of oppression? During the 1900s, blacks were faced with major obstacles that still affect people today.

Blacks were not given opportunities to receive a great education. During that time, in Mississippi, three dollars was spent on an African American’s education and sixty dollars was spent on a white person’s education. Blacks were not allowed to vote and were not perceived as true citizens of the United States. Whites sought to terrorize black people by preventing them from living life freely. The world was separated and blacks were left with the trashy side of it. African Americans wanted change, but they did not know how to make a huge societal change. During the time of oppression against black people, there were people, organizations, movements, and protest that aimed for black power and separation. The Black Panther Party was formed in 1966 and aimed to overthrow their white oppressors. Booker T. Washington thought it would be a good idea to accommodate whites, integrate races economically, and be separate socially. Marcus Garvey advocated a “back to Africa movement” because he saw a future with no love between blacks and whites.

Black Muslims advocated racial separation and it was cultivated in their religion. Muhammad said “Your entire race will be destroyed and removed from this earth by Almighty God. And those black men who are still trying to integrate will inevitably be destroyed along with the whites” He showed much anger to white people and wanted total separation with black supremacy. Malcolm X was a leader that advocated violence if it was necessary to break down the walls of racial oppression. By any means necessary” is a famous quote stated by Malcolm X that shows his view on obtaining black power. These leaders are known to be great but oppression continued to build; there was still no peace. Whites continued to oppress blacks and looked for ways to make their lives miserable. Dr. King believed society would be demolished if everything continued. He decided to take a different approach. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that” is an infamous quote stated by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King lived his whole life during a time where blacks were severely mistreated and faced enormous injustices. He felt if blacks continued to fight back with violence, then there would be a world with no peace until it is destroyed. Dr. King had a dream that blacks would not be judged by the content of their skin but by the content of their character. He dreamed of a world with equal opportunities and civil rights. He wanted this dream to become sight and many people influenced his approach.

He advocated six principles to help society reach his vision. I would like to use this section of the paper to establish who and what inspired the practices and ideas of Dr. King. While pursuing a degree at the Crozer Theological Seminary, King listened to a lecture presented by Mahatma Gandhi. Being inspired by his words, King read different books written by Gandhi. He learned that Gandhi used non-violence against British rule in India. King believed this was a method that could possibly settle the injustices for blacks in America. For more influence, King studied the theories of Henry David Thoreau with the intent to make a societal change. King was familiar with the leaders who used non-violence such as Frederick Douglass, Philip Randolph, and Bayard Rustin, but King wanted everyone to get involved. King partnered up with Ralph Abernathy and Bayard Rustin and formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. King aimed for the SCLC to be attractive to the black church so that everyone would play a role. The 6 principles that King advocated. Do not humiliate or defeat. During this time of injustice, there was much hatred between black and white people. Blacks were always being defeated by whites, and they were tired of white supremacy. As a result, blacks aimed to defeat their oppressors to live life freely. Dr. King, the enlightened thinker, opposed the view. Dr. King said “the nonviolent resister should not seek to humiliate or defeat the opponent but to win his friendship and understanding. ” Dr. King practiced what he preached. After Rosa Parks rejected to give up her seat to a white man on the bus, she was arrested.

Many community leaders and Dr. King developed a bus boycott. This allowed King to implement what he learned from Gandhi. Dr. King was arrested and his house was firebombed. After his house was bombed, he called out for his family. Instead of fighting back with violence, he said “Now let’s not become panicky, if you have weapons, take them home; if you do not have them, please do not seek to get them. We cannot solve this problem through retaliatory violence. We must meet violence with nonviolence. We must love our white brothers, no matter what they do to us. We must meet hate with love. ” However, that did not stop him. For about 13 months, 17,000 black people in Montgomery refused to ride the bus. As a result, the company was losing too much money. On November 13th, 1956, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was known as a success, because the buses were desegregated. Non-violent resistance is not for cowards. Some may raise opposition and believe that they have too much pride to be disrespected. Many thought it was a cowardly act, however, King believed otherwise. King said non-violent resistance is passive and always seeks opportunities to convince the opponent of advantages in forming a loving relationship. Although one is not violent, one continues to drive on coming together. A person, who drives on togetherness despite opposition, is brave and strong because it is not easy to go against the masses. This was shown during the Greensboro sit-in on February 1st, 1960. Four black students from North Carolina A; T State University decided to sit at the “whites only” counter at a local restaurant.

They did not get served and decided to stay seated in the section until they were served. They continued to return day after day and brought friends with them. After a week, hundreds were waiting to be served. The restaurant eventually served the students and the protest influenced many non-violent protests throughout different cities. Instead of fighting, mirroring, and hating, the students looked to eat with other white people. The white people did not like it, but they had the chance to hear the black students. Non-violent resisters attack forces of evil. African Americans believed that they were always under-attack and had to defend themselves. If people are striving for a world full of peace, evil has to be non-existent. During the 1900s, blacks and whites had evil intentions, but it was acceptable for whites to behave on their intentions. King wanted evil intentions to exit the minds of everyone and out of the world. King said “We are out to defeat injustice and not white persons who may be unjust. ” Instead of hurting the person who has done evil, attack the evil forces. He wanted everyone to concentrate on attacking the evil forces of injustice, instead of trying to defeat the white man. Given you have killed a white man; the evil forces will continue to live. However, if you attack the evil forces, everyone can walk together. In 1961, the Freedom Riders abided by this principle. Black and white Freedom Riders left Washington D. C. in 1961 and rode buses, trains, and planes from city to city to protest against the forces of evil that segregated interstate transportation. They reached opposition, mobs and were arrested.

After much perseverance, great support was gained from around the world. Non-violent resisters accept suffering without retaliation. King believed one should accept violence but never commit it. This would enable white people to hear and listen to what they had to say. It may sound crazy because, in today’s world, many problems are dealt with by using retaliation; just watch the news. However, earlier generations watched blacks accept the abuse, and later shake hands with white people. In 1963, the 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed and 4 black girls were killed. Instead of the parents and the community trying to kill Chambliss, the bomber, they accepted the suffering. They non-violently protested to let their voice be heard and Chambliss was sentenced to life in prison. If they had retaliated, there would have been more than four dead girls. By not retaliating, Chambliss, who had used forces of evil, left society. As a result, there was one less force to fight against. #5 In Non-violent resistance, one loves the opponent with “agape. ” Agape means unconditional love, and King expected everyone to love their opponent with it. Many people struggled with this principle because people could not find anything within themselves to love someone who terrorized them for so long. King wanted everyone to love everyone despite the opposition and oppression. The avocation of this belief brought many colors together. King said “Along the way of life, someone must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate. ” King wanted blacks to shine a light on breaking this chain of hate and to bring love into the relationships. #6 In Non-violence resistances, the universe is just.

Evidently, there are many people who share difficulty in loving your opponent. King believes the world was created to be just, but everyone is free to act with their own free will. People acted with their own free will and brought forces of evil into the world. The forces continued to grow since the start of time. King wanted everyone to understand that the world will evolve into a just universe. King encouraged others to believe that God is moving us toward universal love and wholeness continual. He used this principle to reinforce to African Americans that justice will be served in God’s time. He wanted African American activists to have and keep faith that justice will be served in the future. All of the work for justice will result in love, peace, and justice everywhere is a belief that King stood by. Some may say non-violence was not going to fix the injustices in society. In the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), non-violence was their method to help the conditions of black people  The non-violence approach did not work for the SNCC; however, they did not continue to persevere through the tough time. Perseverance is defined as steady persistence in a course of action despite difficulties. Dr. King is an infamous historical icon that held this trait. People should not have expected time to change immediately after many years of oppression. When Dr. King persevered and gained strong support, changed happened, and he used the method of non-violence which brought everyone together. To conclude, Dr. King’s approach to helping heal society was very different from the violent retaliation that people advocated.

Dr. King overcame much to achieve his vision. He dealt with blacks not wanting to support his method but to oppose it. He dealt with whites constantly trying to prevent him from making a change in society, but Dr. King continued to advocate and practice his principles. He was able to see that blacks had been trying to make a change by using violence for many years and it did not work. He understood that if blacks fought for black supremacy then it would just cause war and corruption. Whites feared being oppressed and became threatened when blacks retaliated; which drove for more oppression. Dr. King knew if a change was going to be made, then there would have to be love in the world. His approach was successful because he got the attention of white people, and they listened to what he had to say. When blacks retaliated, whites had no time to listen because they had to look for new ways to oppress black people more. I admire Dr. King because he was able to bring blacks and whites together after the hatred between the two races for many years. Presently, we have blacks killing their brothers, sisters, and communities without the development of black society. This is an issue within the black community that needs to be fixed.

What should we do? We should apply the 6 principles presented by Dr. King. We have to teach our brothers and sisters not to aim to defeat each other but to love and lift up one another. We have to teach our brothers and sisters that life is not about being the “baddest” person on the block; it is ok to walk away out of love. We need to attack the evil forces that are causing the bad behaviors of our brothers and sisters. The people within the black communities need to be taught how to accept it when someone strikes you in the face and to retaliate with love instead of a shot to the head. We have to show our brothers and sisters that we love them unconditionally; as a result, love will drive out hate. It will be hard to teach people that the non-violent principles work, just as it was hard for Dr. King. Many people are ignorant of his contribution to society and are unaware of his method. I think the ideas, values, beliefs, and history of the 1900s were not passed down from generation to generation effectively enough. When I was in elementary school, my grandmother told me “if someone hits you, do not hit them back. ” She was able to see how effective non-violent protests were. My parents told me “if someone hits you, then you hit them back. ” These are two different philosophies from two different generations on the same subject. If my grandmother’s generation would have effectively passed down their values and beliefs, then the world would be different. The world would not be the same because retaliation may be out of the social norm. People have to educate everyone on the impact of non-violence. After we have done all we can do, we have to call on God and let he will be done. Works Cited Carman, J. (2010). 6 facts about non-violent resistance.


  1. Dyson, M. E. (2008).
  2. Basic Books. Dyson, M. E. (2001).
  3. King, M. (1998).
  4. The autobiography of martin Luther king, jr. New York: Warner Books. King Jr, M. (1957).
  5. asp?document=1131 Mintz S. (2007)

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