Gender Pay Gap, Less Popularity in Sports
May I ask you about something which is troubling me very much? I have decided to write and ask you directly because of my great admiration for you and all your work. Especially the latest novel which I have seen: The Féminin mystique. You speak for all of us as no one else does, or perhaps can, and I find myself quoting you upon all occasions. Getting to know you and your work inspired in me a commitment to inclusive feminism that would continue to grow through the years. When anyone mentions the word ‘gender equality” the first thing that pops up in most people’s minds is the word feminism and women gaining power. There are many women such as you, who inspired many females to let their voices be heard.
We came a long way to get to the rights that females have today. However, sex discrimination still exists, and to prove it there is the wage gaps. Women receive nearly seventy-two cents for every dollar a man makes. But why? Since women are often overlooked when it comes to certain jobs, others think females will care more for their families than their job or that they’re too emotional to make tough decisions thus, not getting the same opportunity a man would. This is where change comes in whether it is opinions, rights, opportunities, votes, decisions or wages, all should be equal in value to both genders. It actually is not hard to achieve equality if everyone works together.
If we raise awareness, give both men and women the same opportunities, and fill that wage gap then gender equality is closer than you think. After all, we are all humans and deserve equal treatment. Our main issue is the lack of gender equality around the world, particularly for women. One of the quotes from your novel that greatly inspired me was: “The feminists had destroyed the old image of a woman, but they could not erase the hostility, the prejudice, the discrimination that still remained.” We chose it because, as females, this relates directly to us, and will change our future. We are focusing on the actual rights of both males and females, as well as the gender pay gap, less popularity in sports, and women being taken advantage of in general.
Equal people want to stop gender discrimination and tell people what is going on, as the biggest problem seems to be that people don’t understand just how bad this issue is. This relates to human dignity because many females’ dignity is being taken away, along with their rights. I believe that the dignity of a human being means to be proud and happy within yourself and be in control of your behavior. You quoted in the feminine mystique: “When she stopped conforming to the conventional picture of femininity she finally began to enjoy being a woman.” To have human dignity would be to die with respect of one’s self, die being proud that you have done everything that you could have and most importantly to be in control of your emotions. Dignity as a behavior is important to have If you want to have a self-respecting community and a one that has compassion.