Hcs430 Master
All rights reserved. Course Description This course covers the broad range of topics affected by health law and regulation ranging from patient rights to corporate responsibilities. Public and private health care regulatory agencies are examined as well as their impact on the operation of health care as a business. Legal issues ranging from professional malpractice to corporate wrongdoing are also discussed. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Medical law and ethics: An interactive look at the decision, dilemmas, and regulations in healthcare practice today. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Software This course will require the use of Microsoft. Office software listed in the University of Phoenix Hardware/Software Agreement. If you have questions regarding the terms of this agreement, please contact your academic counselor.
Relate the general nature, sources, and functions of the law to the health care industry.
Identify the governmental and other agencies that impact the health care industry and the regulatory scheme they administer.
Analyze the regulatory issues and trends that impact the health care industry.
Explain the function and process of individual and organizational licensure, accreditation, certification, and authorization.
Discussion Questions| Respond to weekly discussion questions, There are three DQ’s each must be between 200-300 words There will be points deducted if each DQ’s are not within the word count (200-300 words). Learning Team InstructionsWeekly Team Review. Review the Week One objectives and discuss insights and questions that may have arisen. Learning Team InstructionsAssignment. Submit the Team Dispute and describe how each team member will work towards developing a finished product in week five.
Note: If an assignment is late, it will be subject to a 10% PER DAY deduction, no papers are accepted after four days. Find an article or a current legal case that involves one of the following issues. I strongly suggest you use the following as topic headings so that I can follow your paper, thanks! A critical regulatory issue in health care critical regulatory issues specific to institutional health care writes a 700- to 1,050-word analysis of the article or the legal case that explains how the issue relates to the nature, sources, and functions of the law. Week Two: Contract and Criminal Law in Health CareLabor Laws Impacting Health Care Organizations.
Identify the various components of criminal law that professionals in the health care industry must understand to avoid violations.
Recognize the elements of enforceable contracts and the types of contracts that are applicable to health care providers.
Describe how equal-employment opportunity laws are applied to ensure an equitable workplace.
Define the health and safety laws that must be applied by health care organizations and providers in ensuring a safe and productive workplace.
Respond to weekly discussion questions, There are three DQ’s each must be between 200-300 words There will be points deducted if each DQ’s are not within the word count (200-300 words). Learning Team InstructionsWeekly. Review the Week Two objectives and discuss insights and questions that may have arisen. Learning Team Instructions. Submit the Learning Team Charter. Learning TeamEmployee Handbook Nondiscrimination Progress Summary| Submit a progress summary for the Employee Handbook Nondiscrimination assignment. Summarize, in approximately 350 words, the team’s progress on the assignment. Address the following in your summary: Which team members are responsible for which deliverables? What has worked well? What challenges have you encountered? How did you overcome those challenges? Will you change anything about the way you are working together or approaching the assignment? Why or why not? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. IndividualRegulatory Agency Paper| Note: If an assignment is late, it will be subject to a 10% PER DAY deduction, no papers are accepted after four days. Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: Regulatory Agency Paper, and select one option to complete the assignment.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that identifies a governmental or other agency, such as JCAHO, that governs the health care industry or a particular segment of the industry. Answer the following questions about your chosen agency: What is the agency’s structure? What is the organization’s effect on health care? What is an example of the agency carrying out its duties? What regulatory authority does the agency have in relation to health care? What is the agency’s process for accreditation, certification, and authorization? Cite at least two sources. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Option: Prison Health Care Agency Paper
Resource: Regulatory Agency Paper Grading CriteriaIdentify a governmental agency that regulates prison health care. Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that explains the role and impact of the agency on prison healthcare. Answer the following questions about your chosen agency: What is the agency’s role? What is the agency’s impact on health care? What is an example of the agency carrying out its duties? What regulatory authority does the agency have in relation to health care? * What is the agency’s process for accreditation, certification, and authorization? Cite at least two sources. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Week Three: Organizational and Professional Responsibility. Describe the elements of negligence and intentional torts that could bring financial liability to health care organizations and individuals. Identify the principles of agency law that impact responsibility and accountability in health care organizations. Describe standards of care and potential liability for health care professionals and organizations. Analyze appropriate ongoing risk management and quality assurance programs for health care. Reading. Read the Week Three Read Me First. Read Ch. 6 of Medical Law and Ethics. Reading. Read Ch. 9 of Medical Law and Ethics.
The weekly summary should be 100+ words. Nongraded Activities and PreparationWeek Four Preparation. Begin working on the Week Four assignments. Learning TeamEmployee Handbook Nondiscrimination Section. Create the “Equal-employment opportunity laws” section and the “Health and safety laws” section of the employee handbook, which must be between 1,400 to 1,750 words total. Include answers to the following questions: What nondiscrimination issues must be addressed? What should the organization’s position be in response to nondiscrimination issues? How might the nondiscrimination policy and health and safety laws impact the organization’s liability? How might the nondiscrimination policy and health and safety laws impact employees? How will you address state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination and health and safety laws in your handbook sections? What are some ethical considerations involved in the design of these sections? What are some criminal law issues to consider in relation to equal-employment opportunity laws and health and safety laws? What is your responsibility in regards to criminal law? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit the assignment.
Describe state and federal statutory and regulatory enactments relative to patients’ rights and responsibilities. Identify principles of patient consent and the resulting implications for the health care industry. Identify the status of physicians’ rights and responsibilities in the delivery of health care. Participation/weekly summary| Participate in-class discussion. Each response should be 100+ words for substance points. The weekly summary should be 100+ words. Learning TeamHuman Resources Presentation Outline. Complete a slide-by-slide outline of your Human Resources Presentation using Microsoft. PowerPoint. Consider the layout and the speaker’s notes for each slide in addition to the wording on the slide. Include the following in your outline: On each slide, list the main topics. list two or three subtopics. In the speaker’s note section, describe the layout or appearance of the slide. include a brief description of the text the speaker notes will contain. Individual. Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability Paper.
Note: If an assignment is late, it will be subject to a 10% PER DAY deduction, no papers are accepted after four days. Research your state’s statutes that regulate health care professionals, including licensure, credentialing, certification, and registration requirements. In addition, research areas of potential criminal liability relating to these procedures, as well as professional misconduct.
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that summarizes your findings in relation to one type of health care professionals, such as a physician, nurse, pharmacist, or nurse practitioner. Include the following components: Identifies state statutes that regulate health care professionals. Relates areas of potential criminal liability to regulations, as well as professional misconduct. Identifies the civil complaint process for patients or consumers to use in the event of suspected professional misconduct or incompetence. Explains the role of the respective regulatory agencies in investigating allegations and determining and applying any appropriate disciplinary action. Identifies potential criminal liabilities for the health care professional that are related to abuses perpetrated in practices involving these procedures, as well as professional misconduct. Describes appropriate risk management strategies and quality assurance programs to reduce the risk of liability and negligence. Explains the process to follow in the event that criminal charges were filed for the described criminal behavior.
Identify all statutory, regulatory, and common law requirements of confidentiality in the health care industry. Explain legal and ethical obligations relating to the documentation, retention, storage, and use of medical records. Analyze the legal and ethical implications of using technology or informatics in the health care industry. As senior members of the human resources team, you have been asked to give a presentation on the state of the union to the board of directors. The presentation must include past, present, and future legal issues. Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft. PowerPoint. presentation with detailed speaker notes summarizing your findings to the board. Use complete sentences, with correct grammar and punctuation, to fully explain each slide as if you were giving an in-person presentation.
In your presentation, include at least two main points for each of the following bullets: State and federal statutory and regulatory enactments related to patients’ rights and responsibilities current principles of patient consent and the resulting implications for the health care industryThe current state and future trends of physicians’ rights and responsibilities in the delivery of health care current components and implications of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Brief summary of current and future trends for statutory, regulatory, and common law requirements of confidentiality in the health care industry current and future legal and ethical obligations relating to the documentation, retention, storage, and use of medical records * Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Points for each week below:
WK 1
WK 2
WK 3
WK 4
WK 5
0. 52
0. 70
1. 00
1. 00
DQ 1
0. 06
0. 75
0. 75|
0. 04
DQ 2
0. 04
0. 75
0. 75
0. 04
DQ 3
0. 04
0. 75
0. 75
0. 06
Course point total
11. 66
28. 95
3. 25
36. 14
10. 00
Note: If an assignment is late, it will be subject to a 10% PER DAY deduction; no papers are accepted after four days.