BIO refining

Over the last 35 years Presidents have promised to make sure that America would not have a future energy problem. Yet concern for oil and energy has also grown over the decades as the economies for both the united States and other countries have expanded. On April 28, 2010 in Macon, Missouri, President Obama gave a short speech at the POET BIO refining plant where he talked about the subjects of foreign oil dependency. The environmental costs of relying fossil fuels, and clean and alternative energies.

Not o mention al the new Jobs that he believes will be created by following his energy security plan. Obama was honest in talking about how moving forward clean energy is a long-term plan that could take decades to come to fruition. In searching the University Library I did not discover any articles that openly opposed investing In alternative energies. Even though I was hoping to find at least one that was strongly opposed to Investing In clean energy to use as an opposing viewpoint. I have become somewhat of a conservationist.

I am a strong supporter of recycling, and reducing what ends up in the landfills. I believe that we do need to invest in renewable energy, and that changes do need to be made to protect the environment and reduce global warming. In the end more drilling is only a temporary solution to reducing America’s dependency on foreign OLL regardless of what country the OLL comes from. I was Door In ten Mont AT January, wanly makes me a Capricorn. I nouns I ah not put much faith in astrology I do find that I possess many of the Capricorn traits.

I have often been labeled as being negative, but I defend myself as being a realist. My biggest peril is locking myself into Just one way of thinking. While writing this essay about drilling for more oil I found it to be a much more complex issue. There are some extremist organizations like Greenback (mm. ‘. Greenback. Org) that would have all the oil exploration immediately halted. While I understand their viewpoint, I do not often approve of their methods.

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The Effect of Different Colored Light on Plant Growth

In the future, I would put different types of plants underneath the same color of cellophane to see if the light had the same effect that it did on the pole mean plants. I would also weigh the plants to find out their overall mass. I would also find out how much sugar is being produced by photosynthesis Cellophane is a thin, transparent sheet made of regenerated cellulose. Its low permeability to air, oils, greases and bacteria makes it useful for food packaging. It’s clear, it’s handy, and it’s wrapped around my candy.

The cellophane wrap is one of the most versatile discoveries of the sass. Intended to be a protective textile, the cellophane has since found application in many Industries as a packaging material and as a semi-permeable film. Many people mistake cellophane for plastic. The truth Is the two materials are of completely different composition. Plastic Is a synthetic or semi-synthetic polymer. In contrast, cellophane is a sheet of regenerated cellulose. The only thing that cellophane and plastic have in common is that both materials are usually made into transparent sheets.

Uses for cellophane One of the earliest applications for cellophane wrap is for packaging and storage of food products. This specific function of the cellophane remains to this day, even though some Industries have turned to plastic for the same purpose. Nevertheless, the use of cellophane as a packaging material extends beyond food products. Almost all consumer products are able to utilize cellophane for packaging. I nerve are various toner applications Tort cellophane. Oneself tapes, sun as 3 Scotch tape, use cellophane as a base for their products. There are those who use printed cellophane for gift wrapping.

Cellophane is also used as a semi-permeable barrier for battery cells. Beauty spas employ cellophane wrap for hair and cellulite treatments. In the realm of medicine, cellophane is also used as semi-permeable tubing for dialysis. With such an impressive track record, people will continue to utilize cellophane as an important material for industry. Article Source: http://Centralizes. Com/4264429 How is it made? Unlike the man-made polymers in plastics, which are largely derived from petroleum, cellophane is a natural polymer made from cellulose, a component of plants and trees.

Cellophane is not made from rainforest’s trees, but rather from trees farmed and harvested specifically for cellophane production. Cellophane is made by digesting wood and cotton pulps in a series of chemical baths that remove impurities ND break the long fiber chains in this raw material. Regenerated as a clear, shiny film, with plasticizing chemicals added for flexibility, cellophane is still comprised largely of crystalline cellulose molecules. This means that it can be broken down by micro-organisms in the soil Just as leaves and plants are. Is it earth-friendly?

Cellulose belongs to a class of compounds known in organic chemistry as carbohydrates. The base unit of cellulose is the glucose molecule. Thousands of these glucose molecules are brought together in the plant growth cycle to form long Haines, termed cellulose. These chains are in turn broken down in the production process to form cellulose film used in either an uncoated or coated form in packaging. When buried, uncoated cellulose film is generally found to degrade within 10 to 30 days; PAID-coated film is found to degrade in 90 to 120 days and nitrocellulose- coated cellulose is found to degrade in 60 to 90 days.

Tests have shown that the average total time for complete bio-degradation of cellulose film is from 28 to 60 days for uncoated products, and from 80 to 120 days for coated cellulose products. In lake eater, the rate of bio-degradation is 10 days for uncoated film and 30 days for coated cellulose film. Even materials which are thought of as highly degradable, like paper and green leaves, take longer to degrade than cellulose film products. Conversely, plastics, polyvinyl chloride, polythene, polyethylene transliterate, and oriented- polypropylene show almost no sign of degradation after long periods of burial.

I Introduction Peachy (Brassier ARPA L. C.v. group Pack Choc’) is an erect, biennial herb, cultivate as an annual auto 1 30 m tall In vegetative I Stage. Ovate leaves are ranged spirally and spreading. The petioles are enlarged and grow upright forming a subliminally bundle. I luminescence is a raceme with pale yellow flowers. Seeds are 1 mm in diameter and are reddish to blackish brown in color. I Uses and Nutritional Value I Peachy is used mainly for its immature, but fully expanded tender leaves. The succulent petioles are often the preferred part. It I list used as main ingredient for soup and stir-fried dishes.

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The Goose Fish

In the first stanza, two lovers and their actions are visualized and beautified. For example, the speaker describes thrill and romance of their love by using poetic expressions such as “For them by the swift tide of blood/That silently they took at flood,/And for a little time they prized/Themselves impressed. “. Then, In the second stanza, There is a turn with the appearance of a goose fish (“The goose fish turning up, though dead/His hugely grinning head”). At the same time, air of the poem changes. (“Then, as if shaken by stage-fright”) The goose fish and its tenderness strongly contrast with sweet atmosphere two lovers created before.

As the author of the textbook says, Their sudden discovery of the fish, a rude shock, Injects a grotesque, almost macabre, not Into the poem. The goose fish plays a key role In revealing and symbolizing the couple’s love. After sudden appearance of the goose fish, the narrator portrays how two lovers respond to it. They are “Embarrassed in each other’s sight… As though the world had found them out” From these lines, It is inferred that the couple, so passionate and eager that they feel ‘impressed’ to e together, is having illicit, secret relationship.

Although they feel a sense of guilt for a moment, they think about its meaning and decide to take the fish as an emblem of their love. (“He might mean failure or success. /But took it for an emblem of/ Their sudden, new and guilty love/To be observed by, when they kissed/That rigid optimist. “). Just like relationship of the couple, the goose fish stands for ambiguity. Their affair Is Illicit, so they feel embarrassment, guilt, and shame. But at the same time, It makes them feel pleasure, whether It’s sexual or emotional. Similarly, the fish’s presence doesn’t give clear meaning to them.

It’s rather mysterious. (It was a wide and moony grin/Together peaceful and obscene:/They knew not what he would express… He might mean failure or success). It could be a friend, a comedian, an optimist, an emblem, or a patriarch. The moon’ also makes frequent appearances and gives a sort of consistency. In the first stanza, the moon creates a romantic atmosphere, in which main focus is two lovers. (On the long shore, lit by the moon/To show them properly alone. ) In the second stanza, the moon also sheds light on the goose fish, giving strong impact to the scene. Beneath the moon’s bony light… The goose fish turning up, though deadheads hugely grinning head. ) Also, according to the text book, the moon makes indirect appearance in the third stanza, too. (The moon’s light comes to seem fragile – “china” – as It exposes the fish directly; the moon’s role as lookout and protector seems abandoned, or at least endangered. And In the last stanza, the moon went down to disappear’, marking the end of the poem. The Goose Fish By emergency than what it is in real life. ‘The goose Fish’ is a fairly typical case of the kind.

Using visual images and strong contrast, the speaker articulates his interpretations. In following paragraphs three points, how the narrator used irony and strong contrast, what the goose fish means and represents, and how the moon involves in the poem, they took at flooding for a little time they prized/Themselves impressed. “. Then, injects a grotesque, almost macabre, not into the poem. The goose fish plays a key role in revealing and symbolizing the couple’s love. After sudden appearance of the Their affair is illicit, so they feel embarrassment, guilt, and shame.

But at the same mime, It makes them feel pleasure, whether it’s sexual or emotional. Similarly, the fish’s presence doesn’t give clear meaning to them. It’s rather mysterious. (It was a wide and moony grin/Together peaceful and obscene;/They knew not what he would optimist, an emblem, or a patriarch. ‘The moon’ also makes frequent appearances goose fish turning up, though dead,/His hugely grinning head. ) Also, according to the light comes to seem fragile – “china” – as it exposes the fish directly; the moon’s role as lookout and protector seems abandoned, or at least endangered. ). And in the last

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Writing and Bio-organic Chemistry Review

HAD cholesterol (good) Bio-organic Chemistry Review Sheet Ill What is an alkaline? What is an alkaline? Ill. What are some common alikeness? IV. How to you make an alkaline? V. What is the mechanism of the addition of HEX across a double bond? Bio-organic Chemistry Review Sheet 3 (continued) VI. What is the mechanism of the addition offs across a double bond? The reactions of alikeness: (attach index cards here) This tip for improving your SAT score was provided by David Greensward at Verities Prep.

For many college applicants, the essay is the most dreaded portion of the SAT. Many students believe that a good essay requires time to develop into something that envoys nuanced understanding of the material. Although time and skill are useful in writing a dissertation, the SAT essay is much more formulaic and simply requires an understanding of how to produce a passable piece of persuasive writing that can function with nearly every prompt. Here are three keys to creating a consistently excellent essay on the SAT: 1 . Create a template before you write an essay.

BLOB: How to Improve Your SAT Essay Writing Essentially all persuasive writing has the same characteristics. The goal is to take a position on some question and support that position with evidence, which can efficiently be accomplished in a five paragraph essay (an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion). For this reason, one can essentially write the bones of the essay before one knows what the topic of the essay is. The easiest way to accomplish this is to write a bona-fide practice essay that you feel is strong and then remove all the specific references to the topic.

For example, say you were writing a thesis statement on the topic of whether or not it is better for a leader to be feared or loved. (Much great writing already exists on this expansive topic, but we don’t have to be Plato here. A thesis might say: “Therefore the assertion that being loved is a more powerful motivator for achieving a leader’s desired goals than being feared is demonstrably true. ” This is a strong thesis and could essentially be boiled down to “therefore the assertion that [position on topic] is demonstrably true. Voila! This is a thesis that can essentially work for any specific topic. From here on, all that needs to be done is to create a prototypical essay and remove all the specifics. This essay template works especially well for the introduction and conclusion, but the next tip is very helpful for the body paragraphs. . Relate topic sentences and non-personal examples back to the thesis. It is a little harder to completely script the body paragraphs, as these will be related to whatever examples you choose to include.

The magic ticket in the body paragraphs, however, is to relate what you are writing back to your thesis. For instance, if one of your examples for the above topic of whether a leader should be feared or loved is Animal Farm, it is not strong to simply summarize the book. For example “Animal Farm is the story of how animals rise up against an unjust system, only to emulate the system they so despise. Not a bad summary of Animal Farm, but if graders want to know what happens in that book, they Just read it. Graders want to know how the example will be related back to the thesis.

A better take is “The eventual societal decay and uprising of the subjugated animals in George Rowel’s Animal Farm demonstrates the danger of a leader being feared, as opposed to being loved. ” This is much more related to the main thesis of the essay. Also, make sure your examples are from something outside personal experience; it is far stronger to apply learning than to apply anecdotes on the SAT. BLOB: Make Your Practice Count 3. Write as if you were creating sentences for the multiple choice questions.

This is a surprisingly effective tool in ensuring stylistic and grammatical clarity on the SAT. Students devote quite a bit of time to learning potential errors on the multiple choice writing questions, but it does not always occur to them to put their own writing under the same scrutiny. All the guidelines for correct sentences can be applied to personal writing: Use active voice, check for subject verb agreement, be clear, and the list goes on and on. If the same precision applied to the writing ultimate choice questions is applied to this essay, grammar and clarity will not be issues.

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Getting stuff and spending money

The way we absorbed ourselves into the world, we put our powers of mind and soul In getting stuff and spending money. These powers are not satisfying – It Is just a waste. Nature is not Just a bunch of trees and water, but nature is the wilderness and the places where a human can go and replenish but we think nature Is not ours and find ourselves not in touch with It. Our hearts, the center of our emotional life, we have given away instead of holding, treasuring and being connected with nature.

We should not be giving away our hearts as It Is not good Idea. The sea Is personified as a woman as she opens her chest to the moon, showing the relationship between the two of them. The winds have been gathered to somewhere and they are sleeping like flowers lay out. We are mammals the beauty of nature, the delights of the sea and the winds with Its up gathered flowers. The nature, the sea and the wind don’t touch us. I’d rather be a non-charlatans and raised as a child In a religion that is worn out.

If I were from one of those religions, I might look out and have glimpses of something that will make me less sad, that would give me some joy. I imagine that if I were born in those religions of the past, I would see the ocean as divine, a place where I might encounter God and as a piece of God. I would look out to the sea and it would not just be a bunch of water lying there, I would also see God and other gods. It is not only the ocean that would be sacred, meaningful and important but also the nature around us.

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Will Cliff

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down by chemical m means and an element Is a pure substance made of only one kind of atom. An element Is made up o f only one kind of atom. The atomic number and mass shows the amounts of that atom In proto ins, electrons, and neutrons. The atom Is the smallest unit of the element. 2) An atom is the smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down and a molecule is a group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.

In a molecule there are atoms being brought HTH together to make a molecule. 3) In a ionic bond the atoms are brought together by the attraction of oppositely char De ions and an ion is when an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons. A c bivalent bond Is sharing of two paired electrons together. There can one or more pairs In a co valet bond. 4) The type of weak bond that forms between water molecules is a hydrogen bond.

T he hydrogen bond is the attraction of two water molecules. 5) The difference between polar molecules and monopole molecules is that polar mole culls are molecules with an unequal distribution of electrical charge, such as water molecules. A monopole molecule is a molecule that shares electron equally and does not have ends with pop site charges. 6) Sodium chloride Is an example of a compound because It Is a substance made of t woo different elements. ) The difference between cohesion and adhesion is that cohesion is an attraction of molecules of the same substance and adhesion is the attraction between molecules of different substances. 2) A substance would not dissolve well in water is oil because the water molecules ar e more attracted to each other than to the monopole molecules. This shows why OLL clumps or bleeds In water and doesn’t dissolve In It. 3) The difference between acids and bases is that.

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What is Anthropocene?

The videos In the website “Welcome to the Anthropocentric,” discusses about Anthropocentric. Questions that I will answer are what Is Anthropocentric? Why Is It label that way? What are some patterns in the era that are exhibited? Along with why should we care about mass extinction? Anthropocentric is a new geological epoch dominated by humanity.

The word “Anthropocentric” is given its name because human activity has polluted the sea, caused mass extinction of animals and plants, and changed the Earth’s natural cycle. Some of the patterns that this era has exhibited re the changes in the Earth’s life support system, such as changes within the environment. For example, temperatures and sea levels are changing due to global warming, level of greenhouse gases is rising, and changes In the global water systems Is through damming, extraction, arrogation, and climate change.

Furthermore, population, production, and consumption have grown exponentially. We are moving more sentiment than natural erosion and rivers. Therefore, there Is a whole In the Ozone and this Is causing us to lose bloodlessly. We should be concern about the mass extinctions of organisms because without hem, we will not have any support for food supplies and the environment. Especially, the functioning of the ecosystem.

However, I believe that this catastrophe has been going on for years, however some people have no idea where this will lead us to. We should do something about this and that carries with responsibility. We have the option to stop and act upon the current rate of extinction with measures that will prevent habitat loss, and with regulations and rules that will provide species the kind of safety net that humans have. Most importantly, we must adapt to change.

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