Youtube Videos as Nursing Study Tools

The biggest con would be that It goes Into a lot of unneeded Information when considering my audience Is nursing students. There is a lot of Information that nurses don’t necessarily need to know. Imperativeness. (2014, January 3). Oxygenation of the Respiratory System for Nursing [Video file]. Retrieved from http://move. Youth. Com/watch? F92503sXnOLM The videos from this particular user are great for nursing students because this guy is a nursing student. Martin Rexes, the user who uploaded the video, apparently sakes these videos, speaking about what he learned in nursing school that day along with tips on studying.

For the nursing student this is great and helpful for studying. They video is short, easy to understand, and summarizes the oxygenation lecture for a nursing school class. The cons are that It Is rather boring, It may be difficult to rely on Information on a subject from an Inexperienced nursing student, and while It summarizes oxygenation very well, it doesn’t go into very much depth. Sinking, S. (2014, January 3). U School of Nursing Oxygenation Song [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www. Youth. Mom/watch? FzHatR96cBxw I have a soft spot for these videos that use a song for teaching purposes.

We know that every student learns In different ways so by presenting a video using a song to help remember important parts of oxygenation or any other topic is great. They cover important parts about oxygenation with a catchy tune which can help students learn or remember these parts better. It’s a fun video so it is a sort of way to take a break while still learning. The cons are that it is really a very poorly made video as far as production value goes. At times it is difficult to hear the song and it is, obviously, a I felt that the first video, from abracadabra, was the best video considering my audience.

Yes, it is lengthy, but it is so thorough and tells the viewer everything that they need to know about oxygenation. I felt that the speaker in the video did a great job with visuals as he discussed the information in a clear and concise way. Chapter 41 – Fluid and Electrolytes Youth videos Monoclinic, M. (2014, January 3). Fluid & Electrolyte Basics [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www. Youth. Com/watch? V=subdividing Without a doubt, Megan Monoclinic, the person that uploaded this video has done a antistatic Job here. The video is specifically geared to review the basics of fluid and electrolytes for nursing students.

Liners, M. (2014, January 3). Electrolyte Magnesium (Hypo & Hyper) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www. Youth. Com/watch? V=Japanned As far as content goes for this particular video it isn’t the best choice because it only talks about a short topic pertaining to fluid and electrolytes. I chose this video though because of the creator of the video, Michael Liners. He creates videos for nursing students about everything that we need to know to be nurses. The pros are that Michael Liners clearly and easily discusses topics that make it easy to understand, Mr..

Liners specifically created these videos for nursing students, and it’s a fun video, I thought that the use of humor and analogies were great. The cons are that, as I fluid and electrolytes. The production value of the video is pretty poor and it’s difficult to hear the speaker at times. My favorite video was the near comprehensive one by Megan Monoclinic. The fact that is specifically made to help nursing students understand everything they can about fluid and electrolytes is reason enough to consider it the best of the three, but t is Just really well made and thorough in content.

Youth videos as study tools I have found that Youth videos are great for study tools and knowledge generators. As nursing students there are so much material that we much digest and memorize at times. As I mentioned earlier, everyone learns in different styles and it seems that Youth has a video for people who have any of the many different learning styles. As supplemental material these Youth videos are best used. Most of the videos aren’t meant to be used as a way to learn everything there is to know bout a certain topic, but to give a person a baseline on a topic of interest.

I couldn’t think of many cons to using Youth as a study tool. I believe that if something can help you than you should use it. If there is any argument against using Youth as a study tool it’s that there isn’t anyone to check information to see if it is correct. Anyone can upload a video about anything, spout nonsense and inaccurate information and no one would know. So, as supplemental material to what your teacher is telling you in class these videos can be beneficial, but not as a main source of knowledge.

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Cultural Approach Towards Brandsing by Starbucks

Table of contents

Study of cultural approach taken by Starbucks to branding in global marketplace


The international marketing promises to solve managerial problems using technical and universalizing approach. Ethnocentric approach to branding is been adopted by the researchers. As the global market develops this seems to be problematic. Thus it is important that some key premises and foundation needs to be revised. The branding research needs to be historically and contextually grounded, polycentric in orientation, and acutely attuned to the symbolic significance of brands of all types. INTRODUCTION: Brands are going everywhere in the global popular market. The Nike tick mark, the Coco-Cola symbol or McDonald’s M triggers tens and hundreds of responses. Brands are becoming integral part of our culture thus there is a great need for international marketing scholars to change with the changing global market condition and also contribute to the public dissonance of branding practices. The theory and tools available are not sufficient to analyze the complexity of globalization and the brands role in it.

The international marketing still does not suggest the appropriate theoretical and methodological challenges brought by globalization, and also in branding. AIM: Study of cultural approach taken by Starbucks to branding in global marketplace.

Objective :

Theoretical and methodological blueprint for studying the cultural role of Starbucks in global market.

Literature review :

Cultural Approach to Branding in the Global Marketplace.

Review: Related Questions: Premises:

  • What cultural differences (national, regional) do branding strategies embed?
  • How have different branding concepts and theories emerged and for what purposes?

Analytical approach:

  • How do traditional brand landscapes affect globalized brands? How do brands at different geographical scales interact in market space?
  • What kinds of mythic elements make for good brand stories?
  • Can we predict the emergence of “antibrands” (e. g. , Mecca Cola, fair trade)?

Units of analysis:

  • How do brands globalize?
  • To what degree do various brand architectures translate across cultures?
  • Is it possible to develop an archive of commercially compelling narrative elements?


The Starbucks Brandscape and Consumers’ (Anti-corporate) Experiences of Globalization Review: Significance of Research:

Help Starbucks understand the cultural effect on globalization. Help Starbucks to adopt appropriate strategy depending on the cultural aspects and consumer behavior geographically. Data collection: Journals from Internet. Personal visit to Starbucks. Interview with the staff and manager of Starbucks.

References :

Burgess, Steven M. and Jan-Benedict E. M. Steenkamp (2006), “Marketing Renaissance: How Research in Emerging Consumer Markets Advances Marketing, 23 (4), 337–56. Aaker, Jennifer and Patti Williams (1998), “Empathy Versus Pride: The Research, 25 (December), 241–61.

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Skill Shortage: Case Study

1        The resource companies appear to have been caught unawares by the shortage of skilled and professional labour. Why?

Skill Shortage

The resource companies are unaware of technical changes in their workforce as a result of the need for high technology requirement as we tend towards globalization.  The skilled and professionals in the organization are very willing to keep pace with the advancement in technology, a fact mostly neglected by resource companies.  (James, William, 2004). This results to the shifting to other scenarios, which are favourable to their needs.  This leaves a vacuum in their previous positions.  The labour force available to fill the vacuum lacks the necessary experience thus skills creating the problem of skills shortage.

The other area is the ignorance of resource companies to update human resource training.  The companies are suddenly met with the automation of the required skills.  This calls for retraining of the existing labour force, which is costly, and time consuming.  There is a vacuum in the resource companies due to the failure to translate the advancing technology to the applicability in the business.  The companies also lack highly qualified consultancy working in a modern style to analyze the possible techniques and equate them with practical business.

2        What are the implications for industrial relations in the resources sector?

 The federal parliament in Australia is empowered by the constitution to make laws concerning conciliation and arbitration for the settlement and prevention of industrial disputes extending beyond the limit of any one state. The laws made with respect to trading and financial corporations fall within the limits of the commonwealth and foreign corporations. Industrial relations systems and wages setting have been enhanced by this system also known as work choice, which came into operation in 2006. (Armstrong, 2002)

            A wide range of flexibility in work organizations and practice out of these agreements have resulted to the following positive attributes: hours of work has been better balanced to allow for work and personal life, allowances have been rationalized, remunerations arrangements have been made more flexible an productivity has been boasted through a number of measures. (Bernard, Reams 1994)

            The importance of the workplace relations and other Legislation Amendments Acts 1996 such as the Work choice Relations Act is immensely overwhelming. This is highlighted in their ability to displace the Industrial Relations Court of Australia, which was transferred to other courts mainly the federal courts of Australia. The earlier legislations such as the industrial laws were quite detrimental to employees at the advantage of the employer since the employers could fire workers and slash wages at will without any serious action taken on the part of the employer. The negligence on the part of the employer could not be overlooked since the negligence also bear some negative impact on the part of the employer. This arises from the fact that the employee dissatisfaction has a direct relationship with the ultimate potential output of the employee. (Bischoff, 1985)

3        How might a more rigorous approach to HR planning have helped individual firms to address the labour shortage problem?

The areas of effort concentration by H. R. planning for the purpose of addressing the labour shortage problem include the following.  The workforce in existence should be modeled to adapt quickly to the changing technologies in a bid to reduce turnover. (Charles, Coleman, Theodora, Hayness 1997). This is achievable by assigning each staff the relevant duty related to the skills of the employee.  The employee should be equitably remunerated to boost the morale and enhance the adaptability.  Thus the company needs to create a huge capital pool for the purpose.  Most of the H.R. efforts should orient towards the employees rather than the business itself.  The understanding that human resources is the main important, yet most expensive of the production resources should be the guiding factor in this project.  The strategic planning in the resource company should be linked to the human resources management to allow adaptability of the future threat to the opportunities in the company. (Thrope, and Homan, 2000).  What employees look for in their workplace is the benefits derived after their efforts and therefore this should be at the forefront. The highly skilled employees should be awarded security of tenure to give them more sense of security. The incorporation of work force diversity is also healthy towards the imminent problem of labour shortage. (Bennett, 1994, James, William, 2004).

4        What can they do regarding staff training and development?

In any business organization goods and service delivery are of crucial importance as this is the final stage of the link of production. The quality of goods and services is to a large extent a determinant to the extend of dedication, well training and competency of the staff. The system should adopt a staffing standard that provide an opportunity to create an affordable staffing pattern that maximizes benefits of professional credentials skills and peer experiences. Recruiting and training the best employees is needed, so as to ensure they are of high performance and ensuring that the personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.  (Clement, Asante 1997).

Evaluation into the competence, experience and skills of the staff is a prerequisite. The peer relationship should also be assessed since failure on part of one member of staff may not necessarily reflect a failure in the entire system. (James, William, 2004)

5. What are some of the remuneration options available to resource firms?

Reward strategy defines the intentions of the organization and how its reward policies and processes should be developed to meet business requirements (Armstrong, 2002). Effective reward strategy is based on corporate values and beliefs, flows from the business strategy which gives the business the basis on which it will complete as it hinges on a company capabilities, strength and weakness in relation to market characteristics and corresponding strength and weakness of competitors. (Williams, 1998). The reward strategy is driven by business needs and fit business strategies, it align organization and indicates competencies, it is integrated with other personnel and development strategies, it provide the reward of results and behavior linked to business performance, it is adopting to the company strategy perspective, it is practical and implementable as it has to consult all key stakeholders in the organization and allow the participation of other employees in decision making. The aim of this is to ensure it support initiatives in resourcing of employees and overall goal development for organization performance. (Hama Lengwwa, Flinterman, 1988).

            The content of a reward system is competitive pay, achieving a more equitable and definable pay system, using pay as a lever for performance improvement and culture change in an organization. Devolution of pay decision to line manages in the organization, developing teamwork, increasing level of competence by training employees so as to acquire the relevant skills as well as involve participation of employees in the decision making in issues that affect them in the organization.


Armstrong, M. Employee reward, 3rd Ed. CIPD publishing

Bennett, L. (1994) James, William, 2004. Making Labour Law in Australia: Industrial Relations

Politics and Law, Sydney, Law Book Co.

Bernard, D. Reams (1994). Federal Legislative Histories. Greenwood Press. ISBN-13:978-0313230929.

Bischoff, R. (1985). Australian Labour Law. Melbourne, University of Melbourne.

Charles, J. Coleman, Theodora T. Hayness (1997). Labour and Employment Arbitration. ISBN-

13: 978-0801434402.

Clement, E. Asante (1997). Press Freedom and Development. Greenwood Press. ISBN-13: 978-


Hama Lengwwa M., C. Flinterman (1988). The International Law of Human Rights in Africa: Basic

Documents and Annotated Bibliography (Hardcover). Kluwer Law International. ISBN-13: 978-


Marshall, D. The four elements of successful management: Select Direct, Evaluate, Reward, Amacom div America Management Assn, 1999.

Robbins, S. Human resource management, John Wiley, 1999.

Thrope, R. and Homan, G. Strategic reward system. Prentice Hall, 2000

Williams G.  (1998). Labour Laws and the Constitution. Federation Press. ISBN (1862873089).

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Test Taking Strategies

Test-Taking Strategies For 10 years, I was the one testing the students, teaching strategies and finding new ones to help students study. Suddenly, I found myself returning to school and the anxiety, stress, lack of time, and just all the unknowns seemed to overwhelm my life. The last couple of years I have learned to incorporate strategies that work best for me, but there is always room for improvement and strengthening.

Learning, study and test taking skills are some of the most important things to have when furthering your education. Upon reading Strategies for Test Success by Linda Anne Silvestri, I was able to scrutinize some of my weaknesses, reevaluate my learning style, and look at some new test taking strategies while assessing my current strategies. Helpful Test Taking Strategies Tests usually have significant validity on your grade. The better you are prepared for different types of tests, the better grade you will receive. Meyers, 2000) Some helpful test strategies that I gathered from this assignment include: techniques for reducing test anxiety, avoid reading into the question, avoid changing answers, learning how to study in a manner that works best, and improving retention of information. Test anxiety is an unpleasant experience and can interfere with test performance. This is one area that I struggle with myself. Linda Anne Silvestri suggests incorporating some of the following techniques in order to reduce anxiety while preparing for and taking an exam.

First, evaluate yourself to determine what may be causing the anxiety. Is it stress, pressure to succeed, or negative thoughts? Second, figure out techniques that will help to reduce the anxiety such as: avoid procrastination, relaxation techniques before and during an exam, maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, and maintain a positive attitude which will lead to success. (Silvestri, 2010) In that moment of despair, when my memory just seems to go blank, I often find myself digging from my own life experiences to find a rationale to the question being asked.

Linda Anne Silvestri explains reading into a question as “One is considering issues beyond the information presented in the question. ”(Silvestri, 2010) I am guilty of this on many occasions, and learning to identify the information the question contains and what it is asking will help improve my test scores. Changing answers is another area which I struggle. “You know the information; go with your first instinct, don’t second guess yourself! ” I have said this to many students over the years, why does it seem so hard to incorporate into my own strategies now that I am a student? By reevaluating this area, hopefully I can become more confident in the answering of questions and learn to trust my instincts and knowledge. “One must also remember not change an answer unless you are absolutely sure you have made a mistake,” as stated in the book The Secret of Taking Any Test by Learning Express. (Meyers, 2000) In Kaplan’s How to Study video about learning to study in a manner that work best for you, suggests that you find a quiet room or area that you can use just for studying.

I often find myself trying to study in the family room where it seems like the TV is shouting at me and my books are scattered all over the couch and floor. I am currently working on this by converting a spare room into my study space. It was recommended that in this area you are to consider good body position, such as using a chair and desk not sitting or lying on your bed. This area must also have good lighting and be free of distractions. In doing this I hope that I will be able to separate and family time from each other. Visualize, organize, recite, repeat is suggested by Kaplan in order to retain information.

The goal of most students is to retain what they are learning. Spending too much time studying is and major complaint of students. By making vivid associations of the content with a picture, group and organize topics together because items are best learned in groups, recite your knowledge out loud to figure out what you do not understand, and finally repeat it often. By using this strategy instead of trying to memorize text out of a book, one should have to spend less time studying and more information should be retained. (Kaplan Nursing: Lipponcott) Test Strategies Not so Helpful

There are so many strategy recommendations for students. While each have good points, some are more helpful than others. Strategies that don’t seem as helpful to me are simulating actual test like circumstances when studying for the exam, study groups, note taking by using the fancy systems. These three strategies just seem to increase my stress level to the point I feel like I am not learning. Simulating actual test like circumstances has just never worked for me as I usually don’t pick the correct information to test myself on and the important information gets left behind.

Study groups cause me too much pressure because I find that one or two people seem to be putting the study guides together. This is a pet peeve for me; I don’t mind sharing my ideas but don’t expect me to do all the work and then hand it to you. The final one that has never worked for me is taking notes by using one of the many note taking systems. I find myself spending too much time trying to remember what needs to be written where, organizing, how to fold the paper. I have developed my own crazy way of taking notes over the years.

Note taking is an area that I feel is individualize for each person. Learning Style The VAK Learning Style Assessment indicates that I learn visually followed closely by being a kinesthetic learner. I feel this is a very accurate assessment of my learning style. I am the person who likes to observe how things are done either by reading the instructions or watching someone perform the task. I also learn by holding, touching, and feeling. The whole hands-on experience works well for me. Auditory learning is sometime difficult for me.

I find using the auditory portion of an E-book is not beneficial to me because my mind seems to wander and I have a hard time concentrating on the information. I am someone who likes to have the textbook in hand to touch and feel. Diagnosis of Test Taking Weakness My personal diagnoses of test taking weakness would be: Anxiety related to taking examinations as evidenced by sympathetic stimulation including increased respiratory rate, heart rate, apprehension and facial flushing. I will display decreased test anxiety before and after each exam for the next twelve months.

I will learn how to control sympathetic stimulations during exams for the next year. Interventions will include getting enough sleep before exams, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing by inhaling deeply through nose and exhaling slowly, thinking positive thoughts, avoiding reading extra information into the question, and changing answers on the exam. Interventions will be confirmed effective if vital signs reflect baseline, there is decreased sympathetic stimulation, and able to control test anxiety by using stated techniques. Risk for impaired emory related to inability to retain sufficient knowledge and information. I will retain sufficient knowledge and information from the ADRN program to pass all exams for the next year. I will demonstrate use of techniques to help reduce memory loss for twelve months. I will utilize anxiety reducing techniques, non-distracting study areas, visualize, organize, recite, and repeat techniques into current study and test taking practices . Intervention will be confirmed effective if I pass all exams and the NCLEX. References Ackley, B. & Ladwig, G. (2008).

Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care, (8th ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. , an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. Kaplan Nursing: Lipponcott, W. a. (n. d. ) Kaplan Nursing. Retrieved September 1, 2011, from Kaplan nursing: How to study, Nursing school success http://www. nursing. kaplan. com/student/User_Home. aspx# Meyers, J. N. (2000). The secret of taking any test. Learning Express Silvestri, L. A. (2010). Saunders strategies for success for test success: Passing nursing school and the NCLEX exam. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders an imprint of Elsevier.

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Vying for Patients, Hospitals Think Location, Location.

INTRODUCTION. Hospitals are health care institutions that are normally located in areas that are densely populated. There are over 17,000 hospitals in the whole world. In accord with the original meaning of the word, hospitals were originally “places of hospitality”, and this meaning is still preserved in the names of some institutions such as the Royal Hospital Chelsea, established in 1681 as a retirement and nursing home for veteran soldiers. (http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Hospital#General) In general, hospitals are normally located in areas where they are other major hospitals as a way to acquire materials at low transportation costs.

Unlike other businesses like franchises like McDonalds that would prefer to be in an area where there are no other fast food outlets, hospitals enjoy the benefits of being near other hospitals not only in terms of supply of raw materials but also to acquire bigger market shares. Most hospitals are specialized to include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children’s hospitals, seniors’ (geriatric) hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric problems, certain disease categories such as cardiac, oncology, or orthopedic problems, and so forth.

A hospital may be a single building or a number of buildings on a campus. Many hospitals with pre-twentieth-century origins began as one building and evolved into campuses. Some hospitals are affiliated with universities for medical research and the training of medical personnel such as physicians and nurses, often called teaching hospitals. Worldwide, most hospitals are run on a nonprofit basis by governments or charities. Within the United States, most hospitals are nonprofit. (http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Hospital#General)? 1. How can sales market share and profit be optimized for entire set of locations? A sale is the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation. Market share is the percentage of a market (defined in terms of either units or revenue) accounted for by a specific entity. Optimized is to make the best or most effective use of (a situation, opportunity, or resource). Sales market share can be optimized through both internal and external adaptations which would include; I.

Benefits of the location of competitor’s proximity. Hospitals unlike other franchise companies enjoy many advantages of competitors being located near each other like; a. Reduced transport cost by suppliers. Medical supplies companies are normally located near hospitals and the proximity between hospital and supply reduces transport costs which in turn reduces the over roll costs. This advantage can help the hospital optimize sales through reduced prices for medical care and also maximize profits through reduced costs. b. Specialization.

Hospitals normally specialize for example trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children’s hospitals, seniors’ (geriatric) hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric problems (see psychiatric hospital), certain disease categories such as cardiac, oncology, or orthopedic problems, and so forth. In cases where a patient needs to be transferred from on medical facility to another unlike other franchise companies can share patients and proximity between hospitals helps with that especially in emergency cases. This helps in sales market share and optimization of profits. c. Facilities.

Proximity of hospitals helps hospitals share facilities like operating theaters, x-rays which in turn helps in minimizing of costs. This is unlike any other business and this benefits the patient in terms of reduced prices for treatment and reduced costs for the hospital that the helps them increase sales and optimize profits. II. Internal adaptations and their benefits would include upgrading facilities like; a. Improvement of the quality of services by hiring of the best doctors and equipment can help in the optimization of market share, sales and profits due to the loyal customers that keep coming back for more services. . Accessibility. Easy access of the hospital in terms of near main transportation routes and stations improves on sales and profit optimization because patients are able to be delivered to the hospital easily especially in times of an emergency. c. Customer friendly. The friendliness of the doctors, nurses and staff to patients not only helps in the sales market share and profit optimization but research shows that friendly doctors and nurses helps in the faster recovery of patients. d. Advertising. Research shows that the more advertising is done for a service or product provider the more increase in sales there is.

This in turn leads to the increase in the market share and optimization of profits. e. Avalabitility of parking is one of the most important facts for any company especially hospitals because when there is an emergency ambulance cannot be bothered on finding parking and need places with enough parking space. f. Building and leasing costs. This is an important factor for most companies to minimize overall cost to offer lower prices to customers and also optimize profits but for hospitals this is of little relevance because good qualities building in good locations don’t come cheap. g.

Upgrading facilities in hospitals can include acquiring of newer equipment like imaging equipment, physical therapy equipment, and so on. Now updated medical equipment is most important in the health care business because as patient needs keep changing so does the equipment. Unlike other businesses like food businesses, the health care business is one of those businesses that require constant upgrading especially when it comes to the equipment. h. Expanding some sites of hospitals requires expanding the services to provide more health care services like dental care, Optic care, and physiotherapy and so on.

This will help in the handling of a wider range of patients with different health care needs which will help in the acquiring of a larger market share and optimize profits. 2. What potential sales do you believe can be realized from each solution suggested? a. Emergency patients are some of the potential sales that could be realized from both enough parking space and accessibility proved by good location near major transport stations and major roads. b. Loyal customers and patients can be realized from friendly doctors and nurses and also high quality services provided by the staff. . Advertising can help in the making of potential clients who in case of hospitals are virtually human being aware of the services the hospital provides for example; American Hospital in Dubai that advertises in Dubai international airport making all the passengers who go through Dubai airport know about their services. 3. Where, in each case, should outlets be located to optimize market share, sales and profits without negatively impacting on other outlets? a. In some cases hospitals lose market share when there are too many hysicians, medical suppliers and other healthcare providers within the community, and for that reason one may even pay top dollar for a less competitive environment especially in a community with no duplicative services. This can help in the easy domination of the market share especially if it’s the only hospital providing those services which will in turn optimize profits. In some other cases locating near other hospitals as discussed earlier helps in the reduction of transport cost.

So with this factor one must weigh the benefits of locating away from other hospitals versus locating near other hospitals. b. The physical facility in terms of building is an important aspect in consideration of the location of a hospital. Depending on the kind of services the hospital wants to provide the building facilities must be conducive enough to accommodate the equipment to be used in the providing of those services. This will greatly impact the quality of services provided by the hospital that will help in the acquiring of larger market share and optimize profits. . The geography and demographic of the hospital’s location may plays an important role in market share and profit optimization. The hospital industry is highly regulated and as such is vulnerable to government reimbursement. For this reason, a highly profit hospital will likely have a growing pool of commercially insured patients. So a hospital may rather locate itself in neighborhoods’ of high income earners because they are the ones who are likely to have both the money and the insurance to pay the medical bills.

This will greatly help in profit optimization because this will mean less patients receiving services on credit but rather more patients paying cash at hand. d. Traffic volumes are also an important factor in locating of hospitals. The less traffic an area has is an added advantage in the location of a hospital because of the need for emergency clients to be able to reach the hospital for a required service in the least time possible. This will help in the securing of the market share that has emergencies hence optimizing profits. e.

Customer access in terms of a hospital being located near bus stations and main transport routes is another important factor because it helps customers to reach the hospital for the services it has to offer easily. This will help the securing of a larger market share hence optimizing profits. f. Big enough parking is also an important factor in locating of hospitals because in cases of emergencies ambulances need to have ready parking at all times in order to minimize the time in takes to take the clients to inside the hospital to receive their required services.

In cases of mass accidents or hazards the state or district normally has recommended hospitals in such cases because of some of these factors. 4. What probable effects would there be on market share, sales and profits if a competitor located nearby? a. If the competitors are providing the same service for example child pediatrics, dentistry plastic surgery and so on, it can be a negative impact. This is so because if a hospital is located in an area where other hospitals are all providing the same service that would mean a reduced market share for each hence a reduction in sales and profits. b.

In cases where hospitals in the area are providing different services is can be an added advantage because of the proximity between supplier, customer and service provider. Some hospitals recommend other hospitals in case a customer needs another service that hospital doesn’t offer. In that way proximity is important for both the hospital in terms of maximizing sales but also for the customer in terms of reduced transport costs to go and receive that service. CONCLUSION. Location, location, location is a very important or if not the most important factor in the success or the failure of a business.

The factors that will determine the success or failure of a business will depend on what kind of business, whether is profit or nonprofit business one wants to set up and the kind of service or product that business intends to provide. Some businesses require being located near the customer, for example fast food franchises while other donot even need to be located near the customer like communications service providers. For hospitals location is important depending on what kind of service they plan to offer and what target market is intended.

Is it a charity hospital for low income earners or is it a profit hospital for high income earners. But the reputation of a hospital is also a very important factor for example ‘JOHN HOPKINS HOSPITAL’ where with such a high demand for their very high quality specialized medical services, they can afford to provide both charity services to low income earners and also exclusive services for high income earners. So in efficient location of a hospital they many factors to be examined but even more importunately the aim of the hospital.

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Reflection Paper in Philosophy

It is my great pleasure to submit my resume in consideration to apply for a position of Nurse I with an item number CHTML I choose Gregory T. Iliac Memorial Hospital because I believe in the good management of nursing care provided to your clients. I would like to pursue my professional growth into your hospital because I do believe that I will be able to serve the public and especially those patients who need my service most.

Moreover, this cannot stop me from achieving my desire to practice my chosen profession. Thus, I would like to apply as a staff nurse in your institution. It would be my joy to put my skills to work and I am very willing to learn more about your trainings. If given the chance, I assure you that I would give you the best of my capability. Should you decide to subject my application for further screening, I can be reached to this number.

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Learning New Things

Learning New Things As a full-time college student majoring in Nursing I hope to become a RN one day. I work part-time as a CNA in a Nursing Home now. Being a CNA is very hard work. I don’t want to do that forever I want to become something better. My former co-workers always tell me I’m too young to do that kind of work and to keep going to school to better myself. Being a nurse can sometime be hard work too. Nurses have to make sure the patients are doing good and eating right. Some of the patients can get a little rude and they will fight you. When I seen that happen I was shocked and scared.

The first thing the nurse did was ask me to help hold the patient down while she give him his medicine. While holding him down she was talking to him trying to calm him down. She was telling him things like I’m not trying to hurt you I’m only trying to help. He was still fighting and cursing. I couldn’t believe that happened. As I watched, I was scared. I never been in a situation like that before. However, it is good experience because nurses have to go through that everyday. I was thinking about what would I do if I was the nurse that day. It made me think about if I really wanted to a nurse anymore.

I do, but I want to work in a hospital I think that would be better than a nursing home. I realized that patients have their bad and good days. Sometimes they don’t feel like being bothered or touched. Some days they don’t mind if you help them but most of the time they try to be independent. On the patient bad days you just have to have patients and stay calm. Being a nurse comes with many responsibilities. It’s an easy job but it can be difficult. I always loved helping others and caring for people that’s what made me want to become a nurse. I think I have the patients to do the job. I am learning a lot while I’m working as a CNA.

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