Explain how work practises in the commercial kitchen
Explain how work practices in the commercial kitchen are Important In prevention of food poisoning Prevention of food poisoning In a commercial kitchen Is extremely Important as you risk your business reputation and worst of all you may cause death. There are many ways food poisoning Is enameled through: Food Laws, Correct personal hygiene and correct environmental hygiene. Food Laws are extremely Important way to minimize food poisoning, as they are laws put Into place to ensure food Is fit for human consumption and that the business serving food apply hygiene and correct safety procedures.
The food laws set In place for NEWS are Food Act 2003, NEWS food authorities and Food Regulations 2010. The National food laws are Food Safety Standard Code and Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. Not Complying with the laws can result in death/in]our of customers, fines, closure of business and name on the shame file. The laws are easily found on the internet, or at local councils. Complying with food is an important way to prevent food poising Correct personal hygiene is an important way to minimize and stop food poisoning; it is the maintenance of your own personal level of cleanliness.
An employer of a food business should always talk to their employees about correct personal hygiene and what do if they notice another employee not using correct personal hygiene. There is many ways to obtain good personal hygiene and they include: Clean uniform, Hair contained, no jewelry, no nail polish/fake nails and washed hands and showered before arrival. Also washing hands correctly is an important prevention tool, you should always, rinse with hot water, use anti-bacterial soap, scrub finger nails, around and under fingers, rinse with hot water and dry with paper tool or blow dry. E of correct personal hygiene is an important way to prevent food poisoning. Correct environmental hygiene is an important way to minimize and stop food poisoning; it is the level of cleanliness in your own work area, including equipment. Bad environmental hygiene can lead to food poisoning through: Unsafe garbage dispose, incorrect food handling, incorrect assigning/cleaning, presence of pest and vermin and incorrect storage of food.
Food that are hot should always stay hot and cold foods should always stay cold, also make sure foods that are at high risk foods are cooked thoroughly. The use of color coded chopping boards Is a necessity to stop cross-contamination. Use of correct environmental hygiene In an Important way to prevent food poisoning. Prevention of food polling In a commercial kitchen Is an Important way to stop and enamels food poisoning.
There are many ways food polling Is minimized through: Food laws, Correct personal hygiene and correct environmental hygiene. Explain how work practices in the commercial kitchen are important in prevention of food poisoning By illegitimately Explain how work practices in the commercial kitchen are important in prevention of DOD poisoning Prevention of food poisoning in a commercial kitchen is extremely important as you risk your business reputation and worst of all you may cause death.