Fiat Pushes Work Ethic at Italian Plant
Flat which accounts for the evildoer of about 15000 families In the Pangolin D’Art region has Its least productive plant amongst all there. This Is due to the fact of employees misusing work ethics by being absent from work, faking illness and a doctor’s note for as little as a local team’s soccer match. Fiat suffered tremendous losses few years prior due to reduced production and quality issues. To counter this Fiat hired Sergei Maraschino as CEO who was expected to deliver similar success under his leadership as he did for American automaker Chrysler, rescuing the brand from bankruptcy.
His motivation was to safeguard Jobs by pushing workers to be more devoted in turn boosting production and which would mirror Italy’s economic standpoint and GAP. His vision for the need of change and pushing the Italians towards similar economic security like the Scandinavians was not accepted well. Nell Angelo a factory worker stated how Serious American methods were no good In Italy, where people for generations have lived with a slow paced lifestyle Insuring flexibility for workers.
He also criticized Sergei for pulling the leash on absence and fearing a similar fate as Chinese workers who committed suicide due to excessive Rockford and stress. His radical solutions forced workers to change their routines and work ethics on the promise of bringing back production of the Panda back from the Polish people, creating more Jobs and working hours. Serious idea of changing working habits in order to improve individual financial futures and as a nation lying on the verge of sinking into debt’s betterment signified his approach of the utilitarian normative theory.
Under this theory Serious actions on misconduct and misuse of work ethics was beneficial for him and everyone in his surroundings. His actions and sessions focused on common welfare of not only employees but also Italy as a whole. Sergei before his utilitarian approach studied all possible factors which made the problem: Sergei concluded individual factors such as cultural and social behavior and situational factors that influenced the psyche of employees since early adulthood that lead to the ethically incorrect behavior of employees on the global market sphere.
He recognized how the Italian culture was different from his American experience/background and how it was normal for Italians to skip work and misuse power. The article also made clear how employees lacked Ethics of duty towards their workplace.
Determination of the Dilemma
Sergei after his research about the Italian work atmosphere studied the extent of damage the unethical employee behavior could have had on them, FIAT and Italy as a nation. In his mind the bigger picture displayed of Italy ending debt-ridden was severe.
He as a leader took responsibility for making a turnaround and saving Jobs which were livelihood for families residing in poor areas with increasing unemployment.
Course of Action
Sergei took note to his previous ventures and brainstormed with other veteran FIAT employees who shared similar mindset. He also consulted reports by economists Divide Strop on how if FIAT went down, Italy would too. He studied on how he could motivate workers to increase production.
Considering Consequences
Sergei from the beginning knew his vision and opinion would not be accepted by Italian workers. They considered him an outsider whose American-style standards would force people to commit suicides. This was the biggest hurdle for Sergei for his utilitarian approach which by many was Judged egoistic and only good for him and Fiat.
Implementing the Solution
Sergei implemented strict measures which were stated to be Fiat’s curtain drawing on a humane working life and social upbringing of the Italians.
His decisions cut absenteeism from 30% to 3% within the whole Fiat brand. His rule of sending doctors to homes of sick employees and workers for genuineness and penalizing by smaller lunch breaks did the trick.
Analyzing Results
Serried measures proved to be successful as by the end of the year 63% of the employees signed Fiat’s new working ethic model and preferred keeping a Job than being unemployed.