The Theme, Message, Humor and Setting of The Fault in Our Stars, a Novel by John Green

Protagonist Hazel Grace, lung cancer afflicted teenager, encounters cancer survivor Augustus Waters in a cancer support group. Mutual romantic interest ensues, with the duo engaging in pseudo-intellectual literary and philosophical conversation centered on a fictitious novel by the name of ‘An Imperial Affliction’. Both characters relate deeply to the novel. The novel ends midsentence in an open ending, leaving Hazel restless for more. The duo attempt to track down the author, and succeed in doing so, but are left disappointed as he turns out to be an incoherent drunk. Their journey results in further romantic development, as well as Augustus revealing the reoccurrence of cancer within him. He subsequently dies, writing an ending to the novel in his final days.

The novels end with Hazel reading Augustus’ ending to An Imperial Affliction, pondering life. The overall theme, message, humor and setting. One has to ponder the composition of the novel; cancer—ridden main characters, pompous pseudo-intellectual language, philosophical musings and dark humor. What does author John Green seek to illustrate by combining these? In the case of pompous pseudo-intellectual language, I would argue that it detracts from the novel. It reads as filler fluff, an elementary school student’s clumsy attempt at elevating his writing piece by injecting overly abstract and pompous wording.

It pains the eyes to have to wade through lines upon lines of obnoxious dialogue whose self-congratulatory articulation screams ‘I’m so clever!’. It would be excusable if the main characters were adults. They are not, though a they are teenagers and, seemingly, they spend their time combing through Oxford dictionaries in a holy quest for achieving the most obnoxious dialogue imaginable. Some people happen to enjoy this type of literary muscle flexing. It is tolerable in smaller segments, but not when the book itself is synonymous to ‘lam very smart’-writing. It is droll, and detracts from the overall work. It hurts the immersion of the story, and its tactless lack of class diminishes the philosophical aspect of the novel that serves as a metaphor for life.

Because that is what it is»— an anecdote, a metaphor, of harsh realities and the struggle of merely being allowed to breathe oxygen. It highlights that we cannot change the cards that we have been dealt in life, but we can choose how we play them. What better way to showcase this than through cancer patients? Their untimely demise is a given, so they might as well make the best of it. They feel the tick of the reaper’s clock while most of us choose to ignore it. The protagonist, Hazel, learns to appreciate life, despite the unfortunate straws that she was dealt. The story details how two lonely souls work past the misery of their realities to make the best of their time. They become desensitized to the world surrounding them and create a bubble reality in which they find happiness.

They indulge in fantasy and each other’s company, and attain a sense of fulfillment, unlike their previous melancholic existence. This is showcased in the closing lines of the book, where Augustus’ musings are posthumously revealed: “You don‘t get to choose ifyou get hurt in this world…but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. ” The quote refers to occurrences outside of one’s control, in the context of the novel, cancer. In the second part, it speaks of one’s ability to act independently, regardless of what life throws at you. He concludes that he lived life to the best of his ability. John Green employs dark humor, as befitting of the cancer-teenagers-with-affected-families setting. It displays the desensitized mentality of the characters and underlines the character development that leads to a contrast in attitudes between the start and end of the novel.

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The Influence of Culture and Language Towards One Another

Table of contents

Culture and language

People use language to express their ideas, feelings and thoughts, however variation in language seem to have an effect on how people interpret and act within their surroundings. Culture and language matters. This paper entails answering the question on how language and culture influence one another (Dueck, 2012).

Cultural differences influence on language so does the language difference has on culture.

Language can influence culture in various ways. For example, it can affect the way a society perceives the world, and build society through the use of different languages and dialects in various regions. This means that it can influence the way a community interacts in the world and form a cultural identity different from others in culture in the world.

Language has four main aspects whereby the most important aspects are only two; words and constructions of grammar (Smitherman, 2000). Words in a language are progressively evolving over time. The definition of words is changing over time because of advances in technology. The word in a language influence how a person perceives the world. This is as how culture influences the world. As a child grows with certain aspect of the language, so does he or she retains when he grows up. Speech which is formed by language is a key way of educating children about their culture.

A culture that does not have words that relate to the modern society may have challenges in understanding the characters of people whose lives are dominated by cultural aspects. For example, if one has never heard of Bluetooth, he or she cannot understand the character of someone walking around speaking to himself. Likewise, the construction of grammars does affect thoughts.

Cultural identities can be formed by language that is used, and the entire community may define themselves founded in the form of the language they speak. For example, as one moves from north to south through the Americas, the Spanish language becomes more rampart and like Castilian Spanish, which is the Spanish spoken in Spain (Smitherman, 2012). However, those who speak Castilian Spanish are usually taken as more cultured and intellectual than those who speak more informal parlances. In Belgium, most of the people speak either French or Belgian.

The two groups feel that they are superior to one another. Their cultural identity is determined by the form of the language they speak. Languages are influenced by culture because in any community culture play a major role in determining the language and beliefs of the community. Culture enriches language and as a result different languages from their respective cultures assist in understanding and appreciating the evolution of the world and its people from the origin of man.Conclusion

Although language and culture are assumed to be related, language can be seen as a verbal manifestation of culture. Language is used to sustain culture and cultural bonds. Language gives people many of the categories they use for expression of thoughts, hence it is natural to make an assumption that peoples’ thoughts are influenced by the language they use.

On the other hand the customs and values or the culture that people grow in shape the way they think. Beside, culture is defined as from specific community shared and favored knowledge, behaviors and attitudes which influence one language. Therefore various languages are founded on different cultural concepts.


  • Dueck, A. (2012, June 22). Culture, Language, and Integration. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 21, 23.
    OpenStudy Notifications sandra issued a warning to darthsid: Don’t be rude to other users. Something about a sailboat. 3 hours ago
  • View All Notifications â–¸ . (n.d.). OpenStudy. Retrieved November 10, 2013, from
  • Smitherman, G. (2000). Talkin that talk: language, culture, and education in African America. New York: Routledge.

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In The Honor of My Native Language

Why Change My Speech?

I’m a proud descendant of Jamicans (Hail mi friends) & Puerto Rican (Que Pasa) So many people first question when they find out my nationality is can you speak Patois, or Spanish. Well yes I can speak Patois very well. Spanish on the other hand no not at all, and i do not want to learn.

People may ask me why? My response is always because that’s a language that’s forced on you. My main reason for writing this paper is to show you how current languages are forced on us in school, and we don’t even use them in a the real world.

When you was in grade school, they forced you to take a language like pish, or even french. For now we going to focus on pish, so they ride your back in school to learn pish when 95% of the time you will never use that language again.Gloria Anzaldya stated something I hear a whole lot “If you want to be American, speak American.’ If you don’t like it, go back to Mexico where you belong .” Alot of people say it but the real question is do they know where their real country is cause nobody knows.

The catch to the pish school teach you is that it’s not pish that Latinos, Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, or any other pish speaking country besides spain speak. They try to teach you Spain pish, so if you do learn anything in pish you can’t really use it when you speaking to someone that is pish or latino.

People may ask why, but because those country may have the same word, but a totally different meaning. Now let’s talk about this french we learn in highschool. Now WHY the hell do they got us learning french? “in the U.S., a country where students in high schools and colleges are encouraged to take French classes because French is considered more “cultured” according to Gloria Anzaluda as if we are going to ever use again. They state French is more “cultured” HOW? We may use the pish again, but speaking french why would we have to speak french to anybody unless we was going to Paris , or even France.

According to Editorial Projects In Education “46% percent of all foreign language classes focusing on Spanish and another 21% of french. German, Latin, and Chinese the count about only 5% of the courses offered to secondary students.” Now come on are school system pay all this money on these 2 main languages just for kids to forget them in the long run.

When at one point of time pish speakers, couldn’t even speak pish without getting in trouble according to Gloria Anzaldua in her essay “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” on page 200 “I remember being caught speaking pish at recess-that was good for three licks on the knuckles with a sharp ruler.”, now their forcing it on us.

I wish they would teach my language in school Dis a mi english no matta wah nobody sey an eff wi get to learn pish wi cya learn mi language to.? (This is my english no matter what nobody say, and if we got to learn pish then we can learn my language to) I’m a proud Rasta Faren. I feel the same as Gloria Anzaldua “ So, if you want to really hurt me, talk badly about my language.”

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The Transformation Into Adulthood in William Faulkner’s Barn Burning

In William Faulkner 5 story. Barn Burning , we find a young man who struggles with the relationship he has with his father. We see Sarty, the young man, develop into an adult while dealing with the many crude actions and ways of Abner, his father. We see Sarty as a puzzled youth who faces the questions of faithfulness to his father or faithfulness to himself and the society he lives in. His struggle dealing With the reactions which are caused by his father 5 acts result in him thinking more for himself as the story progresses. Faulkner uses many instances to display the developing of Sarty s consmence as the theme of the story Barn Burning, Three instances in which we can see the developing of a conscience in the story are the ways that Sarty compliments and admires his father, the language he uses when describing his father, and the way he obeys his father throughout the story.

The first instance in which we can see a transition from childhood to adulthood in Sarty s life is in the way he compliments his father. Sarty admires his father very much and wishes that things could change for the better throughout the story. At the beginning of the story he speaks of how his fathers …wolflike independence… (145) causes his family to depend on almost no one. He believes that they live on their own because of his fathers drive for survival. When Sarty mentions the way his father commands his sisters to clean a rug wtth force …though never raising his voice… (148), it shows how he sees his father as strict, but not overly demanding. He seems to begin to feel dissent towards his father for the way he exercises his authority in the household As we near the end of the Taylorrz story, Sarty s compliments become sparse and have a different tone surrounding them.

After running from the burning barn, he spoke of his dad in an almost heroic sense. He wanted everyone to remember his dad as a brave man, He was in the war. (154) and should be known for it, not burning barns. He seems to care about, but not condone his father and his actions. Another instance where we see atransition is in the language he uses when describing his father. At the beginning of the story he spoke as a child watching and looking at the things around him. He said that an enemy of his fathers was .,.our enemy… (147) and spoke with the loyalty of a lamb, never knowing that it could stray from the flock. Near the middle of the story, we can see the tone of his speech change. Sarty shows change when he asks his father if he …want[s] to ride now? (149) when they are leaving deSpain 5 house.

He seems to have the courage to ask his dad certain things. not fearing the consequences. At the end of the story. the language Sany uses becomes clearer and more independent. As he runs from the deSpain 5 house, like a child, he cries forAbner saying. Pap! Pap! (154). but when he stops and recalls the event, he says, like an adult, Father! Father! (154). He shows his development through these examples of his speech. The last instance where he shows us that he is developing a conscience is in the way he obeys his father. Sarty seems to do anything his father says at the begging of the story. When Sarty is called to stand at hIS fathers trial, he says that his father ,..aims for me to lie and I Will have to do hit. (144). He is totally loyal at the beginning of the story, but as the tale progresses, we see his obedience weaken. After the cleaning of the rug, we see Sarty s father ask if he has ..,put the cutter [horse] back in the strait stock… (150) and we find that Sarty disobeys his father for the first time when he says No sir. (150).

Taylor-3 He begins to have a say in things in a slight way. But near the end of the story, his mind totally decides for itself when he was told to stay at home. He told his mother to Lemme go. (153). He seems willing to go to any length to disobey his father for the purpose of serving justice now. After reading about Faulkner s transitional phases of the compliments, speech, and loyalty of Sarty, we can see the change from childhood to adulthood or from a person of innocence into a person with a conscience in Sarty. Faulkner gradually develops Sarty into a man of his own deeds throughout the story. Sarty has to finally realize that blood is not always thicker than water. Faulkner 5 story symbolizes the way in which society works today If one individual is doing wrong, you must overlook the relationship you have with him and look at the wrong deeds he is doing. If you happen to face your fears and set strait the wrong, in the end, the good will always prevail.

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The Inevitable, Irreversible, and Unrepeatable Human Communication

Communication is inevitable, which means that in a scene where there are other people present other people in the scene, even if you don’t want to communicate with them, you still enter into some form of form of communication with them. Someone who ignores or refuses to communicate with them is also a form of communication. For example, a child who is forced to attend a may be upset by this and not want to communicate with anyone. does not want to communicate with anyone, but when she is at a meal, even if she ignores the remarks of others, she inevitably conveys her attitude through her body language.

For this reason, it is important to pay attention to it. Communication does not have to be a verbal one, it can also be non-verbal. Communication is also irreversible. Once a word, phrase or comment is put into the mouth or an impulsive text messaging or email is sent, it can no longer be deleted from the the memories of other people. Because communications are indelible, you must always be conscious of what you are what you communicate to others. For instance, it is possible to say hurtful things in a moment of anger say hurtful things that you regret later, and even if you apologize, the other person will still apologize the other person will still bear in mind the offensive words, which has its effect.

Last, but not least, communication is unrepeatable. Many judge others through their first impressions of them, and it is usually the quality of communication being unrepeatable that some people get hired and some people don’t. Job interviews are a great example of communication being unrepeatable. Within job interviews, it’s important to use the appropriate type of communication and set the right type of first impression because usually in those situations second chances are hard to come by. Although communication is unrepeatable, if possible, it’s good not to judge from first impressions.

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The Positive Impact of Texting on Writing in Michaela Cullington’s Does Texting Affect Writing

Does Texting Affect Writing? The faith of some people is that using text speak as an abbreviation is hindering the writing possibilities to students, on the other side others believe that texting has a positive influence on writing. Actually, we can support an idea that texting has no significant effect on student writing. I argue that both authors use elements like providing specific details, researches and personal experiences or thoughts to argue about topic if texting has an influence of writing. The Development of social media has modified the approach we communicate with each other. Mobile phones have become a way of life for many people and it may not be the best thing for their literacy, spelling, and communication skills. Texting and slang have become the most common way to be in touch with our surroundings. Both slang and text speak go into students’ more formal writing. While this communications style has been praised for its educational benefits, some argue that a negative side effect is beginning to take hold in our classrooms. Slang is suspected of damaging students’ writing acumen. The essay “Does Texting Affect Writing” by Michaela Cullington, a student at Marywood University, supports that texting has a positive impact on writing. In comparison with the article “Texting slang creeps into student writing” on websites by Annie Martin tends to support idea that writing can be influenced in negative way because of texting, using abbreviations, and using unsuitable expressions. In comparison Cullington and Martin, the possible fact is that Martin provides more experts statistic and studies which are supporting through her whole article However, Cullington uses a lot of interesting facts, statements and researches.

Thanks to her own survey and observation we have to conclude that based on this research it is just her own proof, and she has lack of a well-founded evidence. Thus, Martin wins a battle against Cullington. In the essay “Texting slang creeps into student writing”, author’s main point is to show and explain if using new technologies has some effect of writing formal papers. In this essay we will concentrate on more specific details about new type of communication between people especially texting and its influence of formal writing. Recently, teachers discovered that ‘writing papers with formal English can seem like a big effort for students who send text messages often.” These students then use their informal expression without noticing while they are writing formal papers. Based on these following studies, teacher’s main goal is to teach students how, when, and in which type of writing they can use informal expressions. David Finkla, English professor at Southwestern Middle School in DeLand, claims that grammar and proper spelling decreased an accuracy in classes. He said: “One of the biggest problems is the letter ‘u’ for the word ‘you”. An author provided this example because he wanted to show how new generation of children are becoming less intelligent than a few decades ago. The cause of this concern is for instance the results of SAT test for college which decreased 9%. Today’s students are adapted to write faster with using a lot of acronyms, carelessly, and with lower effort of accuracy. About two-thirds of the middle and high school teachers surveyed in the Pew study claimed that digital tools make students more likely to take shortcuts in their writing and almost half of them said these tools make students more likely to “write too fast and be careless.” Author wants to explain the negative impact of texting and thanks texting is a transfer to the normal life and classes.

The teachers also met for small focus group sessions, with many reporting “an increasingly ambiguous line between ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ writing” and he use of informal language and style in formal writing assignments. Local teachers and others say they see this trend, too. Many students don’t see the point of using proper conventions. A middle school girl refused to capitalize “I” as a personal pronoun, Finkle said, because she thought it was funny. “There’s a certain sloppiness that’s acceptable now,” he said. Even high school students struggle with writing like they text. “You have to spell out for students when it’s OK to use casual text speak and when they need to write out words and use complete sentences,” Nahirny said. It’s not just Nahirny’s students. She sees informal language during the summer when she scores essays from teenagers across the country, typically high- performing upperclassmen, who take Advanced Placement English Language and Composition exams. Martin shows us some examples as are facts as that text speak leads to lazy writers, students are losing accuracy during the holidays, and many students do not see the point of using proper habitual practice. Martin also mentioned Tracy Alloway as a contrast with these negatives views of using texting and new technologies. Alloway sees benefit that students sharpen memory and spelling thanks to text speak and technologies. She claims that technology can help expedite research and students can spend more time with writing a paper One of her former students, Ryan Kirk, says his classmates aren’t confused about when hey can use casual language; they’re careless. “Teenagers just love to do as little work as possible for them and text speak does do that for them,” said Ryan, 17. Some high school graduates are carrying these bad habits to college, even in their application essays. Ronda Bostick, an admissions counselor for Bethune-Cookman University, said she’s started seeing text ch are optional at the college. speak or other lackadaisical language in personal state The prospective students who fall into that trap are “a minority, but it’s enough that’s noticeable,” she said, especially during the past three years. More than 9 in 10 teachers in the Pew study claimed they feel writing effectively is important for success in life, and Nahirny agrees. “Writing is an art but it’s also a necessary skill,” she said.

It means that to have good skills in writing is something you’re going o have to use in your everyday life. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers’ Job Outlook 2013 survey, employers are on the same site. They reported strong communication skills were among their most highly sought-after traits in job candidates. Some people worry that graduates won’t be able to fill this demand. Ryan said, children don’t “get complacent in terms of letting the technology do the work for them” if Schools will start drilling proper grammar and spelling habits into students at a much younger age. The Matanzas senior, who runs a computer repair service, said he frequently uses text messages to communicate with clients, but always with a professional tone. He’s one of the few in his generation who won’t replace “you” with “u,” he said, even when he’s chatting with friends. That type of language is “just dumbing down the way we talk,” Ryan said. It’s why we firs learned to speak, so we could communicate better. We shouldn’t be doing backwards from that. However, Cullington shows more personal results about her own research and the conclusion is that texting has a minimal effect on student writing. Cullington argues against some people who are thinking that texting has a negative influence of writing papers. She provides her own observation and supporting details from her research. She claims that students can recognize he difference between texting and writing formally. They have knowledge about it what is appropriate in every situation based on using formal or informal language. She has a lot of nteresting points in her research based on students’ and teachers’ answers. In her research were involved a lot of young students who corroborate a minimal negative effect of writing because of exting. Cullington also observes what was her behavior, while she was using phone for communication. The result is a statement that the other way around texting has a lot of positives for writing. For instance, texting is beneficial because it is a way how to be more motivated to write at least something, next positive statement is that people who use texting they are learning a new style of language-new writing skills which leads to increase function of brain. The brain is more involved and via texting for us it is extra practice for writing formal papers. Most people claim, they are more confident in their writing because they are adapted to use writing skills in daily situations.

Thanks to using texting, they can summarize and express oneself concisely. Some teachers noticed that thanks texting, students could have easily their own individual voice. Cullington infers that our nation has still two sites of judgers who do not agree with each other. Some people claim that texting has no influence of writing, but others especially older generation are against using any kind of new technologies. In conclusion, according to Cullington’s supporting details about texting, we shouldn’t be worried about using new technologies, and skills especially texting. In conclusion, both authors Martin and Cullington gave us a lot of interesting views, researches and evidence which confront each other. Both authors agree that text messages lack emotions. Based on Martin and her essay, texting is oriented as a harmful influencing factor for writing formal essays. Martin provided us a lot of studies where a lot of educated people were included. On the other hand, Cullington come to the summary and inference that texting and sing new technologies could be benefi ce on writing formal papers According of expert research and personal observation, we can claim that texting is not interfering students’ use of standrad written English. Thanks Cullington, I agree with fact that texting has no serious impact for students’ use of standard written English. Texting has no effect on students’ writing abilities in general . About this topic there are a lot of arguments, and a lot of people have different opinions. Especially older generation like parents, grandparents, and some teachers who claim that texting has negative impact for students’ writing. Other teacher and researchers suggest, texting provides a way how to practice writing in casual life. Because of the lack of scholarly studies on this topic, I will not support any changes to decrease using texting as a communication between my surrounds. I seem texting and using technologies as a good approach to have more familiarity with variable kind of topics and have more time for studying and gaining new skills and knowledge. This approach could help us to be more creative, and right now it could be the main goal for a lot of young people and new generations to bring something innovative.

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How To Write A Essay

Have you ever had to write a report and just not know how to do it, well don’t fret help is on the way. This process can be stressful and grueling. Writing essays and book reports do not have to be rigorous it can be effortless if you follow these guidelines. First, you need to start off by reading the book you have been assigned. You need to actually read the book do not skim over it. This process can be long but it will pay off in the end; take it from someone who knows.

When you’re done reading the book you’ll need to write down the title of the novel you have just read. Then list some of the details about the book like the author, number of pages in the book , any awards the book has been given like New York Times Bestseller. Why you have chosen this book, did you like it, was it just assigned to you or are doing this in your free time. Like me i’m having to do this in my free time.

You need to write a paragraph about the author. Why do you think they wrote the book; why did they actually write it. When did this author start writing this book? What gave the author this idea? Who did the author write this book for? It should tell you on one of the front pages. This step is optional but a lot of college goers do this step. So here’s my theory if you do this step in high school English it will get you ready for college English; huge bonus.

Next, you will need to tell the reader about the setting. Where did the book take place? Have you ever been to that place? Is it real or is it fake? Is there anything special about that place; certain landmarks? Elaborate on your answers to these questions. You know what setting is, just go with the flow on this one list what you can sometimes setting change really quickly in books try to do the best you can.

When you get done with that you will need to list the characters. Who was the story about? How many main characters were there if there was one why do think they were the main one? If you could be one dramatist who would it be; elaborate.What is special about them in the book? Then list the individuals and what they look like. How do they dress; from what era? Do certain characters have a fatal flaw; what is it? Like for example maximum ride her fatal flaw is her loyalty to the flock.Even when the world needs her she will tend to her flock first. For example of this ”I had no idea why Max stayed with these losers. She would do so much better on her own.Everyone of them is a ball and chain, holding her down.She should have dumped them a long time ago”.-pg 356 from Maximum ride School’s Out- Forever.

Next, you need to tell the story, not every single attribute to the story though.We do not need to know what happened every minute in that book! Were the characters facing a challenge? If so what kind of challenge a mental one like in maximum ride; the voice in Max’s head or a physical one like in Maze Runner. Were they on some type of adventure? When telling the story to insert some quotes from the book. That stuck out to you or were a big part of the book. This can really help people know you actually did your assessment. Do not spoil the book for your reader he or she hopefully will want to read it when you get done with the essay.

Final thing, what was your opinion on this novel? Was it to dull, to unrealistic, hard to get into? Why was it that or why wasn’t that; use examples? What are some parts that made you sad, happy or maybe even mad; why did it make you feel that way do you have a connection to the book? Did you get attached to any of the characters; were they like you in some way or some one that you care about? Would you tell your friends to read this novel? Why would you or why wouldn’t you? You will need to have examples from your book to support all your opinions and thoughts about your book. To make sure there is some logic in opinion.

Text size needs to be twelve points or fourteen point. Double line spacing or one and a half spacing is best. A professional looking font no bright color text blue or black that’s it; unless drawing attention to something.You do not want to be flashy. You can highlight, which is more preferable than changing font color. Don’t forget to put your MLA heading at the top of your paper if this is for a school project. Do not forget to bold and underline your main title. You should also make it a bigger font size like twenty-four and change the color of the text so it stands out from the rest of your paper. It needs to catch your audience members eyes so that know what part there about to read.

Subheadings font size should be sixteen or eighteen also should have a different color font, bolded but do not underline it like the main title. It is not nearly as significant. Must be three hundred to eight hundred words can be more but try not to have more. Pictures do not count as words especially not a thousand sorry boutcha. You can put pictures for examples and have a description with them to explain to your audience what they’re looking at. It helps to look like you filled up space if your teacher is counting pages not words.

You can learn to write a great essay with these seven easy tips. This is the simplest form I could find and a lot of people recommend it. We use this at school but instead of doing an outline we do a brainstorm. I personally like the outline better I think it is easier to use and looks neater. First, you need to decide on your topic. What will you be writing about? Second, you will need to prepare an outline for your ideas on that topic. An outline is like a guide to your essay you need to follow it.

Third, write a thesis statement to get the ball rolling. Some up what your essay will be about in one sentence. This step can be hard if you can’t think of a thesis sit down and think about your topic. What you want to say about it? That tends to help me when I can not think of one. Fourth, next write the body: the main points. What will be telling us about your topic? These points should be covered in your thesis. If not go back and rewrite your thesis so it will flow easily into your paper. Fifth and Sixth, when that gets done write the introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Your opening paragraph with your thesis should be three to four sentences. Your conclusion paragraph should a reworded version of your thesis and your final thoughts on your topic. Introductions can be difficult to come up with if you can’t think of anything else start with a question. Do not use a question I can answer yes or no to though.Try starting your question with imagine that tends to keep you away from yes or no questions.

Seventh, after that, add the last details. Like spell check, grammar check, and format check. Make sure everything looks exactly how you want it before you turn it in. The conclusion is very important do not forget your conclusion it closes your paper along with your final thoughts. Your conclusion must always tie back to your thesis. Basically, your conclusion is just a reworded version of your thesis. Do not just use your thesis as your conclusion, that doesn’t work; trust me. The introduction is also crucial it grabs your audience’s attention. Your introduction paragraph sets up what your paper will be about and how you’re going to organize it. Organization is the key here along with fluency. Everything needs to flow together and make sense.

It is easier if you know the first sentence of every paragraph you’re going to be writing. Know exactly how many paragraphs you want to write and roughly how many sentences you want in each paragraph. That will make sure you stay on track in your essay and or report. Writing down some notes while reading can really help. Or you can even sticky note a quote you want to use. If you want to use a quote then you will need to put the page number or the book title you got the quote from. I hope this essay helped you learn how to write essays and book reports in a less painful way. I have taught you how to format, write and gave some helpful tips for you to learn how to compose an essay. Next time you write an essay your teacher will be blown away by how you will have stayed on topic and kept your audience’s attention.

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