Obesity speech

Overweight and obesity cause the development of diabetes, and contribute to high blood pressure, Infertility, birth complications and amplify asthma and a poor health status. This Is very serious and It has to be taken way more serious by the people living here. Obesity Is largely preventable through changes In lifestyle, especially diet or daily exercise. There are many diseases that are so hard to cure, so why is it that, when we actually have a disease that you can cure yourself, we don’t do anything about it?

By some changes in your lifestyles, you could actually get a lot healthier than you were before. I am not saying that it is easy. I know that it can be hard to turn things around especially if it’s become a habit to eat unhealthy and by eating unhealthy you don’t get energy, and that is also a reason why many don’t exercise as much as they should do. Younger people have largely grown up in a world, where a greater variety of food than ever before has become available and at a relatively low cost, and so are more prone to develop obesity at a younger age.

Obesity is a major cause of death and 1 out of 3 adults and 1 out of 6 children is obese. Obesity costs the US, almost 150 million dollars a year, where almost 10 % of he national medical budgets. The way you eat has changed over the last 50 years. A lot more food is available than before and opportunities for physical activities are lacking. It is a known fact that physical activity improves overall health. Not only does it improve circulation, increase blood flow to the brain, and raise endorphin levels, which all helps to reduce stress, improve mood and attitude, and calm children.

Physically active students also achieve more in school, they are less likely to miss school and participate more in class. Michelle Obama speaks about obesity In her beech and tells that because of the support of huge American businesses, Like Disney and Walter etc. Now more than half a million In undeserved communities now have the access to fresh, healthy food. Military leaders are serving healthier menus and products. Nearly two and a half million kids have enrolled In recreational sport classes.

And they launched Let’s Move Active schools, an unprecedented effort to Invest more than $70 million to promote actively and bring physical education back to your schools. So something Is done, yes. But could more be done? Walt for audience response I think – yes! Guys! I know that I may not Influence you to do something about It, but I may as well try, because this is serious. After I told you all these consequences, it must do outside the restaurant is looking so tasty and the candy in the candy stores can be so tempting, and its okay to eat it once in a while, but it can’t be an everyday food or an everyday habit.

That’s Just too unhealthy for your body and health. I know that it tastes so good when you’re eating it, but how do you feel about yourself when you finished the meal? Do you feel good or do you feel insecure about your body? Wait for audience response I can tell you, that I sure don’t feel especially good after an unhealthy meal like that. So you got to ask yourself – Is this worth it? Do I want to be healthy? Do I want to be fit? Do I want to look good?

I’m not saying that it’s wrong to have curves, it isn’t at all. But it’s wrong, when it’s dangerous for your own life. You are the young generation. You can still do something about this and with one step at a time it will help. Even if it’s baby steps, you still got to try. I know that after an exhausting day at school it is very tempting to lie down in the bed and watch television, go on your ‘phone and hat with your friends on backbone, go on Mainstream and post a picture, whatever you like to do.

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Why Junk Food Should Be Banned

Emily McLaughlin Ban Junk Food! DID YOU KNOW junk food has been linked to obesity, diabetes, and even cancer? Sure, junk food is totally yummy, but it is definitely not good for us or for the children in this country. Junk food also makes the quality of life worse. It makes you tired, and it can make you very unhealthy. There is a law going through congress right now about banning junk food in schools, and before you state your opinion, please open up your mind to see how junk food is affecting the quality of life in this country.

One factor that affects the quality of life are the various diseases that affect the people in this country. 24-28% of Children in America are overweight, with 16% of them being obese. I believe that a lot of these problems could be solved if the lunches at school are healthier. These lunches at school would teach children how to put together nutritious lunches and/or snacks. Of course we cannot control what students eat outside of school, but I truly believe that once they see how great they feel after eating a healthy meal they will want to eat better at home, too.

Not only do diseases affect the quality of life, but so does your energy level. Don’t you feel more energized after you eat a healthy meal? Sometimes you feel like you can conquer anything. A Journal of American Public Health Association study concluded that children who ate healthy had significantly higher math scores than kids who didn’t. If children ate a healthy lunch, and had a test after, I guarantee you they’d do better on it because they would feel more awake and energized. The test scores in America would show an increase and our students would have more confidence.

Along with diseases and energy level, your health affects your quality of life. In an AARP study people said that the key to happiness was health and family. When you’re healthy, you’re happy. Eating right can change how you view yourself and it gives you the energy to make other changes in your life, too. It’s important to eat right, but it’s also very important to teach the children in this country how to eat right, too. I know there are many people that oppose my view on this ban, but do they really realize what junk food can do to someone’s body?

I can name five things that junk food does to your body. Number one: Junk food can make wrinkles appear earlier than they actually should! Number two: Bloating! Ladies, don’t we just hate that? Number three: Heartburn. Number four: Mood swings. Number five: Junk food can cause headaches. These are just a few of the things that junk food can do to you. I hope I have enlightened you. Before you vote on this law remember that junk food causes various diseases, makes energy levels go down, and causes moods to drop. Remember to vote YES to banning junk food in schools.

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Vegetarianism in Society and in my Life

Meat: It Does My Body Good I eat meat; I drink milk; I eat eggs. I don’t eat it at every meal, but I do eat it daily. For the sake of this essay, I will state that I, clearly, am not a vegetarian. Let me begin by explaining the term vegetarian as used in this essay: a vegetarian is a person that does not consume meat. There multiple forms of vegetarianism: ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products; lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs; ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes dairy and eggs but not meat.

A vegan is the strictest vegetarian diet and excludes all animal products including eggs, dairy and honey. Some vegetarian diets, however, do include fish or chicken, but not ‘red’ meat. After reading several articles on the pros and cons of being, or not being, a vegetarian, I came upon an article by William T. Jarvis, PH. D entitled “Why I Am Not A Vegetarian” that encompassed many of my same views. Dr. Jarvis, now retired, was a professor of public health and preventive medicine at Lorna Linda University, and founder and president of The National Council Against Health Fraud and he is a Seventh Day Adventist.

Seventh Day Adventists are strong believers in vegetarianism, which is one reason why I enjoyed his opposing viewpoint. In the article by Dr. Jarvis, several topics and theories are discussed including his observation on classifying vegetarians in two behavioral categories: pragmatic or ideologic. A pragmatic vegetarian is rational and most often are vegetarian out of health related concerns, but an ideologic vegetarian is one that is more emotionally rooted in the behavior ‘as a matter of principle’ so to speak. It is his views on the pragmatic vegetarian that closely mirror my own. In the article, Dr.

Jarvis points out that it is possible to obtain all the essential nutrients needed, except vitamin B-12, by eating a vegetarian diet; however, he also points out that the same can be said for eating an all meat diet, too. While I understand the need that some have to refrain from eating certain foods for health related issues, I believe that our body needs meat. Also, to me, meat tastes good. The quality of protein from meat exceeds the quality of protein from plants. Meat contains much more protein by mass, and this protein contains all the essential amino acids, in the correct balance.

Meat is also rich is Iron which is needed by pregnant women and middle-aged women approaching menopause. Many argue that there are certain health risks of eating meat, especially red meat, but they often tend to be exaggerated. Avoid processed meat and try to eat lean meat as much as possible, and meat can be very healthy in the diet, and does not increase risk of heart disease or cancer, as Dr. Jarvis also pointed out in his article quoting scientific data from nutrition-related research supports vegetarianism only tentatively.

Another reason I think eating meat is healthier than a vegetarian diet is that we, humans, are fully able to digest meat. We have canine teeth, which allow us to chew meat, and enzymes in our stomach and small intestine to digest it. In conclusion, eating meat tends to be an economical option for nutrition overall. While it is possible to get all the nutrients in meat on a vegetarian diet, it is much more difficult, often resulting in the need to obtain various types of grains to ensure that no vitamins, minerals, or amino acids are missing.

This can be inconvenient and costly, and difficult to prepare. Meat supplies us with the vitamins we need in everyday life. Although, the other articles I read are opposed to meat eating; they still share the health risks of not eating meat, and that meat does the body good. Work Cited “Why I Am Not a Vegetarian. ” Why I Am Not a Vegetarian. N. p. , n. d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. <http://www. quackwatch. org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/vegan. html>.

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Health& Social care

Be able to support individuals to make choices about food and drink. 1. 1 Establish with an individual the food and drink that wish to consume. 1. 2 Encourage the individual to select suitable options for food and drink. 1. 3 Describe ways to resolve any difficulties or dilemmas about the choice of food and drink. 1. 4 Describe how and when to seek additional guidance about an individuals choice of food and drink. It is important to give people some choice in the food that eat. This will make mealtimes more enjoyable.

Just imagine being unable to prepare meals for myself ND having to sit down day after day to eat boring, unappealing or badly cooked food. Choice should be offered in the type of food, he way it is cooked and the quantity of food that is provided. It may also be helpful, if possible, to vary the times at which food is provided, so that people can choose the tome at which they wish to eat rather than having to fit in with the arrangements of their care setting. Of course, this is not easy as there are always considerations about staffing and running any care facility.

Knowing the types of food and drink a person likes will help to build a trusting relationship. Some people choose not to eat meat because of their concern for animals. Some people have foods that they Just do not like. Some people choose not to eat certain food because of religious seasons. People from some groups will only eat food that has been prepared in certain ways depending on their religions laws. It is important to know what a healthy and balanced diet is encouraging people to make suitable choices about what they eat is a very important part of supporting them.

Some people may need to have a special diet for medical reasons, such as diabetes. A healthy balanced diet gives people all the nutrients in the right mounts for their age and gender. The amount of food taken in by a person needs to balance with the energy they use. If these are not balanced, the person will lose or gain weight. For example, an energetic teenager eats more than a older person who is not very active, because the teenager uses more energy. Everyone should eat a variety of foods, so that our bodies get all the nutrients that we need.

This is especially important if people are recovering from an accident or an operation. The nutrition pyramid above typically shows the amount needed from each food group every day. If dietary choice permits, try to choose low fat dairy foods and lean meat. Eat two portions of fish each week. Alcohol should be kept within the recommended limits or, better still, to occasional use only. The long-term effects of too much alcohol include conditions that can cause serious damage to the liver, of the stomach. It can also lead to dementia.

It is important to encourage people to drink on a regular basis. For example, I could offer water, fruit squash, fruit Juice and other drinks. However, too many sugary drinks, suck as fizzy drinks, and drinks that contain high levels of caffeine should be avoided. A lot of research has been carried out about what we eat. It has shown that too much salt is bad for me because it can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Research has also shown that eating enough fruit and vegetables can help to prevent some cancers.

A person who eats too much and does not exercise enough may become obese. There can be many reasons why a person does not choose a healthy, balanced diet. They may not know what a healthy diet is. Diet can also be linked to social class because poorer people may not be able to afford good-quality food; however, with some thought it is possible to eat a healthy diet on a budget. Busy lifestyles mean that some people eat a lot of processed or convenience foods, which usually contain a lot of salt and fat.

Other pope Just do not want to follow the advice to eat well, because they feel that the unhealthy option tastes better! Make sure that I know what a healthy diet is so that I can help people to make healthy choices. If I help them to develop independent skills by supporting them to do their own shopping, point out the healthy options and alternatives, I may also need to another the consequences of a poor diet choice might be. For example obesity can lead to heart disease, varicose veins, diabetes and arthritis.

High cholesterol and diets high in salt can lead to heart attacks and strokes. If I am aware of the consequences, this means that I can offer sound advice. People may be reluctant, or may even refuse, to eat certain types of food which have been noted in their support plan as a requirement for their condition- such as a diabetic diet, a weight-reduction diet or a gluten-free diet. This can cause difficulties in terms of being able to offer freedom of choice. I may feel that this places me, and other care staff, in a very difficult position.

If someone is determined to ignore medical advice and to follow a different diet, this should be reported and discussed among the care team and the medical staff responsible for the person’s care. Ultimately I have little control over a diabetic who buys and eats chocolate bars and sweets. However, I do have a responsibility to provide full information and explanations, and to repeat the explanations regularly to the person, making every effort to persuade them to comply with the dietary requirements. If a person chooses, in full knowledge of the consequences, to ignore medical advice, then that is their choice.

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Trisha Knowles

Show your work. She will continue to lose weight and her muscles and body will shrink. Overall Assessment: Discuss overall implications of IBM and any energy imbalance on overall health. Skipping meals gives the body energy imbalance and doesn’t give it the types of energy to perform what you need your body to do. Pushing the body to its limits can end up in some nasty situations.

Analyze food choices Is the client getting enough of each of the designated food groups? No because they don’t eat any fruits in their diet and way too many vegetables. She eats a little too much protein but she also needs calcium and some more grains and wheat in her body as well. How does consumption of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and sodium compare to recommended values? Because they all work in the body to perform certain task to help it functions properly. Not feeding the body the right mount and the right foods hinders the body.

Propose ways to bring the energy input and output in line with Trash’s health goals. Describe final recommendations to improve Trash’s overall health and help her regain energy and strength. How should Trash alter her eating habits and her activity? Link your recommendations to her personal health history and her family history. She should add more fruits and dairy products lessen the proteins and vegetables to where she doesn’t get things like high blood pressure.

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Does Dietary Supplements Safe

Just like anything there are good things and bad things that can come along with it. Our bodies need certain things such as nutrients, water and even certain minerals to survive and be healthy. Although many times we lack getting the correct amounts so there are things that are made to help make sure we get the amount needed. One of these things that are made for us to help in our daily diet is dietary supplements.

Many people think of dietary supplements as containing just one type of thing such as minerals, but in reality there are different dietary supplements that are meant for different things. A dietary supplement has a basic definition of dietary supplements are vitamins, minerals, herbs and other substances that are meant to better someone’s diet. A dietary supplement can come in many different shapes and sizes such as pills, powders, capsules and even liquids.

Many of these dietary supplements can help a person’s health out greatly, such as a pregnant woman taking folic acid while help prevent some birth defects for their baby (MedlinePlus, 2012). When it comes to taking dietary supplements there are positive benefits for taking them. It is proven that if a person eats a well-balanced diet they should be able to get enough of the vitamins, minerals and such that they need, but If a person’s body is lacking taking a dietary supplement can make up for that. Dietary supplements are also used as a therapeutic measure toward certain health conditions or risk factors.

One of the main supplements that are used to treat something is Iron; this is used to keep a person from getting anemia which is an iron deficiency (Perry, 2011). There are also risks that occur with using dietary supplements that range from different levels and even things. In the United States dietary supplements are not watched and regulated as strictly as drugs are. Although it is stated that they may not sell unsafe products there are many product out there being sold as dietary supplements and they are not.

Some of these products are weight loss products, muscle building products, and even sexual enhancers. It can also be dangerous if a person is taking too much of a supplement, such as vitamin B6 which can cause nerve damage if taken in big doses for a long time. A person should also always check with their doctors before taking any dietary supplements because it can react to medication a person is on or some should be avoided before surgery’s (Perry, 2011). Although there are many different regulations out there for medications there are only certain ones for dietary supplements.

Dietary supplements are not watched very closely and are not made to register with the FDA. They are still required to tell the FDA what adverse effects occur with dietary supplements such as injuries and illnesses, and they are also made to make sure that the labels are not misleading and the product is safe. The best way to know if a dietary supplement is safe is by purchasing it under something called the good manufactured practices program. This program has strict and detailed guidelines for making products meant for any consumption by a person (Marks, 2011).

There are many different dietary supplements out there on the market meant to aid in certain ailments. One supplement is called Nature’s own travel well ginger, which is meant to help manage motion sickness. Many travelers or people period get motion sickness from different things such as driving to even seasickness. However, this medication does not help with nausea and vomiting it also helps with digestion, abdominal or intestinal cramping, and even maintaining healthy digestive function.

The dosages for this supplement is to take one pill a half hour before traveling and every two hours after as needed, but do not exceed more than three per day. It states that there are nothing showing of negatives to treat this ailment but if the issue persists that the person should contact their doctor (My Health Warehouse, 2012). As it has been proven there are plenty of positives about dietary supplements but one still needs to be wary about them.

It may be something that will or can help you to lose weight but remember that dietary supplements do not need to be watched over by the FDA. In the past people did not have any of these dietary supplements to aid in anything. Exercise and a good and healthy diet can make a big difference in a person (Marks, 2011).

References Marks, S. (2011). Government Regulations for Dietary Supplements. Retrieved from http://www. livestrong. com/article/469833-government-regulations-for-dietary-supplements/ MedlinePlus. 2012). Dietary Supplements. Retrieved from http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/dietarysupplements. html My Health Warehouse. (2012). Nature’s Own Travel Well Ginger 1000 30 Tablets. Retrieved from http://myhealthwarehouse. com. au/health-condition/health-condition-general-wellbeing/nature-s-own-travel-well-ginger1000. html Perry, M. (2011). Dietary Supplements 101: Definition, Benefits, Risks, and Regulations. Retrieved from http://www. builtlean. com/2011/11/10/dietary-supplements/

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Nutrition Assessment

Body mass index (IBM) is an index of a person’s weight in relation to height used to estimate relative risk of health problems related to weight, a healthy body mass index is 18. 5 to 24. 9. My calculated IBM is 22. 5 which puts myself in the healthy weight range. The Hammy method calculates a person’s ideal weight for their height. According to the Hammy method ideal weight for my height of 65 inches is 125 to 137 pounds (Duke, 2014). I weigh 135 pounds which barely places my weight in the ideal range.

After recording my daily intake of food, I compared my consumption to the DOD pyramid which shows the recommended servings of each food group. According to the food pyramid, milk, yogurt, and the cheese group recommend 2-3 servings a day. My diary shows that my consumption of this food group varies. There are days that I would consume more than the recommended amount and other days I would consume within the normal range. My consumption of meat, fish, nuts, eggs, and poultry are within the recommended 2-3 servings.

My consumption of fruits and vegetables are shown to be insufficient. Ironically, I love fruits and vegetables, but I do not have it in my daily diet as I should. For the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group are shown to be within the recommended 3-5 servings daily. I have realized that when I eat foods with less carbohydrates and fats, I feel healthier on the inside and out. When I do eat foods that contain high fats and crabs it is as if I can feel the oils ad fat going through my body, which makes me fatigue and drowsy .

When I eat sweets and pastries, I first feel the sugar rush and feel awake, but after a few hours I feel the crash and decreased ability to concentrate on tasks. When I eat vegetables and small portions of foods with high carbohydrates and more greens I feel happy, energetic, healthy, and alert (Choose My Plate, 2014). Being a student has a lot to do with my daily decision of what I eat because it is usually has to be quick and on the go, instead of eating a prepared meal with a consideration of daily nutrients, I Just eat what I can afford if I am out, or grab snacks from home.

Luckily I can come home to prepared meals by my mother, but being Armenian, my culture has an influence on what we eat. In my culture, meats, food high in cholesterol and sodium are very common. Our main dishes almost all include meats. On a brighter note, the Armenian culture also has a variety of tasty salads with healthy grains, one specifically known as tabulate and ICC. In order to eat the healthier foods, I can take the time to pack a lunch to take with me with choosing the healthier choices of food in my fridge at home.

At home, I can refrain from adding extra salt to my food or extra sauces such as ranch or mayonnaise to prepared sandwiches as well as moderate my intake of high fat and high Carr meals. Two strengths of mine is knowing I have the ability and will to eat in moderation and the ability to fight the temptation of eating Junk food. I use to weigh 25 pounds more than I do now, and I motivated myself to cut crabs and calories and incorporated exercising in the regimen and earned my results which is another strength of mine.

My weakness is not putting in the effort to prepare healthy meals for the days I know I will be spending most of my day outside of home, this is when I tend to make the unhealthiest choices of foods to eat. Another weakness of mine, is not eating proportionally throughout the day, Vive learned that I usually do not eat until I am starving and then have a big meal, which is extremely bad for your body diabolism. My diet plan will consist of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein to provide plenty of energy and lifelong health and weight control.

Exercise is also an essential to add to my diet plan because I have had a sedentary lifestyle ever since I started the nursing program. My overall health a IBM are normal, but through this assignment I learned that if I do not make a change in my eating habits I will be on the path to developing health problems in my later years. I learned it is important to prevent health and nutrition imbalances from occurring, than trying to fix them after a health issue has arisen. When the body suffers develops a health issues, it won’t be restored back the same.

Here are my goals and implementations to improve on my nutrition, as well as the obstacles I will encounter: 1) Pre-pack my lunch for days I will spend most my time outside of home. I will prepare my meals the night before so they are ready to go in case I am running short on time. An obstacle for this goal is having to shop more often for my healthier choices of meals, rather than eating something prepared at mom that may not be as nutritious. 2) Read food labels and monitor my daily intake. I will record my intake of food into an application on my phone called My Fitness Pal.

An obstacle with this goal is trying not to forget to do so. 3) If I must give into sweet cravings, I must exercise for an hour within 48 hours. I will go to the gym at least twice a week. An obstacle with this goal is the ability to managing my time to incorporate exercise. Day 1: I had my cereal and milk with a cookie when I had woken up from my sleep. I ate this because I was craving something sweet. I ate a veggie urge for lunch at Everest with my mom. I had almonds as a snack at home while I was studying. I ate it because I wanted to have a snack before I studied with my coffee.

I ate salmon for dinner because that was what my mother had prepared and I was at home. I later had my protein bar when I was at home while studying. Day 2: I had cereal in the morning when I woke up because this is m normal routine. I later ate rice pudding and had a cup of coffee around noon to begin to study. I had my oatmeal at school because I was hungry. Later I snacked on some fried at my friend’s house. For dinner I went out with my boyfriend to Cheesecake Factory and had fettuccine Alfred. Day 3: I woke up and had a granola bar and orange Juice to start my day.

I had an Armenian dish called karmic pilaf, chicken kabob, and baked potato for lunch at home to spend time with my parents. Later while studying I had rice pudding and a granola bar at my classmates house for a study snack. For dinner I went out on a date with my boyfriend to Friday’s restaurant and had a lime margarita with two fish tacos because they are my favorite choices there. Day 4: I had a cereal in the morning to start my day. I took my dog out to the park for a walk and grabbed a granola bar for a snack. For lunch, I had cup of noodles because I was on the go.

I took a bag of strawberries and turkey sandwich with me to school as a snack. For dinner I had lentil soup and had black tea while I was studying. Day 5: In the morning I had yogurt and coffee before heading out to pick up my grandpa. I later had coffee to wake me up so I can begin studying. For lunch I was at home and ate chicken and rice because that was what my mother had prepared. Later I went over to my cousins house and had salted popcorn and pizza and watched a movie. Day 6: In the morning I had cereal and coffee at home.

I went to my friends house to study and took with me oatmeal and rice pudding as well as aloe Juice to have as a snack. I ate these because I was craving sweets. Later that night for dinner I prepared a homemade meal of fettuccine Alfred. I had some more coffee to continue studying. Day 7: I woke up and had a granola bar. For lunch I went to a coffee shop to study and had a cup of noodle and some fruit. Later for dinner I had a buffalo wild wings with my boyfriend and as a dessert had honeydew frozen yogurt from Yogurts.

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