Knowledge Management Audit Report

The case study depicts the problems associated with a regency grand, a five-star hotel situated In Thailand. Initially the hotel was performing well under Thai General Manager; however since the takeover by a large American hotel chain, regency grand hotel was experiencing deteriorating circumstances regarding its business and reputation. Mr.. Becker was inducted as a new General Manger if Regency Grand Hotel. He was Interested in applying the concepts, methods, policies and procedures of hotel management which he earlier practiced successfully in the united States to the Regency Grand Hotel. Mr..

Backer’s success was mostly on acquisition were the operations were experiencing low morale and poor profitability. One of the major points In this case study Is the fact that Regency Grand Hotel was not experiencing low morale and poor profitability. In fact Regency Grand Hotel was one of the top performing hotels of Thailand were employee satisfaction was high. Mr.. Backer’s expertise was in successfully implementing management strategies in a sinking organization rather than in an established and stable organization. Research has shown that the right employee should be hired at the right time. [r]

One of the major issues as delineated in the case study is the implementation of same Human Resource Management Strategy in different countries. This Human Resource Management strategy by Becker comprised of introducing the concept of decentralization at Regency Grand Hotel. According to Becker, this strategy will yield enhanced employee motivation and overall Job satisfaction which will untimely lead to more profits. This strategy was successfully Implemented by Becker In his previous assignments. Becker was very confident of achieving positive results by Introducing this strategy immediately. One study shows that practice of Human Resource

Management can vary across countries mainly because of adaptation of managerial practices and cultural idiosyncrasy [Snell and Dean, 1 992, Salk and Brannon, 2000]. Hefted argues that national cultures impact the attitudes and behaviors of employees (Hefted, 1980). This Is true in the case of Mr.. Becker. Since he came from United States and had been successfully practicing Human Resource Management with employees exhibiting us culture, he had a mindset reflecting us employee’s behavior towards management practice. Furthermore, Mr.. Becker was of the impression that the same Human Resource Management could be practiced in

Thailand without realizing that there would be systematic differences that may have existed in Human Resource Management in different countries. Management by Objective Is the process of specifying objectives within an organization to ensure that the employees at the managerial level and non managerial level abide with the objectives set fourth so that they can fully understand what is required and what needs to be done within an organization. Studies have shown that productivity within an organization increases if Management by Objective program is launched (Robbins and Coulter, 2005, 165).

However, Becker Introduced the concept of decentralization but was not able to Implement It stressfully. Becker spent most AT Nils tale wilt ten operational level employees. This resulted in Backer’s direct communication with the operational level employees which helped the employees better understand what Becker wanted and expected from them. However, the supervisor’s empowerment role was minimized which resulted in poor performance. Scholars have written that mutually agreed objectives are set forth between employees.

Becker implemented him decentralization plan after getting approval from several rather than all managers ND department heads. Most of the scholars agree that the Management by Objective is successful if it is implemented from top to down while ensuring complete participation [Rodgers, R. ; Hunter, J. E. 1991]. When power and control in shared in organization, the overall effectiveness increases. (Organelle et al. , 2007)The empowerment is used as management tool which empowers employees to practice innovative approach while working. Furthermore, empowerment is the power which is transferred from top level to bottom level [(Teach et d. 0 04).. Honed (1997) argued that empowerment should have higher degree of accessibility and accountability while having the freedom to act. This signifies that management in order to empower their employees, must ensure that the employees will be motivated and committed. This will help them achieve organizational goals while the chances of an employee to quit will significantly reduce. Employee empowerment has been defensiveness’s ways, but K thaws et al. (2007), Money and Hankie (2006) and Honed (1997) agreed that the core element of empowerment involves giving employees &section or latitude over certain task related activities.

Smith and Mould, (1998) defined empowerment as a transfer of rower flow the employer to the employees to make quick and quality decision. Honed (1997) argued that empowerment is not only having the flooded to act, but also having higher degree of responsibility and accountability. This indicates that management must empower their me peoples so that they will be motivated committed satisfied and assist the organizations achieving objectives Mohammedanize employees intention to quit.

Transferring power to the employees should be done with due diligence, at the same time employees to whom the power is transferred to, must be held accountable for their actions. Accountability will instill discipline in utilizing the scarce resources optimum for the benefit of the organization and other stakeholders. Therefore, employees should be empowered through, sharing information, autonomy in making decisions and improving their intellectual capacity.

Welling et al (1991) similarly proposed that an organization that empowers their employees will be able to survive and grow in any environment. Mohammed and Prevail (1998) argued that empowerment is a state of mind and empowered employees mind experiences feelings of, (1) control over the Job to be performed, (2) awareness of the context in HCI the work is performed, (3) accountability for personal work output, (4) shared responsibility for unit and organizational performance and (5) equity in the rewards based on individual and collective performance.

The Cognitive model of empowerment, defines empowerment on a broad term, which Includes ten console AT Provo&Eng employee Witt genuine Coo enrollment Ana opportunities to have their voice heard having real power for control and influence over work processes, which leads to employees to be confident in discharging their duties. This model further emphasizes that organizations have no options except to empower their employees for purpose of survival, growth and increase efficiency and being competitiveness.

Further, the model of work team effectiveness postulated by Cohen et al. (1996) commented that employee empowerment should be the primary focus for any manager who tries to design effective self managing work teams in organization. Organelle et al. (2007) suggested that, like the concept of power, empowerment can be viewed in two ways. First, it can be viewed as a relational conduct – which me that managers should delegate power to the subordinates. Secondly, a motivational construct where employee empowerment is seen as a scheme to motivate employees in organization.

Thus empowered employees feel motivated when they are given autonomy to make decision about their work or are involved in the planning process of Ethel organization. Therefore employee empowerment implies that power is granted to the employees or delegation of authority. Similarly, Procter et al (1999) suggested that for the use of the term empowerment of members to be meaningful, there must be a genuine shift in the locus of power away from the top management to the shop floor.

Melee (2004) argued that empowerment is a complex interactive process which involves the act of developing and increasing power to the subordinates. In addition they identified five core &mimeo which can enhance empowerment in organizations and these includes educating of employees, leading, mentoring, supporting and proving proper structures to enhance employee empowerment in organization. This clearly shows that empowerment is a multi-&monsoonal process which involves many systems of the organization and is an ongoing process. Lloyd fee al. 1999) asserted that, managers should act as coaches and help employees to solve problems. Managers should empower subordinates by delegating susceptibilities and assisting them when they have problems and thus employees will feel more satisfied with their managers and they will consider them to be fair and in return they will perform to their manager’s expectations. Employees need to be assisted in the process of empowerment. Participative management, managers must empower their employees by allowing them to participate in decision m a h g process.

For impatience the model of employee empowerment postulated by Mammal and Securest (1996) argued that employee empowerment has been expounders the concept of participative management. The model emphasized that empowerment to eke a strong foundation in organizations; managers should intrinsically motivate the behavior of their employees and must release some of their authority and responsibility to other levels of the organization. Honed (1997) equated employee empowerment as management-by-stress strategy that pushes people and systems to the breaking point by forcing workers to do more.

Lack of employee empowerment in many organization is compeered as a major source of organizational stress and conflicts. Management to a certain degree will reduce stress among their employees by empowering them. Employee empowerment s a management practice, which all managers should take seriously in their organization, Decease It’s tongue empowerment Tanat employees wall Improve organizational performance. Management needs to consider the following facts to ensure that empowerment in their organization is enhanced and nurtured.

Empowerment through Job involvement, empowerment significantly enhances Job involvement Job satisfaction; career satisfaction and organizational commitment (Manorial and Hashing, 2006). This in the long MN will make employees feel that they are valued in their organization and create a higher degree of Job satisfaction and commitment. Thus employees are motivated by both extremis and intrinsic rewards such as autonomy in decision-making and challenging work.

Leadership strategy, good leadership is critical for sustaining continuous improvement of employee empowerment in organization (Carson and King, 2005). Good leadership needs to be demonstrated at all levels of the organization. A good leader in an organization is intuitively able to tap into expressed thoughts of others, to give verbal expression to their feelings, able to delegate and empower employees. This would make vision created by management to be brought into pollution.

Good leadership empires braininess, creates a vision to be followed by the organization employees and empowers employees through traffic and development. Hams (2004) argued that leadership is not only having innovative ideas, but also getting people to follow, not just in dragooned single file, but with pride, literature in their hearts and expectation. Employee endowment to be successful in organization there is need for godlessness to be in place at all levels of the organization.

Empowerment to be successful in organization management should use empowerment for bottom-Line results. Klan and Rosen (1999) stated that there are four key increments for empowering program to succeed in organization, these are management must agree to support the program, inauguration warrants fanfare, must be offered for ideas generated and accepted essential for team leaders, program coordinators and evaluation committees to be in place to evaluate the progress of empowerment and advise the best way to enhance it in organizations.

Therefore, empowerment is not a product of any structure or system, but it is a process, which is ongoing, dynamic and fluctuating. Translators and Murray (1996) stated that empowerment is getting workers to do what needs to be done rather than doing what they are told and involves delegation, individual responsibility, autonomous decision making and feelings of self-efficacy. Employee empowerment program to be successful in organization, management must put in place a structure in the system to support the whole process (Boggle and Smooch 2004).

It is recommendable that empowerment process should take place in an environment where it’s allowed, nurtured and promoted by management and employees. Management decision not communicated properly Options Regency Grand Hotel can revert back to the earlier style of hotel management practiced by Thai General Manager. Under his belt, the Regency Grand Hotel was crowned as one of the most prestigious hotels of the region and the employees were enjoying Delve chocolates wilt n ten note.

Nine star, wanly earlier let Decease AT Becker, could be contacted once again and given offer to rejoining Regency Grand Hotel. Management by Objective In Application of decentralization should be more concrete. Change of management style Make use of Configuration Management “organizational effectiveness is greatest when the information processing capacities of the structure fit the information-processing requirements of the work” Recommendations

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Analyze the Knowledge Management Essay

Generally, knowledge is interpreted, subjective information within a context, which involves understanding and is mostly tacit, not explicit. Knowledge can take many forms. It can be in the form of thoughts, insights, ideas, lore, lessons learnt, practices, and experiences undergone to name just a few.

The term knowledge management has become common in businesses throughout the world. Despite its increased prevalence, there remains a large degree of confusion concerning the applied definition of what knowledge management is. Within the knowledge management community, attempts at defining this elusive term appear to be in constant flux.

However, a basic description of what constitutes knowledge management, and the various factors leading to its importance, source, problems, and other basic related issues necessary to achieve a general understanding have been provided below. This field guide is intended to provide information concerning these issues in terms that are applicable in any situation. Obviously each business has their own sets of definitions, applications and style with respect to this tool.

There are prevalent definitions of knowledge management needing to be highlighted. First, that knowledge management (KM) is the discipline that enables productive generation, retention, sharing and maintenance of knowledge to improve the decision-making process and resulting actions. Alternatively, one can state that knowledge management is the process by which individual learning and experience can be accessed, reflected upon, shared, and utilized in order to foster enhanced individual knowledge and, thus, organizational value.

It is an approach to managing thoughts, insights, ideas, lessons learnt, best and worst practices, experiences made available, etc. Managing this knowledge requires that knowledge is captured where it is created, shared between people and applied in business processes. If the culture allows and encourages it, and if technology supports it, then learning will happen. Currently, 85% of organizations said their ability to strategically manage knowledge is weak, 80% said hiring, evaluation, and compensation practices do not take knowledge into account, 70% believe knowledge assets can fuel growth – both revenue and core competencies.

Knowledge ps a continuum ranging from Explicit to Tacit:

Explicit: being more data/information oriented content which can be captured and reused effectively generally without further human instruction, example or experience. Rote processes are good examples of explicit knowledge.

Tacit: that knowledge which requires development of intuition and judgement, generally the result of experience and/or close relational learning modeled by the journeyman/apprentice model.

As knowledge goes from tacit to explicit, the volume decreases as the information is captured into a generally useable form:

Culture and technology are shown here as the key drivers of knowledge management, and both encompass many things. Culture is more than just people – it covers behaviour, organisations and reward structures, for example – just as technology is more than just IT – we use it to mean the whole supporting infrastructure for knowledge management. Technology is the key driver for capturing and using knowledge, while culture is key to the activities of sharing and learning.

Capturing core knowledge: characterised by a growing awareness of the kinds of knowledge that relate to a core capability. This phase is dominated by identifying and locating that knowledge and putting in place the technical infrastructure to facilitate capture. The organisation recognises the value of knowledge management to its business, and begins its journey with a few successful pilots, which then attract the interest of a wider community.

Sharing between communities: the organisation provides means and motivation for communities of practice (CoP) to assemble (induced by a business need) and disassemble (if the business need disappears). CoPs differ from teams in that they are driven by a common interest, whereas a team is driven by a common purpose or business objective. This distinction is important, as we wish to encourage sharing between teams, not just within them, and CoPs represent a much wider community. This phase is community-driven and dominated by experiments in knowledge capture, sharing and application within and between different CoPs.

Consolidate knowledge for use: as more CoPs form and share their knowledge, information overload and relevance of knowledge become issues. This phase is dominated by the need to impose structure and standards on the core knowledge bases, and to ensure adequate management of the Web, or any other means of linking and accessing the growing knowledge stores. The organisation discovers the need to balance freedom of expression and business focus.

Creativity and learning: this is when managing knowledge becomes a standard business practice, and is characterised by significant cultural change. The pace of learning quickens, solutions improve and the speed of innovation increases as we work in new ways.

Why is Knowledge Management Necessary?

While there are many reasons for pursuing KM, three main objectives stand out:

1. to capture and transfer internal knowledge and best practices;

2. to increase employee capabilities; and

3. to capture, transfer and use/leverage customer and market information.

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Knowledge Management by

Are you stuck while doing your assignment and need some extra help to get distinction In a particular class? Let the best and most reliable writers at Dissertation Globe help you. At Dissertation Globe we offer great discounts to our new clients and provide top quality work that no one offers. Remember, there are many sites claiming to be the best in business, but at Dissertation Globe, we let our papers do the talking! Co. K Knowledge Management Introduction In this paper, case of travel agents will be discussed. There is a family owned SEEM. The company aims to starts publicizing and selling Its products online. The IT department wants to set-up web and so on in-house servers. In this paper, three questions related to internet and intranet will be answered. Using internet, intranet and web technology has changed the situation of database management. The purpose of creating internet is different from creating intranet. Web development is the process of creating a website.

Discussion Major Barriers in Web Construction and Internet Project Web development Is the process of creating a web site. Imprisoning several steps like planning and analysis, design and programming. Generally the business idea and analysis of use of web professionals perform deferent and developers are those who program the page using different languages on both the client and server side. Graphic designers can create designs from a website programs like Photos or Microsoft Expression, then have to switch to design HTML in a simpler and quick.

Everyone Is aware of the importance of the Internet In the world of mass media. For some, it is the media room after the press, radio and television and for all has come a real media phenomenon, since it represents an important revolution in the way of transmitting and receiving Information and In the scope of this Information (Myers, 2012). The Internet has revolutionized phenomenon and journalistic tasks and revolutionists Journalism itself.

An internet is a collaborative extranet also uses toys accessible to other companies or organizations. It is a connection between businesses over the Internet, a tool that enables collaboration among companies. These are communications between the company and suppliers, business to business, business to consumer (Serener, 2013). There are many barriers in web construction and internet project. Internet is the bridge between the public Internet and private corporate networks or Intranets.

The applications of Internet network can be between groups of companies that share the same information or the same ideas among companies that participate or collaborate in the development of a new application for product catalogues, management and control and development of working a project for training programs, suppliers and customers to exchange offers, promotions, that associations, universities and the same administration involved in management activities such as Job boards, research practices, training programs (Serener, 2013).

When people talk about the latest technologies on the internet and construction of web, it necessarily implies problems of backward compatibility. There is always a ball that people should take some time for these concerns the so-called compatibility. And the HTML / CSS area, the ball bigger than the other is always the same: Internet Explorer. If times have changed with the arrival of IEEE saving, some habits die hard, and one of Microsoft when it comes to their Internet browser is slow to adapt to. Although much progress has been made.

Intranet is the use of Internet standards within a corporate environment to improve productivity, reduce costs and maintain information systems. Creating internet project and web construction costs too much amount. The Web is full of important information, but the time should be used for localization is often too much to offer quick solutions to daily problems (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009). Technical System and Role for Intranet Companies today are at a very important stage, because they must make decisions that affect their processes and functions in the future.

The strategic management of information is one of the most researched and developed in the world today, particularly those investigations focused on information management within companies and the impact on the economies of all countries. Information at companies is as important as are the Human Resources or the raw material, for without the proper information, the company will be at a disadvantage compared to its competitors.

If it remains at the forefront of information technology that is appearing every day, the company can be easily displaced by other innovative processes and updated (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009). One of the innovative tools in this context is what is known as Intranet network communication within an organization. Through it can intercommunicate with all members of the company to achieve better performance of its functions and processes. This will be effective in the case of the SEEM Company, as employees in the organization are not so motivated, they get very low salaries.

The main advantages in obtained by using the Intranet in this scenario are: ease of sharing files, using e-mail and other media and obtaining a better printing service. Even if the company has Internet access expands the capabilities, it can be in contact with other enterprise remote locations in the rest of and in these times can be the difference Before considering the development of an Intranet, both for a large company or a small workup, people should never be treated as a work platform but as a tool for it.

It is a form of making available to the workers the full potential of the company, to solve problems, improve processes, build new resources or improve existing ones to disseminate information quickly and turn these workers active members of a network corporate, or gives the user the information he needs for his Job (Myers, 2012). Pretend that everyone has the necessary information in a timely manner without having to rely on third parties to get it. As can be seen an intranet is a copy of Internet within the company.

Thus the various components of the Internet can be incorporated into the Intranet, newsgroups with the creation of internal discussion groups with or without moderator, facilitating, and on the Internet, a way to communicate quickly, creating discussion groups, sharing messages, internal news and projects. The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or data transfer protocol that gives perfectly integrated into an intranet. Also the online chat (IIRC Internet Relay Chat) although they are limited within an organization or company may offer advantages with respect to multiple conferences and maintain real-time discussions is email.

All through a web environment give cohesion to all elements of the Intranet (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009). Intranet plays very significant role in the growth of the company. Using this type of network provides multiple benefits: Savings: deleted documents, forms, manuals, rates, internal memos, databases and other documents that require the use of paper and the use of printers for distribution Daily information company. Quality: Internet is the amount while an intranet is quality. The Web is full of important information, but the time should be used for localization is often too much to offer quick solutions to daily problems.

In the Intranet, users find everything they need because the information is much more organized and selected. Communication: implemented messaging system can provide internal and external communications, in real time and deferred, and fully integrated (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009). Control: data important to the organization will not be so alone at the table of a manager or a middle manager. They will know at all times how a project is because the information in an Intranet is modified and consultation in real time.

Partnership: allow leverage individual intellectual experience of all employees and make it available for use globally. Users can create and manage their own content. Effectiveness: Let’s not leave unfinished business and an end to the excuses of lack of information to carry out any project. In addition, each department generates and maintains its own documentation and data that they own. Efficiency: an Intranet high percentages eliminates traditional working methods and sometimes inefficient as the loophole, fax or small hall meetings.

Ease: with the simple requirement to know how to use a browser, any business user can work with an intranet. With a little more knowledge, not excessive, people can give it their information and share it with the rest of the employees of the organization (Serener, 2013). Flexibility: the layout implementation of an intranet is something people can start with a relatively simple and increase benefits according to the needs and possibilities of the company. Proper maintenance and upgrade later play a key role in the successful development all users that make up the company.

Yield: all the material that can be in a company at a catalogue, manual or book, can be implemented without much effort on an Intranet. Participation: any member of the organization in which is mounted an Intranet provides the information they have obtained and made available to everyone else, which in time can improve or implement their own data. Security Intranet: Intranets provide unprecedented value to the distribution of information, automation of the working groups and access to corporate information (Myers, 2012).

However, the ease of access to information is Intranets allow increased risk of theft, loss or irruption of information that people make available on it. To avoid this risk, there are security mechanisms that should not be forget. If a company lacks adequate access controls, Intranet is an invitation to accidental deletion or modification of documents. Therefore the security policy is something that should never be overlooked. It is necessary to have all available security possible. It must decide who has access to each document, when and from where (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009).

It should be considered first for each computer security (keys, bolts, locks encrypted, etc). After electronic security, preventing data set available to unauthorized personnel and properly protecting transmissions. A firewall is a defense strategy that can be considered perfect. This system allows people to restrict and control the data traffic of the Intranet can cancel the action of the curious. It should not forget the encryption, secures data transmissions that are made from team to team. The golden rule is to keep the Intranet a day on security issues.

The nearest future of intranets is that thousands of companies are at present investigating the phenomenon Intranets. Ensure very reliable data that the number of tools for the development of Intranets will quadruple in the next year, which can provide an idea of the importance of these for the future of corporate computing (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009). An intranet must allow conversation and video real time. Examples include video conferencing, real-time conversations, Internet telephony or the conference call.

The same way that it is possible to access the Internet via cable, also shortly be possible to create new multimedia technologies that can reach Intranets to all this. Existing Intranets in no time should expand their revise and applications to the vast Internet, using a method that provides access control to grant certain privileges to selected external users, without having to modify content or application components, and without a significant risk for the proper security of the Intranet (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009).

Ways to Motivate Staff Better – Knowledge Valley Theory To achieve quality, it is imperative to have motivated staff. Companies that best distinguish, in general, are those who were able to motivate their staff. Many companies do not hesitate to say, how they achieve results with staff that do not. One thing is certain, it is a managerially problem is that it has failed to find solutions to create self-motivation and must question. Motivating staff is an integral part of the management of a manager and it provides the best of both. If a person makes a good job, he takes personal satisfaction.

A motivated workforce is a key asset for an organization (Martini, Coors, & Pipelining, 2009). Motivate staff to be one of the major phenomenon. It seemed useful, in this case, to focus on the theories of motivation to try to identify the levers available to the human resources department to develop ND maintain motivation. Through the motivation, people achieve a better performance, higher productivity, greater efficiency, greater creativity, greater accountability, and a greater commitment on the part of workers (Serener, 2013). There are different ways to motivate employees.

One of the best ways to motivate them is through knowledge valley theory. It can be stated as the management of environment agreeing to the knowledge course all the way through various stages of the life cycle. Therefore, knowledge built up at one place in an administration can be add available to other components by an organizational knowledge depot (Serener, 2013). Organizations continue to exist with the nonstop growth of such facts and knowledge which are on the basis of research & development departments, daily experiences, and creative ideas.

Organizations can only do their best when all accessible areas of knowledge are brought together. Knowledge valley theory is effective and influenced by the culture of organization. The factors of the organizational culture affecting this knowledge are customer trust, quality of the work process, agreement between decision making bodies, human relationships, Coo’s Sino and character, effectiveness of strategic management, strategic alliances with vendors, etc (Myers, 2012). Conclusion In this paper, internet, internet and web development have been discussed.

In an organization, role of intranet and internet is multi-dimensional to some extent. There is an internet project which is outside the company, for customers and others accessing information. On the other hand, there is intranet, which is the website of the organization to be used within organization. It is created for sharing information with employees. The majority of the companies use intranet as the source of information. In general, employees make use of the Internet to carry out research, to conduct studies.

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Communication In Management System

An effective way of communicating is to let know all managers and employees the company’s vision, and how it must be achieved. “Good communication is essential to the smooth running of the people management system. It must be a two-way process. This can involve a cascade flow of information from the top and also feedback from lower levels.” (Price, 2004 p.80) We see that we the current structure of Meridian has proven not to be effective when communicating ideas, and specially that weakness has manifest with the introduction of the GTO Division and its purpose of developing, sharing and gathering knowledge from all other divisions and subsidiaries. “

One of the biggest things is that people don’t understand the roles and responsibilities of GTO at the operations level, the business level… because today, I would bet, you go to any one of the plants and half the people there wouldn’t even know what goes on here at GTO” (Case 5-4a, Meridian Magnesium: International Technology Transfer). The way an organisation is perceived by its members depends entirely on its corporate culture and the means used to introduce and developed the fundamentals that will help built a straight and forward communication in all divisions.

With the proposed structure, GTO will be in the middle of all production subsidiaries enabling a circular and an all-channel network communication system that will enhance all production plants sharing, and implementing new knowledge or innovations. At the same time all VP Divisions will also have an improve and direct contact with what is going on inside the production square, all though VP of Global Technology will be the one in charge of letting know in an upper level the development of GTO and at the same time transmit all formal enquires from upper management.

R;D (Research and Development) – (KM) Knowledge Management “Globally linked innovation pools the resources and capabilities of many different units – at both the parent company and subsidiary level- to jointly create and manage an activity” (Bartlett p. 457). With the creation of VP of Global Technologies and later the GTO Division, Meridian started to introduce the idea of generating R;D and KM.

Some programs were developed and spread in all three subsidiaries but the integration of all of them towards achieving a common purpose of improving in both R;D and KM was not totally successful, “at the same time locations develop ideas that protect as their own without sharing with other subsidiaries, and if they do there is certain reluctance among them to adopt what they think ate outside ideas. ‘Not Invented Syndrome'” (Bartlett p. 457). However communication problems jointly with the organisation’s structure and the unclear message of their corporate strategy in upper and lower levels contributed that the GTO message did not had the expected diffusion, response and impact on all three subsidiaries.

Meridian is affronting barriers in KM that doesn’t permit them to develop their GTO’s purpose. There is a missing connection in the company’s corporate strategy that has not permitted them to build a knowledge dimension that implies commitment and support from top management executives. There are information gaps between VP’s and subsidiaries managers that together with the lack of understanding of knowledge facilitation and training are not making solutions possible. There is little or no interaction at all between the facilities and GTO is perceived as a no functional division precisely because of the lack of information and commitment from all its members to make it work.

“When experts share their expertise with others, they are frequently in the position of communicating with people less expert than themselves. This requires that they somehow bridge the gap between themselves and those with less expertise” (Hinds & Pfeffer, 2003 p. 5) At Meridian, the bridge is very weak and there seems to be not enough commitment from all the people involved but only until certain level.

Plant Managers are only willing to help and change if necessary, until certain degree that doesn’t affect their ‘way of doing” things, or ‘their way of solving things’. “Knowledge Management (KM) is the process of creating value from the intangible assets of an enterprise. It deals with how best to leverage knowledge internally in the enterprise and externally to the customers and stakeholders” (Ergazakis, Karnezis, Metaxiotis and Psarras, 2002 p. 37)

On the proposed structure we can see that GTO is situated in the centre and will allow all three facilities to interact between them by sharing and accepting inside and outside knowledge that can benefit the company as a whole. At the same time KM will have a core unit, as it is GTO, which will be the division that receives, processes, shares and establishes priorities within innovation and R&D. Within each subsidiary there is permanent presence of GTO staff members that will help in the training, collection and implementation of new ideas, skills and techniques, turning each production facility as an incubator of ideas that will eventually flow through GTO’s appropriate management.

Human Resource Management It is said that in an organisation people is their most valuable asset. Managing people in organisations is a difficult task that involves the expertise of allocating the right people for the right job. One of the decisive factors when managing people in organisations is the way of motivating people to perform their tasks and under what guidance should they be oriented to do so.

In Meridian, according to its organisational structure HRM (Human Resource Management) has been exclusively handle by each of the facilities, with the introduction of GTO, a new division that had to deal with all subsidiaries, and that necessarily according to its objectives has to interrelate with all the members of the organisation in all levels, there has been some weakness within the process.

On the process selection of the CT (core technology) group, which was seen by the VP of Global Technologies, as the “team that would be able to do anything technology-related within the fields of magnesium, die-casting and auto parts” (Case 5-4a, Meridian Magnesium: International Technology Transfer). In other words and referencing it by its name, it was the core, the base of GTO. Its members are all experts engineers on their areas, most of them come from the Canadian and USA subsidiaries, what about Italy? Italy is the production plant that is still struggling behind the other two, and no one from that facility was incorporated to the team.

Following the proposed organisational structure, GTO staff and its three different ramifications, (advanced engineering, forward programs and CT), must enlarge their staff to be present on all three plants and start programs of R;D, and a posterior collection, analysis and diffusion of data (KM). By having members that after receiving the adequate training know what to do, how to do it, and how to measure its effectiveness on all three subsidiaries, communication will flow properly on all directions of the production square and consequently to its upper levels. Its important as a policy of International HRM in a MNE (multinational enterprise) to have people, if possible, that comes from each one of the subsidiaries to create a team that would share the problems and innovations of each of the production plants.

Rotation of personnel within the GTO division in each of the subsidiaries could be an option, but if communication channels were open for sharing expertise and knowledge it wouldn’t be necessary, cause information would be flowing in all directions. Also, having people from outside the company can enrich the experience by submitting new and refreshing ideas and at the same time by not having any emotional or labour attachment to the production locations. A perfect complementation of new staff and company’s staff from all different locations would be the ideal for the GTO division, under the leadership of an experience executive that can encourage and spread commitment, the goals and the corporate strategy of the company.

Recommendations Meridian Magnesium deeply shows a weakness in its organisational structure that when starting the new VP on Global Technologies and further down the GTO division put on evidence the problem of a lack of knowledge of their corporate strategy at all levels. The implications that GTO would have in an area such as KM (Knowledge Management), that even though has been present all times on all its locations, was never measured and used properly when sharing information and expertise put on evidence many problems.

First of all the proposed organisational structure, will integrate all subsidiaries with GTO and its three ramifications. At the same time all VP’s will have a more direct contact depending on their areas with production centres, but as a responsible of the layout and policies of GTO will be the VP of Global Technologies who will be the one to inform the programs conducted by GTO in an upper level. The creation of a new division that will necessary will require funds has urged the creation of a VP of Financial Solutions, who will be in charge of finding the best funding solutions not only for GTO but for all the companies necessities.

Even though the centralized disposition where GTO headquarters have being located geographically in the same area of the Canadian facility, with the proposed organisational structure there will be a rapid interaction with the GTO staff members in all three locations that will enhance a fluent communication of all the R&D programs as well as establishing the bases for a KM that would have start a program of sharing expertise and problem solution. To achieve all this, HRM has to develop an intensive program of recruiting new persons and the allocation of currently staff members on all its locations to develop all GTO programs successful.

All this proposed guidelines are mere interpretations of what has been considered as possible solutions, however the reality and panorama of the working environment of Meridian shows that they have the potentiality to overcome all this problems, after all, its no about starting again with the GTO program but to improve and use all that intangible knowledge that is there, but due to a lack of commitment and proper communication of the corporate strategy, has been underestimated and considered as private property of each subsidiary.

References: Ackerman, Mark S. Pipek, Volkmar. Wulmar Volker. 2003, 1st edn, Sharing Expertise, Beyond Knowledge Management. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. Bartlett, Christopher A. & Ghoshal Sumantra. 1990, ‘Matrix Management: Not a Structure, a Frame of Mind” Harvard Business Review 68, pp. 138-145.

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Knowledge Management Critique Essay

Examination Paper of Semester III IIBM Institute of Business Management Semester-III Examination Paper Knowledge Management Section A: Objective Type (30 marks) • • • This section consists of Mixed Type questions & Short Answer type questions. Answer all the questions. Part One questions carry 1 mark each & Part Two questions carry 5 marks each. MM. 100 Part One: Multiple Choices: 1. UCC stands for a. Universal Commercial Code b. Uniform Commercial Code c. Uniq Commercial Code d. United Commercial Code 2. E-business connects critical business systems and constituencies directly via a.

Internet b. Extranet c. Intranet d. All of the above 3. Unusable rule are also called as a. User rule b. Conflicting rule c. Subsumed rule d. None of the above 4. Fact in knowledge codification refers to a. Value of an object or a slot b. Codification scheme c. Both (a) & (b) d. Filling of slots 5. An individual with skills & solutions that work some of the time but not all of the time is a. Scribe b. Validity c. Novice d. None of the above Examination Paper of Semester III 6. CBR is a. Case based reasoning b. Case based reliability c. Case based repository d. None of the above 7.

An unskilled employee trying to learn or gain some understanding of the captures knowledge is a a. Pupil user b. Tutor user c. People user d. None of the above 8. A rule of thumb based on years of experience is called a. Procedural rule b. Tacit knowledge c. Heuristic d. None of the above 9. Episodic knowledge is a. Is knowledge based on the fundamentals structure functions & behavior of objects b. Is knowledge based on experimental information or episodes c. Is knowledge based on the unrelated facts d. None of the above 10. A directory that points to people, documents and repositories is a. Knowledge map b.

Knowledge codification c. Rapid prototyping d. None of the above Part Two: 1. Write short note on “KM Life Cycle”? 2. Write short note on “The Knowing Doing Gap”? 3. What is “The Malpractice Factor”? 4. What is knowledge creation? END OF SECTION A Examination Paper of Semester III Section B: Caselets (40 marks) • • • • This section consists of Caselets. Answer all the questions. Each caselet carries 20 marks. Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 200 to 250 words). Caselet 1 This case is based on an actual incident which took place in an Army Unit deployed in field area.

A part of a Battery (about 1/4 of an Artillery Regiment) was deployed in a snow bound high altitude area of Kashmir. This was the first time, an artillery unit was deployed in an area with roads and tracks still under development. Preparation of this area for such a deployment needed a lot of digging for guns, pits for ammunition storage, living place of the personnel, slit trenches and weapon pits for local defence against any possible enemy/terrorists’ attack on the position, place for storage of rations, cook-house and communication trenches, etc.

The total strength of the party deployed there was a) Officer – 1 (Second Lieutenant with about one year service) b) Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) – 1 c) Jawans – 40 The Battery Commander (BC) remained with the Regiment Headquarters at Srinagar (with the remaining part of the Battery) as per the orders of the commanding Officer. These was a vehicle with the part of the Battery which was deployed at high altitude to assist in the daily administration of the troops like collection of ration, stores for preparation of defences, water, and ferrying of personnel from one place to another.

The vehicle could could go only upto a limited number of places due to bad road conditions and step gradients. Only one driver was kept for this vehicle to reduce administrative problems due to more number of personnel. The vehicle completed about 35 to 40 kms. of running daily in its routine commitments. The part had just been inducted about two weeks back. The defences were being prepared which involved lot of effort in digging of hardened ground due to the cold winter months of November. The defence stores were to collected, once the digging was complete, from another Engineering Unit located about 5 kms. o the rear. The roads were treacherous; with a number of stones and slides falling down occasionally during a drizzle due to precipitation in atmosphere, there were steep gradients, narrow roads with sheer falls on one side due to the road having been cut into the side of hills. The digging was complete by end November. In the month of December, snow fall at that location was expected any time, as it had already started snowing in the higher reaches and tops of mountains. The digging had been completed in a record time of two weeks.

The party under the stewardship of the young officer had done a commendable job. In the first week of December, the only driver of the vehicle reported pain in the chest and problem in breathing. He was evacuated by helicopter the next day with instructions to inform the unit to send another driver for the vehicle. It took about three days for any one to reach this area, with staying of two nights enroute in order to acclimatize by stages. The detachment was to be without any driver for about three days. Another driver was detailed to proceed to this area, after having been medically examined and found it.

A day after the dispatch of the driver, the young officer with this party arrived in the unit and reported that the vehicle had fallen from a hill-side road and was completely damaged. The office was in a complete state of disarray and shock. What actually had happened, goes something like this. Examination Paper of Semester III After the first driver of the vehicle was evacuated, the weather started turning bad and it seemed that it was going to snow that day. The officer realised that in case of snow fall all the efforts put in by the troops would go waste, if the dug-ins were not covered.

Realising this, he borrowed a driver of an ambulance from a local medical unit to direct his vehicle for collection of defence stores. After the stores had been collected and dumped at the site of defences, the vehicle was being driven back to the party’s location. Before it could reach this location, it had to negotiate a dusty and steep track. At a steep climb the vehicle stalled and got switched off. All the men got down, prevented the vehicle from reversing by putting stones behind the wheels and started checking what had gone wrong.

After the check on the engine had been carried out, the bonnet cover slipped off the hands of the driver while closing it and fell to closing position with a bang. Because of the jerk thus created, the stones placed behind the vehicle slipped off. It was later discovered that there was glassy smooth layer of ice under the thin layer of dirt which could not hold the stones firmly and they slipped off, with the result, that the vehicle moved backward and toppled thrice and stopped upside down because of the obstruction created by a big bcoulder. As thee was no one in he vehicle, thee were no injuries to personnel. On close inspection by the officer, it was found that the vehicle body, cabin, bonnet, steering wheel and two of the four wheels were badly damaged. The officer, being quite young and inexperienced, could not ascertain the real condition of the engine and chassis. He thought those too were damaged, whereas because of some providential chance, the chassis and engine remained intact. The BC was given the responsibility of getting the vehicle back to the unit. He was given a vehicle fitter and recovery vehicle with a driver.

The BC took two more Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) and proceeded to the location to retrieve the vehicle, it took two days to reach with a few hours of the last leg of the journey in complete darkness in that snow bound area with treacherous slippery roads. On reaching the location, the Commanding Officer of the local unit, who happened to be the Station Commander of the sector, expressed his unhappiness on their taking such a great risk. With the assistance of all ranks of the unit, who came in willingly, it took two days to get the vehicle out of the bcoulder strewn area on to a track.

It was a minor military operation in itself in the hostile terrain, and inclement weather of high altitude. The troops and officer had a very good rapport with those of the local unit and there was not much of a problem in getting the men of that unit to assist. While coming back, the hazards of night journey were very obvious. There was a thick layer of snow on the road with slope towards the khuds as layers after layers kept on accumulating, freezing before the water could roll down the complete slope. There were steep falls on one side.

Both these phenomena, peculiar to hilly terrain, were not very discernible because of the darkness. The headlights of the vehicles exposed very little. There were frozen nalas where the vehicle would skid, aligning itself in the direction of the frozen nala, which tended to prove quite dangerous at times. At such places, the few troops and officer available would get down , push the vehicle to keep it aligned to the road and in turn slip down themselves on the frozen snow, most of the times face-down , in an attempt to push the vehicle.

Though the situation was quite grave, it sometimes bordered on being humorous with everyone laughing spontaneously. At one place, the BC pushing the vehicle to keep its tail and aligned to the direction of road , fell down, slipped a few feet down the frozen nala and landed up head down in an frozen khud about five feet deep. But for the direction of landing, the slip and fall could have proved quite dangerous. There was complete silence. The vehicle was gently stopped on the snow itself, secured with pegs along the wheels and rescue operation commenced for the ditch.

There were several humorous seamarks by the BC and the tension was relieved at once, with troops working on the vehicle with renewed vigour and strength once again. At another place, the recovery vehicle with the damaged vehicle behind it at suspension toe slipped, but because of the dexterity of the driver, it was saved from going down a nala by putting it on the left. The BC himself was in the recovery vehicle to give encouragement and moral Examination Paper of Semester III support to the driver, sharing all the risks which his troops were facing.

He did all that the troops did, while directing, controlling and executing. The party with the vehicle, reached the unit location on the evening of the second day after starting from a high altitude area. The problem of recovery of the vehicle being resolved, the question of enquiry into the cause of accident arose. An enquiry into such an accident would have caused embarrassment to all those in authority in the unit and also the officers and jawans of the sub-unit/battery. Meanwhile, the inspection of the vehicle was carried out to assess the extent of damage.

It was found that the engine and chasis were intact and the rest of the items of the body or fitment were damaged, either lightly or severely. To avoid embarrassment to the unit and loss to the exchequer, as well as in view of the administrative difficulties, the BC decided to have the vehicle put on road with the units’ efforts and at the earliest. Meanwhile, the cabin-hood of the vehicle had been purchased for about Rs 650 and was paid for by the BC, from his own pocket, thus setting an example to others. The JCO and jawans were also keen to pay for other damages.

The offer was appreciated but declined. The Officer-in-charge of the local Army Workshop happened to be an officer with commendable helping attitude, positive bent of mind and with an understanding of peculiarities and problems of the area where such accidents were quite frequent and possible. When approached to assist, he listened to the whole incident very sympathetically and promised to assist in whatever way he could. This officer was a contemporary of the unit in a previous station and had excellent relations and interaction with the unit.

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Enterprise Knowledge Management

In his posting “Tacit vs. Explicit Knowledge” Gerald has explained the main differences between the two type of information and their importance. According to Gerald tacit knowledge is the primary factor, which contributes in the development of the competitive advantage of a company. Therefore it is extremely important for the company to externalize tacit knowledge, as there is always a threat that the employee holding the knowledge may leave the company any time and taking the knowledge with him. On the other hand explicit knowledge is of less value and can be easily replicated.

But replacing the tacit knowledge with the explicit knowledge is not the solution of the problem, as keeping the tacit knowledge intact with the employees is also a risk. Therefore according to Gerald both tacit and explicit knowledge are interdependent and cannot be dissociated. In his posting “How virtual organizations conduct their business” Gerald has given a detailed comparison of the two virtual organizations and the way they conduct their business. In this case he has compared Buy. com and Amazon. com. According to Gerald Buy. com focuses its value proposition around price and constantly compare its price with its competitors. Buy. com use the knowledge and understanding regarding their customers to use as a competitive advantage. As a portal the company acts an intermediary between the customers and sellers. Amazon on the other hand uses a different approach. The company is much more than an intermediary. On the other hand their main asset is the understanding of their customers and their needs. The company uses different techniques to get the knowledge regarding the customer’s taste, behavior, needs and profile.

Every move of the customer on the website is carefully monitored. By collecting this information these companies get the required knowledge to promote their products and sales effectively. Amazon for example provides the list of recommended products based on the previous purchases done by the customers. In this way the company develops a knowledge platform that detects similitude in habits, behaviors and centers of interests. Gerald recommends development of intelligence based on the acquired information that triggers the signals and put the information into a particular context.

Moreover, Gerald gives an example of in his posting “The Knowledge Worker” Gerald has given a thorough description of the nature and importance of a knowledge worker. According to Gerald knowledge worker is a person who transform business and personal experience into knowledge through capturing, assessing, applying, sharing and distributing knowledge within an organization to solve problem or create value. All the great discoveries and creations have knowledge as a part of the process. Knowledge based companies always find new ways of addressing problems and acquiring competitive advantage.

There is no high value of a product without having the knowledge associated with it. Because not everybody can create value and take advantage of knowledge, a knowledge worker classification seems to be a good one.

Key Learning Points of Rajesh:

In his posting “Tacit vs. Explicit Knowledge” Rajesh compares both kind of knowledge. According to Rajesh as most employees are of average level of intelligence, and they can improve themselves in a continuous manner, an internalize knowledge is needed. This internalize knowledge could be helpful to improve their abilities.

According to this perspective explicit knowledge is of continuous value to the company. Speaking about the tacit knowledge Rajesh states that much more effort is necessary to extract, preserve and make use of tacit knowledge. Rajesh recommends long-term retention of staff and introduction of incentives for the staff to encourage them to share tacit knowledge etc. Therefore in terms of ROI, Rajesh concludes that creating explicit knowledge would prove to be more profitable. In his posting “How Virtual Organizations Conduct Their Business” Rajesh gives a thorough comparison of both virtual marketplaces Buy. com & Amazon. com. According to Rajesh both companies take advantage of their digital nature of data available for these marketplaces. Amazon. com uses personalized recommendations, other recommendations, bestseller magazines, deals, top selling books, the amazon blog and the help link. All these links use the knowledge gained by the customer regarding his/her habit, taste, behavior and needs to provide recommendations. Buy. com on the other hand uses methods like what’s shaking ranking system based on transactions, deal of the week offers, featured products, most popular and what’s the buzz etc.

The above-mentioned methods used by both companies indicate that both distill customer’s information to provide recommendations and offerings. Therefore the best part of the electronic marketplace is that it provides the best set of knowledge to both buyers and sellers. Finally Rajesh states that the electronic marketplace depends on the analysis of the data they retrieve from their customers and users who visit their websites. In his posting “The Knowledge Worker” Rajesh has given a thorough description of knowledge worker.

According to Rajesh when looked at the workers according to the knowledge-based perspective than every worker is a knowledge worker indeed. Every worker has his/her own kind of knowledge, which is unique to him/her only. According to Rajesh the most interesting part in this article is the way the value of knowledge worker is determined, i. e. by determining the cost of replacing him. Rajesh does not agree that the term knowledge worker is a correct one. He argues that every worker is a knowledge worker, because they all possess unique kind of knowledge.

The concept of the importance of particular person because of his tacit knowledge is becoming common in the modern corporate world. Rajesh Agrees with the author that the knowledge workers have always existed since the beginning of the industrial age. But Rajesh thinks that the exercise to classify the workers between knowledge workers and non-knowledge workers is a futile effort. He further called the term a fad and a misnomer. My Key Contributions: Speaking about the tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge, I think that both are necessary for the organization.

The explicit knowledge is necessary for daily operations, structuring the organizational hierarchy and the way business is conducted. Tacit knowledge on the other hand is the basis of the core competencies, value creation and competitive advantage of the company. Because tacit knowledge resides in the heart of an individual in the form of experience and expertise, it needs much more effort to externalize tacit knowledge as compared to explicit knowledge. Speaking about the way Buy. com and Amazon. com conduct their business, I think that both companies use the same way, technology and methods to promote their sales and market their products.

Both of them use data analysis tools and customer profiling techniques to get the complete user profiles. In this way they know a lot about the way of thinking of the customer and offer him deals and packages according to his taste and apparent needs. Knowledge worker is an individual who have specific and unique tacit knowledge and has the ability to use it and create value with the help of it. Since simply possessing certain kind of knowledge is not enough, therefore not every worker can be a knowledge worker.

He should have the assessment, application and distribution abilities of the knowledge he possesses. Therefore I agree with the author in this regard that the term knowledge worker is indeed a good kind of classification. In this case I do not agree with my fellow Rajesh who calls it a fag or misnomer. The second posting of Gerald regarding the comparison of Buy. com and Amazon was really helpful as it gave me an insight of the way both companies work. While the final posting of Rajesh was really helpful though I do not agree with his argument.

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Starbucks’ Use Of Web 2.0 To Further Their Knowledge Management Initiatives

Founded in 1971 in Seattle by three young businessmen, Starbucks has emerged as one of the most popular specialty coffee brands in the world. The Company has its presence in 47 countries around the globe and has more than 15,000 stores both company controlled and licensed in these countries. Starbucks has been one of the most profitable coffee specialty brands in its history and its business is in profit and is expanding continuously throughout its history.

The company is now considered one of the best specialty coffee brands due to its unique style of presenting its products, coffee bars, outlets and stores. This paper will assess the current usage of Web 2.0 applications for KM and will recommend further roadmap to leverage Web 2.0 technologies for KM initiatives.

Because Starbucks controls about 16000 stores worldwide the company relies heavily on information technology and related technologies. Starbucks have been using web, internet and networking technologies to interact with all its outlets, coffee bars and stores world wide in about 43 countries. Moreover the company has already been using Salesforce on demand CRM software, which is also built on Web 2.0 and other latest technologies. The company has been considered one of the most successful organizations, which have not only generated unique knowledge but also, has maintained it and innovate it.

Because innovation and maintaining unique identity gives the company a competitive advantage over its competitors, and furthermore it requires more ideas, which should be according to the customers’ demands, the company took another initiative in the KM field. Unlike most companies, which used KM initiatives and its assistive technologies internally for knowledge, generation purposes Starbucks used the same collaborative tools to get ideas from its customers. The company’s ideas website which is developed in collaboration of is completely developed on Web 2.0 platform, thus providing all the functionalities, flexibilities and customizations associated with web 2.0 platform.

The company uses this platform to get new ideas about products, stores and coffee bars’ environment, provision of new facilities like Wi-Fi etc. In this way Starbucks generated knowledge and ideas about more innovation in its business and leverage these to enhance and boost its business and revenue generation capacity.

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is the second generation of web development technologies, which have emphasis on facilitating communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the world wide web. (. Web 2.0 is not a radical update in the existing web 1.0 technology; instead it is the change of approach of developing and designing websites.

The most popular web 2.0 applications and concepts include web-based communities, as in the above-mentioned Starbucks ideas website, hosted services and applications like social networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs and folksonomies. (Web 2.0, 2009) the most powerful and feature of Web 2.0 is its use of web 1.0 interactive technologies to provide “Network as platform” computing.

The websites developed under Web 2.0 specifications are highly customizable and decentralized in control. (Web 2.0, 2009) In web 2.0 the websites are designed in such a way that the users can give their opinion, share what they want, influence other users and personalize contents of the website as he likes (according to the rules and regulations laid out by the administrators).

At Starbucks the latest Information technologies in use of latest on demand CRM software from, Web 2.0 based website to get ideas from the customers, b2b applications and websites, online store etc. Among these the online store, b2b applications, on demand CRM ideas website and Starbucks V2V all use the latest Web 2.0 technologies. Internally the company also uses a WAN to interact with the near 16000 locations around the globe.

The company also uses Apple’s ITunes store for providing music entertainment to its customers at the coffee bars and recently the company has also started providing free Wi-Fi services to its loyal customers on coffee bars. Moreover the company uses latest information technology for planning, marketing, hiring of new employees and training. The company uses the latest communication technologies like tele-conferencing, videos and other technologies to completely make the new employees adaptable to the new environment.

Moreover the company also collects data and information regarding customers pattern of buying products and in this way they figure out the product in demand. In order to achieve this the company uses the latest technologies developed by Starbucks also uses the latest collaboration tools and technology to ease the interaction and communication of users and workers in different geographic locations. The collaboration tools help the workers in different geographical locations to interact and work as a team seamlessly, and without any obstacles.

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