Individual Assignment
Students are responsible to turn a soft copy on the course website.
Individual Assignment II: Discussion Question Chapter 6 (3&4), Chapter 8 (1&3), and Chapter 9 (1&4)
Please read the instruction for written assignment provided in the ‘Assignments’ first.
Try use external resource to formulate your original idea and make sure you cite them as necessary when you use them.
Written assignments will be evaluated on content, analysis, clarity of expression, and your writing and grammar. Success in a professional career is truly impacted by your ability to clearly and professionally communicate your ideas and relevant information, whether it is to employers, executives, investors, customers, suppliers, or employees. All assignments are to be the students’ original work.
All written assignments will use the following format and are to be posted in Blackboard.
Must be a WORD document.
Always include assignment or project title, name of students, and the date of submission.
Always use headings and sub-headings when appropriate.
Always include a title page.
Always include a table of contents.
Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper and bring to the class session in which the assignment is due.
Double-space the text of your paper, and use Times New Roman. The font size should be 12 pt.
Leave two spaces after periods or other punctuation marks.
Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.
Do not indent the first line of paragraphs.
Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, 1⁄2- inch from the top and flush with the right margin.
Always cite your resources in text and on a reference page at the end of your paper.
All written work, whether a paper, assignment, a summary, or a short-answer essay, should exhibit the following characteristics. Although each characteristic refers to “the paper,” the student may substitute with “the summary,” “the test answer,” or the name of any other written assignment.
Main Idea
The paper is focused, meets the expectations set up by the writer, and makes these expectations clear to the reader. The paper shows a clear sense of purpose.
The paper is clearly developed; transitions are clear from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. In other words, the writer has not simply made a series of unrelated or vaguely related statements. Rather, each sentence and paragraph carries the reader closer to an understanding or appreciation of the writer’s goal.
The writer provides specific, concrete and appropriate information from memory, observation, reading, interviewing or other sources. The paper is well developed with examples, details, illustrations, anecdotes or the like.
Sentences are varied and word choices are accurate. There is an absence of “clutter” or “padding”. Phrasing is clear and direct. Tone is handled consistently; sentence length and word choices are appropriate to the audience and purpose of the piece.
Punctuation, grammar, spelling and aspects of format are handled correctly. The writer has prepared the paper carefully with attention to appearance and other details. Opening, closing and title are strong and contribute to the sense of purpose, focus and unity of the piece of writing. Elaborated discussion can be summarized by using bullet points, but bullet points should not be used to deliver your idea as a main method. Tables and figures always need titles and numbers.
It is strongly encouraged to run a draft by the CBPA writing center before submission for multiple rounds. Before you run it for reviews, ask yourself the following questions:
What is my major point?
Have I supported generalizations, opinions and conclusions with specific examples?
Have I avoided using unnecessary words and clichés?
Have I proofread for spelling, punctuation and typographical errors?
Have I used the grammar and spell-check program in my word processing software? Did I make the correct choices in accepting or rejecting the grammar and spelling suggestions?