“Improving Organizational Performance” Simulation Summary
You may have trouble with Internet Explorer 8, so make sure you can access the simulation early in the course or call the Help Desk. Using Firefox as your internet browser also helps solve this problem, as opposed to Internet Explorer.
Complete the simulation “Improving Organizational Performance. ”
Prepare a 1,500 to 2,000-word simulation summary in which you address the following FOUR criterion items:
- (25%) For the major phases in the simulation, briefly describe: The situation Your recommended solution(s), including your results. Do not spend your whole paper on this one criterion. Focus on the rest of the questions. This is only a small portion of your content grade. Cite the simulation in this section every time you need to. Most of your paper should focus on these sections: summarize the organizational psychology concepts addressed in this simulation by answering the following questions. These are most of the criteria of the paper – use text, simulation and an outside reading citations to support your points.
- (25%) Based on the situation illustrated in the simulation, what theory/theories of employee motivation could be used to increase productivity? Why? o3. (25%) Based on your findings from the simulation, how can knowledge of the psychology concepts like human behavior, cognition, and affect be used to enhance relationships in the workplace? o4. (25%)Based on your findings from the simulation, how can organizations reduce workplace stressors for employees? Not just at this company, but any company. Note: Use the simulation, course readings
This is your exam for the week, basically.
- Use APA style to reference anything not your original thoughts, including information from the simulation. Failure to cite the simulation is a major loss of points.
- Evaluate your finished product by the rubric provided in Course Materials for your own perspective. Include a statement in a post in your individual forum that you have used the Write Point service from the school and the plagiarism checker as well. Include your plagiarism checker percentage.
- Turn in your paper with the attachment saved with some part of your name and the paper title so I know who I am grading.
For example, “AdamS Simulation paper” or “AdamS Week Three paper”
Learning Team Assignment: Job Satisfaction Paper
Use the University of Phoenix Library, and/or other resources, to conduct research concerning the concept of job satisfaction. Prepare a 2,000 to 4,000-word paper in which you address the following items:
- (20%) Define job satisfaction.
- (20%) Explain the impact that organizational socialization has on job satisfaction.
- (20%)Provide an example of how an organization can use organizational socialization to positively impact job satisfaction.
- (20%) Describe the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
- (20%) Provide an example of how an organization can use organizational commitment to positively impact job satisfaction.
Note: Use course readings, and at the last one industry appropriate source per team member to support your paper.
Each team member does not have to use readings and another source, but each team member is responsible for finding an outside source to bring to the paper in addition to the readings.
- Evaluate your finished product by the rubric provided in Course Materials for your own perspective.
- Include a statement in a post in your individual forum that you have used the Write Point service from the school and the plagiarism checker as well.
- Include your plagiarism checker percentage.