Mid Witchery

A wise woman was asked to present the baby to the world and predict its fortune. A wise women, or witch was the priestess who instructed women in blood, birth, and the magic of it all. The French word for midwife means “wise woman”. According to the Britannica Encyclopedia the “art of attending women in childbirth” is called midwifery. Midwives and their practices date back as far as ancient biblical, Greek and Roman times. Before the emergence of obstetrics, midwives and their practices were not considered an important part of the medical establishment.

In it’s beginning midwives had no formal training and relied solely on experience and the teachings from mother to daughter within the profession. Wise women were the healers of the ancient world, it was during this time that wise women and witch became synonymous. In the beginning of recorded history people lived in small groups as a tribe. Within the tribes men were in charger of the survival of the group. He was the protector and the hunter. Women’s roles revolved around their power to give birth. They were the nurtures of the family and the healers of both the physical and the spiritual.

Women were a sacred part of the group and this arose to the worship of the Goddess. (Aisles, 1-7) There were many goddesses and myths associated with birth. One of the Greeks most sacred Goddess’s was Artemisia (also known as the Roman Goddess Diana). When Artemisia was born she assisted her mother in the birth of her twin brother Apollo. She became the protector of women and made decisions regarding who would live and die during birth. (Encyclopedia mythical: Artemisia) Hake was an Egyptian Goddess. She had a frogs head which was a symbol of life and fertility.

She was also known as the Goddess of the last stages of birth. Although the word midwife did not exist at that time, the occupation of a midwife held the title of “the servants of Hake. (Hake; Encyclopedia Mythical) The Celtic Goddess Brigit is very interesting because she went from pagan mythology to Christianity and sainthood. Brigit was known as the Goddess with three aspects. She was a the patroness for blacksmiths, for poetry, and for healing and fertility. Brigit has a seasonal holiday on the calendar of paganism called Iambic which is celebrated on February first.

It is a celebration to usher in the spring. Christians accepted Brigit as a surrogate mother to Christ and changed the pagan Iambic to Candelas. She was cannonaded as SST. Brigit. (Brigit; Encyclopedia Mythical) During the Goddess era, myths revolved around the goddesses who helped women. Women Goddess’s were the mothers of all. Shrines and temples were erected to the worshiping of these women. But all the good that surrounds women and their knowledge comes to an end with the emergence of a patriarchal God. Christianity changed the view of women as Gods.

Eve, in the bible is solely responsible for all the evil in the world. In Genesis, it is Eve that is tempted by the serpent and brings shame upon herself and Adam with a punishment to last for eternity and all generations. God says: I will greatly increase your pangs in haltering; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. [Gene. 3:6] With Christianity in the forefront of spirituality and religion comes one of the darkest times for women. Midwives were there to help women with the difficulties of childbearing.

They helped teach women techniques that would help move along the birth and keep the mothers as comfortable as possible. Since the pains of childbirth was there punishment for sins, anyone who helped in eased this pain were considered to be working with Satan. Women working with Satan were witches. In 1486 the church used a book written by Jacob Springer and Heimlich Kramer called the Mallets Maleficent or better known as “The Witches Hammer”. It was and instructional book for witch hunters. Midwives had two chapters devoted to them and their practices.

The practice of child birth was set to change according to the church. (Summers) “No one does more harm to the Catholic faith than midwives” (CTD. In Rehiring and English 13). Midwifery was now being moved to the medical profession. Everything that women taught and used during child birth was now being scrutinized. Instead of litigating the knowledge women healers possessed, it was set in motion the total eradication of midwives altogether. The church set a course to rid society of magic. While boosting professional physicians the acts committed by untrained midwives was now a low status position to hold.

Life and death had a value that belonged to God and professional physicians. The church’s position held that professionalism placed on the doctor put him on the side of God, while the female midwife became the personification of evil. In the book “Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A history of Women Healers”, the author makes this statement: When faced with the misery of the poor, the Church turned to the dogma that experience in this world is fleeting and unimportant. But there was a double standard at work, for the Church was not against medical care for the upper class.

Kings and nobles had their court physicians who were men, sometimes even priests. The real issue was control: Male upper class healing under the auspices of the Church was acceptable, female healing as part of a peasant underclass was not. “(Rehiring and English 13) The clergy noticed that women regarded midwives to an important status and plotted to have it stopped. Rehiring and English 11-12) With the “Mallets” in hand, the church was armed and ready for war. Midwives were watched closely and if a child died a midwife could be charged at sacrificing that child’s soul to the devil.

It became important for midwives to have witnesses and control of all situations. Midwives were given a chance to sign documents stating that they would not perform rituals or use magic in anyway. These women found favor by following rules of men and training under them. These women Joined in on the witch hunts and became the ones to help search out midwives who were found o be witches. Eighty percent of witches were women and a third of those women were in fact midwives. Approximately sixty thousand women were executed as witches for three century.

Cones) The scope of the witch trials is more then can be expressed and midwives are only one representation of the women accused of witchcraft. It is more notable that the witch trials were about religious authority over woman and the abuse of women by men. It has been over three hundred years since the Salem Witch trials. It is Americas worst history of witch hunts. Today there are many powerful women around the world. These women hold important positions in business, hospitals and even government offices. Midwifery has made a come back in the area of obstetrics.

Many doctors offices offer midwife services to clients. Women are interested in the experience of having a midwife rejoice in their celebration of life. But even with all of the accomplishments women have made they still struggle for equal rights. In 1992 Pat Robertson wrote in a fund raising letter, “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill heir children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. ” There again is the accusation of witchcraft.

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The Business of Being Born

The Business of being born is an informative film that highlights us how hospitals turned into businesses and who actually benefits from the medicalization and the money that is made. We could see women giving birth naturally at home and others in hospitals and what has happened to women throughout the years in regards to childbirth. Also, doctors and midwives are interviewed which gives us a perspective from both sides.

Before watching this film, I did not know about the “designer birth” which consists in scheduling deliveries and C-sections. This showed me how women prefer the medical aspect of birth that involves physicians. As one of the mothers said midwifery is “done”; it has become part of the past. In the US, midwives attend less than 8% of births because of technological and medical advances.

Formerly, women including midwives used to give birth more than men before male doctors took over hospitals, turned them into “patriarchal” institutions and made business out of it. However, we have to recognize that they should be remunerated for their services. Some mothers perceive surgery as an efficient and less time consuming medical technique. It has become uncommon and rare to see ”fully” natural birth in hospitals. Doctors make decisions for monetary and legal reasons. These decisions can even affect the health of the mother or the baby.

The use of Protozoan (medication that causes contraction) or Pitocin (helps inducing labor) and the practice of the Cesarean, which is a doctor-friendly technique, only reinforce the authority of doctors and the influence of their techniques on women bodies. Moreover, I found revolting that the United States has the second worst newborn death rate in the developed world. The medicalization of childbirth is challenging women’s confidence and self esteem. As one of the informant said “convince them that they do not know how to birth and the “power of birthing is taken away from women”.

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Midwifery Today

Midwifery models of care monitor the physical, psychological, and social aspects of women throughout the childbearing years. Technological advances reflect differing opinions of physicians where intervening measures take choices out of women’s hands during birth, often neglecting needs turning a natural process into a medical procedure. This essay looks at choices offered to women in westernized countries choosing midwifery models, in stark contrast to experience within hospital settings.

It inspects beneficial impacts midwifery models have on refugee women and the importance of culturally safe midwifery models practiced in midwifery care in Australia. Financial recession threatens to impact on maternity services. This essay discusses this socio-political concern, and birthing women choosing midwifery lead care, its cost effectiveness, and the needs for change in indemnity insurance arrangements in Australia and abroad. With technological advancements, women are offered many choices medically to birth their babies without real reason to opt for such invasive procedures (Block, as cited in Chjnacki, 2010, pp. 3-54). Physician’s philosophy to pregnancy is common disease oriented focusing on diagnosis and treatment of problematic pregnancies and birth, managing affecting woman and foetus (Rooks, as cited in Chjnacki, 2010, p. 48). In contrast, midwives have a wellness approach to birth applying holistic care, trusting pregnant women and their ability to safely birth their babies where medical interventions are avoided (Hermer, as cited in Chjnacki, 2010, p. 48).

Although midwifery may be recognized as acceptable, the focus seems to surround the thought mother and baby won’t have appropriate attention if something went wrong under their care. Lubic (2010) writes, in Washington USA it has been noted that midwife managed birthing centers demonstrated how midwifery models impact lives of Page 2 of 6 women attending for the better. Women report coming out of care feeling respected and able to take charge of their own pregnancies, supported to birth their babies naturally without interventions. Woman centered care established through continuity of care gains trust and recognizes the other’s spiritual connection with her body and mind enhancing her natural birthing experience (Lubic, 2010). In Sweden, pregnant women are encouraged to remain home until labor progresses to late-stage avoiding unnecessary obstetric interventions. Women report fewer complications than those who are admitted to the hospital for this phase (Carlsson, Ziegert, Sahlberg-Blom & Nissen, 2010, p. 86). It is not understood why women go to the hospital while in early labor, other than through anxiety, and to hand over control (Beebe et al. , as cited in Carlsson, 2010, p. 87).

This becomes problematic for women and causes doubts about their body’s ability to progress through labour, if monitoring establishes it is not progressing (Eri, Blystad, Gjengedal & Blaaka, as cited in Carlsson, 2010, p. 87). Although labouring at home women felt they shared their uncertainties with midwives who were able to reassure them when in doubt, enabling them to then progress with their labor at home feeling confident with their own bodies progression (Carlsson, et al. , 2010). Carlsson (2010) states women reported feeling relaxed yet strengthened in their home environments, letting labor progress naturally.

Despite health issues prevalent amongst refugee backgrounds, access to the appropriate health care can lead to significant improvements in reproductive health in women (Hymes, Sheik, Wilson & Speigel, as cited in Correa-Velez, 2011, p. 14). Refugee women settling in industrialized English speaking countries benefit significantly from midwifery models of care. It seems differences were evident in obstetric outcomes between Page 3 of 6 women and women born in these countries (Small et al. , as cited in Correa-Velez, 2011, p. 14).

Correa-Velez & Ryan (2011) suggest cultural competency or the degree to which these women are cared for, is of vital importance. Women report hospital stays as having a negative impact on their well being and trust levels due to limited communication and cultural needs not being understood or met. The use of technical devices and lack of explanation for their use throughout labor was found to be distressing (Correa-Velez, 2011, p. 19). Trust, confidence, and overall satisfaction were identified as important factors to women of refugee background and thought to establish through continuity of care (Correa-Velez, 2011, p. 18).

Women centered care improves communication, enhancing a sense of control enabling informed decision making (Harper et al. , & McCourt et al. , cited in Correa-Velez, 2011, p. 14). Relationships built around these midwifery models develop trust for women of immigrant backgrounds, aiding communication where it can be a barrier and interpreters may be needed. The availability of interpreters through community-based practitioners was found to be limited or obtained through clumsy means (Correa-Velez, 2011, p. 16). Maternity services accessed in Australia come from a diverse range of women with specific needs (Phiri, Dietsch & Bonner, 2010, p. 05). The protection of cultural groups depends on culturally safe midwifery practice. Midwifery models identify women of all cultures as the main focus of care (Phiri, et al. , 2010, p. 109). Cultural safety essentially concerns a large understanding of individual respect, support, empowerment, and upholding of human rights (Duffy, et al. , as cited in Phiri, et al. , 2010). Open and respectful communication clear and value free is fundamental in recognizing women’s requirements when planning individualized care, this is then incorporated into how cultural safe care is Page 4 of 6 instituted (De, et al. , as cited in Phiri, et al. 2010, p. 109). The uniqueness of midwives and women’s relationships aids cultural safety, the relationship is enhanced by the continuity of care (Eckermann, as cited in Phiri, et al. , 2010, p. 108). Deery & Kirkham (as cited in Phiri, et al. , 2010, p. 108) acknowledge how Australian midwifery models engage women individually, then respond appropriately to each woman’s cultural needs. Evidence shows midwifery driven models of care based on the midwife woman relationship leads to lower use of medical interventions, safer outcomes for mothers and babies and overall satisfaction, all at low maternity costs (Hatem, et al. as cited in Gould, 2011). Yet in the UK, where midwifery based care in maternity services are envied worldwide, the financial recession threatens to be the largest risk (Gould, 2011). This highlights the need for midwifery models to be implemented and supported by all medical avenues, otherwise, maternity services risk being pushed into large hospitals, where production line maternity care will be prevalent at costly effects (Gould, 2011) explains.

This change would see an amalgamation of midwifery, medical and management structures, having the potential to make long lasting impacts on the future of midwifery lead care where it becomes lost amongst medical models (Gould, 2011). The Australian College of Midwives, (ACM, 2008) outlines how pregnant women and midwives suffer through the lack of professional indemnity insurance offered to midwives practicing privately. Sadly registered midwives frustrated at being unable to work to their full scope safely in private practices are choosing to stop practicing.

Midwifery lead care is only available to a small number of women, as only a few midwives work this way (ACM, 2011, p. 3). Research suggests midwives find their models extremely rewarding and those Page 5 of 6 who have left the midwifery profession would return if they were able to work under such midwifery models safely (Curtis, as cited in ACM, 2011, p. 3). Recent Federal Government recommendations in Australia recognize the need for midwives to take on primary care roles, and are considering changes to funding and indemnity insurance arrangements (Sutherland, et al. 2009, p. 637). Significant midwifery shortages particularly in rural areas combined with rising fertility rates could present significant reform challenges keeping maternity services under pressure if it continues unresolved (Australian Health Workforce Advisory Committee, as cited in Sutherland, et al. , 2009, p. 637). With some state based policy initiatives supporting midwifery care in the public sector, it seems women choosing ongoing care offering midwifery models through pregnancy, birth, and postnatally still remains in the discussion (Sutherland, et al. 2009, p. 638). Governments, health care providers, and insurance companies limit maternal choice (Hermer, as cited in Chojnacki, 2010, p. 48). Hermer (as cited in Chojnacki, 2010) suggests as pregnancy progresses in America, limitations for the women’s birth options increase. A woman’s choice as to where and how she birth’s her baby may greatly be affected by the governing parties of a particular state (Hermer, as cited in Chojnacki, 2010, p. 59). Midwifery models of care offer women greater choice reflecting their own spiritual, religious, and feminist beliefs.

It cannot be assumed how highly such values be ranked, and when in care of physicians, as patients it seems there is much misunderstanding (Cohen, as cited in Chjnacki, 2010, p. 51). This essay shows supporting evidence that midwives should be sole care providers for women experiencing normal pregnancies. Health care providers need to move away from such medical models of care relating to pregnant women, understanding that it is in fact normal for women to have babies. Evidence shows that women Page 6 of 6 f refugee history acknowledge midwifery models provide continuity of care that is needed for ongoing support during pregnancy (Correa-Velez, 2011, p. 13). This also applies to cultural safe models offered by midwives, and the ongoing relevance it has on Australia’s multicultural nation (Phiri, et al. , 2009, p. 105). It is vital that these midwifery models become supported through government backing, enabling midwifery care to become a choice all women have the privilege to make through their own individual circumstances.

In accordance with my research, the harsh reality is lack of insurance coverage may limit women’s options towards such significant happenings as birthing their babies, regardless of what is the best interest for them physically, mentally, and spiritually (Law, as cited in Chojnacki, 2010, p. 75). Midwifery models of care will continue to play an important role in childbearing women worldwide when choosing to remain in control of their own bodies’ capabilities or to simply have a choice. To what extent these models are advocated will greatly depend on individual governments, their change in policies, and financial support.

Chojnacki (2010) concludes women choose their birthing options based on their spiritual, religious, political and feminist beliefs. Misunderstandings will remain between lawmakers, physicians, and women as the importance of such opinions is trivialized (Cohen, as cited in Chojnacki, 2010, p. 51).


  1. Australian College of Midwives. (2008). Submission to the Maternity Services Review 2008. Retrieved from http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/maternityservicesreview470/$FILE/470_Australian%20College%20of%20Midwives%20Student%20Advisory%20Committee. oc.
  2. Chojnacki, B. (2010). Pushing Back: Protecting Maternal Autonomy From the Living Room to the Delivery Room, Journal of Law and Health, 23 (45), 46- 78. Retrieved from http://develdrupal.law.csuohio. edu/currentstudents/studentorg/jlh/documents/5gChojnacki.pdf
  3. Phiri, J. , Dietsch, E. , & Bonner, A. (2009). Cultural safety and its importance for Australian midwifery practice. Women and Birth, 17 (3), 105-111. doi: 10. 1016/j. colegn. 2009. 11. 001 Correa-Velez, I. , & Ryan, J. (2011).
  4. Developing a best practice model of refugee maternity care. Royal College of Nursing, Australia: Elsevier, 25 (1), 13-22. doi: 10. 1016/j. wombi. 2011. 01. 002 Sutherland, G. , Yelland, J. , Wiebe, J. , Kelly, J. , Marlowe, P. , & Brown, S. (2009). Role of general practitioners in primary maternity care in South Australia and Victoria. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 49 (6), 637-641. doi: 10. 1111/j. 1479-828X. 2009. 01078x Carlsson, I. , Ziegert, K. , Sahlberg-Blom, E. , & Nissen, E. (2010).
  5. Maintaining power: Women’s experiences from labour onset before admittance to maternity ward. Quilty_Lisa_MIDW127 School of Social and Health Sciences, Halmstad University Sweden. Elsevier. 28 (1), 86-92. doi: 10. 1016/j. midw. 2010. 11. 011 Lubic, R. (2010).
  6. The family health and birth centre – a nurse-midwife-managed centre in Washington, DC: Perspectives on Nursing Practice. Alternative Therapies, 16 (5). Retrieved from http://www.scribd. com/InnoVision%20Health%20Media/d/37370523-The-Family- Health-and-Birth-Center%E2%80%94A-Nurse-

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The role of a MIDWIFE Essay

Supplying an effectual attention and support to the patient and for their babes during labour The Midwifes besides play a function during the postpartum period ( clip after birth ) . Such as ; Midwifes diagnose. proctor and examine adult females during gestation. Provide full antenatal attention including the showing trials in the infirmary. community and at place. Midwifes identify high risked gestations and they make referrals to physicians and other medical specializers. They arrange and provide parental and wellness instruction.

They besides provide reding and advice and after testing trials. The holistic appraisal includes measuring the demands and penchants taken on by the professional by utilizing assessment tools and working closely with the person. Identifying current commissariats by the professional identifying the resources required to run into individual’s needs The Care program marks are made to be achieved and professional identifies an person that can back up and authorise the client by utilizing appropriate attention In a wellness and societal attention scenes. wellness attention professionals such as Midwifes hold an of import journal of their up-to-date agenda with their work rota’s and meetings with NHS professionals.

Midwifes would enter of import information the service users would state them about their wellness and other medical issues during their gestation. With these recordings. the accoucheuses would hold shown their recordings from their journals. Guaranting that marks are met. The service user who is vulnerable would happen it really hard in working with excessively many professionals at the same clip. This can go really overpowering towards the service user. An single merely came out of operation and assorted professionals come and check up on you all the clip.

The function of a Health attention helper

Health attention helpers is involved in measuring a person’s needs when utilizing the services. and be aftering support for the person. a wellness attention adjunct coordinates and rede services user. The professional besides offer support if you need to speak about things. Health attention helpers can mention a service user to a physician in order to acquire his/her immunization up to day of the month. . this is done because the professional is doing certain the wellness attack of the service user is met and this shows that a wellness attention helper is involved in the support of the service user. A wellness attention helper programs support for a service user by assisting them with their demands and taking attention of personal responsibilities for an single. such as acquiring the individual up. washed and dressed. assisting with continency. altering bedclothes and emptying toilets. making wash. besides a wellness attention helper observe the repasts to do certain the service user eats decently. taking medicine. supplying company and societal activities. and seting the individual to bed at dark.

The support program of a wellness attention helper gives a service user outlines what occupations or undertakings are needed and who will transport out the support program of the service user. Personal histories is a holistic position that needs to be undertaken. This means that doing mentions to the service users medical jobs. The holistic appraisal includes measuring the demands and penchants taken on by the professional by utilizing assessment tools and working closely with the person. Identifying current commissariats by the professional identifying the resources required to run into individual’s demands. so the attention program marks are made to be achieved and professional identifies an person that can back up and authorise the client by utilizing appropriate attention and guaranting that marks are met.

Therefore. a wellness attention helper would utilize this to assist the service user needs a topographic point to remain. so the service user would look at how the topographic point is fit for the service users. A checklist is an assessment procedure in which ensures that each standards in a wellness and societal attention puting is covered. For illustration. a wellness attention helper has a list of standards that they follow which is helpful during the initial appraisal procedure. It is indispensable that all relevant signifiers are completed to supply grounds of this information. For illustration. a wellness attention helper has a signifier where they provide the grounds that you are a qualified accoucheuse. In a wellness and societal attention scenes. wellness attention professional’s wellness attention helpers hold an of import journal of their up-to-date agenda with their work rota’s and meetings with other wellness attention professionals.

Health attention helpers would maintain record of their meetings. so they could discourse issues and during these they record and pass it to other professionals to follow up on them. Health attention helpers would enter of import information the service users. Questions- in a wellness and societal attention scenes. wellness attention professionals use inquiries to assist them measure the service users. The wellness attention professionals use the inquiries to understand the different fortunes. in which besides requires a adept usage of oppugning. Records of incidents- this is at that place to do certain that monitoring and reviewing is undertaken. which is where the cardinal workers is advised to records incidents that had occurred in the wellness attention scenes. Observations- an observation is at that place to assist depict an individual’s behavioral forms. they besides observe attention accomplishments at a medical state of affairs at the persons.

The function of nurse

The functions and duties required of a nurse are ; supplying information. advice and reding to patients identified with sexually transmitted infection. They play an of import function in assisting the patient recognise and pull off their status. They have a non-judgemental attack towards patients. They are besides able to work closely with a scope of public. private and voluntary associations. Checklist- A checklist is an assessment procedure in which ensures that each standards in a wellness and societal attention puting is covered. For illustration. a sexual wellness adviser has a list of standards that they follow which is helpful during the initial appraisal procedure. Forms- it is indispensable that all relevant signifiers are completed to supply grounds of this information. For illustration. midwives has a signifier where they provide the grounds that you are a qualified accoucheuse. Diary- In a wellness and societal attention scenes. wellness attention professionals such as Midwifes hold an of import journal of their up-to-date agenda with their work rota’s and meetings with NHS professionals.

Sexual wellness adviser would enter the proceedingss of their meetings. so they could discourse issues and during these they record and pass the proceedingss to other professionals to follow up on them. Sexual wellness advisers would enter of import information the service users would state them about their wellness and other medical issues during their gestation period. Furthermore. with these recordings. the sexual wellness advisers would hold shown their recordings from their journals to NICE = ( National Institutes of Clinical Excellence ) . Questions- in a wellness and societal attention scenes. wellness attention professionals use inquiries to assist them measure the service users. The wellness attention professionals use the inquiries to understand the different fortunes. in which besides requires a adept usage of oppugning.

Records of incidents- this is at that place to do certain that monitoring and reviewing is undertaken. which is where the cardinal workers is advised to records incidents that had occurred in the wellness attention scenes. Observations- an observation is at that place to assist depict an individual’s behavioral forms. they besides observe attention accomplishments at a medical state of affairs at the persons. Personal histories is a holistic position that needs to be undertaken. This means that doing mentions to old medical jobs. The holistic appraisal includes measuring the demands and penchants taken on by the professional by utilizing assessment tools and working closely with the person. Identifying current commissariats by the professional identifying the resources required to run into individual’s demands. so the attention program marks are made to be achieved and professional identifies an person that can back up and authorise the client by utilizing appropriate attention and guaranting that marks are met.

Distinction criteria- In a wellness and societal attention scenes there could be issues that could originate when many wellness attention professionals work together on a patient. these could be on. the professionals could hold miscommunication with sending and having information from a professional. for illustration the professionals manus authorship can be hard to understand. Besides. from my unit 1 miscommunication include a usage of particular nomenclature such as slang. informal. rushed and careless interaction during had-off or transportation. including at hospital discharge. and a deficiency of coordination of attention. This is due to the signifier of communicating they use checklists. This provides a predictable construction sing patient fortunes. This means that the professional understands the patient’s needs that the professional would necessitate to be inform of.

For illustration in a wellness and societal attention puting a service user was referred and admitted by a attention professional for rating. During the clip in infirmary the patient was found to hold type 2 diabetes. which was already in his household hence biological. The patient was referred to a dietician and put on a rigorous diet. Two yearss after admittance the patient got discharge. The patient was instructed to name her primary attention doctor for followup of the diabetes. No direct communicating was made with the primary attention doctor about the rating occurred. and the patient subsequently indicated she did non understand what was required by the professional. Therefore. this shows that there was a deficiency of communicating with both the professionals and service users.

This could impact the service user as the service user would happen it difficult to understand what is go oning to her wellness. Most professionals don’t give plenty inside informations that the patients need to cognize about their symptoms. This is due to a deficiency of miscommunication within two wellness professionals. This could be due to one professional thought that they are better than the other professional so they would non pass on good towards the other professional. Some professionals feel more intelligent than other professionals. this suggest that the hierarchy is shown in a professional scenes.

For illustration. struggle of information of the attention professionals such as nurses and physicians could go through on different information to the patients and most likely the physician would non hold with the information the nurses would desire to go through on to the patient which could do the patients experience disempowered as they have no say about their wellness. This could do them to desire to withdraw from the professionals.

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Normal Birth

Table of contents Abstract Aim To explore the definitions of normal birth held by women who have not given birth, what influences that perspective, and compare it with those of health professionals. Background Available evidence provides conflicting definitions of normal childbirth. The majority of available evidence encapsulates the views of the health professionals themselves or […]

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Responsibilities of Health and Social Care Workers

P7- Describe the roles, responsibilities and career pathways of 3 health or social car workers. Social worker: Social workers form relationships with people and assist them to live more successfully within their local communities by helping them find solutions to their problems. Social work involves engaging not only with clients themselves but their families and […]

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Childbirth and Midwife

In many parts of the world today there are still many women who use a midwife verses using an Obstetrician Gynecologist. However in the United States fewer than three percent of women who give birth are attended to by midwives (Kram and Eckstein,1990). It is stated that “In the United States that childbirth has become […]

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