My College: The Electoral College Pros and Cons

I am one who thinks the Electoral College should be ended/cut/destroyed. Others are circulating written requests on Facebook calling for the permanent ending of the Electoral College. But because Trump won more states, with more Electoral College votes, he is ready to become the second president in this young century to enter the White House after getting fewer votes than his fighter against someone or something.

That’s because Hillary Clinton easily won the statewide vote, and in our old and useless system of electing presidents, that means she will be awarded all of the state’s votes in the Electoral College when the state’s electors meet this Monday. Some are begging for the Electoral College to rebel and pick someone else for president. So should we give out equally votes in the Electoral College based on a state’s land? So what are the reasons for continuing the Electoral College? Madison’s Notes are the best source we have of what went on behind the closed doors of the agreeing with, or related to, the Constitution, Convention that gave in a will us the Electoral College.

As Madison pointed out, the Electoral College helped the slave states. In almost the same way, some people argue that the Electoral College is also designed to protect small states. In fact, they point out that the Electoral College system is designed to work in a clear and sensible series of defaults: if, in the first instance, a candidate receives a big majority of the popular vote,then that candidate is almost certain to win enough electoral votes to be elected president; in the event that the popular vote is very close, then the election defaults to that candidate with the best distribution of popular votes as shown/proven true by getting the complete and total majority of electoral votes; in the event the country is so divided that no one gets a complete and total majority of electoral votes, then the choice of president defaults to the States in the U.S.

House of Representatives.

Should that happen today, there are two possible formal statements about something: either one candidate could throw his electoral votes to the support of another before the meeting of the Electors or else, except for an complete and total majority in the Electoral College, the U.S.House of Representatives would select the president going along with/obeying the 12th Change. A second way in which the Electoral College does not in a way that’s close to the truth or true number reflect the national popular will stems mostly from the winner-take-all machine/method/way within which/by which the presidential candidate who wins the most popular votes in the State wins all the Electoral votes of that State.

And the Electoral College was designed to represent each State’s choice for the time when someone is president/being a president with the number of each State’s electoral votes being the number of its Senators plus the number of its Representatives. The result is that in 1988, for example, the combined voting age population, 3,119,000 of the seven least full of people legal control/area of legal control of Alaska, Delaware, the District of Columbia, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming carried the same voting strength in the Electoral College 21 Electoral votes as the 9,614,000 people of voting age in the State of Florida.

Small section/take a small piece of from an original document located at Jackson County, MO Election Board Fighters against someone or something of the Electoral College are disturbed by the possibility of electing a minority president one without the complete and total majority of popular votes. A second way in which a minority president could take office is if, as in 1888, one candidate’s the support of most people were heavily mainly located in a few States while the other candidate maintained a slim popular lead in enough States to win the needed majority of the Electoral College.

What is the electoral college? First of all, it’s not really a college. We vote for the list of electors who go on to vote at the electoral college.

How did the electoral college come about? Can two candidates split one state’s electoral votes? In those states, there could be a split of Electoral votes among candidates through the state’s system for proportional allocation of votes. For example, Maine has four Electoral votes and two Congressional districts. It awards one Electoral vote per Congressional district and two by the state-wide, “at-large” vote. Can the electors change their minds? With the election centering around a few people who vote in one state, there is the clear/separate possibility that one candidate could win the popular vote and yet lose the election. People who say bad things or give opinions, on the other hand, argue the electoral college is at best and outdated, and at worst a standing near or threatening political disaster.

In conclusion, the Electoral College should be removed because american citizens should actually vote for their president. American people who lawfully live in a country, state, etc. are childlike because of a lack of understanding of the function of the Electoral College because they believe in error that they directly elect the President and Vice President when in fact the “Electors” representing the candidates cast the Electoral College votes.


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Reasons for Attending College or University

Reasons for Attending College or University Summary: People attend college or university for many different reasons, such as new experiences, career preparation, and increased knowledge. Many people attend colleges and universities all over the world to study and conduct research. What are their expectations of the academic experience? In my opinion, people involved in collegiate programs have two main purposes: to gain the experiences and certificates that prepare them for future careers and to increase their knowledge about different aspects of life.

Many people desire stable careers that deeply affect their lives. Therefore, good preparation for a future career is a necessity. To maintain and promote your position at a company, especially in certain kinds of jobs, you must have the knowledge and experiences that come from attending a college or university. The skills, spirit, and confidence you gain from studying help equip you for your work. Moreover, it is easier to find a good job when you have qualified certificates.

Many well-educated people can carry out their tasks smoothly and methodically with more economization of time and strength than people who manage their work by learning from their failures. Another advantage of attending a college or university is the relationships you build with other people. These relationships help you improve yourself. In a collegiate environment, you learn how to work in groups and how to cooperate with your partners.

You also learn to achieve mutual understanding, an essential and useful skill in your future work. The second reason for attending a college or university, increasing knowledge about many aspects of life, might seem a little impractical, but it is, in fact, very practical. Some people have the misconception that studying in college provides them only with knowledge relating directly to their major and that getting certificates is the most important purpose of attending college.

With those goals in mind, they often neglect subjects that don’t seem to be applicable to their work. However, knowledge from college is not just useful for your job; it also is useful for many other things in life. For example, people with basic knowledge about literature, history, art, psychology, etc. might enjoy their lives more than unlearned people. They also might overcome difficulties and stress more easily, as well as have an acceptable and optimistic attitude toward obstacles and failures in their lives.

Furthermore, cultivated people might treat others in their communities with more regard. Nothing you study in college is useless, and increasing knowledge is as important as getting certificates. The more knowledge you have, the more poetic your life is. Generally speaking, it’s always necessary to have a good education. In addition to obtaining the appropriate certificates, attending a college or university gives you a great opportunity to learn about many different things on both macroscopic and microscopic levels.

While the specific reasons people attend colleges and universities might differ, the fundamental purposes are the same: they want to obtain the necessary training and education for their future careers and they want to learn about a variety of different subjects that will apply to their lives outside their future careers. Therefore, everyone who chooses to attend a college or university should always strive to reach their goals and aspirations. This section contains 509 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page)| |

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College Pressures

College Pressures In the article, College Pressures, William Zinsser shows parents the burdens that college students have while they are in school. In the essay he states the four pressures that the students face: economic, parental, peer, and self-induced. The reader can be easily confused when Zinsser first begins the essay. It starts off with someone writing notes to someone else, but who is speaking? Zinsser then follows this by fully explaining who is writing the notes, a student, and who he is talking to, his dean.

He is explaining that the student is full of pressure and feels he cannot take it anymore. Zinsser makes the essay move along smoothly with the use of rhetorical questions and then answers them to prove a point he is making. The classical appeal Zinsser uses in College Pressure is ethos. He is telling the parents what is going on in the minds of the students and the pressures they build up for themselves. College Pressure is written in a fairly straightforward manner. Zinsser explains the situations without using such terminology that only college professor can comprehend.

He also uses understandable metaphors that make the reading more interesting. For example, when he explains that no one is to blame for the pressures, he says, “Poor students, poor parents. They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt. ” This is a classification and division essay. Throughout it, Zinsser talks about what the pressures of the students are; economic, peer, parental, and self-induced. He then separately explains how each of the pressures effects the students. Zinsser speaks in a way that makes the reader want to continue reading.

He is persistent in informing the reader about the pressures and tries very hard to get his point out to the parents. It may seem that throughout the essay, Zinsser sees the students in a totally negative way. He realizes this and states it to the reader. He tells the parents, “I have painted too drab a portrait of today’s students, making them seem a solemn lot. ” This is not his purpose at all. He is trying to explain that college is not a time to have all these extreme pressures that the students induce on themselves.

He ends this essay in a way that shows the parents that lots of people go to college and change their paths several times before actually choosing what they want to be. He does this as a way of saying that it is alright to go to college unsure of what you want to be. Things will work out in the end. William Zinsser is just trying to let parents know that college students have enough on their minds and they don’t need their parents giving them a hard time about what to do with their lives. For the sake of their children, he wants the parents to be as supportive as possible.

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Cpoe for Emory Healthcare

Business Case NEU Consulting Group Prepared by: Kuan-ling Chiu Wenjie Xie Executive Summary This business case outlines how the CPOE Project will address current business concerns, the benefits of the project, and recommendations and justification of the project. The business case also discusses detailed project goals, performance measures, assumptions, and constraints. 1 Issue Since the perception of patient safety has arisen, many medical organizations were striving to improve medication safety.

Emory Healthcare, the largest and most comprehensive health care system in Georgia, was one of them who were seeking ways to prevent medication errors. In recent years, some highly influential studies revealed that medical errors occurred in inpatient and outpatient settings at alarmingly high rates. Researchers point out approximately 1. 3 million injuries occurred annually to patients in U. S. hospitals, at a high percentage of which were at least partially due to errors in patient management.

In the Emory Healthcare, physicians place orders by writing them on an orders sheet attached to the patient chart or they would call a nurse and ask him/her to write the orders on the order sheet. Orders are paper-based or just by verbalization. Furthermore, medication orders ordered by radiology technicians or phlebotomists would be carried out by a unit clerk who is responsible for to fax or scan and then sent orders directly to the pharmacy. Such paper-driven work is not efficient and prone to errors; without standardization, physicians carry no responsibility for orders, which is critical and directly points to medical errors.

It was calculated that 37% of the patient cases had medication treatment fault in the Emory Healthcare because of its paper-driven prescription process which is prone to error. Around 9% of injuries were partially due to inaccurate medical order input. Furthermore, 60% of the patients were not satisfied with their treatment. 2 Anticipated Outcomes In order to prevent medical errors and improve order accuracy, the suggestion of implement CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry) has surfaced.

CPOE will establish order standard and let physicians write orders electronically and directly, thus prevent order inaccuracy. Furthermore, paper-driven work will be eliminated and replaced by electronic process. Computerized processing will improve efficiency of workflow, accuracy of input and reduce cost. Ultimately, all physician orders will be standardized, electronic and traceable. Thus, medical errors caused by human negligence will be reduced to minimum.

Such paper-driven work that without standardization is not efficient and prone to errors. Moreover, physicians carry no responsibility for orders, which is critical and directly points to medical errors. During the last five years, 60% of the patients were not satisfied with their treatment. Furthermore, works driven by paper are costive and time-consuming. 2 Organizational Impact The CPOE project will impact the Emory Health Care in different aspects. The following provides a high-level explanation of how the organization, tools, process, and roles. Tools: COPE project mainly focuses on designing a new system to improve the accuracy rate of order entry.

The system will also enhance the function of dealing emergency situation. This will require training both physicians and nurses to manipulate the new system. A tutorial function also includes in the application to make employee adapt the system quickly. Processes: with CPOE Project comes more efficient and controlled by physicians. Physicians have more jobs to do within the whole procedure. Before the CPOE, new medication reconciliation will be placed after the communication between the doctor and the nurse. Now physicians should be able to place the order by themselves and send them to the providers directly. Nurse’s job is only to take care of inpatients.

Roles and Responsibilities: the CPOE project provides greater power to physicians and fewer burdens on nurses. The number of clerks will decrease sharply because now physicians can send orders to the providers directly. The middle layer is useless with this condition. IT department should provide more solutions to help employees be familiar with the new system. More training sessions should be taken place for employees who are unwilling to accept the system update. The new platform needs more computers and an appropriate database to support the system operation. Thus, the financial department should set up new budget for the new equipment required.

Hardware/Software: in addition to the computers and licenses for the project, NEU Consultant team will be required to purchase additional servers and database to accommodate the platform and its anticipated growth for the next 5 years. Technology Migration In order to effectively make employees be familiar with the computerized provider order entry system, a phased method has been designed which will result in minimal disruption to day to day operations, administration, and payroll activities. The following is the high-level overview of the system. Phase I: Hardware/Software (including database, servers and new computers) will be purchased for new system.

IT department staff will response for the configuration of back end equipment. Phase II: All employees will receive training on the new system. Depending on different roles, they will get diverse learning sessions. For example, physicians will learn how to place prescriptions and medication reconciliation. Nurse will study how to allocate patients room and update patients’ status. Phase III: System might be altering depending on employees’ reflections to make the system be manipulated easily. NEU consulting group will provide strong support in this period. Phase IV: The new system will go live and the older pattern of hand-written entry will be stood down. Project Overview

The CPOE Project overview provides detail for how this project will address Emory Healthcare business problem. The overview consists of a project description, goals and objectives for the CPOE Project, project performance criteria, project assumptions, constraints, and major milestones. As the project is approved and moves forward, each of these components will be expanded to include a greater level of detail in working toward the project plan. 1 Project Description The purpose of this project is to implement Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) across Emory Healthcare. Computerized Provider Order Entry is a computer application that is used by physicians to enter diagnostic and therapeutic patient care orders.

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Problem at My College

Kiet Bui Mrs. Muench ESL 312 Main Problems in SJCC Who among us knows that education is very important for every person, it is the social platform to help grow. But there are a few that need to improve education is the quality of teaching and facilities, now has one of the college like SJCC even though the quality of teaching is quite good but there are a few things to fix. First at all, the library is where the necessary information that every college student in your life to come.

But currently, the library is where students do not want to visit, because of books for students to borrow, so low that the number of students is too crowded, but the college does not application the needs for students that is one very serious problem for schools to meet the needs, combined with publishers buy books to support students’ knowledge, open e-book library, enriched for the college library. Second, the majority of students in the SJCC complained that the school’s parking lot is too small, and it makes them no place for parking, often what you are going to SJCC soon they had plenty of space for parking.

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For some people home away from being late to send the car out of college, it’s very dangerous because parking outside the school is not safe and it will affect the focus on student learning. To solution this situation the college should expand parking for students even if the area does not allow the school campus to hire one parking lot near the school for students to help alleviate this situation. Finally, the SJCC cafeteria is a place to study the break of the students.

It contributed an important part for the current college but the SJCC cafeteria is crowded places of the students because the cafeteria was built long time ago and very small, does not satisfy the needs of students in SJCC. College needs to focus attention to the rebuilding or add one more in the school cafeteria equipment and invest more modern infrastructure and create conditions for students to unwind in this case. We had so many reasons to mention the need to overcome the problems in the world but the remedy depends on each of us trying to fix it. Take for advanced education and growing because it is the key to lead us to success.

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De Stijl and Bauhaus Movements: Modernism in the Soviet

Formed in Holland in 1917, De Stijl (The Style) or Neoplasticism is a movement constructed by artists whose concepts are in line with utopian approach to art. Its founders were painters Theo van Doesburg, who is also an architect, and Piet Mondrian, a painter. The group which composed of other painters, and published the paper called De Stijl. Recognizing the need to remerge art and design, the De Stijl movement promoted functionalism. The basics of their design include rectilinear shapes sliding across one another.

Opposed to surface decoration and free space, De Stijl explored the use of cubic or 3-D shapes to fill in space. With a tendency to be aesthetically simple, it applies only pure primary hues, black and white (Matthews, n. d. ). From functionality, one can derive that the proponents favor the use of space for abstract function and style. Arts produced in this movement had their own way of expression, which opposes pure art and natural design, but promotes other possibilities with the constructivist’s use of plastic art.

Artists of De Stijl movement include Le Corbusier, who constructed designs using bold 3-D geometrical shapes set on the exterior. For example, in his House at Weissenhof, the designer used a massive horizontal block for the upper structure to attain highlight. Windows are designed similarly to avoid irregularity, thus suggesting order and functionality. Such design with the geometrical boxes set on the exteriors is most commonly used nowadays in office buildings, condominiums, and malls. The square boxes are used either as terraces or box plants, and each is designed with uniformity.

In some schools nowadays, this design takes the form of extended ledges, which serve as safety structures to prevent falling. The United Nations Headquarters designed by Le Corbusier is another example of De Stijl art. As one can see, the building which towers high above has a similar structure to the office buildings nowadays. This 39-storey building accommodates 3,400 employees. The side walls are made of tinted glass, while the narrow end walls are of white marble. Considerably, buildings made subsequently take on this example, with tinted glass windows as walls, which combine high aspects of functionality with aesthetics.

Although short-lived, the influence of De Stijl has been very prominent in the modern era. For instance, the concept of the toy Lego, which uses plastic art to construct structures, has been very popular among children. Also, many buildings and houses have been constructed based on the philosophy of this movement. Influenced by De Stijl, the Bauhaus movement followed, with a philosophy of turning away from old structures, and employing modern or international art with a higher sense of functionality for social and political purposes.

Led by Walter Groupis, the artists focused on urban planning, housing, and development for the common people or the masses. Included in the teaching of Bauhaus arts is industrial production. Unlike De Stijl which supports plastic art, students under Bauhaus are taught to work on handicrafts to gain understanding of theoretical principles. One Bauhaus artist well-famed for designing multi functional buildings is Walter Gropius. Designed in 1911, Fagus Works boasts of modern art and style.

The exterior is a combination of glass and brick walls, which allows passersby to view the interiors. Steel staircases adorn the corridors and add to the eclectic impression when viewed outside. Influenced by De Stijl, this building employs elucidative design but limited colors of beige and grey, thus striking a balance between simplicity and grandiose. Moreover, the use of bricks and glass, steel and wood for staircases also sets a balance between smooth and rough surfaces, or hard and soft, which further suggests both permanence and impermanence—a universal theme in the modern world.

References Jirousek, Charlotte. (1995). De stijl. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from http://char. txa. cornell. edu/art/decart/destijl/decstijl. htm Matthews, Kevin. Le Corbusier. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from http://www. greatbuildings. com/architects/Le_Corbusier. html Matthews, Kevin. Walter Gropius. Retrieved August 22, 2008, from http://www. greatbuildings. com/buildings/Fagus_Works. htmlhttp://www. google. com. ph/search? sourceid=navclient&hl=tl&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLJ_tlPH259PH259&q=soviet+de+stijl+artists

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My College Experience: Is it really worth it to go to college?

Is it really worth it to go to college?  College is not cheap, but many believe it’s the way to get a good job.  You have to spend money to make money, right?  But does that make it worth it?  We are practically raised and conditioned to believed that one needs higher education in order […]

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