Integrity of the company
The brands of Gymboree are Gymboree Play and Music, Gymboree Retail and Outlet Stores, Crazy 8, Janie and Jacks Shops. Although, Gymboree is well-known in the market they are still encountering problems in their marketing strategies, for example, there so many competitors around the industry such Gap Kids and other popular brands, creating and maintaining a market niche and target market is now a challenge to Gymboree, another problem remaining at the top of the industry even if competitors exist through appropriate marketing, SWOT Analysis
Most companies find it impossible to create any kind of sustainable competitive advantage based on product alone. Since competition is an important factor to consider before entering a business, companies should have successful competitive strategies to be able attract, retain and grow customers. However, before the company can plan and execute these strategies, it should be able to pinpoint its sources of competitive advantage which can be differentiated through products, services, channels, people and image (Kotler & Armstrong, 2001).
Indeed, making a business successful in a particular setting demands crucial and detailed studies and examination of the factors that will generate the best results that will serve the aims and objectives of the company. In this light, owners of big business organizations operating in a competitive business environment should be in constant look out with its competitors and the overall status and events in the industry. Taking advantage of the opportunities and intensifying the strengths while minimizing the risks and weaknesses of a business firm greatly helps in predicting the success of the business enterprise.
As such it is important to examine the consequent (a) strengths, (b) weaknesses, (c) opportunities, and (d) threats of Gymboree Corporation in order to accurately illustrate sound business propositions and recommendations pertaining to its aims to expand market share and increase profitability of the Gymboree Brands. 1. Strengths. Compared to the industry competitors of Gymboree Corporation, the company exercises an almost direct access to the market-base. Since the company originated and developed in the U. S. economy, Gymboree is highly of advantage compared to its competitors.
This gives Gymboree the experience, skill, and knowledge of the people in the market. The centralized aspect of Gymboree ensure capitalization of its brand globally which results to good return of investments and profits while the decentralized business approach of the franchises extends possible business opportunities for the entire business in terms of product innovation, design, research and development. This makes possible continuous growth of the business enterprise through a pool of creative staff and employees that contribute to the competence, security, image and integrity of the company.