Comparison of Judaism and Mormonism

The reason I mentioned Jesus is because the Mormonism faith believe in the Godhead that is God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. See this is where the two religions split on their beliefs of God. As I wrote before that they both believe in God the Father but when they added on the Son and Holy Spirit Judaism would never accept that. From my researching of the two religions I came to only a few conclusions about what would happen from the facts I read if they were to get together. Mormons hold up those of Jewish decent and their religion on high.

From what I read is that since Mormonism historical background starts therewith Judaism that they would accept their teachings to a certain extent. The only thing that I see the people of Mormonism having a problem with is that the people of Judaism do not believe in Jesus. I think that Mormonism probably could let someone of the Judaism faith pray for them or with them because I read in the book Mormon America they encourage many different religions but believe somewhere down the line lost some facts of the truth that Mormonism still believes an addresses.

From those facts that got lost I believe that the Mormon would not accept either the belief that God is a spirit as of someone who is a believer of Judaism. The charastics that I wrote about even involves their everyday way of living. Judaism as I wrote before they believe that the name of God should not be spoken by any men, women, or child. They pray to God three times a day and four times on Saturday which is considered their Sabbath. When it comes down to the Tanakhthey try to follow the teachings of the Law that God gave to Moses.

That law that Judaism follow controls every aspect of their everyday life in they must obey or it would be displeasing to God. Also by the time childhits manhood if they have an able mind must remember all five books of the Pentateuch which is the first five books Moses wrote. As for Mormonism their belief on family in that once a family on earth will be a family in the afterlife has also instituted a very strong social welfare system to help their families.

In The Book of Mormon they are taught about heath living and incorporating with what they are taught they give up a lot of unhealthy thing sure as cigarettes, alcohol, and sometimes meat. But they mainly focus on eating foods like vegetables, fruits, and grain. Also children of the Mormonism faith are trained and brought up at a very young age in preaching the word of their faith Like all religious faiths, there will be some similarities and a lot more differences. Judaism and Mormonism are no different.

In conducting my research I found so many things about the religions of Judaism and Mormonism interesting. I think that the way that Mormonism was founded was the most interesting thing. It is always so amazing to get the chance to not only do research on different religions but also to get to know more about them and how different they may be from what I personally believe. References Bowker John. World Religions. The great Faiths Explored & Explained. New York, NY: DK Publishing, 2006.

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95 theses

Luther’s Theses Against the Church Martin Luther was a Theologian who was on his way to becoming a lawyer until an event that altered his life. In July 1505, Luther was caught in a terrible thunderstorm where he genuinely feared he may die. During the storm, he cried out to St. Anne, the patron saint of miners and said “Save me, St. Anne, and I’ll become a monk! “. (A;E Networks 1) When he told his parents of his decision, his father was deeply disappointed in him.

Luther also was driven by the wrath of God and felt as if his decision would help him gain salvation. When Luther finally realized that the answer to spiritual salvation was not to fear God or religious dogmas, but that faith alone would bring salvation. After hearing of Pope Leo the 10th’s new round of indulgences in order to help pay for building St. Peter’s Basilica in 1517, Luther had had enough. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg.

The theses listed many critiques of the Catholic Church, such as the corruption of the Church through the indulgences and taking money from the poor to construct buildings. Copies of the 95 theses were spread throughout Europe within two months of being nailed to the door on the Castle Church, in large thanks to the invention of the printing press. In Luther’s 82nd these, he talks about the church’s indulgences and how immoral it is. He asks “Why does not the pope liberate everyone from purgatory for the sake of love and because of the supreme necessity of their souls? . In that, he is saying that the pope should let everyone into heaven and not have to wait in purgatory, and not have to pay an indulgence to the church. He also mentions that the money is a much perishable thing and that the building of St. Peter’s Basilica is such a minor purpose, and gets away from the ideals of the early Catholic Church which were that you should not have many possessions and give to the less fortunate whenever you can.

The church’s view on indulgences, which were certificates that were produced in bulk and been pre-signed by the pope, were that they gave you access to heaven by pardoning your sins or your relative’s sins who had already died and could not purchase one themselves. The money gained from the indulgences were put to constructing new churches and buildings to praise Jesus Christ. The Church also said by doing this, you were committing a Christian act and this would get you closer to God.

In Luther’s 86th these, he talks about how the church is getting away from the basics of the early teachings of having very little and giving away most of its possessions. He says “Since the pope’s income to-day is larger than that of the wealthiest of wealthy men, why does he not build this one church of St. Peter… rather han with the money of indigent believers? “. From this quote, he is saying that the rich should not be getting richer trom the money ot the poor, like the Baurys Pope is from his poor believers, who should be the ones getting extra money to help them live.

The view the Church took of indulgences were that they helped fund the church’s expenditures and that the indulgences helped people bypass purgatory and go straight to heaven. Martin Luther’s 52nd these, he talks about how you cannot rely on the pope himself even though you have a letter of indulgence. Luther is saying that the letters of indulgences are nothing more than a piece of paper and have no more value to them than the paper they are written on.

Another interpretation of this these would be that you have to rely on your faith and not an indulgence to get yourself into heaven. The church told anyone that bought an indulgence was promised entry into heaven, regardless of their faith. In the 6th these, Luther tells how the pope can’t remit any guilt himself, but only can be only be a middleman from God to tell people that their sins are forgiven. The only power that the pope has is that he can remit sins in cases reserved to his discretion.

In this these specifically, Luther is saying that the pope is not the highest authority of power but is only a facilitator for God on Earth, and in this show that the pope could not do what only God could do, mainly guarantee rights into heaven. Martin Luther with his 95 theses wanted to bring a debate about certain ideas that were prevalent in the church at that time. He noticed people in his own parish had stop coming to Baurys 3 hurch because they believed their indulgences guaranteed them access into heaven, no matter how bad of a life they lived, or how often they came to church.

Luther wanted to bring reform to the church and show mainly poor people that they did not have to give away a majority of their money to the church for material gain for the church. Also, he wanted to the poorer people that they could live with good faith and still get into heaven without living in complete poverty.

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Romans Seeing of Christian Worldview

Even though Romans is not a complete worldview r a Christian worldview it certainly directs us in the right way of how we should view the world. What does Romans inform us regarding Creation When we look at Romans chapter 8: 19-25, believe here Paul is talking about Adam and Jesus. Everybody thinks that God knows everything going to happen, and the truth is I believe he knows. The one thing I really believe that God knows everything, but he does give us free choice and maybe just one time he’s hoping he doesn’t know that were going to, and maybe instead of choosing the wrong we would choose Him.

The curse is Adam when he first mined not just for his self but also for every birth from then on. Jesus then comes as the sacrificial sheep. One man to curse all of mankind and one man to save all Of mankind. Natural Creation There is no doubt about finding God’s creation in Romans. In chapter 1:20-21 proves of his existence and power, verse 20 states that since the creation of the world God’s invisible quality -his eternal power and divine nature. God has no doubt that this is his creation and God is always made himself available to us. God created verse man and woman to have a natural relationship, which man and woman.

Man started to make idols out of gold, of birds and animals and reptiles. Man’s heart was not in the right place for the creator it was for sinful lust, since their heart was not right with God and instead had all this unnatural lusts God let it happen. Men started having sex with men and even their women was having sex with other women. Their acts were unnatural from one God one God wanted of the most one man one woman until the end of time. Sins in Roman Sin is mention several times in Romans, Paul tells us that we all have sin and we all fall short of the glory of God.

Paul also explained to us that through the away no one will be saved, but the law lets us recognize what sin is. 6:23 tells us that that the punishment for sin is death. Whereas if we elect to serve Jesus, we are promised eternal life. This is a condition that cannot be fixed by any man, that only Jesus dying on the cross for us was the only way we as mortal humans and sinful by nature could be saved. Salvation In Romans Paul talked to us about salvation and the only way that we could ever be saved with salvation was through Jesus dying on the cross for us.

We know that Jesus was a descendent of David, and the one thing that he as supposed to do was to be the sacrificial sheep for our sins. So without Jesus we would never found salvation because we were not covered under the first covenant, but under the new covenant we were accepted because Jesus gave his life for us. So this was the nature and mission of Jesus Christ and justification by faith is believing and Jesus the son of God. Because of our faith and our believe Christ the moment that we accepted Jesus we were given the Holy Spirit which would sanctify us and give us empowerment to do the things that Jesus did himself.

Eschatology In Romans 5:20 we see were Paul is saying that because of the law being added was so that basically trespasses might increase. You would think of Paul is against on is that we have no hope, but he is also that were sin increases grace will increase also. God has new mercies for us every day in new Hope always be there no matter what we’ve done we can go and repented God because Jesus made a way for us to live that one day we may have eternal life. When we look at Romans 8:18-25 Paul is telling us that we should not compare are suffering to the glory that will be ours when the time moms.

The glory Will be greater than any suffering we have ever been subject to. Romans 13:11-14 Paul is telling us that our Christian worldview and the obedience that we have Jesus through our faith one day we will be victorious against Satan, death and sin Ethics In Romans 8:8-21 we will find that Paul bases the ethics on love. In verse eight Paul is telling us that no matter what we do we need to do it cheerfully, delicately and we need to show mercy follows is all up in nine telling us that love must be since. That anything evil we should hate, we should cling to what is good.

And the next versus is instructed how we should, and we should never commit adultery we should always respect with love. Chapter 8 sums up the things that we should do we love and not be afraid to do them. Theology There are several verses in here were Paul talks about God even though his letter is non-about God its more about justification. When we look at 1:17 here Paul is trying to tell us that there is a righteousness that is revealed from God. Paul states it is from first to last the righteousness will live by faith.

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The word grotesque is an oxymoron in itself. It means beautiful ugly. How a person can have both of these adjectives is the theme of Winesburg, Ohio written by Sherwood Anderson. His characters become grotesque by holding onto one truth that make them distorted but unknowingly make them beautiful simultaneously. Anderson uses the motif of isolation on Seth Richmond, the Stranger and Tandy to develop their grotesqueness by making the characters’ isolation be the reason why they hold onto one truth causing their grotesqueness.

On the other hand, the author ses biblical allusion to help clarify the truth Jesse Bentley lives by that causes his grotesqueness. Anderson uses the motif of isolation in order to enhance the grotesqueness of Seth Richmond, as the character’s self-imposed isolation causes his grotesqueness. Seth Richmond grows up with his mother, Virginia Richmond who does not know how to discipline him and a deceased father. Seth only stares at his mother apathetically when she scolds him that causes his mother to withdraw from her displeasure.

Seth also only shows indifference in things other boys engage in and finds him different rom others, since he does not feel the same emotions people would usually feel. Hence, he holds onto the truth that he does not belong in the town and “he [wishes] that he himself [be] stirred by something” (133). Seth’s self-imposed isolation is what causes his grotesqueness. He thinks Just because he doesn’t have the same interest as the others and is not “stirred by something” makes him an outcast and unlike. When in fact, the people of Winesburg admire him because he comes off as a passionate and mature man.

Nevertheless, Seth does not acknowledge the people’s houghts because he lives by his truth that he does not fit in Winesburg because he is indifferent about things the people our engaged in. For this reason, he is distorted and grotesque for believing one truth and not accepting the others’ truths. Later, Seth fancies a girl named Helen but with him imposing that he does not belong in the town and wants to leave, he soon drives away Helen and begins to think that the reason of her departure is because of his truth that he is an outcast.

When in reality, Helen departs to avoid further sentiment because Seth tells her that it was their last ime they’ll see each other. Nonetheless, He continues to say, “when it comes to loving someone, it wont never be [him]. It’ll be… someone who talks a lot – someone like that George Willard” (142). Seth continues to hold onto his truth and imposes that he needs be isolated further more from the town and needs to leave Winesburg. This eventually drives Helen away, but Seth believes it is because of his social skills.

Hence, he becomes Jealous of George Willard and wants to be like him because he thinks that if he were George, Helen would not have left him. However, George Willard is not that social either, Seth assumes he is a social butterfly because he is a reporter but as a matter of fact he only listens well. Seth is grotesque because he believes in a truth that is not absolute. He believes that Helen left him because he is not as social as George Willard, when it is not the case. He is grotesque tor believing a truth about George Willard that is not true.

The author also uses the motif of isolation to develop the grotesqueness of the Stranger and Tandy, as the characters’ isolation causes them to hold onto one truth aking them grotesque. Tandy Hard lives only with her father, Tom Hard because her mother is dead. Tom Hard spends most of his time being an atheist, wrecking the ideas and belief that God exists causing his daughter to be neglected. Not having anyone to nurture her and guide her, she becomes lost and continues to live without an identity, as implied by the author when he does not mention her real name until she the stranger names her Tandy.

The stranger comes to Winesburg, Ohio in order to cure his alcohol addiction and addiction to an image of a lover. He claims that his over is named Tandy who has “the quality of being strong to be loved,” and the only reason he is not with her is because “she did not come in [his] time” (145). As a result of the stranger being lone and isolated for not having a lover, he holds onto the truth that his lover is named Tandy and she was not born in his time for the stranger does not find her yet.

His reasoning makes him distorted because he continues to believe the truth that there is a Tandy that was not born at his time and not acknowledge the truth that there might not be any Tandy at all. In addition, his isolation also makes im grotesque because it makes him live by the truth that his lover is someone like Tandy and does not acknowledge the truth that there are other women out there that can be his potential lovers without necessarily having the same quality as Tandy.

Nonetheless, the stranger imposes on the daughter that she should be Tandy and she should be strong and brave in order to beloved. Consequently, the daughter not having an identity starts to incline on the idea of Tandy. When her father calls her, she retaliates and says, “[she] want[s] to be called Tandy – Tandy Hard” (146). After he daughter’s statement demanding she wants to be called Tandy, it is implied that she will continue to live as Tandy. For that reason, the daughter is grotesque for not accepting that she can have her own truth to live by and not Just the truth of the stranger.

However, the only reason she holds onto the stranger’s truth is because she does not acquire her own identity from the isolation and lack of nurture she gets from her father. Therefore, her isolation because of the lack of guidance from her father causes her to live by another person’s truth distorting her and making her rotesque. Anderson uses biblical allusion to help clear up the truth Jesse Bentley lives by creating his grotesqueness. Jesse Bentley inherits a colossal amount of land from his dead father and brothers.

Before inheriting the land Jesse Bentley studied to be a minister, so returning home he is filled with religious thoughts. Hence, he begins to think that his farm is an empire of God and thinks that his lands need to be protected from “the hands of the Philistines” (73). As a man who studied to be a minister, it is understandable to return with the words of God. However, Jesse Bentley ssociating his life to the Bible and calling his neighbors Philistines is Just absurd and twisted.

He lives by the truth that his life is parallel with Jesse’s life from the Bible, and even goes to the extent of calling his neighbors Philistines implying that they are enemies. For this reason, Jesse Bentley is grotesque because he lives by the truth that his neighbors are Philistines like in the Bible, causing his distortion and grotesqueness because his truth is not really true. As I said before, Jesse Bentley commences to equate his life to the Jesse of the Old Testament. The Jesse from the Old Testament is known as Christ’s key ancestor.

As a result, Bentley prays to God that his wife conceives a son that can be named David in order for the lineage to start. However, his wife conceives a girl, Louise that gives birth to a son named David. Jesse Bentley then starts to get obsessive about contacting God through his grandson David. He thinks that through David they “will see the beauty and glory of God” (100), so he brings a sheep to sacrifice and uses David as a host in the forest. Jesse Bentley holds onto the truth that he can be a significant person like the Jesse from the Old Testament through his grandson.

He strongly believes that his life is parallel to the life of the Bible’s Jesse when it is not the case. In addition, the fact that he still tries to equate his life into the bible when there’s a generation gap and the story that he is reenacting is Abraham and Isaac and not Jesse and David shows that he is so desperate to communicate with God and feel significant that it makes him distorted and grotesque. Furthermore, because Jesse Bentley is blinded by his want to be significant and the truth that he can communicate with God, he does not accept the ruth that God may not exist making him grotesque.

In conclusion, the characters’ isolation leads them to live by one truth that enhances their grotesqueness. Additionally, the author uses biblical allusion to explain and clarify the truths the characters’ hold onto that makes them grotesque. In some way, the characters’ or in general people’s grotesqueness can be seen as beautiful. People’s faith in a certain truth can be considered beautiful and no matter how distorted it makes them seem, it’s the fact that people stand on their ground and fght for what they believe in, makes them admirable.

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The New Subjects in Romantisism

During the Romantic Period there seemed to be revolution in the air. The American Revolution and the French Revolution of 1789 had a great impact on literature of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This impact can be seen throughout Romantic literature but especially in the area of new subjects. Before the 19th century authors tended to write about the aristocratic class. There was nothing written for or about the common people. There are three areas in which the discussion will focus upon in the area of new subjects. The first area will focus on the children, the second will be women, and the third will be the new attitude towards God.

The Romantic period strongly emphasized the lives of children. Authors writing at that time did not just look at children playing outside but within real life situations. Writing started to be explored in the language of the common man. The topics presented by most of these writers appealed to the general public. Today, the area of children within literary works does not seem revolutionary. At this time, however, there were no writings that reflected the everyday lives of children.

The first important poem in the Romantic period with regards to children is by William Blake, “The Chimney Sweep.” This poem focuses upon the tremendous abuse of children during this time. This poem portrays visions of death throughout “were all of them lock’d up in coffins of black”(Norton 31). This quote catches the reader’s attention with a vision of death. These children talked of death very candidly because they died young. The sweeper almost inevitably would have died before he even knew how to live life. They worked in horrible labor conditions with no sign of relief because there were no labor laws. These children mainly died from consumption of the fumes within the shaft or by an accident.

“We are Seven” by William Wordsworth refers frequently to children. This poem is told from the perspective of a seven-year-old girl. A young girl as the center of the poem would have been unheard of in earlier periods. The little girl has a brother and a sister who have died. The girl shows the reader the presence of another reality. The audience could not have understood this new reality we before the entrance of a child’s perspective. The child has seven people in the family but two are dead. The little girl’s reality is different than the readers. She believes her family members are with her even though they are really dead. These two poems impacted the populace to be aware of the exploitation of children and their understandings of the world.

Frankenstein also addresses the concept of children in literature. Mary Shelly does it on several occasions. The first reference to children in the book is when Victor’s brother is killed. Only in the Romantic Period do readers see the concept of death of children. Also on another occasion within the novel the talk centers on children migrating because of war. In earlier novels the role of children was not predominant.

Another area in which the Romantic writings were opened were the writings on and by women. The most influential work would be Mary Wolstonecraft’s work The Vindication of The Rights of Woman. There are many points that are brought to light within this work. Wolstonecraft calls for the education of all people, including women. She does not want to educate women for the amusement of men, but for intellectual stimuli. She tires to argue for women’s education in a subtle way. She argues for the education of women to be for the betterment of the populace.

Wolstonecraft tries to make the point that the education of women would be in a good light. She argues that the education of women would create stability within the home. Husbands and wives will be able to hold a substantive conversation; they will “become the friend, and not the humble dependant of her husband”(Norton 113). Wollstonecraft was able to write in this way because she herself was educated. Her relationship with her husband was one of a mutual affection not a necessity, and he was not threatened by this.

Women threatened other contemporary males during this time. As seen here from a journal called Gentleman’s Magazine in April 1799:

In the general confusion of ideas, religious, moral, and political, we are not surprised to find claims set up for the female sex, unsupported we must say by prescription, but we are justified in saying by reason. Mrs. R. avows herself of the school of Wollstonecroft; and that is enough for all who have any regard to decency, order, or prudence, to avoid her company. She has traveled for her improvement; and what are the blessed fruits of her travels? Let the motley list of heroines subjoined to this letter, and the anecdotes of female characters, of all descriptions, interspersed in it, speak for themselves. (Randall 1)

This is an illustration of how men felt at this time. This also shows that not everyone was inclined to recognize the new subjects. (The Mrs. R refers to Mary Robinson a contemporary of Wolstonecraft)

One of the most intriguing works we read was “The Lady of Shalott.” This poem was in long form but it captured life in a different light. The poem depicts women looking at life only through a mirror. She watches her whole existence through the mirror, until she finally needs to see with her own eyes what has happened. The meaning of this poem can be interpreted in many ways. One way is that woman are watching the world pass them by without trying to taking part in everyday actions.

Another area in which women were making their mark was writing the literature. Mary Wollstonecraft started the chain of events. She was one of the first women noticed for her writings. Her daughter Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley made great strides as a writer also at this time. These authors also made women more human. Women, not only did they cook and clean but also they even did other things.

The third area to look at when addressing new subjects is God. There were many writings on the role of God before this period. The Bible being the best example tells of God the friend and God the punisher. William Blake illustrates poetry best in relation to God. The two poems that gave us the best look at, the two different versions of, God are “The Lamb” and “The Tyger.” In these two poems Blake takes two very different views. The lamb is the traditional symbol for the flock of God. He challenges the idea of Christ the lamb with the repetitive nature. He repeatedly asks the question “who made thee?” referring to who created a creature like the lamb (Norton 29).

In the “Tyger” the same question of “who made thee?” comes up (Norton 37). This vicious animal and hunter is he too one of Gods creatures. This asks the question “What king of immortal hand or eye/ could frame thy fearful symmetry?” The questioning of what kind of god made you, the lamb and tyger. Then the next question asked is “Did he who made the lamb make thee?” seemingly the answer being yes it is the same god.

Blake seems to question God several times within his poetry. The next one that sticks out particularly is “The Divine Image” where he continues to question what God really is. “To mercy, Pity, Peace and Love” sets the tone for the rest of the poem. He tells of how we are all God’s children so we better be good to one another. He stresses the idea of equality here.

There are also two stories that come to mind when discussing God as a new subject. The first is the “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Colleridge. In this short story we see a man on a journey. His journey starts not at the beginning of the trip to the South Pole, but it begins when he kills a bird. He shoots it with a crossbow. The symbolism behind the crossbow may mean he killed Jesus. Then when He goes through all the pains and anguish, he is forgiven for killing one of God’s creatures.

The next story that comes to expresses God in the area of new subjects is Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. This novel shows God in a very different light. Victor is shown as a God because he has created a creature outside of his own blood. Victor is faced with a choice whether or not to destroy or create a new creature. The Frankenstein book looked at the idea of God in a new fashion. Shelly tries to show us that our obsessions draw great light upon us. Mary Shelley shows how our obsessions draw light upon us in two ways. If we are obsessed with doing something when it happens we are let down. The second way that obsession affects us is that if we do not do something it may kill us.

There were many new subjects that were addressed by Romantic poets and authors alike in regards to new subjects. The subject area of children is still being explored today. Once the subject area of children was opened the writing world has not been the same. In the area of women Vindication came when that work was published. It did not free women but gave them rights that they had not ever had before. In the area of God there was a great deal of questioning taking place. The entrance of Darwin and its legitimization raised questions pertaining to god. These new subjects were vital to the Romantic period and every piece of writing afterward.

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Roman Religion

Romans were very strict to their religion and beliefs. In ancient Rome, people involved worshiping multiple gods and deities. The religion practice was in two different stages; state and family practices: the state worships were held by the government which were more organized. There were also colleges which would counsel people to the right way of worshiping gods. Roman sought will of their gods in mass prayers such as Olympic games, religious events and sacrificing while in the household every family had their own protective gods. Worshipers would offer prayers and sacrifices to the gods in order to request their favor.

In fact, the ancient Roman state’s religion were practiced for the well-being of the government and the citizens. They worshiped multiple gods to seek success in all aspects of life, each god had its unique function and had been worshipped for the specific purposes; god of battle, god of love, god of peace and so on. In addition, there had been four colleges which have had control over the public and private religious practices.

The two most important colleges were the Pontifices and the college of Augurs. The Pontifices college, as Warrior mentions, “had authority over the most important matters” (RR 48). Most likely, the accuracy of worshiping and sacrificing were depended upon Pontifices college priest’s approval and they would assure that the practice was in its accurate way. The Augurs college was in charge of overseeing and connection between religion and the politics. Most of the member of Augurs college were priests and professionals.

Furthermore, in Roman religion, people believed that gods were involved in their daily activities. They had several religious festivals which were accompanied by the Olympic games, these festivals were held by the state authorities and were practiced in the public. One of these events called “the laughter of god,” which they held to seek the laugher of the god Apollo. According to” Apuleius” in the book “The golden ass,” “we are the only people who on this day seek the benevolence of the god laugher in an amusing and joyful ritual” (TGA 38).

Among all other religious practices, this event was called the god laugher. In this event, in order to make the god happy, the government would gather all the citizens and held a laughter ceremony for the favor of god Apollo. They would find someone who is not aware of the ceremony and put him in a situation, while he was struggling in the situation they would start laughing to favor the god. The people who gathered knew what was happening but not the stranger who makes the god laugh.

In Roman’s religion, the state and private practices were performed in many aspects, the religion was sought in different ways and for different purposes. One of the purposes of the state worshiping was sought for success in battles. Before the battle, they would seek the agreement of the god through worshiping and sacrificing in the ceremonies. Priests who were professionals in reading the signs of god would translate the signs, if the signs were suitable for the purpose they would prepare for the action, if not the worshiping and sacrificing were supposed to be redone for corrections.

In conclusion, as I mentioned above, Roman worships were divided into the public and the private. Families would honor their household spirits while public worship was held by the government. Rome had colleges of official priests to ensure that its actions met with divine approval. Roman religion involved cult worship. In their religious beliefs, approval from the gods did not depend on a person’s behavior, but on accurate observance of religious rituals. The gods were usually imaged in stone or bronze and would put them in a shrine or temple in which they would offer prayers and sacrifices.

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Spice Chart

Mature common Woman: Firm of heart strong beautiful brave like a man Bad woman: Thin tottering weak unfriendly The Weaver: Concern Hi her thread skilled a blender of colors Bad Weaver: Silly foolish unskilled unobservant Physician knows the herbs conducts examination professional trustworthy mutates Women spent 30 to 40 hours a week into preparing basic foods Political Leaders/ Elites: Herman Cortes the Spanish captain who first entered the city reported the “the stone masonry and the woodwork are equally good; they could not be better anywhere. ” Vernal Ditz del Castillo admired the Aztec city so much rods could hardly explain Toppling- Tolled leader and apparently a priest dedicated to the god Quadruplicate who later became confused with the god himself in the legends Toppling a religious reformer who was involved in a struggle for priestly or political power with another faction. When he lost him and his followers went into exile they promised to come back on the same date on the cyclical calendar Anesthetically was a leading Aztec king of the 15th century.

State Structure: Political units claimed authority on the basis of their military power and their injections to Tolled cultures Aztec distrusted by everyone however they were seen as good use due to their fighting skills. This made them attractive as mercenaries or allies. Mowers death or death while taking prisoners for the sacrificial knife, was the end to a nobles life and ensured eternity in the highest heaven a reward also promised to women who died in childbirth Subjects were forced to pay tribute, surrender lands, and sometimes do military service for the growing Aztec empire Mexican had become a stratified society under the authority of a supreme ruler Greatly expanded into an enormous cult in which the military class played a central role as suppliers Of war captives to be used as sacrificial victims.

Aztec state was dominated by a king who represented civil power and served as a representative of the gods on earth Human sacrifice and conquest was united with the political power of the ruler and the nobility Banners, cloaks, and other insignia marked off the military ranks Military was organized by ranks based on experience and success in taking captives Military virtues where linked to the cult of sacrifice and infused the whole society Nobility broke free from their old calculi and wend private lands Long distant merchants formed a sort of calculi with patron gods, privileges and internal divisions; served as spies or agents of Aztec military The state controlled the use and distribution of many commodities and redistributed the vast amounts of tribute received from subordinate peoples Tribute levels were assigned on whether the subject people accepted Aztec rule or fought against it Tribute payments where things such as food , slaves, and sacrificial victims, served political and economic ends 1 20,000 mantles of cotton cloth alone were collected as rebut each year and sent to Authentication Aztec divided into seven Calculi, or clans, a form of organization that they later expanded and adapted to their imperial position. -Included neighbors, allies, and dependents Wars/Revolutions: “flower wars” could be staged in which both sides could obtain captives for sacrifice Diplomacy: Treaties: Courts, Law: Feeding the great population of Authentication and the Aztec confederation in general depended on traditional forms of agriculture. Lands conquered peoples often were appropriated, and food sometimes was demanded as tribute. Nationalism:

Human sacrifice, long a part of Micronesian religion, greatly expanded into an enormous cult in which the military class played a central role as suppliers of war captives to be used as sacrificial victims. Interaction- Geography: Lakes contained cities Rise of lakes made it impossible to continue an irrigated system Disease: Patterns of Settlement: Migration: Migrated to the shores of Lake Texaco Chemic migrants came from the northwest and various groups of sedentary farmers Aztec domination expanded from the Etruscan frontier about a hundred miles north Of present day Mexico city Technology: Canoes which allowed transportation Many bridges at intervals Wood work They built artificial floating islands about 17 feet long and 1 00 to 330 feet wide Millard- a machine that grinded helped female have more spare time helped trade Demography: 1. Million to 25 million people 20 million people excluding the Maya areas Aztec were a group of about a 10,000 people Culture- Religions: Micronesian Belief Systems: Aztec where tough warriors and fanatical followers of their gods Human sacrifice Aztec would settle when they saw an eagle perched on a cactus with a repent in its beak Mexican people who served gods Micronesian religion believed in human sacrifice Gods of rain, fire, water, corn, the sky, and the Sun 128 deities Each deity had a male and female form Believed gods might have different manifestations similar to avatars of the Hindu deities Certain gods were thought to be the patrons of specific cities, ethnic groups, or occupations Festivals and ceremonies that involved feasting and dancing along with penance and sacrifice God of Fertility called Tallow God of the Rain Coach Gods and Goddesses of water, maize, and fertility Creator deities – gods and goddesses who created the universe Hydrochloric was the old sun god and saw him as a warrior in the day and in order to live he needed the human blood Human hearts and blood sustained the gods Believed the world had been destroyed four times before and we would be destroyed again Food was offered as tribute Philosophies and ideologies: fatalism in Aztec thought and a premonition that eventually the sacrifices would be insufficient and the gods would again bring catastrophe.

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