Business plan for happy partnership

Filipino’s are described as great food lovers and what a great tribute for this, a project in Entrepreneurial Management, the proponents prepared an idea for the food industry. It has been observed that we, Filipinos, love eating. Even after a heavy meal, we look for something else to eat, for a limited budget, sometimes we doubt if we would still buy something Just to lessen the unlikeable tastes In our mouths primarily because of the price. So, Happy Partnership offers an innovated product, a roduct that is common and was innovated to be distinct among other offered pastillas.

We call this product Happy Pastillas. Happy Pastillas, being distributed to retailers In sari-sari stores, would be more convenient and thus, will not require consumers to go somewhere else. unlike other desserts, a piece of Happy Pastlllas can be enough to lessen saltiness, spiciness or greasiness of meals remained in our taste buds. Happy Pastillas offers health-conscious consumers nd dessert lovers a healthy and friendly local product called pastillas.

Happy Pastillas Partnership will provide a combination of excellent dessert with affordable price, unique shape, and nutritious ingredients. Happy Pastillas is the answer to the increasing demand for craving a dessert after a meal with lower price. Our mission Is to serve customers great tasting nutritious dessert in today’s highly competitive environment, it is becomes increasingly difficult to compare our product o the usual pastillas that consumers usually buy.

Hundreds of retailers who are selling different pastries are evolving. our Inltlal target areas are sta. Elena, San. Roque, sto. NIno, calumpang . As we grow. we will develop more kiosks within the city. Happy Pastillas are highly profitable in the first twoyears. The increasing probability is partly based on expectations. These forecasts are based on general trends in food Industry.

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The Burden of a Happy Childhood

In “The Burden of a Happy Childhood” Cantwell described her grandparent’s house, the three-story Victorian house her family lived in during her childhood life. There are so many great things she has experienced, like having a bird as a pet. After a morning dip on the beach, she had a playful moment with her grandfather in his beautiful garden; he washed her feet to remove the sand from her feet. As she grew older, all the images of those special moments still captured in her heart. I agree with Mary Cantwell, I moved from Vietnam when I was twelve years old.

I really had great memories of my childhood I took a long walk to my grandmother’s house, bike rides to school, the farm that we lived on. My father cooked vegetables that he grew in the backyard. As Derby Evening, he shared how he liked to listen to his childhood stories, “I enjoy hearing about my childhood memories. ” (Evening). I have the same habits as the Evening. I liked to feel the breeze on my face when my mother fans on me before bedtime. During the moon-soon season, I liked listening to the raindrops and feel the warmth of my mother’s arms around me.

During the New Year, my mother didn’t have money to buy new clothes she cut her gowns and remade the clothes for me. I was so happy because I got new clothes to wear for new years. The special moments I have had from my childhood that I’m so close to my parents and my siblings because of my strong family with the meticulous care from my parents similar to Mary’s article. My parents had sacrificed so much for my family. We will care and love, and protect each other no matter what happens. I agree with Mary Cantwell, she has special places, people and memories in her childhood life those memories will remain in her heart forever.

It’s the most grateful memories that I have had also. It will never wash away from me even the years ahead passing by. I am blessed to have the greatest parents who have done so many great things that make who I am today.

Works Cited

  1. Cantwell, Mary. Backpack Writing with Readings (The Burden of a Happy Childhood). New York: Longman, 2008. 10 Apr. 2011.
  2. Evening, Derby. “Memories of Childhood and Summer Days at Lake Side. “
  3. General Reference Gold. (2011): Text available Full Text. Web. 10 April 2011.
  4. Garrity, Mary. “Home Style: O Christmas Tree. ” Scripps Howard News Service- 29 November 2010. NewsBank. Web. 10 April 2011.

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The Happy Prince

In the beautifully written tale The Happy Prince, it tells a story of love and generosity. The book delves into a fairy tale of a swallow and a prince, it poetically talks of the time when the prince was alive and how he was such a joyful person. The people of the kingdom bestowed upon the prince the nickname ‘The Happy Prince. ‘ When the prince died the town councillors chose to create a statue honouring him, setting the statue high above the town so the happy prince could watch over everyone.

The Prince was coated in gold and rubies, this made him look magnificent and the whole town admired him. The prince became friends with a swallow and together they help the poor by giving them the gold and rubies off the statue. The book enters into a world of perplexity and reliance. The construction of the tale is written in an humorous way, but in doing that it also explores some serious issues involving poverty and loneliness.

Playwright and poet Oscar Wilde started writing the children’s book ‘The Happy Prince’ in 1988, the remarkably written book is wildly popular even still 23 years later. Wilde’s collection of children’s story books consists of The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend and The Remarkable Rocket, all with different meanings, all just as funny and all just as heart wrenching. I think Wilde not only wrote these books for children but he made sure they are comedic and entertaining for adults too.

The stories all have deeper meanings and talk about essential issues, this I think is makes the books even better. I remember my dad reading ‘The Happy Prince’ to me as a child, the story back then was completely different to what I remember now. The humorous way Wilde goes into relationship between the two main characters in the story really made me laugh, I liked the way he talked of how to swallow fell in love with the reed and how the other swallows thought it was ridiculous because “she has no money, and far to many relations. Eventually the swallow tired of the reed as she “had no conversation. ” Wilde uses humorous writing conventions such as metaphorical description of the relationships in the story between the wind and the reed “she was always flirting with the wind. ” I love the style of writing and how witty and crazy Wilde’s ideas are. I think Wilde’s children’s book will always be loved, the bizarre stories will continue to make people laugh and proceed to be fantastic bedtime stories.

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Healthy Body Lead to a Happy Lifestyle

People nowthere think that being rich and having a lot of money is the happiest thing in life. But, what is the use of money without a healthy body? Do you mind to buy the most delicious food but you cant eat it? or a pair of nice shoes but then you cant even wear it for a travel?. What is it feel when you can have your own big house and you can only sit there, in a room, worrying all about the disease that you get?. You don’t jump out of bed in the morning excited to be starting another day of your fabulous life.

Instead, you drag yourself, grumbling, wondering what you are going to wear to cover your latest growing bulge. Somehow, it looks stressful, isn’t it? Can you see that world is moving at a faster rate, even more than the speed of light. Getting things done in a faster pace and presenting it to the world before anyone else, has become the priority for humans these days. In the quest of making money and fame I guess many of you are ignoring the most precious wealth of your life.

Yes, it is HEALTH. John F. Kennedy once said: “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. ” Too often we take our health for granted and realize its importance only when we fall ill badly. Yet, it does not take a lot to be happy, eoungh that you have a healthy body and a healthy mind. If not feeling physically great at least having a healthy body is a prerequisite for a happy life.

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Analysis of The Happy Man

I’m going to analyze the novel “The Happy Man” by Somerset Maugham, a well-known English novelist, short-story writer, playwright, and essayist. William Somerset Maugham was born in Paris, educated at King’s School in Canterbury and studied to be a doctor at St. Thomas Hospital in England. He was one of the best-known writers of his time as he was master of short stories. The story starts with the narrator thinking and telling the reader about his attitude to giving advice to somebody. He thinks it to be quite difficult and even impossible to give the right advice as “we know nothing of the others”.

The whole first paragraph of the story is devoted to the narrator’s expressing the opinion on life, the manner of bourgeois society and the danger of ordering the lives of others. Then the author goes on telling a story that once happened to the narrator. This novel runs about a desperate man who confided his life to a total stranger. The theme of the novel: a man’s search for happiness; the role of advice in the life of people. The main characters of the story are the narrator and Stephens. The main character is the narrator.

There is no information about his appearance in the text. The only thing about his age is the information that he was a young man when he advised well. Nevertheless, we can judge about his character from his thoughts, behavior, and speech. The description of his character is indirect. He is a wise man: he knows that it is impossible to know another person as well as oneself to give him/her advice which would be good for him/her. And he is bold enough for a man who dares to give the life-changing advice to a man he sees for the first time.

The narrator was intelligent, clever and bright. We can judge by his way of narration, speech. He is an educated person, he uses literary vocabulary mostly, for instance, such words as errand, flounder, squeamish, silences. Connotation of words is positive and the way the author uses the literature teams makes the story understandable and close to the readers. He was a doctor but didn’t practice. And first of all he was a writer. He was an experienced person, philosopher and good psychologist because he could say for sure who the man was and what life was.

He thought a lot about life and tried to understand the value of life. ‘And life is something that you can lead but once…’ He is a responsible man. He has a sharp eye for details which reveal Stephens’ inner state: he (Stephens) had some difficulty in lighting cigarette without letting go off his hat. He quickly did this and while doing it dropped his umbrella. Stephens’ portrayal is subjective and the reader sees everything from the narrator’s point of view. Stephens represents and images. The first is Stephens who lives in London.

He sensitive and emotional, the proof is being the usage of metaphors and epithets in his speech. “Each one help of this metaphor the author shows the narrator’s outlook on the relations between people and the impossibility of knowing a person well enough to give him advice”. The next metaphor: “There are men who flounder at the journey’s start is aimed at making speech more colorful and interesting, so that the whole scene readily presents itself to the reader’s eye” It is an unhappy man, bored with his life, who doesn’t find air one can breathe in London.

Stephens’ inner state, his emotions are depicted through the narrator’s evaluation of Stephens’ sentences. He finds striking and sharp. These epithets are used by the author to show that Stephens could not really stick his life anymore. He is fed up with the routine of being a medical office because that was all he had to look forward to the far the rest of life. Even good money of London can’t stop him from leaning for uncertainty in Spain. The second image, that is a happy man, and he is presented by Stephens’ living in Spain. He satisfied with his life though he is rather shabbily dressed.

The happiness and content with life can be seen through all the narrator’s description of Stephens appearance: his eyes twinkled gaily, his face bore an expression of perfect good-humor. This metaphor helps us to get the idea of Stephens’ happiness. The exaggeration Stephens uses “I wouldn’t exchange the life I have had that of any king in would” shows the highest degree of being happy. Another exaggeration used by the author “you couldn’t have imagined a more delightful creature to drink a glass of wine” which is aimed at revealing the author’s positive attitude to Stephens.

So, the two images a “happy and unhappy man” are opposed to each other. The stylistic device used in this case, it is the contrast, its function is to bring some phenomena in opposition and find differentiate features. This Stylistic device helps us to state the main idea of the story, which twists around the theme of happiness. Stephens found his happiness in Spain, where is air one can breathe while in London there was no possibility for him to enjoy life. The contrast between Spain and London shows the drawback of London’s society in which Stephens wouldn’t like to live any longer.

While his wife, who preferred to go back to Camberwell, found her happiness there. Thus the main idea states that every person has his own understanding of happiness. We can divide the novel into three logical parts in order to understand it better. It is a narrative text. The key in the first part is rather pessimistic, deeply psychological, and sometimes we can say that it is rather negative. This could be proved if we look at the metaphors the author use: he compares every man to “a prisoner in a solitary tower”, life to “a difficult business”. Another metaphor is used when he says that “some people flounder at the journey’s start”.

So we see that the author tries to make us ready for future accidents, and to show us the difference between the past “wrapped in the dark cloud of Destiny” and the future. The second part was written in the form of a dialogue between the patient and our hero. We can see the despair of a stranger, because he uses “short, sharp sentences”, to emphasize it the author told us that they had “a forcible ring”. The visitor seems to be very tired of life, he is passive, but he wants to change something in it, that is why to show us the antagonistic character of the visitor, the author uses an oxymoron “bright dark eyes”.

The third part is lyrical, and a bit romantic. In the third part, our main character comes to Seville and tries to find that stranger. He lived in an ordinary Spanish house, his room was littered with papers, books, medical appliances, and lumber but he was really happy. It could be seen from his description: a dissipated, though antirely sympathetic appearance, and of course from his murmuring “Life is full of compensations”. The stylistic devices, used in the story, make the narration more interesting and attracting readers’ attention. They reveal the object of depiction in a deep manner and make the narration more emotional.

The author uses the contrast on the level of the text. With its help, he conveys the main idea of the text, his attitude to the characters. The syntactical pattern is not very difficult and it doesn’t do any difficulty to follow the main idea. Somerset Maugham doesn’t use many details. Every used detail is important from the author’s view point and carefully selected. So the author used such stylistic devices as metaphor: ‘a prisoner in solitary tower’, ‘dark cloak of Destiny’ etc. The narrator shows the readers his attitude towards life, thinks about the value of life. Hyperbole ‘I wouldn’t exchange the life.

I’ve had with that of any king in the world’ is used to show that Stephens was very happy and wasn’t concerned about material things. So, also in the story there is an inversion and repetition ‘Poor I have been and poor I always be’. Parallel syntactical constructions such as: ‘’I was, I never, I’ve never done…’, ‘there is sunshine, there is good wine…’ underline the importance of what Stephens told. The sentences in the story are rather simple and complete, the paragraphs are balanced. Also, there are rhetorical questions with the help of them the author tries to understand what the value of life is.

There are a lot of antithesis: ‘Stephens’s salary was pretty good, but his clothes where shabby’, in the beginning he was an unhappy man and in the end he was a happy one, Spain – is full of emotions, freedom, romantic, and England is conservative. Allusions: Carmen – a symbol of Spain, of freedom etc. The text is a descriptive one; there are many descriptive signals: a modest apartment, a total stranger, an apologetic laugh, a cursory glance, a little man, a wonderful life, trifling indisposition, a squeamish patient, a dim recollection, a Spanish woman and others. Descriptive words make the text expressive and vivid.

The author employs many contextual synonyms, which make the language expressive: dangerous, hazardous; unwillingly, forced; confused, embarrassed; a total stranger, a perfect stranger; alter, change; twinkled, shone. The story is devoted to the problem of human’s ability to change his life. For some people it is very difficult to live another life and they prefer to be in the same way all their lives. We shouldn’t be afraid of new changes, because “life is full of compensations”. If a person is afraid to take risks and change his life, he cannot expect to gain anything. So, as they say, he that fears every bush must never go birding.

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How far do you think Educating Rita has a happy conclusion?

Many definitions of comedy claim that at the end of the play a happy conclusion will have emerged. How far do you think Educating Rita has a happy conclusion? Educating Rita is a play by Willie Russell, set in 1983. It is a semi-autobiographical play about Rita, a young working class Liverpool hairdresser who decides wants to gain an education using an Open University. Her tutor is the disillusioned and alcoholic Frank, who teaches at the Open University to pay for his drinking habits. Rita decides she wants to learn everything, even if it means ‘abandoning her originality’.

With Rita’s marriage break down, and Frank’s alcoholism, will either of them ever receive their happy ending? In some ways, I think the Educating Rita does have a happy ending. This is due to many incidents throughout the play which shows Frank and Rita can have a good life and can now move on with it. At the beginning of the play, Rita says that she “wants to learn everything”. By the end of the play, she fulfils this dream as she passes her exams and can now be seen as an “educated woman”.

She can now be herself, a working class hairdresser, yet have an education at the same time, which she didn’t think she could have before, as she thought she was “out of step. ” Furthermore, nearing the end of the play, Frank gives Rita a dress that he bought for her. “Well, it’s er – it’s a dress really”. This is significant as she says that she’s not going to buy a new dress until she has learnt everything and passed her exams. When Frank gives Rita the dress, he says it’s for an “educated woman friend” of his.

Therefore, this could show that the play has a happy conclusion as Rita has done what she wanted to do and, with Franks help, learnt “everything. ” Also, Frank gains self-confidence. This is because Rita convinces him that he is a good teacher. “I came to tell you you’re a good teacher. ” This shows that Frank, although a few hiccups along the way, gained a lot throughout the play. This shows that Educating Rita has a happy ending because Frank finally gets approval and self – confidence. Rita also realises that she has choices.

This is shown when Denny burns her books. “He said either I stop comin’ here an’ get off the pill, or I could get out altogether. ” This shows how serious Rita is about gaining an education, even if it does mean sacrificing her marriage. This shows that Educating Rita does have a happy conclusion as, even though Rita loses a few things, she now knows she has choices. “I’ll make a decision, I’ll chose. ” This shows that Rita knows she doesn’t have to conform to what other people want. Half way through the play, Rita has an identity crisis. “Because I’m a freak.”

Rita thinks she is “out of step” because she doesn’t fit in either working or lower class and she doesn’t know where she should be. This is shown when she doesn’t know whether to go to the pub with her family, or to Franks house for dinner. However, after her roommate Trish tried to commit suicide, Rita realises that being higher class doesn’t mean you’re happy. Also, that she doesn’t have to change to fit in. This shows that Educating Rita can have a happy conclusion as Rita goes back to her usual enthusiastic self and is back to having her own opinions, instead of “empty quotes.”

Even though Frank and Rita have negative experiences throughout the play, Rita cuts franks hair and wishes him good luck, so they depart on good terms. “I’ll take ten years off ya. ” This shows how Educating Rita can have a happy conclusion, even though Rita is back to being a hairdresser, her and Frank can remain friends and they have both learnt a lot from each other. On the other hand, the play could be seen as having an unhappy conclusion. This could be due to how Frank and Rita departed. Firstly, throughout the play, Frank shows signs of having a crush on Rita.

“Why didn’t you walk in here twenty years ago? ” This shows Frank fancies Rita, however Rita never reciprocates these feelings, which could be seen as disappointing as it’s not a normal love story. Educating Rita could also be seen as having an unhappy ending as both Frank and Rita are what they used to be. Frank remains an alcoholic and Rita is back to hairdressing. “If you could stop pouring that junk down your throat. ” Rita thought Frank would stop drinking, however he doesn’t. Therefore, the play could be seen as unhappy because Frank hasn’t got out of his old habits.

In conclution, I think that Educating Rita could been seen to have a happy ending because Frank and Rita both gain something from being together. Although they have their ups and downs throughout the play, they depart on a happy note. Rita learns everything she wants to and fulfils her dreams of being educated whilst Frank rekindles his love for poetry and gets to move on to Australia, as well as his self-confidence. They both have a happy ending and can still be friends, even if Frank was hinting throughout the play that he fancied her. Therefore, I think that Educating Rita has a happy conclusion overall.

Writing Quality

Grammar mistakes

F (53%)


C (77%)

Redundant words

C (73%)




D (68%)

Total mark


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A happy campus

A happy campus is an enjoyable and comfortable place to study. There are a lot of good and helpful facilities. It’s a green space for teachers and students to recreate. It also has some places for entertainment. A happy campus has a great number of good and helpful facilities. There are modern classrooms, excellent libraries and health centers. Modern classrooms have a lot of helpful equipment for teaching and studying such as computers and projectors.

Besides these classrooms, excellent libraries also help students and teachers in searching and looking for information because they have a lot of kinds of books in many different subjects. Health centers take care of not only physical but also mental health such as giving advice for students who have a broad range of lifestyle issues, personal problems and need some special considerations. In addition, a happy campus is a green space with a lot of plants, trees, flowers and grasslands.

It make the campus become a peaceful place for studying and teaching. Teachers and students can lay down, sit on grass, enjoy the fresh air and chat with each other after class. The green space also helps people reduce stress after working for a long day. It is a fantastic place to get balance in life back. The happy campus also has a lot of places for entertainment such as a sports area, a student bar and clubs. The sports area is the place that students can train sports to improve their health.

Students also meet the others who have the same interested in sports. They also play their favorite sports, relax and participate in outside activities. The student bar is the place in which students can spend time meeting each other, talking about everything, and listening to music of some student bands. Besides that, students also join some clubs such as business club or soft skill club to improve personal skill and apply what they have learned into life.

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