Hitler Speech
My fellow Germans, recently I have been granted the privilege of Chancellor of Germany this January (1933). I am here to pick this Reich off its feet. With constant inflation and poor managing of the people, I will rescue this country. Thankfully, President Hindering realized what traits the best dictatorship obtained. I am the best for all the things I will achieve and how I will reshape and build this country. A leader is someone who directs people and leads them towards their goals. I promise to restore our pride.
We need to be peaceful, yet brave, determined, and yet obedient. To my German boys, Joining the Nazi Party will help regain spirit for men. Also, for everyone, we can purify ourselves from those ho take advantage of food, shelter, water, people and everyone. As a whole we will be able to reclaim what we call nationalism. The feeling of richness and greatness cannot be felt if one does not know what it feels like to be hungry, starve, thirsty, homeless, poor, and no wanted. To reform Germany we have to make people realize what they take for granted dally.
With the help of my allies, Mussolini and Stalin I can grant the ultimate force and retentions I promised. I can build the military up, proving another let down could not be possible. I trust my allies while adopting my fascist beliefs from Mussolini, being we share the same characteristics, In addition, as our nation attacks and invades other countries, formed by the Nazi, this will help grasp control over areas such as France and Belgium. Our land will continue to spread and expand. The need for this can bring in more people, building up our military and spreading nationalism.
If anyone opposed my views as a Chancellor, believing In obedience, here will be consequences. These punishments Include of gas chambers, chemical Injections, concentration camps, and harsh treatments. I Insist you all to obey my beliefs and guidelines concluding you want to make this nation on top again. Taking this role I will be sure to change the negative aspects of Germany. I will ensure you Germans that our military will be stronger, we will have more pride, money, and I will be docile whether your rich or poor. Becoming Chancellor of Germany was only the starting of this developing nation.
Finally, I Doll Hitler will conquer all through each ND every belief and no one will stand before me to block that path, only help. I leave you with this; ‘Wall Widen Singe! ” (We Will Conquer) Hitler Speech By Giordano 4 To reform Germany we have to make people realize what they take for granted daily. Nationalism. If anyone opposed my views as a Chancellor, believing in obedience, there will be consequences. These punishments include of gas chambers, chemical injections, concentration camps, and harsh treatments. I insist you all to obey my you with this; “Wire Widen Singe! ” (We Will Conquer)