Paraguay Essay

Mushfika Chowdhury Ms. Vives Spanish Paraguay Paraguay is a country in South America. It is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia. Most people know Paraguay as Paraguay, but the country s official name is Republic of Paraguay. In 2011 it has said that Paraguay has approximately a population of 6,568,290. Most people are living in the oriental region. The country’s official language is Spanish as well as Guarani. The oriental eastern region has hills, waterfalls, exotic plants and the forest.

This region makes up 40 percent of Paraguay. This part of Paraguay receives a large amount of rainfall. The region known as occidental also known as Chaco, is made up of grass, course tropical reeds and stunned trees. Some of Paraguay’s natural resources include forest soil, minerals, and the rivers. The rivers are important because tis how most people in Paraguay communicate, it also provides fish. The main industry is farming livestock, cotton, cane, corn, soybeans, potatoes, bananas, oranges, wheat, beans, tea and tobacco. That was the farming and food recourses of Paraguay.

When it comes to the government and money there’s not that many similarities. Some of you may or may not know that the former president of Paraguay was Fernando Lugo (2008-2012). It wasn’t that many days ago that a new president for Paraguay was elected, his name is Mr. Franco. The currency used in Paraguay is Guarani. One dollar in the United States is 4,095. 58 Guarani. One Paraguay Guarani equals to 0. 0002442 cents in the U. S. You also might be wondering what type of government Paraguay has. Well its constitutional republic. I would also recommend you taking a camera if you ever go there, the sites and scenery is breathtaking.

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Peanut Allergies

Peanut Allergies What is a peanut allergy? A peanut allergy is a reaction that involves our body’s immune system. When we have a peanut allergy our immune system thinks that the peanut proteins are harmful and fight against it to protect our body. Peanuts are one of the nine most common food allergens in Canada. The other eight are: wheat, tree nuts (such as almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachio nuts, and walnuts), sesame seeds, milk, eggs, seafood, soy, and sulphites (a food additive).

Causes of peanut allergies: * Hereditary * Breast-feeding; But new evidence shows that when a mother eats peanuts, the peanut proteins flow into breast-milk and cause infants to develop the allergy antibodies, as well. * Direct contact. The most common cause of peanut allergy is eating peanuts or peanut-containing foods. * Cross-contact. This is the unintended introduction of peanuts into a product. It’s generally the result of a food being exposed to peanuts during processing or handling. * Inhalation.

An allergic reaction may occur if you inhale dust or aerosols containing peanuts, such as that of peanut flour or peanut oil cooking spray. The most popular cause of peanut allergy is called the “hygiene hypothesis,” which says that people are just too clean these days. The result of the super-germ-free lives we lead and our readiness to treat infection with antibiotics is that our bodies don’t know how to handle certain innocent proteins such as peanuts. Foods that causes the illness: * Peanuts and peanut products. * Tree nuts and their products. * Food that are exposed to peanuts.

What are the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction? An allergic reaction to peanuts can happen within minutes or up to several hours after eating foods containing peanuts. Symptoms vary from person to person, and may progress from mild to severe. Mild allergic reaction: * flushed face and body * itchy eyes, nose, face and skin * tingling, numbness or pain in the lips and tongue Moderate to severe signs and symptoms * swelling of the eyes, face, lips, throat and tongue * hives * cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting * wheezing, coughing * weakness, dizziness * anxiety, distress, sense of fear and doom

There are some symptoms of the most serious form of peanut allergies called anaphylaxis; which are very deadly and life-threatening. When a person is experiencing anaphylaxis reaction, he/she may have difficulty in talking swallowing and even breathing! Scientists have identified 19 peanut proteins–that can trigger anaphylaxis. It works this way: those with the allergy develop specific antibodies, known as IgE antibodies, which react to the peanut proteins. This triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals which cause facial swelling, and constrict the lungs airways and throat making it difficult to breathe.

Without a shot of adrenaline, the reaction can cause death. Why is this an important issue that everyone should know about? This is an important issue that everyone should know about because comparing to 1980s the rate of people with peanut allergies has been reported to have increased by 95%. Although there are no hard statistics in Canada, most agree the allergy is on the rise. According to The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network, Peanut allergy causes an estimated 15,000 emergency room visits each year and nearly 100 deaths. Safety precautions: . The safest way to avoid a peanut related reaction is to avoid all food and products that contain or may contain peanuts. 2. Other than that, create a plan for how to handle a reaction, just in case one occurs, and tell your friends, family, coaches, and teachers at school about your allergy 3. Always keep a shot of epinephrine, a hormone that controls anaphylaxis reactions. 4. Tell the server in a restaurant about your allergy so that he or she can steer you away from dishes that contain nuts. 5. Always read the ingredients list to be safe.

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Grass Fed Beef vs. Grain Fed Beef

Ever since WW2, cows have been raised on grain which has become the norm when it comes to raising cows. That means they are fed mainly corn instead of grass. With the cows being fed corn they get fatter quicker so that means that they are at the weight to get slaughtered quicker.

That was until recently when people started questioning corn fed beef and the health risks and how humane it was for the cows. Every year there are millions of cows slaughtered in the U. S for humans to consume. Most of the cows that are slaughtered are grain fed cows. Although some people argue that grain fed beef isn’t worse than grass fed beef in fact we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is more humane for the cows, better for the environment and it is healthier than grain fed beef for the consumer and the cows.

We should start eating more grass fed beef because it is more humane for the cows. The first way that it is more humane for the cows is that they aren’t cooped up in a feed lot. This means that the cows aren’t kept in a confined space with other cows. They are more freely able to walk around on pastures and have the choice to eat whenever they want instead of having specific eating times. This allows the cows to live as they were meant to instead of the way grain fed cows are just raised for a quicker slaughter.

Also with feed lots being such a confined space it collects a lot of manure instead which causes a lot of air and water pollution because the wind blows it up and when it rains it seeps into the groundwater. With grass fed cows being able to roam around on pastures they naturally spread their manure around the pasture which fertilizes the land. Another way that grass fed beef is more humane than grain fed beef is that grass fed beef aren’t given antibiotics and hormones like grain fed beef. Grain fed beef needs ntibiotics regularly because of the conditions that they live in. With being cooped up in a feed lot the cows have a lot of health risks such as dust pneumonia and E Coli because of air pollution and water pollution. With grass fed cows being able to roam free on pastures there isn’t as much air and water pollution so there is no need for antibiotics. The last way that grass fed beef is more humane than grain fed beef is that the cows get to live longer lives to get to their slaughter weight.

With cows being raised on grass, it takes them roughly twenty-two months to get to their slaughter weight. That’s almost two full years for a cow to live. With cows being raised on grain they only get to live for sixteen months. That’s a full six months less then grass fed cows. I know that if I was a cow, I would want an extra six months to live. Another reason we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is better for the environment. With grain fed beef, the cows manure is scooped up from their cell block and taken to the closet place to the feed lot to be dumped.

This ruins the surrounding land because with too much manure being dumped in one place it gives the ground too many nutrients. With there being too many nutrients in the ground, the excess nutrients pollute the soil and water. With grass fed cows being raised in pastures they create and spread fertilizer naturally. This means that less chemicals and pesticides have to be used to fertilize the pastures. With pesticides not having to be used to, that means that less pesticides have the chance to get spread through the air and pollute are water ways and contaminate our drinking water.

If pesticides get in our drinking water, it increases the chance of the person drinking the water to have reproductive disorders, and it can lead to neurological damage such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. If farmers continually use pesticides to fertilize their land it reduces the soil fertility. All of these things are bad for our environment and with all of the things that are already bad for the environment, why would we add more to it when cows do the same thing naturally? Another way that grass fed beef is better for the environment is grass fed cows use less fossil fuels.

Grain fed beef requires more fossil fuel to make the diet of the grain fed cows such as dried corn and soy. With all the required burning of these fossil fuels more carbon dioxide is being released into the air which is contributing to global warming. With fossil fuels burning being directly related to global warming, I think that by using less fossil fuel burning with grass fed beef that grass fed beef is better for the environment. The last reason we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is healthier for the consumers and the cows.

When eating grain fed beef, you are taking in high levels of bad fats and cholesterol and low levels of good fats and Vitamin E. Grass fed beef is the complete opposite way, you take in high levels of good fats and Vitamin E, and low levels of bad fats and cholesterol. Just by these comparisons here it is clear that grass fed beef is better for the consumers than grain fed beef. Grass fed beef contains iron and calcium and a heavy healthy dosage of protein. This is all healthy for the consumer to eat. This gives the consumers a better healthier option of beef. Dr. Steve Atchley is one of many health-conscious carnivores fueling the trend. ‘I got tired of telling my patients they couldn’t eat red meat,’ says the Denver cardiologist. So three years ago, he launched Mesquite Organic Foods, which sells grass-fed beef to 74 Wild Oats stores nationwide. Mesquite’s ground beef is 65% lower in saturated fat and its New York strips are 35% lower than conventional beef, as measured by the USDA. “Any feedlot-fattened animal has a much higher level of saturated fat than a forage-fed steer,” says Atchley.

Another reason we should start eating more grass fed beef is because it is healthier for the cow that we are eating. With grass fed beef the cows are eating what they were meant to eat. Their four stomachs are made to digest grass. With the cows not having trouble digesting grass, the farmers don’t have to give the cows antibiotics and hormones to make digestion easier. So it only makes sense that with grass fed beef being fed grass that they would be healthier than grain fed beef. With grain fed beef being fed corn, and etc. heir stomachs have a difficult time digesting it because their stomachs aren’t meant to digest it. John Robbins a supporter of grass fed beef states, “When cattle are grain fed, their intestinal tracts become far more acidic, which favors the growth of pathogenic E. coli bacteria, which in turn kills people who eat undercooked hamburger. ” With the cow’s stomachs not being able to digest the grain, the farmers have to regularly give them antibiotics and hormones. Farmers now just put the antibiotics and hormones in the grain. Also before he first big hit of the mad cow disease, farmers would feed cows meat from other cows. This practice was basically turning herbivores into carnivores. This is not healthy at all because things like this are not supposed to be changed because you can’t change the way a living animal’s stomach digests something. This made a lot of cows’ sick which in turn makes the consumers sick. Although some people argue that grain fed beef isn’t worse than grass fed beef in fact we should start eating more grass fed beef because it is more humane for the cows, better for the environment and it is healthier for the consumer and the cows.

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Fertilizer Recommendation Based on Soil Chemical Analysis in Caco

SUMMARY Fertilization Recommendations Based on Soil Chemical Analysis Cacao farm folk (Theobroma cacao L. ) in South Sulawesi, North Luwu, Reski Nur Fatimah AM * K4120787, 2010. 50 pages, Based on Guidance, PU: Ir. Abdul Madjid, MP ** and DPA: Ir. Sugiyarto, MP ***, Department of Agribusiness Management from the State Polytechnic of Jember. One of the biggest areas of cocoa farmers in Indonesia, North Luwu. One of the important problems in the cultivation of cocoa is fertilization.

Lack of fertilizer recommendation, especially in the cocoa plantation owned by the people affected by the lack of soil fertility. The purpose of this research is to provide information to cocoa farmers, especially cocoa farmers of the people residing in North Luwu on fertilizer recommendation in accordance with chemical analysis of soil fertilization activities do so more effectively and efficiently. Thus, soil fertility County North luwu increased and so did their cocoa production. Method p|

Indonesian to English (Alternative 2)| Recommendation SUMMARY of fertilisers, soil chemical analysis Gardens Cocoa (Theobroma cacao l. ) People in North Luwu, South Sulawesi Reski Noor Fatima m. * K4120787, 2010. 50 pages, under the direction, MPW: IR. Abdul Majid, MP ** and DPA: Il. Sugiyarto, Deputy of ***, Department of agribusiness management from State Polytechnic of Jember. One of the largest areas of cocoa farmers in Indonesia, North Luwu. An important problem in cocoa cultivation of fertilizer.

Lack of fertilizer recommendations, especially in the cocoa plantations refers to people who suffered from the lack of soil fertility. The aim of this study is to provide information for farmers in cocoa, cocoa farmers especially people living in North Luwu fertilizer recommendations in accordance with the chemical analysis of soil fertilizer do so more efficiently and effectively. Thus, soil district North luwu grew and so did his cocoa. Method r| Indonesian to English (Alternative 3)| Recommendations of fertilization summary based on chemical soil gardens cocoa analysis (Theobroma cacao l. people in the North of South Sulawesi Luwu, Reski Nur Fatima AM * K4120787, 2. 010,50 page, under the direction, Ministry of public works: Madjid Ir. Abdul, MP * and DPA: go. Sugiyarto, MP * Department of management of agribusiness of the State Polytechnic Jember. One of the largest areas of Indonesia North Luwu cocoa farmers. A major problem in the cultivation of cocoa is fertilization. The lack of recommendation of fertilizers, especially in the cocoa plantations belonging to people affected by the lack of soil fertility.

This research aims to provide information to farmers in cocoa, especially farmers in cocoa of residents in North Luwu recommendation fertilizers in accordance with the chemical analysis of soil fertilization activities make it more effective and efficient. Therefore, the North County soil fertility luwu increase as its cocoa production. Method p| Indonesian to English (Alternative 1)| Training methods including soil sampling people’s cocoa plantation in North Luwu and direct interviews with farmers, then do the analysis of N, P, K, BO, CEC, pH, BV in soil samples in the laboratory soil State Polytechnic of Jember.

Determine fertilizer recommendation based on soil analysis samples. Results of analysis and recommendations can be concluded that: (1) soil chemical properties in the cocoa plantations of the people is less ideal for the ideal cocoa plantation (2) Availability of soil nutrients in cocoa plantations of the people in North Luwu relatively very low (3) Recommendation fertilization of cocoa in accordance with the results Chemical analysis of soil for production may be optimal.

Keywords: Recommendation, fertilization, Soil Chemical Analysis, North Luwu, People’s Cocoa Plantation, Soil Fertility, Nutrition. * Students ** Cacao Agribusiness Concentration lecturer at the Polytechnic of Jember *** The teaching staff at the State Polytechnic of Jember| Indonesian to English (Alternative 2)| Implementation methods include sampling soil the cocoa plantations of popular in North Luwu and direct interviews with farmers, then make the analysis of N, P, K, Bo, CEC, pH, BV in soil samples in laboratory soil State Polytechnic of Jember.

Define fertilizer recommendations are based on soil sampling analysis results. Analysis and recommendations, it can be concluded that: (1) chemical properties of soil on the cocoa plantations of people less ideal for cocoa plantations are ideal (2) the availability of nutrients in the soil the cocoa estates of people in North Luwu relatively very low (3) Recommendation fertilization cocoa, in accordance with the results of chemical analysis of soil for production may be optimal.

Keywords: recommendations, fertilizers, chemical analysis of soils, North Luwu, cocoa plantations, soil, nutrients. * Students * Cocoa agribusiness Concentration of the Faculty of the Polytechnic of Jember *** teachers in State Polytechnical University of Jember| Indonesian to English (Alternative 3)| Methods include the exercise of sampling of soil the cocoa plantations in North Luwu and direct interviews with farmers, and then make an analysis of N, P, K, BO, CCA, pH, BV in soil samples in the laboratory of soil Jember State Polytechnic.

Determine the recommendation of fertilizers based on the results of analysis of the soil samples. The results of the analysis and recommendations can be concluded that: (1) the chemical properties of soil in people cocoa plantations is less ideal for cocoa plantations are ideal (2) the availability of nutrients in farms of ground cocoa of the people in the North relatively very low Luwu (3) recommendations fertilization cocoa, according to the results of chemical analysis of soil for the production may be optimal.

Keywords: recommendation, fertilization, chemical analysis of soil, North Luwu, cocoa plantations, the fertility of the soil, Popular nutrients. * * Cocoa concentration agribusiness Jember polytechnic education students * teachers in the Polytechnic School of the State of Jember|

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Glutinous Rice and Cocoa Powder

Tricia Bugarin Katruz Albano BUS 100 15 Aug 2011 Champorado: The Breakfast of Champions Champorado is a Filipino chocolate cereal made with sweet sticky rice much like the kind of rice you would use to make sushi. Filipinos consider this as the oatmeal or porridge that people eat in the morning. Champorado is considered to be the breakfast of champions because this type of food is cooked with cocoa powder and mixed with sugar which is guaranteed to give you an amazing burst of energy for a long period of time.

Champorado originated back when the Spaniards colonized the Philippines in the late 1500’s during their galleon trades where Spanish ships sailed twice a year across the Pacific Ocean between the Philippines and Acapulco. A lot of the trades consist of silk, ceramics, and spices, and because of the frequent sailing, a lot of the Spaniards decided to stay in the Philippines bringing with them their familiarity of making Champorado. Over the century, this dish was made in many different ways.

It can be served for breakfast, or as a snack. You can also eat champorado when it’s cold after putting it in a fridge. Usually some Filipino eats the champorado with the combination of a dried fish. Although, it can be considered as a poor man’s food because it does not cost a lot of money and it is relatively easy to make. Everything you will need can be bought at your local grocery store. All you will need is a cup of sticky white rice, half a cup of unsweetened cocoa powder, two and a half cups of water, and half a cup of sugar.

You can also add a little bit of vanilla extract but that is entirely up to you. You will, however, need evaporated milk which will give the Champorado a little bit of creme color and to get the thickness down before you start indulging in this delight. Cooking this dish is very simple and does not require a lot of math. Boil the cup of sticky white rice in a medium saucepan stirring constantly because you do not want the rice to clump up together. The rice is ready hen it is transparent and thicker in texture and consistency. Add your cocoa powder and the sugar mixing and stirring these ingredients together. Ones the cocoa powder and the sugar are well blended with the rice turn the heat off and put a little serving in a bowl. Now, you are ready to serve this delightful dish with a swirl of evaporated milk on top. You can typically serve Champorado hot or cold. In our culture, we serve this with a side of salty fish or meat for breakfast.

Our society is one big melting pot of cultures where a lot of things are being introduced. It is okay to expose yourself to the many types of delicatessen available out there. The worst possible thing that can happen to you is a swollen throat or you can even break out in hives due to your allergies, so just be aware of the ingredients being used. Despite of the differences that we may have, we do have one thing in common; we all love to eat.

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O Pioneers!

O Pioneers! Was written by Willa Cather and was first published in 1913 and it is a literary fiction. This book is about all the hardships of living in the planes or even just the hardships and challenges that people had to endure in the life of a pioneer. O Pioneers! takes place between the late 1800s and the early 1900s in Hanover Nebraska. The main character in the book is Alexandra a strong, young woman who bests the difficult lifestyles of living in the great planes.

Some of the themes shown in O Pioneers! Could be self sacrifice, building a civilization out of nothing, and Imagination of pioneers. An example of self sacrifice is Alexandra, she gives up most of her childhood to making sure her farm flourishes and learning more effective methods of farming. Pioneers must have imagination because they have to be able to look at an empty plot of land and imagine the city that could spring up from the area or what their farm could potentially yield. Also pioneers build their civilization out of nothing on the frontier.

Its originally just a bunch of grass and planes but farmers work the land and produce crops, and eventually it attracts more people. Life in the great planes was extremely difficult for multiple reasons. The great planes didn’t have very many trees, and without trees there was no wood to build houses, so most pioneers built their houses out of sod. The winters were long and cold and the summers were hot and dry. Farmers had to plant crops that didn’t require much water because they had to carry their water from nearby streams to their crops.

There were many droughts and grass fires often started because it was so dry. Also there weren’t that many people out in the great planes yet so they had to develop new technology making new farm equipment that would help make their farming easier. Women also play different roles in O Pioneers than the usual roles of women. The women work, and cross different gender lines on the frontier and for some women its a refreshing taste of freedom.

In O Pioneers! Alexandra owns land on her own instead of the men in her family. This is an overall interesting book to the general public, it is ostly accurate in the depiction of how life was for pioneers in the late 1800s early 1900s or maybe even for the life of a pioneer in general, except for It shows the successful side of pioneering. Most pioneers ended up in debt by picking the wrong plot of land or just using the wrong farming techniques. But it does show the drought that made the majority of people in Hanover sell their land which Alexandra later invests in. O Pioneers is a useful book for the general audience in depicting some of the hardships of life in the great planes.

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Patato Chips

Baseball, hot dogs, potato chips, and pop. What can be more American than that? The potato chip is the king of salty, crunchy snacks. Potato chips originated in New England in 1853 at Moon Lake Lodge in Saratoga Springs, New York. The inventor, a chef named George Crum, was part Native American and part African American and a guide in the Adirondack area. The potato chip was invented when a dinner guest returned his fried potatoes to Chef George Crum because they were not crunchy enough.

After returning the unacceptable fried potatoes twice, the irritated Chef Crum decided to annoy the customer by making the fried potatoes too thin to eat with a fork. The customer was surprisingly satisfied and the potato chip was invented. The invention of potato chips has had a positive impact on our country’s economy, the mechanized technology of potato chip production, and the popularity of chips as a main ingredient of social gatherings. Potatoes are second in consumption only to rice. As thin, salted crisp chips, they are America’s favorite snack.

From the beginning, potato chips made a difference in the economic situation at Moon Lake Lodge in showing an increase of profits as the potato chips, the house specialty, began to appear In 1926 Laura Scudder developed the wax paper bag to preserve the chips, which permitted wider distribution. Sheets of waxed paper were ironed into bags. Chips were then hand packed and the bags were sealed on top with warm irons. This was the invention of the potato chip bag as we know it today and its manufacture has continued.

Both the developments of the mechanical peeler and the wax paper led to the popularity of the chips beyond the northern part of the U. S. , where chips were mainly a restaurant dinner dish for decades. The development of pre-print waxed glassine bags in 1933 further expanded the sale of potato chips. With the increase of different chip manufactures around the country by 1929, the glassine bag provided improved quality of freshness for shipping time and allowed for advertising with company brand identification printed on the bag.

In 1929, production of potato chips dramatically increased due to the invention of the continuous fryer. In the first part of the century, potato chip manufacturing was done in small batches in small kettles. The continuous fryer allowed for a greater scale of production and eliminated most of the kettle cooker companies. Potato chip manufacturing has provided employment in several areas such as factory production, production and printing of boxes and bags, advertising, and shipping. It has provided profits for stores and vendors who sell snacks at sport games, fairs, and recreational facilities.

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