The once called beautiful Canadian Geese is now nicknamed the monster in Canada

The once called beautiful Canadian Geese is now nicknamed the monster in Canada. They are now the most widespread species of its kind in North America. They are turning into a continent- wide problem, which are causing people to be frustrated. The increase in their population is causing drastic measures. Their droppings are contaminating the environment. They are destroying plants and crops, and causing disturbances in the neighborhood. If no possible solution can be found to solve this problem, it can be a disaster.

Canadian Geese were supposed to be an endangered species in the early 1900’s due to the hunting of geese by hunters. (Shilts) There were hardly any geese left in the late 1970’s until suddenly some were discovered again. Scientists were so overjoyed that they raised the geese in captivity and then let them go where they once lived. (Herbert) However this was a huge mistake.

Their population had increased over the years. Not by a few geese more each year but 11, 000 to 70,000 estimated which was a noticeable dramatic increase. When the geese population stopped migrating, they began to double every five years. As a result, from 70,000 geese at the beginning, it has now increased to 3.5 million and more. (Herbert) The geese population had increased over the years because of a steady and large food supply and safely protected from the hunters. Another reason was due to decrease in predator numbers. The predators such as coyotes, cougars and smaller predators in cities and suburbs didn’t usually attack Canada geese because of their large sizes. Secondly, hunting was also not allowed anymore in cities and suburbs so the geese could live for a long time and grow many healthy goslings. People also love feeding them and geese are not scared of humans anymore as they used to. (Herbert)

As their populations increases, problems start to occur. They are contaminating our water supply with their filthy slimy green droppings. One goose poops 5-9 times a day, and imagine 80,000 geese contaminating the water supply, it could get pretty gross. Other problem with increased population is that geese love short grass near water. If the grass runs out, they go tearing up other people’s lawns. Problems with the geese seem to get worse each year. The geese no longer fly in a V- formation, which is a sentimental symbol of the passing season. They now live as if they have adapted to life in our cities. They even forget how to migrate in winter. They have enjoyed their lives in the environment over the years, that they want to continue having a peaceful life, but would people allow it?

The answer is probably not. That’s what a lot of angry people are saying now. Farmers are mad at the geese for destroying their crops. Some countries have lost over 300,000 dollars in crops because of the Canada Geese. They eat all sorts of crops and in fact, they could wipe out a field in no time. (Herbert) People with nice lawns and yards definitely want the geese to move away. They pull grass out of the lawn leaving hideous holes on the ground, which do not please the homeowners. Angry drivers are not happy with geese causing traffic jams in the highways.

When drivers honk the geese, they just ignore the drivers and even honk them back. Annoyed walkers are not thrilled to have droppings stuck to their footwear whenever they take a walk. A large number of citizens are not pleased with the geese. There are a lot of them around the cities and suburbs. People can’t even have picnics without stepping on any geese droppings just like the joggers. School’s sport teams sometimes have to cancel games since the field is too messy. People who love going to beaches can’t go to them since the beaches are closed because of the droppings of the geese. (Herbert)

In fact, if humans do not cut the numbers of geese, our water will one day be too sickening for humans to drink. Geese are now posing a health threat because they can carry germs like salmonella and giardia. (Springston) However, they don’t pose as much threat as other wildlife animals. According to the rate for Canada geese, they are not measurable which means they aren’t really dangerous. Nevertheless, they do make water dirty, which will still be a huge problem to humans.

Lots of solutions are thought of to get rid of the geese without hurting them in any way. People try to make loud noises, spray the grass with some chemicals, and even make plastic owls to scare them. On the market, there are lots of deterrents to work against the geese. They make plastic alligators, chemicals, metallic, iridescent streamers and try to use swans. However, nothing lasted for long. Some thought of “shipping the geese off to a distant, remote the new home, clean up the dropping on the lawn and problem would be solved” (Bond). They even try to ship them elsewhere but it doesn’t work at all. So now a broad, long-term strategy is being developed. However, there will have to be many more polluted lawns before geese and humans settle into peaceful co-existence. (Bond)

Federal wildlife agencies, the companies who reintroduce Canada geese back to wildlife, want to trim the population which is 3.5 million and is still increasing by 1.16 million geese in the coming years. They will start at places where they allow permit lethal means, which means trapping, nest destruction and roundups. (Herbert) Some other companies want to increase hunting geese, which may be a solution but will need lots of money to do so. However, this creates lots of other problems because there are limits to killing geese. The geese are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty of 1916, which limits hunting seasons and the number of geese an individual hunter may kill. (Herbert)

Companies who are trying to prevent harming the geese are now trying to train dogs to chase them away. “In fact they are the hottest thing in goose management,” says an urban biologist John George. Using dogs to chase the geese away will be a good temporary solution. However it won’t work for long because geese are smart birds. They will eventually find a solution to not get scared just like humans try to find a solution to eliminate them. (Miller)

So after all, reintroducing geese back into the society may be a regret to a lot of people. Yet it is also the humans’ fault for not watching them closely and carefully enough. Their droppings are infecting the environment, and are destroying crops, and causing disturbances in the neighborhood. They are part of a human problem that has gone wrong but one day, a solution will overcome the geese problem, making both the geese and humans satisfied.

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Frankenstein: A Critical Analysis

A Critical Analysis Author-centered Reading Early 19th century gothic novel, Frankincense, has provided an excellent base for an author-centered analysis, given the prominence of Shelley circumstantial Influence and strong symbolism. Born at the turn of the 18th century in London, Mary Shelley was exposed to venerated authors and their works from a young age. Showing her ability and promise early on In life, she went on to write a number of acclaimed novels, Including Valier and The Last Man.

Shelley Imagery compares to the best of 19th century Romantic literature and has helped establish her as one of the time’s retreat authors. (Academic, 2009) Through Frankincense, I have Implied Mary Shelley to be strongly opposed to the Idea of ‘playing god’ and transgressing the human Limitations. She has used strong Juxtaposition to highlight the horror of the monster, contrasting It to the sporadic scenes of beautiful valleys and mountain ranges.

Through her use of this technique, it is clear that Shelley herself is disgusted with the monster, though she has attempted to justify the actions and behaviors of it throughout. Her personal disgust and rejection of the wretch comes through in the behavior of the characters, with only one, an old, blind man ever coming close to accepting him. As Victor says, “There can be no community between you and me; we are enemies”. (Shelley, 2000, p. 82) Though the monster had done no wrong, initially, and only desired to be loved, “l was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend” (Shelley, 2000, p. 2), he was accepted by none. It seemed thus, that Shelley was trying to show that even if man successfully reached god-like achievements, he and his creation would not enjoy any form of acceptance as the heart of man opposes him to such ghastly and horrific actions. At the beginning of Chapter 5, it is seen that Frankincense calls his creation the wretch’ before it had even awoken, How can I describe my emotions at this catastrophe, or how delineate the wretch whom with such infinite pains and care I had endeavourer to form? ” (Shelley, 2000, p. 1) Although these words were technically spoken after it occurred, in Frankincense’s recount to Walton, Shelley could have chosen to refer to the monster in an objective manner at this point, instead in this subjective way. By doing this, however, the monster Is portrayed as lesser than human, not worthy and is degraded In the eyes f the reader, without any actions of the monster being recounted. As said, Shelley Juxtaposed the monster to the scenic landscapes. This Is technique Is evident here as well, though not in exactly the same manner.

The next scene after Frankincense creates the monster, has Frankincense Joyfully re-unlit with Clerical. Recounting the scene between Frankincense and Clerical, Shelley uses exclamation marks to dramatist the situation In order to draw a starker comparison with the previous scene. Then, as quickly as the mood turned Joyful, It became drastically solemn as the conversation turned to Victors exploits. Nature has also played a large part in the novel and is key to understanding certain elements.

Set in the 18th century in Switzerland, the novel’s locale draws key inspiration from Shelley circumstance at the time, being that it was conceived in Switzerland, only a few years after it came across strongly in the novel. “the moon gazed on my midnight labors, while, with unrelated and breathless eagerness, I pursued nature to her hiding places” (Shelley, 2000, p. 39) Shelley has personified nature quite strongly and through words like these, Shelley has established nature as an all-powerful, god-like being.

This further enhances the view that she was bringing across the point that no one should attempt to breach nature’s omnipotence. In this way, she has likened nature to an all-powerful God. Shelley also re-enforced the power of nature – God – through her language “As I stood at the door, on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from out house; and so soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared, and nothing remained but a blasted stump” (Shelley, 2000, p. 26).

What Shelley has done for nature though, she has done the opposite for man. Mary Shelley has brought across humans as being incompetent, insensible beings. When the wretch leaves evidence of Justine killing Will on her person, she is arrested and does not receive a proper trial, being lynched by members of the public. Later on, in an encounter between the wretch and Frankincense, the monster says, muff accuse me of murder; and yet you would, with satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. Oh, praise the eternal justice of man! ” (Shelley, 2000, p. 2) Through this, it would seem that Mary Shelley had become disillusioned with man-kind and its constant endeavourers to ‘play-god’, en in advances within science and medicine. Shelley was likely influenced by the times she was in, through influential figures like Jean-Jacques Rousseau who criticized the view that man should exert his influence and superiority over nature by ‘Playing-God’. Shelley was a strong advocate for Rousseau, opposing others like Henry Bacon, who were of the view that Frankincense was of at the start of his time at the University of Inconstant.

The Author-centered approach has evolved over the past century and continues to do so, most recently with Farther’ Death of the Author of 1967. Instead of viewing the author as the sole influence of the texts’ meaning, the contemporary view sees persons taking interest in the author; his/her background and circumstance to discern the link between them and their work (QUA Syllabus, 2011) I first applied Authorial Intent with special consideration given to Wimpiest and Beardsley Intentional Fallacy of 1946.

This provided a base for analyzing Frankincense without being clouded by the presumed design or intention of the author which according to Wimpiest and Beardsley, “is neither available nor desirable as a standard for Judging he success of a literary work of art” (Wimpiest and Beardsley, 1946, p. L) Upon reading Intentional Fallacy I saw that Frankincense was a ubiquitous representation of the canonical life of Mary Shelley, not Just the intended meaning she desired. The theory states that, “an author’s stated purpose cannot determine all the legitimate readings that may be made in his/her text. (QUA, 2011) Thus, in keeping with Intentional Fallacy, I recognized the relationship between the author, Shelley, and her text. As I said in my first paragraph, “Through Frankincense, I have implied Mary Shelley to be tryingly opposed to the idea of ‘playing god’ and transgressing the human limitations. ” The use of Pullet’s “criticism of consciousness” theory helped establish that the use of literary devices and her language to bring this point across displays that, as I said in my reading, “Shelley herself is disgusted with The Monster”.

The author-function, specifically the characteristics of attribution and valuation, as introduced by Factual, also led my reading. Valuation states that an author is not defined purely through his/her discourse but, “It results from a complex operation hose purpose is to construct the rational entity we call an author” (Factual, 1977). Thus I constructed my view of Shelley from her “profundity or ‘creative’ power”.

This is seen all throughout my reading, though most profoundly in my final paragraph, where I state that I am of the view that Shelley “had become disillusioned with man- kind and its constant endeavourers to ‘play-god” However, the complications of this being perceived as Universality may be questioned as different readings are drawn from Frankincense. The characteristic of Attribution also showed that my previous dead and knowledge of Mary Shelley as a widely acclaimed author and prominent figure, whose work has lasted till current day, influenced my construction of her.

The work of Brooks and Pollute, used in conjunction, was a prime dictator in the course of my reading. The main theory I applied was that “literature is ultimately metaphorical and symbolic. ” (Brooks, 1947) Thus, a closer analysis of the words Shelley used revealed the Pantheism in Frankincense. As I said in my reading, “Shelley has established nature as an all-powerful, god-like being”. I understood the reason Enid this better after a study of Spinning’s work, based on Descartes’ dualist theory. Spinal brought into play that God, instead of a physical, anthropomorphism’s being, is in fact the composition of nature.

Pullet’s theory of “criticism of consciousness” “embodiment of the state of mind” of Shelley (Pollute, 1971). This is important as it guided me to become conscious of Shelley ‘cogitator’ and its impact on my construction of her as an author. This type of Close-reading is advocated by New Criticism (Henderson and Brown, 1997), further allowing me to analyses the construction of Shelley sentences and word-use, to detect symbolism and metaphors. This came through in the third paragraph of my reading, when referring to Shelley use of the word Wretch’ so early on.

Applying Brooks’ theory helped me identify the deeper symbolism in this. I was thus able to recognize that the referral to Victor’s creation in such a subjective manner had deeper roots, not Just showing Victor’s personal disgust but also causing the monster to appear unworthy of ordinary humans “… The monster is portrayed as lesser than human and not worthy and is degraded in the eyes of the reader… (Reading) I was also able to analyses Shelley use of punctuation, to further enhance the Juxtaposition between the somber references to the monster and the happier circumstances.

Brooks’ and Pullet’s theories also have elements of the text-centered approach in them, with this approach claiming that the text is place where meaning is found (QUA, 2011, p. 4). Here the subtleties between Historical and New Criticism become evident, with old criticism embracing literature as a form of authorial self-expression, Romanticism (Henderson and Brown, 1997). The shift in thinking though of authorial self-expression to inner symbolism and author omniscience makes it hard to fully identify and articulate Shelley intention. My construction of Shelley, though, seemed at first to be invalid with T. S.

Elitist’s Tradition And The Individual Talent, which espouses that when critiquing a work, one must take into account the other authors of that time (Adams, 1971) In Elitist’s words, “we pretend to find what is individual, what is the peculiar essence of the man”(Elliot, 1921). This would mean that my belief that the language in Frankincense symbolizes Pantheism is wrong as it is based purely on Mary Shelley. However, upon closer analysis, I realized that in fact, it supported my conclusions. The key example I would like to present is that of Wordsmith and Coleridge, founders of the Romantic Movement in England.

Both of them were strong supporters and advocates of Pantheism, helping to bring Rousseau work to recognition through their own writings. Both were also frequent visitors to the Godwin household (A+E Networks, 2012). Thus Shelley would have grown up around the work of these two men, the Venerated authors’ I mentioned in my first paragraph. What I saw here, was sound proof that Intellectuality, or as said by Elliot, “importance of the relation of the poem o other poems by other authors” (Elliot, 1921) played a large part in Frankincense.

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Final Monster Energy Bars

Have you ever thought of eating energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster, AMP, NOSE and Rocks instead of drinking. We are not talking about any food item which will take you hours to cook food. It is not a product which comes in a large box or you have to heat it. Instead, we are launching a product which will save your time in cooking when you will eat it will provide you instant energy, nutrients and vitamins with four delicious and tempting flavors. The wait is over!! It’s a launch of a product which is known as “Monster Energy Bars”, the name says it all.

It is a bar which provides energy and revalidated as suggested by our tagging “To Recharge the World” Monster Beverage corporation, always believed in innovating new product with different flavors and proved themselves by satisfying customer taste buds. Monster is leading in the market for energy drinks in terms of flavors. The target group for “Monster Energy Bar” is 19 to 33 years; mainly individuals who live an active sports life, corporate professionals, students, active youth. The product ingredients include various health factors related to our daily life.

Packed with all natural ingredients such as fruit extracts, rotten, cocoa and caffeine, Monster Energy Bar is a great source of energy on the go. In the present scenario most people leaving a busy life often is avoiding healthy food and the necessary protein and calories intake which can cause health issues. Offering most of the great flavors and ingredients featured in energy drinks, Monster Energy Bar is likely to appeal all existing Monster Energy drink fans and new consumers. Mission Statement: We truly believe that time is the most valuable asset.

Our main goal is to give our customers the most natural, nutritious and great tasting energy in the fastest way possible. We appreciate each and single one Of our customers and we know that our success and growth comes from not only meeting their needs, but exceeding expectations of our loyal consumers. We, as a team work really hard, to insure that we keep surprising and inspiring our customers with great new flavors. It makes us happy if our product helped someone to have a more productive day, reach the finish line, or simply go that extra mile.

Macro – environmental analysis The macro environmental analysis is essential for the company. This analysis will help us to know whether the outside forces are beneficial for the many or not. The below are the forces which will help to determine the analysis for the product: Demographic forces will help to analyses the gender, age, income, and location. Monster Beverage Corporation already has its own target market, since “Monster Energy Bars” is a new product in terms of category and the aim is to provide energy on the go.

The target market will be male and female between the age group of 19 to 33 years. The “Monster Energy Bars” are priced in such a way that youth such as students as well as professional (corporate people) can afford it. Strategically, location is targeted where here is lot of sport’s activity, young students and commercial place are located. Economic: Sports nutrition is non-essential considered by customers, so the affordability plays an important role to market. The other factor which can affect is inflation.

During inflation the spending habits of the people will change. Also, sports nutrition and particularly energy drinks and energy bars are recovering after the economy recession and appear to still growing. (Canadian Community Health Survey, 2005) Natural Forces: The natural forces which affect the products are natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, cyclone, etc. The other product ingredients related natural forces for energy bars contain Caffeine and Turin as their major ingredients which in high intake be considered not good for health.

This is creating a shift to natural resources such as grains, natural caffeine or fruit based for health reasons. Technological: New trends are emerging in the sports nutrition business which is focusing on the delivery of new experiences through the development of new technology to improve the manufacturing process. Political/Governmental Regulations: The political and government regulations may affect the product. Food and drug administration may regulate the product because “Monster Energy Bars” contain caffeine content and other energy enhancements.

The other impact which can affect the product is change in the government, new rules for the specific industry / category and changes in taxes. Cultural Forces: It is well known fact that Canada is multi-cultural- It has a diverse cultural where people are coming across the world. Although people are from different culture the main priority is healthy and convenient lifestyle, and sports nutrition products (I. E. Energy bars which provide energy) are the option to satisfy this need. The sports nutrition is segmented in main categories: body builders, Pro / Amateur athletes, recreational users and lifestyle users. Canadian Community Health Survey, 2005) Marketing Segmentation: We will segment the market on the basis of Geographies, Chirography’s, Demographics and Behavioral. Geographic Segmentation: This segmentation will consist of our target market location. As monster energy bar is the source of energy which is targeted for youth, sport’s athletics and corporate people. The potential in the sports nutrition market is around IIS $4. 6 Billion (Euro monitor International 2010). Also is important that the maturity in energy drinks market drives the opportunity to expand the market towards the energy bars, in order attract new customers.

The proportion of residents by province shows that British Columbia has the highest rate with 64% of people physically active followed by Yukon with 66% and Ontario the third with 54% (Canadian Community Health Survey, n. D. ). Chirography’s Segmentation: The chirography’s segmentation is based on various aspects like social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. This segmentation will help us to identify the people from different lifestyle, their aloes and beliefs. Behavioral Segmentation: This segmentation will help Monster to segment their customers on the basis of usage of the product.

The consumption of the bars will help us to segment the product to the target customers. Mostly customers are going to use for snack purpose, instant energy or during hectic work schedules. Demographic Segmentation: The demographic segmentation will help to segment the market on the basis of different perspective from customers. Monster Energy Bars will also be percept in another way because it is not just a natural bar. It is an energy bar which is healthy and active, targeting age group from 1 9 to 33 years.

Also, the way We use to segment the marketing is considering the physical activity in the population by Age, Income, Gender, and physical activity preference in Canada. The household income play an important role a report shows that 32% of people with the highest income are physically active followed by 29% of high middle and 26% with middle household Income (Canadian Community Health Survey) Genders: Both Female & Male (with higher focus on males) Age: 19 to 33 province main focus and launch: British Columbia and Ontario Market

Segments: Young working professionals, college students and sport oriented, athletic people Income level: Middle to high Income Market Segmentation and Target Market The target market are based on the statistics that shows that the age range is important to consider because young men and women from 12 to 18 are physically active, we cannot target people under 18 due to ingredients in the energy bars and also the price is also a factor for the segment. The target market for our segment is 19 to 33 years which align very well with our product.

To launch the product we will focus on Vancouver, BC where sports s jogging, biking and swimming are the most common for the people and finally the income household targets from Middle to High in zones as: Anymore, Bellary, Greater Vancouver, Lions Bay, North Vancouver, West Vancouver (Census Data, Statistics Canada, National Housing survey, 2001). Multi-segments Our product is multi segment because Monster E Bar can benefit any type of consumer by providing instant energy. 1st Segment: Young males and females involved in various sports and recreational activities. ND Segment: Youth, college students and young working professionals. Is your product designed for consumers or business or both…. Why? The product is designed for consumers. Today consumers are very busy in their day to day life. Consumers are going out for long hours they can grab this bar and have it anywhere. It’s for the people who needs source of energy, workout and for the students have very hectic schedule, many occasions they are rushing for meetings and usually skip their meals. This bar is being very useful for them; it will keep them active and provides the ARQ aired energy.

Why is the target market you selected profitable, sustainable, and how does it align with your product? The target market is profitable and sustainable because Monster Energy Bars has the potential to satisfy the customer needs by delivering the additional energy for the physically active people and professionals with busy work hours which directly align our target market. The initial launch itself is with four different flavors which will provide consumers to try new and different options Also, within the segment the household income of the target market is good and they will have the willingness to pay for the product.

Decision on New Product Name: Strategically we have opted for name “Monster Energy Bar”. Monster Beverage Corporation has its own goodwill and very well renowned in the market for its energy drinks product. We chose this name because this company is well established and has provided various options to consumers in terms Of flavors and preferences. It is a new product that never existed before. It is energy drink that is in form of a bar. Monster Energy Bar is a new kind of energy bar based on ingredients and flavors of existing energy drink It’s the first time when the energy drink is introduced in a form of “Monster”. Bar. “Monster” Energy bar is a soft and moist bar infused with combination f cacao, coffee and fruit flavors. It is the first and only energy bar on the market that does not consist of granola, oats, nuts and dried fruits, and is completely opposite to the rest of crunchy and chewy granola energy bars. Has absolutely different texture than a regular energy bar on today’s market. “A 2009 Angus Reid survey for Contra Foods Canada found that 53% of working Canadians spent their lunch break reading, surfing the Web, or not stopping for lunch at all.

If they do stop for lunch, they only break for 16-30 minutes, speaking to the need for convenience. Other attributes are also needed-?32% are looking for healthy ingredients, 25% are looking for quality, and 17% are looking for flavor. ” (CNN Newswire Company, 2009) Our product is created to solve the issue above. It combines all natural, high quality and great flavors that along with compact size makes a perfect option for a quick, nutritious meal substitute that not only tastes great, but provides strong source of energy.

Product Strategy The main strategy of our team is introduction of new, innovative and best fit solution for consumers when it comes to satisfying a need for extra energy. Our product is created to not only attract new potential consumers and early adopters who are willing to pay a higher price for a great quality; but entice already existing consumers to switch to our product. Thus we are planning on gaining a share of energy’ bars market and keep on extending it with introducing new variations and flavors in the future.

Upgrade Currently we are entering the market with four main flavors (Monster E Java, Monster E Cranberry/Raspberry, Monster E Citrus, and Monster E Banana). As our product will be growing we will expand the brand by introducing new labors, sizes and a bar that will consist of two flavors in one bar. We will also be able upgrade the quantity in which we sell our product by introducing such options like a bundle of two or three bars. But still it can be append with other monster products.

At the same time our bar would be a perfect add on with a customer who frequently purchase energy drinks (especially Monster Energy) and would buy our energy bar on top of that. Packaging Packaging is very essential for any product development. The strategies we are going to use for packaging of “Monster Energy Bars” are clear visible of amen, logo and flavor. The logo will be same as “Monster Energy Drinks” because it has already created image in the mind of the customers. This will help to draw attention towards existing customers and generate new customers.

We are going to use airtight, vacuum, packaging with black, red, orange and yellow colors (corresponding to each flavor). The bar is going to have very clean and distinctive design and matte finish. The packaging will have English and French version of nutrition facts, ingredients, manufactured date, best before use and it will be certified by government (all of the ingredients are approved by required health standards). The packaging will be recyclable. On the shelves, bars would be displayed by color: black (Java), red (Berry), orange (Citrus), yellow (Banana) in that order.

Pricing Strategy While launching our product we will use skim pricing strategy where we are going to set the price higher that other regular granola bars and energy drinks which are our main competition. We want our bar to be percept as a new, innovative, high quality product. By choosing skim pricing strategy we are aiming to establish a recognizable, high quality product that will attract early adopters and those people who follow the latest trends and innovations and are looking for new and exciting products and flavors on the market.

The MSP is 52. 4 CAD with a mark-up of 71 % from the unit cost of $0. 7 CAD, and there’s is a margin of 48% for the wholesaler. MSP $2. 40 Wholesaler price $1. 34 Cost $0. 70 There is a cost per unit of $0. 7 CAD, includes Manufacturing materials, labeling and packing. The expected mark up for the product is 48% assuming that 44% will be the cost of the wholesale. We have calculated the cost which contains overhead expense, cost of goods sold, etc. As we have adopted skimming marketing strategies the price margin is also higher.

Our MIMIC should be one that can create and nourish profitable relationships with our target customers and create an avenue for purposeful dialogue with them. For our Integrated Marketing Communications strategy, we are going to incorporate the producer marketing activities to retailers and wholesalers who resell to our target customers, the rationale behind this is to ensure trade promotion(Cooperative Advertising) by producer and personal selling, as well as to enhance sales promotion by wholesaler or the retailer and public relations.

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Monster Verses Monster

Today, people still recognize the ghastly, atrocious Frankenstein as a monster, but according to Deems Taylor’s Monster, Richard Wagner is the monstrous beast. Monsters are expected to be frightening like Frankenstein, but some monsters are real humans like Richard Wagner. Oddly, when comparing Frankenstein and Wagner–they certainly share some of the same grim features. Frankenstein and Wagners’ faces manifest a gloomy expression of black death. Their spirit for life lacks warmth in their eyes. Frankenstein’s eyes are hollow and dreary covered with drooping, eyelids, and underneath his eyes are massive sandbags.

Similarly, Wagner’s vengeful gaze leers inertly like a frozen statue. Taylor says, “[he has] a genius for making enemies” (695). The pasty bags (sagging above his cheekbones) are blown up like air pockets. Moreover, they share similar shriveled lips. Frankenstein’s colorless lips are dimly distorted like the mouth of a ruined, porcelain doll. While Wagner’s, sickly, pale lips evoke a spine-chilling eeriness causing most people to shutter; it’s the kind that makes the skin crawl with goose bumps. Undoubtedly, their cold expressions are lifeless, and wicked; however, the size and shape of their heads are equally dreadful.

Their large, peculiar, heads resemble a heavy mass wobbling like a bobble head. Their foreheads dominate their gigantic skulls. Frankenstein’s forehead is like a stretched-canvas awning for protection over his eyes. It protrudes along his brow like a piece of metal rod lodged underneath his skin. Likewise, Wagner’s receding hairline emphasizes the size of his enormous skull. According to Taylor, he states, “[his] head is too big for his body” (693). Furthermore, the structure of their chins is abnormally malformed. Frankenstein’s square chin bulks like a block of wood wedged into his bottom jaw.

Its size is the dimension of a small building. On the other hand, Wagner’s narrow, pointy chin extends like an arrow heading for its target. Indeed, the likeness of Frankenstein and Wagners’ massive skulls are laughably creepy. Nonetheless, the magnitude of resemblance is uncanny. All the same, the fearsome expressions on a face or the bizarre proportions of a body can depict a vision of a monster. Frankenstein is a character, created, monster, but Wagner is a real person; a monster in the eyes of Taylor. As attested by Taylor, “the name of [his] monster [is] Richard Wagner” (695).

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Bibliotherapy for Frankenstein’s Monster

In the novel “Frankenstein”, the monster reads or listens to 4 different books. Each one shaped how he thought and felt about things differently. Bibliotherapy is the use of reading materials for help in solving personal problems or for psychiatric therapy. If these books would be changed, the monster may have fit better into society. One book read by the monster was Paradise Lost. This is the story of Satan and also the story of Adam and Eve. It tells about Satan’s fall from Heaven and also Adam and Eve’s sins.

The monster relates to Adam because, like Adam, the monster is unlike any other thing of the time. But other than that, he says that he relates to Satan more. This contributes to a poor self-image for the monster. It makes him feel hated by his creator and worthless. If I could substitute another book in for Paradise Lost, I would choose Pinocchio. This story would show that when somebody creates something, no matter what it may seem like, the creator always loves his creation. Another book read, or in this case heard, by the monster was Ruin of Empires.

This book gives some history on civilizations of the past. The monster gathers from this book some knowledge of world history and also begins to question man. He said that he once “could not conceive how one man could go forth to murder his fellow,” but after hearing the book and learning of vice and bloodshed he was disgusted. For this book I would substitute To Kill a Mockingbird. This book would teach the monster that, even though some people are bad, there are always good people that will do the right thing no matter what.

I feel that Atticus Finch would be a good role model for the monster. Atticus would represent all the good in humanity. The monster also read The Sorrows of Young Werther. This is a sad book about a man who is love with a married woman. In the end of the book, the main character commits suicide. I feel that this book contributed to a generally negative attitude of the monster. Also, in the end of Frankenstein, the monster sets out to kill himself. I feel that the monster would not have een as likely to do this if the main character of the book he read hadn’t done this. I would replace this book with Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Even though Romeo and Juliet has a sad ending too, I feel that it would have put more hope into the monster than what he did read because in the end of Romeo and Juliet, they both die, leaving no one (besides their families) grieving. Also, in the end of Romeo and Juliet, they end up together in that they both die and presumably go to Heaven.

I feel this would have made the monster more optimistic than a story where a broken hearted man kills himself and everyone else goes on living their lives. The other book read by the monster is Plutarch’s Lives. This book is a compilation of biographies about ancient people. The monster says that this book taught him “high thoughts. ” The monster seems to speak highly of this book and it taught him a lot. But he also says that much of what he read was above his head and he didn’t understand it.

Therefore I would substitute Canterbury Tales instead. This book would be more relatable seeing as though the stories in Canterbury Tales are those of everyday people not ancient nobles and aristocrats. By substituting these books instead of the ones he did read, I feel that the monster would have a better outlook on society. Also, I feel that this would cause him to fit in society better which may make his life easier and he may make better decisions than what he did.

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Monster Energy

Monster Energy was introduced in the market in the year 2002 by Hansen Natural Corporation. It is manufactured by Monster Beverage Company of Corona, California (Boyle, 2006). Hansen Natural Corporation is a beverage company founded in 1935. At the time, the company made juices and natural sodas but was virtually unknown outside California (Boyle, 2006). In the 1930’s, Hubert Hansen and his sons started to sell fresh, non-pasteurized juices to retailers in Southern California including some film studios under the Hansen’s name. Later in the following years, the grandson of Hubert, Tim Hansen, developed numerous Natural sodas and 100% juices also under the Hansen’s brand. (The Hansens Story, 2011)

Product Description

The name “Monster” was thought up by Mark Hall, a salesman at the moment, who joined Hansen in 1997 and was decided by a poll (Boyle, 2006). It is one of the first drinks launched in the market in a 16-oz can, which is almost double the size of the standard “bullet” size can of many other energy drinks such as Red Bull, but for the same price. It is obtainable at most supermarkets and convenience stores in the U.S. and Canada. The regular Monster Energy comes in a 16 oz black can with a distinct green “M” symbol. The pull tabs are also distinctive from typical pull tabs because the Monster Energy pulls with an “M” instead of a round or oval hole (Monster Energy, 2007). Currently, there are 30 different flavors of Monster Energy drinks sold worldwide with most popularity in the United States. The caffeine content of most Monster energy drinks is approximately 10mg/oz (33.81mg/100mls) or 160 mg for a 16 oz can (Caffeine Content of Drinks, 2011).

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy simply means setting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. Hansen Natural Corporation adopts the Guerrilla marketing strategy to place the Monster Energy is the market. The Monster Energy drinks are mostly directed towards males in the 18-30 age groups. “Unleash the Beast”, the slogan for Monster Energy drinks encourages its potentials customers to grab a can of Monster Energy and unleash the energy within to live life to the fullest. Monster Energy sponsors extreme sporting events like Motocross. “Motocross has been a key component of our marketing mix from the inception of the Monster brand,” said Monster Energy President Mr. Mark Hall. “We believe our ongoing support of Motocross has been good for the sport and, in return, the fans of the sport have been loyal to us…” (Rizzi, 2010)

Marketing Mix


The world is moving in a fast pace. Everybody is in a hurry to do something but do not have the time and energy to do it all on time. Consumers need something that can keep them in track of all their ‘to do things’ and have energy and focus to do so. Monster Energy is able to fulfill that purpose and meets that need for the customers. Every can of monster is filled with energy for the consumers to get up and go. The 30 different flavors that monster provides is able to meet the needs and wants of its customers.


Monster provides value to its customers in comparison to its competitors like Red Bull, Amp, Rockstar, and others. Since day one, Monster has been selling its 16 oz cans for the same price as most of its competitors 8oz bullet size cans. In comparison to its competitors, Monster provides numerous price promotions to its customer such as “Buy 2 and Get $1 off” deals. On top of that Monster provides volume discounts and attractive incentive to the retailers in order to lower the retail price in the market (Boyle, 2006).


Monster energy drink is sold in almost each and every convenience store, gas station, and super market. It can also be found in vending machines at schools, shopping malls, gyms, and other public places where people are in need of some energy boost. Although Coca-Cola, for a while, was given some rights to distribute Monster in some parts on the Unite States, Hansen Natural Corporation, the parent company, announced that Anheuser-Busch would be the official distributor in the United States (Boyle, 2006).


Hansen does not follow the traditional advertisement and promotional strategies such as advertisements in television, radio or newspaper. The company is reaching to its target market by sponsoring extreme sports events, athletes competing in extreme sports, sponsoring video games, and out-there advertisement strategies. The males in the 18-30 age groups would be the target market for Monster Energy drink (Jordan, 2009). Research and studies have proven that the males in this age group are more interested in extreme sports and video games. Research also shows that this target market hardly reacts to traditional advertisement strategies like television, radio, or newspapers (Jordan, 2009). The strategy that Hansen Company uses in order to market Monster Energy creates sincerity in the eyes of the target demographic. Many of the sporting events that Monster Energy sponsors are webcasted and telecasted through the media to the outside market as well which opens a wider market for further expansion of Monster Energy brand.


The relationship selling falls in more than one category in the marketing mix for Monster Energy drink. It falls in both Product as well as Promotion. The product identifies itself as a part of extreme sports and video games. It is very important to do so in order to appeal to the target market. This creates loyal customers who are loyal to such sporting events and games. Likewise, Monster Energy provides such a large variety of flavors that the target market will definitely find something that they like and can adjust to. On top of that Monster Energy drinks are known to be the best tasting energy drinks in the market.

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Real Vampires

Vampires Stories Started Thousands of Years Ago in Myths Today They Are Very Real and Among Us ? Abstract Vampires have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. There have been stories of vampire like creatures in Mesopotamia, Greece, China, and Europe. These stories have pned the globe and time. The vampire has evolved overtime based on the current trends and beliefs and culture of the time. Today when the word vampire is said many visualize Dracula from the stories by Bram Stoker or handsome alluring creatures that are ready to drain you of your blood.

For most vampires only live in stories, the truth is that vampires are very real. There is a subculture of real vampires emerging out of the darkness all over the world they are very real and among us. Vampires Stories Started Thousands of Years Ago in Myths Today They Are Very Real and Among Us When the word vampire is said it evokes Hollywood images of handsome men and beautiful women, seductive creatures with fangs that lure in their prey with their hypnotic stare along with their good looks, wit and charm.

Once the prey is seduced the vampire goes straight for the throat, biting down and draining their blood and ultimately their life. More recently the images may be of the sexy Vampire who is trying to pass as human in some high school setting that is amazingly fast, and strong, yet trying to be sensitive. Some sparkle in the sun and others must avoid it altogether, while still others wear some enchanted ring or jewelry in order to walk in sunlight.

Oh yes, and let’s not forget their ability to go on living forever because one of the most incredible qualities is a vampire’s immortality, unless they have a wood or silver stake driven through their heart, or end up decapitated and burned, which would swiftly end there immortal reign. Whichever version of vampire you envision will depend on the most recent book, movie, or television series you are intrigued by. These images are the glorified Hollywood images that are spoon fed to us daily, but these are not the true definitions or characteristics of a real vampire.

As much as most people believe that the image of the vampire was spawned from the story of Dracula written by Bram Stoker that is certainly not the case, the story of the vampire started thousands of years ago and p the globe, and continue to engross society today. Every culture has their own story and origination point and these stories have spawned a growing fascination with vampires. It is important to look back and see where it all began in order to uncover the truth of real vampires today.

One of the first stories comes from Mesopotamia; it goes back at least 4,000 years. It starts with Lamastu, the daughter of the sky God Anu. She was a demon goddess who preyed on humans. At night she would creep into people’s homes and steel their baby’s or worse, she would kill them while they were in their crib or even while in their mother’s womb. It is also said she would suck the blood from young men; this would bring sickness, disease, and sterility to the people. When you see images of Lamastu she is seen to have talons or claw like hands, as well as wings.

This is very similar to another vampire like goddess from history, Lilith. (Harris, 2001: Lamastu, 2011) Lilith is a vampire like demon goddess as well, along with the wings and talons; she is sometimes shown to be in the form of an owl or a mix of woman owl type creature. There are a variety of stories that surround Lilith. The most prominent one seems to be the one coming from Jewish origins where it is said that Lilith was the first wife of Adam. In this story the trouble started when Lilith did not want to be in a submissive position to Adam during sexual intercourse.

She believed since God fashioned them of the same dirt and was said to be an equal to Adam, she wished to be his partner and equal, not to be beneath him. She was banished from Adam and the Garden of Eden into darkness where she was then perceived as a Demon and in the darkness she began giving birth to her own children. These children were said to be demons like their Mother. God sent three Angels after her and they asked her to return to the garden but not as Adam’s equal. Lilith refused and for her punishment God killed a hundred of her children daily.

In retaliation Lilith began to take her vengeance out on God’s children by killing human babies. Along with killing human children Lilith had seductive quality’s and would seduce men and come to them at night as a succubus. (Harris, 2001: Lilith, 2001) There are many other stories of similar creatures like Lamastu and Lilith all over the world, such as, the Empisai she came from Greek stories, she was the beautiful daughter of Hecate and would rise out of the ground at night and seduce the Sheppard’s in the fields and then devour them.

In Chinese folk lore there were creatures that had glowing red eyes, they were covered in fur and they would bite their prey with sharp fangs, these creatures were called Kuang-shi. (Harris, 2001) As time went on people traveled from place to place and with them the stories of the vampire like creatures were spread. The stories morphed and changed with the current beliefs and knowledge of the time. There is a plethora of stories out there that blanket cultures and over time have developed a variety of versions and interpretations and created are current knowledge base of what a vampire is.

As much as most people believe that the image of the vampire was spawned from the story of Dracula written by Bram Stoker you can see this is not the case and the story of the vampire started thousands of years ago, many of the beliefs, traditions and rituals real vampires have today are based on these ancient stories. So what is a real vampire? At first glance it can be hard to define, but when you delve in you will start to see categories. The first, most broad category falls under the term, vampire community, and this term is the broadest wording used to describe the vampire culture.

Vampires refer to the vampire community in a similar manner as gay people speak about the gay community and African American’s speak about the black community. (TheoFantastique, 2009) The vampire community is not an organized structure according to Joseph Laycock, Author of Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism and graduate of the Harvard Divinity School, he refers to it as an identity group. (Laycock, 2009) Within that identity group you can find the terms life style vampire and real vampire. Real and lifestyle vampire are phrase’s used within the vampire culture to distinguish between the two groups.

Life style vampires or lifestylers, as some would say, are the ones that are fans of vampire fiction such as Bram Stoker, Anne Rice, and Stephanie Meyer. They enjoy dressing up as the undead and participating in role playing games such as Vampire the Masquerade. Some have prosthetic fangs and sleep in coffins. They love everything vampire and embrace all the stereo types. Ms Saige who is a lifestyle vampire has this to say about it,” I live the lifestyle but I am not a real vampire, nobody can live forever. ” She goes on to say there is about 1,000 lifestyle vampires in New York and thousands more worldwide. There’s a clan in Europe, one in California and a huge clan in Texas. We all know each other. ”(Mittelbach & Crewdson, 2000) To be more definitive on the differences Joseph Laycock says the main difference between the two is lifestyle vampires choose their vampiric identity and real vampires see their vampire identity as unchangeable and something that is a part of them. (Laycock, 2009) Real vampires are, “individuals who feel a need to consume blood or feed on the subtle energy of other people in order to sustain their physical, mental, and spiritual health,” according to Joseph Laycock. Laycock, 2010) This is not to say that the murderers you here of in the news that consume blood and are labeled as vampire are the real vampire’s that are being spoken of here. Those people have been labeled vampire by the media. Real vampire is an identity group and is taken on freely by people. The Atlanta Vampire Alliance expands on the definition of a real vampire and goes on to say that if vampires do not feed off the blood or energy of other humans they will become tired, sickly, depressed, and can go through physical suffering or discomfort.

A vampire can also have a variety of psychic abilities and be very psychically aware; such as, sense people’s emotions, see people’s auras and be highly empathetic. The term real vampire can be broken down into three more groups from there, based on their feeding techniques. (AVA, 2005-2011) The first are the Sanguine or Sang for short, vampires who actually consume blood from humans or animals. The amount of blood and the frequency of consumption can vary from vampire to vampire. It can be as little as a drop and can be as frequently as daily and in frequently as monthly.

Blood that is consumed from a human source is always consensual and there is a written or verbal agreement between the donor, the person giving blood, and the vampire. These Sanguine Vampires need to drink human or animal blood to maintain their health and well being. (AVA, 2005-2011)It is not simply done because it arouses them sexually or they like the way it makes them feel or the taste of it. There is a genuine need for it to maintain their health. Though the act of feeding can evoke sexual desires and be a very enjoyable experience that is just an out come on the purpose of drinking blood.

The second type is the Psychic or Psi Vampire they feed on the life force energy of other humans. This life force has been described in other cultures as chi in china, prana in India, or the soul in western religions. Vampires have the ability to draw the subtle energy or life force from other people by using a number of techniques. (AVA, 2005-2011) A vampire by the name of Linda Rabinowitz says, she is a psychic vampire and if you maintain eye contact with her for too long she may be tempted to start taking in your subtle energy.

She goes on to say that she would never actually do that without a person’s permission, as good vampires operate under what is called The Black Veil. This is a code or ethic that states vampires must have the permission of their donors before they will feed off of them. (Monica, 2008 : Laycock, 2010) According to sanguinarius. org, a website dedicated to providing information and resources to real vampire’s, psi vampires can be broken down into further categories based on the type of energy they feed off of.

Some of the examples are; empathic vampires who feed on the emotions of people, sexual vampires who feed on the energies generated during sexual intercourse, elemental vampires who feed off the energies of the elements of earth, wind, fire, and water. Astral feeding is another term and this refers to vampires that travel in the astral plane a feed off the life force of creatures living within the astral plane, dream scape vampires can enter into people’s dreams and feed of the life force within the dream, and last on the list is magical vampires they are able to feed on and manipulate magical energies.

This list is not all inclusive or set in stone one thing that is apparent within the vampire culture is that views on feeding techniques and their validity are ever changing and all the techniques are not accepted as valid by all. The third type is a hybrid vampire which is the combination of a sanguine vampire and a psychic vampire. These hybrid vampires both drink blood as well as feed off the life force energy. They have the ability to choose which source to feed from as they wish. (AVA 2005-2011) Hybrids have the ability to choose their technique or combine a couple.

For instance a vampire may drink the blood of their donor while in the midst of a sexual act thus creating a situation where they are simultaneously feeding off the sexual energy. You can see an example of this in the story given to Katherine Ramsland in her book Piercing the Darkness Undercover with Vampires in America Today. The vampire described an account with a young man that pned a short period of time. They had an initial encounter and the vampire continued to stalk the individual eventually it led up to an evening of exchanging blood and sexual contact.

The vampire describes his desire by saying, “The mingling of blood and semen represents my hunger at the core of my being. It’s about me, who I am as a male with a great need for another’s life force, blood cell to blood cell. The very sight of blood stirs my loins. (Ramsland, 1998, p. 16) Vampires also can be broken down into categories by their beliefs. Vampirism in and of itself is not a religion but within the vampire community there is an array of belief systems. Just like with in main stream society you have Christians, Jews, Buddhist, and Atheist you too have this in the vampire community.

There is also within the community groups of vampires that see their vampirism as a spiritual practice. There are different groups that have different beliefs just like any other religion. Father Sebastian, who is a fang smith, author, and founder of the clan Saber Tooth and the order of Strigoii said, during an interview in the documentary Vampyres, “his group follows the path of the Strigoii which means living vampire in Romanian. It is an older tradition that they have resurrected. It follows what he refers to as a left hand path, vampires are an emerging culture and that humanity is entering the fifth eon of man.

Anton Lavey described it as the age of satin. He goes on to say that within the left hand path tradition people stand out as individuals because within the tradition the majority of people do not believe in such a thing as a god, there is no god except yourself, and that we are a projection of our higher self. ” (Courau, 2007) The vampire community is vast and full of many verities of beliefs and ways of thinking. Though there is great difference in what they believe to be true of a real vampire there are some things they all agree that are not true.

Along with the things that are true of real vampires there are many things that have been skewed and morphed from the current pop-culture trends, many of the Real Vampires of today would love to put an end to the many common beliefs about themselves, their activities, and culture. For starters real vampires do not need to sleep in coffins or the dirt from their hometown, they do not have aversions to the sun, although some claim a sensitivity to it but it borders more on an annoyance than the fire burning effects that the media shows just before they are turned to ash.

They also know that they are on the world for a finite amount of time and do not live forever. They die just like you and me from anything that we as humans can die from. They do not go around stalking people and draining them of all their blood leaving them dead. Many of them love garlic and prefer to wear silver jewelry over gold. Holy water and crosses will not repel them, because many of them are Christian, or catholic or any of the many religions that are in the world. Last but not least they can come into your house uninvited but like most people they have manners and would not just invite themselves in.

Vampires are living all over the world and are very much among us. Though it may be disappointing, the vampires of today are very much human and have no wild and fantastical ability’s to pass onto their victims through their bite or blood. Just because they are not the vampires we read about or seen on the big screen does not make them any less real. As with anything, Hollywood, and pop culture have become very good at taking the ordinary and making it bigger than it really is or more fantastical which can be with how witches, robots, and housewives are portrayed.

Hopefully one day we will be able to separate the fantasy from the reality and see them for what they really are; people like you and me, going to work each day, living life a day at a time. They could be your doctor, friend, teacher or even your neighbor. People fear what they don’t understand, therefore if you look for the truth you will understand that the Real Vampires of today are not to be feared, they just have different energetic needs than the rest of us. References Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA] (2005-2011). Atlanta Vampire Alliance [AVA].

Retrieved October 16, 2011, from http://www. atlantavampirealliance. com/educational. html Courau, L. (Director). (2007). Vampyres [Documentary]. Harris, T. HowStuffWorks “How Vampires Work”. HowStuffWorks “Science”. Retrieved October 3, 2011, from http://science. howstuffworks. com/science-vs-myth/strange-creatures/vampire. htm Lamashtu (Mesopotamian demon) — Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia – Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 16, 2011, from http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/328457/Lamashtu Laycock, J. (2010).

Real vampires as an identity group: analyzing causes and effects of an introspective survey by the vampire community. Nova religio, 14(1), 4-23. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Lilith. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. 2001. Retrieved October 09, 2011 from Encyclopedia. com: http://www. encyclopedia. com/doc/1G2-3403802788. html Mittlebach, M. , & Crewdson, M. (2000, November 24). To Die For: Painting the Town Red, and the Capes and Nails Black – New York Times. NY Times Advertisement. Retrieved October 16, 2011, from http://www. nytimes. com/2000/11/24/movies/to-die-for-painting-the-town-red-and-the-capes-and-nails-black. tml? scp=1&sq=ms. %20saige&st=cse Monica, H. (2008). A Vampire’s Life? It’s Really Draining. The Washington Post. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Ramsland, K. M. (1998). Piercing the darkness: undercover with vampires in America today. New York: Harperprism. TheoFantastique | A meeting place for myth, imagination, and mystery in pop culture. (2009, August 25). TheoFantastique | A meeting place for myth, imagination, and mystery in pop culture. Retrieved October 16, 2011, from http://www. theofantastique. com/2009/08/25/joseph-laycock-vampires-today/

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