Character Analysis of Rose Cook in a Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley

In her fictional novel, A Thousand Acres, Jane Smiley develops a group of dynamic and realistic characters. Smiley makes Rose Cook especially realistic and dynamic by creating a central incident in Rose’s life that changes the very way she thinks and matures. These characteristics are so deeply entwined in her character that they are what distinguishes her from her sister, Ginny, who underwent a similar traumatic experience in the book. Rose’s central incident in the story is being raped by her father which creates three distinct characteristics: hatred of her father, a bleak view of the world, and rebelliousness.

The raping of Rose by her father, Larry, created a hatred of him within her that is unmatched by Ginny in the book. This hatred manifests itself in different ways—from pure hatred of her father to even a hatred for all those that remind her of him like Ginny at times. This unabridged hatred for Larry is displayed when Rose is talking about her father to Ginny. “Sometimes I hate him. Sometimes waves of hatred just roll through me, and I want him to die, and go to hell and stay there forever, just roasting” (Smiley 150). Rose’s hatred is not one that is to be taken lightly. This thought alone is not even enough for Rose: “[I want to] look him in the eye, and see that he knows what he did and what it means” (235). Rose’s thoughts on her father are contradicted by Ginny, who, in response to Rose asking “…you don’t really hate him?”, says, “I don’t. I really don’t. He’s a bear, but—“ (150).

This demonstrates that the hatred Rose has for her father is not characteristic even for her sister who went through a similar traumatic experience as Rose. Rose’s hatred toward her father also once turned outward toward Ginny. “Sometimes, I hate you too… I hate you because you’re the link between me and him” (151). The event was so traumatic for Rose that even a mere reminder can also create hatred for her sister. Rose obtained a bleak view of the world after she was raped by her father which separates her from her sister in the novel. Rose’s outlook on the world is portrayed when she talks with Ginny after Harold becomes blind. “Weakness does nothing for me. I don’t care if [Larry and Harold] suffer. When they suffer, then they’re convinced they’re innocent again. Don’t you think Hitler was afraid and in pain when he died? Do you care?” (234).

Rose has lost sympathy for not only her father, but also for her fellow man. Ginny, in response to Rose’s “I don’t care if they suffer”, reminds Rose “But this is Harold, not Daddy” (234). This again shows the rift between Rose and Ginny as Ginny is able to ‘forgive and forget’ what Harold has done to their family and does not believe he deserves being blind. Rose believes punishment should come to those who perform bad deeds regardless of who they are: “There’s got to be something, order, righteousness. Justice, for God’s sake” (235). Rose’s rebelliousness also stemmed from her father’s rape of her and differentiates her from Ginny in that Rose is not afraid to talk back to or upset her father. Rose shows her rebellious side after she received good news on her recovery from breast cancer: “I still want to do something special. Something that would scandalize Daddy. Just to mark the occasion” (59).

She seems to think along the lines of ‘he has already disrespected me, so why should I respect him?’ Ginny, when trying to convince her father to bring the wood cabinets in from the rain, says “I wished Rose was there, since she knew how to talk back to him” (81). This not only shows Rose’s own rebelliousness, but it also shows the difference between her and Ginny. Ginny is afraid to talk back to Larry while Rose has no problem doing so. All of Rose’s thoughts and characteristics stemmed from the traumatic event of her rape and an understanding of this can lead to a better understanding of the book’s theme of how family issues can quickly escalate into hatred and betrayal.

Near the end of the book, Rose explains to Ginny why the rape was such a central incident in both of their lives: “Say the words, Ginny. If he hadn’t fucked us and beat us we would think differently, right?” (302). This statement sums up the whole reason this incident is important to the story. A decent comprehension of the incident and its effect on the entire family dynamic can reveal more about a major theme of the book. The rape alludes directly to the theme of betrayal in A Thousand Acres. Rose and Ginny both are betrayed by their father when he rapes them and they, in turn, abandon him once he gives up the farm.

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Oklahoma Bombing Speech Analysis

One of the top 100 speeches of all time was said by Bill Clinton, when he was addressing the memorial of the Oklahoma Bombing. This was said In 1995 when tragedy struck the lives of hundreds. Innocent women, men, and children were murdered for no apparent reason, and people needed someone to turn to. This person was Bill Clinton, he responded In ways of composure and emotion that just added to his already powerful speech; he addressed the Issues the correct way. He was given the almost Impossible task to piece the nation back together after this ragged.

HIS goal was to mourn with the audience, but not to dwell on It, he wanted to try and help them to move on. HIS use of pathos, logos, and ethos added to the effectiveness of the speech. He began his speech by addressing the ones that were most effected, and then by addressing the rest of the world. He establishes himself and his credibility by not only being the president, but also being a father, a husband, a person. When he says “Hillary and I also come as parents, as husband and wife, as people who were your neighbors for some of the best years of our lives.

This builds his pathos and ethos and allows the audience to connect with him on a more personal, deeper level, knowing that he is just like the rest of them, that they share a common ground. This allows Clinton to talk to them, not above them. Immediately after this he uses the emotions of the audience to his advantage, through the use of pathos. He grieves and mourns with the audience; this is shown when he says “You have lost too much, but you have not lost everything,” everything being America. Clinton uses a quotation from a widowed mother that only helped the rhetorical sense of the speech.

He quotes her by saying, “The anger you feel is valid, but you must not allow yourselves to be consumed by it. The hurt you feel must not be allowed to turn into hate, but instead into the search for Justice. ” These words are powerful as is, but the fact that they were spoken by someone who has experienced what they are going through cause the words to mean so much more. They listen to her words more the Clinton in my opinion, because she has been In their shoes. Another use of quotations Is when he quotes Mr… Keating “If anybody thinks that Americans are mostly mean and selfish, they ought to come to Oklahoma.

If anybody thinks Americans have lost the capacity for love and caring and courage, they ought to come to Oklahoma”. This helps the audience feel closer to the situation, they may grieve together, but they will also fight together, for Justice. He also fortifies his speech by the use of parallel structure and repetition In order to add to the aspect of persuasion. His use of repetition is seen when he says “We mourn.. We share… We thank.. We pledge. ” The use of we signifies that Clinton, as the president and as a friend will mourn with them. It means that in these times ore than ever we must come together as a nation.

He uses repetition and parallel inspirational kind of tone to it, because of this the audience feels the need to stand up to evil and hatred, because good trumps evil any day. Another time we see this is through the “Who worked” sequence. This plays to the emotion of the audience and puts what has occurred into a reality. Lastly when he talks about planting the tree in honor of the children, this makes the audience believe and understand that he does care. Bill Clinton brought the nation together, and helped them move on when it was thought impossible.

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With whom does the responsibility of the holocaust ultimately lie?

The Holocaust was the end result of a long chain of events that lead all the way back to 1919 when Hitler became part of the Nazis. But to find out who was really responsible for the Holocaust, we shall need to go way back, back to 1918. In 1918, there was a small group of right-wing extremists formed a Nationalist party, which appealed to the working classes led by Anton Drexler. In 1919, Adolf Hitler joined as a member of the National Socialist Germany Workers Party (‘Nazi’ for short). In 1920 the Nazis put out a 25 point statement of their beliefs.

This programme was the work of Hitler. Its main ideas were nationalism, anti-Semitism and anti-capitalism. The Nazi programme called for the creation of a ‘Greater Germany’ in which all German-speaking peoples were united. It also called for the destruction of the Treaty of Versailles. There was nothing unique in these nationalistic ideas. They were shared by other German right-wing extremists. Anti-Semitism was widespread in the right-wing circles in Germany and Austria in the early 20th century. Hitler seems to have become infected with the idea in Vienna before 1914.

By the early 1920s he was making speeches which contained frenzied attacks on Germany’s Jews. The Nazi programme of 1920 was openly anti-Semitic although it did not employ the violent language which Hitler used in is speeches. For nearly two decades after 1945 it was generally assumed that Hitler was totally responsible for the Holocaust – and everything else that happened in Nazi Germany. The Third Reich was seen as a one power state where all power was concentrated in the Fi??hrer’s hands. Hitler’s vitriolic hatred of all Jews was seen as sufficient on its own to explain the murder of millions of Jews.

Many historians still believe that Hitler was an all-powerful dictator whose will was translated into action. Some historians see him conceiving the idea of the extermination of the Jews in the 1920s and pursuing this intention remorselessly once he was handed power in 1933. But back in 1918, Anton Drexler was the key point that turned Hitler (and him being refused a place at the art school by the Jews at Vienna), so really, he played a massive part. Without him, there might have not even been a Nazi party at all. But on the other hand, Hitler was not the only one responsible for the industrial removal of countless numbers of Jews.

Nazi Germany was a ‘totalitarian’ country. Totalitarian countries can be thought of as ones which try to establish total control over the lives of their citizens. They always only allow one political party, the ruling party tries to force its ideas on the rest of society and tries to stop people believing in other ideas and the ruling party aims to control all aspects of people’s lives – there is no area where the citizen is left to think or act as he or she pleases. In Nazi Germany the tasks of detecting and stamping out opposition was the responsibility of the SS.

The SS was created in 1925. Its full name was the ‘Schutzstaffel’. This means ‘protection squad’. The purpose for which the SS was formed was to provide Hitler and other Nazi leaders with a bodyguard. Things changed when the SS got a new leader in 1929. This was Himmler. Himmler came from a well-off middle-class family. He joined the Nazi party in 1923 after service in the army and the Free Corps. In 1929 he was only 29 years old. Special SS units called ‘Einsatzgruppen’ (action squads) were set up to deal with resistance to Nazi rule in German-occupied countries.

These units were murder gangs. They went into invaded countries behind the German army and rounded up and killed anyone who was felt to be a threat. In Eastern Europe the Einsatzgruppen were responsible for hundreds of thousands of people. Their victims included Jews. This was another example of the SS and Himmler killing Jews, and overall contributing to the Holocaust. Himmler ensured that Hitler’s orders were carried out. An extreme racist who was totally loyal to Hitler, Himmler is often regarded as the ‘architect of genocide’.

However, Himmler delegated considerable authority in Jewish matters to Reinhard Heydrich, his loyal henchman. At the Wannsee conference in January 1942 it was Heydrich who formalised the administrative arrangements of the Holocaust. The SS was a perfect instrument for genocide. Its members were fanatical Nazis and had a grossly distorted sense of duty. Few doubt that Himmler, Heydrich and the SS played a vital role in the Final Solution. However, Himmler and Heydrich were not the only leading Nazis involved in anti-Jewish initiatives. Nor were the SS the only killers.

It was a combination of everyone in Germany who caused the holocaust. After 1937 relations between Hitler and his generals turned sour. The generals were unenthusiastic when Hitler told them of his plans for a war of conquest in Europe. Hitler decided that they were spineless.. During the war he took little notice of the expert advice of the Generals and was quick to sack them if they failed. It was once claimed that the German armed forces were untainted by Hitler’s racism and not responsible for the Holocaust. After 1938 Hitler treated the Generals with a certain amount of contempt.

In 1934 he had promised them that no military force other than the army would be permitted in Germany: he broke his promise when he allowed the Waffen SS to be set up . After 1945 many of Germany’s top officers claimed they were unaware of what was happening to the Jews. Most historians now, however, believe that the army was massively implicated in the Final Solution. German historians have argued that the bulk of leading army officers were anti-Semitic and, regarding the was against the USSR as a war to the death, were quite content to support the brutality of the SS.

The letters and diaries of ordinary German troops suggest that the majority were also extremely racist. Many seem to have carried out horrendous massacres with enthusiasm. In the 1920s and early 1930s foreigners working in Germany as diplomats or journalists sometimes suggested that of Hitler getting into power he would become respectable and leave anti-Semitism behind. In 1933 there were about half a million Jews living in Germany. When in power the Nazis put their anti-Semitic beliefs were savagely put into practice.

It should not be thought that they were a number of people who were somehow living apart from the rest of the population in Germany and else where . In the 1920s Jewish community provided the Weimar Republic with some of its most celebrated citizens . 100,000 German Jews had fought and died alongside non-Jews in the German army during the first world war. Most members of Germany’s population . Nazi claims that Jews controlled the political and economic life of the Weimar Republic were pure fantasy. The first official attack made on Germany’s Jews came in the form of a boycott of Jewish shops ordered by Hitler for 1 April 1933.

There were other anti-Jewish moves in 1933 apart from the one-day shops boycott. The most important of these was a law which forced Jews out of the German civil service. In the five years after Hitler came to power Jews in Germany were viciously persecuted. Over 200 were murdered. Large Numbers emigrated. In the 1930s half of Germany’s Jewish population left the country. Others Stayed. Perhaps they thought that after the Nuremberg Laws things could not get worse. After 1945 most Germans insisted they had no idea of what was happening to Jews in the east.

Many may have been telling the truth. There is no doubt that the Holocaust was implemented with the utmost secrecy. There are no public opinion polls results to tell us so it is very hard to say how much opposition there was to Nazism in Germany after 1938. It is most likely that the number of people who disliked Nazism was very large, although people wouldn’t come forward to admit it. There is, however, a difference between disliking something and actively opposing it. The number of people who either protested openly against Nazism or who tried to overthrow it was very small.

These people were people of extraordinary bravery. The penalty for resistance was at very least detention in a concentration camp and was normally death. Most people who disliked but did not resist Nazism appear to have tried to shut themselves off from what was happening. This became known as ‘inner emigration’. In 1963 the Jewish scholar Hannah Arendt claimed that: ‘if the Jewish people had really been unorganised and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and a half and six million people’.

Arendt charged Jewish leaders with helping the process of destruction by complying with Nazi orders to supply names and groups of Jews for transportation to the death camps. Many scholars have rejected this thesis. Isaiah Trunk, for example, focused attention on the dilemma confronting Jewish leaders in the Polish ghettos. His Conclusion was that they were in an impossible position. Having little option but to obey Nazi commands, they did their best to protect their communities. So, in conclusion we can see that there were many areas were people have helped along the Holocaust, and some who tried to stop it.

It is a difficult question to answer, as responsibility lies in many areas. If you are talking about the killing in the concentration camps, then it would be the Nazis because they used the British idea and worked on it, then systematically moved allot of European Jews from their homes to the camps. If you are talking about the entire anti-Semitic campaign, then responsibility lies in many areas, the Nazis, even Jews themselves. So, in conclusion, I think that overall everyone in Germany at that time had a part to play in the way things went.

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Instigating Racial and Cultural Separation: The Ku Klux Klan

AfricanAmericansAustin Samuelson English Comp. 1001 1030-1120 Research paper November 2, 2012 KKK “There is a race war against whites. But our people – my white brothers and sisters – will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. ” This is one of the many lies and extremely contradictory statements that the head master of the Ku Klux Klan Pastor Thomas Robb tends to tell the general public. The Klan masks their ominous plans and devious hate crime behind a ploy that they are trying to protect the heritage and culture of the white race. They are driving force behind racial and cultural separation.

They lie and plot and plant seeds in those who listen closely and are naive enough to listen, they scare and strike fear into the hearts of many while accommodating to the flaws that society tends to look over. They harness their dominance over communities by exploiting lack of segregation and making all those that live there feel as though it is okay to be strictly one race. By doing this they have now planted their seed that anything outside of white is foreign and should not be tolerated. The Ku Klux Klan are the villains in every story, they are the evil in which kids are told about, the bullies you come across in life in America.

The Blatant lack of respect for anything other than the Christian culture shows truly how much the United States has failed to change since civil war times, and how far the maturation of United States citizens has truly come? This group is the true poster child for moral corruption amongst the world and all its inhabitants. The Ku Klux Klan has had a major influence on the actions in many people’s lives. In some opinions they are good, they felt as though what they were being taught was the true way of life. In others they are extremely terrible causing them extreme emotional and in many cases physical harm.

Either way the Klan has had a very significant touch on all those around them. With every action they performed and carried out for their own benefits really began to show everyone in the surrounding area, and in many cases, parts of the country just what the Klan really was, and what they were trying to do. The influences that the Klan has put forth have been different in the lives of many; a major example of this is William Joseph Simmons who single handedly brought forth a second coming of the Klan in 1915 after a fifty year hiatus.

He turned the Klan from closet villains who committed small hate crimes against neighboring towns with Negros, to a new breed of Klan, a fraternal organization who banned together with their common beliefs in being anti-Catholic, anti-negro, anti-Semitism, and all those who were foreign born and had no ancestral ties to the United States. He created a system so complex that infiltration would be impossible, or in the case that a high ranking leader was captured there was always a next in line. In his childhood he was told stories about how the Klan was ran and what they used to try and accomplish.

Simmons dreams were much larger and his organization was a lot more put together and thought out. He based his reincarnated version of the Klan on the legislative system by creating a court system and met annually. As the Klan began to progress, another man by the name of Edward Clark came into power because Simmons could not keep a large group. As Clarks reign over the Klan maturated so did its numbers jumping from 2,000 to 100,000. Just weeks later it membership grew to nearly 2. 2 million people through advertisements.

They used their group to influence those in power to join the Klan in attempts to secure the nation’s top political positions. Although Klan membership has decreased drastically throughout the recent years, there are still hate demonstrations performed by the Klan. There are very rarely cases quite as drastic as there were during the KKK’s prime, yet Klan activity remains, and still strikes fear into the hearts of many minorities. Today’s Klansmen use one of the most symbolic and oldest forms of intimidation used by the Ku Klux Klan; cross burnings.

Julian Borger, a news writer for The Guardian wrote a piece in 2002 entitled “Supreme Court to decide on Klan’s burning cross: Is it freedom of speech or incitement to violence? ” In this article, Borger cites recent incidents that have occurred involving cross burning. Cross burning is illegal in Virginia, along with many other states; but it remains legal in others. In 1998 three teenage men constructed a cross out of materials found at home and erected it outside of an African American families home. They continued to set the cross on fire, and let it burn.

Cross burnings are not only immoral, but they strike fear into the home owner, and possibly people that cross by and witness the burning. Virginia’s attorney general, Jerry Kilgore states that “even a white man would feel threatened if he woke up and found a burning cross in his garden. ” The Ku Klux Klan, which was created in the winter of 1865-1866, is the most iconic terrorist organization in this country’s history. However, according to the founders of the Klan, there was originally no malicious intent, but it quickly expanded, and adopted a new leader, and the Ku Klux Klan became what we remember it as today.

Nathan Forrest was the main influence in turning the KKK into a hate group that terrorized African Americans. Forrest is a famed cavalry commander from the civil war. He and his soldiers tortured and murdered captured African American troops. This would be a sign of things to come for the Ku Klux Klan after he took over. The Klan soon spread like a vicious cancer throughout the south, and included political figures, mayors, and criminals, along with your everyday business man. The Ku Klux Klan showed no mercy towards any African Americans.

They beat, whipped and murdered thousands, while at the same time inflicting great fear into tens, if not hundreds of thousands. In some of the more appalling and outright inhumane cases, Klansmen whipped a 103 year old woman, and would beat paralyzed Negroes. The only thing they cared about was the color of your skin, and whether or not your ideologies were the same as theirs. Just because someone was Caucasian did not mean anything. If a white man were to defend, be-friend, or stand up for a Negro, they were looked upon as a Negro by the Klansmen. One Negro wrote “We have very dark days here. The colored people are in despair….

God knows it is worse than slavery. ” In conclusion, as we let this internal terrorist flood the hearts of white America and strike fear into all else that inhabit it we are not only hurting ourselves but showing the world we do not care for our people . The Ku Klux Klan has personally demoralized everything that the United States has fought to have. This group is the statue of disrespect, the monument of treason toward America. The Ku Klux Klan throughout the years has demonstrated a complete lack of respect towards minorities, and has absolutely not displayed a commitment to social responsibility.

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Reaction Paper on Prejudice and Discrimination

The world that we live in today, although improving, is tainted with cruelty and hatred toward different races. Usually, we have stereotypes about people who are members of groups with which we have not had firsthand contact. We regularly make these stereotypical generalizations based on experiences we have had ourselves, seen in movies or television, read about in books and magazines, or have had related to us by family and friends. Though all these are equally significant roots for the stimulation of stereotypes, media however, is a giant force.

When thinking of the topics or behaviors of prejudice and stereotyping, I synonymously think of the movie “Crash,” which exposes different kinds of social and multicultural differences, giving a quick example of how these conducts can affect a society. These behaviors are viewed as thoughts and feelings that almost everyone has felt more than once. In the first scene of the movie, a Muslim man inside a firearm store is attempting to buy a gun. The owner is a white Caucasian male that presents a negative attitude towards the customer because of his Muslim background.

This feeling triggers in the owner, negative attitudes based on the assimilation and stereotypes with the Muslim race. Being immediately associated with the Al Qaeda terrorist group, which was responsible for suicidal bombers that have killed thousand of Americans. This negative attitude and violence observed in this particular scene, is an example of prejudice, known as a negative feeling and predisposition of behavior towards a group or any member belonging to that group.

This is an issue not only found in America but in the whole world. In our global economy requiring functional and respectful relationships between nations, prejudice and stereotypes can be a destructive force both in the world and in individual societies, especially in diverse ones. Acting on ones hatred can lead to behavior to what we now in days call “hate crime”, such as in the scene where they break into the Muslim’s man business and vandalize the place completely.

Such acts can lead us to many disgraces even death. This movie shows us the different point of view of people in our society, it gives us an insight of the stereotypes we have build within our society, within the world. It invites us to see and understand how such a small stereotype and negative attitude can go a long way and affect people in different ways. Prejudice is found between gender, religion, cultural, geographical background, and race.

People have discriminated against others based upon these attributes. Besides, prejudice is largely a function of ignorance. Today, there are so many different people in this world that stereotypes are almost always incorrect, as many people choose not to be followers, but to be individuals. Asians, African-Americans, Hipics, Caucasians, and all other ethnic groups need to look past each other’s physical characteristics and start looking inside a person to see who they truly are.

After all, personalities do not lie on the outside of one’s body, but in one’s mind. I believe that society needs to raise today’s children to accept all people, no matter what they do or do not believe in or what color skin they may have. In order to reduce prejudice and discrimination, it is considered that education for children is very important. For example, exchange student program that includes not only the one between different countries but also the one between different communities within the same area.

If children are raised around people who are not the same as they are in school or community, then they will most likely not think anything different of people who do not look the same as them or believe what they believe. If humanity raises their children to believe all people are equal from the beginning, then prejudice will slowly disintegrate over time. The world needs to focus on not judging people before they know them for who they are. It is very important to let children have opportunity to know the differences and to be interested in differences because ignorance is the biggest source of prejudice

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The Person I Dislike

Hate is a very strong word. So it feels a little awkward to say that I hate a particular person. But there are certain types of people who are easy to be disliked. There are lots of people I met in my life, it is not necessary that I like all of them. I categorize the people in three types. One that I like most, the second one I don’t like and the third one who has no impression at all in my life. It is a natural phenomenon that we can’t be friendly or alien to all people to whom we met.

Of course here are always some good reasons for why we like or dislike someone. For me, such people include hypocrites, people who abuse women and children, people who gossip and backbite, and people who are greedy. In my personal opinion, it is very awkward to hate person solely on the basis of their physical appearance or on such things at which they have no control for example their face, color, height, race or religion etc. However, there are many other good reasons that you can hate a person or group of person that is their character or deeds.

I dislike Mr. Tindu more than anything in the world. He is related to my father and is forty years old. Tindu is a mean, contemptible fellow. Tindu is an educated person but behaves like an illiterate person. He is dead to all sense of shame and very talkative. I saw Tindu arguing with Majid it looks that some fight is going on. Tindu often talks tall and freely indulges in self-praise. He talks ill of others behind their back and very selfish. Tindu told me uncle Baber likes to gamble and drink whisky and then he met uncle in front of me saying uncle never drinks.

Tindu enjoys nobody’s confidence. To feel superior to others is in his nature. Tindu does not give respect his parents. Tindu has a habit of cursing and yelling. I saw him to cursing them out for no reason and openly defy them. Tindu has no respect for woman and never think that a woman gave him birth. He is a man of loose morals and have no ethics. Tindu has no love for his motherland. He is not an American by birth but act like that. He is migrated from Pakistan and belongs to a middle class family. Tindu lacks of civic sense.

He is very quarrelsome and fought with my brother in law in a marriage ceremony. Tindu does not extend a helping hand even to his relatives and friends in trouble. He laughs at the miseries and troubles of others. Tindu have bad credit. Two years ago he borrowed money from my father never give back. He makes fun of everybody, even the beggars on the street. Tindu loves to smoke marijuana and drink whisky. He cannot be calm always speak loudly to enforce his ideas. Thus he brought a slur to his family.

He never does anything worthy of a gentleman. He is seldom fair and square in his dealings with others. Because of his greediness, Tindu makes money by foul means. He is working as inspector in hosiery. He deliberately rejects the stuff and sales that stuff in open market. Hypocrite can easily be disliked. Because of uncle Baber I knew that Tindu talks ill of others behind their back. Although hate is difficult to express in words, to dislike someone is natural. One must avoid that rogue. I dislike Tindu because he is a jerk!

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The Holocaust

The Holocaust, defined as a whole burnt sacrifice was a historical conflict between the Nazis and Jews. In a broader perspective, conflict between the Aryan race and all other inferior races. The primary cause of the Holocaust was the Nazi Party’s rise of power. The social science perspectives of psychology, politics and sociology evaluate the factors that lead up to the primary cause of the Holocaust. Analyzing the conflict in the Holocaust helps to understand a current conflict such as the situation of alleged genocide in Darfur.

Psychological factors contributed to the primary conflict of the Holocaust. The Nazi Party was a great supporter of anti-Semitism and their new power allowed them to spread the word easily. Nazi leader Hans Frank expressed the hatred in his Jewish Extermination Speech in 1941, “if the pack of Jews were to survive the war in Europe while we sacrifice the best of our blood for the preservation of Europe, then this war would still be only a partial success. ” The people involved in the Nazi Party were very narrow-minded.

Without total execution of all Jews, their plan would be considered a failure. The Nazis set a goal that was unreasonable and because of this unreachable goal, the Nazis were driven to almost insanity to kill off any Jew on the street. Although the Nazis had manipulated themselves into anti-Semitism, they still had to convince the people of Germany that total execution of the Jewish people was normal. Adolf Hitler used all kinds of media as anti-Semitic propaganda. Hans Frank had also said, “I must ask you to remain unmoved by pleas of pity.

We must annihilate the Jews wherever we encounter them, in order to maintain the overall mastery of the Reich. ” The Nazi Party even produced an anti-Semitic film called The Eternal Jew that bashed the Jews in every way possible. At one point, the film stated, “Among the animals, rats represent the rudiment of an insidious and underground destruction, just like the Jews among human beings. ” The horrific comments said about the Jews in Hitler’s propaganda was enough to turn Germany into a heartless, full-fledged anti-Semitic nation.

Hitler was able to manipulate the minds of people and by doing so, he was able to gather enough followers to carry out his anti-Semitic plans. The political events that took place during the times was also a huge factor to the primary cause of the Holocaust. Not long after Hitler was elected as Chancellor of Germany, he decided to change his leadership into a dictatorship. Hitler’s hunger for power was most likely fueled by his want to promote anti-Semitism. Hitler became extremely powerful and used this to his advantage to speak pessimistically against the Jews.

Often, his speech would be something along the lines of this, “We say that the war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely, with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be complete annihilation of the Jews. ” Hitler’s unlimited power promised him that no obstacle would get in the way of putting his anti-Semitic ideas into action. Soon after, Anti- Semitism became a government policy. The idea of anti-Semitism was taught to children at schools and was widely promoted by several groups.

It was reasonable for the people of Germany to dislike the Jews, but making it a government policy was going overboard. If openly sabotaging and torturing the Jewish people was now legal, an event like the Holocaust to follow seemed to be inevitable. Obviously, if the Holocaust had happened, it shows that Hitler was not yet satisfied with the Jewish Problem. In 1939, Hitler came up with The Final Solution of the Jewish Question. The Final Solution stated that all Jews seen on the street was be killed.

By making the Final Solution a governmental law, executing Jews seemed less like a crime and more like a necessary action. The absolute power that the Nazi Party had obtained allowed them to enforce political laws without question and eventually, Nazism took over the country of Germany. The sociological differences between the Jews and the Aryan race caused much conflict between the two races and also added to the primary cause of the Holocaust. The Jews were treated as social outcasts way before the Holocaust even happened.

Hitler had built on the already existing anti-Semitism and convinced people that Jews were hindering the development of Germany. Jews were often the scapegoats in many of the nation’s problems. Although no one could prove if that was true, the Jews did not seem like they were disrupting the organization of Germany. Hitler was simply playing the blame game to win over pro-Anti-Semitism. In one of his speeches, Hitler had predicted, “If the international Jewish financers in and outside of Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more in a world war, then the esult will not be the Bolshevizing of the Earth, and thus the victory of Jewry but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe… then we shall see which is stronger, the spirit of international Jewry or the will of Germany. ” Once again, Hitler refers to the annihilation of all Jews in Europe. If Jewish businesses are causing the German businesses to diminish, then the only reasonable solution would be to get rid of everyone that was hindering the development of Germany. The Nazi Party had stripped the Jews of natural human rights such as citizenship, property and life.

Hitler abused his power to torment the Jews and made it seem normal, humane. The interaction between Jews and non-Jews became more hostile. Non-Jews refused to help Jews because they had the constant fear of getting caught by government officials. To avoid that problem, they decided to shut the Jews into confined ghettos. The negativity became more extreme and eventually, the Nazi Party came to a decision that annihilating every Jew was the best solution for the problem. The current conflict of the genocide in Darfur is similar to the Holocaust in all three social science perspectives.

The conflict of Darfur was started when a group of rebels had killed Sudanese soldiers. Similarly, Hitler had ordered genocide of the Jews after Herschel Grynszpan, a Jew killed a German diplomat. The government and Janjaweed militia of Sudan targeted rebel African groups and organized a systematic killing. The government encouraged and supported the actions of the Janjaweed militia. Likewise, a high power party was responsible for the rise of the Holocaust. The Nazis and Sudanese government were both encouraged the wiping out of an inferior people group.

Psychologically, the government of Sudan tried to manipulate public opinion with misleading information. They had used propaganda to promote negativity towards the rebel groups of the ‘Sudan Liberation Army’ and the ‘Justice and Equality Movement’. The Nazis had used propaganda to promote negative views of the Jews and most likely, the insight posted on the propaganda was based solely on assumptions. Sociologically, the conflicted areas were heavily guarded by the Sudan Liberation Army and the rebels were mostly confined into small spaces.

The guards caused hesitance in humanitarian aid because of the fear of death. Non-Jews were reluctant to help Jews because of the constant fear of getting caught by the Nazi government. The Jews were also confined into ghettos which is similar to the rebel communities that live separate from the rest of Darfur. Both inferior groups were treated as social outcasts. with the similar conditions of the victims and same intentions of the government, many people consider Darfur to be the modern Holocaust.

Analyzing a historical and current conflict can help us understand the reasons for any general conflict. History has a theory of repeating itself through time. This is evident because about sixty years after the Holocaust, the conflict of Darfur, a similar conflict happened. In general, the conflict of the Holocaust and Darfur happened because of disagreements and disputes with a group of people that was different than their own. Any conflict contains two of more parties with opposing views that are also not content with the other’s presence.

A conflict happens because one is not okay with the actions of another. A disagreement of some sort must be present and there must be a failure to compromise for a conflict to form. The Holocaust was caused by many factors in the social science perspectives of psychology, politics and sociology. Hitler was able to manipulate the minds of many people which caused them to believe in a strong anti-Semitic view. The absolute power of the Nazi party legalized anti-Semitic laws and people of the “Aryan” race constantly spat on the Jews.

Not more than 60 years later, a similar conflict in Darfur happened. Both conflicts were systematic, government sponsored genocides that failed to succeed. By analyzing the historical conflict of the Holocaust and the modern conflict of Darfur, it is easier to understand that the reason for any conflict is the dispute and failure to compromise of two or more parties. Conflicts are always happening but by taking a social science perspective and an analytical approach, a conflict can be broken down to be understood with greater knowledge.

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